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Of the
Responsive Education Solutions Board Meeting
Date: August 8, 2008 Time: 10:00 A.M.
Location: Vista Academy
3242 Hobbs, Suite F
Amarillo, Texas 79109
The Board of Directors of Responsive Education Solutions met on
August 8, 2008. The Board president, Lupe Gonzalez, called the meeting to
order at 9:53am. He announced that a quorum was present, the meeting had
been duly called, and notice of the meeting was posted as required by law.

Board members present:

President: Lupe Gonzalez, Vice-President: Marvin Reynolds,
Secretary: Dan Maddalena, and Judge Willard French

Others present:
Chuck Cook, and J.B. Morgan

The board went into closed session at 9:54am

The board reconvened into open session at 4:17pm

Judge Willard French moved to approve all fourteen consent items. The motion
was seconded by Marvin Reynolds.
The vote was 4-0 in favor.

1. Approved payment of bills 5/16/2008 – 6/30/2008

2. Approved the minutes from the Board meeting on May 23, 2008
3. Approved amendments to By-Laws
4. Approved Charter Amendments for relocations
5. Approved 2007-2008 monthly expenditures and revenue report
6. Approved 2008-2009 School Calendars
7. Approved Leases for campuses in Austin (North), Dallas (Bethany
Baptist), Carrollton (First Baptist), Garland, Lancaster, Lewisville, Tyler
Corporate headquarters, and iSchoolHigh
8. Approved Student Code of Conduct Revisions
9. Approved renewal of depository contracts
10. Approved Asset Capitalization Limit
11. Approved Charter Amendments to change the name from Eagle Academy
to Premier High School for the following campuses: Beaumont, Laredo,
Lindale and Waco
12. Approved Charter Amendment to change the name of Premier High
School of Lewisville to Vista Academy of Dallas
13. Approved Independent Contractor Agreements
14. Approved Writers Agreements

Dan Maddalena moved to approve the Budget for 2008 – 2009 as presented by
Chuck Cook. The motion was seconded by Marvin Reynolds
The vote was 4-0 in favor.

Marvin Reynolds moved to authorize the CEO to request that the Commissioner
of the Texas Education Agency waive the charter cap as explained in the letter of
legal advice dated June 26, 2008 from the Attorney General’s office if needed.
The motion was seconded by Judge Willard French.
The vote was 4-0 in favor.

Judge Willard French moved to authorize the CEO to apply for a new charter
when the waiver is granted. The new charter would allow RES to separate the
alternative education accountability campuses from the standard accountability
campuses if needed. The new charter would hold the Vista and iSchool
campuses. The motion was seconded by Marvin Reynolds.
The vote was 4-0 in favor.

Marvin Reynolds moved to approve amending the Charter to submit to TEA

regarding the Virtual School Management Agreement. The motion was
seconded by Judge Willard French.
The vote was 4-0 in favor.

Judge Willard French moved that RES establish a line of credit with two different
banking Institutions for a total of $600,000. The banking institutions are Capital
One and North Star. The motion was seconded by Dan Maddalena.
The vote was 4-0 in favor.

Judge Willard French moved to authorize the CEO to discuss with TEA the issue
of merging campuses. The motion was seconded by Marvin Reynolds.
The vote was 4-0 in favor.

Mr. Gonzalez reported that the Board conducted the annual evaluation of Mr.
Cook, the CEO, and that he received a very favorable evaluation.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:18pm.

_____________________________ ________________________
Lupe Gonzalez, President Date

_____________________________ ________________________
Dan Maddalena, Secretary Date

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