Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 - The truth We sat there watching each other. Edward sat beside me without saying anything.

Kenny looked at him Hey, why dont you get yourself something? Its on me Edward smiled. Even I knew why Kenny was sending him away. He looked at me Ill be there on the stool he said and left I looked at Kenny Its ok, tell me I knew Sam since I was a kid...I was 10 when my dad was sent to asylum and I had no one, no one to take care of, no one to love me, no money.I was alonethen one day I left house because I was out of food. I went out looking for food Kenny looked around the market, he knew he had to get that apple without anyone catching him. He was hungry and no one was there to look at after him. After his dad was taken away, a woman came to take him to foster home but he ran away before he could go. Now he stood here hungry wanting food. He looked around; no one would catch him if he were quick. He quickly picked up the apple and ran but the man saw him and ran after him. Catch him, thief! the man said behind him Kenny kept on running, he knew those mens were still running behind him. He was quiet far from them suddenly someone pulled him in a tunnel. A hand placed on his mouth and he was pinned against the wall. He thought he was caught but when he opened his eyes he saw a boy his age. He couldnt see the face because the boy had a cloth wrapped around his face, only his eyes were visible. The boy put a finger on his mouth indicating Kenny to keep quite. The mens ran past them without even noticing. The boy quickly grabbed Kenny and ran pulling him behind. They stopped far away from the market and far away from people. Who are you? Kenny asked the boy The boy took off the cloth and Kenny gasped Yo-you-your Prince Samuel he exclaimed Samuel quickly placed his hand on Kenny mouth Shhhif anyone sees me, Ill be in trouble. Dont tell anyone, ok? Kenny nodded as Samuel removed his hand.

Why were those mens chasing you? he asked Kenny looked down and pulled the apple out of his pocket. I stole this Why? Where are your parents? Samuel asked Kennys eyes filled with tears and he burst out crying. Samuel made him sit down Hey, its ok My mum is dead and my dad is gonethey took him somewhere he said sobbing Ohis there someone else to look after you? Kenny shook his head I have no homethey came to take me but I ran away and came hereI was really hungry so I stole this Come with memy father will help you and you can stay with us, Ill give you food Samuel said Kenny wiped his tears Youll help me? Yes, now come on Samuel wrapped the cloth around his face and took Kenny with him. When they sneaked in the palace, James was standing there playing with Anna. Same took Kenny to him. Sam, whos this? James asked as they approached Dad, this is my new friendKenny Where did he come from? Then realization hit on James face You sneaked out again, didnt you? Sam panicked Uhm no Yes you didhow many times do I have to tell you, you cant go out like this James said angrily But dad- No more butsnow whats your name? James asked turning to Kenny Ke-Kenny your highness he stammered

Dad, he needs a place to stay. He has no food and no home, his mother is dead and his father is taken away somewherecan we keep him with us? Samuel said pleadingly James looked at Sam Of course we cancome on, lets take him to your mother Come on Kenny Sam took Kenny with him. From that day on, they took me in.we grew up together. Sam and I joined the army with your dad; I was assigned as Annas guard. We became so close that it was hard to keep us awaywe were brothers He said looking pained Then Delilah came alongSam fell so hard for her that other relations didnt matter to him, the only thing that mattered was Delilah. One day Delilah came to me Kenny sat alone in the school garden, reading a book. Delilah came up to him. I want to talk Delilah said Kenny got up What about? he didnt like Delilah from the start but he only tolerated her because of Sam. I was wondering She suddenly pinned Kenny against the tree that was beside him and kissed him. Kenny pushed her away and glared at her What the Fuck?! Sammy wont know, we can be togetherI really like you Kenny She said starting to kiss him on the neck Kenny pushed her back What are you doing? Im tired of being with SamIm with him for a reason but forget him, he wont know. We can be together, well have everything we want after Im done with Sam, just say yes. She said again trying to get close to him What!? dont love him? Kenny asked shocked Of course I dont, I just liked you from the start. I like you Kenny since I saw you again she came close but Kenny moved back Kenny grabbed her throat and twisted them around so she was pinned against the tree You bitch! Youve been using him when hes done everything for you We can have everything we want. Ill give you everything, he wont even know

Not until I tell him Kenny moved back Are you rejecting me!! She screamed Ill tell Sam and then well see how much rejection you can handle Delilah smirked You can tell him all you want, he wont believe youhes wrapped around my finger, hell do what I say, hell believe what I say What do you mean? That hes my puppet until Im done with him Rage gripped inside Kenny as he took a step towards her What did you do? He growled Ohjust a little spell or two Ill tell him, Ill tell him everything Kenny started to go back Oh Im sure hell believe you She said laughing behind him Kenny ran from there without hearing more. He needed to tell Sam. He ran inside the school and found Sam in the music room. Everyone knew how much Sam loved to Sing, music was his second love. Sam? Sam stopped playing guitar and turned around. He grinned at Kenny Hey Kenlook Im gonna sing this to Delilah, I made it for her Kenny stopped him Stop it!! Are you even looking at yourself!! You fucking acting insane Kenny yelled at him angrily Sam placed the guitar down Whoawhats wrong? Who stole your nuts? Sam said trying not to laugh Im serious Sam Sam held his hands up Ok okwhats wrong? Whats wrong? What wrong is Sam is that your Fucking girlfriend just kissed me What?! Yeah and top of that, she done some magic shit to you and shes using you

Dont! I will not hear another word for Delilah Sam growled Oh yeah, I forgot she fucked you up.Sam!, snap the fuck out of it, shes using you for something Sam Kenny snapped Just then Delilah came in crying. She ran to Sam and hugged him SamKenny tried to kiss me Kenny stood there shocked as she lied to Sam. Sam looked at Kenny and then lunged at him. He pushed in against the wall and punched him. Kenny pushed him away. Sam! believe her more than me Kenny said hurt Of course I believe her, I love her damn it. I never thought you would such a thing, Kenny. I trusted you more than anyone Weve been together for years Sam, we grew up together, were best friends and yet you believe her, who just came into your life just a few days ago. Kenny said pained Get.Out before I hurt you Sam gritted out Kenny looked behind Sam to see Delilah smirking. She winked at him. Kenny turned to leave only to see Anna standing at the door looking hurt. Kenny moved towards her but she ran away from him. Kenny ran after her. Annie wait He said as he caught up to her Leave me alone Kenny She snapped He pulled her to stop Look at me She looked at him with tears in her eyes What?! I didnt kiss Delilah, she kissed me. She forced me and now shes planning on something to hurt Sam, please believe me Anna glared at him Your disgusting, first you do shit and then blame others. Leave me alone and never look back at me Anna But she was already gone from there and his life. Oh my, who wouldve thought Delilah would do such thing. She lied to Sam and flirted with Kenny. I felt anger burning inside me but all that melted when I saw Kennys face.

His face full of hurt, betrayal and anger, he was trying all hard to keep it under his stone faced expressions but I knew him too well not to see it. That was the day when Sam started hating me, he wouldnt look at me, and he wouldnt talk to me. He just ignored me even when I tried to talk to him, he wouldnt listen to a word I say about the truth of Delilah. One day James called me and I think even god was on my side James sat in his study as Kenny walked in. Ah Kenny, come in son James said Kenny sat down and looked at James Whats wrong your highness? Whenever Kenny was being professional he would be formal with James. You know that Sam has proposed Delilah James said Kenny nodded but he didnt understand where this was going Yes I dont know why but I dont like this girl, she doesnt look right for Sam. I want you to find out her background information and report back to me and it should be confidential Kenny nodded Your right, she isnt right for Sam Kenny muttered angrily What do you mean? James asked frowning Kenny explained the whole scene to James about Delilah kissing him and about the spell. James was furious That girl, she tried to compel my son. I will have her executed. Kenny sighed Thats the problem Sir, Sam wouldnt let anything happen to her, he is deeply stuck in the dark magic she possessed on him. Then what shall we do? James asked worriedly Sir, how do you know about magic? A lot, I have witches all over the place, theyll help me with anything. He glanced at Kenny suspiciously What are you up to, Kenny? Sir if you know about magic then I wondering if you could tell me, what if we kill Delilah, will the spell be broken by her death? James frowned as he thought deeply I dont know, this is dark magic were talking about, it dark and dangerous

Sir, is there anyone who would know? Kenny asked James sighed There is someone I who could help Who? Kenny asked eagerly Esmeralda, I know she can help us and I know she will. Shes a really good friend of my family since years Kenny sighed sadly If this worksSam will be heartbroken He will bebut its for his own good Kenny looked away Yeah it is He sighed James had talked to Esmeralda. She said there are 50-50 chances of breaking the spell, because its dark magic but we still took the risk. On the Christmas night we had planned on killing Delilah. We sent Sam out for the Christmas decoration while Delilah was alone in the Palace Delilah walked down the grand stairs. Kenny came in front of her What are your intentions on Sam?? He asked She smirked and ran a finger down the side of his face Oh Kenny, your so innocent, if only you had agreed I wouldnt have to break you up with Sam Kenny slapped her hand away while glaring at her Answer me! Why are you doing this? She sighed Well let me think because after marriage, Ill have all this. This palace will be mine and all his money. Once James hands over the throne to Sam, I will have no use of him Why? Why would you do that? He loves you so much that hed do anything to protect you She rolled her eyes Of course I love Sam but I love money more You bitch!!! James said as he walked up to them Anna walked in Whats going on? You dare betray my son!! I can kill you in a blink!!! James roared Delilah smirked You can but you wont. You kill me and Sam is stuck forever

Anna gasped Dad, whats going on? Anna, go inside Kenny said without taking his eyes off Delilah Dont you dare order me around. She snapped back Finally he looked at her Anna, this is not the right time to argue, please just go inside Anna huffed Not until I know whats going on James ignored them and looked at Delilah Break the spell and I shall spare your life Delilah laughed Im not gonna break the spell no matter what Then you brought this on yourself Without thinking, James plunged the dragger he had in his hand. IT was a special dragger that Esmeralda gave him to use. Its a dragger to only kill witches. Anna Screamed What have you done!!! She tried to get to her but Kenny held her No Anna, dont go near her, shes not safe Just then a voice spoke Whats going on? They all turned around to see Sam standing there. Sam's eyes widened as he saw Delilah lying there taking her last breaths, the bags he had in his hands slipped down. Anna who was standing away from her father was crying her eyes out while Kenny held her. "Delilah!" He ran over to her and kneeled beside her. She moved away from him. "Stay away from me!" She said angrily "Wha-what happened?" Sam asked looking at his dad angrily "What did you do?" He shouted "Samit's for your own good" James said grimly Sam glared at his father "You think killing her would be good for meDad, how could you"

"I curse you!... you were too late to save me, to save your only love. I curse you that you will never find love againa girl will hate you when she sees your true formI curse you with the demon. A demon who shall tell you what you did to me, who will make you a monster and who will show you that you don't deserve loveI curse you" Her words died as she went limp in his hands. Yellow magic moved out of her body and went inside Sam's. Sam sat there in shock. Then he finally took out his grief by screaming "Delilah!" I snapped back to reality. All this was too much but now I know the whole truth. I looked at Kenny Then what happened? He sighed Then Sam threw me out of the palace; he took my job from me. I was lucky I had some savings, so I took off. I had planned to go to the human world away from here, where I lost everything but then a week later James came to my house. He told me to stay with Sam. He told me to guard him without him noticing so I stayed in school with Sam since then. James helped me a lot with money thats why I survived, he would send me a worth lot money in my account every month So youre here so you could keep an eye on him? Yeah, after we graduate since hes decided to graduate this year. Im gonna leave this world forever and start a new life A part of thought he was leaving because of Anna but the other part of me was still compassioning him. I placed my hand on top of his Do you love Anna? He looked away No that came out gritted Before I could say more, Edward came by my side Scar, I think we should leave I frowned at him Why? He looked behind me Cause we got trouble I looked behind me to see two men at the far corner, sitting down and looking at us. Both were big and muscular but what scared me the most was their tattoo. The mens who attacked us in the forest, they had the same red tattoo. Who are these people and what do they want? But right now was not the moment to find out. Who are they? Kenny asked My hearted thudded faster Kenny, theyre the same guys who attacked us. We need to get out of here fast Kenny nodded Come on, follow me. I have a shortcut from here

We followed Kenny out. HE helped us through the bar. When we finally reached out, my heart nearly fell out of my mouth. The guards who came with us were on the ground, dead. Theyre bodies were in their blood of pool. Kenny we have to get the hell out of here My voice quivered Not while were here A man said coming out from behind the car. Then 10 or so more came from behind. They circled us. What do you want? Kenny growled The first one who came out smirked We dont want to hurt you kids. Just give us the girl I nearly fell. They wanted me, why? Over my dead body Kenny growled The man laughed Son, youre outnumbered. We can kill you in a sec. If you want to live, leave now The man came near us but Kenny stood in front of me You came near her and Ill harm you The mens around us laughed. Yeah they found it hilarious. I knew we were outnumbered and I didnt want Kenny or Edward to get hurt because of me. The man suddenly lunged at Kenny and threw him to the other mens. They held him as he tried to free but all in vain. Edward moved next but the mens had already held him. The man came up to me but before he could touch me. A hand suddenly burst out from his chest holding his heart. My eyes widened. The man fell to the ground showing Sams face. He threw the heart beside and hugged me. Are you ok? I could feel his heart which was fast as a train Im fine I looked around me to see the other mens were fighting the guards Sam bought with him. Suddenly more of those tattoo mens came. They were a lot to outnumber us. My fear arose as our men fell. They separated me from Sam. I screamed to go to him but they held him and me far away. Let me go I cried out

Not until you watch your lover die One of them whispered in my ear I watched helplessly as they punched and hit Sam, Kenny and Edward. But then I was feeling every pain Sam was feeling and it hurt like hell. I knew what I had to do. I let out my powers at them. Fire burned around the tattoo mens. They screamed and writhed around in pain. The ones holding me, let go of me and cried out in pain. When they all were down, I then let my powers back in. The powers were too much for me to use and it drained out all my energy. The last thing I saw was Sam before I went in the darkness.

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