Chai Times, April 2013

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May, 2013

Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Son, of the Father, and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19
Welcome to this inaugural issue of what I hope will be a quarterly newsletter primarily dealing with New Hopes partnership with e3 Partners and missions in India. I hope to keep you updated on the activities and initiatives that are going on there, as well as give you information to prepare you for your own mission trip in the future. For those of you that like useless trivia, the title of the newsletter is a take on the marijuana culture magazine High Times. Chai is the universal word for tea in India and the subject of the picture in the top right corner of the masthead. Just my twisted sense of humor to take a counterculture icon and twist it to help communicate Gods work in the far east. Of the over three hundred unreached people groups in the world, more than two hundred of them live in India. Its a vast country with diverse people, landscape, and many subcultures. My love for these people is greater than my checking account and as such, Im not planning to return until 2015 and hopefully, my wife Shannon will be able to accompany me on that trip. Its my hope to introduce you to the people of Assam and, perhaps, infect you with some of the love that I have for them. Uttam and Rapali Dhela Learn more about this young, dedicated missionary, his life, and his work, inside this issue.



The people of Assam friendly, open, and life in the United States, and eager to tell you the story of their people. giving, an in need.
Located in the far north-east of India, the Assam region is comprised of many tribal groups, collectively known as The Assamese. Outside of the larger cities like Guwahati and Tezpur, most earn their living agriculturally, working their own subsistence farms or for larger tea or rice plantation owners. Their work is hard and you will see very few modern farm implements. The average yearly income is about $350.00. Like most people in American agricultural areas, the people of Assam are friendly, open, and giving. If one takes the time to meet them at their level, you are greeted with incredible warmth and hospitality. They are eager to learn about your life Family is extremely important in the Indian culture and Assam is no exception. It is common in the rural areas to nd three or four generations living under one roof. Children are often viewed as a community responsibility and duties for taking care of them is spread throughout the village. Rice and vegetables make up the majority of the diet. Meats such as chicken, goat, and lamb arent too uncommon but often are only prepared for special occasions. The Assam region is most famous for its tea and it is customary for hosts to insist on brewing you some. The tea is typically served very hot and with milk and sugar. Delicious stuff.

Population: 31.2 Million Average Income: $350.00 Literacy Rate: 65% Life Expectancy: 62.2 Infant Mortality: 51/1000 47% of Children suffer malnutrition Religious breakdown: Hindu 64.92% Islam 30.93% Christian 3.71% Other 0.45%


Meet Uttam Dhela

Uttam Dhela is our team leader in the Uttar Pradesh region of Assam. He lives with his wife Rupali and their son Ashanti in a very rural area about 60 kilometers north of Tezpur. His extended family is very typical for the area, subsistence farmers that work for larger farms to earn extra income. Uttam is quiet, unassuming, and reserved. These arent traits that most of us think of when we picture a leader. But then you have the experience of seeing Uttam interact with his team. The minute he speaks, all of his team members focus solely on him and then eagerly follow his instructions while realizing full well that they can make their own suggestions and freely give input. In many ways he follows Christs example in leadership by serving those he leads. Uttam has proven himself steadfast and dedicated to his task. During the January 2012 trip, Uttam was to supply eight local volunteers for the four American teams. He supplied over twenty. The house church planting goal that e3 Partners set for Uttam between February and

volunteers and pastors that travel throughout the area, organizing and overseeing home Bible studies and the formation of house churches. This spring Uttam and his team will oversea the distribution of audio-bibles to these groups of new Christians so that they can learn more about God and His love for them.


Prayer is one of the most significant things you can do for the mission in Assam. Pray for the safety of Uttams team, for the effectiveness of their ministry, and for the continuing education and growth of the new believers and house churches started by this ministry. Finally, pray about what else you could do for this mission.

For this rst year Uttams ministry is supported solely by New Hope Church, working through e3 Partners Ministry. Because the area Uttam lives in is very rural and has no mail service, New Hope has also provided a simple laptop computer and paid for cellular data service for a period of one year. Continued support will have to be raised for the 2014 calendar year for

This is an ongoing initiative in this region of the world. While expenses for the native pastors and workers seem small by Western standards, they do need support. You can also support those Americans that are traveling to India to take part in these missions. For information on how to give, go to

Uttams work to continue. This July will see another team of July was ve. As of this writing, twelve Americans going to Uttams region of have been started and an additional ve home studies that may eventually Assam. They will follow up with the house churches that have been become churches, have begun meeting. e3s main focus is in church planting and making disciples, as commissioned in Matthew 28:19. Uttam leads a team of over 30 planted, help oversee the distribution of the audio-bibles, provide HIV and malaria education, and, of course, share the gospel to a people in need of hope.

While it is true that the day to day work on the ground is done by native pastors and volunteers, American team members are needed to provide direction, encouragement, and initiative to the project. Remember, when Jesus said GO and make disciples he wasnt talking about someone else. He was talking about all believers.


To find out more about e3 Partners Ministry and their initiatives around the world, go to To follow my own trips to India and get even more insight into India and what a trip there is like, go


The British called it The Jewel In The Crown of their empire. The country has been invaded, ruled by other peoples, and even while the English held control for nearly two centuries, they never truly conquered its people. India is a home for paradox and contradictions.. It is the land that, in time of old, practiced suttee, the cruel ritual of burning a mans widow alive on her husbands funeral pyre, and yet produced the simple, forgiving, and inspiring passive resistance championed by Ghandi. It is one of the few countries that actually experienced economic growth during the recent global recession; yet, more

children suffer from malnutrition in India than in sub-saharan Africa.

1.2 Billion People

As you can imagine, with that many people the diversity of Indias population is unmatched. This issue of Chai Times hopes to introduce you to one group, the Assamese. You will learn a bit about its people and the work being done there in an effort to improve their daily lives.

Join the journey to Assam

517 West 4th Ogallala, NE 69153

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