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Historical variant
By Franois Bdard This is an attempt to play a more historical game. For all the rules not covered in this variant ; use the normal rules of ATTACK !. Setup : You need my economic tokens available from the boardgamegeeks : Put economics tokens on the map using the pre-set territory chart at the end of these rules. Using the Country tables, each player choose a country, and put an infantry of his color in his starting capital. Each player then take its starting economic cards and their corresponding tokens, its starting units and technology cards. Each player also receive 10 Oil reserve and 40 Production points. In the setup order (see Country table), each player choose 1 region and place an infantry there. This new region must be adjacent by land (or sea-lane), to another of your controlled region, unless you country has the Colony ability. Repeat this process until all players have 5 regions, (including the starting capital). Randomly place the ideology tokens in all neutral regions. When playing on one map, use 9 tokens of each government type. In the setup order (see Country table), each player place 5 units at a time in his regions. You must put all your naval units in only one sea region, adjacent to one of your land region. Each player keep 2 cards of its choice from its 3 starting technology cards. Reshuffle the remaining cards, and put three cards face up beside the technology cards deck. Make two political cards deck : one deck of cards with Eagles symbol (The Eagles deck), and one without (The normal political deck). Each player draw 4 cards from the normal deck. Sequence of play : Initiative phase Actions phase Production phase

Initiative phase : All players secretly bid an amount of Oil. From highest to lowest, the players choose their turn order. (Break ties with a die roll). Each player put a tank of his color beside the board in its turn order. The actions phase is done in the initiative order. The production phase is done in reverse order of the initiative. Actions phase : In initiative order, each player do 1 action at a time. This phase end when all players have done 3 actions each. Each action can only be done once each turn by each player. The first action cost 1 oil, the second 2 oil, and the third 3 oil. When a player pass he can still play later. MOVE : Move your pieces (land and naval), and fight any battles that result. STRATEGIC MOVE : Long distance move for land units only. No battles may result. DIPLOMATIC BLITZ : An attempt to bring unowned regions (minor neutrals) into your sphere of influence using diplomatic means. PLAY POLITICAL ACTION CARDS : You may play up to 4 political cards.

TRADE: Buy a trade route card for $20. RESEARCH NEW TECHNOLOGY : You make an attempt to discover a new technology that will give you military, economic, or political advantages. STRATEGIC WARFARE : You may bomb another players economy, and attack another players Trade Routes. Production phase : All player secretly purchase their new units simultaneously. Then in the reverse order of the initiative, each player deploy its units following these rules : Infantry units : Can be deployed in any of your region, up to the economic level of the region, (5 with POP token). Other land units : Can deploy a number of units up to the economic level of the region. (Ignore infantry built there). Naval units : Can deploy a number of units in a sea region, adjacent to a controlled region, up to the economic level of the region. (Ignore infantry built there, but add it to other land units). After buying and deploying new units, each player receive its production points (PP) and oil. Finally each player draw one Political card from the The Eagles deck. Discard the technology cards and draw three new cards. When the deck is empty, reshuffle the deck. Actions in detail (Modifications only, see normal rule for complete description): MOVE : Move all your Infantry and Artillery one region, and all other units (land/sea) up to two regions. STRATEGIC MOVE : Move all your land units any number of contiguous friendly regions. DIPLOMATIC BLITZ : Players may discard one or more political cards, to increase the die roll result by +1 each, after seeing the die roll. RESEARCH NEW TECHNOLOGY : Buy one of the 3 face up thechnology cards available. Roll 6 dices : this is the cost of the card. You can remove the highest die, to get the technology card at a reduced price, and get get the card face down. (You cant use it this turn). Dont replace the purchased card. TRADE: You can buy a Trade route of your choice for $20. STRATEGIC WARFARE : You can do both actions : Strategic Bombing and Commerce Raiding. PLAY POLITICAL ACTION CARDS : You may play up to 4 political cards, even a card you just draw.

miscellaneous rules: Drawing Political cards : You always draw cards from the normal deck of political cards. Only at the end of each turn players draw one Political card from the The Eagles deck. Planes and carriers : These units now cost only $10. A plane attacking an infantry must do 2 hits to destroy it. (Put the infantry sideway for the first hit). Carrier must carry a plane to get its +1 bonus in battle. When a carrier is destroyed, its plane can retreat to any empty carrier or friendly region in range. Monarchy and Democracy : These government types cannot attack each other, but can play political cards against each other. Naval battle : Battleships that retreat with a hit are sunk. A player with more ships than his opponent may add a carrier to the end of his battleline to benefit the last ship in the line (+1 for a carrier with a plane). When retreating from Naval combat, the attacker should be required to retreat to the Sea Area from which he moved into the attack. Technology intitiative card: COPY one random technology card from any player. Revolt card : Up to four infantry units in that region switch to your color. Propaganda posters card: After your current action PLAY POLITICAL ACTION CARDS is done, you can do another action immediately. Dive Bombing card : Carriers must have a plane to get the additional +1 bonus. SCIENCE and RESEARCH COMPLEX card: You always get the technology for the current turn, (even if you pay 5 dices). Superior Anti-Tank Weapons and Heavy Machineguns : Planes still need 2 hits to destroy your infantry.

Country tables : Set up Country Government Technology Order 1* Britain Monarchy Parachute Infantry Aircraft defensive tech. Aircraft offensive tech. 2 Germany Fascism Blitzkrieg Synthetic oil Wolf pack 3* France Democracy Foreign service Superior codebreaking Advanced artillery tech. 4 China Communism Secret service Superior anti-tank weapons Radio/command control 5 Russia + Communism Heavy tank chassis Superior tactical training Combined arms 6** Japan Fascism Heavy weapons Dive bombing Mobile defense doctrine 7 USA Democracy Advanced mass production Science & research complex Sonar * Colony anywhere on the world ** Colony on the Eastern map only + Start in Uralsk or Western Sibir Country Britain Germany France China Russia Japan USA Infantry 8 10 12 18 16 12 12 Artillery 3 3 4 5 4 3 2 Tanks 3 8 4 4 5 3 5 Planes 4 4 2 1 2 4 3 Submarines 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 Destroyers 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 Battleships 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 Carriers 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

Units cost table : Unit Infantry Artillery Tanks Planes Submarines Destroyers Battleships Carriers PP 5 8 10 10 5 5 10 10

ATTACK Pre-set territory : Country Alaska Alberta Algeria Amazonia Angola Argentina Belgian Congo Bolivia Brazil British Columbia Burma- Malay Buryat Caroline Islands Caucasus Central Sibir Chile China Columbia Dutch East Indies Eastern Sibir Egypt- Sudan Finland France French Equitorial Africa French Indo- China French West Africa Germany Gilbert Islands Great Britain Hawaii India Iran Italy Japan Karelia Kazakhstan Kenya Koryak Libya Madagascar Manchukuo- Korea Marianus Islands Marshall Islands Mexico Midway Island New England New Guinea New South Wales New Zealand Nigeria West Territories Northern Territory Norway-Sweden Ontario Outer Mongolia Ressource Oil Rail Minerals Minerals Minerals Oil Minerals Oil Factories Rail Rail Factories Minerals Population Oil Rail Minerals Minerals Minerals Factories Oil Factories Rail Population Factories Factories Factories Rail Oil Minerals Minerals Oil Minerals Minerals Minerals Oil Minerals Oil Oil Population Rail Rail Oil Minerals Population Rail Factories Oil Rail Oil Population Factories Rail Minerals Minerals Value 2 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 4 2 3 3 1 4 3 2 4 1 2 1 4 1 3 1 4 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 4 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2

Panama Peru Philippine Islands Poland Quebec Queensland Saudi Arabia Sinkiang Solomon Islands Somaliland South Africa South Australia Spain Syria-Iraq The Balkans The Great Plains The Mid West The Old South The Western United States Tibet Turkey Ukraine Uralsk Vladivostock Western Australia Western Sibir White Russia Yakut

Rail Factories Population Rail Factories Factories Oil Factories Population Rail Rail Rail Factories Oil Oil Oil Factories Oil Factories Population Rail Factories Minerals Population Oil Rail Factories Oil

1 1 1 2 2 1 4 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 3 2 1 3 3 1 1

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