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2œ theSun | TUESDAY APRIL 14 2009

news without borders

See Najib if you’re not happy, BN leaders told

KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Muhy- “We will listen to the views of all the Indian community. claimed the MIC wanted to pull out the minister’s post, and Datuk S. K.
iddin Yassin has asked Barisan the leaders before a decision is made. The report also said the MIC its representatives in the cabinet Devamany and Datuk M. Saravanan
Nasional component leaders who I will also seek an appointment with had requested for a senior portfolio, because he (Samy Vellu) was not for the posts of deputy ministers. He
have any complaints about their rep- the prime minister,” he said in a namely the post of works minister, appointed a minister, he described denied mentioning a senatorship.
resentation in the cabinet line-up to statement yesterday. but it was rejected. the writer as a liar. On another matter, Muhyiddin
see Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib A news report, quoting an un- To this, Samy Vellu said it was the On what transpired between him spoke on the transformation that
Abdul Razak. named source, said the MIC was decision of Najib. He said the prime and Najib, two days before the prime must take place in Umno, saying
Such matters, he said, should not studying a proposal to withdraw its minister would consider allocating minister announced his cabinet line- that he had been informed by the
be discussed openly. lone minister and two deputy minis- a senior ministerial portfolio to the up, Samy Vellu said he only submit- other component parties that they
The deputy prime minister said ters from the cabinet, in protest over MIC in the future. ted the names of MIC secretary-gen- are also carrying out transforma-
yesterday they should respect the the lack of importance accorded to On a news portal report which eral Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam for tion efforts following their general
prerogative of the premier to appoint assemblies.
ministers, and this was nothing “I think the transformation has
new. begun but the momentum cannot be
“We should give the chosen seen yet. It’s still early as we had our
ministers the chance to shoulder last general election and formed a
the responsibility. After all, they had government only about a year ago.”
already taken their oath of office,” he Muhyiddin said transformation
told reporters after handing over his could not happen within a short
duty as international trade and indus- time and he had stated before that
try minister to the new minister. this year and next would be the most
Muhyiddin was asked about the challenging time for Umno and BN.
reported dissatisfaction of some MIC He said the other BN component
leaders over the size of the party’s parties, like Umno, needed some
representation in the cabinet and time to become stronger.
wanted those appointed (from MIC) “But making the parties stronger
to be withdrawn. requires good planning and strategis-
“We don’t want any confusion. ing with public opinions and other
So, it’s not good for the matter to be important factors taken into consid-
discussed openly. In the BN spirit, eration,” he said.
we uphold the PM’s prerogative (to Also present at the handing-over
choose the cabinet line-up),” Muhy- ceremony were new International
iddin said, adding that the matter Trade and Industry Minister Datuk
need not be brought up to the BN We don’t want any confusion Mustapa Mohamed, his two deputies
supreme council. to arise. So, it’s not good for the Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir and Datuk
Meanwhile, MIC president Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan, and ministry
Seri S. Samy Vellu said the party’s matter to be discussed openly. secretary-general Tan Sri Abdul
central working committee will meet In the BN spirit, we uphold the Rahman Mamat.
on Thursday to discuss this matter. PM’s prerogative (to choose Muhyiddin later moved into his
He denied the party had sought a the cabinet line-up).” new office on the fourth floor of the
senatorship for him to be appointed – Muhyiddin Perdana Putra building in Putrajaya.
to the cabinet as alleged by a news Arriving just after noon, he was greet-
portal, saying it was “not my style”. ed by senior department officers.

Cabinet committees to be trimmed, says Muhyiddin

KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Prime would be under one cluster and He said some of the committees discharging their duties profession- prime minister in the RM67 billion
Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin social matters under another. would be chaired by him and the ally and well. economic stimulus package must be
said yesterday the number of cabi- Each week, the ministers would rest by Najib. Muhyiddin said the government implemented so that the economy
net committees will be trimmed to have to attend up to four cabinet Earlier, at a special meeting with had drawn up pro-business policies does not slump that badly.”
smoothen the administration and committee meetings, he told report- the officers and staff of the Interna- which required the ministry to work Muhyiddin said Miti must take
ensure that all matters discussed are ers after handing over the duties of tional Trade and Industry Ministry to ensure that all the initiatives taken swift action and be brave and effec-
implemented. international trade and industry min- (Miti), Muhyiddin said there were or to be taken continued to develop tive in allaying the concerns of the
He said at his meeting with Prime ister to Datuk Mustapa Mohamed. now 30 to 40 cabinet committees. in the worst economic downturn in private sector, chambers of com-
Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul “There are many cabinet commit- He said although Miti had only 80 years. merce and small- and medium-scale
Razak a few days ago, they agreed tees and all of them are important. 3,000 staff compared with some “Miti’s role and responsibility industries so that this group was not
that the committees be grouped in We also have other matters that we ministries which had more, he was are challenging and the initiatives burdened by the economic recession.
clusters. For example, economy have to implement for the country.” confident that they were capable of taken by the government and the – Bernama

consent on the coordination and standardisation

briefs of Islamic Laws.

He said a meeting would also be held with the
Religious Department Heads of all the states.
“The meeting with the Rulers will also discuss
Govt to issue statement the laws which have been adopted and consented
to by the Conference of Rulers previously.”
on MECD, says DPM Earlier, Jamil Khir chaired the Islamic Consulta-
KUALA LUMPUR: The government will issue an of- tive Council Meeting for the first time since he
ficial statement on the Ministry of Entrepreneur and was appointed to hold the portfolio last week.
Cooperative Development (MECD), which no longer At the meeting, five working papers were
Brown’s exists following the formation of the new cabinet, tabled, including those on Islamic law, Islamic
aide Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said economy and education.
yesterday. “Let’s wait,” he told reporters.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, Check status of matriculation
when unveiling his cabinet on Thursday, did not
obscene mention MECD in his list of ministries and later application online
issued a press statement that all agencies under KUALA LUMPUR: Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia holders
e-mails MECD were being restructured and absorbed into can check the status of their applications for the
pg 11 several ministries. matriculation programme online on April 17.
Following this, several non-governmental The Education Ministry, in a statement yesterday,
organisations, such as the Malay Solidarity Action said this can be done through the ministry’s website
Body and Malay Chambers of Commerce Malaysia, at by entering their identity card
and Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah were number and examination serial number.
reported to have expressed concern over the fate of It said they can also retrieve the information by
bumiputra entrepreneurs since there is no longer a sending a short messaging service (SMS) by typing
ministry that specifically looks after their interests. MAT space identity card number to 15888 or by
calling the Matriculation Division at 03-8884 4100
Govt to seek meeting with between 8.30am and 4pm on working days.
The registration date of the matriculation is May
Rulers to discuss Islamic laws 11 and offer letters and information on the registra-
PUTRAJAYA: Minister in the Prime Minister’s tion fees will be sent to successful applicants by the
Department Maj Gen (Rtd) Datuk Jamil Khir Ba- colleges concerned.
harom said yesterday a meeting with the Malay Candidates who failed to gain admission can ap-
Rulers will be sought next month to obtain their peal online. – Bernama

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