Computer Aided Engineering.

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A liquid is in equilibrium with its vapour at its boiling point. On an average molecules in two phase will have equal a) Intermolecular forces b) Potential energy

c) Kinetic energy energy

d)Both potential energy and kinetic

2. If a system loses 250 kJ of heat at the same time that it is doing 500 kJ of work, what is the change in the internal energy of the system? a) 250 KJ c) -250 KJ b) 750KJ d) -750KJ

3. Compared to the rate of inorganic reactions, the rate of organic reactions generally is a) Slower because organic particles are ions organic particles contain covalent bonds c)Ffaster because organic particles are ions particles contain covalent bonds 4. Which compound is a saturated hydrocarbon? a) ethane c) ethyne 5. Combustion in compression ignition engine is a) Homogeneous b) Heterogeneous b) ethene d) ethanol d)Faster because organic b) Slower because

c) Laminar 6. Crankcase explosion in I.C engines occurs as a)mild explosion then bigexplosion by mild c)Both big and mild


b)Big explosion followed

d)Never occurs

7. The air fuel ratio of petrol engine is controlled by a) Fuel pump c) Carburettor 8. Diesel fuel compared to petrol is a)Less difficult to ignite b)Equal difficult to ignite b)Governor d) Injector

c)More difficult to ignite

d)Highly ignitable

9. Hydrogen gas is a promising alternative fuel, How many molecules are present in 1 kg of hydrogen gas. a)3.0x1023 c) 6.0x1023 b) 3.0x1026 d)63.0x1026

10.The combustion process for an effective fossil fuel must have an activation energy that is neither too high nor too low. Why is it problematic if the combustion has a very low activation energy?

a) The fuel will evaporate too easily easily c)Produce green house gases amount of energy. 11.Define stochiometric ratio. 12.State law of mass action.

b) The fuel will ignite too d) Will not release useful

13.What are preferred shapes? 14.Define pre ignition. 15.What is HCCI? PART B (5X6= 30 MARKS) 16.Explain first and second law of thermodynamics in combustion. 17.Write brief notes on mass action and activation energy. 18.Explain aspect ratio in FEM. 19.List the linear and nonlinear characters of FEM. 20.Explain with neat sketch air-assisted engine.

PART C (5X10=50 MARKS) 21.(a) Explain briefly analytical techniques for structural systems. (or) (b) What are the requirements and steps for geometric modeling technology. 22.(a) Explain the steps involved in feature based modelling. (or) (b)Discuss briefly data exchange mechanism. 23.(a) Explain Von misses stress and yield criterion. (or) (b) Explain lumping of loads in FEM. 24.(a) Explain various normal and abnormal combustion in S.I engine. (or) (b) Explain stratified charge combustion system. 25.(a) Discuss briefly on alternate fuel combustion. (or) (b) Discuss on combustion modeling fundamentals.

13. In 2D FE modeling, if you have a choice between triangles and quadrilaterals with similar nodal arrangement, prefer quadrilaterals. Triangles are quite convenient for mesh generation, mesh transitions, rounding up corners, and the like. But sometimes triangles can be avoided altogether with some thought. 18. When discretizing two and three dimensional problems, try to avoid finite elements of high aspect ratios:elongated orskinnyelements, (The aspectratio of a two- or three-dimensional element is the ratiobetween its largest and smallest dimension.)As a rough guideline, elements with aspect ratiosexceeding 3 should be viewed with caution and thoseexceeding 10 with alarm. Such elements will notnecessarily produce bad resultsthat depends on theloading and boundary conditions of theproblem butdo introduce the potential for trouble 19. Linear models use simple parameters and assume that the material is not plastically deformed. Non-linear models consist of stressing the material past its elastic capabilities. The stresses in the material then vary with the amount of deformation.{basic definition}. Nonlinearities can be caused by changes in geometry or be due to nonlinear material behavior. for ex:a bar distributed with axial load having constant young's modulus in linear fea.assumptions in linear fea cross-section of the bar does not change after loading. The material is linear elastic, isotropic, and homogeneous. The load is centric. End-effects are not of interest to us and the same bar with material constants varying from initial to final E,is non linear.

21(a).Three types of models are used to simulate vehicle structures

Lumped Parameter (LP) models Hybrid models Finite Element (FE) models Finite Element (FE) models

FE models
Heuristic beam models and Continuum mechanics based models which use beam, solid and shellelements

Most detailed models (LP or FE) are approximations of a highly complex non linear system subject to large and unstable elastic plastic deformations 21(b). REQUIREMENTS OF GEOMETRIC MODELLING
The functions that are expected of geometric modelling are: Design analysis: Evaluation of areas and volumes. Evaluation of mass and inertia properties. Interference checking in assemblies. Analysis of tolerance build-up in assemblies. Analysis of kinematics mechanics, robotics. Automatic mesh generation for finite element analysis. Drafting: Automatic planar cross sectioning. Automatic hidden line and surface removal. Automatic production of shaded images. Automatic dimensioning. Automatic creation of exploded views for technical illustrations. Manufacturing: Parts classification. Process planning. Numerical control data generation and verification. Robot program generation. Production Engineering: Bill of materials.

Material requirement. Manufacturing resource requirement. Scheduling. Inspection and Quality Control: Program generation for inspection machines. Comparison of produced part with design
22(a).Explain the steps involved in feature based modeling

In a parametric model, each entity, such as a boolean primitive, a line or arc in a wireframe, or a filleting operation, has parameters associated with it. These parameters control the various geometric properties of the entity, such as the length, width and height of a rectangular prism, or the radius of a fillet. They also control the locations of these entities within the model. These parameters can be changed by the operator as necessary to create the desired part. Parametric modelers that use a history-based method keep a record of how the model was built. When the operator changes parameters in the model and regenerates the part, the program repeats the operations from the history, using the new parameters, to create the new solid. There are many uses for this type of modeling. Designers can test various sizes of parts to determine which is the ``best'' part for their use by simply adjusting the model parameters and regenerating the part. Some parametric modelers also allow constraint equations to be added to the models. These can be used to construct relationships between parameters. If several parameters always require the same value, or a certain parameter depends on the values of several others, this is the best way to ensure that these relationships are always correct. These modelers allow other methods of relating entities as well. Entities can be located, for example, at the origin of curves, at the end of lines or arcs, at vertices, or at the midpoints of lines and faces. They can also be located at a distance or at the end of a vector from these points. When the model is regenerated, these relationships are maintained. Some systems will also allow geometric constraints between entities. These can require that entities be, for example, parallel, tangent, or perpendicular. Feature-based modelers allow operations such as creating holes, fillets, chamfers, bosses, and pockets to be associated with specific edges and faces. When the edges or faces move because of a regeneration, the feature operation moves along with it, keeping the original relationships. The choices made developing these models are very important. If the features aren't referenced correctly, they may not end up in the correct place if the model is regenerated. A feature that is located at an X and Y offset from a corner of the face instead of at the center of the face will not remain at the center of the face when the model is regenerated unless constraints are added to the model that will change the X and Y offsets to keep the feature at the center of the face. 22(b). The data exchanges can be said to be performed in the following way.

The first step is where the data object is created from the object representing the source of our data. Then, the object containing the data is sent to another object, which represents the object that will process the data, in a certain predefined way. While the last step consists of simply sending the processed data object to an object representing the destination for our data to be used by the end user. This process is always triggered by a certain action. Therefore this action is going to take a special position in our exposition of this problem. As explained above the data exchange can be modeled as a three step process where we get the source of the data, modify the relevant data, and set the data to its destination. If we were to be able to generalize this process so that it can use any data type and perform any operation on this data, we would then be in possession of a generalized model of data exchange. We are now going to present such a model and implement it as a simple assembly which can later be used by any application. The advantage of using a generalized data exchange model is that our triggering actions do not need to be implemented with modification objects that will modify the relevant data, in every specific case. The only thing that needs to be done is for the developer to implement our Data Exchange Mechanism and specify the data type to use. Since the business applications are in a lot of cases implemented to use business objects, we shall model our Data Exchange Mechanism, where the data in question is represented by a business object. In other words, the data that is being exchanged by our Data Exchange Mechanism is a specific business object relevant for certain data exchange. Our model can also be displayed by the following diagram, where in the first block we can see the Data Source object containing the Data object, i.e. a business object, which gets passed to a Data processing object to get modified while in the end, the Processed data gets sent to the Data destination object. 23(a). Mathematically the von Mises yield criterion is expressed as:

where is the yield stress of the material in pure shear. As shown later in this article, at the onset of yielding, the magnitude of the shear yield stress in pure shear is 3 times lower than the tensile yield stress in the case of simple tension. Thus, we have:

where is the yield strength of the material. If we set the von Mises stress equal to the yield strength and combine the above equations, the von Mises yield criterion can be expressed as:



with terms of the stress tensor components

This equation defines the yield surface as a circular cylinder (See Figure) whose yield curve, or intersection with the deviatoric plane, is a circle with radius the yield condition is independent of hydrostatic stresses. 23(b).Explain lumping of loads in FEM.
In practical structural problems, distributed loads are more common than concentrated (point)loads.Distributed loads may be of surface or volume type.Distributed surface loads (called surface tractions in continuum mechanics) are associated withactions such as wind or water pressure, snow weight on roofs, lift in airplanes, live loads on bridges,and the like. They are measured in force per unit area.Volume loads (called body forces in continuum mechanics) are associated with own weight (gravity),inertial, centrifugal, thermal, prestress or electromagnetic effects. They are measured in force perunit volume.A derived type: line loads, result from the integration of surface loads along one transverse direction,such as a beam or plate thickness, or of volume loads along two transverse directions, such as a baror beam area. Line loads are measured in force per unit length.Whatever their nature or source, distributed loadsmust be converted to consistent nodal forcesforFEM analysis. These forces end up in the right-hand side of the master stiffness equations

, or

. This implies that


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