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Trevor Thomas

Christian Technologies Solutions Expert Head of Sales Group Lacks: Homecoming date

Myers-Briggs Profile
A: 1. ENTP 2. 1) The ability of being able to communicate with others well 2) The creativity of my imagination Examples: 1) When I was with strangers from the girls division at a link crew meeting, I was easily able to communicate with them and share my ideas. 2) When I was told in English class last year to create a superhero and describe him, it was not at all a challenge for me. 3. 1) It is difficult for me to focus in a non-changing work environment 2) I am easily distracted from tasks/not inattentive to detail Examples: 1) When I was in drivers-ed, I constantly lost focus. 2) While doing my homework, I often have a harder time paying attention to what Im doing while there are other distractions and must re-learn the details.

Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligences

B: 1. A couple of my highest intelligences are bodily/kinesthetic and mathematical/logic. A few of my lowest are verbal/linguistic and naturalist. The difference between my highest and my lowest is by 23 points. 2. A few of my strengths would be either solving a math equation, or acting in a play or skit. Examples: 1)When I had to help a friend in algebra, he had no problem at all understanding how to solve the equation, after I taught him. 2) When I took theatre freshman year, it was not only one of my favorite classes, but I also got the highest grade in the class. 3. A few of my weaknesses consist of writing poetry, drawing, painting. Examples: 1) When I was forced to write poems in English class, I was creative, but it either was in the wrong structure or it did not make sense. 2) When I took art in elementary school, I failed every project because of my horrid art skills.

Personal Statement of Faith

Christianity openly and because I must do it in secret. It will challenge me, like in Marthas story, to keep all of my attitudes and intentions good, and not complain about the lack of help from others, like she did about her sister not helping cook. My faith will also be challenged because I will be put through hard times, like Lazarus, but I will need to stay in good faith and worship God respectively by not doubting or complaining. Finally, I not only need to be focused on God and listen to his words, like Mary, but I must also pay attention to what he is saying. I need to be parts of both the Purgative level and the Illuminative level. B) My faith will be deepened by the assignment because I will be put through tough situations, just like Lazarus, and I can not go to anyone else about it publicly, so it will be a strong relationship between God and I, which will be deepened through my struggle and dependence and belief in him. Also, my faith will be deepened by possibly representing silence and disappearance, just like Lazarus, because of practicing Christianity secretly. I could possibly feel like Lazarus, wrapped up in burial clothes, and when the two years are up, and I am being untied, I can progress in another stage of spiritual development and emerge from the Night of spirit, and allow the Holy Spirit to work its fruits into my faculties and relationships!

A) My faith will be more than challenged because of how I can not practice

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