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Semi-Structured Interviews Group 1 I1: what is your feedback on that clip that you watched and how you

feel about it? After watching this, what are your feelings? #3: Violent. I found the clip a bit violent because thats how it looked. It was kind of aggressive and the bloodshed was really inappropriate. Although it was the demand of the scene but it was still very violent. #2: I agree, it was pretty violent, especially some of the scenes from the middle of the video clip. #1: yes I agree to that. 12: Would you like to mention the scenes? #3: the one in which he braces the knife through his eye! #1: yes that was pretty violent but now we are used to it as I have watched these seasons so I am pretty much getting used to it now. #4: It was violent, but media nowadays is showing these kinds of things and everyone is getting used to watching these things. #5: I believe it was violent and I can make people aggressive as such violence (shown on television) actually teaches aggression and it would not be a good lesson for our youth if they start watching such movies. #6: We are getting used to watching such stuff on television and in movies; but still it was violent and it can promote aggression in the younger population. I didnt find it very good. I1: Do you all watch cartoons? (Everyone murmurs yes) I1: What kind of cartoons do you like? #1: Animated cartoons and Disney and Pixar art ones. I1: Let me clear the question. Do you like to watch Disney cartoons or do you like to watch these new cartoons nowadays where you have these robotic figures and all that? #1: I like the Disney animations and the classics too, but the new animations are pretty good and they are improving their standards day by day so thats why I like them.

#2: I like cartoons from the era of 60s to 90s. After that, the robotics ones and the new ones are very much senseless and they are promoting violence. #3: The new animated cartoons that are shown on Cartoon Network are sometimes good too, they make sense. The Disney ones were also good but in my opinion they didnt make any sense. #4: I think the old cartoons on cartoon network and Disney were good but the cartoons these days are not very good. They are not as entertaining as they were back then. #5: I like watching cartoons with a good story obviously because whenever you want to relax, you think of watching some cartoons. There are a few cartoons which are not really good because of their bad endings, but the cartoons which have nice ending is what I like watching. I2:So if I ask you to categorize whether you like Disneys cartoons or others, so what would your answer be? #5: I would say Disneys are better. I1: Alright. #6: I prefer Disney cartoons because the cartoons these days dont make sense, there is no storyline in them and there are no morals. Cartoons are basically designed for children and when children watch cartoons, then there should be some moral lessons in there for them because the cartoons play a vital role in their upbringing, but now days the cartoons on Cartoon Network, they dont do that. #3: The movie cartoons of Disney are actually good, but the episodic cartoons of cartoon network are also not that bad. I1: How do you think that these cartoons contribute to what you are today? I mean do you see that they have actually made you more aggressive or made you friendlier by nature, what is your opinion on that? #1: For me especially, it basically brings back the old memories. I used to watch these cartoons but nowadays I do not have much time for watching these cartoons so it brings back a nostalgic feeling. I2: Do you think that these cartoons played any role in making you the person that you are today?So do you think that they contributed towards who you are today? #1: Not that much but yes, to some extent. #2: They are only the source of entertainment for me. #3: yes they did contribute in making up my personality. They made me believe that everything goes right in the end.

#4: Cartoons did have an influence on me as I watched Wacky Racers and Speed Racers, so I like driving cars fast. #5: They taught me the lesson that even if you fight all the time like Tom and Jerry; they still help each other when someone gets into some problem. #6: They did play a role in making me the person that I am today. I basically love the songs in the Disney movies as they are so meaningful. I2: Please comment on the ways in which arguments were resolved in Disneys films as compared to Cartoon Network. Do you find any difference between how Disney characters resolve the arguments and how the cartoon network characters do it? #1: In Disney cartoons, there is always a happy ending ad its good because it conveys a positive message to the people and children. #2: I agree. Ive noticed that in the cartoons that are on cartoon network always go for action stuff and fighting. But Disney is sweeter like that. #3: I have a different opinion. I think the Disney ones have such endings that in order to win, you have to make the other person lose. Thats how they promote a sense of competition, whereas compared to the cartoon network, they have promoted the sense of friendship that I have observed that in the end if you want to solve the conflict there can be another way rather than putting yourself into a fight. #4: I think if anyone in the Disney cartoons is caught in a situation from which he cant get out of, he always has a light of hope and a cloud of silver lining for him. So it promotes that in every situation you can get out by just thinking or talking to someone about that. #5: I think the Disney cartoons are more close to reality as compared to the cartoon network ones because in Disney cartoons, they create situations and then they solve it step by step so I think they give more better solutions and they actually tell us even in our real life we can apply those solutions at times in in a few situations. So I think Disney cartoons are better in providing you with solutions. #6 Disney movies portray the life in a simple form and they promote positivity whereas cartoon network cartoons, everything is in chaos, there is no proper issue and it does not get resolved. In Disney movies, there is always a happy ending and I think they are better. I1: What cartoon character in particular inspires you the most and why? #1: No one, not really. #2: Courage, as he is an amazing dog and he is always scared of facing difficulties but still in the end he always comes for a solution and he always saves his home.

#3: Ever since I started watching powerful girls I always wanted to be a mixture of Bubbles and Blossoms. (---------) #6: I would want to be like Jane and Tarzan, because Jane has such an adventurous nature and she shows courage too. I2: what differences do you perceive in the ways in which the forces of good and forces of evil, or lets say the forces of good deal with the forces of evil? When we talk about Disney, do you find that there is any difference in which the good people deal with the bad people, when we compare these two types of cartoons? #1: cartoons are usually an exaggerated version of what people do in their daily lives. #2: when we compare both, we can say that Disney cartoons tend to work through a simplistic way and they are really close to reality while the other cartoons like the ones on cartoon network and even Nickelodeon ones, they are not close to reality. #3: I agree to #2 that the Disney ones always find the simplistic way to solve problems similar to what we face in our daily lives. But cartoon network is mostly based on fiction, so Disney ones would be better. #4 well there is some part of bad and good even in both the cartoons because in cartoon network, the older cartoons had better solution and Disney still has better solutions. But in current cartoons shown on cartoon network, there is more bloodshed in them. #5: Cartoons shown on cartoon network teach you how to fighting back. But Disney cartoons are quite close to reality, because they tell you to resolve conflicts by talking to the other person. I prefer Disney cartoons more because I wouldnt really prefer fighting back. #6 Disney cartoons always tend to find the kind way of dealing even with the evil ones, not always but most of the time. But in the other cartoons, we always see violence so I would prefer the Disney ones. I2: ok this is a general perception that the new generation is getting more and more aggressive day by day. So do you think that there is any role of cartoons in this development, because now a days, you can say a decade back, people did not have an easy access to cable and cartoon network, so their parents used to select cartoons and any thing for them; and mostly the Disney films were the ones that they used to show them, but now there is a lot of exposure to television and a lot of exposure to cartoon networks for the younger children, so do you think this contributes in some way to making people more aggressive, more violent?

#1: Yes it is actually true, for example my nephew who is 5 or 6, always watch Ben10 and he wants to be like that, and he usually fights with his mom and sometimes slaps her too. So yes I think it is making the children aggressive, especially the cartoons these days, they are only about fighting. #2: Yes they are contributing a lot in making children aggressive. Every single cartoon that we see these days is about fighting, fighting, fighting and when kids, having immature minds, get exposed to such stuff, they do suffer. And also due to the advanced technologies, kids have cartoons in their iPhones and they can access them whenever they want. #3: it is somehow playing part in the personality development of the children as they tend to imitate whatever they see. Whatever their favorite cartoon character is, they always prefer to be like that whether it is portraying positive or negative traits. #4: Cartoons are creating aggression in the younger generations as they tend to buy those kind of toys shown in cartoons and play with them and thats really horrific. #5: I agree with all of these people because cartoons these days are creating aggression in our younger generation. Because what they all see on television is fights and fights, and I have seen a few people, they fight their brother and sisters and even use the same kind of moves which they see on TV. And at times it is quite dangerous to use these moves on their brother and sisters but still they do that, and when they do it right they get so happy that they did it right. Therefore I think aggression is what they are promoting right now. #6: yes cartoons are promoting aggression in the younger population as I see my brother watching Ben10 and such type of cartoons all the time on television and then he tries to copy all those moves and often he gets himself injured too. It is really irritating and it promotes aggression and it is negative. I2: ok at the end I would like to ask all of you, if you were suggesting some cartoons for the other people or for younger children, what would you suggest? If you could name a few cartoons and other than naming, if you could categorize whether you want them to watch cartoons available on cable or do you think that it is better that they watch the Disney cartoons? #1: what I would like to suggest is that parents should have a parental guidance on the cartoons and that they should select the cartoons on that base. What I think is that the Disney cartoons are way much better than the other cartoons because they have a positive message and they have the parental guidance that you require and they are making different kinds of cartoons for different age level so thats really good. #2: Exactly. Disney obviously, because as we all know, it is promoting positive values

#3: Speaking of children, Disney ones are better because they make people believe that everything goes better at the end. #4: I would say that the Hunchback and the Shrek movies, they are the best ones that we should see because it teaches tolerance and these types of cartoons should be watched by the children. I2: Why Shrek? #4: Because even if he is ugly or an ogre, he still gets love, so it is a positive thing. I1: Ok so what is the message being said through this cartoon? #4: It promotes the message of love and how a blabbering donkey can live with an ogre and how a dragon can marry a donkey. #5: Yes, I totally agree because it tells you about that no matter if the person is ugly because what really matters is how he or she feels about you. So Shrek is my first priority and other than that, Tangled and such movies are good. So I would suggest that the younger generation should not watch cartoon network at all. #6: There should be parental guidance on what the young children watch. Disney movies like Tarzan, Snow White, and Cinderella etc. they bring out the positivity in the younger children. I1: Ok thank you all of you for your cooperation and we would like to end here. I2: Ok thank you.

Semi-Structured Interviews Group 2 The participants were asked to give brief introductions and then showed a brief video clip and the interviewer gave a brief background of the clip to facilitate understanding. Int 1: what do you feel about the video? #2: Disgusted. #1: it was pretty violent. The video should be more censored and there shouldnt be so much blood. #4: it was interesting, these days people like such things. #5: the audience of the show who watches it, they find it very interesting actually. #8: I think the video was quite interesting in such a way that they are fighting. There is some ego and rivalry scene going on so it was worth watching. So its interesting. Int 2: would you say it is acceptable to show such material on television? #4: it is acceptable for kids aging above 13, but not for below 13 years of age. These days everyone is watching such things. Int 2: so while you were watching the video, you didnt think there was anything inappropriate in it? #5: No. #1: it was quite inappropriate. #2: yes it was inappropriate. #1: a lot. A person like me who has only one television at home and is watching television with all his family cannot watch such stuff with them. #3: Apart from one scene, it was alright. It was actually much better than many other things that are on television like songs and stuff, so compared to that it was nothing. #6: the movie clip was ok, apart from one scene, it was fine. #7: children should avoid watching such scenes. #9 it was quite violent. We usually come around such things and it gives impression that the society in which they are living is quite violent.

Int 1: In a totally different context, what kind of cartoons did you enjoy watching and what did you like in them? #5: ok, when I was a child I was really obsessed with that animated film Lion King, I used to watch it every day and I still like Courage the Cowardly Dog something about dark humour is very interesting. They are interesting, they are different, and they are not clich cartoons at all. I also like watching animated American series like Family Guy, as they are interesting and a good comedy. I liked Lion King because that movie was really theoretical the whole theme was good, the revenge, the family, and the politics in the family. It tells how they achieve their goals, there was something in it that critics say that they are larger than life, so it has that effect on me, especially the music and everything, I still like it very much. #1: I used to watch Ed, Edd n Eddy. I liked the part where Ed used to pretend so idiot all the time and everybody like everybody used to beat him up and I thought that was cute! It had a lot of sense of humour and thats what attracted me towards it. #2: I like Power Puff Girls. They actually explained how girls can save the day and all. #3: I pretty much watched A to Z, all of them. I watched a lot of cartoons, I watched Cartoon network I watched Nickelodeon and every other cartoon. I used to watch Dexters Laboratory; I really really like Adams Family, Escort by Ginger, Scooby Scooby Doo, the older one, and Power Puff Girls, Batman and Jetsons thats it. I like them because they were different than the other cartoons, like Jetsons were different, very plain and simple lifestyle and they had their own worldview, from the real world they were completely different and I particularly like the invasions in all of them. #6: Swats Cats. I just liked the way they fight, it was very interesting. I used to watch it a long time ago; I just cant remember it anymore. #7: cartoons were always special for me, cartoons like Superman, Batman and action figures. Cartoons show us that you can be whoever you want like Superman, Batman. #8: I like Looney Tunes, all of them, Bugs Bunny and others. And I like Ben10, its adventurous and Scooby Dooby Doo. I like adventure and humour. I like Ben10 because of his attitude and the whole persona he has, he can do whatever he wants and I like that in him. #9: I dont really watch cartoons, but my younger brother does, he watches Ben10 only, and I am not permitted to bully him so I watch ben10 with him. #4: I like South Park. These are very good in such a way that they make you imagine things that can never happen in the real world, like the kid in the brown coat dies in each of its episode, but comes back in the next, so you want that to happen like you die one thing and then u get back like a normal person.

Int 1:: What character/movie inspires you the most and why or what is name of a character that you would want to be like, or that inspires you? #4: ok Johnny Bravo, because he doesnt have any ego, he has no attitude and he doesnt care what people say, he does what he likes. #5: I auditioned on a play based on Lion King and I tried really hard to get the part of Scar. I regret that I failed but I really liked to be like him. And other than that I would like to be Batman, everybody likes Batman, theirs is something about these two characters, the anti-hero type that I find really intriguing, and I think I am still obsessed with these characters. #1: if I would pick a character, it would be Homer Simpson and he is the cutest thing I have ever come across. He has this great sense of humour and nobody takes him seriously, and he does whatever he wants, so I would love to be him. #2: I dont really look up to any cartoon character. I have never thought about that so I have no idea. #3: Ok I would like to be Rogue from X-men Evolution, and she was like quite distinct from everyone and I think I kind of like relate to that. And she had this power where can take others powers by touching them. So its kind of interesting to be like jack of all things, and yes she was hot. Yeah I would love to be her, and she has this gothic kind of dressing, again I think I love that too. And my second choice of cartoon would be Batman. I would love to be Batman because the ultimate thing that I am inspired is his independence. When you are independent, you dont depend on anybody in any shape or form. #6: I would like to be Swat man, not swat cat, the later version, that one guy by the name of Rasor, and apart from that, Spiderman, but unfortunately not in Pakistan as the buildings arent that high. #9: I want to be like Ben10 because he saves the world, I like his personality and characteristics of saving the world. He can be anyone that he likes; he can have anything he wants. He has a definite purpose; he does everything to save the world. The way of his saving the world by killing enemies and aliens who want to destroy this world. #8: I love Bugs BunnyI like carrots so yeah I wanna be Bugs Bunny but its not the only reason but thats something I can relate toI like Bugs Bunny because he always has a plan and he does it, he has a #7: If I was give a chance, I would like to be a super hero like Super Man having some sort of special abilities, working in shadows and making good for people.

Int 1: Now Ill give you a scenario or a situation. Assume that something gets stolen from your class and a student blames you quite unjustly. Furthermore he asks teachers to intervene and in front of quite a big crowd openly accuses you. How would you react? #1: If someone accuses me of stealing, I would beat him up, I wouldnt try to reason; if he is embarrassing me in front of everybody; I would beat him up. Definitely. #2: Same here. I would surely hit him. #3: I have been in a situation similar to that, I dont do anything, I dont beat up, I try to explain my thing and yeah although it doesnt really work but still to the end I know what I did; so thats it! And ultimately people believe what they want to believe and I just let go. #4: Ok if someone blames me for something, first of all, I would try to explain myself and if that person has already lost his valuable thing he is in that particular state but if he keeps saying such things I would rather try to shut him up and if he doesnt even do that I would call him out and beat the hell out of him; and if people believe what they want to believe, they can go to hell of course. #5: UhIll retaliate and try to shut him up and if he doesnt then Ill beat him up. #6: I would try to explain and try to convince him that stop this and allbut if it doesnt work, I will fight back. #7: I will let him finish his side then I will explain my side of the story because when a person is in anger he is not really his own selfso I will let him finish and then explain my part. #8: I will reason with him, I will ask him questions, I will ask him for proof and if he has a proof then hell bring it up but if he doesnt then just shut up. #9: Well, I will try to convince him and if it doesnt work, I wont do anything because I dont get influenced by society; I know that I havent done anything wrong.

Int 1: what type of cartoons would you suggest to other children or young people? #1: umm I would suggest Dora the Explorer to the children between the ages of 8 to 15. #2: I think I would suggest Tom and Jerry because they are cute. #3: Ok, I would never say Dora the Explorer thing because one thing that I noticed in that show is that they are so repetitive, they treat the child like a dumb thing; its like 17 times shes going to say over the bridge, into the water, on the r #1: No, thats part of the learning process na

#3: Actually, I dont like that one, because I grew up watching stuff like Sesame Street etc and there are actually researches saying that people who watch Sesame Street etc were actually academically successful children in the futureso I dont believe that repeating something is going to help a child but in Sesame Street, the thing was that they incorporated the whole thing in a way that the child did not even know that they were incorporating anything but I think I would suggest that watch whatever is on TVhonestly I grew up watching a whole lot of different things and I dont believe that they would exactly absorb everythingkids absorb the most weirdest things out of a whole lot of thingsso I think they should watch many many different things like I did and then see what they learn out of it. So, I wouldnt make any kind of restrictions. #4: If they are above 8, then they should watch something that they should be aspired to, like the Jetsons, for example, they were cartoons that talked about the future, they grow up watching that stuffthey wanna make such things, like I would suggest them to watch that. But if they are less than 8, I would never suggest to watch Tom and Jerry, Looney tunes something like this because they are the most stupid thing I have ever seensomething that never happens they show that and the child should never believe in such things; its my own perspective, I never like itI never even laughed at it. #5: I would suggest children to watch Batman because one thing it is not childish and dumb like other childrens cartoon, the other thing, I think that Batman is the best super hero to be inspired from because he is the only super hero who doesnt have any actual super powers but he still ends up saving the dayso that will be very inspiring for children and hopefully they will get something and stop acting like kids. #6: I would suggest that not to watch Tom and Jerry because I had read a research on this cartoon and it had a huge impact on childrens mind and they might get so irritated and its not good for children. #7: I would suggest them to watch (incomprehensible) because we have plotted the psyche that there is a good guy and there is a bad guy and this is the villain and this is the hero so in rekkie trof the accie shreki shows that a bad guy can be a good guy and a villain can be a hero because there is always a good part in everyones heart and you just have to find it so its quite positive. #8: well I would suggest children to watch cartoons with some moral values and which also entertain them but let them let out their frustrations because kids do get frustrated a lot. so I would suggest them to watch any cartoons that they want but I would delimit their cartoon channels and all that to that extent that they dont get negative influence from cartoons. I would definitely supervise them because they have more influence than what parents say so. #9: Well I think Ben 10 in the cartoons as it encourages one to use your power in the right way if you are given one. I think children should be suggested to watch cartoons such as Ben 10.

Int 1: ok. Now one question that I would like to ask all of you before we end this interview is that do you think that the cartoons that you have mentioned so far teach any kind of moral values? (murmuring of no) Int 1: No? okay what about that idea that they sort of unconsciously promote violent behaviour? #4: No (smiles) #3: (shakes her head) first of all I think that they do promote morals, for example in Hey Arnold which is really nice they have different ideas in each episodes and in one there were children who belonged to a dysfunctional family and were shut out so they went out and saw their teachers home and they said it was very nice but it was only when they had lived there that they understood how dysfunctional it was too and so they learned that it was okay to be dysfunctional and they went back happy and found their family was looking for them and its not only one episode they show some moral quality in each, Atwood by Ginger?(30:41-30:44) that was an excellent show. Again there were three girls and they go through all the things that we women go through and it was on the different stages of life; school, college and boys. That was very interesting and I think it teaches and it reflects the society but it also affects us. I dont think it affects us as in it teaches us bad things like people also associate helmet music and evil behaviour in teenagers but there is no proof for that so I dont think it has any affect. Int 1: So do you think when you compare cartoon network with Disney does one in any way promote violence? #3: when we are thinking about violence and everything, we think from our age and our perspective but we dont think from a childs perspective and I have observed children in their own environment and when they talk to each other and ostracise each other, it gets very hardwired, but when you look at children its not like that as there is no grey part when it comes to children, they know only black and white. I dont think they get affected because they dont see that whole thing that we are seeing in cartoons (xxx). They do copy and mimic what they see but I dont think that it leads to violence. Its more of a learning thing and they should learn, like boys they kind of fight when they are young and we worry but it has been psychologically proven that they bond when they fight and I think we should let them be. #5: In my view kids are weird, they might get inspired from the most absurd things and they might learn nothing from the most inspiring thing. I think it depends as every kid is different. I used to watch wrestling a lot but I have never fought. Every kid is different and there are many other factors that count in their social behaviour and how they are brought up, so cartoons they are not as much affective as other things, like the treatment they get from the family, how they learn about the relationships and how they learn about communication with confidence.

#4: the thing is that cartoons dont affect you as far as I know. When I look at children, boys, they tend to fight with each other as they are more into the violent streak. Its like if you pick some children from a village and they have never watched a cartoon before yet they will act exactly like the other children who watch cartoons. Its the way they are. Children are stupid and its what they do. I never liked them but the thing is cartoons have no affect on them. Even if they are violent, its because of their surroundings or their parents e.g. if their parents fight that what they learn from them, its not cartoons. #6: I think every single thing gets stored in our unconscious mind and so I think it does affect, so you should keep an eye on your kid like you should ask him what he thinks about the cartoon and this will help you judge how your kid feels regarding the cartoon. And the basic thing would be to stop children from seeing cartoons like Tom and Jerry. So when you get their views you can tell them the right and wrong. so you should keep an eye on your children. #7: yes definitely it does affect the mind and how you perceive the cartoon character. I remember my childhood, me and my brother, we used to watch Thundercats and there was a lot of sword fighting in it and one day we took kitchen knives from the kitchen and started fighting with each other and I accidently hurt my brother so I remember the day so yes cartoons do affect. #8: Well I think that they do affect the mind so the parents should delimit the material and tell them that this is right and this is wrong. They need to be told what is right and what is not. The cartoons subconsciously give all the right and wrong information and children absorb everything because cartoons interest the children more than parents instructions so its the parents job to basically filter the information as the child will absorb everything #9: I think its not the limit. I mean we watch, we hear, we listen and its true it does have an effect. It depends upon the story of the cartoon and if the story is based on moral values it would have a positive effect and if it is conversely it will have a negative effect.

Semi-Structured Interviews Group 3 This group will consist of adults (parents and teachers) who are in the position to comment on the behavior patterns of the young generation of Pakistan.

Int. 1: Do you think that cartoons have any impact on the psychological growth in development of children? #2: yes, I do, I dont think kids whove grown up on these violent cartoons, they dont cringe at the sight of violence, or blood, and, when the television wants viewers that this is not to be watched by kids, it doesnt, I dont think its effective, because they can watch anything without blinking their eyes. I think thats the difference, my generation would NOT watch it, and I would probably close my eyes and not be able to watch it and wouldnt be able to sleep afterwards, but theyre OK with it, they can watch. #3: I have another opinion regarding this. Because initially when we observe, or when we watch Disney cartoons, theres an emphasis on bonding and relationships, and people are pursuing relationships, theyre strengthening it, whereas in the new cartoons that we have, the relationship is between man and machines, so theres an element which differs in the type and status of relationships, secondly theres a propertizing factor, in when you have a relationship with machines, you propertize machines and you propertize human beings, and theres that animalistic desire that you-you have to dominate everything, but as in the Disney cartoons you have a different perspective, for them, they value relationships and the monetary gains or financial gains are not very important, or power, you would say implicitly or explicitly it is not a portrait in that matter, although there might be power struggle there in different connotation, but not directly. #2: yes, but they do sell dreams that are unreal, and living happily ever after, they sell the dream, and thats not what life is all about, so these kids buy those dreams, the fairy tale dreams. I think they are in for a doomed awakening when they grow up. #1: I dont think its limited to just children by the way. Television per-say has a very deep psychological impact on everybody whos watching it because whether youre watching cartoons or watching adult content, adult programs, theres an impact on you, because television, dramas, movies-sell dreams, even in your adult movie, by that I mean the movies for the grownups, even in the dramas and programs, the kind of content they show, the kind of stories they show, they have been over romanticized, over idealized, so not just the kids, but also the adults, they take an impact when they watch television. Kids specially because theyre at a very impressionable age, and the teenagers also watch cartoons, Im one of the examples, I still watch cartoons, the impact may not be as strong as it used to be, for example when we used to watch Voltron, or when we used to watch Thunder Cats back in the 90s, we enjoyed, generally enjoyed it. We never thought that this was a violent content, but now, if there was like 20% the cartoons were violent, now the percentage has quadrupled, now its 80%

violent content. So when we enjoyed it, when we were only exposed to 20% of violent cartoons. I dont see how the children nowadays can understand the amount of impact violence is doing on them. #2: I think its also a means of escape from for both kids and grownups, its like, its, it has, cartoons have a dream like quality to them, and kids do, are under any kind of stress, it can be educational stress or any other stress, they, find respite in the atmosphere created by cartoons, even I find it, at times, very relaxing to, just get lost in the sunset, thats in contrary with the cartoons. Int. 2: Do you think theres any difference in the cartoons the children watched a decade back, from the ones they watch nowadays? And how does this affect their behavior? Because in the last ten years, there has been an introduction to cable television in Pakistan which has popularized cartoon network #1: Yeah I think the content has matured a lot, right, the language has changed, and nowadays even what we used to consider abusive or offensive words, they have become a part of the content in the programs now. It is OK to hear these words around, and its just, its a norm now. So the content has changed, for example, previously when we used to have programs they were not about teenage relationships, now its a very very common thing to have a teenage relationship. The content has changed in that respect, if you know what I mean. The aspect of dating, the aspect of having boyfriends or girlfriends, even in Pakistan, it has become very common on cartoon network, on Disney channel as well. I still think Disney channel is slightly better than cartoon network, because they had human bonding, they still focus on parent-child relationship, they still focus on sibling relationship, however cartoons in general have become #4: Robotic #1: most of them are about machines #4: Robots- a man transforming into a robot-that is the theme of the cartoon. Int.4: One more thing, you said for children of nowadays, its OK if they hear such words, such terms, do you think they adopt these words as well? They use these terms, and that is solely because of the cartoons. #1: Its a human factor. Its not just the children. #2: Can we talk about animated movies as well? Like I think Shrek had a very good theme. It focused on appearance. #3: It focused on relationships in a very different manner, the different aspect coming into focus. But I think todays cartoons has loss of innocence. Its not the age of innocence anymore. Its tinted with experience; its tinted with so many other external things, whereas in the Disney world, things worked differently.

Int.3: So, like youve already said that nowadays cartoons are based on man-machine relationship, and thats the basic theme of that, so do you think that the cartoons shown by cartoon network like Ben10, Dragon Ball Z, or any other cartoons that are based on such video games and all that, Transformers and all that stuff, do you think that they have an increasing content of violence in them, and aggression is being translated into behavior of children, while on the other hand children who grew up watching Disney cartoons are less inclined towards violence and they arent that much aggressive. Would you agree to it or would you like to comment? #1: I dont personally have enough imperative evidence to either personally agree with it or disagree with it, but this is true, its just not true for the children. There have been numerous psychological studies, like when we were doing psychology, weve already studied this. There are people who have been working for this proposition that watching television violence make violent human being, its just not true only for the children, its generally true that the more violence you are exposed to, the more you are going to behave accordingly. Even if its not violent, even if you were watching a lot of melodrama, you would want some kind of melodrama in your own life as well. If you are watching a lot of happy ending, or idealistic relationships, youd want some kind of percentage in your own life because you might think youll derive same kind of satisfaction. #2: Or youd be frustrated if you had a real life. #1: So, children, because they are innocent, when they are exposed to this kind of content, they dont know the harmful effects, because I have been watching television ever since I began to understand it, and I used to watch a lot of cartoons, and not a day would go by when I would not imagine myself in the cartoon world. I thought the cartoon world would be much better place. Watching Marry Poppins and dancing with the cartoons was much better option than going to school and living a real life. So, it happens, its there, this factor is there.

Int Do you think that there is any difference in the cartoons that children watched, a decade back from the ones they watch nowadays? And how does this affect their behaviour? #1: I think that since the last thirteen years the content has matured a lot and the language has changed and now a days what we considered abusive and offending has become part of the programs. Its ok to hear those words around as it has become a norm now. Previously there were no programs about teen age relationship but now its a very common thing. The aspect of dating and boyfriends even in Pakisan has become very common which is usually shown on cartoon networks. I still think Disney channel is slightly better as they show human bonding and focus on parent child relationship and sibling relationship. #4: Robotic #1: Most of them are cartoon machines.

#4: Robots! Yes! #1: A man is transformed into a robot and that is what is the theme of the cartoon. Int: Do you think that the cartoons shown by the Cartoon Network like Ben10, dragon ball z etc have an increasing content of violence in them and this aggression is being translated into the behaviour of children? And on the other hand the children who grew up watching Disney cartoons are less inclined towards violent behaviour? #1: I think its a human factor and its not just children. #2: Can we talk about animated movies as well? Yes I think Shrek was a very very good movie and it had a very good theme. They focused on human relationship. #3: Even the Brave which is a latest movie shows relationship in a very different manner but I think todays cartoons has lost innocence as its tinted with life experiences and other external influences but in Disney cartoons things work differently.

Int: We think that being exposed to perpetual violence results in becoming a part of their unconscious behaviour which means that they are not even aware that it is a negative thing. Would you like to comment on this? #1: I personally dont have enough evidence to agree or disagree with this but this is true and I again I am going to say that its not only true for children but for adults also as numerous studies have been conducted on the psychological impact of such cartoons on children and adults. The findings of the studies were that watching violent movies made violent human beings as the more violence you are exposed to the more you are going to behave accordingly. Its not only violence, even if you watch a lot of melodrama, you will want some kind of melodrama in your life or a lot of happy endings and idealistic relationships will also make you want the same things in your life. #2: I think it will frustrate you if you had a real life. #1: Yes I agree that children they are innocent and if they are exposed to this idealistic life it wi;ll be harmful for them as not finding such life in their lives can make them frustrated and I am giving my example as I know that this is for sure as I have been watching cartoons ever since I began to understand it and I always imagined my self in the cartoon world. Watching marry poppins and dancing with the cartoons was a much better option than going to school or living a real life.

#3: I would like to endorce what you are saying because I have observed over the years that violence has become a norm and when some thing becomes a norm it can not be questioned. And I also Want to say that its a careless disregard for slang language that we use as they have disparity. #2: I think its very common these days that children are very violent. They are seen jumping off things. It is a very recent observation that one child wore a supermans costume and tried to jump off the roof. Children jump off from one sofa to a bed or on other people . #3: They do not realize the gravity of the situation. #2: What if the person they jump on is an older person or a patient. #4: May be the children want that somebody should catch them. #2: yes these are dangerous things. #1: The children are impersonating Spiderman. #2:Yes I have seen kids doing that recently. Its dangerous they can have broken bones. #1: yes. #3: But Tom and Jerry cartoon never shows that. #1: I have a real life experience, of two kids trying to impersonate Spiderman. They jumped off the window. It happened in Karachi with 0ne of my acquaintances as when they jumped they thought that they would stick to some tree and so one of the kids broke his leg, the other one hit his head on the turf and got badly injured. One other such example is chucky the doll in childs play. #2: Oh my God! #1: There were kids who played such tricks on their younger brother and he died in the process. So back in 90s when I was at school I read all that in newspapers. So violence definitely has a great impact on young minds. #2: And adding fuel to the fire are all those people who make these costumes and sell them on high prices.

# 2: The trends of cartoons have changed since past 13 years. # 1: I think the contents and language have changed, and what we used to consider abusive offending words, now have become a part of the contents of all programmes. It is now ok to hear these words. It has become a norm . The contents have changed. For example, previously we used to have programmes which were not about teenage relationships. Now it is a common thing to have teenage relationship. Even in Pakistan, the concept of having boy friend and girl friend is common. I still think Disney channel is slightly better than Cartoon Network because show human bonding and focus on sibling relationship. However, the cartoon in general , have become mechanized. # 4: They have become ROBOTIC.. # 1: yes!! Most of them have become mechanized. # 4: Yes they show man transforming into machine, so that is theme. ---------------------------------------#2 #1 #2 #3 Yes its only because of cartoon that the behaviour is changing. Its a human factor for children to adopt behaviour. Can we talk about animated movies? I think Shrek had a very good theme. Yes. It focussed on a parent relationship.

#: Yes..... NO 3: Yes...NO 4: Yes!!!!! #3: Even Brave the latest movie is focused on the relation ship in a very different manner. But I think today's cartoon has lost innocence. Its not the age of innocence but its tainted with so many aspects. In the Disney world things were different. ---------------------------------------------------------# 1: I dont have enough evidence to even agree with or disagree with it.. But this is true and its just not true only for the children. There have been numerous psychological studies when we were doing psychology studies that people have been working on this proposition that watching television violence makes violent beings. Its just not only true for the children. Generally its true that the more violence that you are exposed to the more you're going to behave accordingly. Even if its not violence, even if you are watching melodrama, you want some kind of melodrama in you own life as well . If you are watching a lot of happy endings, or idealistic relation ship you derive same kind of satisfaction from it.


You will be frustrated other wise if you had a real life without melodrama.

# 1: Yes, and children because they are innocent, dont know the harmful affects. I am going to take my example because I've been watching television ever since I began to understand it and I've been watching a lot of cartoons and not a day would go by, when I would not imagine my self in the cartoon world. I thought cartoon world be much better place. #2 : Hmmm... # 2: watching Mary Poppins and dancing with the cartoons was much better option than going to school. ----------------------------------------------------------#3: I like to endorse what you're saying. I observed over the years that such violence has become a norm and when something becomes a norm, it can't be questioned or people are kind of intimidated in questioning or putting up a challenge to that norm and have disregard to slangs . We are not very conscious regarding the words we speak. I think it varies form individual to individual. Some time you get message across . It is nullified by the values given by parents. It depends upon your brought up as well. For example, if I'm getting a negative message, by sharing it, it will loose enormity. # 1: It is one of the many reasons why children's behaviour is over all changing..... .it has a lot to do with parental child relationship as well and how much children are monitored while watching television. #3: I think it has to do with sibling order as some times eldest child is more prone to aggression because he thinks that he is the sufferer because he is deprived of the love which he deserved because of his siblings. #1 : That's ok. # 3: I would go for indigenous cartoons like Gogi because our own character very in touch with the land and values and are aware of the complexities of the society that we are living in. So I think indigenous cartoons can help. So if its the issue of illiteracy we have a cartoon character with a parrot on its shoulder which can convey the message. #4:...Yes... Meena Ki Kahani is the cartoon which has a lot of messages. #3 : Yes Meena Ki kahani has vey subtle messages. #1: Cartoon that would promote values more than dreams must be chosen. you can actually work on something you already have in your life rather than ideals which may not be reachable

for you thus creating frustration in you. Movies like Finding Nimo was a harmless movie and promotes certain values like listening to your parents and making long lasting relation ships. Such movies actually are very important in teaching morals rather than subliminally you telling how important unrealistic relationships are. #2 : I think Lion King is a good example. #1: Oh! I agree Lion King was a supreme example. #2: It had a lot of messages. #3:. Keep in mind that cartoon weather they are Disney cartoons OR Warner brothers' product are not innocent. Like Jane Austen's novel are also re interpreted in the post mod world and have a different discourse. They give very different message of supremacy of nations. For example if you took at Spirit. Have you seen Spirit? #1#2: yes, I have. #3 : Its also that the uncouth part of the world has to be ruled. The stereo type story about red Indians does not have innocent contents and we cannot refer certain things shown in it. #1: I still think the children being young, dont know enough to interpret it. They interpret it with limited understanding of the world. We as adults can actually know that they actually are giving different messages. But even cartoons like Tom and Jerry as well apparently are very harmless but they are not exactly very harmless. It is the most violent cartoon that I actually watched in my childhoods Irrespective of how many time Jerry banged on Tom's head he would not bleed. So if some body try something like that on actual human being expecting not to bleed could be preposterous. #2 Yes and Tom does not without even squeaks out.


#2: I would go for Shrek for it has value in it. I think kids are very cruel. They make fun of faces. Shrek had a message that ugliness is not what is apparent. #4 We had Sesame Street to watch.

#1: Even the Fairy Tales, fairy tales have been re-interpreted now a days and fairy tales have become lot more serious and graver and darker . We had Snow White and seven dwarfs but now its changed into Snow White and Huntsman. #1: Even in the cartoons the contents have become very graver. May be they are trying to expose children to reality. #3: Can I make a suggestion regarding interview? why dont you make a controlling experimental group of children who're watching Disney cartoon and others and then compare results. Its going to be more authentic, because we are a generation whose passed that age of watching cartoons. #3: What you're doing is focusing on the interviews and using it as theory. so if you have that observation, add it to your study,I think that is going to give insight to it. #1 : I just think that we have been exposed to the previous contents in late 80s and early 90s and also the one that started emerging in the can have a comparative analysis of what the cartoon and programmes used to be and what they are now . I still watch cartoon so I can tell you that back in the 90s, cartoons were much simpler to understand and life was much simpler and now it has become difficult . Even parent and child relation ship has decreased and the level of tolerance has decreased as well. #2 : #1: #3 : #1: #2: #3 Somebody would be saying the exact same thing 20 years later of the same day. Peer pressure is also there. Children have to watch same contents to be in a group. Peer pressure was always there. It has become very pervasive in a society. It's all about being cool. Captain America should also be banned. We used to watch captain planet #3: Yes, we used to watch it.

#1 I used to love watching Mr muggu with my kids It was a literally blind stumbling through life and how he would just make it. He was very cute loveable character. #3 : We also have indigenous cartoon like "Commander Safeguard". #2: Oh God. Yes we have that cartoon. #: 3 They have made those cartoons more attractive to commercialize their products.

#3: There is no harem in endorsing the same idea as long as you have made them on your own. #3 #1 They manage to get the message across and sell soaps. The concept is good. Thank you.. It was fun.

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