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su re I had a conversation wit h him.

2 3 4

A. Of course I recall him testifying, but I

don't recall every -- you had him on the stand for three solid days. I don't recall everything that he said.

Q. If he wasn't there, sir, seeing as how you were very concerned, would you have contacted him?


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A. If he was -- if he was on vacation or he was

out sick, probably not. I would have waited until the next day.

5 6 7
8 9

Q. Well, he testified, sir, that he spoke with her just prior to her giving her statement. He preinterview her. And that was it.

Q. Okay . So it would be fair to say you got with the Deputy Chief that day or the next day?

A. Well, again, you'd have to go and ask the

Deputy Chief that at that particular point. Ask the Deputy Chief.

A. Correct.
Q. And you told him to conduct a preliminary inquiry into the Grievant's abandoning of the Explorers over --

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Q. I'm asking you, sir. You are testifying here today that on June 28th, maybe the 29th, you directed your Deputy Chief to conduct an inquiry into this matter that was relayed to you by Delvecchio which was of great concern to you.

A. I told him to get with Brandi Delvecchio and

find out exactly happened over in Fort Myers, do a preliminary inquiry, do whatever he needed to do.

Q. Now, when Wehmeyer came to you or came across

you or at whatever point told you that things happened over there in Fort Myers, that you needed to talk to Brandi Delvecchio, did you tell Wehmeyer that the matter. was under investigation, that he's not to talk to anybody about it?

A. It was.
Q. Right. And is it acceptable to you, sir, for the investigator to wait a month -- and his testimony speaks for itself and it will be transcribed . Is it acceptable, sir, in your opinion for him to wait a month before he questions Delvecchio?

A. At that particular point, no, I don't think I


A. This was -- this was a historical -- this is

something that had already happened. I don't know who else the Deputy Chief had spoken to in the meantime. I don't know what the sequence of events

23 24 25

Q. Okay. Now, according to the Summary Report, either one that was prepared by Biondolillo, whether


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were with vacation. I don't know a lot of things. 2 And quite frankly, I was -- I'm okay with it, yes.


it be PBA 10 or City 3, it indicates that Delvecchio's statement was taken July 28, 2010. Do you recall her statement being taken -turn to Page 10 of the Summary Report, Page 10 of either PBA 10 or City 3, right underneath where it says Brandi Delvecchio's sworn statement? 3 4 5 6

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Okay . If you look at PBA 10 or City 3, let's just

stick with City 3 because you have it in front of you .

A. Yeah.
Q. It says on July 28, 2010 --

A. Okay.
Q. This is -- ignoring the verification
statement, if you start with numbered Page 1, there's a chronology, sir, set forth on the investigation that was conducted by Biondolillo. Do you recall him testifying in regards to the investigation he conducted as reflected in City 3?

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A. Uh-huh.
Q. -- Biondolillo took her compelled statement, correct?

A. Correct.
Q. Okay. Is that, sir, something that you find acceptable by your Deputy Chief when conducting an inquiry, to wait approximately a month before he questions the only witness in the case, that being Delvecchio?

A. Yes.
Q. Okay. And he testified, sir, and his report reflects that his preliminary inquiries were started out with online searches or offline searches of Sergeant Cuddeback's vehicle . You see that on Page 17

A. I don't know that he didn't, that he didn't

talk to her prior to that. But he took her compelled statement on that particular day. But as far as -- I mean, you'd have to talk to the Deputy Chief about that.


On Page 1, yeah. What it basically says is

that an offline search was conducted. It doesn't say what the day the offline search was conducted. It said that it revealed it on May 12, 2010.


23 24 25

23 Well, he was here. He testified . Do you 24 25


Q. I understand that, sir. The documentation

within the investigative file, City 3, reveals that

recall him testifying?


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