KOR 425: Advanced Readings in Korean: Time & Place: Instructor: Online Teacher: Office Hours: Contact

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KOR 425: Advanced Readings in Korean

Time & Place:

Online teacher:
Office Hours:

In-class meeting every other day (see the schedule)

Dongmin Kim
Joungmok Lee
Mondays 1-2pm or by appointments
Email: dongmink@hawaii.edu, joungmok@hawaii.edu
Office: Moore Hall 366

Course Description
KOR 425 is a hybrid online course, particularly designed to help non-heritage students
enhance their knowledge and understanding of Korean tradition, culture and society
through reading selected short stories. With the assistance of multimedia materials,
various online activities, and class discussions on the given reading texts, the students
will be able to adapt their knowledge to their language production. The target students
are expected to have completed fourth-year Korean (approximately 500-600 class hours)
or the equivalent before enrolment in this course. At the end of the course, they will be
able to achieve greater proficiency at the advanced and superior levels, so that they can
function properly in Korean language in the global world.
Student Learning Outcomes
After taking the course, students will develop:
reading fluency and advanced listening comprehension skills in Korean.
idiomatic expressions in Korean.
advanced Korean vocabulary.
skills to analyze and assess reading materials in Korean.
discussion and formal oral skills in Korean.
further knowledge about Korean tradition, culture, and society.
Required Materials
Reading texts will be provided as a packet in advance and additional reading
materials will be provided in class.
Grading and Course Activities/Requirements
The final grade will be determined based on the followings:
Attendance & discussion (in-class)
Pair presentation (in-class)
2 essays (online)
Online assignments
Warm-up exercise with vocab.
Scene dictations & translations
Scene descriptions
Comprehension questions




1. Attendance and class participation (15%): All students are expected to arrive on
time, attend class every other day, and be ready for class discussion. Participation
refers to how actively and seriously you are engaged in activities and discussions
online as well as in class.
2. Pair presentations (15%): Students will be given a pool of social issues in Korea
for oral presentation topics on the first week of the course and guided step by step
from preparation to actual presentation. Student pairs will have a consultation
time with the instructor prior to presentation.
3. 2 weekly essays (15%): Students are responsible to summit a one-page long
essay regarding the main issues of reading texts in order to deepen the
understanding of Korean culture and society. The format guideline will be given
4. Online assignments (55%): Online activities will be assigned after in-class
meeting. Students are expected to complete the given assignments on the
following day. The activities are composed of warm-up exercises using key
words and useful expressions, scene descriptions of the relevant clip, scene
transcription & translations, and comprehension questions.
Grading Scale
A+: 97 -

A: 93 - 96.9

A-: 90-92.9

B+: 87-88.9

B: 83-86.9

B-: 80-82.9

C+: 77-79.9

C: 73-76.9

C-: 70-72.9

D+: 67-69.9

D: 63-66.9

D-: 60-62.9

F: 59.9 and below

*The distribution of percentages may be changed depending on the
performances of the class.
Attendance Policy:
The university catalog states that "Regular attendance at class and laboratory sessions is
expected for all courses in which a student enrolls. Unavoidable absences should be
explained to the instructor." Since it is a hybrid online course and students only meet 2~3
times per week throughout the course, students with any absence will have a letter grade
lowered. Multiple tardies and early leaves will add up to absence (usually, 3 tardies will
equal one absence). Tardiness or early leaves of more than 20 minutes will be counted as
an absence.
Policy on missed tests, exams, and late assignments:
All assignments must be submitted on their due date. Late assignments may be checked
for feedback but will NOT be counted for grade. One late assignment will subtract 1
point from your final grade.

The following definition of plagiarism comes from the UH-Manoa Conduct Code:
Plagiarism includes but is not limited to submitting, in fulfillment of an academic
requirement, any work that has been copied in whole or in part from another individual's
work without attributing that borrowed portion to the individual; neglecting to identify as
a quotation another's idea and particular phrasing that was not assimilated into the
student's language and style or paraphrasing a passage so that the reader is misled as to
the source; submitting the same written or oral or artistic material in more than one
course without obtaining authorization from the instructors involved; or "drylabbing,"
which includes obtaining and using experimental data and laboratory write-ups from
other sections of a course or from previous terms. (University of Hawai`i at Manoa
Student Conduct Code (1992), p. 6)
It is ultimately each students responsibility to understand the rules regarding plagiarism
and cheating at UH, and to learn how to avoid such violations. At UH, common
punishments for such violations include failing the assignment, failing the course,
suspension from the university, or even expulsion.
Visitors to the Classroom
There might be visitors who come to observe the instructor and the class. The purpose for
the visit may include research, professional development, and observation. Research data
may be collected and audio and/or video recordings may be made with students
Course schedule
subject to change
5/20~5/24 Sonagi
Sonagi 1.1
Reading 1.2
Sonagi 1.2
Reading 1.3
Reading 1.1
5/27~5/31 Memorial Day Sonagi
Reading 1.4~5
Sonagi 4~5
Essay #1
Sonagi 3
6/3~6/7 Hungbu &
Hungbu &
Culture Events
Hungbu &
Hungbu &
Reading 1.1
Nolbu 1.1
Reading 1.2
Nolbu 1.2
6/10~6/14 Kamehameha Movie review
Movie review Online:
Reading 1.1
News article
Reading 1.2
News article
6/17~6/21 News article
News article
Reading 1.3
News article 1.3 Reading 1.4
News article
Essay #2
6/24~6/28 Online:




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