Numerology - Best Dates To Marry

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Numerology - Best Dates to Marry

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by Saravanakkumar on November 14, 2008

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12/20/2012 4:42 AM

Numerology - Best Dates to Marry

Marriage is an important event in ones life. It can also be said as the transition stage of a person. So much of importance is given for marriage, as a wrong wed-lock can become deadlock!. Hence thorough planning and research has to be done while choosing a marriage date. The marriage date is a crucial and important factor in determining ones marriage life. If a couple gets married in an auspicious date then their marriage life and also thier progeny would be prosperous and healthy with great Bliss! Numerology helps us to choose an ideal date to get married considering the couples date of birth. Best dates to get Married 1 and 9 are best dates in numerology to get married for persons born on any number. Note that the destiny number should be 1 or 9. Consider this date for eg: 1 5/11/2008 - 1+5+1+1+2+0+0+8 = 18(1+8=9). Here the destiny number is 9 in numerology! like this choose a muhurat day which has destiny number 1 or 9. Birth number or Destiny number and the ideal date for marriage/span according to numerology ( Sum of date+month+year) . people who are 1 born (1,10,19,28) or with destiny number 1. 1 born or destiny number 1 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 1 . people who are 2 born (2,20,29) or with destiny number 2 in numerology 2 born or destiny number 2 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 1 or 7 people who are 3 born (3,30,12) or with destiny number 3 in numerology 3 born or destiny number 3 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 3 or 9 people who are 4 born (4,13,22) or with destiny number 4 in numerology 4 born or destiny number 4 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 1 or 7

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12/20/2012 4:42 AM

Numerology - Best Dates to Marry

people who are 5 born (5,14,23) or with destiny number 5 in numerology 5 born or destiny number 5 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 9 people who are 6 born (6,15,24) or with destiny number 6 in numerology 6 born or destiny number 6 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 6 or 9 people who are 7 (7,16,25) or with destiny number 7 in numerology 7 born or destiny number 7 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 1 or 2 people who are 8 (8,17,26) or with destiny number 8 in numerology 8 born or destiny number 8 people should get married in a date which has destiny number 1 people who are 9 born (9,18,27) or with destiny number 9 in numerology 9 or destiny number 9 should get married in a date which has destiny number 9,3, or 6 Marriage dates to be avoided Marriage dates ( again i mean the destiny number) should never fall on 4,8 , or 5. specifically 5 can cause even a divorce between couples. hence these dates should be strictly avoided ! In the world of numerology, 5 should be alwas avoided for marriage

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12/20/2012 4:42 AM

Numerology - Best Dates to Marry






2 years ago

What if your destiny numbers don't match for a marriage date. What if my destiny number is 5 (32) and his is 4 (22). What date/destiny number should we pick for the marriage - 9, 1 or 4?
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3 years ago

hi Sir, My dob is 19.10.73 and my husband's is 5.11.74. we got married on 17.02.2002. Thus the destiny no comes to 5. We are facing a lot of problems in our life. Nothing happens easily. we have a 4yr old daughter but due to my job I have to stay away from my family. I am even facing problems in my job and am looking out for new job which again is not coming easily. Is this all because of our marriage date 5? If yes kindly tell us wat to do now. Please help, we are really desperate to reunite. Best regards, ABC
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Sangeeta Freeman


ABC 2 years ago

Hi, me too, same DOB, 19/10/73 0039 GMT, London. I'm an astrologer so feel to reassure you that you/we have good reason to be having a hard time at the moment. We're learning alot thanks to pluto square pluto and pluto opposite saturn. We will feel so much better from 26/12/10, which isnt long to go. I know just how your feeling and send you love. Where in the world do you live? I'm in England..
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ABC 2 years ago

have you thought of renewing your vows and picking a new wedding date. i dont know much of this astrology stuff but i would find out if i was you if this could be benificial. maybe pick an auspicious date or a date that means new beginings
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Numerology - Best Dates to Marry

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