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Mid-Term Test II


1st Bachillerato Units 1-5

1.- Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. There are more words than
N A M E(1
: point each = 15 points)
you need.
impressed by / horrific / stop by / collapsed / leak / shots / firefighters / survival / jealous/ site
economics / career / suited / subject / waste of time / drop out of / community work / exhausted
witness/ performing arts/ training



Many people died when the building ........................ .

Jake doesnt want to talk about that ........................ day.
........................ when youre in the neighbourhood.
There is a lot of water on the floor because weve got a ........................ .
........................ save lives.
We were ........................ his positive attitude at such difficult times.
I think David is quite ........................ of his baby brother.

Im thinking of a ........................ in fashion.

This course is such a ........................ . I havent learned anything new.
This is the..where the new school will be built
Sarah feels she can help others by doing ........................ .
If you want to start your own business, its a good idea to study ........................ .
We were all..after being running for more than 3 hours!
I want to ........................ the team because I havent got time to practise.
I received a lot of valuable experience from my ........................ .
4.- Complete the sentences with the suitable words in brackets. (1 point each = 6 points)

1. With this part-time job, Jack will nota good salary but he will ..useful
experience.(gain/ earn)
2. Ronny wanted to ........................ Sams new jacket, but Sam refused to ........................ it to him.
(lend / borrow)
3. Please.Dave to lock the door. He doesnt usuallyit.(remind/ remember).
5.- Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition (1 point each = 5 points)

I often suffer ........................ headaches.

I cant concentrate ........................ my work.
Will you listen ........................ what I am saying?
The band consists ........................ two musicians.
I didnt agree ........................ his suggestion.

6.- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use Present
Simple or Continuous; Past Simple or continuous; Present Perfect or Past Perfect. (2 points
each = 30 points)
1. I.(not understand) why she behaves so badly.
2. We .(leave) for the museum right now! Would you like to come with us?
3. When I was a child, I.(have) blond hair.
4. ..your teacher(give) you the test last Monday?
5. ever(be) to Rome?
6. when you saw the burglar getting into the bank?
7. Last year, Sam...(grow) a beard and pierced his ears.

Mid-Term Test II

Units 1-5

8. By the time we arrived to the theatre, most of the artists already..(perform).

9. Ijust (read) the book and now I want to see the film.
10. At 5:00pm yesterday, I still.(clean) the house!
11. The neighbours (not complain) about the loud music yet!
12. An annual international festival of music... (take) place in Edinburgh every summer.
13. you.(finish) work when I called you last night?
14. Jemeel (download) music from Internet while I .. searching
information for the project.
7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future
Simple, be going to, Present continuous, Future Perfect or Future Continuous. (2 point each
= 16 points)
1. A: There is somebody at the door
B: Ok, I..(open) it.
2. Look out! That heavy box .................................... (fall) on you.
3. At this time next week, we.(ski) in France
4. Jeff ............................... (complete) his studies by the end of the year.
5. Dont come before eight. We ............................... (have) our supper.
6. A:I hear you .................................... (study) fashion design in London next year
B: I am sure, you.(love it).
7. John ..(start) on- the -job training tomorrow.
8. Translate the following sentences into English. (4 points each = 16 points)
1. Pedro visit el pueblo donde vivan sus primos.
2. Conoc a mi mujer en el 2002 cuando era estudiante.
3. El nuevo cine, que abri el mes pasado, es muy popular.
4. Mi mejor amigo, cuyo hermano es veterinario, viene a visitarme esta tarde.
9. Combine the pairs of sentences with defining or non-defining relative clauses. Make any
necessary changes. (2 points each = 14 points)
1. Mary Crotty was working in Paris in 2005. She had just graduated from University
2. Lets go to the new Chinese restaurant. Paul recommended it.
3. That woman is an artist. She lives next to us.
4. I will always remember that day. We immigrated to this country that day.
5. Mary loves to eat. Her parents own a chocolate shop in town.
6. After the collapse they run to the scene. Crowds of people had gathered there.
7. Ann started modelling five years ago. She was only thirteen years old then.

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