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theSun | TUESDAY APRIL 14 2009 17

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South Korea wary with China

is expected
to intensify in
such export
markets as Latin
Report: BT to slash

of China’s rise to
America and 10,000 jobs
Asia because LONDON: British telecoms operator BT
China’s recent will cut 10,000 jobs when it reveals its
currency swap preliminary results next month, reports
arrangements said Sunday.
will enable BT will also make a £1.5 billion (RM8.25 China eyes new stimulus to

economic power
SEOUL: South Korea yesterday expressed its
yuan to be
used in trade

its giant neighbour in global markets and should

billion) writedown in its under-fire Global Services
division and slash its dividend by about 60%, ac-
cording to the Daily Telegraph’s website.
The job losses are expected to be spread
across the company’s 160,000-strong global
BT’s results are likely to be among the worst
boost spending: State media
SHANGHAI: China is drawing up a fresh
economic stimulus aimed at boosting con-
sumption, state media reported yesterday,
on top of a previous multi-billion-dollar plan
targeting investment.
concern about China’s rise as a global economic therefore focus its diplomatic and economic since it was privatised in 1984, the Telegraph and The move comes as the government looks
power in a rare note that said the ascent of its capabilities in select areas where it excels. the Sunday Times reported. to increase personal spending due to plum-
powerful neighbour could harm its own economic “China would pay much higher prices than Its poor financial performance in the face of meting exports amid the global financial
growth. the market value when acquiring energy projects
the global economic slowdown is compounded meltdown.
The Ministry of Strategy and Finance said in abroad, so (South Korea) can’t compete with it,”
by the cost of trying to plug its huge pension Beijing will continue to drive economic
an eight-page “reference material” that China’s said Park Bun-soon, a senior fellow at Samsung
deficit. growth with fiscal spending, the China Se-
growing clout was likely to intensify competition Economic Research Institute.
A BT spokesman said the reports of 10,000 curities Journal reported, citing Gao Huiqing,
between the two countries especially in export “If China has ‘hard power’, we have to think
job cuts were “speculative numbers.” of the economic forecast department at the
markets and energy diplomacy. about utilising ‘soft power’,” he said, referring to
“The company is focusing on cost reductions,” State Information Centre, a government
That contrasted with the past practice of South Korea’s non-government organisations and
he said. – AFP think tank. – AFP
describing China’s economic growth as an oppor- corporate networks.
tunity for South Korea to keep producing export The finance ministry’s statement also came af-
goods for other markets using cheap labour, as ter South Korea’s efforts to secure more offshore
well as a threat to its own exports.
“Competition with China is expected to in-
energy supplies hit a snag early this year after
Nigeria cancelled exploration rights at oilfields
US directs GM to prepare for bankruptcy filing
tensify in such export markets as Latin America first awarded in 2005. WASHINGTON: The US Treasury Department is the automaker can be a viable company.
and Asia because China’s recent currency swap South Korea, which lacks natural resources, directing General Motors to lay the groundwork Quoting sources who had been briefed on the
arrangements will enable yuan to be used in trade has relied heavily on exports to power its rise for a bankruptcy filing by June 1, even though the GM plans, the Times said the goal was to prepare
settlements,” the ministry said in the statement. from the rubble of the 1950-53 Korean War to automaker has publicly stated it could reorganise for a fast “surgical” bankruptcy.
China has grabbed the media headlines around become the world’s 13th-largest economy. outside of court, The New York Times reported on The newspaper said preparations are aimed
the world in the past for its fast emergence as But Chinese industry, with its abundance of Sunday. at assuring a GM bankruptcy filing is ready if
a driver of global economic growth and more cheap labour and strong backing from the com- GM is operating under emergency US govern- the company is unable to reach agreement with
recently as the potential saviour of the global munist government, has emerged as a strong ment loans. It has been told by the Obama admin- bondholders to exchange roughly US$28 billion
economy mired in the worst recession in many rival in key export markets for products ranging istration’s task force overseeing its bailout that it (RM105 billion) in debt into equity in GM and with
decades. from clothes to consumer electronics, sparking must cut costs and reduce its debts in order to the United Automobile Workers union.
In response to the spreading ‘Beijing Consen- concerns it could jeopardise South Korea’s ef- continue to receive aid. A plan under consideration would create a new
sus’, our country also needs to adopt pre-emptive forts to catch up with the world’s most developed The White House-appointed autos task force company that would buy the “good” assets of GM
external economic policy,” the finance ministry economies. has given GM 60 days to come up with a restruc- after the carmaker files for bankruptcy, the Times
said, referring to a phrase used to describe Chi- China, with which Seoul normalised diplomatic turing plan and it is trying to determine whether said. – AFP
na’s growing influence. ties in 1992, has become South Korea’s biggest
Analysts in Seoul said South Korea lacked the trade partner and main investment destination.
economic scale or resources to compete with – Reuters

China begins long campaign

for yuan greatness
BEIJING: China is pushing aggressively for the emerging economies.
wider use of its currency abroad, but it will likely Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
take decades before it assumes a truly global role said this month he had proposed to his Chinese
and challenges the US dollar, analysts say. counterpart, Hu Jintao, conducting bilateral trade
The drive has seen a series of currency swap through each country’s local currency.
agreements in the past few months, while public It could be the beginning of growing South-
criticism of the dollar-based global system by the South collaboration to chip away at a dollar
central bank governor has given China’s recent supremacy that seldom arouses enthusiasm in
actions a more ambitious-looking edge. the less-developed parts of the world.
“It’s evident that the weight of the yuan on “If the US dollar framework remained un-
the international market is growing,” said Zhang changed, the emerging markets would have no
Taowei, a finance professor at Beijing’s Tsinghua channel to have a bigger say,” said Lu Zhengwei, a
University. Shanghai-based economist with Industrial Bank.
The yuan so far plays only a minor role globally, Alongside the swaps and other small-scale
partly because it is not convertible on the capital practical steps, China has also launched a more
account, which makes it harder to remit money direct rhetorical challenge to the US dollar.
in and out of China. Central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan last
However, Chinese thinking on the issue looks month published an essay on his bank’s website
to be gradually changing, not least because of a calling for a replacement of the US dollar as the
weakened faith in the greenback brought on by global reserve currency.
the global economic crisis. “Theoretically, it’s a good idea. But in reality, it
Premier Wen Jiabao last month warned he would be very difficult to implement,” said Lu of
was concerned about China’s huge investment Industrial Bank.
in dollar-denominated assets. “It could be a direction for open discussion.
As a first step for the yuan, China since De- But in the foreseeable future, that’s not going
cember has signed six currency swap contracts to happen.”
totalling 650 billion yuan (RM345.6 billion), with Any major global role for the yuan might be as
Hongkong, South Korea, Malaysia, Belarus, Indo- long as 10 years to 30 years away, China’s state-
nesia and Argentina. run Xinhua news agency reported.
The agreements make it possible for overseas The agency quoted Chen Yulu, a finance
importers of Chinese goods to borrow yuan from professor and vice president at the People’s
their central banks, reducing their exposure to University of China, as laying out a three-decade
volatility in the US dollar. timetable for yuan greatness.
But apart from the concrete purposes they First China would need 10 years to expand
serve, the agreements fit into a broader pattern the yuan’s use in neighbouring countries, then
of experimenting with new uses of the currency, another decade to bolster its role in Asia and a
including trial schemes for yuan trade settlement final 10 years to make it a reserve currency, the
between Hongkong and south China. Beijing-based professor told Xinhua.
“The facts on the ground suggest the central “Currencies don’t become popular until they
bank would like to see the yuan more popularly are widely adopted and transaction costs are
used as an offshore trade settlement currency,” low and there is some sense that you can use
said Ben Simpfendorfer, Honkong-based China this currency to buy things in any country,” said
economist for Royal Bank of Scotland. Simpfendorfer.
“That won’t happen overnight. It will take “It is (a question of reaching a critical mass),
years, but nonetheless, it may happen faster than and in that respect China has an advantage in
people expect.” being a very large trading country. But we need to
China is not alone in promoting the yuan, and see a stronger domestic demand, more Chinese
has seen a measure of support from other major buying goods from abroad.” – AFP

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