Research Methodology

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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Title: A Study on various attributes of brand equity and its efficacy for organizational effectiveness.

. Sub Title: A Study on brand equity through Organizational values, norms, service, and quality management and employees values.

Significance of the study:

The researchers study on brand equitys affecting factors towards organizational values, services, norms, and quality management is important for the organization to sustain and develop the organization . If the values, norms, service, and quality management factors are considered while decision making in the company, it is very helpful for the organization and their employees to develop. Through this factor absenteeism can be decrease, employees do hard work, and employs become loyal and faithful to company and productivity, profit and brand image will be increase. Employees feel that employer taken care of them and employee employer relationship is being harmonious and while considering society the customer, suppliers and country will have trust in company. This is very important for the smoothening function of the organization. Brand image has become increasing important for organization and companies for all sizes that want to reach their organizational objectives in competitive marketplace. Consistently provide high quality work, maintain a high level of productivity and overcome obstacles or challenges. Helping all employees maintain a high level of motivation can help keep employees committed to working hard and contributing as much values as possible to the organization.

Main Objective: o To Study brand equity Factors like values, norms, and quality management towards Organizational effectiveness.

Sub objective: o To study about the various values, ethics, and quality management. o To study the perception of employees towards organizational policies. o To study the correlation of motivational factors with organizational effectiveness. o To study and assess the impact of values, ethics, and decision making of management towards organizational effectiveness. o To study and suggest implementing strategies to improve brand equity and companys image towards employees and market for higher organizational growth.

Research design:
The research design of the present study is Exploratory. Explanation (why exploratory) Exploratory research is a study of research conducted for improving and maintaining brand image. Exploratory research helps determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of subject. In Exploratory research factors affecting organizational effectiveness and various factors of improving and maintaining brand image is included. As it aims to gain familiarity with a phenomenon and to achieve new insights into it.

All the middle level and management level employees of the organization would comprise of the universe for the study.

Sampling method :
Simple random sampling method is adopted for this study. In this method all the middle level employee stand equal chance/probability for selection. The reason behind selecting this method is to avoid the biasness of the researcher in the study.

Tool of Data Collection:

Primary Method for data collection :o The method of data collection would be done partly by Questionnaire & partly by Interview schedule.

o Questionnaire method is quite popular for the data collection. In this method a questionnaire is sent to the person concerned with a request to answer the questions and return the questionnaire. A questionnaire consist of a number of questions printed or typed in a definite order on a form or set of form. The questionnaire is sent to the respondents who are expected to read and understand the question and write down the reply in the space meant for the purpose in the questionnaire itself. The respondents have to answer the questions on their own. o Interview schedule is very much like the collection of data through questionnaire, with little difference which lies in the fact that schedules (proforma containing a set of questions) are being filled in by enumerators who are specially appointed for the purpose. These enumerators along with schedules go to respondents, put to them questions from proforma in the order the questions are listed and record the replied in the space meant for the same proforma. Enumerators explain the aims and objectives of the investigation and also remove difficulties which any respondents may feel in understanding the implication of a particular question or the definition or the concept of difficult terms. Secondary source for data collection : Personal records, Annual reports, etc of the company.

Independent Variables:

Independent variables are those who are not dependent on any other variables, like personal information. Personal Information consists of the Age, Sex, Religion, Marital status, etc.

Dependent variable: The dependent variable consists of effecting factors of brand image. Such as Business ethics and values. Compensation and Benefit. Decision making with considering employee and company benefits. Employee Relation Relation with HRD (Employer - Employee Relation) Activities for improving brand image in market and among employees

Limitation of the study:

o It is time bound study. So time constraint acted as a major limitation for the study. o Busy time schedule of the employees (respondents) make it difficult for the researcher to collect the factual information. o Another limitation is some respondents are not ready to disclose the information about their organization. o The effectiveness of the study will be depending on the response given by the employee.

Operational definition:
Brand Equity:
A brands power derived from the goodwill and name recognition that it has earned overtime over time, which translates into higher sales volume and higher profit margin against competing brand. Motivation: Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goaloriented behaviors. Motivation is what causes us to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge.

A social unit of people systematically structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis. All organizations have a management structured that determines relationship between functions and positions, and subdivides and delegates roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out defined tasks. Organizations are open system in that they affect and are affected by the environment beyond their boundaries.

Importance and lasting beliefs of ideals shared by the members of culture about what is good or bad and desirable and undesirable. values have major influence on personals behavior and attitude and serve as broad guideline in all situation .

Is also known as moral philosophy , is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concept of right and wrong conduct .

Employee means an individual who works part-time or full-time under a contract of employment, whether oral or written, express or implied, and has recognized rights and duties. A person who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent business .

Employee Relations:
Employee relation is part of the company that is supposed to help resolve work related problems and issues. Its generally who you would talk to if you had a work issue that you couldnt solve on your own.

Employee is relations means the management relation towards the workers. The relation should be in accordance with the company policy, rules, and of regulation.

A legal entity that controls and directs a servant or worker under an express or implied contract of employment and pays (or is obligated to pay) him or her salary or wages in compensation. An employer is an organization, institution, government entity, agency, company, professional services firm, nonprofit association, small business, store, or individual who employs or puts to work, an employee. In exchange for the employees work or services, the employer pays compensation that may include a salary, an hourly wage, and benefits that is above the federally mandated minimum wage in the U.S.

Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of production. Productivity is a ratio of production output to what is required to produce it (inputs). The measure of productivity is defined as a total output per one unit of a total input .

Harmony is when you feel happy. Harmony is when people are all getting along together. Harmony is when people are nice to one another. Harmony is the flow of life.

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