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Questions 1 - 4 Choose the best word to complete the sentences. Pilihperkataan yang terbaikuntukmelengkapkanayatberikut.
1. The men used a big __________ to chop down the angsana tree. A. axe C. hoe B. spanner D. hammer

2. Teacher, Abu needs a _______ to take out the screw. A. pliers C. spanner B. hammer D. screwdriver 3. Aisya was cold so she wore a __________ to keep herself warm. A. towel B. turban C. blanket D. cardigan 4. A young sheep is called a __________ . A. kid C. cub B. lamb D. chick

Questions 5-7 Choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph. Pilihrangkai kata yang terbaikbagimelengkapkanperenggan di bawah.

MakLimah is very angry. Her son _______________ (5)

on her new _______________ (6)

. So Tina, her daughter, bought her

________________ (7)

to calm her down.


A. spilled orange juice B. poured orange juice A. set of chairs B. set of sofa A. plate of chocolates B. bowl of chocolates

C. splashed orange juice D. stirred orange juice C. chest of drawers D. flight of stairs C. pack of chocolates of chocolates





Questions 8 10 Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.
Lihatgambardenganteliti.Pilihjawapan yang terbaik.

8. A. The ducks are sleeping. B. The goats are eating grass. C. The chicks are looking for food. D. There are three cows on the farm.

9. A. My father bought some rambutans at the supermarket. B. Justin and his parents are eating rambutans. C. The boys are picking some rambutansfrom the tree. D. The man is selling rambutans.

10. A. The librarian is arranging the books on the shelf. B. The boy is asking the librarian to helphim. C. Hadi is taking a book from the top shelf D. The boy is reading a book at the table.



Questions 11- 15 Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures. Lihatgambardenganteliti.Pilihayat yang terbaikbagisituasidalamgambar.

11. A. B. C. D. All right, sir. Ill do it this evening. Im quite busy right now. Can you do it for me, sir? You must cut the grass every three weeks.

12. A. B. C. D. Wow! The cake looks delicious. Are you going to bake another cake, mum? Mother, Alya wants a slice of it. Am I going to eat the cake this evening?

13. A. B. C. D. Yes, let me have the key. The weight is 10 grams. When are you going to post it? Wait, let me weight it first.

14. A. B. C. D. Youre welcome. Its my duty to do so. You have to pay me for my time. You will get better. Never mind.



15. A. The alarm clock did not ring. B. The bus arrived early. C. I did not have time. D. Excuse me again

Questions 16 -20 Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

Pilihjawapan yang terbaikuntukmelengkapkanayat-ayatberikut.


The soldier fought and was given a medal by the king. A. B. weakly badly C. D. bravely happily


Rahman was excited because he flew in an aeroplane .. the first time. A. B. over for C. D. on in


My friend not do the sum because it was very difficult. A. B. will must C. D. could would


A .. of bees was flying towards the beehive on a tree. A. B. flock herd C. D. group swarm


Mr. Chan, the mechanic , . the green car tomorrow. A. will repair B. will be repaired C. D. repaired is repairing

Question 21 Choose the word that has the similar meaning as the underlined word.
Pilihperkataan yang samamaksuddenganperkataan yang bergaris.


It was a tough fight between the two tennis players. A. hard B. Solid C. D. strong powerful



Questions 22 and 23 Choose the answer with the correct spelling. Pilihperkataan yang mempunyaiejaanyartgbetul.


Jamal does not have a ________, so he asked Fendi for the time. A. B. watch watches C. D. whatch wacht


En. Samsul is looking at ___________________ to help him choose a place to go to for his holiday. A. broshur B. brusher C. D. brochure brochure

Questions 24 25 Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

Pilihayat yang mempunyaitandabaca yang betul.


A. B. C. D.

The mountain climbers have reached the peak of Mount Kinabalu. The Mountain Climbers have reached the peak of mount kinabalu. The mountain climbers have reached the peak of mount kinabalu! The mountain climbers have reached the Peak of Mount Kinabalu.


A. David Mary and Danny bought some pies. B. David Mary and Danny bought some pies! C. David, mary and danny bought some pies. D. David, Mary and Danny bought some pies.



Questions 26 30 Look at the picture and then read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the passage, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.
Lihatgambardenganteliti.Pilihjawapan yang terbaikberdasarkangamabardanteks yang diberi, pilihjawapan yang terbaikuntukdiisipadatempatkosong.

Last Sunday, Saleha had a birthday party at her house. It was her (26)________________ birthday this year. She (27) ______________ her friends and relatives to the party. Her mother prepared a lot of food (28) _________________ the occasion. Saleha looked very pretty (29)_________________ her pink dress. Her friends gave her (30) _________________ presents.

26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

A. twelve A. invite A. in A. on A. much

B. twelfth B. invited B. on B. at B. many

C. twenty C. inviting C. for C. with C. few

D. thirty D. invites D. with D. in D. less



Questions 31 35 Read the diary below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. Baca diari di bawahdengantelitidanjawabsoalan-soalan yang berikut.
This is a page from Danials diary.

8.00 Fourth day at camp. Crawled out of tent and made my way to the waterfall to wash the water was very cold and refreshing. Returned to camp for breakfast had a slice of bread with jam, some cakes. Two hard boiled eggs a cup of Milo.Hakimi and I caught a few butterflies. Saw a rare one ran after it eagerly. Tripped over a stone and fell into a puddle of water. Grazed my knees a bit. Butterfly escaped.



11.00 Went birdwatching with a few other boys. Nearly got lost but managed to find the trail back to camp. 12.00 Lunchtime. Opened lots of canned food to cook - baked beans, chicken curry, sardines, etc. So farnished that we finished everything, even the badly cooked rice. 1.00 Spend the next half hour or so cleaning and washing up. Collected more twigs and firewood for campfire later at night. Played some games and bathed in the waterfall.


The boys camped A. in a field B. beside a river

C. beside a lake D. near a waterfall.


Danial spent some time in the morning A. playing games and washing up C.collecting twigs and firewood D. catching butterflies and birdwatching. The word farnishedtells us that the boys were A. very tired C.very happy B.very hungry D.very thirsty Danial has been on the camping trip for A. one week C.four days B.five days D.four weeks From the diary, we know that A. the rice was burnt B.Danial slept in the open air C.the boys had eggs for lunch D.Danial did not catch the rare butterfly






Questions 36 40 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Baca petikan di bawahdanjawabsoalan-soalanberikut.
The people of Kelantan are very hardworking. Many of them are farmers. June is a happy month for them because the harvesting season is over. It is time to celebrate. The Kelantanese have many activities for their celebrations. Among these are wayangkulitshow, dikirbarat, top-spinning contest and kite-flying competition. The most exciting event is the kite-flying competition. It is usually held on the beach or in a big field. People come from many villages to watch the event. Some of the kites are more than three metres across. When the wind is very strong, it takes more than one man to control a kite. The kites look beautiful and colourful against the clear blue sky. Most have the shape of a bird or a half-moon. Some of the kites are fittedwith small whistles which make different sounds. Kite-fighting is also an important part of the sport. The kite-fliers turn their kites here and there. They try to cut the strings of each others kites. There is also a lot of cheering and shouting among the spectators.


The people of Kelantan like to celebrate ____________ the harvesting season. A. after C.before B. during D.throughout The word these in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to A.the people of Kelantan. B.thewayangkulitshow. C.the different types of kites. D. the activities for their celebrations. More than one man is needed to control the kite when ______________. A. the wind is blowing strongly B.the kite is shaped like a bird C. the competition is held on the beach D. the kite is over three metres across Why do the kite-fliers turn their kites here and there? A. They find it very hard to control the kites. B. They want to cut the strings of the other kites. C. They like to hear people cheering and shouting. D. They want the whistles to make different sounds. The word spectators in the last paragraph means ______________. A. the people who take part in kite-fighting B. the kite-fliers who win in the competition C. the farmers who come from other villages D. the people who are watching the competition






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