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A short story Useful expressions Background and atmosphere

It was raining with flashes of lightning outside The house was quiet and I sat all alone It all began on a day when I had been We were very tired and had been traveling all day
Contrasting events and time

After As soon as I By the time At the same time While I was -ing, they were Meanwhile A second later
The climax / ending

Just then In the end Eventually Finally, I realized That was the last time Id ever
Carls family had an important reason for leaving the house at two in the morning, and so everyone had gone to bed early. In fact Carl had been so excited about flying for the first time he could hardly sleep. When he managed to, he dreamt he saw his mother, the twins and himself all running down the airport runway chasing the plane as it took off. He was screaming, Wait! Wait! Suddenly, he woke to a voice saying, Wake up Carl. Get dressed! Were late! After a one-hour journey down the motorway they finally arrived at the airport. Your flight is boarding now, said the person at check-in. If you run you might catch it. As they ran through the airport and reached the gate the plane was moving off. Carl shouted to his family, Quick, follow me! he raced ahead out onto the runway. Wait! Wait! he shouted.

Just then, he woke. Carls alarm clock was ringing and his mother smiled at him. Its time to get up Carl. We dont want to miss the plane. STORY 1 That day, my life changed forever. I have never thought a sponsored walk for raising funds would be so incredible. As soon as we saw the advert in our college magazine, my mates and I decided to take part in it. The 6-day 90-Km hike on the Great Wall would be starting in a few months. After we flew for almost a day, we got to the nearest airport to the breathtaking world-marvel. At that moment, I realised how unbelievable it was. The exceedingly clever invention snakes through dense, humid forests and seems to have no ending. In fact, it is the only man-made work one can see from the Moon. At the end of the first day, we all were pretty tired. Heavy downpours made us soaked to the skin. Chilly breezes and light showers went on for two days. Then, weather conditions improved and we thrilled to death for the rest of the walk. Before we finished, we had taken lots of photos framed by those fantastic landscapes. In the end, we definitely had one of the most unforgettable experiences ever.

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