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How mind control may become complete using sound.

And how deaf people may be more

advanced than average.

We learn vast amounts of what we know trough sound, this is a tought that I am sure most
would agree on, but then some would argue the point that we learn just as much trough sound
as we do from our other senses such as touch or smell and not to forget sight.

I argue that sound is where we learn most of what we know, if not? My thoughts on how
mind control or even subliminal messaging may be accomplished must be able to be proven
not to be right even in theory.

Sound is waves of air that hit out ear drums causing them to resonate and as our ear drums
resonate sensors in our ears pick up the tine movement this then sends small electric like
signals up our nervous system into our control centre. on this journey the signals pass trough
the nerves been sorted like a super efficient postal service to its final place of transition till it
gets converted into a returning signal but not like some signals that are also picked up in this
manner but return different signals in different paths this signal gets sent for verbal type
transition (other pats may lead for us to stop pain by passing out keeping our bodes resources
for the recovery)
Now with all this information our minds are really multitasking and as we know well
complete tasks better when we focus on that task.

So say we turned up the frequency that sound we hear becomes to high or to low for us to
hear but a message plays something to you that makes you smile but do you hear it of course
you do you do you just don’t process it.

This can also be argued by the fact that when we are younger we here wider range of these

Now take that message again that makes you feel happy you pretend that this message was
thought to you when you were a small child b4 you were 6 maybe 7 but it may of been just a
sound, now imaging you were played this sound at a frequency that you can not hear any
longer, how would this sound make you feel.

Ok while we are here why not say that other messages were played ones we can relate to
words but they are played at this frequency do we receive them at another location that we
don’t naturally focus on.

This technique could be used for different reasons I am going to play on 2. A large company
or a military operation. Both these can have similar consequences where our race could be
starting to disappear or even to disappear.

So some of us do not have the ability to hear but we still learn not that means our minds can
focus on other tasks a little bit better so we do not get controlled in this way our minds
evolving to help us survive.

What if this was used to check can deaf children hear then b4 they loose these frequencies
that may be lost not because of our inner learning but by our genes then these frequencies
may be used to help the deaf hear by hearing aids that just change the frequency of the
sounds around us.

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