Justification of Play

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JUSTIFICATION ON THE MOUSETRAP STORY This story tells us about an old man, his wife and a group of animals

living in a farmhouse. The main character in the story is a mouse, which was terrified when he noticed a box with a mousetrap inside it. The mouse then warns all his animal friend regarding the mousetrap but the reaction from his friend were not as expected. No one offered the mouse some help and at the end, his entire friend regretted for taking the mouses warning for granted. There are several element contained in this story that makes it suitable to be adapted and carried out as a play. In order to justify this, we have listed out four major values to be elaborated.

a) Moral Values In this story, the characters demonstrate the elements of moral values. This story mainly carries relationship theme and being helpful to others in need. These values can help the students to improve their moral and understanding towards relationship. In this story, the mouse tried to warn the others about the danger but being ignored. This teaches the readers to care for others and never take things for granted because it may affect them as well. This story also teaches the readers to work well with others and try as hard as they can to help those in need. This is because good deeds will be remembered by people and can improve their self-esteem. Children need to learn these values all by themselves and this story provides the best example of being helpful to other is a good deed. In school environment as well as daily life, students will face a situation where he or she needs some help or being requested to help others to solve problem. This value needs to be implanted in each students thought in order to help them mature and become a good human being. To care for others in time of need is a good and humble thing a human can be.

b) Aesthetic Values. Aesthetic value can be briefly defined as appreciation towards artistic and visual values of a literature work. In term of aesthetic development, this story can provide many imagination and creative development of the students. Since most of the characters are animals, the readers can learn how to identify certain characteristic of each animal included in the story. For example, during the play, the actors can use different tone of voices to differentiate one animal with others. They can also use movements and body language, imitating the animals they required to act out. These elements of art require the students to be more creative and it helps the students to open up and show their creative side. Usage of appropriate props such as music effects and wardrobe will increase creative thinking and level of excitement for the students. Imagine a stage, full of beautiful props and music effect. This will surely increase the students curiousity and excitement towards the play. They will also appreciate their works and their knowledge more. This story can be a catalyst for the students to use their boundless imagination and become more creative. These are the artistic elements that the students will be able to gain from the story.

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