Power System Simulation Lab - Questions

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a) :-

A three-phase transposed line composed of one ACSR, 1,43,000 cmil, 47/7 Bobolink conductor per phase with flat horizontal spacing of 11m between phases a and b and between phases b and c. The conductors have a diameter of 3.625 cm and a GMR of 1.439 cm. The spacing between the conductors in the bundle is 45 cm.
1.b) :-

The line is to be replaced by a three conductor bundle of ACSR 477,000-cmil, 26/7 Hawk conductors having the same cross sectional area of aluminum as the single- conductor line. The conductors have a diameter of 2.1793 cm and a GMR of 0.8839 cm. The new line will also have flat horizontal configurations, but it is to be operated at a higher voltage and therefore the phase spacing is increased to 14m as measured from the centre of the bundles. The spacing between the conductors in the bundle is 45 cm.

(i) Determine the inductance and capacitance per phase per kilometer of the above two lines. (ii) Verify the results using the available program.

Write the following questions answer:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is conductor? How power system studies are carried out? What are the different arrangements of conductors of the transmission lines? What is the purpose of transmission lines? What is the difference between conductors and insulators?

A 345 kV double circuit three phase transposed line is composed of two ACSR, 1,431, 000cmil, 45/7 bobolink conductors per phase with vertical conductor configuration as shown in Figure. The conductors have a diameter of 1.427 inch and the bundle spacing is 18 inch. i) Find the inductance and capacitance per phase per kilometer of the line. ii) Verify the results using the available program. a 7m b 6.5m c 16.5m a 20.5m 15m c 18 b

Write the following questions answer:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Which type of conductor is used in high voltage transmission? What is the major advantage of a double circuit tower? What happens if the capacitance of a transmission line is high? How will you compare copper with aluminium as a conductor? Which type of conductor is used in high voltage transmission?

Using AU power software for formation of bus admittance matrix Y of a power network using the Two Rule Method. 3-BUS, 3-LINES POWER SYSTEM Single-Line Diagram 1 2

Transmission Line Data: Line ID. No

1 2 3

3 Resist P.U
0.125 0.080 0.075

Send Bus No.

1 1 4

Receive Bus No.

6 4 6

Reactanc Half Line e charging P.U. Suscept .

0.500 0.300 0.400 0.0 0.0 0.0

Rating MVA
50 60 30

Write the following questions answer:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is single line diagram (or) one line diagram? Mention the advantages of bus admittance matrix Y Bus. What are the methods available for forming bus impedance matrix? Define the way of representation of power system quantities. How the network equations can be formed?

(i) (ii)

Prepare the data for the 6-bus system described in the Annexure. S p e c i f y the convergence tolerance of 0.01 MW

(iii) Run the GSLF program with an acceleration factor of 1.4 and a convergence for voltage tolerance of 0.0001 p.u and plot the convergence characteristics, P versus iteration number. ANNEXURE 6-BUS, 7-LINES / TRANSFORMER POWER SYSTEM Single-Line Diagram

Buses : 6, numbered serially from 1 to 6 Lines : 5, numbered serially from L1 to L5 Transformers: 2, numbered serially as T1 and T2 Shunt Load : 2, numbered serially as s1 and s2 Base MVA : 100 Bus Data P-V Buses: Bus ID No.
1 2

Generation, MW Schedul Max e ? 200

50.0 100

Demand MW
0.0 0.0


40 20

0.0 0.0

Gen. Limit MVAR Max Min

100.0 50.0

-50.0 -25.0

Schedule d Volt (p.u)

1.02 1.02

Bus Data P-Q Buses Bus ID No

3 4 5 6

Demand MW MVAR
55.0 0.0 30.0 50.0 13.0 0.0 18.0 5.0

Volt. Mag. Assumed

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Transmission Line Data: Line Send Bus Receive ID. No. Bus No. No
1 2 3 4 5 1 1 4 5 2 6 4 6 2 3

Resist P.U
0.123 0.080 0.087 0.282 0.723

Reactanc Half Line e charging P.U. Suscept .

0.518 0.370 0.407 0.640 1.050 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Rating MVA
55 65 30 55 40

Transformer Data: Transformer Send (*) Receive ID.No Bus No. Bus No.
1 2 6 (*) 4 (*) 5 3

Resist. P.U
0.0 0.0

Reactance Tap Ratio Rating P.U. MVA

0.300 0.133 1.000 1.000 30 55

(*) Note: The sending end bus of a transformer should be the tap side. Shunt Element Data: Shunt ID No. Bus ID. No.
1 2 4 6

Rated Capacity MVAR (*)

2.0 2.5

(*) Note: Sign for capacitor : +ve Sign for Inductor : -ve Write the following questions answer:1. Why power flow analysis is made? 2. States the major steps involved in load flow studies. 3. What are the different types of buses in a power system? 4. What is an acceleration factor? 5. What do you mean by a flat voltage start?

a.Prepare the data for the 6-bus system described in the Annexure. b . S p e c i f y the convergence tolerance of 0.01 MW c. Run the GSLF program ANNEXURE 6-BUS, 7-LINES / TRANSFORMER POWER SYSTEM Single-Line Diagram

Buses : 6, numbered serially from 1 to 6 Lines : 5, numbered serially from L1 to L5 Transformers: 2, numbered serially as T1 and T2 Shunt Load : 2, numbered serially as s1 and s2 Base MVA : 100 Bus Data P-V Buses: Bus ID No.
1 2

Generation, MW Schedul Max e ? 200

50.0 100

Demand MW
0.0 0.0


40 20

0.0 0.0

Gen. Limit MVAR Max Min

100.0 50.0

-50.0 -25.0

Schedule d Volt (p.u)

1.02 1.02

Bus Data P-Q Buses Bus ID No

3 4 5 6


55.0 0.0 30.0 50.0

Demand MVAR
13.0 0.0 18.0 5.0

Volt. Mag. Assumed

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Transmission Line Data: Line Send Bus Receive ID. No. Bus No. No
1 2 3 4 5 1 1 4 5 2 6 4 6 2 3

Resist P.U
0.123 0.080 0.087 0.282 0.723

Reactanc Half Line e charging P.U. Suscept .

0.518 0.370 0.407 0.640 1.050 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Rating MVA
55 65 30 55 40

Transformer Data: Transformer Send (*) Receive ID.No Bus No. Bus No.
1 2 6 (*) 4 (*) 5 3

Resist. P.U
0.0 0.0

Reactance Tap Ratio Rating P.U. MVA

0.300 0.133 1.000 1.000 30 55

(*) Note: The sending end bus of a transformer should be the tap side. Shunt Element Data: Shunt ID No. Bus ID. No.
1 2 4 6

Rated Capacity MVAR (*)

2.0 2.5

(*) Note: Sign for capacitor : +ve Sign for Inductor : -ve Write the following questions answer:1. What is the need of load flow solution? 2. Mention the advantages of Newton Raphson method? 3. Compare Gauss Seidel & Newton Raphson method of load flow solution. 4. When the generator bus is treated as load bus? 5. Why do we go for iterative methods to solve load flow problems?

It is proposed to conduct fault analysis on two alternative configurations of the 4 - bus system given in Figure.

Figure: Four Bus System G1, G2 : 100MVA, 20kV, x = x = xd = 20%; x = 4%; xn = 5% T1, T2 : 100MVA, 20kV/345kV ; xleak = 8% L1, L2 : x = x = 15% ; x = 50% on a base of 100MVA The first configuration, case (a), comprises star-star transformers and the second configuration, case (b), comprises star-delta transformers. (i) For a three phase to ground (solid) fault at bus 4, determine the fault current and MVA at faulted bus, post fault bus voltages, fault current distribution in different elements of the network using Thevenins equivalent circuit. Draw a single-line diagram showing the above results. (ii) Check the results obtained in (i) using available fault analysis software. Write the following questions answer:1. Define power invariance? 2. What is an unsymmetrical fault? List the various unsymmetrical faults. 3. What is the need for short circuit studies or fault analysis? 4. What are symmetrical components? 5. What are the assumptions made in short circuit analysis?
+ 0 + 0

A power system comprising a thermal generating plant with four 555 MVA, 24kV, and 60HZ units supplies power to an infinite bus through a transformer and two transmission lines

FIG: Single Machine Infinite Bus System The data for the system in per unit on a base of 2220 MVA, 24 kV is given below: An equivalent generator representing the four units, characterized by classical model: Xd = 0.3 p.u ; H= 3.5 MW-s/MVA ; Transformer: X = 0.15 p.u Line 1 : X = 0.5 p.u ; Line 2 : X = 0.93 p.u Plant operating condition: P = 0.9 p.u ; Power factor: 0.9 lagging; Et = 1.0 p.u It is proposed to examine the transient stability of the system for a three-phase-to ground fault at the end of line 2 near H.T bus occurring at time t= 0 sec. The fault is cleared at 0.07 sec. by simultaneous opening of the two circuit breakers at both the ends of line 2. Write the following questions answer:1. Define transient stability. 2. Write any three assumptions made upon transient stability. 3. What the methods are considered for improving transient stability limit? 4. What is Voltage Collapse? 5. Define critical clearing angle.

A power system comprising a thermal generating plant with four 555 MVA, 24kV, 60HZ units supplies power to an infinite bus through a transformer and two transmission lines

FIG : Single Machine Infinite Bus System The data for the system in per unit on a base of 2220 MVA, 24 kV is given below: An equivalent generator representing the four units, characterized by classical model: Xd = 0.3 p.u ; H= 3.5 MW-s/MVA Transformer: X = 0.15 p.u ; Line 1 : X = 0.5 p.u ; Line 2 : X = 0.93 p.u Plant operating condition: P = 0.9 p.u ; Power factor: 0.9 lagging; Et = 1.0 p.u It is proposed to examine the small-signal stability characteristics of the system given in this problem about the steady-state operating condition following the loss of line 2; Assume the damping coefficient KD = 1.5 p.u torque / p.u speed deviation. (a) Write the linearized swing equation of the system. Obtain the characteristic equation, its roots, damped frequency of oscillation in Hz, damping ratio and undamped natural frequency. Obtain also the force-free time response (t) for an initial condition perturbation (0) = 5 and (0)=0,using available software. Write the following questions answer: 1. Define power system stability. 2. What is meant by an infinite bus? 3. Define interia constant (H). 4. What are the assumptions made by solving swing equation? 5. What are the methods of maintaining stability?

It is proposed to simulate using the software available the load-frequency dynamics of a single-area power system whose data are given below: Rated capacity of the area Normal operating load Nominal frequency Inertia constant of the area Speed regulation (governor droop) of all regulating generators percent Governor time constant Turbine time constant = 2000 MW = 1000 MW = 50 Hz = 5.0 s = 4 = 0.08 s = 0.3 s

Assume linear loadfrequency characteristics which means the connected system load increases by one percent if the system frequency increases by one percent. The area has a governor control but not a load-frequency controller. The area is subjected to a load increase of 20 MW. (a) Simulate the load-frequency dynamics of this area using available software and check the following: (i) Steady state frequency deviation fs in Hz. compare it with the hand-calculated value using Area Frequency Response Coefficient (AFRC). (ii) Plot the time response of frequency deviation f in Hz and change in turbine power PT in p.u MW upto 20 sec. What is value of the peak overshoot in f? Write the following questions answer: 1. What is area control error? 2. What is the function of load frequency control? 3. Define per unit droop. 4. What is a need of speed changer? 5. What are the assumptions made in dynamic response of uncontrolled case?

In a power system with negligible transmission loss, the system load varies from a peak of 1200 MW to a valley of 500 MW. There are three thermal generating units which can be committed to take the system load. The fuel cost data and generation operation limit data are given below. In hundreds of rupees per hour: F1 = 392.7 + 5.544 P1 + 0.001093 P1 F2 = 217.0 + 5.495 P2 + 0.001358 P2 F3 = 65.5 + 6.695 P3 + 0.004049 P3 Generation limits: 150 P1 600 MW 100 P2 400 MW 50 P3 200 MW There are no other constraints on system operation. Obtain an optimum (minimum fuel cost) unit commitment table for each load level taken in steps of 100 MW from 1200 to 500. Adopt brute force enumeration technique. For each load level obtain economic schedules using the Economic Dispatch Program developed in exercise 10.5.1 for each feasible combination of units and choose the lowest fuel cost schedule among these combinations. Show the details of economic schedule and the component and total costs of operation for each feasible combination of units for the load level of 900 MW. Write the following questions answer: 1. What is the purpose of economic dispatch? 2. Draw incremental fuel cost curve. 3. What is meant by total generator operating cost? 4. List the various constraints in the modern power systems. 5. Name the methods of finding economic dispatch.
2 2 2

; P1 in MW ; P2 in MW ; P3 in MW

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