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No. 4737 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

April 14, 2009

» Traditions & conventions pg12 » Gerrard back for mission impossible pg31 Sports

MIC to meet
Najib over
cabinet posts
ALOR GAJAH: MIC will meet Prime
Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak
to seek a bigger representation in the
Red shirts vs army
He denied Thaksin’s claim that authorities
were covering up protest deaths.
An army spokesman meanwhile said that
cabinet. It now has one minister and two while live rounds were fired overhead to
deputy ministers in the cabinet. “terrify” protesters, only blanks were used in

Party secretary-general Datuk Dr S. ANGKOK: Troops unleashed volleys of ment House, the office of Prime Minister Abhisit close-range encounters.
Subramaniam, who is human resource gunfire in street battles with anti-govern- Vejjajiva, a day after the embattled premier Residents near Government House have
minister, said the MIC should have been ment protesters across Bangkok yesterday, imposed a state of emergency in the capital. armed themselves and set up roadblocks, and
given greater representation in the cabinet forcing them back to their main rallying Still reeling after the supporters of ousted government and hospital sources said a 54-year-
so as to play a bigger and more active role site in a final push to end days of turmoil. premier Thaksin Shinawatra forced the cancel- old resident and a 19-year-old man had been
in all sectors to serve the expectations and Two men were killed and 90 were injured lation of a major Asian summit at the weekend, shot and killed in clashes with demonstrators.
aspirations of the Indian community. in a day of violence, as troops lobbed tear gas Abhisit warned the protesters should disperse A spokesman for Bangkok’s main emer-
“MIC is a little disappointed when the at demonstrators who sent buses hurtling or face the consequences. gency service said that 90 people were hurt in
cabinet was announced recently with MCA towards lines of soldiers and torched a govern- “Those who want to help the government the battles between demonstrators and soldiers.
getting an additional deputy minister’s ment ministry with blazing Molotov cocktails. restore normality can return home,” Abhisit Abhisit said 23 troops were among the injured.
post and Gerakan given a minister’s post The red-shirted protesters later retreated to said in a televised address. “The government Thailand has been mired in turmoil since
but nothing additional for MIC,” he said at their camp around Govern- has carefully mapped out a plan to implement the military toppled Thaksin in a coup in 2006,
Bandar Vendor Taboh Naning yesterday. the law.” but the unrest confronts British-born Abhisit
The cabinet announced by Najib on with his biggest challenge since he took
Thursday saw no changes in the portfolio ORIENTAL DAILYPIX office in December.
of the MIC representation with Subrama- The so-called “Red Shirts” want him
niam remaining as the human resource to quit and call fresh elections, saying he
minister, Datuk M. Saravanan (deputy came to power through an undemocratic
minister of Federal Territories) and Datuk parliamentary vote following a court ruling
K. Devamany (deputy minister in the Prime that drove Thaksin’s allies from power.
Minister’s Department). Troops began the crackdown just before
The MIC need more opportunities to dawn, firing hundreds of rounds into the air
strengthen the party and remain relevant, after protesters blocking a major intersection
Subramaniam said. “If we are given pelted them with rocks and petrol bombs.
more opportunities to play a more active Further clashes erupted in the same area
role in all sectors, it will help the Indian throughout the day, with protesters rigging
community to progress further,” he said. up buses that were directed at phalanxes of
He added that being a Barisan Nasional soldiers, who responded with long bursts of
(BN) component party, MIC should also overhead shots.
be represented in other decision-mak- As night fell, troops began to encircle the
ing bodies, government agencies and protesters inside an area of several blocks but
government-linked companies. as they retreated the mob threw several petrol
In response to reports about the MIC’s bombs into a building in Thailand’s education
unhappiness, Deputy Prime Minister Tan ministry complex, setting it ablaze.
Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said BN component Thaksin, who is living in exile to avoid a
leaders who had any complaints should jail term for corruption, appealed for peace in
see the prime minister, and that such an interview with CNN despite issuing calls for
matters should not be discussed openly. “revolution” in previous speeches to support-
He said they should respect the pre- ers. “I would like to urge everybody to come
rogative of the prime minister to appoint together peacefully, not just by force.” - AFP
ministers, and this was nothing new.
“We should give the chosen ministers
» Report Page 5
the chance to shoulder the responsibility;
after all they had already taken their oath Fatal bus crash ... Fire and rescue and police personnel at the scene of a fatal
» Deep divisions fuel the crisis
of office,” he said yesterday when handing express bus accident near Rawang yesterday morning. Six people, including the lead driver who – Pages 8 & 9
over his duty as international trade and
industry minister to the new minister.
was taking a rest while the co-driver took the wheel, were killed when the double-decker vehicle
crashed into a railing and landed on its side. The metal railing pierced the side of the bus, causing » Tourism sector under assault
(full report see page 2). massive injuries to the victims who were seated on the lower deck. – Page 15

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