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Hex 2 Binary 2 Octal - C Tutorial General Method for Transforming Numbers - Number we want to transform uses base X: we would

like to transform this number into new one, that uses Y base. In this case we will use method of continuous dividing and multiplying (dividing numbers left of comma (,) with Y and multiplying numbers on the right side of comma, by Y - rational numbers). This method is best understood looking at these examples: Octal System: Base: 8 Digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Example: 27 (decimal) = 33 8 (octal)

Hexadecimal (hex) System: Base: 16 Digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F Example: 27 (decimal) = 1B 16 (hex)

Binary System: Base: 2 Digits: 0, 1 Example: 27 (decimal) = 11011 2 (binary)

Transforming Binary, Hex and Octal - Quickly Binary 2 3 4 40101 50110 60111 71000 A1011 D1110 5 6 7 81001 B1100 E1111 F Hex Binary 000 001 Octal0000 00001 10010 010 011 100 101 110 111 91010 C1101 20011 30100 0 1

Example Transform -6F,A 16 into binary number

-6F,A 16 = - 0110 1111 , 1010 2 = - 1101111 , 101 2

Example Transform 11,000011001 2 into hex number 11,000011001 2 = 000 1100 1000 2 = Example Transform 37,24 8 into binary number 37,24 8 = 011 111 , 010 100 2 = 11111 , 0101 2 11 , 0000 1100 1 2 = 3 , 3 , 0C8 16 = 0011 , 0 8 16

Example Transform 1111011,10011101 2 into octal number 1111011,10011101 2 = = 1 111 011 , 100 111 01 2 001 111 011 , 100 111 010 2 1 7 3 , 4 7 2 16 173 , 472 16 = =

Technorati Tags: Numeric, Numerical, Transform, Transformation, Binary, Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal, Hex, Base, Complement, Method

6 Responses to Hex 2 Binary 2 Octal Randy of PUP on 11:30 AM Can you give me the exact conversion of binary to decimal, binary to octal, binary to hexadecimal in C Programming. Thanx. Hope to have it tomorrow. vurdlak on 4:09 PM You can find them in my sidebar (under "Learn Converting") If you use Internet Explorer, the sidebar could have escaped below this comment box ;( Mohan H N on 7:00 AM Dear Sir, I need subroutine module for Hex to decimal conversion for 8bit data, i need not to display the data i want to access the data. The input i will give from 8 bit reg and the converted data should be

input will be stored in 8bit reg ------ 0 to FF converted data stored in 2, 8bit reg - 0 to 255 hex final should be in another 2 8bit reg 0 to 100 decimal pls waiting for u r replay karthik balaguru on 4:13 AM Require some optimised 'Hexadecimal to binary' conversion C & C++ programs. Thx in advans, karthik balaguru julius ceasar beltran on 10:25 AM ei, i cant get what ur teaching is! please be more specific Milan Bhatt on 1:39 PM Can U give me a code for 1.Decimal to Binary, Hexa and Octal. 2.Binary to Hexa, Decimal and Octal 3.Octal to Bimary, Hexa and Binary 4.Hexa to Decimal, Octal and BinaryPosting your comment... Leave a Reply Name (required) Website Convert to boldConvert to italicConvert to link Remember me

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