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Standard Game Air Defense Fire

Firing Side Has... Die Roll 1 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-8 9

+1 +3 2 1

Flying Side Has... Contested *Abort (2) *Abort (1) Abort (1) Abort (1) Advantage *Abort (1) Abort (1) Abort (1) Air Superiority Abort (1) Abort (1) Air Supremacy Abort (1)

Air Supremacy *Abort (4) *Abort (3) *Abort (2) *Abort (2) *Abort (1) Abort (1) Abort (1) Abort (1)

Air Superiority *Abort (3) *Abort (2) *Abort (2) *Abort (1) Abort (1) Abort (1) Abort (1)

Advantage *Abort (3) *Abort (2) *Abort (1) Abort (1) Abort (1) Abort (1) Abort (1)

per Escort Air Point (max +2). if mission is Air Transport in home or friendly country. Target hex is within 2 hexes of enemy Aireld or Installation or Naval Unit. Target hex is in or adjacent to a hex containing an enemy Armor or Mechanized unit (Amphibiously Assaulting units do not count). 1 Attacker Helicopters/Airmobile unit ew over enemy unit (not including target hex).


When the Air Superiority level is in your favor or contested, all missions that begin and end in a hex in your home (or allied) country and do not enter a hex that contains or is adjacent to an enemy ground unit are immune from Air Defense Fire.



(#): # of Air Points or Attack Helo CS Points which do not support the combat. *: 1 Air or Airmobile Point is permanently lost and transported unit takes a step loss or Attack Helo takes a step loss.

Combat Support Missions: No Effect Transport/Rebasing Missions: All aborted units are returned to their starting hex. Aborted Helos are rotated to reect a mission own. Airmobile Points are considered spent.

Standard Game Air Points

Die Roll 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Game Turn
1 12 | 6 12 | 4 10 | 3 10 | 3 8|2 8|2 6|1 6|1 4|0 4|0 2 10 | 8 8|6 8|4 6|4 6|3 4|3 4|2 3|2 3|1 2|0 3 6 | 10 6|8 4|6 4|6 3|5 2|4 2|4 1|3 1|3 0|2 4 4 | 12 4 | 10 3|8 3|8 2|6 2|6 1|5 1|4 0|4 0|3 5 3 | 14 3 | 12 2 | 10 2|8 1|8 1|6 1|6 0|5 0|4 0|4

6 2 | 18 1 | 14 1 | 12 0 | 12 0 | 10 0 | 10 0|8 0|8 0|6 0|6

7-9 1 | 24 1 | 22 0 | 20 0 | 20 0 | 16 0 | 14 0 | 12 0 | 10 0 | 10 0|8

10 0 | 30 0 | 26 0 | 24 0 | 22 0 | 20 0 | 18 0 | 16 0 | 14 0 | 12 0 | 10

+1 per Airbase (but not Aireld) which is enemy controlled.

Results to the left are DPRK | Results to the right are US/ROK

Results Modiers:

The US/ROK player receives an additional two (2) Air Points per carrier that is in a friendly In Shore Box when the die roll is made. The DPRK player receives an additional one (1) Air Point per carrier that is in a friendly In Shore Box when the die roll is made. The US/ROK player receives an additional one (1) Air Point per carrier that is in a contested In Shore Box or an At Sea Box when the die roll is made. 1 per Air Point permanently lost.

Weather Modiers:
Overcast Limited All-Weather Capability No All-Weather Capability Storm Limited All-Weather Capability No All-Weather Capability = = = = Air Points (rounded up) Air Points (rounded up) Air Points (rounded up) No Air Points

Standard Game Tables

This is the Living document for the game. Changes from the original are indicated in blue text.

Standard & Advanced Game Tables

Die Roll 4 5 6 7 8 9


Clearing Operations
Rough / S1 1 / S1 1 / S1 1 / S2 Rough Woods / S1 1 / S1 1 / S1 1 / S2 1 / S2 Terrain Urban City Installation

Flat 1 / S1

Flat Woods / S1 1 / S1 1 / S2

Minimum Safe Stacking Points 4 3 2

+1 drop hex is in enemy ZOC

Results (Standard/Advanced):

: Successful 1: Landing unit loses one step S1/S2: Place a Strike 1 or 2 marker.

1 Per additional Installation in hex 1 Clearing from Amphibious Assault 1 If unit(s) Clearing on the turn of being Paradropped or using Airmobile Movement +1 Stack includes infantry + armor and/or mechanized infantry +/x Difference between ER and Clearing Number x Difference between Stacking Points and Minimum Safe Stacking Points (Minimum Safe Stacking Stacking Points)

Sea Control
Turn 1 2 3 4 5+ DPRK Control 7 2 0 1 Contested 8 3-8 1-5 0-2 0 Allied Control 9 6 3 1

Step Unit Type Recovery Inf, Light Inf, Mot. Inf 1 Arm. Cav., Recon, Mech., Arm. 3 Abn., ROK Marines 2 DPRK Sniper, Naval, Arty. bdes. N/A US 101st 3 HQ* 1 Supply Pt. Supreme HQ* 1 Supply Pt.
* Advanced Game only.

Game Specic In-Shore Box DRMs:

+1 if JPN SAG present 1 per PRC SAG/CVN present

Game Specic At-Sea Box DRMs:

3 Rolling for Yellow Sea (West) 1 per PRC SAG/CVN present

Reconstitution 2 4 N/A N/A N/A 2 Supply Pts. 5 Supply Pts.

Standard In-Shore Box DRMs:

+1 for each U.S. Naval unit present

Standard At-Sea Box DRMs:


+1 for each U.S. Naval unit present

Contested Sea Movement

Die Roll 5 6-8 9 Result Sea Movement Successful Sea Movement Aborted Sea Movement Aborted (transported units incur a step loss)
+1 1 +1 +1 1

Loss of Airbase/Aireld
Air Points [Standard] Airmobile Points [Standard] Each Helo [Standard & Advanced]

0 Lost Lost Destroyed

1-2 Lost Lost Step & Rebase

3-9 No Effect No Effect Rebase

Allied Movement:
1 +1 1 1 +1

for each USN unit present if PRC intervened at any level if Japanese SAG present US/ROK Air Supremacy DPRK Air Supremacy

DPRK/PRC Movement:

for each USN unit present if PRC intervened at any level if Japanese SAG present US/ROK Air Supremacy DPRK Air Supremacy

Roll on each row each time, if applicable in the case of helos, an airbase/aireld is captured.

In DRM lists above, Present indicates the unit is in At Sea or In Shore box for movement between them, or in the In Shore box for movement to/from port/all-sea hex.


2012 GMT Games, LLC P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308

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