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A Project Report on

How to Sell Insurance

Policy (life) in Effective way

Under the guidance of

Ms.Shweta Dixit
Abhishek Roy
Roll No – 9

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Sellinsurance policy in effective way NMIMS

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms. Shweta Dexit (faculty-
NMIMS) for providing all the assistance and guidance and making the concepts
clear of customer satisfaction on insurance.

We are also thankful to my classmates for providing me an insight on how to go

about the project.

Last but not the least; we are grateful to the respondent for their support on this

Abhishek & Subrata

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Table of Content

Sl.NO Particulars Page No.

1. Introduction 4

2. Literature Review 7

3. Process/Methodology of my Study 12

4. Data Collection 15

5. Data Interpretation and General Conclusion 17

6. Conclusion 29

8. Annexure 32

9. Bibliography 35

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1. Introduction

The strategic goal of sustaining a market share or gaining competitive advantage

depends on effective selling skills. This skill is continuous development in
process. Companies adopt different type of effective selling techniques according
to environmental change and needs. It includes the need of continuous
improvement as consumers are more informed today than in the past.

Insurance products are different from other products. It is intangible, so sales

people face a lot of difficulties for selling insurance products. Here effective
selling skills are needed to be successful. Today Insurance Industry faces a big
problem of active advisor. Company either terminates the relationship or the
advisor leave voluntarily because of insufficient income. This separation occurs in
life industry after six month (due to licentiate examination and training process).
Company and agent magnify the implication of this separation in wasted resources
in opportunity cost during the engagement period.

Advisor is front liner, who is only a person who directly contacts with customer.
Advisors do this work as a mediator between customer and company. It means
“the agent is located at the place in the organization at which the company
financial security policy and plan are distributed to customers and also at the place
at which services are directly provided to the customer” (Oakes 1990). Agent

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provides such types of service in term of consultancy i.e. to make help in financial
planning strategies.
Insurance is relationship business. Relationship and emotion is the key of success
in selling. People purchase insurance because they love their family. It is human
tendency that people agree/purchase from such type of person who is trustworthy.
Like and trust is the key in insurance business. Due to this reason brand and price
are insignificant when client make a buying decision.

It is seem that often people do not know much more about insurance, when they
compare with other products, so here advisor’s role becomes very important due
to following reason: -

Advisors have had to choose particular product according to client need so

advisor should know about financial planning.
Product knowledge is of prime value for every advisor. It gives them
confidence and trustworthiness before client. Advisor should know product’s
merits and demerits because different client have different needs.
Insurance is long-term financial product so advisor should know about
customer relationship management. It helps him time to time fulfill specific
need and query of client.
People are less aware and interested towards insurance product, so such
types of responsibility (to increase awareness and popularity amongst people)
are fulfilled by advisor.
And lastly, all above thing are unnecessary, if advisors do not sell
insurance products. Effective selling skills help him to fulfill such type of
above goal.

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This study provides an understanding of effective selling and explores, how those
skills can be integrated in the organization structure to enable successful selling.
This study began with reviewing relevant literature on effective selling skill
needed for good sales performances. We were very particular that what we had to
take. In this literature we only concentrated on “which type of problem are faced
by sales person and its solution with the help of effective selling techniques in the
field of insurance”. In this process seller side has been only covered.

The following procedures were adopted to complete this assignment: -

To conduct interview with insurance company executive and sales person
to know their view
To find where was problem or identify problem/challenges faced by sales
Set questionnaire according to problem.
To conduct interview/survey with the help of questionnaire
Conclusion and suggestion

In this assignment, two type of data were used: a) Primary Data b) Secondary
Data. With the help of interview and questionnaire primary data were collected for
finding actual and realistic problems and their solutions. Secondary data were
collected from books and Internet to go in depth of topic.

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2. Literature Review

In the literature review phase, we understood that which factor affect on sells
performance and advisor’s ability. In this process we understood, how insurance is
different from other products, why sales persons fail to sell insurance. We also
realized during this process that motivation, behavior, characteristics and training
factors affect man power and its ability, how to generate lead and convert into
sales, how sales performance can be increased.

Mostly people think that seller skill is inherent, but it is not correct. It can be
achieved with the help of training and practices. When a person does more
practice and gets mastered in such skill, it seems easy and natural. Professional
salesmanship is a learned skill. Insurance sales are more complicated to general
sales. Advisor cannot show insurance product, he can only describe benefit with
the help of verbal and non-verbal language. In this process he plays with another
emotion and sentiment. If he wins in this game then he will be successful in
selling and vice-versa.

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Insurance is not purchased it is sold. Here advisor face difficulty. Advisor has had
to do a lot of work for successful selling, such as to whom he is to sell
(prospective client), turn prospective client to customer. Only insurable person can
take insurance, so he has had to do segmentation and targeting type of work also.

With the help of lead generation advisor can find prospective customer. There are
several methods to lead generation such as cold calling. Cold calling can be a
successful way to lead generation. If it is done with planning: for example how to
cold call, when to cold call, and how much cold call to make everyday in order to
get appointment. Some person thinks that seminar and free diner in medium
restaurant (fish bowling method) is also good way of lead generation. In such type
of seminar, should not use full word of insurance, only use particular topic such as
annuity: how it works, use, advantage, what to help your client with their annuity

Public relation is also great way to expose in market. Advisor can do it with the
help of trade show or he can make public relation with the help of promotional
activity. The real key of public relationship is to be friendly and focus on meeting,
not selling product.

“Many of the most difficult sales jobs are easy to obtain (i.e. selling specialty
product such as house hold, hardware, life insurance or encyclopedias). They have
also been graveyard of thousand of co-worker” (Baker 1994). It means after a
minimum qualification and passing IRDA Licentiate examination, any one are
eligible to sale insurance policy. Due to this reason alteration rate is very high in
insurance industry. But now insurance companies are concentrating on other
distribution channel such as, bancassurance, Internet, NGO’s, micro insurance.

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Now insurance company are concentrating on training program and they recruit
eligible candidate for executive trainee or other post (i.e. PGPMI).

Selling skill can be developed such type of skill with the help of practice, practical
training and experience.

Behavior style and interpersonal effectiveness is also important in selling. People

fit into four categories. Insurance products can be sold to them in different ways.
Interpersonal effectiveness helps to understand in what way an individual’s mind
works and his level of interest in a particular product /policy which may act as
guideline for the best way to approach sell for each category developed in two
ways: formal training and sales experience gained through exercising the selling
job over time. In formal training people know about product and services, which
help him to explain, “what he has for other”. Secondly formal training is base of
advisor carriers. In formal training people know, which type of skill is required for
effective selling and they approach each category in effective way.

Four style of mind working

Thinking style= more control

Relater style= more asking + more
behavior= live life according to fact,
emotional behavior + relationship
logic and consistency. One can find
oriented behavior= frequently stick
reality than personal friendship or
with the comfortable known and tend
personal gratification
to avoid decision

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Directing style= more telling +
more controlled Style= with
behavior moreatelling + more
style= theybehavior=
know whattends to make
they want, become quickly based
impatient on their intuition
delay, to show little concern for the
feeling of other

Life insurance products are inherently more difficult to sell compared to other
kinds of products. Agents who are deficient in these characteristics and skills are
unable to sell successfully and consequently they are forced to leave the company.
Although some of these characteristics may be developed through lifetime, the
skills could be taught and learned by sales producers.

Table 1. Unique Attributes of Successful Salespeople

Characteristics and Traits

Desire to grow and improve self
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Motivation for Sales Career

Unlimited income
Time autonomy
Recognition and power
Personal satisfaction

Selling Skills
Interpersonal skill
Profiling clients and prospecting
Planning meetings in advance
Product and service knowledge
Information about company’s products and services

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3. Process/Methodology of my Study
3. a. Procedure:

The procedure followed, is enlisted below:

Studying the topic
Decision on objective needed to be work on i.e. conduct interview with unit
manager and sales manager.
Developing Survey instruments
Getting questionnaire filled through interacting with different insurance company
Finally analyzing the data of various areas and trying to study about various
influence factors such as behavior, which is important in sells.

3. b. Process adopted:

Gaining knowledge about the topic:

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Reading about the topic was the first step undertaken. This gave not only in depth
knowledge about what is market trend in insurance but also proved useful while
developing the questionnaire.

Steps in the Development of the Survey Instruments

The main instruments required for survey was a well-developed questionnaire.

The questionnaire development took place in a series of steps as described below:

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3.c. Survey:

The survey is important tool as it helps in knowing the clear perception of people
about how to sell effectively. The effective levels of the advisor regarding the sale
of insurance product been observed through survey. It was very useful in knowing
about what is effective way of selling insurance product.

Referred to sell and marketing related books and insurance websites.

3.d. Research Design:

A two stage Research been conducted:

Secondary Research:

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Collection of data from websites and books to understand the market trend and
what is different between insurance and other product.

Primary Research:

A Primary Research been conducted:

The questionnaire was prepared for the companies and following areas covered:
Advisor profile
Satisfaction level with the current Insurance Company on the basis of support
(upper level) and return
Important factor such as verbal and non-verbal language
Perception of advisor and important of customer relationship management in
insurance sale

3.e. Sampling Plan:

The target population of the study included the general population above the age
of 25 yrs
Sampling design and sampling unit are as follows:
Target population: Adults meeting qualifications-over 25 years, working class, and
businessman in insurance field.
Sampling frame- urban class in the Mumbai region
Sample size: 24
Sampling unit: insurance advisor and unit manager.
Through this we would focus on the following area;
To identify critical factor (internal and external) which influence the sell of
How people sell insurance policy.
To know about mindset of advisor
To analysis of advisor perception of the quality of sell, so that to take steps for
effective sells strategy in insurance field.

4. Data Collection
4.a. Data Collection Plan:

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The first of Research consisted of secondary data search from the following


For the conclusive research, questionnaires been developed on basis of secondary

data and interview from insurance personal to gather information on the research
We conducted a pilot study to test these questionnaires. In this sample of 10
people picked up from the target population on convenience basis, as to determine
the limitation and deficiencies in the questionnaires.
The final draft of the questionnaire (see Appendix) was then prepared on basis of
the observations from the pilot study. These then finally filled by 24 consumers,
for the conclusive study.

4.b. Types of Primary Data collected:

1) Demographic /Socioeconomic Characteristics:

Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics sometimes called “states of

being” in that they represent the type of people. The factors on which we are
working are age, sex and occupation. Here we have taken only insurance
personnel, who are in insurance field and selling policy to other. Here income and
experience was important.

2) Attitudes/Opinions:

Through the questionnaire we have tried to get hold of individual’s selling style,
verbal and non-verbal language, and motivation, which is important to sell for
insurance product. Attitude is an important notion in the marketing literature, since
generally it is previewed that the attitudes are relating to the behavior of

3) Awareness/Knowledge:

They are used in marketing research refers to what respondents do or do not know
about the effective selling style.

4) Motivation:

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Through questionnaire have tried to find the hidden need or want of an individual
and have tried to find out that which factor increase moral or satisfaction of

5) Behavior:

Behavior concerns what subjects have done or are doing. Through made
questionnaire we have tried to find out the behavior of the individuals regarding
the selling style;
Which type of policy you sell to client?
How do you collect lead?
Do you keep attention on client non-verbal response during sells meeting?
Do you update yourself?
Thus, it helps to draw a comparison between the selling style and the observed
behavior of the advisor.

6) Obtaining the Primary Data:

The data collection was primarily through communication. Communication

involves questioning respondents to secure the desired information, using a data
collection instrument called questionnaire. The questions were in writing and so
were the responses.

5. Data Interpretation and General Conclusion

Respondent Profile

Finding: - Advisors, who are working for different insurance company, have
participated in this survey. There were three group of such type of advisor i.e. less
than one-year experience, 1 to 2 year experience and 3 to 4 year experience.

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Respondent profile (cont…)

Finding: - in this graph, it has been shown relationship between work experience
and sell of policy (per month). It is seen that, after getting work experience of
certain year, they sell a fixed amount or number of policy.

Finding: - 84% respondent votes come for “client need base policy”. They
feel that if you sell policy according to client need, then you can survive in market
in better way. Only 16% say that popular policy should be sell because it is human
tendency that before buying policy, people get investigation about policy from
their neighbors, friend and relative. If advisor sell him such type of policy,
customer will feel more satisfaction. But it is not good way because after some
time customer feel cheated (due to not fulfillment of need), so to provide client
need base policy is effective way of selling.

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Lead generation method by advisor

Finding: -75% advisors have to say that relationship is good source of lead
generation, only 25% advisor suggest that you can collect lead with the help of
cold calling. Insurance is relationship business and people buy insurance due
trustworthiness of advisor, if customer feel satisfaction then he will defiantly give
suggestion to his friend and family about the advisor. But cold calling is hard way
to generate business because 1 out of 10 lead convert into business.

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Finding: - It is find such people who do update himself, who can able to face
stress more compression then such person who don’t update himself. Secondly
updated people feel more satisfaction from their business and other activity then
other. Advisor who take participate in training or other program who feel satisfied
from such person who don’t take participation of such type of activity. Work
satisfaction give motivation and it give help to generate more business. With the
help of such type of activity insurance company remove alteration type of problem

Finding: - insurance is intangible product and advisor feel difficult to sale

insurance product in starting phase. During that time sales manager roles are very
important in phenomena of motivation. It seems that most advisors leave
insurance industry within 6 month of joining and this factor plays important role
behind it. Above graph show, this factor also impact on performance, only 2
person out of 24, feel that sales manager role is not important but when we see
him performance, they are only selling Rs. 10000 or 2 policy in a month.

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Important activities in sell
Finding: - mostly people think that sales person mostly speak but not listen, due to
this reason they fail at many point. But this thinking is changing; now they give
attention on both (votes comes out 14 out of 24). Here 4 people are from such
categories that don’t participate in training programs. They don’t know that
listening is the key of selling and with the help of listing they can fulfill customer

Non-verbal activity

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Finding: - 100% advisors say that they properly keep attention on client’s body
language, because it helps him in closing sales. According to client body language,
advisor make strategy that in which type of product customer take interest and
they present such type of product in front of him.

Non-verbal activity (cont….)

Finding: - 100% advisors (24 out of 24) have to say that when customer ask
question that time they feel energetic, because customer are taking interest in the
product. Secondly it also show that advisor are active & confident in front of
customer. It do very important role in sell.

Finding: - This graph shows that what is important in sell flexible panning strategy
or fixed planning strategy. 75% advisors have to say that they make decision
according to circumstances or to adopt flexible planning strategy. We can not do
100% right in prediction pf human behavior and its decision, so we can not face it
with the help of fixed planning strategy.

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Finding: - Insurance is long-term product so after sale service is important in it.
Secondly insurance is relationship business and after some year advisor do more
business but in less time due to it. It happen because mostly business come
through existing customer and he give very less time to create new customer. This
entire thing is possible due to customer relationship management. In this survey
50% say they that they meet from their customer regularly and half say 2 to 5
times in a month.

After how many meeting sale should be closed

Finding: - 18 out of 24 means 75% advisor say that they close their sale within 1
to 3 meeting. Otherwise they feel (about after 3rd meeting), such type of sell
generally happen less probability to convert in sell. On the other hand, 25%
advisors say that if you success in first meeting then success, otherwise probability
of success to convert of sell will be very less.

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Important aspect in selling

Finding: - advisors feel that to give satisfaction to client is most important in sale
(50% votes come). After that 1/3rd advisor feel that all three factor are important in
sell. Only 5 advisors out of 24 say that trust and liking, and brand are also
important in sell.

One of the skills used in Insurance Selling “ is the art of successfully persuading
prospects or customers to buy products or services from which they can derive
suitable benefits, thereby increasing their total satisfactions.”
Insurance is not bought, its sold. To sell insurance policy is tough work and its
come into category of development selling. Agents feel tough due to following

Less knowledge and training about product and company

Intangible product
Less interest from both sides (advisor and customer)
Less motivation
Competition from same company’s advisor
Delayed benefit to customer
Less return or people see as an investment tools

The study started with introduction and review of literature including could
contribute to a better sales performance. Salesmanship is not inherent, it is a skill,
which acquire with the help of training means it can be learned and taught. In
insurance field, salesmen require mastering in sell. The basic characteristics
identified in the literature as common to successful salespersons are: empathy,
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enthusiasm, desire to grow, persistency, patience, trustworthiness, and self-
confidence. Skills identified include interpersonal skill, communication,
organizational, product, and service knowledge. Motivation plays a critical role in
the success of a salesperson. Some of the motivating factors include financial
freedom, time autonomy, need for recognition, power, and personal satisfaction.

Lead generation is very important in Insurance because only insurance can be sold
only to insurable people. So suspecting and prospecting is very important in this
process. Three things are important in prospecting a) money (Includes
affordability and liquidity
b) Authority (Means he/she is the decision maker) and c) need (Means
he/she is the decision maker).

Today product knowledge is necessary for advisor, but it is not very fruitful when
customers also know about product. It seems that before buying policy, customer
gather information about policy and particular insurance company. So master all
the insurance products and services including updates are must for advisor.

Negotiation also helps in selling insurance policy. In this process advisor keep
attention on verbal and non-verbal language of customer and try to create win-win
situation. In this situation, there is a probability to generate business in further
from the customer because in this condition customer feel satisfied and give
persuade to other also. In negotiation advisor can be used cross selling and
alternative. Active listing is important part of negotiation. In selling of insurance
policy advisor speak less and ask open-ended question from customer and try to
find what’s customer financial need. From the help of successful negotiation,
advisor stands on client expectation. Once they trust advisor, then they do business
with him, and many will also refer him.

Customers really buy from advisor


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Knowledge Advisor Idea


The following framework explains the model of this study. The actions and
motivation have a reciprocating influence on each other. Advisor with more
positive results become successful in their career as life insurance advisor;
ineffective advisor will have a deficiency in the process and thus choose to leave
the business.

Essential attribute for successful selling in life Insurance

-Building Trust
-Education Customer Sales
Skill +
-Managing Selling Process High Successful
-Knowledge Management Carrier
-Effective Communication _

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Respected sir/madam,
I am Abhishek Roy. I am student of Narsee Monjee Institute of
Management. I am doing a project “How to sell Insurance Policy (Life) in
effective way”. Information provided by you will be kept confidential.


E-Mail: ______________________________________ Age

Phone No-

Occupation: 1. Service 2. Business .3 Self employed


Income category: a. 2 to 3Lac /p.a. b. 3 to 5 Lac/p. a.

c. 5 to 7Lac/p. a
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Sellinsurance policy in effective way NMIMS
d. 7 to 10Lac /p.a.
e. Above 10Lac /p.a.

1. For how many years you are in insurance industry?

1.a. less than 1-year 1.b. 1 to 2 year
1.c. 3 to 4 years 1.d. 4 to 6 years
1.e. above 6 years

2. How many policies you sell in a month?

2.a. Rs. 10000 premium or 2 policies in a month

2.b. Rs. 30000 premium or 5 policies in a month
2.c. Rs. 60000 premium or 8 policies in a month
2.d. Rs. 80000 premium or 10 policies in a month
2.e more than Rs. 1 lakhs & 10 policies in a month

3. Which type of policy you sell to client?

3.a. most sellable policy
3.b. Policy, which gives more commission
3.c. client need based policy
3.c. any other (if any please specify…………………)

4. How do you collect your lead?

4.a. purchase from agency 4.b. blind call
4.c. given by company 4.d. relationship

5. Do you participate in training program?

5.a. always 5.b. sometime
5.c. rarely 5.d. never

6. Are you satisfied from your business?

6.a very satisfied 6.b. satisfied
6.c. neutral 6.d. not satisfied

7. What is the role of your sells manager in your sells?

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7.a very important 7.b. important
7.c. not important 7.d. nothing

8. During the time of meeting with client what do you do more?

8.a. speaking 8.b. listening
8.c. to give equal time on both. 8.d. don’t know

9. When client ask question, you feel

9.a. energetic 9.b. bore
9.c. irritating 9.d. over enthustic

10. Do you give attention on client’s body language?

10.a. always 10.b. some time
10.c. rarely 10.c. never

11.You close your sell with in (average)

11.a. first meeting 11.b. 1 to 3 meeting
11.c. 1 to 6 meeting 11.d. more then 6 meeting

12.You take your decision,

12.a. in planned way 12.b. according to

13.After sell you meet your client within a year,

13.a. one time 13.b. 2 to 5 times
13.c. regularly 13.d. never

14.What is important in selling,

14.a. trust & liking 14.b. brand
14.c. give satisfaction to client 14.d. all

15. If you give rank for the following, what will be your ranking in
insurance selling,
1= very important, 2= important, 3= not very important, 4= not important
5= unnecessary
Body Language
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Product knowledge

16. Please give suggestion to sell insurance in effective way…………….


Date:……………………. (Signature)

(Thank you for your co-operation)


Books; Marketing Research

© G.N Bajpai, Jyoti Navare, The Marketing of Insurance, Delhi,
Publishing Industries Pvt. Ltd, 1996
© Kotler, Keller, Marketing Management., Delhi, Dorling
Kindersley (India) Pvt.
Ltd., 2006
Sales Management & Customer Relationship Management
Class Notes (NMIMS)

Web site;
insurance- without-coldcalling.html
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