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AS/LIKE , BY/UNTIL This car is as good as new. I received the book as a Christmas present.

received the book as a Christmas present. You will never find a second car like this. Why do you never listen? Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. Paris is bigger than Prague but not as big as London. Look. This car is like the one we saw yesterday. The construction will last until July. Jack played tennis better than John but not as well as Tom. We will employ him until the end of the year. When he worked here, he never worked as a manager. I want to work until the end of the year, than I want to relax. Did the woman really look like her sister? You will drive until ten, then well change. Jean speaks English like an Englishman, although as a child he didnt know a word. I will work on it until Friday night, than Ill let you know. He will confirm it as soon as possible. I think by twelve at the latest. We dont have a car therefore we use our garage as a workshop. Be here until ten. Then you can go home. Will they bring it by Saturday? Youre a perfect dancer. I would like to dance like you. Will you talk about it until morning? Could you please send it by the end of the week? I cannot come tomorrow as we arranged. I will have to leave at seven. So be here by six-thirty. As a good friend he was always ready to help. She will work here until June, then she wants to leave. He will not call by Friday because he will be abroad until Saturday. Did you get the bicycle as a present? I will visit her by next Tuesday. It looks like a murder. Do you want to drive until midnight or should I drive now? Everything should be prepared by eight p. m. You can never be like him. Will it really last until summer? He should prepare it by midnight. They were using cars as a barricade. He will arrive by Friday. Is Paris as beautiful as London? Dont wait for me tonight. I will work until ten. We will send the message by two oclock. He climbed the tree like as cat. The film will last until eleven. To auto je tak dobr jako nov. Dostal jsem tu knihu jako vnon drek. Nikdy nenajde druh auto jako tohle. Pro nikdy neposlouch? Mluven s tebou je jako mluven do zdi. Pa je vt ne Praha, ale ne tak velk jako Londn. Podvej. To auto je jako to, co jsme vidli vera. Stavba bude trvat do ervence. Jack hrl tenis lpe ne John, ale ne tak dobe jako Tom. Zamstnme ho do konce roku. Kdy pracoval zde, nikdy nepracoval jako manager. Chci pracovat do konce roku, pak chci relaxovat. Vypadala ta ena opravdu jako jej sestra? Bude dit do deseti, pak se vymnme. Jean mluv anglicky jako anglian, akoliv jako dt neuml ani slovo. Budu na tom pracovat do pten noci, pak ti dm vdt. Potvrd to co nejdve. Myslm, e nejpozdji do dvancti. Nemme auto a proto pouvme gar jako dlnu. Bu tady do desti. Pak me jt dom. Pinesou to do soboty? Jsi perfektn tanenk. Rd bych tancoval jako ty. Budete o tom mluvit do rna? Mohl byste to prosm poslat do konce tdne? Nemohu pijt ztra jak jsme si domluvili. Budu muset odjet v sedm. Tak tady bu do est ticet. Jako dobr ptel byl vdy pipraven pomoci. Bude tady pracovat do ervna, pak chce odejt. Nezavol do ptku, protoe je do soboty v zahrani. Dostal jsi to kolo jako drek? Navtvm ji do ptho terka. Vypad to jako vrada. Chce dit do plnoci nebo mm te dit j? Ve by mlo bt pipraveno do osmi hodin veer. Nikdy neme bt jako on. Bude to opravdu trvat do lta? Ml by to pipravit do plnoci. Pouvali auta jako barikdu. Pijede do ptku. Je Pa tak krsn jako Londn? Dnes veer na m neekej. Budu pracovat do deseti. Poleme tu zprvu do dvou hodin. Vyplhal na strom jako koka. Ten film bude trvat do jedencti.

He will finish his work by Friday. Does he really work as a general manager? He will decide by the end of the month. This is study of Eisenhower as a statesman and a soldier. I can see youre tired. You can sleep until eight. Will you arrive by Sunday? Do you want to use this letter as evidence? He will stay until seven oclock.

Dokon prci do ptku. Opravdu pracuje jako generln editel? On se rozhodne do konce msce. Toto je studie o Eisenhowerovi jako o sttnkovi a vojkovi. Vidm, e jsi unaven. Me spt do osmi. Pijedete do nedle? Chce pout tento dopis jako dkaz? Zstane do sedmi hodin.

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