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theSun | TUESDAY APRIL 14 2009 9

news without borders

party may
Golkar tie-up
JAKARTA: Indonesian President Susilo Bam-
bang Yudhoyono’s Democrat Party will hold
coalition talks with the Golkar Party and it
would be “natural” to extend the existing
alliance, a top Democrat Party official said
Leaders of various political parties have
already held a flurry of talks in a rush to
start building powerful pacts ahead of the
presidential election on July 8.
The Democrat Party won the most votes,
at around 20%, in Thursday’s election, ac-
Both sides have driven each cording to a partial offi cial count, but will
other into a corner where still have to form a coalition for the presi-
everything is at stake and dential vote that Susilo is tipped to win.
neither can afford to lose.” “What is clear is that until now we have
- Nelson and are in a coalition with Golkar,” said Andi
Mallarangeng, who is one of the heads of
the Democrat Party.
“Therefore of course it is natural if
we continue the cooperation again,” he
Indonesian stocks and the rupiah
jumped yesterday, as analysts saw the result
as setting the stage for continued stability
in Southeast Asia’s biggest economy.
Mallarangeng said that Susilo and Vice-
President Jusuf Kalla, who is Golkar’s chair-
man, had already held discussions.
“There will be meetings, which are more
capital represented a political revolution that intensive, between the two parties to dis-
will not be quelled by military action. cuss details,” added Mallarangeng, who is
“Upcountry people have had the role of also a presidential spokesman.
obedient children, they have never been fig- Mallarangeng said that any coalition
ured in as a genuine political force and this would have to be based on a clear set of
has changed tremendously in the past few rules to ensure effective government.
years,” he said. Susilo, a reform-minded former general,
“So even though you might resolve the has said he would welcome all parties but
events here in Bangkok, the deeper political stressed the need for a formal coalition
structures emerging, and the tremendous where members were committed to the
experience the Reds have gained, will not same platform.
go away.” The president’s reform efforts were
British-born Abhisit has only been in pow- partly thwarted by his less reform-minded
er since December, when a court turfed out ministers from other political parties during
the previous pro-Thaksin government, but his first term in office.
like those before him, he has failed to come Golkar, the long-time political vehicle for
good on his promise to unite the country. Suharto, the country’s late autocratic ruler,
Thailand’s fourth prime minister in the is currently the biggest party in parliament,
space of a year, analysts say Abhisit’s own per- but saw its support drop from more than
sonal fate matters less than the need to find a 20% to around 14% last week, in line with
long-term solution that will restore peace once former President Megawati Sukarnoputri’s
and for all. Without it, tourists and foreign PDI-P party.
investors will increasingly be scared off, ob- The Democrats almost tripled their vote
servers say, further hurting the Thai economy from 7.5% in 2004, as Yudhoyono has deliv-
as it hurtles towards recession, which in turn ered strong economic growth and brought
would only result in more strife. relative peace and stability to the world’s
In the glare of the global media, the Red most populous Muslim nation, which also
Shirts stormed the venue of an Asian sum- has sizeable religious minorities.
mit in the beach town of Pattaya on Saturday, If Yudhoyono sticks with his current
forcing a humiliating cancellation and the alliance with Golkar and Islamist parties,
evacuation of visiting leaders – some by analysts said this would likely mean a rela-
helicopter. But the embattled premier is ham- tively slow pace of reform.
strung as he attempts to close down the Red But they still expect market-friendly
Shirt protests, facing charges of hypocrisy af- policies, particularly if Susilo keeps his
ter the Yellow Shirts operated with impunity, respected finance minister, Sri Mulyani
even closing down Bangkok’s airport for nine Indrawati, and other technocrats in the
days last year. – AFP cabinet. – Reuters

A Buddhist monk talks to a soldier in Bangkok


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