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English Speech

Set Text 1 Martin Luther King Jr. I Have A Dream Set Text 2 John F. Kennedy The Inaugural Address Related Text Lyndon B. Johnson We Shall Overcome


Many men throughout history have been able to influence and strengthen the audiences decisions and opinions of the matters being discussed through the distinctive voices they present. I shall be speaking about three great men -- and their speeches -- which have changed to world. The first speech is one in which a man is so passionate, it is remember through the generations to come. Martin Luther Kings speech I Have A Dream portrays how a distinctive voice can be projected to audience, in turn, changing the view civilization has on the racial issues at hand. Throughout the speech, King uses a distinctive voice, found through his passion towards his African American background and also through his Christian Preaching. Secondly, I chose to talk about a man that was taken too early, a man with a lot of potential, a man with a lot of desire. The Inaugural Address spoken by John F. Kennedy reflects his passion towards the world as an Internationalist, as well as his leadership of being the president of the US. This passion and leadership allows his voice to be tremendously distinctive. Lastly, The speech I chose to speak about a man with a role, this role being to allow no American to struggle for the fruits of freedom. We Shall Overcome presented my Lyndon B. Johnson shows the distinctive voice held my Johnson. This can be seen through the Presidential voice he demonstrations as well as the Southern voice that has been heard throughout the speech multiple times. In 1963, Martin Luther King stepped up to the podium and delivered a speech. This speech was regarded as one of the best speeches in mankind. This was due to his passion being expressed to every audience member using his distinctive voice. His African American voice tells the audience all the struggles the African American has gone through for equal rights. King uses te technique of anaphora to help visual the magnitude of the issue at hand with the audience. The repetition of the phrase We can never be satisfied as long This is effective at creating a distinctive voice because it shows the desires of the African American people as well as the current struggle of them at the time the speech was delivered.

King also uses Biblical Allusions to express his preacher voice. Crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. King uses this to show that the Lord will see all together, as it must have been from the start. The effect of it is to bring different races and religions together as one. King preaches to them. He expresses himself to them. He is distinctive to them due to this. The 35th President of the United States performed a lot of obligations during his presidency from 1961 to his assassination in 1963. John F. Kennedys Inaugural Address showed the world his unique, prominent, distinctive voice. The reason for this is that JFK used his position as president to project his voice to the American audience, raising spirits and clearing the field. And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. This quote uses inclusive language, showing that JFK and America are in it together. The tone used in the quote is one where he expressing himself as a leader and tells Americans to be grand and noble and show the quality of their character. Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all of mankind? JFK uses Rhetorical Questions to engage with his audience, and asks for them to see the issues from a humanitarian perspective. Intensifying JFKs humanitarian perspective will allow him to engage with the audience and create a distinctive voice. Lyndon B. Johnson did something not many southern people did during the racial hardship; he stood up for the American Negro. Johnson took it as his responsibility to prevent any inequality in Southern America. He, as a President, used his role to change the world. Using his Presidential Voice he was able to change the opinions of some of the men in the audience, and thus change society. I want to be the President who Anaphora of this phrase helps the audience understand that it is his duty to do the best for the country, even if they do not agree with his decisions. As a man whose roots go deeply into southern soil, I know how agonizing racial feelings are. Through the use of metaphors, Lyndon, Using his Southern Background as an example, shows that he too has suffered hardship. This helps to relate to the African American side of the audience, building a stronger bond between the two of them. This bond allows Johnson to create such a tonal, deep, distinctive voice.

Through the use of these men that all changed the world for the better, it is completely obvious that an individual must express his opinion to gain a voice. Once the voice is gained, he must express his voice to an audience. Once an audience is gained, he must express his emotion and passion into the audience, gaining a distinctive voice in doing so

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