Chandu & Chandu Wife-Match

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Chandu Chandu Wife

Date of Birth 26/02/1974 23/06/1977
Day of Birth Tuesday Thursday
Time of Birth 1:05:00 PM 4:30:00 PM
Place of Birth Vishakhapatnam (Andra Anakapalle (Andra Pradesh)
Country India India
Latitude 17.42 N 17.42 N
Longitude 83.24 E 83.6 E
LT Correction +3:36 +2:24
Local Mean Time 13:08:36 16:32:24
Sidreal Time 23:31:39 10:38:22
Obliq 23:26:34 23:26:32

Lagna Gemini Scorpio

Lagna Lord Mercury Mars
Rashi Aries Leo
Rashi Lord Mars Sun
Nakshatra Ashwini Poorva
Nakshatra Lord Ketu Venus
Charan 1 4
Tithi Chaturthi Shukla Saptami Shuklapaksha
Paya Gold Copper
S.S. Yoga Sukla Vyatipata
Karan Vishti Garija
Varna Kshatriya Kshatriya
Tatwa Prithvi Jala
Vashya Chatushpad Vanachar
Yoni Horse(M) Moosak (F)
Ganam Deva Manushya
Nadi Aadi Madhya
Nadi Pada Aadi Madhya
Vihaga Bherund Bherund
First Letters Chu, Chey, Cho, La Mo, Taa, Tee To,
Decanate 1 1
Sun Sign Pisces Cancer

Public Software Library India Pvt Ltd - 263, Sant Nagar, New Delhi-110065, Email:
Generated by Horoscope Explorer (c) Public Software Library India Pvt Ltd -
Chandu && Chandu Wife
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Boy's Data Girl's Data

Planets Rashi Degrees Dir Rashi Degrees Dir

Ascendant Gemini 07:17:54 Scorpio 10:57:58

Sun Aquarius 13:49:53 Direct Gemini 08:19:02 Direct
Mercury Aquarius 10:46:37 Retro Gemini 00:21:17 Direct
Venus Capricorn 05:24:43 Direct Aries 22:48:32 Direct
Mars Taurus 05:53:36 Direct Aries 19:13:25 Direct
Jupiter Aquarius 04:06:11 Direct Taurus 24:30:40 Direct
Saturn Gemini 04:17:24 Retro Cancer 20:43:39 Direct
Moon Aries 01:16:38 Direct Leo 25:03:37 Direct
Rahu Sagittarius 01:57:03 Retro Virgo 27:52:39 Retro
Ketu Gemini 01:57:03 Retro Pisces 27:52:39 Retro
Uranus Libra 03:59:58 Retro Libra 14:22:01 Retro
Neptune Scorpio 16:04:10 Direct Scorpio 20:45:22 Retro
Pluto Virgo 12:42:60 Retro Virgo 17:51:29 Direct

Boy's Kundli Girl's Kundli

4 2 9 7
Mar 8
5 1 10 6
Asc Sat Asc Nep
Moon Rah

Plu Moon

6 12 11 5

Rah Jup
Ura Sun Ket Sat

Nep Ven Ven Mar Sun Mer

7 11 12 4
8 9 10 1 2 3
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Guna Match Table

GROUP Boy Girl Points Max. Points

Varna Kshatriya Kshatriya 1 1

Vashya Chatushpad Vanachar 0 2

Tara Parammitra Sampat 3 3

Yoni Kuta Horse(M) Moosak (F) 3 4

Graha Maitri Mars Sun 5 5

Gana Deva Manushya 6 6

Rasi Aries Leo 0 7

Nadi Aadi Madhya 8 8

Total --- --- 26 36

Match Making Score is: 26

The marriage compatbility score is very good. This speaks of only good in all respects pertaining to married
life. Marriage between the prospective pair is highly recommended. There couple will live in harmony and
will help in each other's progress in life.

Manglik Vichar
Both the boy and the girl are free from Manglik Dosha. Marriage of the couple is recommended and will yield
auspicious results if other factors match.

Other Kootas

Boy Girl Favourable

Rajju Pada Kati Yes

Mahendra Ashwini Poorva No

Stree Deergha Ashwini Poorva Yes

Vedha Ashwini Poorva Yes

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Marriage Match Score Analysis

The boy and the girl both comes under Kshatriya varan. Both will have the very good understanding
as well as perfect tuning with each other. They will also co-operate at each and every step to
promote the general status of the home environment. They both will also have stamina and energy
to look after the domestic affairs with full of zeal and enthusiasm. Their labor and hard work will
enable them to provide a fine set up as far as homely affairs are concerned. A good combination in
all respects is indicated.

The boy’s vashya is Chatushpad, while the girl comes under Vanchar vashya. This combination is
not overly harmonious, native may be insincere and hypocritical towards each other. They may
pretend to express sweetness and light, while in reality, they are avoiding unpleasantness. They can
encourage each other in non productive self-indulgent habits. The boy may try to predominate her,
which she may not tolerate. In turn, she may also act as a stubborn lady. However, if other gunas
are matched well, then this combination may be taken into consideration.

The boy’s tara is Atimitra and the girl comes under Sampat tara. This is one of the best combination
as far as tara guna matched is concerned. The natives will stimulate each others self-expression
towards creativity. They will also have a fine attuning of each other’s subconscious mind and will
respond positively. In the midst of adversities, both will encourage each other to face the situations
with boldness. The natives can spur each other to greater efforts through a sense of friendly

Yoni Kuta
The boy’s yoni is Ashwa and the girl belongs to Moosak yoni. This is an excellent combination as far
as yoni compatibility is concerned. The boy will have a special liking for her and put his best efforts
to make her happy and comfortable. The girl in turn will praise his concern about her and devote
herself fully to please him. They will also be able to communicate nicely and solve their problems
with mutual consent. Physically, both will be very compatible.

Graha Maitri
The boy’s rasi lord is Mars and the girl comes under the Sun lordship. This combination favors
energetic co- operation in efforts to improve matters that are of concern to both natives. Each native
stimulates the other’s willpower, strength and determination to accomplish some thing significant.
Thus they further each other’s professional goals and efforts toward self-improvement. The girl helps
the boy to develop more confidence and willpower and in turn, receive energy and the impetus from
the girl to achieve the goals of life. The natives enjoy friendly competition in sports and games,
which involve physical exertion.

The boy’s gan is Dev and the girl comes under Manushya gan. This is one of the best combination
as far as gan compatibility is concerned. The natives help increase each other’s enthusiasm and
impetus to constructive action. The girl can help the boy to implement religious, educational, social,
legal or philosophical goals. The boy can help the girl to find constructive outlets for the expression
of energy through action. They will encourage each other to uphold their shared goals and principles
and they can become crusaders for worth while causes. They boost each other’s energy,
determination to accomplish what they set out to do.

The boy’s bhakoot rasi is Mesh and the girl comes under Simha bhakoot. This cannot be termed as
a very good combination as far as bhakoot compatibility is concerned. The two rasis are 5th and 9th
from each other, which indicates that the natives may be involved more in spiritual or religious
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activities than their family affairs. It may happen that the natives will have less children or no child at
all. These are the versions given by ancient seers. However, we differ with them and propose this
combination may be taken into consideration, if, charts are powerful enough to deliver the goods.

The boy’s nadi is Aadi and the girl comes under Madhya nadi. This is an excellent combination as
far as nadi compatibility is concerned. The natives will develop a very good understanding and
intuitive rapport of each other’s moods and feelings .They will rise very high to boost up other party’s
morale and courage to face the even critical situations with ease. They will also have special liking of
each other and their love will grow for each other.

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