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The amazing world of eBay

Where can you buy a lock of Justin Biebers hair, or a piece of a meteorite from Mars? On eBay, of course -the worlds first global online marketplace. eBay is a place where anyone can sell and anyone can buy. It is an auction. On eBay, the person to give the highest price buys what he wanted, naming the price is called bidding. Justin Biebers hair sold for $40,000 and someone paid $450,000 for the meteorite. Every day on eBay, there are 136 million things for sale, and 500 million buyers and sellers. You can buy everything: stamps, jewelry, art, clothing, old cars, and anything strange and interesting. All you need is a computer and a little time. Many strange things are sold on eBay. One time, a little girl tried to sell her grandmother. And people often sell other crazy things. For example, one woman tried to sell a human hand in a jar. So whatever it is you want to buy, from an iPhone to a $168 million yacht-- eBay is the website you should use. Read the text again and answer these questions: 1. Who can use eBay? 2.How much did Justin Biebers hair and the meteorite cost? 3. If two people want to buy one thing, who will buy it? 4. What is bidding? 5. How many people use eBay every day? 6. What crazy things can you buy on eBay? 7. How much did the yacht cost?

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