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Lesson Plan

Date: 08.02.2013 Form: X-B Sources: English for life(Pupils Book,8 form)by G. Burdeniuc , E. Onofreiciuc, etc Unit: 4.3 Time available :45 min() Teacher : Costeniuc Tatiana Topic : Judicial Authority

Communicative Domain

-Communicative competence: Receiving oral messages (1.1.; 1.2) Producing oral messages and interaction (2.1.;2.2.;2.3.) Receiving written messages (3.1.;3.2.) Producing written messages and interaction (4.1.) Cultural Domain -Social/multi-cultural competence: Knowledge of customs, traditions, historical and cultural personalities (5.1.) - General Objective: Speaking about the Judicial System in Republic of Moldova Talking less myself and involve the students more.

Lyceum Gh.Asachi,Chisinau 2013

SubLearning competence and s assessment activities

2.1.Oral exposure of personal opinions and viewpoints of the read/heard messages and compare them with personal views - developing speaking skills

Teachers and Pupils activity

Resources Evalu ation ; Methods; Time


I.Motivatio n
Evocation stage Organization moment

The teacher greets the pupils, talks with them and gets them ready for the class. Check the pupils previous knowledge.

1.Discussion Point
1.Name the bodies through which justice in the Republic of Moldova is administered. 2.Comment on article 20, from the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova: Now law may restrict access to justice 3.Arrange the following judicial institutions in a hierarchical order in accordance with their importance: a. the Court of Law b. the court of Appeal c. the tribunals d. the Court of Justice 4. Work in pairs. Read Mr. Donis case and decide whether he acted in a proper way. Who should he address to solve his problem? Why? Mr. Doni is a farmer. Two years ago he got his land share. Hegot his land share. He has a problem. He hasnt received his due property share yet and he doesnt know what to do. He writes a supplication, borrows some money and goes to Chisinau to the Supreme Court of justice to complain. Askinganswering
Or Eoral expressi on

1.1.Identifyin g the overall meaning of a spoken or showed message -developing reading skills

2.Reading II.Presentat The Cornestone of Any Democratic ion Society( page 62)
Achievement sense stage -Think about the title and predict the idea of the text - Read and find the main ideas about problems that are in the text What do you know about a democratic

Discussing the title Predicting

OrC OrE Wr Ewritten compre hension

Scanning information

3.1 Selection of distinctive aspects presented in authentic texts, pictures, etc. practice of new vocabulary

society? What does the independence presupposes? Word Study Judiciary- all the judges in a country Issue- matter of discussion, problem Infringe-to break (a rule) Transparent- evident, obvious, easily understood, frank, open. Irreversibility- sth that cant be changed

Argumentat ion

3.2.Identifyin g information/d etails about some scientific events of the English world. 3.2.Selection of distinctive aspects presented in authentic texts.

Reflexion Stage

They must speak about the democracy and the role of the judicial institutions. What is the Democracy?

Watching some informative texts


Democracy is a form of government in Anexe 1which Democracy all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equally-either directly or through elected representatives-in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination. Name the judicial institutions in accordance with their importance? the Court of the Justice the court of Appeal the court of Law the tribunals What is the role of the judicial institutions? International judicial institutions can be divided into courts, arbitral tribunals and quasijudicial institutions. Courts are permanent bodies, with near the same composition for each case. Arbitral tribunals, by contrast, are constituted anew for each case. Both courts and arbitral tribunals can make binding decisions. Quasi-judicial institutions, by contrast, make rulings on Anexe 2 judicial institutions


3.3.Identifyin g information/d etails from functional texts (dialogs, letters)

2.2 Issuing explanatory messages on familiar topics

Team work

cases, but these rulings are not in themselves legally binding; the main example is the individual complaints mechanisms available under the various UN human rights treaties. Institutions can also be divided into global and regional institutions. The listing below incorporates both currently existing institutions, defunct institutions that no longer exist, institutions which never came into existence due to non-ratification of their constitutive instruments, and institutions which do not yet exist, but for which constitutive instruments have been signed. It does not include mere proposed institutions for which no instrument was ever signed.

4.Writing Writing the text Fill in with the words from the text that suit each of the sentences bellow/ a. She is a person of..honesty. b. Do you know how.this rule? c. Those who.the laws should be punished. e. Wealth does not.happiness. f. Parents are much.about the future of their children. 5.Listening Scanning the information A route to a truly democratic society by Terry Bell Listening the text (views) by Terry Bell How do you think what this text suggests? Do you think we should worry about the future of our country? What is the future of our country? Do we live in a democratic society? Are our rights respected? Informative text Anexe 3 Recognition of terms OrCoral compre nhensi on

5.1 Knowledge of some literary personalities of the English Speaking World 1.2 Identifying the global sense of a message

Listening the text

2.3 Maintaining a conversation on a topic using strategies known to use pragmatics Selection of distinctive information presented in authentic texts

IV. Application Extension stage

6. Creativity Writing an essay on the topic: The democracy in the Republic of Moldova

Writing essay

WrEwritten express ion

Giving the HW

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