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B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

UNIX Lab Sheet -1

Exercise 1:
1. 2. List different commands to create a file called nuva.txt Count number of characters, lines and words in nuva.txt

Exercise 2
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Create directory nuva123 Copy the file nuva.txt in to nuva123 directory Add some more information to nuva.txt Rename file nuva.txt to NUVACE.txt Delete the file nuva.txt. Delete the Directory nuva123.

Exercise 3:
1. Write a command to change user password. 2. Write a command to check current user. 3. Write a command to show the entire process running with process id. 4. Display file content using different commands and observe differences. 5. Display all process in the system. 6. Display Directory content page by page

Exercise 4:
1. 2. 3. Show content of current directory with different options and observe different outputs. Change directories and check where you are. Notice where is your home directory. Write a command to exit from the terminal.

Exercise 5:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Check IP of your machine Ping to your machine using IP Ping to servers in Nuva Trace route to your machine using IP Trace route to servers in Nuva.

Exercise 6: 1

Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

1. Log into the Student 2. Use the cat command to create a file containing the following data. Call it mutable use tabs to separate the fields 1425 4320 6830 1450 a. b. c. d. e. ravi ramu sita raju 15.65 26.27 36.15 21.86

use the cat command to display the file, mytable use the vi command to correct any errors in the file, mytable use the sort command to sort the file my table according to the first field. Call the sorted file mytable(same name) print the file mytable logout of the system

Exercise 1: 2

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B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

1. List different commands to create a file called nuva.txt 2. Count number of characters, lines and words in nuva.txt


Dept. of CE Exercise 2
1. Create directory nuva123

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

2. Copy the file nuva.txt in to nuva123 directory 3. Add some more information to nuva.txt 4. Rename file nuva.txt to NUVACE.txt 5. Delete the file nuva.txt. 6. Delete the Directory nuva123.


Exercise 3: 4

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B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Write a command to change user password. Write a command to check current user. Write a command to show the entire process running with process id. Display file content using different commands and observe differences. Display all process in the system. Display Directory content page by page


Exercise 4: 5

Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

1. Show content of current directory with different options and observe different outputs. 2. Change directories and check where you are. Notice where is your home directory. 3. Write a command to exit from the terminal.


Exercise 5: 6

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1. Check IP of your machine

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

2. Ping to your machine using IP 3. Ping to servers in Nuva 4. Trace route to your machine using IP 5. Trace route to servers in Nuva.


Exercise 5: 7

Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

Log into the Student Use the cat command to create a file containing the following data. Call it mutable use tabs to separate the fields 1425 4320 6830 1450 ravi ramu sita raju 15.65 26.27 36.15 21.86

1. use the cat command to display the file, mytable 2. use the vi command to correct any errors in the file, mytable 3. use the sort command to sort the file my table according to the first field. Call the sorted file mytable(same name) 4. print the file mytable 5. logout of the system


UNIX Lab Sheet -2


Dept. of CE Shell Scripts:

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

1. Shell Script to find out biggest number Among 3nubaers 2. Shell Script to Print N numbers 3. Shell Script to Perform Arithmetic operations using Case. 4. Shell Script to Swap 2 number without using 3rd. 5. Shell Script to find sum of digits of given number 6. Write a shell script to generate Fibonacci numbers from 1 to n 7. Shell Script to find factorial of given number 8. Shell Script to reverse given number 9. Write shell script to print prime numbers in a given range? 10. Shell Script to check given number is Magic number or not. 11. Shell Program to Sort an Array

UNIX Lab Sheet -2


Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

Program 1:

Shell Script to find out biggest number among 3nubaers

#!/bin/bash echo Enter 3 numbers with spaces in between read a b c l=$a if [ $b -gt $l ] then l=$b fi if [ $c -gt $l ] then l=$c fi echo Lagest of $a $b $c is $l


Program 2:

Shell Script to Print n numbers


Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

#!/bin/bash for i in $(seq 5) do echo "Abdulla welcomes U $i time" done


Program 3:

Shell Script to Perform Arithmetic operations using Case.


Dept. of CE
echo Enter two number read a b echo 1.Add 2.Sub 3.Mul 4.Div 5.Exit read op case $op in 1) c=`expr $a + $b` ;; 2) c=`expr $a - $b` ;; 3) c=`expr $c=$a \* $b` ;; 4) c=`expr $c=$a / $b` ;; 5) exit esac echo $c

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13


Program 4:

Shell Script to Swap 2 number without using 3rd .


Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

#!/bin/bash echo "enter first number" read a echo "enter second number" read b echo "a before swapping is $a and b is $b" #swapping a=$((a+b)) b=$((a - b)) a=$((a-b)) echo "a after swapping is $a and b is $b" OUTPUT:

Program 5:

Shell Script to find sum of digits of given number


Dept. of CE
echo "Enter number : " read n s=0 while [ $n -gt 0 ] do r=$(( $n % 10 )) n=$(( $n / 10 )) s=$(( $s + $r )) done echo "Sum of Digit is : $s"

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13


Program 6: Write a shell script to generate Fibonacci numbers from 1 to n


Dept. of CE
echo "Enter n for Fibonacci series: - " read n echo "Fibonacci series is: - " echo "0" echo "1" i=0 j=1 c=2 while [ $n -gt $c ] do k=$(($i + $j)) i=$j j=$k echo $k c=$(($c + 1)) done OUTPUT:

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

Program 7: Shell Script to Finding factorial of a given number


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B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

#!/bin/bash # fact1 # Finding factorial of a given number # #!/bin/bash echo "Enter a number" read num n=$num fact=1 while [ $num -ge 1 ] do fact=`expr $num \* $fact` num=$(($num - 1)) done echo "Factorial of $n is = $fact" OUTPUT:

Program 8: Shell Script to reverse given number


Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

echo -n "Enter number : " read n sd=0 rev="" on=$n while [ $n -gt 0 ] do sd=$(( $n % 10 )) n=$(( $n / 10 )) rev=$( echo ${rev}${sd} ) done echo "$on in a reverse order $rev" OUTPUT:

Program 9 : Shell script to print prime numbers in a given range.


Dept. of CE
echo enter a range read rng echo 2 j=3 while test $j -le $rng do i=2 x=`expr $j - 1` while test $i -le $x do

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

if [ `expr $j % $i` -ne 0 ] then i=`expr $i + 1` else break fi done if [ $i -eq $j ] then echo $j fi j=`expr $j + 1` done OUTPUT:

Program 10: Shell Script to check given number is Magic number or not.


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B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13



Dept. of CE
Program 11: clear

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

Shell Program to Sort an Array

echo "Enter number of elements: " read n echo "Enter array elements: " for ((i=0; i<n; i++)) do read a[$i] done for ((i=0; i<n; i++)) do for ((j=$i; j<n; j++)) do if [ ${a[$i]} -gt ${a[$j]} ] then temp=${a[$i]} a[$i]=${a[$j]} a[$i]=$temp fi done done echo "Array after sorting: " for ((i=0; i<n; i++)) do echo ${a[$i]} done



Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

Lab Sheet -3

Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

Program 1: Write A shell script that takes a command line argument and reports on whether it is directory, a file, or something else Program 2: Write a shell script that computes the gross salary of a employee

according to the following a) If basic salary is <1500 then HRA 10% of the basic and DA =90% of the basic b) If basic salary is >1500 then HRA 500 and DA =98% of the basic The basic salary is entered interactively through the key board Program 3: Write a shell script which receives two files names as arguments. It should check whether the two file contents are same or not. If they are same then second file should be deleted. Program 4: Write a shell script that displays a list of all files in the current directory to which the user has read write and execute permissions PROGRAM 5: Develop an interactive script that asks for a word and file name and then tells how many times that word occurred in the file. PROGRAM 6: Write a shell script to perform the following string operations. 1) To extract a sub string from a given string 2) To find the length of a given string Program 7: Write a C program that takes one or more file or directory names as command line input and reports the following information on the file. Program 8: Write C program that simulate the following unix commands (a) mv (b) cp Program 9: Write a c program that simulates ls command (Use system calls /directory API)

Lab Sheet -3

Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

Program 1: Write A shell script that takes a command line argument and reports on whether it is directory, a file, or something else echo "Enter a file name:" read f if [ -f $f ] then echo "File" elif [ -d $f ] then echo "Directory" else echo "Not" fi

Output: Directory


Dept. of CE
Program 2:

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

Write a shell script that computes the gross salary of a

employee according to the following a) If basic salary is <1500 then HRA 10% of the basic and DA =90% of the basic b) If basic salary is >1500 then HRA 500 and DA =98% of the basic The basic salary is entered interactively through the key board echo " Enter the Salary " read sal if [ $sal<1500] then da=`expr $sal*90/100` hra=`expr $sal*10/100` gsal=expr $sal +$hra+$da echo $gsal elif [$sal>1500] hra=500 da=expr $sal*98/100 gsal=expr $sal+$hra+$da gross=`expr $sa + $da + $hra` fi fi


Program 3:

Write a shell script which receives two files names as

arguments. It should check whether the two file contents are same or not. If they are same then second file should be deleted.


Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

echo "Enter I File Name:" read f1 echo "Enter II File Name:" read f2 d=`cmp $f1 $f2` d1="" if [ $d -eq $d2 ] then echo "Two Files are similar and $f2 is deleted" rm $f2 else echo "Two Files differ each other" fi


Program 4: Write a shell script that displays a list of all files in the current directory to which the user has read write and execute permissions


Dept. of CE
# File Name : #!/bin/bash

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

read -p "Enter a directory name : " dn if [ -d $dn ]; then printf "\nFiles in the directory $dn are :\n" for fn in `ls $dn` do if [ -d $dn/$fn ]; then printf "<$fn> Directory " elif [ -f $dn/$fn ] then printf "$fn File " fi if [ -r $dn/$fn ]; then printf " Read" fi if [ -w $dn/$fn ];then printf " Write" fi if [ -x $dn/$fn ];then printf " Execute" fi printf "\n" done else printf "\n$dn not exists or not a directory" fi Output:

PROGRAM 5: Develop an interactive script that asks for a word and file name and then tells how many times that word occurred in the file.


Dept. of CE
# File Name : #!/bin/bash

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

read -p "Enter a file name : " fn if test -f $fn then echo "The contents of the file $fn is :" cat $fn echo "No. of Line : `wc -l $fn`" echo "No. of Words : `wc -w $fn`" echo "No. of Characters: `wc -c $fn`" else echo "$fn is not exists or not a file" fi


PROGRAM 6: Write a shell script to perform the following string perations. 1) To extract a sub string from a given string 2) To find the length of a given string


Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

Print Enter the String:\c read strIn strlen=${# strIn} print the string length is : $strlen $ strlen.scr

Output: Enter the String: Now is the time The String length : 15

Program 7: Write a C program that takes one or more file or directory names as command line input and reports the following information on the file. a) file type b) number of links


Dept. of CE

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

c) read, write and execute permissions d) time of last access (Note: use /fstat system calls) #include<stdio.h> main() { FILE *stream; int buffer_character; stream=fopen(test,r); if(stream==(FILE*)0) { fprintf(stderr,Error opening file(printed to standard error)\n); fclose(stream); exit(1); } } if(fclose(stream))==EOF) { fprintf(stderr,Error closing stream.(printed to standard error)\n); exit(1); } return(); } Output:

Program 8: Write C program that simulate the following unix commands (a) mv (b) cp /* File Name : bspace1.c */


Dept. of CE
#include<fcntl.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<stdio.h> main(int argc,char *argv[]) { FILE *fp; char ch; int sc=0; fp=fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(fp==NULL)

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

printf("unable to open a file",argv[1]); else { while(!feof(fp)) { ch=fgetc(fp); if(ch==' ') sc++; } printf("no of spaces %d",sc); printf("\n"); fclose(fp); } } Output:

Program 9: Write a c program that simulates ls command (Use system calls /directory API) #include<stdio.h> #include<fcntl.h>


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#include<stdlib.h> main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int fd,i; char ch[1]; if (argc<2) {

B.Tech IV/II UNIX & Shell Prog. Lab 2012-13

printf("Usage: mycat filename\n"); exit(0); } fd=open(argv[1],O_RDONLY); if(fd==-1) printf("%s is not exist",argv[1]); else { printf("Contents of the file %s is : \n",argv[1]); while(read(fd,ch,1)>0) printf("%c",ch[0]); close(fd); } } Output:


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