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Unit Homophone

O write right 1 know no 1 which witch 2 son sun 2 some sum 2 banned band 2 guest guessed

Create words or letters on paper with a pen or pencil. Something that is correct; also the opposite of left. When you understand something completely. A negative response to a question, a reference that something is not true, rejection of something, or denial of permission. Is used to ask a question when there are several possible answers. A female who is thought to possess magical or evil powers. A male child. A star in the universe that provides warmth and daylight. Several things. An amount of money or the answer when numbers are added together. Being stopped from doing something. Several people playing musical instruments together. A person invited to go somewhere. When someone predicted without all the information.

Example Sentence
Write your name. I know the right answer. I dont know the answer. I said, No I dont want to go! Which man is the best host? I want to be a witch for Halloween. He is the son of a banker. The sun is setting in the west. Do you have some boxes? I had a big sum of cash. Dad banned t.v. The band stopped testing the drums. The guest stepped into the mud. I guessed that Tom was his son.

Unit Homophone
2 missed mist 3 plain plane 4 mail male 4 mind mined 4 find fined 5 weather whether 5 father farther 6 hi high

To unsuccessfully attempt something. Lots of tiny drops of water in the air, making it hard to see. Something ordinary or not very interesting. A machine that flies through the sky. Something sent through the post office for delivery. A boy or man. What you use to think. Something that has been dug up from the ground. To locate a person or object. Having to pay an amount of money for a punishment. A condition of the air or climate. Referring to an option between two or more choices. A parent who is a man. When two objects have a large amount of space between them. Hello A top level or a great distance to the top.

Example Sentence
The ball just missed me! Can you see the bench in this mist? The tent at camp is very plain. The plane is all set to take off. He hoped to get that in the mail. Will all the males stand up? What is on your mind? They mined gold in the west. Did you find the missing bike? It is amazing that we were fined for being late. I expect bad weather. Can you tell me whether or not you like this best? My father will get our jackets. It is farther to travel across Texas. The baby likes to say hi. The lady went to high school.

Unit Homophone
6 by buy bye 6 oh owe 7 flour flower 7 thrown throne 8 principal principle 8 wear where 8 weight wait

Means near something or who has done something. Paying money to get something. A saying when you go away Expressing a feeling. When something is due or needs to be given back. Fine grains used in baking. The part of a plant with colorful petals. Something that has been forced to fall. A special chair used by royalty. Head of a school A belief or something one lives by When you put on clothing A question to describe a location How heavy an object is Spending time before something happens

Example Sentence
That poem is by Sandra. Did you buy the puppy? The baby said, bye, bye. Oh! Eva will owe me plenty of cash. We need flour for cupcakes. Do you like those dried flowers in the vase? Kendra has thrown it in the trash. Was the king sitting on the throne? The principal wants us studying math. It is my principle to be on time. Jake likes to wear that messy hat. Where is the bugle? The empty bottle has little weight. The ladies had to wait for the kids.

Unit Homophone
8 week weak 8 meet meat 9 heard herd 9 berry bury 9 warn worn 10 led lead 10 break brake Seven days Little strength


Example Sentence
Can we go to see the juggler next week? I felt weak after running a mile. The kids planned to meet and pick apples. The meat I like best is chicken. Have you heard about the termites? There are herds of animals in Kenya. Is that berry a cranberry? Where did you bury the secret chart? We must warn the class about the test. I have worn that dress many times. I led my dog to my dish. The pencil tip was made of lead. Did you break the glass vase? The brakes on my bike are broken.

When people get together A part of animals that can be eaten Sounds that have been detected. Many of the same animals living together. Tiny round fruit that grow on bushes or trees. When someone places something in a hole and covers it up. To tell someone about something before it happens. Clothing you have already put on. One or more people who followed. A soft, dense type of metal. Something that separates into two or more pieces unexpectedly or to get a rest. The part of a vehicle that slows it down or stops it.

Unit Homophone
10 sail sale 10 pail pale 11 its its 11 there their theyre 12 cell sell 12 peace piece 12 cent sent scent

Fabric that uses the wind to move a boat forward. When something is sold, sometimes at a good price. A bucket used to hold other objects. A way to describe something that is a light color. A contraction of it is. Use when an object goes with something else. To refer to a certain location. Something belonging to a group of people. A contraction of they are. A tiny organism inside a living person, animal, or plant. Giving something to another person for money. When there are not activities or loud noises. An object that is a part of something else. A form of money with little value. Something you arranged for someone else to get. A nice smell.

Example Sentence
The sail on the boat was big. The expensive shirt was on sale. I put the strawberries in a pail. You look very pale. Its a great day today! The car has its windows down. Meet me there at noon. Their fishing gear is packed away. Theyre winning the game right now. Our bodies contain many cells. The boy wanted to sell his old bike. The princess requested peace in the kingdom. This piece of brick is from the crumbling wall. I have fifty cents to cross the bridge. The judge sent the man to jail. I think that scent is fudge.

Unit Homophone
12 scene seen 13 knew new 13 knight night 13 knows nose 14 stationary stationery 14 eight ate 14 straight strait 14 side sighed

A setting where part of a play takes place in. When something is spotted by using your eyes. Something you already are aware of. Something that has never been used. A man born into a noble family serving in battle. The time of day when the sky is dark. When you are aware of a fact. Part of your face that your smell and breath with. Something staying completely still. Fine writing paper. The number after seven. What was done with food when chewed and swallowed. A direction that only goes in one direction. A thin body of water that meets up with two bigger bodies of water. A surface of an object. Taking in and letting out a deep breath of air.

Example Sentence
The opening scene of the play was in a forest. My brother could be seen from his crib. Phil knew all the characters in the story. Is that a new telephone? Hes a knight in shining armor. The phone rang late last night. Christopher knows the facts from studying them. I have a runny nose! The box is very stationary. Get some stationery to send those letters. It was eight oclock when we returned home. I ate my fortune cookie. Draw a straight line across your paper. The boat went through the narrow strait. We must congratulate the other side for their win. I sighed when I saw my Mother.

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