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14 theSun | MONDAY APRIL 13 2009


Global steel industry awaits

China, US auto turnaround
PARIS: Steel is on edge and the global in- trillion) package of measures that it said
China to keep ‘loose’
dustry is cutting back hard, hanging on for
either a budget blast from China, new credit
could contribute 1.5 to 1.9% to the country’s
economic growth.
Chinese imports
and exports are at a
monetary policy,
for vast Middle Eastern building schemes
or resurrection of the US auto industry.
Industry experts have meanwhile spo-
ken optimistically of China’s prospects.
standstill. Everyone
is waiting for the Chinese
says central bank
Demand has dwindled and steelmak- Thomas Albanese, chief executive at
ers, notably the giant of them all, Arcelor- steel maker Rio Tinto, said earlier this stimulus package to see if BEIJING: China’s central bank said Sunday that it
would maintain a “moderately loose” monetary policy
Mittal, are damping down surplus furnace year that the company foresaw “a short, it will revive demand.” amid the worsening global financial crisis.
capacity while waiting for credit to flow, sharp slowdown in China, with demand
construction cranes to turn and factories rebounding over the course of 2009, as the The decision was made at a recent meeting of the
to roll. fundamentals of Chinese economic growth monetary policy committee, the key decision-making
A decision by ArcelorMittal last week remain sound”. body at the People’s Bank of China, the bank said in a
to pursue temporary production cutbacks, Analysts have said steel inventories are statement posted on its website.
slashing European output by more than falling in China in anticipation of projects “The meeting studied the orientation of the mon-
half from the end of April according to a expected to emerge from the country’s etary policy in the coming period, and measures that
union source, dramatises the extraordinary huge stimulus package. may be adopted,” the statement said.
ride and role of steel in the last few years. “It is encouraging that the inventory of “The (participants at) the meeting believed ... that
In just months the global industry has steel products, especially long products, a moderately loose monetary policy should be im-
gone from a boom driven largely by China, which are mostly used in construction plemented to maintain the continuity and stability of
emerging markets and a property extrava- projects, have started to fall (since the policy-making.”
ganza in the Middle East to a narrow line end of March), likely suggesting that end- The statement said the meeting concluded that the
between excess capacity and the costs of demand is gathering momentum,” Frank global financial crisis was continuing to “spread and
waiting for recovery. Gong, a Hongkong-based economist for deepen”, and that “the international financial markets
“Over the past six months, demand for JPMorgan, wrote in a research note. remained in a state of turbulence”.
steel has dropped dramatically and, as a On-the-ground evidence suggested that Premier Wen Jiabao was quoted by state media
result, producers have been cutting pro- the Chinese industry had been re-stocking Saturday as saying measures taken by China to combat
duction,” analysts at Barclays Capital said in the first two months of the year, followed the economic crisis were beginning to show results.
in a study last week. by a pause in March before major infra- Chinese authorities in November unveiled an
In another report, Morgan Stanley pre- structure projects were expected to start in unprecedented four trillion yuan (RM2.09 trillion)
dicted “the current demand shock to lead the second quarter, Gong wrote. stimulus package to combat the crisis.
to excess steel capacity.” In the Middle East, according to Faye, In the fourth quarter of last year, China’s economy
Consequently, the bank said, steel the big problem is a shortage of credit, grew only 6.8%, while economic growth for 2008 was
plants should operate at rates below 75% notably for real estate developers and nine percent, down from 13% in 2007.
of capacity until 2012. builders. Data for the first quarter of 2009 will be released
“The steel market is not very different Construction planners had “counted later this week. – AFP
from base metals as a whole, but steel on a higher price for oil and on credit to
has reacted more rapidly and dramati-
cally since September,” said commodities
finance their huge projects.”
In addition, demand for such facilities, peak in September after rallying 79% in the
South Korea offers
analyst Perrine Faye of London-based
especially in the Gulf, has died.
“They were hoping that Americans and
18 months to July last year, according to
Morgan Stanley. tax break on old cars
She said the future of the steel industry Europeans would buy apartments. But Faye said the fate of the steel sector was
depended on three factors – the impact of
Chinese economic stimulus efforts, a pick-
property prices have collapsed in the Mid-
dle East as well.”
in addition tied to that of the struggling US
auto industry, once a thriving steel market
in stimulus bid
up in the Middle East construction sector In the United Arab Emirates more than but one in which two of its giant players, SEOUL: South Korea’s government offered a tax break
and a revival of the once mighty US auto half the building projects, worth US$582 General Motors and Chrysler, are staring at yesterday to motorists who replace ageing cars with
industry. billion or 45% of the total value of the bankruptcy. newer models, in bid to boost sagging demand in the
“Chinese imports and exports are at construction sector, have been put on hold, The two companies are currently limp- auto industry.
a standstill. Everyone is waiting for the a study by Dubai-based market research ing along thanks to billions of dollars in The strategy and finance ministry said the measure,
Chinese stimulus package to see if it will group Proleads found in February. government aid. worth up to 2.5 million won (RM6,840), would be avail-
revive demand.” In Dubai, one of the states of the “We are waiting to see if the auto sector able to drivers who trade in a car that is more than
The Chinese government last month UAE, prices in the real estate sector have in the US will get out of the crisis intact,” nine years old.
announced a four-trillion-yuan (RM2.09 slumped by an average of 25% from their she said. – AFP The incentive, which will run from May to Decem-
ber, was announced as local auto makers feel the bite
of the global economic downturn.
South Korean car manufacturers, including Hyundai
Bank of Japan
to bolster Bids for disgraced Motor, have reduced their output due to slumping
sales while Ssangyong Motor, the smallest automaker
in the country, is under court receivership to avoid
capital: Report
TOKYO: The Bank of Japan plans
Satyam open today South Korea’s five automakers sold a total 402,563
vehicles in March, down 18.7% from a year earlier,
with Hyundai’s sales falling 9.8% to 233,443 units.
The tax break will come from reducing purchasing
to reinforce its capital to secure the NEW DELHI: India’s Satyam Computer balance sheet by over one billion dollars and
credibility of the yen and enhance its Services could have a new owner today when overstated profits. and registration taxes by 70%, officials said.
ability to implement additional economic bids are opened for the disgraced outsourcing Just a handful of players are believed to be They estimated it could potentially affect 548,000
measures, The Nikkei business daily giant, officials said. in the race as a result of lack of clarity about vehicles – 32.6% of the total 16.8 million registered in
said yesterday. Sale of the firm at the heart of India’s Satyam’s accounts and worries over liabilities the country.
The bank aims to boost its legal biggest accounting fraud has taken on an from US shareholder and other suits. The government is also considering providing more
reserves – part of its capital – by some urgency, with dozens of clients reported to The accounts are still being restated and liquidity to auto finance companies as part of efforts to
¥60 billion (RM2.152 billion) a year by have terminated their contracts or be aiming won’t be ready for months. But Satyam has stimulate demand, they added. – AFP
reducing the amount it pays to the state to shift their business because of uncertainty been battling to pay wages and other expenses
coffers, the newspaper reported. over Satyam’s future. since the fraud was revealed and is desperately Toyota looking at second straight loss
The central bank has established a “The bids will be seen Monday,” Satyam in need of a cash infusion to help it survive. TOKYO: Toyota Motor, the world’s biggest automaker,
framework for buying up to ¥5 trillion board chairman Kiran Karnik told reporters Indian engineering giant Larsen & Toubro is expected to suffer a second consecutive annual loss
in risk assets, such as corporate bonds, on Saturday. has already built up a 12% stake in Satyam because of the global economic slump and a stronger yen,
commercial paper and bank-held stocks, The Satyam board, advised by investment and is seen as a front runner for the firm, once Japan’s Nikkei daily reported yesterday.
to help improve corporate financial bankers Avendus and Goldman Sachs, then India’s fourth-largest by revenues. Toyota’s group operating loss may top ¥500 billion (RM18
conditions. expects to announce the winning bid for the Others expected to be in the race are Indian billion) for the current fiscal year which started April 1, the
The central bank wants to bolster company, which acts as the back office for telecom software company Tech Mahindra Ltd business daily said.
its capital because a sharp decline in some of the world’s biggest manufacturers, and US billionaire investor W.L. Ross – possibly It would be the second straight operating loss, as the com-
its capital adequacy ratio could hamper health care providers and banks. in tandem with Nasdaq-listed Cognizant Tech- pany has already warned that it expects an operating loss of
its ability to implement such economic “We very much expect it to be wrapped up nology Solutions, according to media reports. ¥450 billion, its first ever, for the fiscal year to March 31.
measures as purchasing risky assets, as Monday unless there’s something we didn’t All have refused comment. Revenue for the current year is expected to fall to
well as weaken the yen’s credibility, the anticipate, but that’s unlikely,” a person close Information technology consultancy around ¥20 trillion, down from an estimated ¥1 trillion for
daily reported. to the bidding process, who did not wish to be Forrester Research has warned there is a the year before, the Nikkei said.
The central bank’s policy board named, told AFP. chance any deal might fall through due to Toyota group auto sales are now estimated at 6.5 million
is expected to agree on the planned A statement by Satyam, listed on the New lack of financial data and the risk of litigation, vehicles for the fiscal year just started – which, if confirmed,
reinforcement by the end of this month York Stock Exchange in 2001, was expected meaning Satyam would go “back to square would be the first time they have fallen below seven million
and submit it to Finance Minister Kaoru late today. one”. units, it said.
Yosano for approval in early May, the The government-appointed board took Satyam operates in close to 70 countries That forecast is mainly due to a delay in recovery of the
newspaper said. control of Satyam after its founder B. Rama- and has nearly 700 clients, including about US auto industry, with the Japanese and European auto
The finance ministry is largely expected linga Raju stunned India’s corporate world 185 Fortune 500 firms – in theory making it an markets also expected to remain stagnant, and the impact
to approve the plan, it said. – AFP in January by declaring he had inflated the attractive prospect. – AFP of a strong yen against the dollar and the euro. – AFP

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