Thesun 2009-04-15 Page04 Rais Wants More Thinkers in Ministry

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4 theSun | WEDNESDAY APRIL 15 2009

news without borders

Rais wants more thinkers in ministry

KUALA LUMPUR: Despite its wide- ties, Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum and duties to Rais at Angkasapuri here ministry to expand the enforcement of them. To implement a policy, we have
ranging scope, the Information, Senator Heng Seai Kie, specific tasks yesterday. the Communications and Multimedia to be firm. But legal redress will be our
Communications, Arts and Culture to make the ministry more efficient. Shabery is now Youth and Sports Act to cover private television and last resort.”
Ministry will execute its functions “We do not have to change the Minister. radio networks. He placed bloggers in three cat-
more effectively by correctly dividing ministry’s philosophy. The ministry Rais, who was Information Minister On the proliferation of the new egories – those who write the truth,
its tasks, minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais has more sting with the enforcement from 1984 to 1986, said that although media, Rais said the ministry would those who exploit the sentiments
Yatim said. of the Communications and Multime- there was little difference in the min- not act hastily against government of the people, and those who churn
He said the ministry would beef dia Act, and the role of the Malaysian istry’s functions now and then, what critics, as long as the Act was not out inaccurate facts and make wild
up the number of its “thinkers” and Communications and Multimedia was more pertinent was the enhance- contravened. allegations.
formulate clearer policies and instruc- Commission,” he told reporters at ment of service quality. “We are planning to hold a briefing “The third type break the law. When
tions to ensure its effectiveness. a ceremony at which Datuk Ahmad He said the integration of the com- on the Act for bloggers. If they do not the law is not respected, the country
Rais said he would assign his depu- Shabery Cheek handed over his munication divisions would enable the heed the advice, we will be firm with will be in disarray.” – Bernama

conserving energy. He said universities

and research institutions should be en-
couraged to conduct research suited to
briefs local needs. – Bernama

Speedier recruitment
Fomca: Beware of ‘green’ of doctors
techno salesmen PUTRAJAYA: Health Minister Datuk
KUALA LUMPUR: The government must Seri Liow Tiong Lai said a human res-
exercise caution to prevent being taken ources committee had been set up to
in by green technology recommended by speed up the recruitment of doctors
glib-tongued foreign promoters. by government hospitals. IGP Tan Sri
The Federation of Malaysian Consum- The committee is chaired by health Musa Hassan
ers Associations said these promoters ministry secretary-general Datuk Seri greets
could inflict more harm than good on Dr Mohd Nasir Mohd Ashraf and health Hisham-
the country. Its environment programme department director-general Tan Sri Dr muddin on
manager S. Piarapakaran said most Mohd Ismail Merican. his first day
foreign promoters were smooth-talking “The move is necessary as only at the Home
salesmen out to sell outdated innovations 53% of vacant medical officer’s posts Ministry. On
to countries beginning to show an inter- have been filled due to a slow process the right
est in the green revolution. which can take over three months,” is ministry
He said Malaysia, which now placed Liow said after launching the minis- deputy

much emphasis on green technology, try’s online recruitment system via secretary-
could attract such salesmen whose prod- general Raja
ucts might not be suitable to our needs. He said the recruitment of foreign Azhar Raja
Piarapakaran said the new Energy, doctors should also be speeded up. Abdul Manap.
Green Technology and Water Ministry Applications having to go through
was a positive step as the world moved several departments complicated the
process, he said. – Bernama

ISA among 40 statutes

towards protecting the environment and

to be reviewed
by Tim Leonard sincere intention is to move forward.” He also said he would look into various
issues affecting the public, among these the
PUTRAJAYA: Home Minister Datuk Seri crime rate.
Hishammuddin Hussein yesterday said the “I will have a meeting with the police next
Internal Security Act is among 40 statutes week to decide on what can be done to bet-
under the ministry’s purview that will be sub- ter the force and bring down the crime rate.
ject to review to make them more effective. I will go to the ground personally to better
“The ISA is important to protect the rights understand the situation, especially in (crime)
of an individual as well as the rights of the hotspots.”
majority,” he said. Hishammuddin said he was aware of the
“The safety of the country and its people, issues affecting the police force and provided
regardless of race and religion, is of paramount an assurance that necessary steps would be
importance and I will hold to this principle taken to address these.
without fear or favour. But I need a little time “If you are wrong, then you have to face
to study things in greater detail ... to do what is the consequences. But if you are right, I will
appropriate for the public. But it is not only the defend you all the way,” he said to officers of
ISA, other aspects also need to be considered. the ministry.
Among these are national safety and the abil- Asked how he would approach sensitive
ity to balance things.” issues in the country when compared with
Asked if he would set up an independent his predecessor Datuk Seri Syed Hamid
committee to review the ISA, Hishammud- Albar, Hishammuddin replied: “That’s for you
din said: “It is too early to work on that. The to judge.”

Errant tour operators, agents

will have licences revoked
by Hemananthani Sivanandam ministry or Tourism Malaysia will be properly investigated.
“This has gone on for too long,” she
KUALA LUMPUR: Tour operators or agents added.
who force female tour guides to share rooms Asked if there had been complaints of this
with their male counterparts will have their nature during her tenure as deputy tourism
licences revoked as of June 1, Tourism Minis- minister in 1999, Ng said: “It was a very long
ter Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen said. time ago.”
She said there was no provision in the law “This rule may not go down well with tour
to allow the ministry to suspend the licences operators and agents, but it is time for drastic
of operators and agents in such cases. action as everyone has to be accountable. It is
“Therefore, I am taking sterner action by for the safety of women.”
cancelling their licences if they force their In 2006, the Tourism Ministry issued a
female tour guides to share rooms with men stern warning against forcing female tourist
who are not their spouses,” Ng said. guides to share rooms with male guides, a
She said any complaint lodged with the warning that some operators disregard.

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