Thesun 2009-04-13 Page06 Thai Officer Caught Smuggling Cars Out of Msia

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6 theSun | MONDAY APRIL 13 2009

news without borders

ALTHOUGH the Chinese assembly/town

Early speculation on candidates
Thai officers halls of many states have yet to hold
elections, supporters of prospective
candidates for the September Hua Zong
presidential election have already put out
With Hua Zong (Federation of Chinese
for Hua Zong top post
Tan Yew Sing.
Tan, who is the Inti Group president, is
In the keenly-fought election in 2003,
Pheng narrowly lost to Lim in a three-cor-

caught smuggling
Associations of Malaysia) president favoured by the out-going KLSCAH presi- nered fight. In 2006, Pheng stayed out of
Tan Sri Lim Gait Tong completing his dent Datuk Bong Hon Liong to succeed contest, allowing Lim to retain his post
maximum two terms in September, the him. He is also favoured by Lim to take uncontested.
decision by his deputy Yap Kian Chiaw over the Hua Zong job. Analysts say it is too early to speculate
not to contest any post has thrown the However, analysts said Tan would on the Hua Zong election when most
field wide open. have to contend with the better-know state assembly/town halls have yet to
Oriental Daily News reported yester-

cars out of M’sia

Pheng – the managing director of Kinsteel hold elections. Only the Kedah and Johor
day that the names being bandied about Berhad and Perwaja Steel Sdn Bhd – who assembly halls have done so to date.
as likely contenders for the coveted post was once the No. 2 in Hua Zong. Tan, who said his priority is to win the
include Pahang Chinese Assembly Hall For this reason, a group of Tan’s sup- coming KLSCAH election, refuted any
president Tan Sri Pheng Yin Huah and porters is said to be lobbying for him to suggestion that he had been “advised”
Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese go for the No. 2 post instead of taking on to contest the deputy president’s post
Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) deputy president Pheng for the top post. instead of the top post.
THREE Thai enforcement offic-
ers in cahoots with a Malaysian
car theft syndicate were recently Press Digest
caught trying to smuggle stolen
cars out of Malaysia.
According to a report in
by Kong See Hoh I have my own style, says Manikumar
Oriental Daily News, the trio arm of the law eventually caught by Himanshu Bhatt
were in uniform when they were up with them.
stopped at the Padang Besar bor- It was learnt that in the latest
der crossing. incident, the trio entered Padang SUNGAI PETANI: Calling himself a fol-
Their arrest prompted Bukit Besar in a car bearing a Thai reg- lower of Mahatma Gandhi, new Bukit
Aman to order its anti-car theft istration number, but they were Selambau assemblyman S. Manikumar
squad to launch a probe. picked up at the border crossing yesterday said he had his own princi-
The report said the syndicate when it was found that the car ples and style that would enable him to
paid the three to smuggle stolen driven by one of them had been speak up for his constituents.
cars into Thailand. reported stolen. The 35-year-old Parti Keadilan Rak-
Their job was to drive the cars Further investigations showed yat man, slated to be appointed state
delivered to them by the syndi- that the car used by the three executive councillor, dismissed criticism


cate’s runners across the border. to enter Malaysia was also sto- that Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri
Successful in the past, the long len. Azizan Abdul Razak would ignore him
just as he is said to have neglected his
Manikumar won the Bukit Selambau

Ex-Kelantan fisheries state by-election on April 7, which was

brought about by the resignation of
PKR’s V. Arumugam.
director pleads Azizan’s detractors including Aru-
mugam’s former assistant Augustine
(From left) Arumugam, PKR de facto head Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and
Manikumar at a thanksgiving lunch in Taman Ria Jaya, Sg Petani yesterday.

not guilty to graft Gnanaprasagam had claimed during the

by-election campaign that he had repeat-
edly ignored Arumugam’s reports and
Indian estates like Sungai Getah.
“He has shown that he is willing to
public servant, she could not campaign
with him. “When my wife told me that, I
KOTA BARU: Former Kelantan Fisher- at the Machang Fisheries Office. complaints, especially on Indian issues. help all the people of Kedah,” Maniku- told her to follow the rules and leave the
ies Department director Abdullah Jaa- Judge Asmadi Hussin allowed Manikumar said he had, since the mar told reporters before a walkabout campaigning to me.”
far pleaded not guilty in the sessions Abdullah bail of RM8,000 with one by-election, had several consultations to thank voters at the Taman Ria Jaya Manikumar said he would use his
court here yesterday to a charge surety. with Azizan, who had been encouraging hawker centre. Also present was Pantai entrepreneurial experience to serve the
under the Anti-Corruption Act 1997. Fadzil also claimed trial to the and positive. Jerejak assemblyman Sim Tze Tzin. constituency. “I ran three businesses. I
Abdullah, 57, who has been trans- principal offence at another ses- He pointed out that Azizan had given “I am a follower of Gandhi and a man managed to balance these, and I will try
ferred to Putrajaya, was alleged to sions court and was allowed bail of out land titles to Siamese communities of principle,” he said, citing an instance to apply my management skills to my
have abetted contractor Muhammad RM8,000 with one surety. and provided facilities such as new living when his teacher wife was told that as a new portfolio.”
Fadzil Md Sulong, 53, in submitting Judge Mohd Dasuki Ali fixed four quarters, water and electricity to needy
a false government invoice for days – July 13 and 14 and Aug 19
RM13,000.15 to administrative officer and 20 – to try Abdullah and Fadzil
Marini Mohamed of the department jointly. If convicted, they can be jailed
three years ago. for up for to 20 years and fined not
The invoice was for cleaning work less than five times the sum involved
purportedly done by Syarikat Matlee or RM10,000, whichever is higher.
Trading during a gotong-royong effort – Bernama

Gaming marathon ... Computer gamers take part in

Cyberfusion 2009 at the Multimedia University in Cyberjaya
on Saturday. The event is an attempt to put Malaysia in the

Guinness Book of Records for the longest local area network

(LAN) party, to beat the 36-hour record set at the Nvision
event in San Jose in the United States last year.

Body found in car boot

KUALA LUMPUR: Two policemen on crime prevention patrol was sent to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for a post-mortem.
found the body of a 40-year-old man in a car boot on Jalan Dang Wangi police chief ACP Mohd Zulkarnain Ibrahim said
Gajus, off Jalan Loke Yew, Cheras yesterday. the victim, who died of suffocation, had been identified. It was
The policemen became suspicious when they passed found that he had been missing for three days.
the car at about 2am and noticed both the front seats were Zulkarnain said police believe the car in which the victim’s
reclined. Although there was no one in the car, a stench ema- body was found was his wife’s. Checks also showed that he
nated from the boot. had a criminal record for stealing and drug-related offences.
Upon inspection, they found the decomposed body of a Anyone with information should call the Dang Wangi district
man whose limbs were bound and mouth gagged. The body CID at 03-2070 2222.

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