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The Morgazine

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Note to Elijah
May 19, 2013 Dear Elijah, There arent words which can describe what it feels like to wake up to your smiling face every morning and to watch you drift off to sleep every night. The closest would be joy. It has been such a huge joy being your father, and you are only 3 months old. I love everything about you, but lately Ive loved how focussed you are on me when Im changing your diaper. I dance, I sing, and I play quick games, and all the time you look at me with those big eyes. I know that you probably would pay as much attention if I recited the Google Terms of Service, but you probably wouldnt smile as big.

Since you were born, Ive recalled so many little things that I used to do when your brother and sister were still babies. Like sing TV theme songs, tell stories Ive made up off the spot, or help you do the moves for the Hokey Pokey. I have also invented new activities such as the tickler, which is really my finger which I slowly bring down onto your belly until it is tickling you, and the Star Trek tricorder I keep near the changing table in case I need to scan for poopies.

Recent Baby Adventures

This weekend, Josh and I took you with me to the Girls on the Run 5K race. It wasnt my first choice, but as it turned out you stayed calm enough (or slept) that I was able to photograph the entire event without any issues. Your brother was also a great help with keeping an eye on you when I needed to focus on taking photos. We ran from the stadium to Main street, and then back to the stadium so that I could take photos of runners at different points in the race. I dont think Ive ever pushed a stroller as fast as I did on Saturday morning.

Shades of the Future

The Morgazine
On Saturday, your Aunt Sarah delivered the high chair that your grandma bought for you. Dont worry, because you will still be getting a bottle for many more weeks to come, but I think that you will be seeing this high chair more and more as you start to graduate to solid food. And, now youll be able to join us at the dinner table. Love, Your Dad Would you like to write a letter for Elijah Morgan? Submit your note here or send an email to with the subject line Notes to Elijah.

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