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English Test / variant/ Academical year: Name: Class: Level: Date: 2012-2013 MA Students Intermediate May 21, 2013

A. Reading and Translating section Daily life of the Mongolian people Houses One of the specific forms of nomadic dwellings is the gher. Historical information shows that until the end of the 19th century more than 100 large and small ethnic groups used to dwell in gher. Many scholars relate the origin of a gher among the nomads of Central Asia is the ballshaped felt swelling of the ancient Hun. Definite evidence of the Mongolian gher at the beginning of the 13th century is briefly recorded in Secret History of the Mongols and in the notes of travelers in Mongolia at that time. After the Mongolian empire the gher developed further into the classical form in which it appears today. The Mongolians were inhabitants of Central Asia for many hundreds of years and being nomad cattle breeders, they mainly dwelled in gher. But after the advent of Buddhism in Mongolia in the 16th century some of the population turned to a settled way of life, swelling in houses, and this change in lifestyle greatly influenced more and more people, especially from the mid 20th century. Today the light, transportable felt dwelling are indispensable to the shepherds life. Of course, gher are erected in the city, too. The Mongolian gher has been thoroughly thought out and is ideally adapted to the nomadic way of like, being easily erected and taken down. Grammar section Put the verbs in brackets into correct verb tenses. 1. I . at the rising sun. (look) 2. The Mongolia long melody song . the magic to make the sun rise before ones eyes. (possess)

3. Although I and . about it many times, this was the first time I experienced this magic in reality. (hear, read) 4. The audience . nothing about Mongolian culture, they . .. the language. (know, not understand) 5. This unique creation .. close to nature. (grow) 6. The Mongolians .. the Eternal Blue Sky from times immemorial. (worship) 7. In 1992, the Japanese English-language newspaper Mainichi Daily News . her with wonderful words. (praise) 8. The Russian Orientalist scholar S.Kontratiev says, The time to study the Mongolian long melody song. (come) 9. N.Norovbanzad . a Mongolian singer who studied Western music. (be) 10. Her song The Beautiful, Cool Khangai that she sang at the Asian Music Festival of 1973 .. into the UNESCO fund. (admit) Combine two sentences 1. Scientists are discovering something. Animals can think. Animals can communicate their thoughts.

2. Most people believe something. Parrots can only imitate. They dont understand what they are saying.

3. The hospital was a strange place. Alex didnt want to stay there alone.

4. I know the woman. She is a famous designer.

5. I know the woman. Her fashions are so popular.

6. There is a nice building. She lives there.

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