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Substantive changes December 31, 2011 June 30, 2012 Segment 1

Substantive change (June 30, 2012) 9.93 ITALY: A. Italian units may not carry out any offensive actions if Rome is under Allied control or there are no Axis units in Africa (56.111). B. Italian air and armor units may not carry out any offensive actions on the eastern front.

Segment 2
Substantive change (June 30, 2012) 13.51 RESTRICTIONS: Overruns are an offensive operation that may only be conducted by armor and mechanized infantry units. Overruns may take place during the movement phase of both regular and exploitation movement. Units being overrun are subject to both positive and negative DMs in the same manner as units being attacked (15.3). 13.52 MECHANICS: Overruns are conducted by moving no more than two armor or mechanized infantry units through the same hexside into a hex containing enemy unit(s) at odds of 6:1 or greater. At least one of the overrunning units must be an armor unit; both overrunning units must have a functional mechanized component. Each overrunning unit must expend one additional movement point to occupy the overrun hex. If the units do not have sufficient movement points, the overrun is prohibited. 13.521 Units performing overruns may arrive at the hex from which the overrun is made from different locations. A sea-transported unit may overrun in conjunction with another unit; armor units exploiting from different breakthrough hexes may combine to overrun units. 13.522 No more than two armor units may move from a breakthrough hex into the same adjacent hex to conduct an overrun against enemy ground units in that hex. Substantive change (June 30, 2012) 13.54 CASUALTIES: Units which are overrun are eliminated and are immediately removed from the board. The moving player suffers no losses. Substantive change (June 30, 2012) 15.32 POSITIVE DMs: Units receive a positive DM (their defensive strength is increased) as follows: ... H. Units defending against airdrops, without being attacked by other enemy ground units: Infantry units and partisans receive a +1 DM. Armor and specialized units receive a +2 DM.

Segment 3
Substantive change (June 30, 2012) 18.142 AIRBASE PLACEMENT: Once play begins, major powers may place airbases on the mapboard as follows: A. Airbases may be placed on the board only during the placing players movement, unit construction and redeployment phases. Major powers that may place two airbases in a turn may place both of them in the same phase or in different phases. Airbases may not be placed during the opponents turn. B. Each turn: Italy, Japan, Britain, France and China may place one airbase. Germany and the U.S. may place two airbases. Russia may place one airbase each turn from 1939-1942; and may place two airbases each turn starting in Spring 1943. The airbase placement capabilities of Russia, Britain and the U.S. apply separately to each theater.

Substantive change (June 30, 2012) 18.522 After one round of counterair combat is resolved: A. If either the attacker or defender had all its air units eliminated, the counterair combat ends. B. If both sides had air units survive, each side has the option of disengaging from the air battle: The defender announces his decision to disengage first. If he disengages, the counterair combat ends. If the defender elects to continue the counterair battle with his surviving air units, the attacker has two options:

o o

The attacker may disengage, ending the counterair combat. The attacker may initiate a second round of counterair combat with his surviving air units, including those forced to abort by the defenders previous counterair combat dice roll. The attacker may reinforce his surviving his counterair attack with additional, previously uncommitted air units.

C. This continues until one side or the other disengages or is completely eliminated.

Segment 4 Segment 5
Substantive changes (June 30, 2012) 26.82 FIRESTORM MARKERS: If a major power surrenders, firestorm markers in that major power are removed at the rate of one marker per turn, in the same manner as damage markers (26.81). The removal of firestorm markers starts in the turn after surrender and continues until all firestorm markers are removed or the major power is again at war. 26.83 ATOMIC ATTACK MARKERS PERMANENT: Atomic attack markers may not be removed. Substantive changes (June 30, 2012) 26.92 RESTRICTIONS: A. Firestorms may only be created in German, Japanese and British cities and in Russian cities which contain ICs, Vladivostok and Irkutsk. B. A hex may not be firestormed if it contains a firestorm or atomic attack marker. 26.93 EFFECTS: If a firestorm occurs, a firestorm marker is placed on the hex, and the following political and diplomatic effects are triggered: A. The surrender or resistance level of the target major power is reduced by one for each firestorm marker. B. The attacker receives one additional DP in the next YSS and in any DP calculation during the year in which the firestorm occurs, such as for a U.S. election.

Segment 6 Segment 7
Substantive changes (June 30, 2012) 36.32 ELIGIBLE UNITS: Force pool increases from mobilization, even if deferred and combined with production, can only be used to generate the following types of units: A. Army air. A major power may mobilize no more than five AAF in one turn (EXCEPTION: If the U.S. mobilizes in both theaters in the same turn, the U.S. may mobilize up to ten AAF in that turn). Russia must mobilize at least one AAF each mobilization.

B. Naval air. C. Armor: Italy may mobilize only one 2-5 armor unit. Britain may mobilize only one 4-5 armor unit. Britain may mobilize a 2-5 armor unit in the same turn it mobilizes a 4-5 armor unit. The U.S. may mobilize only one 5-6 armor unit each European theater mobilization. Pacific theater mobilizations may not be used to mobilize 5-6 armor units. Russia must mobilize one 4-5 armor unit or 5-6 armor unit each mobilization. The Russian player may mobilize the required armor unit in either the first or second turn of a peacetime mobilization. The remaining units for each Russian mobilization must consist of infantry, additional armor or army air units, in whatever combination the Russian player wishes.

Segment 8
Substantive change (June 30, 2012) 42.16 PRODUCTION RESTRICTIONS: A. 1939 PRODUCTION PROHIBITED: Production in 1939 is prohibited (RPs may not be allocated to production in 1939 - 41.31D). B. LIMITS ON PRODUCTION RESULTS LIMITED BY YEAR: The number of increments of production that may be triggered in production projects that create air and military units is limited according to the year: 1940-41: one increment in each year; 1942: two increments; 1943: three increments; and so on. This restriction applies to the following production projects: Air:

o o o

Air production (army air factors, interceptors). Strategic bomber production. Air transport production. Military production (infantry, armor, flak). Specialized unit production.

Military: o o

Substantive change - delete (June 30, 2012) 41.231 ADDITIONAL RUSSIAN RPs AFTER A GERMAN ATTACK: If Germany declares war on Russia, Russia receives one additional RP in the YSS after Germany attacks (the 1942 YSS if Germany attacks Russia in 1941), two additional RPs in the second YSS after Germany attacks and three additional RPs in each subsequent YSS after Germany attacks. Substantive change naval air training now a naval research project (June 30, 2012) 42.23 NAVAL: ... D. NAVAL AIR TRAINING: 3, 4, 5, 6 for each level of naval air training, to a maximum increase of four per year, at the rate of one increase per turn. Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain and the U.S. only. Substantive change (June 30, 2012) 42.333 ARMOR: A. GERMANY: Germany may produce 5-6 armor units in the year after the outbreak of war between Germany and Russia. B. ITALY: Italy may mobilize or produce 2-5 armor units. C. JAPAN: Japan may mobilize or produce 3-3 armor units. D. BRITAIN: Britain may mobilize or produce 2-5 and 4-5 armor units. E. FRANCE: France may not mobilize or produce armor units. If France has been conquered, Britain may produce one Free French 3-5 armor unit if Paris is under Allied control. F. U.S.: The U.S. may mobilize or produce 5-6 armor units. G. RUSSIA: Russia may mobilize or produce 4-5 and 5-6 armor units.

Segment 9
Substantive change (June 30, 2012)

Pearl Harbor Surprise Table - 51.31

USJT Level + Magic Draw
DR 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRM 0-33 Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl Pacific Pacific Pacific 6 5 4 3 +6 34-35 Pearl Pearl Pearl Pacific Pacific Pacific 6 5 4 3 2 +6 36-37 Pearl Pearl Pacific Pacific Pacific 6 5 4 3 2 Auto +5 38-39 Pearl Pacific Pacific Pacific 6 5 4 3 2 Auto Auto +4 40+ Pacific Pacific Pacific 6 5 4 3 2 Auto Auto Auto +3

Segment 10

Substantive change (June 30, 2012) 57.11 JAPANESE SURRENDER CONDITIONS: Japan surrenders at the end of any Allied player turn in which the Japanese resistance level, as determined by the Japanese Resistance Table, is zero or less. 57.12 JAPANESE COLLAPSE: Japan also surrenders if every objective in Japan and Manchuria (Tokyo Osaka, Kagoshima, Mukden, Harbin) are occupied by the Allies. Control from an atomic attack marker is not enough to trigger a Japanese collapse. Substantive changes, explanations (June 30, 2012) 57.13 SITUATION MODIFIERS: Situation modifiers are recalculated at the end of each game turn, in the same manner as modifiers for other resistance tables. 57.14 CUMULATIVE MODIFIERS: A. TIMING: Cumulative modifiers for control of objectives and island groups are determined at the end of each game turn, starting at the end of the second turn following the outbreak of war between Japan and the U.S. (the end of Spring 1942 if Japan attacks the U.S. in Winter 1941). B. ALLIED UNITS: When calculating the BRP value of eliminated Allied ground, air and naval units, damaged named ships count as 3 BRPs; named ships sunk in port count as 6 BRPs; damaged cruisers are not counted. Allied partisans are not counted. Effects are calculated separately for each game turn; remnants are ignored. C. OBJECTIVES: Chinese, Russian and Indian objectives must be fully supplied to count as controlled. D. ISLAND GROUPS: Japanese resistance is modified by control of Pacific island groups (4.74). Pacific islands must be must be fully supplied to count as controlled. Control of one or more fully supplied islands in an island group which also contains at least one isolated or enemy-controlled island counts as partial control of that island group. Partial control of two island groups is the equivalent of full control of one island group. Otherwise totals are rounded down for both sides each turn. E. ISLAND GROUPS - JAPAN: Japan receives a +1 resistance modifier for each island group (round down) it controls at its point of maximum expansion. This modifier is tracked from turn to turn, but is applied only once, at the end of the game turn when Japan has reached its peak. Japan starts the game with +4 resistance for control of the Carolines (East and West), the Kuriles and the Marianas. As the game progresses, this total will increase. Midway is considered to be part of the Hawaiian Islands solely for the purpose of determining cumulative Japanese resistance modifiers. F. ISLAND GROUPS - WESTERN ALLIED: The Japanese resistance level is reduced by -1 each turn the Western Allies control 8 or more island groups. Control of additional island groups by the Western Allies does not increase this modifier.

Substantive change, clarification, typo (June 30, 2012)

Japanese Resistance Table - 57.11

Cumulative Modifiers
+1 For every 25 BRPs of enemy, including Chinese, Russian and minor country, air, naval and non-partisan ground units eliminated each game turn in the Pacific theater (0-24 BRPs: no effect; 25-49 BRPs: +1; 50-74 BRPs: +2; etc.). For each island group (round down) controlled by Japan at its maximum expansion. If the Western Allies control 8 or more island groups (round down).

+1 -1

Explanation: Check at the end of each Allied player turn. If the net result is zero or less, Japan surrenders and the war in the Pacific ends. Situation Modifiers are recalculated at the end of each game turn, in the same manner as modifiers for other resistance tables. Cumulative Modifiers for control of objectives and island groups are determined at the end of each game turn, starting at the end of the second turn following the outbreak of war between Japan and the U.S. (the end of Spring 1942 if Japan attacks the U.S. in Winter 1941). When calculating the BRP value of eliminated Allied ground, air and naval units, damaged named ships count as 3 BRPs; named ships sunk in port count as 6 BRPs; damaged cruisers are not counted. Effects are calculated separately for each game turn; remnants are ignored. Chinese, Russian, Australian and Indian objectives and island groups must be fully supplied to count as controlled. Control of one or more fully supplied islands in an island group which also contains at least one isolated or enemy-controlled island counts as half an island group. Totals are rounded down for both sides. Midway is considered to be part of the Hawaiian Islands solely for the purpose of

determining cumulative Japanese resistance modifiers.

Substantive change (June 30, 2012)

U.S. Election Modifiers - 62.31

-# +20 +10 Japanese resistance level (zero if Japan has surrendered). If Japan declared war on the U.S. If Germany has surrendered.

Substantive change (June 30, 2012) 62.62 PACIFIC: After signing a separate peace with Japan, American units already in the Pacific theater may move or redeploy freely to any Americancontrolled hexes in the Pacific, where they remain in play and may not be attacked by Japan without a declaration of war.

Segment 11
Substantive change - consistency (June 30, 2012) 63.51 RGT RESTRICTIONS: Russian actions are limited by the RGT level, as follows: ... C. RUSSIAN PREWAR PRODUCTION: Until Russia and Germany have gone to war or the RGT level is 40 or more, Russia may produce no more than five BRPs of air and five BRPs of military production each year. These additional units may be deployed without restriction.

Segment 12 Segment 13
Clarification, consistency, renumbering, some substantive change (June 30, 2012) 77.91 CONQUEST: Vichy France ceases to exist and all Vichy French units are removed from the board at the end of any combat phase in which the city of Vichy is solely occupied or controlled by enemy forces, including partisans. Free French units are unaffected. 77.92 ALLIED RECAPTURE OF PARIS: If the Allies have not declared war on Vichy France and a diplomatic result of -2 or -3 is not in effect, Vichy France ceases to exist and all Vichy French units are removed from the board at the end of any Axis combat phase in which the Axis fail to recapture an Allied or partisan-controlled Paris. Free French units are unaffected. 77.93 EFFECTS: If Vichy France is eliminated as set out in 77.91 or 77.92, all hexes in European Vichy France and Corsica pass to German control, unless Allied units have moved into or through them. Any remaining Vichy colonies are controlled by no one. 77.94 DIPLOMATIC RESULT OF 0 or -1: A diplomatic result of 0 or -1 for Vichy France, before or after Vichy activation, deactivates Vichy France and all Vichy forces, including those in Vichy colonies, are removed from the board. Vichy France ceases to exist as a political entity, becoming again merely a part of France. After a diplomatic result of -1 for Vichy France, the Vichy French hexes come under Allied control; after a 0 result, the Vichy French hexes are controlled by no one; Vichy colonies that do not have an Axis or Allied unit in their capital are controlled by no one. If a diplomatic result of -2 or a -3 for Vichy France is in effect and the Axis name Vichy France as a diplomatic target and achieve a -1 or 0 result, the Allies can avoid the deactivation of Vichy France by choosing a lesser 3-4 result (49.53).

Segment 14 Segment 15
Clarification substantive change (June 30, 2012) 84.46 GEOGRAPHICAL RESTRICTIONS: A. EUROPE: Associated minor country ground units must remain in their home country (EXCEPTIONS: The Finnish border hexes and Bessarabia are considered to be part of Finland and Rumania, respectively, for this purpose; lent Spanish and Vichy French units are treated differently). Associated ground units may attack enemy units adjacent to their home country, but may not advance out of their home country after combat. Associated minor country air and naval units may not base outside their home country, although they may operate freely from their in-country bases.

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