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Teenager Problems

Successful Journey with Balanced Mode: Parenting Teens Public Awareness and Education There are many social problems happening among teenagers. I think the two most recognized problems in Malaysia are baby dumping and drug abuse. These problems are the leading causes of teenage social problem in Malaysia. Society must now face several questions, why do teens dump baby, what are the results of teen dumping baby and drug abuse, and how can public awareness and education change this pattern. Why do teenagers take drug and dump baby? Prior to this time, television and movies played the most influential role. The attitudes of parents toward drug and correlated strongly with the attitudes of their children. There are several reasons why teenagers taking drug which include recreation, rebellion, relieve depression, fatigue, boredom and also because they have personal problems at home that make them turn to drug abuse. Other reasons are a loved one passing away, fighting with parents, divorce, and separation of family. Other than that, teenager is influence from their peers. Teenagers in our society are pressured into trying out drugs for the first time to see how it tastes like. As a result of teens being under the influence of drugs, they are not aware that once they under drugs they are risking their lives and the lives of other innocent people on their surroundings. The only things that we can do to make them realize and become aware of dumping baby and drug abuse by education and public awareness. By education, for instance sex education must be based on the sexual union of man and wife as a totally holy function, one which must be publicly endorsed by the entire community. Without that endorsement (which we call 'aqad nikah'), unmarried sex remains an animal function that can only produce children with animal souls. Sex education is not only about the mechanics of sex but also learning how to respect our bodies and one another. It need not encourage... [continues] Teenagers social problems can be related to anything that happens in this society. Teenagers can be affected about anything. They grow in a society that still has many unresolved issues and they are the ones that have to suffer. Social problems can be as simple as listening to loud music in a park. This might disturb many people, or smoking on the street. These simple and most common things can be considered social problems. More serious ones are for example those related to drug abuse in high schools. Because there are so many drug dealers teenagers start to take drugs out of curiosity. There are three big reasons why teenagers take drugs : curiosity, peer pressure and availability. The most influential one is peer pressure. They want to be just as their friends and in a group of people you can`t say no to challenges because you will look silly. This is the main reason why kids take drugs from a young age. Also, there is the problem of availability. There are too many drug dealers that find kids with money who are willing to try them once. Trying once is just a figure of speach, drug dealers know that they won`t stop here . Drugs create dependence and so we hear daily at the news that another kids is sent to rehab centre or has been found in school in a poor state. These years are most crucial in the maturation process. Every kid is faced with the task of figuring out his sef identity, becoming independent and choosing a road in life than can eventually bring him a good situation.

Another teenagers social problem is unwanted pregnancy at the age of sixteen or seventeen. There should be held classes in every school, about sexual encounters. Improving communication about sexuality to children might change some of the already formed ideas that kids have. Besides the fact that girls can end up pregnant if they don`t use protection, there is also the possibility of taking sexually transmitted diseases. Most of the parents don`t explain to their children what is... [continues] Causes of Social Problems in Malaysia This is my first attempt to write in English. Here it goes.. Malaysia is categorized as third world country and has received rapid growth in socioeconomic and advance technologies. The globalization makes the world become smaller and all the information could be obtained easily by clicking on the computers. World without any barriers allows cultures from other countries influence the Malaysian especially the youths. There are good and bad cultures. The social problems emerged due to bad cultures from other countries. Cultures which we do not feed into our own cultural and religious values. Most young generations cannot identify and analyze what are the good and bad things. It could eliminate the moral values in each young generation. There are several factors which trigger this phenomenon. Most people blame the parents who are not giving their children full attention. As a mother and father, we are responsible to teach our children how to prevent themselves from being involved in social problems such as smoking, sex before marriage, vandalism, bullying and other negative actions. Nowadays, the parents are going out early in the morning to go to work and reach home at midnight. They do not have sufficient time with the children. So, who will teach them to be good girls and boys? Who will tell them what are good and bad actions and what the effects are if they are doing the bad things? Most of the youth fulfill their free time watching television, playing play station games, surfing internet, learning and trying to use a new handset, listening to music in digital MP3 player and so on. They are fast leaner and expertise in using modern technologies. The technologies are suppose to make our life better and help us to finish our work on time. However, the technologies are also giving the negative impacts if the users abuse the technologies. They are straying from the actual uses of the technologies. For example; Internet... [continues] Teenagers are surrounded daily by different issues and problems. Some know how to deal with them; others create bigger problems for themselves. A problem that a teenager could come across can vary in its extremity. A major problem, that forms from other problems, is drug and alcohol abuse/use. Drug and alcohol abuse has become a huge problem among teenagers. It can start for multiple reasons. Every person has a different reason. The most common reasons or excuses for teenagers are boredom, depression, the pure enjoyment of the feeling they get, the need or desire to be like or join everyone else, peer pressure, media, television, and celebrities. The problem that comes with the usage of drugs and alcohol is that it impairs judgement, and distorts the way one would normally function. Because of this, people do things that they normally would not do, which creates more problems. Multiple problems can occur from the

use of drugs or alcohol, the worst being, teen pregnancy, rape, abuse, and or even death (to oneself or others). When children are in grade school, it does not matter how they act or who they play with, but as they get older cliques form and they suddenly find the need of wanting to belong with a certain group. From this you have people "asking" you to do things that you necessarily would not do. They say that they will be your friend if you do what everyone else is doing. This is known as peer pressure. Most teenagers give in to this pressure because they want to feel as if they belong. They feel that if everyone else does it, then they should, because they do not want to be left out. Another reason teenagers do drugs or drink is because of the influence by the media, television, and celebrities. Teens see people who are their role models, drinking and getting high, and they want to be just like them. Teenagers and children today are highly influenced by television and celebrities to the point that they think that is how they should... [continues] Social problems among youth is a increasingly worrying phenomenon that we have to face in our daily basis. Social problems such as drug abuse, student misconduct, promiscuity and baby abortion are so widespreadly happen and rapidly growing.Just look at the newspaper nowadays.There are always the same story about social issues among teenager. There are many factors that cause social problems. One of the factor is family crisis.It cause the social control on children neglected. Parents who often argued would not be able to nurture and educating children their properly. This situation become worser when there is some parents who busy with the task at office until they ignore their responsibilities to watch over the behavior of their children.As a result, there are children who run away from home, socialize with troublesome friend, and from there all of the social problem that mention above will begin. Beside that, social problems are also caused by the influence of mass media. In this age of rapidly expanding technology, teenagers are exposed to negative influences through the Internet and many other channels so that their minds are easily poisoned by the negative elements of mass media. In addition, the claims of modernization has also put pressure on those who want the freedom to escape from the shackles of the family and demanded the rights of individuals causing the youth to reject the authority of parents to control their behavior. Social problems are also associated with deterioration of discipline in schools.Due to the school does not impose strict against students who violate discipline, then the students dared to do something that should not be done by a student, such as smoking,skipping class and fighting. This behavior will taken along by them when they leave school later. They will be more bold to do things that in will eventually contribute to the spread of social problems such as smoking, abuse drugs, sexual... [continues]
There are many social problems that teenagers go threw. Drugs and Teenagers Drug use is the increasing problem among teenagers in todays high schools. Most drug use begins in the preteen and teenage years, these years most crucial in the maturation process. During these years adolescents are faced with difficult tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, assenting independence, learning to cope with authority and searching for goals that would give their lives

meaning. Drugs are readily, adolescents are curious and venerable, and there is peer pressure to experiment, and there us a temptation to escape from conflicts. The use of drugs by teenagers is the result of a combination of factors such as peer pressure, curiosity, and availability. Drugs addiction among adolescents in turn leads to depression and suicide. One of the most important reasons of teenage drug usage is peer pressure. Peer pressure represents social influences that effect adolescents, it can have a positive or a negative effect, depending on persons social group and one can follow one path of the other. We are greatly influenced by the people around us. Another teenagers social problem is unwanted pregnancy at the age of sixteen or seventeen. There should be held classes in every school, about sexual encounters. Improving communication about sexuality to children might change some of the formed ideas that kids have. Besides the fact that girls can end up pregnant if they don`t use protection, there is also the possibility of taking sexually transmitted diseases. Most of the parents don`t explain to their children what is the deal with sex because they just assume that they already know.Because there are so many movies teenagers can form an idea. Well it`s best to talk to your child like from a friend to a friend. Also , teenagers can become friends with all the wrong people. Most of them want to be liked so much that they hang out with more bigger kids that... [continues]

There are three effects of Baby abandonment.That is effects on individuals, the Baby and society. The effect of individuals is cause by illegal way of aborting the child and left a bad effect on them because of the wrong path, they use to abort the baby just like herbs and alcoholic substances.So, the individual will have high risk of death caused by bleeding and infection on mothers womb's. A professional consultant Gynecology, Prof. Dr. Harlina Halizah Siraj, from "Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia"(HUKM),said this illegal abortion does not take into account the health's aspects could cause harm because it does not follow the procedure that are conducted by unprofessional groups. Another way is dangerous and is not clean by inserting foreign objects into the womb. Women involved who do abortion without proper medical procedures take high risks facing death following infection and bleeding in the uterus. In addition, it is potentially experiencing bleeding in the stomach which can cause the woman unconscious or worse death. Womb also suffered injuries when doing an abortion because those who perform them are traditionally not qualified will use sharp objects such as wood, twigs or wooden sticks. Bleeding sometimes can not be detected quickly, but take a long time. There are not aware of them until they bleed unconscious. Dr Zainul said, the long period of time, it is difficult for pregnant women to do abortion because the process can also cause bowel and uterus problems when sticks channel ovarian one clogged. If a woman is pregnant she may experience a pregnancy outside the womb. For those who had suffered injuries before, the uterus can rupture according to the statistics of death among infants who are not removed by those spontaneously and cause death.Otherwise, the effects of abortion also can cause psychological effects on the mental and emotions after marriage, especially depression, especially when age is often thought of as the content is never... [continues]

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