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I Wanna Be Like Britney: Popular Culture

Discussion Group Constitution

I. Name of the Organization

The name of this organization shall be I Wanna Be Like Britney: Popular

Culture Discussion Group.

II. Purpose of the Organization

The objective of this organization shall be to raise and discuss issues

concerning the impact of the current depiction of sexuality on our
society and to encourage activism on campus.

III. Membership in the Organization

Membership in this organization will be open to all interested members

of the William and Mary college community. Voting rights will be
restricted to only members who attend a minimum of 1/3 of club
activities in a given semester.

IV. Officers

The officers of this organization shall be: President, Vice President,

Secretary, Treasurer, and Member at Large. The specific duties of the
offices are as follows:

1. The President is responsible for running all official meeting and

overseeing all club activities. He or she also serves as a
representative of the club at official events.

2. The Vice-President is responsible for assisting the President with

his or her duties and aiding in the management of club events
when the President is unavailable.

3. The Secretary is responsible for taking attendance at every

meeting and events and taking minutes at all regular meetings
and officers’ meetings as well as keeping the website up to date.

4. The Treasurer keeps finances in order and ready for inspection at

all times. He or she will pay bills when due, write checks for
donations when appropriate and report income and expenditures
for the past month at the first meeting of each month, keep back
statements, and keep a budget for the current semester.
5. The Member at Large serves as a liaison between the board and
the member ship of the club. The Member at Large will also be
responsible for finding individuals to lead each week’s discussion.

V. Elections:

1. Elections will take place in one of the last four meeting of the
calendar year. The date of elections is to be set by the club
officers at the beginning of the spring semester.
2. Nominations will be held at the meeting prior to elections.
Nominations will also be taken at the elections meeting, prior to
beginning elections. Once nominations have been closed and
elections have begun, no further nominations are permitted. At
both meetings, nominations for offices will take place in the order
of the officer listing in Article IV, such that nominations begin
with President and end with Member at Large. A club member
may nominate himself or herself or be nominated by another
club member. All nominations require a second. The member
must be present to accept the nominations, and must be present
at elections, except with prior permission by the Executive Board.
3. Drop downs are permitted.
4. The officers shall be elected in the order listed in Article IV.
5. Quorum must be present for elections to occur. An officer shall
be elected by receiving a plurality of the votes.
6. The officers shall be elected for a term of one calendar year. No
officer may serve in the same capacity for more than two terms.
7. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the Vice-
President will temporarily fulfill presidential duties. The
announcement of the vacancy must be made at the first meeting
after the president leaves office.
8. If The Vice-President fulfills the requirements of President and
wishes to hold this office for the rest of the term, the club
membership can vote him or her in through a majority vote of
confidence at the meeting following the announcement of the
vacancy. If the membership does not give a vote of confidence,
nominations can be held at that meeting, and elections take
place at the following meeting. If the Vice-President is not
eligible or does not wish to run for President, then nominations
will be held at the meeting following the announcement of the
vacancy, and election at the subsequent meeting.
9. If a vacancy occurs in an Executive Board position other than
President, the responsibilities of that office will be handled by
another member of the Executive Board as delegated by the
President until an election can be carried out.
10. All vacancies shall be filled by election. The vacancy must be
announced at the first possible meeting. Nominations will be
taken immediately following announcement of the vacancy, and
elections will be held during the next meeting.

VI. Impeachment and Removal from Office

1. Any club member may recommend the impeachment of any
2. Ground for impeachment include not fulfilling the duties of the
office or violating state law, federal law, or the regulations of The
College of William and Mary.
3. The petitioning club member must present a petition to the
President, or to the next highest-ranking officer listed in Article IV
that is not involved in the petition. The petition must be brought
before the club membership at the next club meeting.
4. Impeachment will be verified by a 2/3 majority of the voting
membership. Impeachment will not occur without quorum.

VII. Committees

If the need for a committee arises then the guidelines for said
committee will be determined by the executive board and presented to
the club membership where they will then be verified by a majority

VIII. Meetings

The club will meet weekly on a date to be determined by the


IX. Dues

This organization will not collect dues from the membership.

X. Amendments

1. Any member of the club may propose an amendment to the

Constitution by submitting a written petition to the Executive
2. This petition must describe the exact change proposed, and the arguments for
enacting such a change. Copies of the petitions will then be distributed to voting
members of the club.
3. The club will vote on the proposed changes within two meetings after the petition
was distributed.
4. The constitution will be amended with a 3/4 majority vote of the club

XI. Ratification

This shall be the final Constitution of the I Wanna Be Like Britney Club.
For this day, April 14, 2009, forward, changes shall only be made as
per Article X.

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