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he year 2001 was for me particularly moving.

Together with the rest of the world, I shared the pain of nations rocked by disasters, natural and otherwise. Throughout the year, I met so many people who cope with life in the most difficult circumstances. I recall in particular the wonderment of a young street child as she celebrated a birthday, an event never before acknowledged. That which moved me also inspired me. I took the opportunity to learn more from our developing member countries (DMCs). I visited several, some for the first time. I met with governments to form partnerships for reducing poverty. I visited project sites. I saw bridges that strengthened economic cooperation among neighboring countries. I listened to the voices of


the poor. I saw poverty. But I also saw hope. I saw nations working together, new alliances being formed, old friendships drawing new strength from a common goal. My travels reconfirmed my belief in what we at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) are doing. The Poverty Reduction Strategy we adopted in 1999 brought us closer to realizing the goal of a region free of poverty. The Long-Term Strategic Framework (LTSF), adopted in 2001, provides the fundamental operating principles to shape the future. Our Social Protection Strategy will help vulnerable populations throughout the region to better manage risks and develop their capital. Our community empowerment projects and natural resources management projects will benefit indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities, groups that often bear the greatest burden of poverty. The private sector supports growth and catalyzes investmentnecessary to support our poverty reduction efforts. Governance initiatives and

assistance to DMCs in implementing policy, legislative, and administrative reforms are creating the environment necessary to sustain growth. Our new water policy that calls for conservation and awareness campaigns will lead to better regional management of this precious shared resource. The Pacific Strategy will help the island economies realize the benefits of economies of scale and encourage private sector investment as a way to address poverty. My travels also validated the importance of partnershipsthe strength we all gain by working together. In times of crisis, partnerships are especially important. ADB acted swiftly to help the people of Gujarat following a devastating earthquake. After witnessing the events of 11 September, we joined the partnership of nations and individuals in dealing with this tragedy. Videoconferencing with our development partners closed the physical distance between us. Partnerships are helping the people of Afghanistan face the future with hope. Agreements we reached with governments and other development institutions are strengthening the regions legal systems, improving governance, saving fragile ecosystems, and helping nourish a mother and her child. We need not travel long distances to see the benefits of partnerships. When we invited 500 Filipino street children and several nongovernment organization caregivers to ADB headquarters in April, we asked the children to draw the streets of their city. Their drawings touched us. We want for them what they want for themselves: a life of dignity, a life without poverty. Like the agreements we signed with other governments, the Poverty Partnership Agreement between the Philippines and ADB will bring us closer to that goal. These experiences renewed my determination to ensure that ADB will continue to make a difference. DMCs and ADB cooperate to develop country strategy and program reports and their updates, ensuring DMC ownership of the development agenda. With our new loan products, based on the London interbank offered

rate (LIBOR) and introduced in 2001, we help our public and private sector borrowers better manage interest rate and exchange rate risks. Our reorganization and new business processesdeveloped in 2001, and made effective in January 2002ensure our responsiveness to our partners. Our efforts must not be in isolation. Individually our institution can make a difference. We can comfort a sick child, teach a village to feed itself, help educate the people. We can help harvest crops, empower women, and build ports and bridges. We can tap energy sources, and strengthen private sector enterprises. But this is not enough. If there is a lesson I can share from 2001, it is that individually we can do much, but with our partners and a common goal of poverty reduction, we can achieve so much more. Solidarity gives us strength.

ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Manila 27 March 2002 Chairman of the Board of Governors Asian Development Bank Dear Mr. Chairman, In accordance with Article 39 of the Articles of Agreement of the Asian Development Bank and Section 13 of its By-Laws, I submit to the Board of Governors the Annual Report 2001 , including a separate report on the activities of the Special Funds, which has been prepared under the direction of the Board of Directors. The Annual Report also includes the financial statements prescribed in Section 15 of the By-Laws. Sincerely,

TADAO CHINO President and Chairman of the Board of Directors

Outlines the highlights of ADB operations, financial resources, and policies approved in 2001


Discusses activities of the Board and its committees, including policies approved, visits to developing member countries, and general operations
6 8 11 12 Strengthening the framework Broadening partnerships General operations Board committees


Focuses on the importance of strengthening partnerships and ADBs initiatives to promote regional cooperation
14 15 16 17 27 28 ADB: a natural partner Regionalization in a global context Dimensions of regional cooperation Economic cooperation initiatives Conclusion Notes

Presents ADBs long-term strategic framework, crosscutting themes, strategies, and policies toward reducing poverty
30 30 33 35 36 37 38 Reducing poverty Long-term strategic framework Medium-term strategy Social protection strategy Supporting gender and development Cooperating with nongovernment organizations Crosscutting strategic themes

Details ADB operations in 2001, including its lending, technical assistance, grants, cofinancing arrangements, and private sector activities
45 45 46 Lending Technical assistance Grants

46 46 46 48 49 50

Equity investments Resource transfers Cofinancing and guarantee operations Portfolio management Private sector operations portfolio Performance evaluation and development impact

Presents, in alphabetical order, each developing member country's economic performance and ADB operations
55 56 57 58 60 61 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 72 74 75 76 78 79 80 81 82 82 84 85 87 88 89 90 92 93 94 96 96 97 98 99 101 Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia Peoples Republic of China Cook Islands Fiji Islands India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Republic of Korea Kyrgyz Republic Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Federated States of Micronesia Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Note


Gives an overview of ADBs efforts in strengthening its knowledge management and expanding its representation
102 103 104 106 Economics and Development Resource Center ADB Institute Resident and regional missions and representative offices Information management

Reports on ADBs major strategic reorientation and administration, including personnel and budget highlights and audit mechanisms
108 108 109 109 109 110 Human resource management, training, and development Compensation Administrative services Budget Audit and anticorruption Notes


Summarizes the transactions on ADBs financial resourcesordinary capital resources and Special Fundsincluding the financial statements and independent auditors report
112 122 126 128 129 Ordinary capital resources Special Funds Other funds managed by ADB Notes Financial Statements

Includes 46 tables on ADB operations, financial resources, economic indicators of ADBs developing member countries, and environment and social data
198 237 241 248 Operational Data Financial Resources Economic Data Environment and Social Indicators

Presents 9 tables, including the members of ADBs Board of Governors, Board of Directors, Management, and Senior Staff
253 254 Resolutions of the Board of Governors Adopted in 2001 Board of Governors

256 257 257 258 259 262 263

Board of Directors and Voting Groups Committees of the Board of Directors ADB Institute Advisory Council Organizational Structure Management, Senior Staff, and Resident/ Country Directors Former ADB Presidents and Vice-Presidents Summary of Budget for 2002


Lists the recently released publications and videos of ADB and the ADB Institute


Defines abbreviations and acronyms used

Defines commonly used ADB terms


Gives the addresses and contact numbers of ADBs field offices and selected web sites




Loan approvals
Lending for both public and private sector operations totaled $5,339 million for 76 loans in 60 projects. Lending to the public sector amounted to more than $5,301 million for 57 projects, comprising $3,940 million from ordinary capital resources (OCR) and $1,362 million from the Asian Development Fund (ADF). Twenty-two developing member countries (DMCs) and one regional project received ADB loans. India received the largest amount ($1,500 million or 28%), followed by Peoples Republic of China, Pakistan, and Indonesia. Transport and communications received the highest share of loans with $1,426 million or 27% of the total lending. The average loan size was $70 million.

Loans by Sector, 2001


Poverty reduction
Eight projects totaling about $24 million were approved for financing from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction. Partnership agreements on poverty reduction were signed between ADB and Bhutan, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Nepal, and Philippines.

Private Sector Loans, Equity Investments, and Total Funds Mobilized

($ million)

Private sector operations

ADBs lending to the private sector, totaling $37.5 million for four loans, included its first private sector support in the social sectors for education and health care. ADB approved three equity investments in the private sector, totaling $30.4 million.

Loan disbursements
A total of $3,874 million was disbursed. Of this, 63% was for project loans, followed by program, sector, and private sector loans.


Technical assistance
A total of 257 technical assistance grants amounting to $146.4 million were approved. Of the total amount for technical assistance, $39.8 million came from the Technical Assistance Special Fund resources and $20.0 million from ordinary capital resources current income; $53.8 million from the regular and supplementary contributions to the Japan Special Fund; $16.1 million from the Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility; and $16.7 million from other sources. Of the technical assistance projects, 64 were for project preparation, 142 for advisory and operational purposes, and 51 for regional activities. The largest share (19%) of total project-specific technical assistance went to the agriculture and natural resources sector, followed by social infrastructure, finance, and transport and communications. Technical assistance components of loans totaled $180 million. Indonesia received the largest share of country-specific technical assistance grants with $15.9 million or 14% of total technical assistance to DMCs. Other top recipients were Peoples Republic of China, Viet Nam, and India.

Loan Approvals and Disbursements, 19972001

($ million)

Technical Assistance Grants by Source, 2001


Sixteen projects received grants totaling $93.8 million. Of this, eight projects received about $24 million from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction; and eight projects that received ADB loans also received grants totaling $69.8 million from the governments of Australia, Denmark, The Netherlands, and United Kingdom, and the Global Environment Facility.

Cofinancing for loan projects mobilized from all sources amounted to about $1,358 million for 25 projects in 11 DMCsequivalent to 26% of ADBs total lending for the year. Cofinancing arrangements made with commercial sources totaled $913 million, official sources $425 million, and export credit agencies $20 million.

Recipients of Technical Assistance Grants, 2001 ($ million)

Financial resources
Authorized capital stock amounted to $43,834 million. Subscribed capital stood at $43,628 million. Borrowings in 2001 totaled $1,607 million, including $1,207 million in medium- and long-term funds through 15 structured private placement transactions and 2 opportunistic public offerings.


Borrowers, 2001
($ million)

Gross income amounted to $2,238.7 million, of which $1,813.7 million was generated by loan portfolio, $403.4 million by investment portfolio, and $21.6 million from other sources. In 2001, ADBs Special Funds consisted of the concessional Asian Development Fund with committed resources amounting to $5.2 million, Technical Assistance Special Fund $33.9 million, Japan Special Fund $30.9 million, and ADB Institute Special Fund $61.5 million. The Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology was established in 2001 to harness the potential of information and communication technology and bridge the growing digital divide in Asia and the Pacific. Other funds established this year, to be administered by ADB, are the Dutch Fund to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency, the Canadian Fund to manage climate change, the fund from the United Kingdom to focus on poverty reduction in India, and the multidonor Cooperation Fund for the Water Sector to promote effective water management policies and practices at the regional, subregional, and country levels.

Borrowings, 19972001
($ million)

ADB adopted several operational policies and strategies, including the Long-Term Strategic Framework (20012015); Medium-Term Strategy (2001 2005); Social Protection Strategy; Water for All: The Water Policy of the Asian Development Bank; Pacific Strategy for the New Millennium; a revised Political Risk Guarantee Policy; Private Sector Operations: Strategic Directions and Review; and Toward E-Development in Asia and the Pacific: A Strategic Approach for Information and Communication Technology. ADB introduced London interbank offered rate (LIBOR)-based loan products to meet the needs of its public and private sector borrowers in managing interest rate and exchange rate risks.

Net Income, 19972001

($ million)

Resident missions and other ADB offices

ADB opened three field officesan extended mission in Gujarat, India; a resident mission in Mongolia; and a country office in the Philippinesand inaugurated a resident mission in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic.

Tadao Chino was reelected ADB President in September 2001 for a new 5-year term.


(amounts in $ million)
19662001 a OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES TOTAL LENDING (amount) Number of Projects c OCR Loans (amount) Number of Loans Disbursements (amount) ADF Loans (amount) Number of Loans Disbursements (amount) A. Government and Government-Guaranteed Loans (amount) Number of Projects c OCR Loans (amount) Number of Loans Disbursements (amount) ADF Loans (amount) Number of Loans Disbursements (amount) B. Private Sector Loans d (amount) Number of Projects c OCR Loans (amount) Number of Loans Disbursements (amount) ADF Loans (amount) Number of Loans Disbursements (amount) EQUITY INVESTMENT d (amount) Number of Investments EQUITY UNDERWRITING d (amount) Number of Commitments TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE e (amount) Number of Projects COFINANCINGf (amount) Number of Projects RESOURCES Ordinary Capital Resources Authorized Capital (at end of period) Subscribed Capital (at end of period) Borrowings (gross) Outstanding Debt (at end of period) Ordinary Reserve (at end of period) Special Reserve (at end of period) Gross Income Net Income after Appropriation of Commissions/ Guarantee Fees to Special Reserve Special Funds Resources Asian Development Fund Total Resources (at end of period) Technical Assistance Special Fund Total Resources (at end of period) g Japan Special Fund Regular and Supplementary Contributions (at end of period) g Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility g ADB Institute Special Fundh Total Resources (at end of period)
a b c d e f g h

1998 5,982 57 4,995 39 5,623 987 27 1,144 5,846 51 4,859 32 5,539 987 27 1,144 136 6 136 7 84 42 5 148 243 2,939 24

1999 4,979 52 3,908 34 3,710 1,070 32 1,114 4,832 48 3,762 30 3,647 1,071 32 1,114 147 4 147 4 63 7 1 172 313 2,953 27

2000 5,653 a 74 4,060 39 b 2,884 1,592 49 1,135 5,501 a 70 3,908 a 35 b 2,823 1,592 49 1,135 152 4 152 a 4 61 78 7 172 306 2,965 41

2001 5,339 60 3,977 30 2,850 1,362 46 1,024 5,301 a 57 3,940 26 2,799 1,362 46 1,024 38 3 38 4 51 30 3 146 257 1,358 25

93,155 b 1,683 67,441 959 44,616 25,714 917 17,552 91,823 1,607 66,123 884 43,667 25,700 912 17,537 1,332 76 1,318 75 949 14 5 14 648 111 40 6 2,044 4,748 36,180 580

43,834 43,628 43,408 24,813 7,812 183 27,629 9,532 19,887 911 897 241 61

49,154 48,456 9,617 23,780 6,211 182 1,832 464 20,535 722 734 28

47,945 47,597 5,186 26,269 6,689 182 2,028 450 22,087 809 799 104 35

45,485 45,271 1,693 25,340 7,166 182 2,301 626 20,993 899 854 241 43

43,834 43,628 1,607 24,813 7,812 183 2,239 862 19,887 911 897 241 61

Data not applicable. Totals may not add due to rounding. Amounts and numbers adjusted to exclude terminated loans. Projects with multiple loans are counted once. Cumulative number of projects excludes supplementary loans. Amounts and numbers adjusted to exclude fully cancelled approvals. Comprising technical assistance grants funded by ADB and other sources. Regional technical assistance projects included. Adjusted to reflect changes in cofinancing arrangements. Figures revised to include other resources and transfers to the Asian Development Fund. Figures represent contributions.



ADB met the challenges of 2001:

strengthening itself with the approval of key policies and strategies, encouraging participation and broadening partnerships, and providing loan and technical assistance where needed.

or the Asian and Pacific region and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2001 was a year of great challenges and tragedies. It was a year when earthquakes shook India and Tajikistan; a harsh winter hurt Mongolia; and terrorism shocked the world. Exports, tourism, and foreign investment fell, and currency and equity markets became more volatile as the impact of 11 September hit consumer and investor confidence. It was a year of slow and uneven growth worldwide, a year when the external economic environment challenged many of ADBs developing member countries (DMCs) at every turn. And, it was a year when ADB took up the challenge of reorganizing itself to meet the complex development needs of the region. The year was also one of cooperation, consultation, and commitment; when nations united in the fight against terrorism; when multilateral organizations and governments, and the public and private sectors, banded together to meet the challenges of poverty. It was a year when the public and private sectors began to adapt their procedures and practices to meet international standards of accountability, transparency, and disclosure. It was a year when nations cooperated, when diversity and common goals were bridged through consultation and dialogue. ADB met the challenges of 2001: strengthening itself with the approval of key policies and strategies, encouraging participation and broadening partnerships, and providing loan and technical assistance where needed. In 2001, the Board of Directors (the Board) approved directly, or through authority delegated to the President, 76 loans totaling $5.3 billion, 3 equity investments worth $30.4 million, 257 technical assistance projects amounting to $146.4 million, and grants for 16 projects totaling $93.8 million. Emergency assistance was approved for earthquake-stricken Gujarat, India, and assistance for the DMCs affected by the aftermath of the 11 September eventsincluding Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Central Asian republicswas extended.

Strengthening the framework

The strategies and policies approved in 2001, discussed in this Annual Report, resulted from consultation with governments, nongovernment organizations (NGOs), other international


organizations, and stakeholders throughout the Asian Poverty is and Pacific region, as well as from internal reviews of reduced more priorities and operations. Interconnected and interextensively and twined, these policies strengthen ADBs framework. rapidly during In March, the Board approved the Long-Term periods of fast Strategic Framework (LTSF) 20012015, a 15-year plan economic for ADBs all-out assault on poverty. Drawing from the growth. The 1999 Poverty Reduction Strategy and the 2000 Private private sector, Sector Development Strategy, the LTSF focuses on through achieving sustainable economic growth, inclusive social investment and development, and good governance. job creation, can The LTSF sets out fundamental operating principles play a vital role for reducing poverty, including ensuring DMCs own their in reducing poverty reduction programs, enhancing strategic poverty. In 2000, partnerships, and measuring development impacts. the Board The Board also approved the Medium-Term approved ADBs Strategy (MTS) 20012005the bridge between the LTSF first comprehensive Private Sector Development and the activities ADB will undertake in its DMCs over Strategy, which confirmed the role of ADBs private the next 5 years. Designed to enhance the development sector operations in catalyzing private investment impact of ADB assistance, the MTS advocates stronger through direct financing and risk mitigation instruments. ADB commitment in addressing the institutional and In 2001, the Board affirmed ADB support for infrastrucpolicy issues that support its thematic priorities. The ture projects, funds, and financial intermediaries, and MTS strengthens ADBs leadership role in regional ensured that such support would be oriented toward cooperationone of ADBs unique strengthsand achieving greater development impact and reiterates the importance of economic growth in demonstration effects. reducing poverty. The MTS also advocates investments Regional cooperation, sustainable growth, and in the physical infrastructure necessary to promote private sector development were further promoted with growth and productivity in both rural and urban areas, the approval in 2001 of the Pacific Strategy for the New as well as social infrastructure and services for human Millennium. The strategy focuses on streamlining the development to support pro-poor growth. public sectors and boosting private sector investment as The MTS is translated into action by individual country strategy and program (CSP) reports. The CSP and CSP updatesdeveloped in cooperation with each DMCemphasize a countrywide approach to development and ensure a DMC perspective for ADB operations. Several operational procedures and policies were approved in 2001. Acknowledging the powerful force of information and communication technology (ICT) in shaping the social and economic development of Asia and the Pacific, ADB adopted a strategic approach to assist its DMCs in seizing the opportunities created by ICT. The new strategyToward E-Development in Asia and the Pacific: A Strategic Approach for Information and Communication Technology creates an enabling environment for ICT development, builds the human resources to Management, December 2001 promote ICT literacy, and develops the Seated: President Tadao Chino. Standing, left to right: The Secretary applications and information content for Bindu N. Lohani; Vice-Presidents Myoung-Ho Shin, John Lintjer, and Joseph B. Eichenberger ADB-supported activities.

The LTSF sets out fundamental operating principles for reducing poverty, including ensuring DMCs own their poverty reduction programs, enhancing strategic partnerships, and measuring development impacts.


Strengthening Partnerships: ADB and the World Bank

Better coordination, improved communications, a more clearly defined division of labor, and increased efficiency are expected when the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Administrative Arrangements for Cooperation, signed in 2001 by ADB and the World Bank, takes effect. The MOU provides the framework and processes for the two development banks to work more closely. It also calls for implementation of an existing joint protocol on collaboration that is expected to support the preparation of poverty reduction strategies. Operational procedures and processes will be harmonized, and efficiency and effectiveness at the country and institutional levels will be enhanced. Management of the two institutions will review implementation progress regularly and will report their findings to their respective Boards of Directors.

Protection Strategy. Integral to ADBs goal of reducing poverty, the strategy advocates helping vulnerable populations better manage risks and develop their human capital.

Broadening partnerships
Presidents visits

the way to tackle physical and economic vulnerability and governance problems. Water for All: The Water Policy of the Asian Development Bank, approved by the Board in 2001, also promotes regional cooperation. It emphasizes that water is a vital economic good that needs careful management both to sustain growth and to reduce poverty. The policy stresses the need for integrated cross-sector approaches to water management and development. Conservation and participatory approaches to protecting water resources are at the heart of the policy. ADBs policy foundation was further strengthened with the approval in September 2001 of the Social

The President carried ADBs message to several DMCs and international conferences in 2001. As the first head of a multilateral development bank to visit Pakistan after 11 September, Mr. Chino saw firsthand the effects of isolation on Afghanistans people. He was able to draw on this experience when he later traveled to Washington, DC for a Senior Officials Meeting on Reconstruction Assistance to Afghanistan, cochaired by Japan and the United States. Also in 2001, Mr. Chino attended the Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Batam, Indonesiawhere he reiterated ADBs strong commitment to supporting the Governments efforts for reform and poverty reductionand visited four of the Central Asian republicsKazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. He opened ADB resident missions in Lao Peoples Democratic

Board of Directors Left to right: Othman Jusoh, Julian H. Payne, Zhao Xiaoyu, Uwe Henrich, Jeung-Hyun Yoon, Chantale Yok-Min Wong, John Austin, Patrick Thomas, Frank Black, John S. Lockhart, and Kh. Zaheer Ahmed


Republic, Mongolia, and Philippines and participated in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Finance Ministers Meeting in Suzhou, Peoples Republic of China.

Strengthening Partnerships: ADB and the United Nations

They share the goal of reducing poverty. They share the democratic governance framework for achieving that goal. And in May 2001, ADB and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) strengthened their common purpose even further when they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Strategic Partnership. The MOU specifies priority thematic areas and modalities of cooperation between the two organizations. It provides for a UN Development Assistance Framework, and cooperation between ADB and other UN organizations particularly in aid coordination and in such activities as preparing common country assessments, country strategies and programs, and a common database on poverty and other social indicators. The agreed guidelines call for an annual consultation meeting to monitor, report, and review the progress of partnership. The guidelines also stipulate the designation of focal persons for each thematic area of cooperation to identify opportunities for cooperation and initiate action toward realizing those opportunities. Partnership initiatives include cooperating in monitoring and assessing the Millennium Development Goals, which are mostly poverty related, and negotiating an umbrella agreement to include ADB staff in UN security arrangements.

Directors visits

A group of Directors visited Cambodia and Viet Nam from 24 February to 10 March; and another group traveled to Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan from 27 August to 12 September. The visits provided the Directors an opportunity to better understand the development conditions in the DMCs and to discuss priorities and constraints with senior government officials, civil society, NGOs, and others from the perspective of the DMCs concerned. The visits also allowed the Directors to look at specific ADB-supported development projects, and review the implementation status and challenges being faced by the DMCs. The Directors assessed agency coordination, focusing in particular on those areas where duplication could be avoided, and provided stakeholders with a better understanding of the work ADB does in each DMC.

In Cambodia and Viet Nam, the Directors recommended that ADB focus on increasing loan disbursements to strengthen implementation, and reducing the number of regions and sectors in the CSP reports. The Directors noted the Vietnamese authorities concern regarding the use of consultants

Left to right: Ram Binod Bhattarai, Ju Kuilin, Maarten Verwey, Osamu Tsukahara, Yasuro Narita, S. L. Seneviratne, Jusuf Anwar, P. G. Mankad, Cayetano W. Paderanga, Jr., Miranda Rawlinson, and Pascal Gregoire



Selected Policy Papers and Reports Discussed by the Board of Directors in 2001
Policy, Financial, and Administrative Papers Water for All: The Water Policy of the Asian Development Bank 16 January 2001 Review of the Partial Risk Guarantee of the Asian Development Bank 30 January 2001 Promoting Good GovernanceADBs Medium-Term Agenda and Action Plan 1 February 2001 Policy on Performance-Based Allocation for Asian Development Fund Resources 13 March 2001 Long-Term Strategic Framework of the Asian Development Bank (20012015) 14 March 2001 Cooperation with Canada 15 March 2001 A Pacific Strategy for the New Millennium 20 March 2001 Review of the Asian Development Banks Income Outlook and Allocation of 2000 Net Income 29 March 2001 Borrowing Program for 2001 28 May 2001 Cooperation with the Governments of the United Kingdom and Northern IrelandGrant Fund for Technical Assistance 7 June 2001 Review of the Asian Development Banks Financial Loan Products 19 June 2001 A Review of Loan Loss Provisioning Policy for ADF 26 June 2001 Financing Technical Assistance (20012004) 26 June 2001 Cooperation with JapanJapan Fund for Information and Communication Technology 31 July 2001 Streamlining the Approval Process of the Board of Directors through More Efficient Use of the Summary Procedure for Loan Proposals 23 August 2001 Private Sector OperationsStrategic Directions and Review 3 September 2001 Social Protection Strategy 13 September 2001 Medium-Term Strategy (20012005) 8 October 2001 Reorganization of the Asian Development Bank 9 October 2001 Work Program and Budget Framework (20022004) 11 October 2001 Governance Cooperation Fund 27 November 2001 ADB InstituteWork Program and Budget for 2002 14 December 2001 Modifying the Conditions of Transformation of Pool-Based Loan Products to LIBOR-Based Loan Terms 18 December 2001 Working Papers Financing Technical Assistance (20012004) 18 January 2001 Loan Terms for Poverty Interventions in Borrowers that Have Access Only to Ordinary Capital Resources 27 March 2001 Policy on Education 24 April 2001 Review of the Asian Development Banks Liquidity Policy 28 November 2001

in projects and recommended that this be studied. They noted that the technical assistance program should be demand-driven and developed in full consultation with DMC governments. The Directors also recommended that ADB consider establishing a credit line for smalland medium-sized enterprises as requested by the private sector. The Directors noted the similar development challenges faced by Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan, especially those relating to their landlocked geography and their transition from centrally planned to market economies. At the same time, each country faces unique challenges. The Directors concluded that, while regional cooperation among the three countries is important, a common approach to development challenges cannot be applied to these countries simply because of their location. ADBs country focus is, therefore, particularly relevant. The Directors also noted the willingness of each DMC to take ownership of its respective development programs, from which the Directors concluded the importance of ensuring that ADB program designs and procedures are flexible. The distance of the DMCs from ADB headquarters highlighted the need for resident missions in each country; the Directors noted that most major multilateral financial institutions already have missions in all three countries. The importance of ADBs mission in Kazakhstan was noted, and the need to establish missions in Azerbaijan and Tajikistan to facilitate more effective aid coordination and program planning was stressed.

Funding agencies
ADBs cooperation and coordination with other funding agencies was strengthened in 2001. ADB, World Bank, and the United Nations



Development Programme prepared the Preliminary $53.8 million from regular and supplementary contribuNeeds Assessment for Afghanistans recovery and tions to the Japan Special Fund, $16.1 million from the reconstruction for presentation at the Ministerial Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility, and $16.7 million Conference on the Reconstruction of Afghanistan in from other sources. Tokyo in January 2002. The Japanese Government and ADB established the Japan Fund for Information and The Boards and Their Functions Communication Technology to facilitate advances in technology and ADB is governed by a Board of Governors, which, at the end of 2001, communications and to bridge the consisted of 591 members (43 regional and 16 nonregional). Under Article 28 of ADBs Charter, the Board of Governors is vested with all the powers growing digital divide in Asia and the of ADB. In turn, the Governors delegate their authority to the Board of Pacific. ADB signed a Memorandum Directors, except for certain powers reserved to them under the Charter. of Understanding on Administrative The Board of Governors meets formally once a year for ADBs Annual Arrangements with the World Bank Meeting. For resolutions approved by the Board of Governors in 2001 and and also helped develop the its membership, see Appendixes 1 and 2. Comprehensive Development Under Article 28, the Board of Governors elects a 12-member Board Framework and Poverty Reduction of Directors, 8 elected by regional members and 4 by nonregional strategy papers.

General operations
In 2001, the Board of Directors met formally on 62 occasions, including executive sessions, and held 19 informal meetings, including briefings, discussion seminars, and presentations. Of the Board-approved $5,339 million for 76 loans covering 60 projects, the largest share went to the transport and communications sector. Seventy-two loans totaling over $5,301 million for 57 projects were made with government guarantee$3,940 million from ordinary capital resources and $1,362 million from the Asian Development Fund. Four loans, totaling $37.5 million, were approved for three private sector projects, including the first private sector support for social sectors for education and health care. The Board also approved three equity investments amounting to $30.4 million. The Board approved directly, or through authority delegated to the President, 257 technical assistance grants totaling $146.4 million, of which $59.8 million came from the Technical Assistance Special Fund,

members (see Appendix 3). Each Director appoints an Alternate Director. The President of ADB is the Chairperson of the Board of Directors. In 2001, the Board of Governors unanimously reelected President Tadao Chino for a new 5-year term, beginning 24 November 2001. The Board of Directors performs its duties full-time at ADBs headquarters in Manila, Philippines, and meets in regular formal and executive sessions. The Directors exercise their authority and functions by supervising preparation of ADBs financial statements, approving ADBs administrative budget, and reviewing and approving policy documents and all loan, equity, and technical assistance operations.
1 Portugal became a member of ADB on 2 April 2002, bringing the total membership to 60.

Providing Support: The Office of the Secretary

Providing advice and counsel to the Board of Governors, Board of Directors, and President is the Office of the Secretary. Its other principal functions are to help organize the Annual Meeting; to plan the calendar of the Board of Directors and to organize and facilitate meetings of the Board and its committees; to edit, classify, and circulate Board documents; to administer the terms and conditions of engagement of Management and the Board; to process applications for membership in ADB; to administer the inspection function; and to provide protocol support and services. In 2001, to facilitate Board consideration of loan projects, the summary procedure was revised. Processes were developed to discuss country strategy and program reports and their updates at Board meetings, and an integrated documents management system was initiated. The process for reelection of the President was organized. A new roster of independent experts for the inspection function was drawn up, and the first inspection was begun. Public seminars on the inspection function were held in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic and Nepal, and eight seminars to brief ADB staff were held at headquarters. The 34th Annual Meeting of ADBs Board of Governors was held in Honolulu, Hawaii, from 9 to 11 May 2001.



In informal meetings, the Directors examined a range of issues, including country strategies and program reporting structure and updates, working with NGOs, and a strategic approach for ICT for the Asian and Pacific region.

Board committees
The Board of Directors had four standing committees and one working committee in 2001. For membership, see Appendix 4.

Audit Committee
The responsibility for evaluating operations was transferred from the Boards Audit Committee to its newly created Development Effectiveness Committee in 2001. This shift allowed the Audit Committee to focus on internal controls, and internal and external audits. In its 20002001 report, the Audit Committee concentrated on the impact of the new financial accounting standards (FAS 133) on ADBs financial statements. It stressed the importance of closely following the evaluation of current thinking among the multilateral development banks regarding figures to be adopted for financial decisions and the use of three parallel accounting frameworks. The Committee oversaw the bidding process for selecting external auditors for 20012004 and concurred with the reappointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP; reviewed and endorsed the 2001 work program of the Office of the General Auditor, including the activities of the Anticorruption Unit; recommended that the new Regional and Sustainable Development Department be the focal point in ADB for good governance activities; and monitored the implementation of and internal operational controls in the development of INTEGRA, the integrated computer system being implemented in ADB.

Budget Review Committee

The Budget Review Committee met in June 2001 to review the implementation status of the Information Systems and Technology Strategy (ISTS), future information technology directions for ADB, and capital expenditures for 19982002. In November, it reviewed Managements 2002 budget proposal, 2001 work accomplishments, and 2002 work plans of ADB departments and offices. At the June meeting, the Committee noted the generally satisfactory progress of most ISTS subprojects. While noting delays in implementing the INTEGRA system, it asked that the interface between the INTEGRA and other planned systems be properly established and

coordinated promptly to ensure seamless data generation and information flows to optimize the systems integration. In November, the Committee noted the expected benefits in the new regional department structure, especially in terms of services to DMCs, and focus on long-term approaches. It noted that the success of the reorganization would hinge on the effectiveness of the Regional and Sustainable Development Department. It emphasized the critical role of the Knowledge Management Committee in effectively coordinating departments and offices in the knowledge group, and stressed the importance of the new business processes in improving efficiency and effectiveness, and reducing transaction costs. The Committee noted that the number of new policies and mandates approved over the last 5 years had placed increased pressure on ADB resources, and that ADBs policy mandates needed to be adequately funded and staffed. The Committee welcomed the introduction of environmental and social guidelines in private sector operations and suggested that the Private Sector Operations Department explore more ways to address poverty reduction. It noted that ADBs portfolio management was as important as project processing and stressed the importance of exploring innovative ways to assess the leverage effects of ADBs assistance. The Committee noted that the transition to London interbank offered rate (LIBOR)-based lending (LBL) would require a radical change in accounting systems and a strong team to ensure that ADB and its DMCs get the full benefit of LBL. On the budget process, the Committee urged ADB to explore translating into budgetary terms the cost of implementing policies and other key initiatives, and also, to the extent feasible, the benefit expected in terms of the leverage effects of ADB assistance. It sought clarification of the rationale for cost demarcation between technical assistance and internal administrative expense (IAE), stressing the need for ADB to remain rigorous in distinguishing between technical assistance and IAE-financed activities. The Committee noted several key training programs aimed at building mission leaders capabilities. It also urged more effort in the recruitment and career development of women professional staff. It urged that security, financial, personal, and professional issues be considered to facilitate recruitment and retention of these staff. The Committee recommended approval of the budget for 2002.



Development Effectiveness Committee

The Development Effectiveness Committee, established in December 2000, became active in 2001. The Committees mandate is to help the Board ensure that ADBs programs and activities achieve the desired development objectives and use ADB resources efficiently. The Committee focused on ADBs operations evaluation program and results. It reviewed the annual work program of the Operations Evaluation Department (OED); reviewed the annual programs for project and technical assistance completion reports coordinated by the Central Operations Services Office (COSO); discussed with staff OEDs Annual Review of Evaluation Activities in 2000 and COSOs Semiannual Report on Loan and Technical Assistance Portfolio Performance for the period ending 31 December 2000, and prepared Committee reports on these; and reviewed selected OED evaluation reports. The Committee concluded that the evaluation of ADBs development effectiveness was carried out adequately and efficiently in 2001. In its reports to the Board, the Committee emphasized the need to assess realistically the achievements and sustainability of completed projects, and specify and implement follow-up measures to support sustainability; incorporate adequate provisions for operation and maintenance in project design; ensure government ownership and local participation in projects; whenever possible, specifically target the poor

to ensure that they benefit from projects; focus on long-term rather than short-term reforms; continue efforts in capacity building for project implementation in the DMCs; and use ADBs resident missions effectively.

Inspection Committee
In 2001, the Inspection Committee assisted in evaluating candidates for the new roster of independent experts, who were subsequently appointed by the Board in July 2001, with 5-year terms expiring on 30 June 2006. The roster now comprises 35 names from 20 countries. For details, see In April 2001, the Inspection Committee received a request for an inspection of the Samut Prakarn Wastewater Management Project in Thailand and, in July, the Board approved the Committees recommendation for an inspection. The Committee noted and subsequently expressed concern that some policies had been approved by the Board but had not yet been incorporated into the Operations Manual, thereby excluding them from the scope of the Inspection Policy. Management is reviewing the issue. The Committee selected three panel members (the Panel), who inspected the Project in September 2001. The Panels final report was forwarded to ADB Management in December 2001. Also in December, the Committee received a request for inspection of the Southern Transport Development Project in Sri Lanka.



Special Theme


ogether, the strength of a whole is greater than that of its individual parts. Together, nations are empowered. This is the essence of regional cooperation. Not long ago, 22 senior government officials from 6 countries, 7 staff members from Asian Development Bank (ADB), and 3 representatives of the private sector and civil society traveled together along a bumpy Mekong road. Like regional cooperation, the road was not always smooth. Together, they overcame the discomforts of this long journey. The ultimate goal was to experience firsthand the need for, and benefits of, regional cooperation on their individual nations. Cooperation is a powerful instrument for dealing with regional issues. It enables nations to combine their strengths and optimize benefits from positive external influences. By the same token, regional cooperation enables nations to mitigate the adverse effects of negative externalities, such as crossborder pollution and the spread of infectious diseases. It also creates an environment where common services and development programs can be shared. Nations work together. Nations grow together. This special theme chapter discusses this growth through cooperation.

ADB: a natural partner

ADB has long recognized the value of regional cooperation for individual nations and the Asian and Pacific region as a whole. In its 1966 Charter, ADB cited economic cooperation as a means for achieving a more efficient use of regional resources, making economies more complementary, and promoting the orderly expansion of foreign trade, in particular, intraregional trade. In 1994, ADB approved a policy that formalized its role as a catalyst for regional cooperation. And more recently, ADBs Poverty Reduction Strategy and the Long-Term Strategic Framework (LTSF) 20012015 formally identified regional cooperation as a core component in the agenda for reducing poverty. Its location and policy framework position ADB for maximum impact in bringing nations together. Its over 35 years experience in development workloan projects, sector studies, and technical assistanceprovide the foundation for linking national sector development programs to

Regional cooperation eliminates physical

and nonphysical barriers. It amplifies domestic development by widening the options available to participating countries, expanding markets and access to key imports.



crossborder regional projects. This foundation was strengthened in 2001 when ADBs new organizational structurewhich mirrors the Asian and Pacific regions major geographical subregions1was approved. The programming, processing, and delivery of all ADB development activities are now within regional departments; ADB can help its developing member countries (DMCs) plan and manage regional cooperation initiatives as part of each regional departments aggregate operational program. Being positioned to catalyze cooperation is key, but several other factors also contribute to ADBs comparative advantage in the field, the most important being the mandate of the participating DMCs. In each regional and subregional cooperation initiative, the DMCs themselves proposed the programs ADB launched. The countries recognized the potential economic and social benefits of cooperation, and provided the political will to ensure effective implementation. ADB, in the role of an honest broker, brought the initiatives together. ADB has promoted several regional and subregional cooperation initiatives over the years. The oldest and perhaps best known by the development community is the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) program which combines the individual strengths of six countries Cambodia, Peoples Republic of China (PRC), Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam. Other important initiatives include the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT), the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA), Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) initiative, and the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) initiative. In addition, ADB has long promoted the grouping of 12 Pacific DMCs, and is now also supporting a new regional cooperation initiative between the PRC and Mongolia. As poverty reduction in the Asian and Pacific region is ADBs overarching goal in all its operations, interventions within regional cooperation are focused on those areas with the most widespread poverty. The most stark example is the South Asian initiative, which covers a subregion of over half of Asias poor, or about 500 million people living on less than a dollar a day.

Regionalization in a global context

Global forces are reshaping the context of Asian development. Globalization has meant significant growth in the Asian and Pacific region in areas such as trade,2 and the increase in global capital flows has been even

more dramatic.3 Globalization has made capital increasingly mobile, which in turn has led to the potential to accelerate the development of countries. Globalization has increased the volume and speed of international communications, and is changing the structure of global production. Globalization, supported by technology transfer, has led to a rise in productivity and increasing specialization of the labor force. Although globalization has led many Asian countries to an unprecedented level of material well-being, it has also brought risks, as evidenced by the 1997 Asian financial crisis. In the aftermath of 11 Septemberfor the first time since the 1970s oil crisisall three engines of global economic growth (expansion of regional trade and tourism, foreign exchange earning capacity, and employment-intensive activities) are faltering. Without a carefully coordinated response, global economic progress may begin to reverse. On a global scale, international institutions can monitor and promote globalization to maximize benefits and minimize risks. For example, the United Nations (UN) system and Bretton Woods Institutions formulated the institutional architecture of global governance and global economic management. Similarly, regional institutions and groupings act as conduits between individual countries and global institutions.4 Regional consensus can facilitate and monitor regional compliance with international agreements. Regional groupings can be platforms for regional cooperation in infrastructure projects. Regional integration initiatives in Asia include the expanding ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) structure. Regional groupings are not necessarily protective trading blocks that militate against the mandate of the World Trade Organization (WTO) by promoting trade diversion instead of trade creation. Rather, regional institutions and arrangements can form the intermediate building blocks of a global economic system thus forming a relationship of synergy rather than substitution. Regional integration complements globalization in two general ways. First, indicators of global trends such as investment, production, and trade linkagesare most clearly discernible at the regional level. Second, in an increasingly globalized world, national governments must address shared issues. This creates pressure for mutual adjustment on matters previously regarded as domesticfiscal, monetary, and investment policies; commercial legislation; and environment and social protection. Regional integration helps individual countries balance domestic development needs with the forces of



ADBs Role in APEC

APEC, today consisting of 21 economies,1 was established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence of economies in the Asian and Pacific region. The regions leaders first met in 1993 to share a vision of achieving regional stability, security, and prosperity. They pledged to find cooperative solutions to the challenges of the rapidly changing global economy by supporting greater regional linkages, reducing trade and investment barriers, and improving education and training. APECs main goals are to promote a free and open multilateral trading system and enhance trade and investment liberalization and development cooperation in the Asian and Pacific region. In 1996, ADB was invited by the APEC Secretariat to join the APEC Finance Ministers to help assess the global and regional outlook and advise on emerging economic and financial sector issues. ADB participates actively at all levels (ministerial and technical) with the APEC Finance Ministers, from hosting workshops and conferences, to coordinating work on important reports. For example, ADB helps facilitate private sector participation in infrastructure development; promote financial and capital market development; and create market-based financial structures and policy instruments to facilitate increase capital mobility. Other topics in which ADB has been involved include financial and currency turmoil in Asia: origins, contagion, and policy responses; pension reform: a critical assessment of the policy agenda; issues of capital account convertibility and the status of APEC economies; training for bank supervisors and securities regulators in the APEC Forum member economies; credit rating services in APEC economies; and corporate governance in the APEC region. At the 8th APEC Finance Ministers Meeting, held in the Peoples Republic of China on 89 September 2001, the Ministers resolved to encourage greater economic cooperation, integration, and openness among APEC economies.

social development, environmental protection, and protection against crime and terrorismespecially significant in the aftermath of 11 September.

Economic development

Regional cooperation eliminates physical and nonphysical barriers. It amplifies domestic development by widening the options available to participating countries, expanding markets and access to key imports. This is particularly important for countriesor regions within countrieswith limited access to markets and resources. Integrating smaller economies into larger regional economies expands the size of the market, thus facilitating cost reduction through economies of large-scale production. Regional cooperation makes possible the coordinated development of basic infrastructure, from crossborder power grids and telecommunications links to railways, highways, and inland waterways. Transport projects, in particular, can reduce physical barriers to the movement of goods and people across national boundaries, which may in turn expand regional trade and tourism, increase foreign exchange earning capability, and 1 Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; create employment-intensive Japan; Republic of Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Peru; Philippines; Russia; Singapore; Taipei,China; Thailand; United States; and Viet Nam. activities. However, cooperation alone is not sufficient to enhance a participatglobalization, creating a manageable context within ing economys growth potential. The benefits of which to address key global concerns, such as protecting infrastructure that reduce physical barriers to trade and natural resources and controlling the crossborder investment may still be severely constrained by transmission of diseases. nonphysical barriers to the movement of goods, services, information, and people. Procedures, regulations, and policies must be streamlined to increase the efficiency of investments in infrastructure Regional cooperation exists regardless of globalization. and production facilities. A streamlined policy frameHistorically, several regional arrangements were initiated work can also stimulate crossborder investment and to provide strategic defense, especially during the posttrade growth. Regional cooperation that simultaneously Second World War period, but security was not their addresses physical infrastructure and software needs, only reason for existence. Regional cooperation also such as trade and investment facilitation, can increase exists to nurture and enhance economic development, the subregion or regions potential attractiveness to

Dimensions of regional cooperation



investors, to the benefit of all participating economies. It can also help integrate the region more closely into the global economy. Likewise, the effective collection and sharing of financial information as well as regional policy coordination and cooperation can support global financial stability.

Crime prevention
Globalization has led to a surge in crossborder activitieslegal and illegal. And while crime is becoming increasingly global, law enforcement remains constrained by national boundaries. Crossborder trafficking of people especially women and children, drugs, arms and other contraband, and money laundering through global banking and capital markets have grown rapidly. These global crimes require a coordinated international response, which is reinforced by regional initiatives based on close cooperation among countries.

Social development
As regional and global integration accelerates, so too does the crossborder transmission of diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS. The ability of individual DMCs to monitor and respond to outbreaks of these diseases varies. The overall health of a region can improve if the spread of diseases is prevented. Just as regional cooperation can help control the spread of disease, it can help promote education. Networks of advanced learning centers can serve as resource centers for the entire region. For example, while it may not be financially feasible for individual countries to host a large learning center or university, centers such as the International Rice Research Institute and the Asian Institute of Management in the Philippines and the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand can and do service entire regions.

Economic cooperation initiatives

Subregional programs
Greater Mekong Subregion: When initiated in 1992, relations among several of the GMS countries were strained, and trade and other forms of cooperation were limited. Peace in the region was complemented by ADBs program for subregional economic cooperation, and the GMS program is now regarded as one of the most successful models of regional cooperation in Asia. The establishment of trust and goodwill, and improved confidence among the participating countries led to investments in infrastructure and promoted further cooperation. Participating countries have formed cooperation agreements on new air routes, river navigation agreements, and border development. By mid-2001, 10 projects totaling $2 billion and technical assistance amounting to $46 million had been completed or were being implemented. 5 The initial emphasis was on developing physical infrastructure linkages to increase trade and encourage investment among the countries. Priority went to subregional projects in energy, transport, and telecommunications, including the Phnom Penh-Ho Chi Minh City Road Project and the Theun Hinboun Hydropower Project. As the program evolved, increased attention went to human resource development, tourism, environment, and investment and trade. Initiatives in human resource development included addressing the needs of ethnic minorities in the border regions, searching for ways to mitigate the transborder spread of communicable diseases, and joint efforts to counter drug production and use. Initiatives in tourism included improving the access, promotion, and development of projects in full partnership with the private sector. The GMS program now emphasizes the software components of physical infrastructure projects, such as

Environment and natural resource management

Environmental degradation is not confined to individual countries. This is especially so in the Asian and Pacific region, which covers 23% of the worlds land area and contains 55% of the worlds populationa population density of 93 people per square kilometer, compared with a worldwide density of 24 people per square kilometer. The rate of urbanization is unprecedented. The regions environment is besieged by pollution and resource degradation. Renewable resources are being depleted faster than they are regenerated; air and water pollution, poor sanitation, and urban congestion are causing profound long-term health problems; traffic congestion is resulting in millions of dollars of lost work; and fragile ecosystems are being destroyed with critical long-term development implications. The region is often struck by floods, droughts, landslides, forest fires, and chemical and nuclear accidentsall of which are aggravated or caused by environmental degradation. Better environmental management can prevent such disasters. Regional cooperation initiatives can help mitigate the effects of natural environmental disasters and those caused by human activities, such as erosion, flooding, forest fires, and air and water pollution.





ensuring the success of investments in transport projects by working to reduce legal and policy barriers to the movement of goods and people. Synergy between economic activities and infrastructure development is being achieved by developing economic corridors. The first of thesethe East-West Economic Corridoris a 1,500-kilometer road link from Mawlamyine on the Andaman Sea in Myanmar, traversing Lao PDR and Thailand, and ending at Da Nang near the South China Sea in Viet Nam. By 2004, it will be possible to traverse 90% of the corridor along a modern, all-weather highway. At the 10th GMS Ministerial Conference in late 2001 in Yangon, Myanmar, the GMS ministers expressed their intention to strengthen and accelerate their economic cooperation initiatives and endorsed a 10-year strategic framework to serve as the blueprint for this. They agreed to strengthen infrastructure linkages with a multisectoral approach; facilitate crossborder trade and investment; enhance private sector participation; develop human resources; and promote environmental protection and sustainable use of shared natural resources. The ministers endorsed 10 flagship projects, including further developing the East-West Economic Corridor and the Chiang Rai-Kunming road (NorthSouth Corridor Project); facilitating crossborder movement of goods and services; and promoting the role of the private sector, particularly small- and medium-sized enterprises. Public-private partnerships will be promoted through the recently established GMS Business Forum. Major activities will include pilot testing single-stop customs inspection procedures, and working to complete the accession process for all GMS countries to the Framework Agreement for the Facilitation of Crossborder Movement of Goods and Peoples in the GMS by 2005. ADB will continue to help build the capacities of national institutions in program management. Several lessons from the GMS program have relevance to other regional initiatives in Asia. Countries must have ownership as well as the capacity to lead, manage, and monitor the initiative. Broad-based participation of local officials, civil society, private sector, and nongovernment organizations is needed. Equitable sharing of the costs and benefits of crossborder projects is required. Success requires sustained diplomacy and longterm commitment by parties concerned. For more on the GMS initiative, see

Central Asia: The former Soviet republics in Central Asia face the twin challenges of building their nations and making the transition to a market economy. Given the countries landlocked and remote locations from major world markets, small domestic markets, and complementary resource endowments, especially in energy and water, these challenges are formidable. The Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) program was initiated in 1997 to support and encourage economic cooperation among the PRC,6 Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Azerbaijan and Mongolia are expected to join soon. With the overall objectives of promoting economic growth and raising living standards, CAREC focuses on promoting market integration within and outside the region, financing infrastructure projects, and improving the accompanying policy environment. Like other regional cooperation initiatives, CARECs focus has evolved. Early efforts were on raising awareness of the importance of regional cooperation, mainly through workshops, seminars, and studies. As mutual understanding and trust developed, the emphasis shifted to identifying and preparing priority regional projects in transport, energy, and trade, and in policy reforms to remove crossborder barriers to the movement of goods and people. In August 2001, senior government officials reemphasized reiterated their support for ADB involvement in transport, energy, and trade. They also agreed to establish an overall institutional framework consisting of a policy-making ministerial-level conference and implementation arrangementsto help strengthen the program and provide a mechanism for high-level policy dialogue, consensus building, and mobilizing resources. ADBs efforts have begun to bear concrete results. In October 2000, ADB approved a $57 million loan for the Almaty-Bishkek Regional Road Rehabilitation Project to improve a road link between Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic. A feasibility study on improving the Central Asia power transmission system has been completed. In addition, ADB continues to lead in addressing issues with a direct impact on the livelihood of people and poverty reduction. A project to manage education reform by reviewing key policy issues and development strategies, and collective discussions on education reform is one such initiative. Another is a project to improve nutrition of poor mothers and children by fortifying salt and flour with iodine. The events of 11 September led to increased ADB support for economic cooperation in Central Asia. Trade facilitation initiatives will focus on regional cooperation



in customs, a pilot joint processing project, and capacity building. An agreement has been reached with the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan for ADB to assist in customs modernization and cooperation. In the transport sector, the focus will be on rehabilitating key sections of the regional transport networks. Technical assistance will help prepare the Kyrgyz Transport Corridor Project, which will develop a transcontinental rail and regional road link. ADB will continue to provide support to rationalize the use of regional energy networks and support regional initiatives to explore hydropower resources. Annual ministerial conferences for the CAREC initiative will serve as important means for achieving long-term stability and prosperity in the region. The Ministerial Conference7 planned for 2002 is expected to advance support for economic cooperation in the region by prioritizing regional investment and other projects, explore new prospects for cooperation in the context of Afghanistans reconstruction, and facilitate coordination with other funding agencies and the international community within the CAREC initiative. For more on the CAREC initiative, see South Asia: The South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) subregion, comprising Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal, has significant resources and potential. It also has more than 500 million of the 900 million people in Asia living on less than a dollar a day. The complementarities among these countriesvast endowments of hydropower, hydrocarbon, and other minerals; ports; a large deltaic rice bowl; and skilled lowcost workforcecould rapidly reduce poverty through high growth, led by subregional cooperation. In 1997, the foreign ministers of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal organized the South Asia Growth Quadrangle (SAGQ) to build on those complementarities. Launched by the Foreign Ministers, SAGQ identified five priority sectors for cooperation, established action committees for each sector, and assigned coordinating responsibilities among its members. Bangladesh was responsible for energy, Bhutan for environment, India for trade and investment, and Nepal for transport and tourism. SAGQ requested assistance in developing the sectors; that request led to the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC). The SASEC program began in 2000 with a regional technical assistance for a private sector forum on economic cooperation in South Asia, an ADB-supported initiative of the chambers of commerce of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal. Subsequently, a regional initiative was launched to identify and prioritize subre-

gional projects in tourism, environment, transport, power and energy, trade and investment, and private sector cooperation. Each working group met in 2001,8 with the participation of top officials demonstrating the governments high-level commitment to the program. The sector working groups established specific priorities and identified project concepts. The SASEC program also organized a regional roundtable on information and communication technology (ICT)9 to bring together key players from the ICT sector in SASEC and the GMS to interact with their public and private sector counterparts. The activity was aimed at learning from Indias success in ICT and applying the lessons to their own ICT development strategies. The roundtable generated concrete proposals for regional cooperation in physical infrastructure, and institutional and capacity-building dimensions of ICT. These range from fiber optic extensions to Indias neighbors to cyber laws and human resource development in the ICT sector. In addition, several investment projects initiated within SASEC countries have subregional implications: a north-south transport corridor in India, from Siliguri to Kolkata and Haldia in West Bengal, with links to border points in Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal; the Northwest Road Corridor Improvement Project in Bangladesh, from Panchagar to Bangla Bandh, which can be linked to Nepal and India; and the Fourth Road Improvement Project for Nepals East-West Road Corridor, which links to the road corridors in Bangladesh and India through Kakarbita. ADBs Private Sector Group has also invested in Lafarge Surma Cement, Ltd., the first subregional private sector project, which will transport limestone from Meghalaya, India, to a cement plant in Bangladesh through a crossborder conveyor system. For more on the SASEC initiative, see Southeast Asia: Significant advances were made in regional cooperation in Southeast Asia in the mid-1990s. However, progress stalled after external and internal shocks spoiled the investment climate: the Asian financial crisis in 1997; the destruction caused by the El Nio and the La Nia weather phenomena in 1998 and 1999; changes in political leadership at national and local levels; and armed domestic conflict in some areas. Opportunities to revive regional cooperation in Southeast Asia increased in 2001. Efforts of governments concerned are focused on the IndonesiaMalaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) and the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East



Priority SASEC Activities Identified by Working Groups in 2001

Tourism Promote the subregion by adopting a theme reflective of the region Hold an annual tourism forum and produce promotional materials in various media Develop a common product around ecotourism Undertake a human resource development program for the tourism industry Improve aviation and road access, and border and visa facilities Develop a tourism master plan for the SASEC region Environment Watershed and biodiversity management Cleaner production, and waste and pollution management Information networking Transport Logistics approach Institutional issues Procedural issues Power and Energy Regional power system master plan Trade, Investment and Private Sector Cooperation Various subregional trade and investment facilitation services to be provided through the South Asia Business Forum, a new network of apex chambers of commerce from the SASEC countries
ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA). Political leaders are focused on addressing the socioeconomic causes of security problems, and are planning measures to improve the environment for private sector participation, such as identifying new prospects for private sector partnerships in each others countries and lowering trade barriers. ADB reaffirmed its support for regional cooperation in BIMP-EAGA in late 1999 when it initiated a study of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia and the Philippines to help develop and strengthen the private sector. The resulting strategy was endorsed by both countries governments and was aimed at developing SMEs in areas within the framework of the BIMP-EAGA subregional cooperation mechanism. ADB is undertaking activities to implement the SME development strategy and encouraging other bilateral

and multilateral funding agencies to participate. ADB is examining options to expand the strategy across the entire EAGA region; 10 reviewing the EAGA structure and mechanisms; and examining harmonization of customs, immigration, quarantine, and security rules, regulations, and procedures to revitalize subregional economic cooperation initiatives. In November 2001, at a meeting of the ASEAN heads, it was agreed to invite ADB as an advisor to BIMP-EAGA. In this role, ADB is preparing a program to help revive and strengthen economic development in the region by reengineering subregional cooperation and jumpstarting economic activity to restore business confidence. Reengineering requires upgrading subregional cooperation mechanisms and improving coordination with bilateral, multilateral, and other subregional development partners, including ASEAN. The initiatives will seek to redefine subregional development priorities and strategies, enhance crossborder trade and investment, strengthen SME access to information, and establish an economic development fund. ADB is closely following activities in the IMT-GT to help strengthen regional cooperation. As improved transport links are a priority for both the IMT-GT and BIMP-EAGA initiatives, ADB has approved technical assistance to strengthen regional cooperation in this sector.11 Pacific DMCs: Regional cooperation has underpinned ADBs operations in its 12 Pacific DMCs, which stand to gain from collectively reaping the benefits of economies of scale in public and private activities. The Pacific has more than 200 regional organizations covering issues such as politics, economics, sector development, commerce and trade, and religion. ADBs promotion of regional cooperation has focused on fisheries, airline and airspace management, regional stock exchanges, public sector management, and governance and money laundering. ADB also supports regional studies to assess poverty in the Pacific region and analyze financial sector issues and strategies. Fish are the most significant economic resource for the small Pacific economies. Together, the exclusive economic zones of the Pacific islands total 30.5 million square kilometers. The total tuna catch in the Pacific averages 1 million metric tons a yearalmost one third of the worldwide catch. The tuna industry is worth some $1.9 billion per annum to Pacific economies. ADB has a special role in responding to emerging regional concerns. For example, marine resource management, including the Multilateral High-Level Consultations to develop an international tuna management agreement, is an area where ADB



assistance can be especially beneficial. The Forum Fisheries Agency approach gave the distant water fishing nations an improved bargaining position. ADB has also supported live reef fish trade management; environmental and resource management, including climate change and sea level rise resulting from global warming; biodiversity; and indigenous environmental management. ADB is encouraging negotiations in the area of airline and airspace management. As private investment is often not viable in this area, regional cooperation will enable Pacific nations to develop collaborative arrangements that allow economic and financial viability. Similarly, ADB is helping Pacific DMCs assess their ICT readiness, closing the gap between ICT demand and supply, and increasing the awareness of regional cooperation in this sector. In particular, ADB is focusing on ICT infrastructure development, social inclusion, and electronic governance. Also showing promising results in the Pacific is ADBs support for regional cooperation in capacity building and information sharing. For example, ADB is promoting regional cooperation to develop economic statistics capacity in selected Pacific DMCs. Public sector management and governance reform continue to be an important ADB focus through support to the Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Center and regional seminars. ADB initiated governance assessments for some Pacific DMCs in 2001, and will continue this process in 2002. ADB has also, in collaboration with the ADB Institute, supported the training of trainers in public expenditure management and private-public partnership in the social sectors. The financial and utility services sectors are essential for long-term private sector development. An ADB-assisted review of financial sectors in seven Pacific DMCs identified key constraints and facilitated dialogue among countries on regional solutions, including the possibility of electronically linking regional stock exchanges. ADB continues to promote regional cooperation among utility providers through the Pacific Water Association and the Pacific Power Association, which developed benchmarks for their members utilities and facilitated sharing of experiences and approaches to providing drinking water and power in Pacific countries. ADB also helps Pacific DMCs combat money laundering by establishing legal and financial frameworks that meet international standards. The PRC and Mongolia: Trade and economic relations between the PRC and Mongolia were previously limited. However, by participating in the Tumen River Area Development Program,12 both countries expressed

interest in accelerating growth and development by strengthening economic cooperation. To support this, ADB provided technical assistance in 2000 for a strategic study of the options for economic cooperation among three eastern provinces of Mongolia,13 and the Xinganmeng Prefecture of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in the PRC.14 The study highlighted the regions potential for developing mineral resources, preserving its diversified ecosystem and unique natural environment, and developing green food production and international tourism. The study recognized that rapid development of the PRC transportation system would help break the regions physical isolation from world markets. As a result of the study, the two governments agreed on a phased approach for promoting cooperation, beginning with the construction of joint border facilities to allow year-round trade and travel, and also formulating a plan to manage the environmental impact of development arising from enhanced crossborder activities. In the medium term, they agreed to review the export potential of mineral deposits in eastern Mongolia. A shared view on the mining sectors potential will help them formulate a mutually agreed medium-term regional transport plan.

Regional monetary and financial cooperation

In the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, many countries in East Asia sought closer monetary and financial cooperation to achieve greater regional financial stability. Initiatives were in three broad areas: information exchange and economic surveillance; regional financing arrangements; and coordination of macroeconomic and exchange rate policies. Information exchange and economic surveillance: There are three major initiatives in information exchange and economic surveillance: the Manila Framework Group, the ASEAN Surveillance Process, and the ASEAN+3 Surveillance Process. The Manila Framework Group15 was formed in November 1997 with the overriding purpose of regional surveillance. Under this process, deputies from the finance ministries and central banks of member countries meet semiannually to discuss regional economic issues of common interest. ADB supports this process by participating in all the meetings and presenting a regional economic outlook to help facilitate policy dialogue. The ASEAN Surveillance Process was established in October 1998 to strengthen policy-making capacity within the group, based on the principles of peer review



and mutual interest. The Process Preventing and Mitigating Transboundary monitors exchange rates and macroeconomic aggregates, and also Atmospheric Pollution sectoral and social policies; and In protecting Asias environment, ADB takes a proactive approach to many includes provisions for capacity environment issues. One of the most pressing issues in recent years has building, institutional strengthening, been the threat of forest fires affecting the ASEAN region. The fires that and information sharing. The ASEAN hit Southeast Asia in 1997 and 1998 were among the most damaging in finance ministers meet twice a year recorded history, causing a vast pall of haze to hang over the region for for policy coordination. months and bringing widespread destruction, disruption of economic The ASEAN+3 Surveillance activity, health problems, and even deaths. Estimates of the total damage Process, established in November caused by the fires and haze exceeded $9 billion, covering an area of about 1999, involves 10 ASEAN countries 9.76 million hectares (ha), mostly in Indonesia. The resulting smoke and and PRC, Japan, and Republic of haze spread over an area the size of Western Europe and lasted 6 months, Korea. ASEAN+3 finance ministers affecting 70 million people in the region. At times, visibility was reduced, meet semiannually to exchange making land, sea, and air travel hazardous. Use of open burning techniques information and discuss policy issues, for converting forestland to other land uses was one of the underlying and have taken steps to enhance causes of these catastrophic fires. But extremely dry conditions associated cooperation in monitoring short-term with the El Nio weather phenomenon also contributed. Affected ASEAN countries drew up strategies for coordinated action capital flows and developing early at national and regional levels. At the ASEAN level, a Regional Haze Action warning systems to assess regional Plan was formulated and endorsed by ASEAN Environment Ministers in financial vulnerabilities and prevent late 1997. This represented a turning point in the regions approach to the future financial crises. problem. ADB responded by providing advisory technical assistance to Regional financing arrangeIndonesia and regional technical assistance to ASEAN to strengthen its ments: The ASEAN+3 finance capacity to put the plan into operation. These interventions have been ministers met in May 2000 in Chiang implemented. The regional technical assistance sought to strengthen and Mai, Thailand, on the sidelines of the formalize cooperation among affected ASEAN countries through short-term ADB Annual Meeting. They agreed on measures to support early implementation of the Action Plan; and mediumthe Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI) to term measures to enhance awareness of the fires and associated expand ASEAN Swap Arrangements transboundary atmospheric pollution. Another medium-term objective is (ASA) to all ASEAN member countries, to strengthen the capability of institutions concerned to implement and set up a network of bilateral swap monitor the Action Plan. and repurchase arrangements (BSA) among ASEAN+3 countries, and establish a regional financing facility to supplement existing international facilities. Subsequent of the recent initiatives of the Asia-Europe Meeting progress in both areas includes the November 2000 (ASEM) launched by the Asia-Europe Finance Ministers expansion of the ASA to cover all ASEAN member when they met in Kobe, Japan, in January 2001. In this countries. The total amount of the ASA involved is now initiative, studies undertaken by institutions and experts $1 billion. Seven of 30 bilateral agreements are now in in Asia and Europe explore ways of improving regional place, and negotiations are ongoing for several more. monetary and financial cooperation. The ASEM is a Although the amounts involved in these arrangements gathering of heads of governments from 10 Asian are relatively small, compared with total crossborder countries,16 15 European nations, and the President of capital flows, the CMI lays the foundation for enhanced the European Commission. Its objective is to strengthen regional monetary and financial cooperation. It also the political, economic, and cultural ties between the attempts to fill an important niche in the international two continents. The inaugural ASEMheld in Bangkok financial architecture. in March 1996started a series of initiatives involving Coordination of macroeconomic and exchange the public and private sectors of all ASEM countries. rate policies: Efforts are also under way among East ADB support for monetary and financial Asian nations to go beyond the CMI and coordinate cooperation in East AsiaThe Regional Economic macroeconomic and exchange rate policies. An ASEAN Monitoring Unit: ADB established the Regional Currency and Exchange Rate Mechanism Task Force was Economic Monitoring Unit (REMU) in early 1999, and set up in March 2001. The Kobe Research Project is one has so far approved 10 regional technical assistance



projects, totaling $5.1 million, to enhance East Asian countries capacity for economic monitoring and regional surveillance. Activities under these projects include training secondees from ASEAN central banks and finance ministries in economic monitoring and surveillance; supporting the activities of the ASEAN Surveillance Coordination Unit located in the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta; helping establish national surveillance units in the finance ministries of ASEAN countries;17 providing monitoring input to high-level meetings of the ASEAN, ASEAN+3, and Manila Framework Group; promoting regional initiatives in monitoring shortterm capital flows and establishing early warning systems; developing and maintaining a web-based clearinghouse of information on East Asias recovery and growth; and conducting special studies on regional monetary and financial cooperation, including policy options to pursue ASEAN+3 countries' monetary and financial cooperation efforts as part of the Kobe Research Project.

Sector themes in regional cooperation within ADB

Agricultural research: ADB provides annual financing of about $4 million to the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research Centers and supports ADB Joins the Cities Alliance continued research by the InternaThe Cities Alliance is a multilateral coalition designed to achieve the promise tional Food Policy Research Institute of well-managed cities. ADB's participation in the Alliance seeks to promote, (IFPRI) and the International Rice facilitate, and support improved urban management; strengthen the impact Research Institute (IRRI) on developof urban poverty reduction interventions; and enhance networking and ing high-yield, high-profit, iron-rich cooperation among rapidly urbanizing cities in the region. It also provides rice. In collaboration with various a means to improve the efficiency and impact of ADBs urban sector funding agencies, and the National interventions by Agricultural Research Systems of strengthening the process by which local stakeholders define their vision Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines, for their city, analyze its economic prospects, develop a viable practical and Viet Nam, this research has city development strategy, establish priorities for action, and formulate identified a high-yielding, diseaseintegrated high-priority investments; and resistant strain of rice (IR68-144) that supporting slum eradication, urban upgrading, and urban regeneration. contains 80% more iron after milling ADBs participation in the Cities Alliance expands the level of resources than most modern rice varieties. reaching the urban poor by improving urban programs, catalyzing partners Efficacy trials are under way and efforts beyond their individual programs, and more directly linking grantwork continues on the viability of funded urban development cooperation with investment. ADB takes a lead distributing this iron-rich germ plasm role in promoting sound urban sector policy to advance collective knowledge to participating countries for adaptaand share lessons from across regions and through networks of local tion to and testing under local authorities and their associations. conditions. In Asia, 60% of pregnant

women, 50% of all women of childbearing age, and 40% of preschool children are anemic. Anemia permanently impairs cognitive development and learning capacity in infancy, limits capacity to undertake physical labor, reduces immunity, and substantially increases maternal mortality. Since all these factors inhibit income generation, iron deficiency anemia contributes significantly to increased poverty and poses an enormous public health problem. The nutrition study to eliminate anemia is a clear example where multilateral and regional institutions, through regional cooperation, work to address major development issues. Water: The pressure on Asias water resources is rapidly becoming acute. ADB and its DMCs need to move from water sector investment aimed primarily at creating assets, to holistic, integrated investment to promote efficient water use as stated in ADBs water policy. Investments in water supply and sanitation, irrigation and drainage, hydropower, flood control, and watershed management need to be made in the context of managing water resources within river basins. ADB fosters integrated water resource management, based on comprehensive studies, and concentrates interlinked water investments in river basins. ADB also promotes regional cooperation to increase the mutual benefits of shared water resources within and between countries. The primary focus is to exchange information on water sector reform. Support will also be provided to enhance awareness of the benefits of shared water resources,



create sound hydrologic and socioenvironmental databases relevant to managing transboundary water resources, and implement regional or subregional projects. Successful examples of water sector regional cooperation include the Mekong River Commission and the Interstate Water Commission of Central Asia. ADB supports the Southeast Asia and South Asia water partnerships in exchanging information and ideas on national water sector reforms. In the GMS, ADB funds studies that will lead to improved management of the Tonle Sap, an internationally significant wetland area shared by six countries along the Mekong River. ADB will continue to assist governments in developing collaborative frameworks with stakeholders, including assessing the downstream impact of any ADB-financed water project, in a river basin context. Environment: ADB helps its DMCs address many transboundary environmental issues, including atmospheric pollution, global climate change, greenhouse gas abatement strategies, acid rain in Northeast Asia, emission reduction, cleaner technology, coastal and marine resource management, integrated water resource management, and soil-conserving farming systems. ADB has collaborated with ASEAN to produce Fire, Smoke, and Haze,18 a general guide on preventing fire and haze in the ASEAN region. A key focus of ADB efforts is promoting regional cooperation for improved environmental governance, including capacity building, policy reform, a regional action plan, data collection, and information sharing. Many vital institutional and infrastructure changes will be required. ADB supports its DMCs in their compliance with environmental provisions of international treaties and agreements.19 ADB also targets high-level regional conferences on key policy and capacity issues to highlight their relevance to regional development. Urban development: The Asian and Pacific region is experiencing rapid urbanization. Already, one third of the regions 3.5 billion people live in cities and this is forecast to increase by 54% in 2020. The private sectors role in providing services is increasing, and governments are focusing on providing an enabling environment, rather than giving direct services. Most cities in developing countries receive inadequate information, which undermines their ability to understand the forces shaping their urban environments, and thus does not allow them to develop and test effective urban policies. Major economic data measuring the health of an urban economy are seldom collected; data on population growth, rural-urban migration, infrastructure, and the environment are not available in a single location or consistent format; and some data are not collected at all, such as the distribution of job opportunities.

ADB has established a policy-oriented database of urban indicators for research, policy formulation, monitoring development impact of interventions in the urban sector, comparing performance between cities, and improving the efficiency of service delivery. The database, involving 18 cities in 15 countries in the Asian and Pacific region, develops methodologies and criteria to measure and evaluate the efficiency of urban service delivery,20 and establishes a network for exchanging information on the quality and efficiency of urban management between cities. Urban Indicators for Managing Cities: Cities Data Book is designed primarily for policymakers and urban managers of cities in the region and provides information to trigger reforms. ADB has also joined the Cities Alliance, a group of countries and international organizations committed to the goal of cities without slums. Transport and energy: Regional cooperation in developing transport infrastructure takes advantage of economies of scale, helps reduce the physical isolation of remote regions in Asia, promotes year-round trade and travel in border regions, and opens new areas to mineral exploration. Border areas are also usually the poorer regions, and building proper infrastructure further reduces poverty by promoting the mainstreaming of isolated people. ADB is a driving force in financing or promoting infrastructure for regional and subregional cooperation. Although the economic feasibility of several regional projects has been established through ADBfunded regional technical assistance, several sector issues must be resolved by participating countries before the infrastructure projects become bankable. The 1997 Asian financial crisis was a major setback, as investments and economic growth in general slowed in the region, and the development of large infrastructure projects was deferred for nearly 3 years. In the energy sector, regional impact and global warming issues, such as acid rain and greenhouse gas abatement, require effective crossborder commitment. Increasing the use of renewable energy sources minimizes environmental degradation from energy production, facilitates trading in credits, and increases opportunities for decentralized energy service provision. ADBs regional cooperation focus in the energy sector has been on energy trade. Energy resources are not always close to demand centers. Often, DMCs with large resource endowments have small populations and low demand, while DMCs with high demand do not have adequate energy resources. Energy trade benefits both groups. In the power sector, for instance, reducing reserve margins leads to lower overall system costs, and the importing DMC can often avoid adding to pollution.



Regional Cooperation in Infrastructure Projects

The first ADB initiative to promote regional cooperation in infrastructure was in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), where several transport and power sector projects are ongoing. These include national projects with subregional dimensions and others that are purely subregional projects with a total project cost of more than $1.9 billion. ADBs assistance to these projects amounts to $772 million ($575 million for national projects with subregional dimensions and $197 million for purely subregional projects). ADB has helped mobilize $234 million through cofinancing. In Central Asia, ADB-financed studies in 1997 and 1998 outlined infrastructure needs and policy issues for promoting regional energy trade between Peoples Republic of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Based on these studies, ADB invested in subregional road rehabilitation projects ($70 million) between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic. The most recent development in ADBs initiatives for regional cooperation is the South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Program. The area has resources, including hydropower and natural gas that can be developed economically for the larger subregional market. The subregion has several ports, and complementary transport infrastructure can be created to serve the developmental needs of the subregion and facilitate international trade. In the next few years, ADB will help put structures in place to start implementing the following regional and subregional infrastructure projects. Natural gas pipeline Grissik-Batam-Singapore pipeline between Indonesia and Singapore Gas transmission network among Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan Bangladesh-India natural gas pipeline Telecommunications Development of a GMS Telecommunications Backbone Phase I Project, involving Cambodia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), and Viet Nam Power transmission and trading Rehabilitation of transmission lines, substations and load dispatch centers that interconnect Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan Construction of a 500 kV power transmission line to interconnect the power systems of Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam India-Sri Lanka electricity link Interconnecting transmission lines between Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, and Nepal Development of regional hydropower projects in Bhutan, India, and Nepal Roads Rehabilitation of the Lao PDR section of the GMS Chiang Rai-Kunming Road Improvement Project to complete the key north-south link in the subregion; Upgrading the Kunming-Haiphong Multimodal Transport Corridor West Bengal Corridor Development Project, a transport project to improve the multimodal linkage between Bangladesh, West Bengal state in India, and Nepal Subregional Road Connection Project to improve the links between India and Nepal, and potentially with Bangladesh. Rail links Rehabilitation of the railway line from Poipet to Sisophon in Cambodia that would link the Thai and Cambodian railway systems and form part of the Singapore-Kunming railway link Improvement of the rail links between ChittagongDakha-Akhaura in Bangladesh to connect to the northeastern part of India

ADB helps DMCs in the Pacific, which have small energy sectors, share information and performance data, and pool resources for skills development and capacity building. Larger countries with proven energy resources beyond their domestic needs can also benefit from regional cooperationoften requiring regional contracts and significant up-front investment to realize the full benefits of these natural resources. ADB assists in project development and financing, and

establishing regional trade that can provide large export earnings to countries owning the natural resource. Combating corruption: Following an inaugural conference in Manila, Philippines, in late 1999, ADB and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have been collaborating to create an anticorruption forum for Asian and Pacific nations to foster regional cooperation in the fight against corruption.



At a conference in December 2000 in Seoul, Republic of Korea, participants from more than 35 ADB and OECD member countries endorsed the ADB/OECD AntiCorruption Initiative for Asia-Pacific. Its initial objective was to provide a support network for preparing national and regional anticorruption strategies. At the request of participating countries, ADB and OECD convened expert meetings to draft an action plan based on the priority areas identified in Seoul. The plan includes promoting good governance through legal, institutional, and administrative reforms; strengthening the rule of law; promoting integrity in business operations; and developing proactive strategies to promote citizens participation in anticorruption efforts. Seventeen countries21 endorsed the Anti-Corruption Action Plan at the third ADB-OECD Conference,22 where participants pledged to undertake reforms to curb corruption in their countries. The Action Plan rests on three reform pillars: improving the civil service, reducing bribery, and involving civil society. The partnership of international civil society, business community, and funding agencies will reinforce the visibility of the Plan. Countries endorsing the Plan will identify actions within the three pillars, and report reforms undertaken to a peer group. An ADB-OECD Secretariat will support each country in implementing the Plan. At the close of the third Conference a steering Group of 17 countries discussed the next steps and expressed interest in subregional cooperation. In support of the ADB-OECD initiative ADB instituted a Governance Cooperation Fund, with an initial contribution from Canada, to help countries reform their institutions in fighting corruption. Other funding agencies have expressed interest in supporting the initiative.

There are no blueprints for developing regional cooperation programs. Components such as size, underlying rationale, and degree of public or private sector involvement will always vary. Nevertheless, certain preconditions have to be met if regional cooperation is to be successful, including relative assurance of net social gains,23 some complementarity among nations, a resource base (natural resources, labor, and capital) geographic proximity and cultural and linguistic affinity, political commitment and willingness to forgo some measure of sovereignty,

ownership and commitment to the success of the initiative, a clear vision and strong public policy, and readiness to invest in physical infrastructure and accommodate policy changes. Certain elements are required for successful cooperation, notably patience, monitoring mechanisms, and financial resources. It takes time to create the appropriate institutions and build up national capacities. It takes time to achieve results. In regions with a recent history of political conflict, even more time is needed to overcome suspicion and build trust. Regional cooperation programs become more complex as they mature. This leads to increased potential for disagreements over the cost of borrowing for physical investments and the division of benefitsoutcomes and natural resources resulting from the regional cooperation program. To minimize the incidence of disagreements, it is important to establishas early as possiblemonitoring and evaluation capabilities and dispute resolution processes, and to provide training in project appraisal techniques for both local and national planners. Successful regional economic cooperation also requires significant financing to establish links among geographically contiguous countries and to develop national and regional economies once the basic framework for cooperation has been established. ADB has provided much of the financing needed to establish the modalities of regional cooperation, most notably in the GMS, and has actively sought cofinancing. The IMT-GT and, to a lesser extent, BIMP-EAGA, were successfully mobilizing private sector capital before the 1997 Asian financial crisis. With the current global and regional economic climate, private capital inflows will slow. Nevertheless, regional cooperation programs will continue to look to the private sector for financing, as well as for local knowledge of small- and medium-sized enterprises. The form of future ADB assistance will depend on such factors as global and regional developments, program maturity, strength of the private sector, and capacity for mobilizing capital. In programs established more recently, efforts will be directed toward improving confidence among participating members, and ensuring that the institutional basis for sustainable cooperation is properly established. ADB assistance could also be extended to develop new cooperation programs which have a limited number of members and have come into being as a result of greater confidence between countries. Programs in Northeast Asia and several initiatives within the GMS are in this category. In these, ADBs role as a catalyst and honest broker is still critical.



Cooperation is a powerful instrument. Nations combine their strengths and their resources are maximized. Nations work to a common purpose and their goals are reached. Regional cooperation programs have built corridors across nations once divided, saved

forests, built schools, and brought stability and peace to lands once at war. Together, the strength of the group can stop the spread of infectious diseases, mitigate the effects of an environmental disaster, reduce poverty. Together, nations are empowered.

1 2 3 4 5 ADBs new regional departments are East and Central Asia; Mekong; Pacific; South Asia; and Southeast Asia. Trade as a proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) has increased from about 27% to more than 39% in developed countries, and from 10% to 17% in developing countries in the last 10 years. Foreign direct investment rose from about $192 billion to $610 billion in the past decade. In promoting such regional cooperation arrangements, it is essential to ensure that these are compatible and consistent with higher-level global agreements, such as those under the World Trade Organization, for example. ADB financing for these projects is approximately $770 million for investment projects and $28 million for technical assistance projects. The Greater Mekong Subregion Program has been successful in attracting cofinancing for regional cooperation projects, particularly in the transport and energy sectors and, to a lesser extent, in the human resource development and environment sectors. The initiative includes Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang, Peoples Republic of China [PRC]), the western-most territory of the PRC bordering the Central Asian republics (CARs). While the development path it has followed in the past decade differs from that of the CARs, it faces similar key regional factors, and thus has similar needs for economic cooperation. The First Ministerial Conference on Central Asian Economic Cooperation (CAREC), held at ADB headquarters on 2526 March 2002, confirmed transport, energy and trade facilitation as the priority areas for economic cooperation, with human resource development as an important aspect of all three. The delegates advocated a practical and results-oriented approach to developing projects. Azerbaijan and Mongolia are now members of CAREC. In 2001, the Tourism Working Group met in Kathmandu on 1516 May; Environment Working Group in Thimpu on 1718 July; Transport Working Group in Kathmandu on 1517 October; Power/Energy Working Group in Dhaka on 1819 November; and Trade, Investment, and Private Sector Cooperation Working Group in Kolkata on 21 December. The Regional Roundtable on Information and Communication Technology, for $90,000, was approved on 21 December 2000. The regional technical assistance, Expanding the Strategy for Small and Medium Enterprise Development in the East ASEAN Growth Area, for $240,000, was approved on 21 December 2001. The regional technical assistance, Strengthening Subregional Cooperation in the Transport Sector of East ASEAN Growth Area and the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle Regions, for $260,000, was approved on 18 December 2001. The Tumen River Area Development Programme is a subregional cooperation program in Northeast Asia, involving PRC, Peoples Democratic Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Mongolia, and Russia. It is sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme, which has a Tumen Secretariat in Beijing, PRC. The three provinces are Dornord, Hentii, and Sukhbaatar. The regional technical assistance, Strategic Study on Development Options for Economic Cooperation between the Peoples Republic of China and Mongolia in Eastern Parts of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, for $250,000, was approved on 21 December 2000. Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; PRC; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Republic of Korea; Malaysia; New Zealand; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; and United States. Brunei Darussalam, PRC, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam; and 15 European (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom). To date, national surveillance units have been established in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. S.T. Qadri (Ed.) 2001, Fire, Smoke, and Haze: The ASEAN Response Strategy, Manila: ADB. These include Agenda 21; the Convention on Biological Diversity; the Ramsar Convention or the United Nations Convention on Wetlands of International Importance; the Convention on Desertification; the Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol; and the Basel Convention. M.S. Westfall and V.A. de Villa (Eds), 2001, Urban Indicators for Managing Cities: Cities Data Book, Manila: ADB. Also available on CD-ROM and at web site: Bangladesh, Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kyrgyz Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, and Vanuatu. The third ADB-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Conference, Taking Action against Corruption in Asia and the Pacific, was held in Tokyo in November 2001. While resulting gains from market expansion and removal of inefficiencies (Harvey Leibenstein, Allocative Efficiency vs. X-Efficiency, in American Economic Review, LVI [June 1966], pp 392415), among others, plus political and social gains from cooperation and stability, are often enough to justify the effort in regional cooperation, the presence of complementarities between members of the group vastly increases the basis for cooperation.

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Tackling poverty is a complex

business. Economic policy and management must be oriented toward the goal of reducing poverty and there must be development of robust markets and institutions; special provision for vulnerable groups; and improved governance to ensure that economic, social, and other gains are sustained. Poverty reduction also requires having committed leadership and setting priorities with adequate resource allocation.


and several countries faced additional problems. For example, rapid urbanization increased urban poverty. As populations aged in Asia, protection of the elderly became a new challenge. The transitional economies of Central Asia were severely affected by the breakup of the Soviet Union and their adjustment to becoming market economies has not led to reduced poverty. Many Pacific developing member countries (DMCs) struggled also to transform their economies from subsistence to market-based economies and, as in the Central Asian republics, the reduction in poverty has not been significant. The impact of the financial and political crises in Asia and the Pacific much more severely affected the poor than those above the poverty line. The 1997 Asian financial crisis revealed the extreme volatility of capital and the consequent vulnerability of a large portion of the region's population. In Indonesia, for example, the incidence of poverty decreased continuously from 1980 to 1996, from 28.6% to 11.3%. But in 1998, the incidence of poverty increased to 24.2%, back to the levels of the 1980s. Between 1996 and 1998, the number of poor people in Indonesia increased by 27 million. In Thailand, the 1997 crisis sent 1 million people back into poverty. This was the climate in which ADB sharpened its focus on poverty.

wo years ago, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) rededicated itself to reducing poverty in the Asian and Pacific region. Its strategy Fighting Poverty in Asia and the Pacific: The Poverty Reduction Strategyapproved in 1999, provided the direction for all new ADB operations and activities. In 2001, ADB approved the framework to support the implementation of the poverty strategythe Long-Term Strategic Framework (LTSF) 20012015 and the Medium-Term Strategy (MTS) 20012005. In the 2 decades prior to adopting the strategy and framework, Asia had experienced high, sustained economic growth rates and lower population pressures, which led to better living conditions and less poverty. Between 1990 and 1998, the percentage of people in Asia and the Pacific living below the dollar-a-day poverty line fell from 29% to 24%. The sharpest reductions were in the market economies (Hong Kong, China; Republic of Korea; Singapore; and Taipei,China) and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), with the number of people living on less than a dollar a day decreasing by 100 million in the PRC. The advances, however, were not evenly distributed. Many people continued to live in poverty



Reducing poverty

Tackling poverty is a complex business. Economic policy and management must be oriented toward the goal of reducing poverty and there must be development of robust markets and institutions; special provision for vulnerable groups; and improved governance to ensure that economic, social, and other gains are sustained. Poverty reduction also requires having committed leadership and setting priorities with adequate resource allocation. To implement its Poverty Reduction Strategy, ADB hired new staff, trained existing staff, reclassified lending, strengthened operations, and began work on Assessing Poverty reorganizing itself. Detailed poverty analyses were conducted in nearly all Collaboration in the Pacific DMCs, the majority of the high-level Poverty assessment for all Pacific developing member countries (DMCs), forums on poverty were completed in conducted by ADB in 2001, built on existing databases and further identified Asia, 8 DMC partnership agreements preliminary country-specific poverty reduction strategies. Essential to the on poverty reduction were signed, process is government commitment to examining poverty in this and 13 more were prepared. Projects multidimensional context. Civil society participation and stakeholder are now designed to either accelerate consultations on poverty as well as the collaboration of funding agencies pro-poor growth or to focus directly continue to be critical in conducting regional poverty assessment. on reducing poverty. A Presidential In Papua New Guinea, ADB is collaborating with the Australian Agency Committee, chaired by ADBs President, for International Development, United Nations Development Programme monitors these interventions. (UNDP), and World Bank in conducting poverty analyses for socioeconomic

environment program that promotes environmentally sound development; and active private sector development; inclusive social development, with investments in social support programs and a policy and reform agenda that promotes equity and empowerment, especially for women and disadvantaged groups; and governance for effective policies and institutions, which includes support for public sector management at all levels, legal and judicial reform, and improving public accountability. The

Long-term strategic framework

The LTSF, approved in 2001, responds to the development challenges in the Asian and Pacific region, including the need for investments in infrastructure and growth-promoting activities for ensuring sustainable economic growth, inclusive social development, and good governance; policy reforms; and institution and capacity building. The LTSF also addresses the International Development Goals and the more recently endorsed Millennium Development Goals. The LTSF addresses three core strategic areas: sustainable economic growth that covers broad-based growthpromoting activities, including investments in physical and social infrastructure; an

development strategies. Participatory assessment is occurring at the national and community levels. In East Timor, ADB is collaborating with the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor, UNDP, and World Bank in conducting a comprehensive poverty assessment to develop the countrys socioeconomic development strategies. In 2001, a village-level survey was completed, and the household survey and participatory poverty assessment were begun. Participation in India ADB started its participatory poverty assessment (PPA) in three states in IndiaGujarat, Kerala, and Madhya Pradeshin 2001 with technical assistance administered by the India Resident Missions staff. ADB worked closely with other funding agencies to develop synergies in the process. Stakeholder consultations involving state governments and nongovernment organizations ensured ownership and provided feedback for determining the themes for Indias PPA. The PPA covers urban and rural areas and includes the socially, ecologically, and economically vulnerable groups in over 300 villages spread over 30 districts in the 3 states. Field-level PPAs will be documented in a state poverty assessment report. A quantitative study is being conducted simultaneously in the 3 states by the National Institute of Rural Development to consolidate the results of the PPA. The findings will be discussed at various stakeholder forums and incorporated in future strategies for India. Based on the state governments response to the assessment, a fact-finding mission visited 4 more states in 2001 to assess the possibility of extending the PPA.



sustaining growth and productivity and for promoting human development. Providing efficient social services to the poor and women is essential. The nature of the social infrastructure and investment required evolves in response to changing demographics and technology. For example, providing basic education is a continuing investment challenge in many DMCs, especially when a large proportion of the population is young. On the other hand, providing educational systems and curricula that raise the levels of technical knowledge and skills carries different challenges as a result of Sector Distribution of Loan Sustainable economic growth globalization, accelerating Approvals: 19982000 (average) Building and upgrading physical and industrialization, and rapidly and 2001By Value social infrastructure throughout the evolving information and communi(percent) region is a precondition for sustained cation technology (ICT). growth. Extensive unfulfilled demand To maximize the benefits of exists across the region, ranging from growth, ADB focuses its resources the basic to the more sophisticated where the poverty impact is likely to infrastructure, services, and skills. be greatest. Rural development The regions investment needs are remains an important focus of ADB substantial: physical infrastructure support: the majority of the regions alone is estimated at close to poor are likely to continue to reside $3 trillion over the next 15 years. in rural areas over the next 15 years, Although the role of private and agriculture and agro-industry capital and markets is expanding continue to be vital to the regions rapidly, public investment in growth. Rapid growth, along with providing physical infrastructure will increasing population and rural-urban continue to be important. Many migration, has resulted in extensive areas of investmentall too often those where urbanization and worsening congestion and pollution in poverty is most persistentare perceived by private major cities. This, in turn, has led to deteriorating living investors as entailing high risks and low financial conditions and lower quality of life for many. ADBs role returns, and thus do not attract private investment. in providing urban infrastructure, especially to serve the Because of fragile capital markets, ADBs role in helping new urban poor and disadvantaged groups, will be a DMCs mitigate high sovereign risk and obtaining capital to priority over the next 15 years. Similarly, providing the finance development will continue, as will its traditional ICT to promote development and close the gap between role of providing finance for public investment in the information-rich and the information-poor is infrastructure. As the regions economies, capital becoming more important to ADB. More and better markets, and financial institutions and instruments access to information will allow the societys less develop and diversify, ADB will increasingly act as a privileged and the regions less developed areas to gain catalyst in mobilizing private sector resources and wider options and to play a greater role in determining facilitating public-private partnerships for infrastructure. their future. Large investments will also be required in the Inclusive social development social infrastructure sector, particularly education, health, housing, and water supply and sanitation. Growth that results in pervasive inequalities in income Investments in education and health are needed for and wealth is neither desirable nor sustainable.

processes and procedures for more effective participation in decision making, which would lead to equitable and inclusive growth especially by civil society, are also promoted. Several operating principlesto ensure selectivity at the country level and to enhance the development impact of ADBs support to its DMCsguide the implementation of the LTSF. Among these are ensuring country leadership and ownership of the development agenda, enhancing strategic alliances and partnerships, and measuring the impact of development.

Sector Distribution of Loan Approvals from OCR and ADF, 2001 (percent)



Equitable access to assets and opportunities and a stake in the outcome are essential for ensuring growth that leads to development and addresses poverty. Development, in turn, must be inclusive. Its benefits must reach all groups that make up the poor in the regionincluding

women, children, minority groups, the extremely poor in rural areas, the growing numbers of urban poor, and those vulnerable to being pushed below the poverty line. An important dimension of inclusive developmentand a key area of ADBs long-term focusinvolves strengthening the participation of people and institutions that are affected by or have an interest in Working Toward Development Goals1 ADBs interventions, beginning early Following the agreements and resolutions of various conferences organized in the design stage to ensure that in the first half of the 1990s, world leaders identified the following broad projects and programs are relevant International Development Goals. and feasible.

Reduce the incidence of extreme poverty by half between 1990 and 2015. Attain 100% primary school enrollment by 2015. Eliminate gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005. Reduce infant and child mortality by two thirds between 1990 and 2015.2 Reduce maternal mortality ratio3 by three quarters between 1990 and 2015. Provide access for all to reproductive health services by 2015. Ensure that every country implements a national sustainable development strategy by 2005, and reverses the loss of environmental resources by 2015.

Governance encompasses the institutional arrangements through which governments are chosen and the authorities ability to form and implement policies effectively. It also encompasses the extent to which constituents are able to voice their opinions and influence decisions that affect their lives. For example, the local governments in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan are responsible for planning and implementing development projects, and for resolving local disputes through arbitration committees. Women have only recently begun to participate in local government in these countries, and little has been done to prepare them effectively for their roles in government. An ADB regional technical assistance aims to better prepare women leaders for their roles in local government and to promote efficient and transparent public service delivery. It also aims to promote linkages between gender, poverty reduction, and good governance in local government, and to identify regional gender and governance issues in the context of local government for policymakers. An ADB-financed Governance Reform Program in Nepal aims to make the countrys civil service and public sector organizations more results oriented, more responsive to peoples needs, and more gender balanced. The Governments ability to lead the

1 2 3

More recently, the International Development Goals were subsumed into a set of eight goals at the Millennium Summit of the United Nations (UN). These goals, known as the Millennium Development Goals, have the formal endorsement of the entire UN body. Infant mortality rate is the annual number of deaths of children less than 1 year of age expressed per 1,000 live births. Maternal mortality ratio is the number of deaths per 100,000 births attributable to pregnancy, childbearing, or puerperal complications, i.e., within 6 weeks following childbirth.

Infrastructure Development and Poverty Reduction

Poverty can be reduced substantially if the poor are provided opportunities to participate in the nation's growth process. Building and upgrading basic infrastructure facilities throughout the region is a prerequisite for private, employment-generating investments, which provide the poor with access to jobs, increased incomes, and the ability to participate in decision-making and political processes. Initial findings of a major research projectby ADB in collaboration with the World Bank and the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom, to assess impact of transport and energy infrastructure on reducing povertyindicate that roads are the single most important sector investment in pursuing a rural poverty reduction program. Rural roads and electrification infrastructure have significant effects on the quality of life of the rural poor, as they increase employment opportunities and contribute to economic and social progress at the local and national levels. Community-based, income-generating activities such as agro-processing activities, production of higher value crops, and local small trades and industries are sustained, with a well-developed infrastructure network to link these activities to larger, new, as well as export markets.



reform agenda will be developed. Expected outcomes enhance job creation through private sector developare improved civil service efficiency, reduced corruption, ment, and increase development effectiveness. These and improved governance. In Papua New Guinea, a operational priorities will be implemented selectively Public Service Program is expected to support the at the country and subregional levels. Identifying the Governments broader reform agenda. Policy reform needs and priorities of each DMC for addressing measures are planned in building a performancepoverty reduction and achieving the International oriented public service, reorienting personnel manageDevelopment Goals will help determine the choices ment systems and processes, strengthening probity and oversight agencies, and improving delivery of Energy Strategy in Kazakhstan Focuses on the Poor major services. Basic services at the national and provincial levels will be Kazakhstan is rich in natural resources, but its power subsector needs improved. For more on governance, considerable rehabilitation and upgrading if the country is to improve the see Supporting Law and Policy Reform efficiency of energy production and use. In 2001, ADB approved a $150,000 on page 38. technical assistance grant to Kazakhstan to prepare an energy strategy

Medium-term strategy
The MTS 20012005 is the bridge between the LTSF and ADBs activities in its DMCs over the next 5 years. The MTS defines operational priorities within the context of the strategic agenda that directly address the medium-term challenges for the region. The MTS also identifies the organizational changes and requirements necessary for implementing ADBs operational priorities and operating principles with greater efficiency. The MTS is designed to enhance the development impact of ADB assistance. The MTS supports policy and institutional strengthening of DMCs; investments in several key areas will be supplemented by this support. These areas include physical infrastructure necessary to promote growth and increase productivity in rural and urban areas, and social infrastructure and services for human development to support pro-poor growth. Agriculture and natural resource management will be supported to promote growth and environmental sustainability. Financial infrastructure and systems will be strengthenedas will public and private sector governance systemsto support broad-based growth,

that will focus on increasing investment and expanding power supply to the poor and to remote areas of the country. A further $95,000 grant from the Government of Finland will be administered by ADB to support a study, expected to produce a policy framework to improve reliability and efficiency, determine priorities for rehabilitation and maintenance, and encourage the development of renewable energy resources in remote areas not currently served by the national power grid. The study will also identify barriers to market-oriented development and recommend measures to improve the environment.

Rapid Urbanization Addressed in ADB Projects in 2001

Mongolia has experienced rapid urbanization over the past 30 years, with more than half the countrys population now living in urban areas. But very little housing has been built in Mongolia, and many of the poor live in informal urban settlements or ger housing areas. A lack of long-term financing and an inadequate legal framework for property rights have kept commercial banks from lending for housing. The major sources of housing finance for low- and middle-income households have been their own savings and family assets. In 2001, ADB approved a project that will have a catalytic impact on improving the access of low- and middle-income households to housing finance by increasing the capacity of participating commercial banks and other financial intermediaries to respond to their housing finance needs. The project will also generate construction-related employment opportunities for the poor. In addition, the project will support the Government's Housing Area Action Plan to improve low-income housing, and households income-earning potential and access to basic infrastructure and services. Rapid urbanization in and around Bangkok and in some cities in the northeast corridor of Thailand has also caused considerable environmental and social problems. In 2001, ADB approved a technical assistance grant to formulate a sustainable urbanization strategy; establish monitoring systems at national and local levels; assist pilot urban centers in collaborative planning; and identify and design priority urban projects for funding considerationsall with the goal of providing sustainable urbanization and reducing urban poverty.



that ADB makes in each country and for each subregion. ADB helps DMCs meet the medium-term challenges by providing investments combined with technical assistance support; economic, sector, and thematic studies; and policy dialogue. ADBs unique strength as a

development financier is its knowledge of the region and experience at the country and subregional levels. ADB will strengthen this knowledge and use it to supplement its investments by addressing critical institutional constraints, and economic and sector management issues; and improving policy and regulatory frameworks. ADBs financial support alone is not enough to meet DMCs capital requirements; Bridging the Digital Divide but by packaging and supplementing ADB is committed to helping bridge the growing digital divide within and its loans appropriately, ADB can across its developing member countries (DMCs). As noted in the Okinawa address the critical constraints to the 1 Charter on Global Information Society, ICT will help accelerate social and regions development over the medium economic development in the DMCs, improve governance through the free term and provide strong leverage for flow of information and knowledge, and support the fight against poverty. the overall investment undertaken by ADBs assistance for ICT development encourages regional cooperation DMCs and external partners. and networking to enhance local efforts in promoting private sector In selecting interventions, ADB is participation in developing ICT capacity. ADB also encourages DMCs to guided by several operating principles manage their own ICT strategies and activities to achieve their own specified in the LTSF, including development agenda. ADB proposes to ensuring country leadership and create an enabling environment by developing innovative sector policies; ownership of the development strengthening public institutions; and developing ICT facilities, related agenda, enhancing strategic alliances infrastructure, and networks; and partnerships, and measuring the build human resources to improve knowledge and skills and promote impact of development. ICT literacy, E-learning, and awareness programs; and develop ICT applications and information content for ADB-supported The country strategy and projects/activities, such as governance and poverty reduction. program (CSP) for each DMC is the mechanism by which ADBs strategic agenda is operationalized 1 The Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society was agreed by Canada, European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, and United States at the G8 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit at the country level. ADB will Meeting on 22 July 2000. develop a CSP for each DMC, catering to the specific needs and conditions of the DMC and reflecting the operational priorities of the Reducing Poverty through Education MTS. The CSP for each country in a Improving education services, particularly for women, disadvantaged groups, subregion will also specify the and the poor, is a critical component of ADBs operations. Projects that regional cooperation activities that provide primary education, basic skills education and training, teacher ADB will undertake at the subretraining, and education system reforms benefit those who have been gional level. Based on these underserved by education in the past by improving their literacy and activities, an ADB-wide regional productivity, thus enhancing their potential income-earning capability. cooperation plan will be developed. Through loans, ADB supported policy reforms to ensure adequate resources To implement the country and and financial sustainability and through technical assistance, improved the regional programs effectively and to planning capacity of education ministries. ADB focused on providing support ensure the desired impact of ADB for education planning, particularly to improve secondary education, and interventions in terms of its continuing learning for adults who had recently obtained literacy. strategic objectives, ADB needs to Education investments help eliminate poverty through skills developselect its interventions strategically ment in rural areas, literacy training of rural adults, teacher training to and align the organization to increase the number of qualified women teachers, and improving the level increase efficiency. Several internal of general academic skills taught in rural secondary schools. By linking changes must be undertaken in the education and training closely with the occupational needs of poor commedium term to make ADB more munities, ADB helped narrow the gap between the supply and demand for efficient and responsive to its client skilled labor, leading to greater employment opportunities for rural youth. needs. For more on these changes, see



Strategic Planning and Support Activities on page 102, and Institutional Matters on page 107 .

Social protection strategy

In September 2001, after 3 years of consultations with governments and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) in the Asian and Pacific region and with other international organizations, ADB approved its Social Protection Strategyanother key weapon in the battle to halve poverty in Asia and the Pacific by 2015. The strategy is aimed to help the regions most vulnerable groups. Half of the worlds population3.2 billion people live in the Asian and Pacific region. Of these, 900 million people are poor, representing 70% of the worlds poor; about 60% of the regions total population live in rural areas; and about 40% of the population are below 19 years of age. The rural population remains highly vulnerable to risks and lacks access to social security schemes. The same applies to the youth. Additionally, the youth Defining Social Protection often do not find jobs because of the large number of entrants into the Social protection refers to the set of policies and programs designed to labor market and insufficient reduce poverty and vulnerability by promoting efficient labor markets, economic activity in the region. One diminishing people's exposure to risks, and enhancing their capacity to challenge for the region is to achieve protect themselves against hazards and interruption or loss of income. sustainable growth to absorb the poor Social protection consists of five major elements: labor market policies and programs designed to facilitate employment, and these new entrants into the labor ensure good working conditions including core labor standards, and market. promote the efficient operation of labor markets; However, growth alone cannot social insurance programs to cushion the risks associated with generate inclusive societies. unemployment, health, disability, work injury, and old age; Populations, households, and social assistance and welfare service programs for the most vulnerable individuals face various risks that can groups; plunge them into poverty: natural micro- and area-based schemes to address vulnerability at the disasters, civil conflicts, economic community level, including microinsurance, agricultural insurance, and downturns, and household reversals, social funds and programs to manage natural disasters; and such as crop failures, unemployment, child protection to ensure the healthy and productive development of or illness can all threaten the future the future Asian workforce. of the household. Globalization can Social protection is an integral part of social development, one of the help promote renewed opportunities three pillars of ADBs Poverty Reduction Strategy. Social risk is a dynamic for growth but, at the same time, may conceptinsecurity means exposure to risks of events that may worsen increase a countrys vulnerability to vulnerability. The poor and persons near the poverty line are particularly external shocks. Globalization at risk since they have fewer assets, reserves, and other opportunities. While requires the development of effective the long-term solution to vulnerability depends on social and economic social protection systems. development decisions that address the structural causes of vulnerability, ADBs Social Protection Strategy social protection offers various instruments to deal with the diversity of provides a strong rationale for risks. Considering these issues, ADB has developed a definition of social increased investments in the sector. protection based on labor markets and small-scale agriculture to help reduce Welfare systems have not been a poverty in the Asian and Pacific region. priority for most Asian policymakers;

social protection has been largely neglected, or addressed with inadequate tools and insufficient funds. However, economic history shows that several economies of the regionHong Kong, China; Japan; Republic of Korea; Singapore; and Taipei,Chinabuilt development policies through active public or public-private interventions in medical care, social and housing assistance, minimum retirement levels, and education. Investing in social protection was an essential part of the modernization programs of these wealthier societies at the early stages of their development. Higher levels of social security allowed high productivity gains in the workforce, expanded domestic demand, and increased economic growth. Lack of adequate social protection may severely limit future economic growth. In children, malnutrition and poverty damage health, cause death, harm reproduction, reduce intelligence, and lower productivity and opportunities for the future adultsa high tax on future economic development. Social protection is an economic need in the Asian and Pacific region.



after the 1997 Asian financial crisis. The demand for rapid, short-term social support projects will hopefully not be necessary in the future. Iodine and iron are micronutrients essential for the normal development Instead, ADB and its DMCs should of the body and brain. Millions of mothers and children in Asia lack these concentrate on developing more micronutrients and are unaware of their importance. In the Central Asia comprehensive and effective social and Trans-Caucasus region, more than half the women of reproductive protection systems to help countries age and children suffer from iodine deficiency or anemia. Anemic women reduce poverty and vulnerability. In are more likely to die in pregnancy or childbirth and iodine-deficient women addition, social protection measures give birth to infants with diminished cognitive and motor skills. This will be included, where feasible, in catastrophic loss of human potential can be averted with relatively small ADBs regular projects and programs: amounts of investment. A few cents a year worth of iodine and iron is all for instance, components to reduce a person needs. child labor could be added to In 2001, ADB approved a $6.9 million special grant facility, financed education projects. In its policy by ADBs Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, to reverse the alarming increase dialogue, ADB will encourage in physically and mentally retarded children in some developing member governments to improve social countries. The grant will improve nutrition for poor mothers and children protection systems and shift from in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. ADB assistance will be used for a regional program to promote funding activities that benefit the the fortification of salt with potassium iodate and flour with an iron-based wealthy upper income groups or have premix. ADBs partners in the program include the United Nations Childrens low benefit-cost ratios. Fund and the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition. The project supports ADBs As exemplary practice, ADB will goal of reducing poverty by raising intelligence, school achievement, adult comply with internationally productivity and wages, and the health of mothers who can care properly recognized core labor standards in for their children. The project will also build public-private, governmentdesigning and formulating its NGO, and intraregional partnerships. projects. It will also take steps to ensure that for ADB-financed procurement of goods and services, ADBs new strategy identifies common issues to contractors, subcontractors, and consultants comply be addressed in the region as well as individual with the countrys labor legislation (e.g., minimum country needsthe region is too broad and diverse to wages, safe working conditions, and social security generalize. For instance, in Pakistan, where 50% of contributions) and core labor standards. the population are children and youth, the programs will be very different from those in the PRC, after its one child policy. ADBs strategy provides a menu of options and possible social protection programs and In 2001, ADB continued to strengthen institutional the criteria to prioritize them. Country initiatives will mechanisms for mainstreaming gender equity in ADB be developed based on a countrys needs, available projects and programs. Dialogue and cooperation resources, and institutions. Selected social protection between ADB and civil society were improved. interventions should provide adequate coverage and An ADB-wide Gender and Development (GAD) benefits, target vulnerable groups, and promote good Action Plan was finalized, operationalizing ADBs governance. Prioritized programs should be selected strategic objective and policy on GAD. An External in a transparent and participatory manner, through Forum on Gender consisting of experts on GAD and institutions such as the National Commission for womens rights representing various disciplines and Social Protection. perspectives held its first meeting in Manila. The Forum ADB, together with other development partners, will advise ADB on specific gender issues in Asia and can finance these prioritized social protection programs. the Pacific and provide feedback on ADB activities Since 1985when social protection projects made up related to GAD. only about 1% of total ADB lendingthe portfolio has Two gender sector checklists (Urban Development been expanding. In 19982000, it represented 13% of the and Housing, and Agriculture) were published to assist total ADB lending volume, a significant increase and guide staff in mainstreaming gender in all ADB resulting from the support to safety net interventions assistance. New country-focused briefing papers on

Improving Nutrition of Children in Central Asia

Supporting gender and development



women were published for Bangladesh, Maldives, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. The importance of the links between good governance and GAD was reflected in several loan and technical assistance projects approved in 2001, including a regional technical assistance on Gender and Governance Issues in Local Government in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan. The technical assistance aims at promoting and facilitating pro-poor governance through capacity building of elected women officials in local government. To ensure pro-poor and well-targeted public policies, it also assists these governments in formulating strategies to strengthen effective delivery of public services and to promote accountability and transparency at local levels. In recent years, global attention on trafficking of women and children has increased. The problem has grown in intensity and expanded geographically with increased poverty, globalization, war and political conflicts, natural disasters, and improved regional transport networks and communications systems. A regional technical assistance on combating trafficking of women and children in South Asiaincluding Bangladesh, India, and Nepalwas implemented in 2001. This technical assistance supports, among other things, the compilation of a database on key issues related to trafficking of women and children, pull-push factors leading to trafficking, and stakeholder mapping. Support is also provided to DMCs to build their capacity in combating trafficking of women and children. For more on GAD, see

Cooperating with nongovernment organizations

ADB recognizes NGOs as significant players in the development process, and cooperates with them to improve the impact, sustainability, and quality of its services. In 2001, ADB approved the Task Force Report on Institutional Arrangements for Cooperation with NGOs. The reportprepared by a high-level committee appointed by ADB President Tadao Chinorecommended several actions, including the creation and staffing of a centralized unit to coordinate ADB relations with civil society. This unitthe NGO Centerbegan operations in February 2001. It interacts with humanitarian and relief agencies, community-based organizations, advocacy NGOs, mobilization networks, foundations, trade unions, and other institutions; and coordinates a network of ADB staff responsible for NGO issues in operational departments, resident and regional missions, and representative offices.

ADB cooperates with NGOs along two parallel streams: institutional cooperation on strategies and themes, whereby ADB engages NGOs in continuous consultation on crosscutting issues; and operational cooperation whereby ADB includes NGOs as partners in its operations at the country and project levels, and at the conceptual, design, and implementation stages. NGOs participated in 43 of 76 loan projects (57%) in 2001. More than half were social infrastructure, and agriculture and natural resource projects. Most participating NGOs were local and community-based groups, able to enhance project quality by identifying the specific needs of their community and encouraging participation of direct beneficiaries. NGO involvement in projects took place primarily in consultation workshops and meetings, although NGOs also performed technical tasks. NGOs also played an important role in implementing technical assistance projects. As in the case of loan projects, the social infrastructure and agriculture and natural resource sectors accounted for over half of the technical assistance projects involving NGOs. ADB carried out 32 technical assistance projects in 15 DMCs with NGO involvement. NGOs were also involved in 9 regional technical assistance projects in 2001. During the year, ADB participated in several forums involving NGOs. These workshops, conferences, and consultation missions provided the opportunity to solicit NGO views and raise NGOs awareness of ADB policies, practices, and development objectives. The NGO Center organized a series of topical consultations at the 34 th Annual Meeting of ADBs Board of Governors in Honolulu in May 2001. Ninetytwo NGO representatives participated in the meeting. In a private session with NGOs, President Chino reaffirmed ADBs commitment to strengthening its partnership with NGOs. He also accepted an invitation to meet with antiglobalization protesters on the street outside the conference center where the Annual Meeting took place. ADB was the leading sponsor of the International Conference on NGO Poverty Reduction Policy, held in October 2001 in Beijing. This event brought together for the first time more than 200 representatives of local and international NGOs, bilateral and multilateral funding agencies, universities, and government institutions. Participants discussed NGO experiences with poverty reduction in the PRC over the past 2 decades, and the challenges confronting NGOs in areas such as recruitment, training, fund-raising, internal management, and capacity building.



ADB recognizes that an essential ingredient in assistance projects with law and policy reform strengthening its partnership with NGOs is good components. In addition, stand-alone technical communications, and took several steps to further assistance grants focusing on law and policy reform disseminate information and enhance two-way have been provided for judicial reform; private sector communications with civil society. A centralized E-mail development, particularly for finance, banking, and account was created to receive general queries from corporate governance; legal training; dissemination of NGOs, and the NGO pages on ADBs web site were legal information; and environmental protection. redesigned and expanded. By the last quarter of 2001, In 2001, ADB continued to pursue law and policy files on the NGO pages of ADBs web site were among reform as a means of reducing poverty and strengthenthe most frequently accessed, reflecting high interest in ing good governance with its first stand-alone loans for ADBs cooperation with NGOs. judicial reform. Two policy loans to Pakistan amounting In September, ADB published the first issue of to $330 million will bolster the Governments Access to Partnership, an electronic news bulletin for NGOs. The Justice Program, which will strengthen legal protection bimonthly publication provides NGOs with information for all, and is specifically designed to empower the poor about policy developments, projects, conferences, and other vulnerable groups. ADBs assistance also documentation, and educational and training opportuniincludes a $20 million technical assistance loan to ties in Asia and the Pacific. Partnership also cites the translate the programs legal and policy framework into latest ADB documents made available to the public. ADB institutional and organizational arrangements. fulfilled over 200 requests from NGOs for documentation Other activities in judicial reform in 2001 included a under its Policy on Confidentiality and Disclosure of regional judicial independence project and a technical Information and dispatched nearly 2,000 documents. assistance to the Philippines to strengthen the Among the NGO Centers major endeavors was independence of the judiciary. The regional project will setting up a database management system, NGO Link, improve awareness of the importance of judicial to centralize all NGO-related information within independence and the means to achieve it in selected ADB for staff use. This Intranet database aims to DMCs; it will also include surveys on judicial indepenpromote information flows across the institution, raise dence and challenges in these DMCs and selected staff awareness of NGO interests and expertise, and improve coordination in the interaction of ADB offices with Delivering Justice to the Poor in Pakistan NGOs. For more on NGOs, see http:// A new programAccess to Justice Programwill give greater meaning to

Crosscutting strategic themes

Several crosscutting themeslaw and policy reform, promoting the role of the private sector in development, addressing environment sustainability, and supporting regional cooperation broaden and deepen the impact of ADBs core interventions.

Supporting law and policy reform

Law and policy reform is at the heart of good governance, supporting the legal and institutional framework for predictability, transparency, accountability, and participation. Over the years, ADB has provided numerous loan and technical

the rule of law in Pakistan. It will help the poor, support gender sensitization, and provide resources to reform policy and the judiciary. The program will enable the poor to exercise their legal rights and protect their property from being taken away by the bureaucratic or political elite. Through a legal empowerment fund, the program will provide free legal advice and advocacy for the poor by civil society, including lawyers and nongovernment organizations, and promote awareness campaigns about legal rights in the national language, Urdu. The program will promote opportunities to encourage the appointment of women judges and provide training courses in gender sensitization for the judiciary and the police. The program will also strengthen judicial independence by separating the judiciary from the executive branch of government and ensuring adequate funds for the judiciary to meet its mandate. The program aims for an independent, accountable, transparent, and professional police force that is free of political interference. It will help establish a prosecution service and a police complaints authority, which will both be independent. In addition, it will improve police-citizen relations and raise awareness of gender and human rights issues. Finally, by helping create a legal and judicial system that can uphold the rule of law, check bureaucratic excesses, and enforce contracts, the program will contribute to an enabling environment for private sector-led growth.



developed countries, and a workshop and conference on conceptual and practical aspects of judicial independence (e.g., guidelines and methods for evaluating judicial independence and compensation for judges and other court staff). The technical assistance for the Philippine judiciary will support its independence, accountability, impartiality, and competence. A framework for the judiciarys fiscal and administrative autonomy will be designed; the appointment process and the accountability and incentive system, under which the judges and justices function, will be improved; and the capacity of the judicial training academy will be strengthened. ADB continued its support for good governance and anticorruption in 2001 through a regional project to counter money laundering. This project will help DMCs establish a sound financial framework to avoid becoming easy targets of money launderers. The project will also strengthen regional cooperation in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering. The importance of united efforts to fight money laundering became more evident following the 11 September terrorist attacks on the United States. In promoting law and policy reform in the financial sector, ADB continued to contribute to the regional debate on issues of insolvency and secured transactions law reform in Asia and the Pacific. ADB assistance to the PRC, in connection with the countrys entry into the World Trade Organization, includes strengthening the legal capacity of key government organizations and legal professionalsa hallmark of ADBs law and policy reform activities. Also, ADB financed training for government lawyers, judges, and prosecutors in Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Thailand, and Viet Nam. For more on law reform, see

Promoting the role of the private sector in development

The development of many Asian economies has been driven to a large extent by private investment, both domestic and foreign. However, the role of the private sector in assisting DMCs remains limited. As governments face complex development choices and resource constraints, private sector participation is needed to help release scarce resources for public budgets. The private sector, thus, has an increasingly vital role in development, directly and indirectly through public-private partnerships, of physical and social infrastructure.

However, the private sectors contribution to development, particularly in infrastructure, has been hampered by institutional shortcomings, weak corporate governance, unclear rules and regulations, and corruptionall of which increase the costs and risks of doing business. Having the capacity for both public and private sector operations, ADB is uniquely positioned to broker public and private sector linkages to support the development process. These linkages allow ADB to strengthen the capacity of DMCs to create an effective, enabling environment for the private sector and to encourage the development of innovative public-private partnerships. ADB helps its DMCs design policies and reforms that support socially responsible private sector development and activities consistent with its pro-poor agenda. ADB assists individual DMCs in strengthening commercial, regulatory, and legal frameworks; reforming taxation systems; supporting efficient and competitive markets; and establishing environmental and labor standards. ADB also helps broker partnerships between the public sector and private investors in DMCs, where such partnerships allow risks and development costs to be shared. Promoting such partnerships, particularly in agriculture and other activities in the rural areas, where the greatest concentration of poor people live, can contribute to development and poverty reduction. ADBs activities will help finance the public investment portion of such initiatives, assist in building the long-term capacity of governments, design the partnerships, and provide risk mitigation for private investors. In implementing its LTSF, ADB will emphasize the domestic private sector in DMCs. Strengthening entrepreneurship of small- and medium-sized enterprises and the informal sectormajor sources of employment and income contributors to a broader tax basecan help reduce poverty. Although private sector operations are currently a small part of ADBs total portfolio, its private sector investments are expected to increase in the years ahead, partly as a result of the increasingly important development role of the private sector in DMCs. To support this role, ADBs public and private sector activities need to become more integrated. The elements of the strategy to promote the development role of the private sector will be tailored to the particular needs of each DMC.

ADBs strategy for private sector operations

In 2001, ADB approved a strategy to enhance the impact of its private sector operations. The strategy calls for focusing on private sector participation in



funds that can mobilize resources to finance infrastructure, and smalland medium-sized enterprises. ADB In 2001, ADB began implementing the Private Sector Development Strategy. will gradually extend its reach to Progress was made in creating enabling environments, generating business new sectors, such as education and opportunities, and catalyzing private sector investment. health care, selectively and on a Private sector assessments were initiated in seven developing member pilot basis initially. countries (DMCs). These assessments provide information necessary for ADBs prudential limit for private developing a country-specific private sector development strategy for sector risk was raised from $50 million each DMC. to $75 million per project, but still Monitoring and measuring progress in implementing the strategy were subject to a maximum of 25% of initiated. Each DMCs potential for private sector development was project cost. This will enhance ADB's considered, and the private sector potential in various public sector projects capacity to catalyze investments in assessed. A matrix for measuring private sector development potential in larger infrastructure projects that the ADB operations was introduced, and the creation of a scorecard for region will need as economic monitoring private sector activity in public sector projects began. recovery proceeds. To ensure that Best practices in private sector development were disseminated through a series of seminars and workshops, and through publication of the commercial lenders and investors are five-volume Developing Best Practices for Promoting Private Sector not crowded out, ADB will also aim Investment in Infrastructure. A series of workshops enhanced ADB-wide to make use of its political risk networking and helped disseminate sector-specific private sector guarantees and partial credit development initiatives in public sector operations. guarantees to attract long-term An education and awareness program for ADB staff on private sector lenders such as banks, pension funds, development was initiated. ADB also established a Management steering and insurance companies. committee to oversee and monitor implementation. Under the strategy, alliances with other international financial institutions will be intensified to facilitate knowledge and risk sharing Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility to make challenging projects bankable. Joint support also signals ADB joined the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) in 2001 greater confidence in the DMCs' to promote private sector participation in infrastructure in line with its Private Sector Development Strategy. The PPIAF is a multiple-donor technical investment environment and paves assistance facility, established in July 1999, to help eliminate poverty and the way for further private capital achieve sustainable development by facilitating private sector involvement flows. in infrastructure and delivery of basic services. It finances studies and ADBs private sector operations activities that promote private sector involvement in infrastructure. Two deliver development impacts, catalyze ADB initiatives were approved by the PPIAF in 2001: IndonesiaPekanbaru funding from other sources eight to Water Regulatory Study ($75,000) and regionalFramework for Financing nine times its own commitment, Merchant Power Plants in Asia ($450,000). ADBs membership in the PPIAF create employment, and promote demonstrates its commitment to promote the private sector as an engine governance and environmental of growth for the economies of its developing member countries. protection. While ADBs support is diversified in private enterprises in developing and emerging markets, infrastructure and capital markets, broadening country the comparative performance of its private sector and sector reach, increasing financing limits, expanding portfolio, benchmarked against other institutions and the use of credit enhancement instruments such as investment funds, has been satisfactory. guarantees, and forging strategic alliances with other Such performance has generally mirrored the trends development agencies. in the Asian markets, particularly the downturns over Under the strategy, ADB is building on its existing the last 5 years since 1997. The majority of private strength in infrastructure development, particularly sector loans are being fully serviced in terms of interest energy, water, telecommunications, and transport payments and principal repayments. ADB exits from projects. In capital markets, the emphasis is on equity investments where it is evaluated that ADBs investments in key market institutions and investment developmental role has been played out. Cumulative net

Implementing the Private Sector Development Strategy



Private Sector Operations: Pioneering Projects in the Social Sectors

ADBs new strategic directions led to project initiatives in its private sector operations in 2001. For example, two pilot projects in the social sectors were supported in Viet Namone in health care and another in education. The first pilot project is the Franco-Vietnamese Hospital (Far East Medical Vietnam Ltd.), promoted by a group of French doctors and investors. The hospital will provide state-of-the-art facilities in tertiary health care. Improved health care in Viet Nam can lead to substantial economic gains in terms of improved productivity. In addition, quality medical facilities can help induce further private investment. The project will also transfer medical technology and expertise. The second pilot project, the RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) International University, will be the first international standard university in the country, providing a model for the standards of higher education and training. Sponsored by RMIT, the project will bring into Viet Nam expertise in vocational and higher education that will have a positive impact on education in local universities and will help enhance tertiary education in information technology, engineering, and business administration. These projects could demonstrate that commercially viable, social infrastructure projects can be undertaken by the private sector. To ensure project sustainability, the pricing of services must generate sufficient revenues for self-sustenance and cost recovery. The indirect impact of these projects on the economy as a whole is substantial: private sector involvement frees public sector fiscal resources for the underserved population; private sector providers can also promote efficiency by increasing competition and strengthening accountability; and the private sector can introduce expertise and technology in the developing member country with a positive impact on social infrastructure. generate jobs. This will raise investor confidence in Thailand and generate reasonable risk-adjusted returns. The fund manager will also focus on establishing and introducing best corporate governance practices. The funds will be channelled through an onshore fund, Thailand Equity Fund, which will then invest directly in Thai enterprises and provide debt and debt-linked instruments such as convertible bonds, preferred shares, and subordinated debt. The onshore fund will identify priority sectors and industries, particularly those that have strong growth prospects and those that need to be restructured. The fund will have a diversified portfolio that helps improve corporate performance and supports the recovery of Thailands industry and services sectors. Apart from ADB, the investors include the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) through Lombard Pacific Partners II, L.P.; and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The participation of CalPERS, regarded as a champion of corporate governance, is consistent with ADBs capital markets strategy to coinvest with institutional investors. ADB also approved an equity investment of $360,000 in the National Development Bank (NDB) Housing Bank Limited, a new market-based financial institution in Sri Lanka. Investment in this type of private sector institution brings a range of benefits. The NDB Housing Bank will help alleviate housing constraints and will contribute to capital market development in Sri Lanka. The NDB Housing Bank Limited is the first private sector housing bank investment in Sri Lanka. The main sponsor is NDB, which receives technical assistance and equity support from the leading housing finance institution in neighboring Indiathe Housing Development Finance Corporationthe pioneer and market leader in housing finance in India. Further investment support is being provided locally by the Employee Provident Fund and Eagle Insurance, the IFC, and the Netherlands Development Finance Company. The NDB Housing Bank Limited will provide loans to low- and medium-income borrowers, initially in the Colombo region. It will diversify and cover most of Sri Lanka, providing loan products designed to meet the funding needs of low- and medium-income home owners.

Investing in capital markets

ADB also helped launch two new vehicles: a private equity fund in Thailand and a new housing bank in Sri Lanka. ADB agreed to invest up to $25 million in the Lombard Thailand Intermediate Fund, LLC, a private equity fund that will assist Thai private companies recovering from the 1997 Asian financial crisis to restructure, expand, and

realized gains from divestments and dividends receipts have reached $150 million as of December 2001. Like other financial institutions, ADB has its share of nonperforming assets in private sector lending and equity investment operations. These are mostly of earlier

discontinued investments in manufacturing and industry. The proactive rehabilitation and restructuring of impaired assets have averted further deterioration of asset quality. The impaired accounts have remained stable over the past 5 years, hovering around



1213 accounts out of a portfolio of around 100 active investments. In addition to specific provisions for impaired assets, ADB's conservative 8% general provisioning policy for the balance of the private sector portfolio ensures a sufficient loss reserve cover, currently at 20% of the outstanding portfolio. ADB promotes a risk management culture in its private sector operations, monitors early warning signals closely, and reports to the Board of Directors quarterly, in detail. ADB is committed to learning lessons to improve the assessment of development impacts, remove impediments to private sector investment in DMCs, and identify further needs for regulation and capacity building. ADB aims to apply these lessons from impaired and nonperforming projects.

Linking Environmental Protection to Poverty Reduction

Protecting the environment and managing natural resources, on which most of the poor depend for their livelihood, help reduce poverty. In 2001, ADB financed several projects in line with this thrust. A project in the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) will control acid rain and air pollution in Anhui Province, thereby reducing adverse health impacts, improving agricultural productivity, and protecting the environment. These improvements will be achieved through an action plan to reduce sulfur dioxide and other acid rain-causing gas emissions, investment support for cleaner production subprojects, and strengthened institutions for environmental monitoring and enforcement, including human resource development. A second project in the PRC will improve the environment and enhance protection of the poor against flood hazards. The project will reduce flooding and damage in the lower Yellow River by providing sound river management and flood protection. A project in the Cook Islands will facilitate the adoption of sustainable and appropriate solid waste management practices in Rarotonga and Aitutaki. Aside from safeguarding public health and the environment, the project will also support private sector participation and increase public awareness. A project in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic will improve environmental and social safeguards in the energy and transport sectors by strengthening the associated national policy and regulatory framework; enhancing implementation capacity at sectoral and provincial levels; improving compliance and enforcement; promoting river basin management as a planning framework for hydropower and roads; and establishing an environment fund. A project in Tajikistan will help restore the irrigation and household water supply systems damaged by the 2001 earthquake.

Addressing environmental sustainability

Asias remarkable growth was accompanied by resource depletion and environmental degradation. Air and water pollution, water scarcity, desertification, and the depletion of natural resources are beginning to affect agricultural productivity, Building New Partnerships for the Environment causing increasingly frequent On 26 September 2001, ADB signed a memorandum of understanding disasters, such as floods and (MOU) with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), a conservation landslides; and impairing the quality organization with a growing involvement in the Asian and Pacific region. of life in the region. As the Under the MOU, the two agencies formed a partnership for sustainable population grows, demands on the management of natural resources in the region. ADB and WWF will develop environment and the natural collaborative ventures to address poverty and environmental challenges. resource base increase. The Stakeholders such as local communities, government agencies, and challenge for development planners nongovernment organizations will be involved in this process through and institutions in the region is not forums and stakeholder consultations. To be reviewed annually, the MOU only to preserve and protect the will also include information sharing, knowledge management, and capacity environment, but also to reverse building by transferring skills and tools to target groups and exchanging environmental degradation while staff and documentation between the two organizations. maintaining robust economic growth. Recognizing that environmental sustainability is essential for development and forged partnerships with the public and private poverty reduction in the regions resource-based sectors, including NGOs and civil society. economies, ADB addresses the social and environmental Progress was made in mainstreaming the aspects of development. In 2001, ADB provided environment within ADBs Poverty Reduction Strategy resources, shared knowledge, developed capacity, and by institutionalizing new requirements in ADBs



Protecting Ecosystems and Livelihoods

India, Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka have extensive coastal and marine ecosystems that have acquired regional and global significance because of their diversity as vital habitats for a wide range of marine and coastal fauna and flora. Unfortunately, a fast-growing human population, combined with inadequate infrastructure and management capacity, is placing heavy pressure on South Asias coastal and marine resource base. These coastal areas provide the sole source of subsistence and livelihood for millions of people, most living below the poverty line. Environmental mismanagement has caused severe pollution, depleting the coastal waters of aquatic life to the extent of eliminating some species and depriving the poor of their only source of incomefishing in the coastal waters. In 2001, ADB approved a technical assistance grant of $600,000 to promote coastal and marine resource management and poverty reduction in South Asia. Implemented with the global environment NGO, World Conservation Union (IUCN), and cofinanced from the Japan Special Fund, the project aims to promote regional cooperation among the participating countries to strengthen management of environmentally sensitive coastal and marine resources. A regional strategic plan will be prepared, which will include recommendations for information exchange, database development and management, and capacity building. At the national level, the plan will identify areas of the highest environmental and ecological significance and sensitivity; and analyze and address barriers to collaborative approaches to integrated coastal zone management. The plan will propose a strategy that applies integrated coastal zone management in the identified areas; and estimate the required financial and human resources, and other needs to implement the strategy with suggestions for possible institutional arrangements. Poor coastal communities will participate in implementing pilot projects aimed at testing for achieving integrated coastal zone management approaches.

Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Climate Change Initiatives

ADBs program of assistance to its developing member countries (DMCs) for promoting initiatives related to renewable energy, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas abatement, and adaptation to climate change was strengthened in 2001 with support from the governments of Canada, Denmark, and The Netherlands. The Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Climate Change (REACH) program, cofinanced by The Netherlands ($4.5 million) and ADB ($0.5 million) on a grant basis, will strengthen participating DMCs capacities to access financial resources and technology transfers to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases and to achieve sustainable development in their own economies. The Canadian Cooperation Fund on Climate Change ($3.2 million) focuses on reducing greenhouse gases in the Peoples Republic of China and India, carbon sequestration in Indonesia, and adapting to climate change in the Pacific DMCs. The Danish Cooperation Fund ($3 million) focuses on promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency for development of rural areas and small towns in DMCs.

business processes. For example, when preparing a poverty analysis a major input in preparing the country strategy and programnew environmental considerations need to be taken into account. These include analysis of the geographic and environmental characteristics, details on areas with high poverty incidence, the state of the natural resource base, the presence of environmental threats to the poor, or conflicts between the needs of the poor and environmental concerns. Thus, poverty analysis facilitates the determination of priorities and the sequence of environmental interventions with the greatest impact on poverty. In 2001, ADB provided resources for five loan projects, totaling $323 million, designed to alleviate the plight of the poor, and protect and conserve environmental resources. These projects were identified based on ADBs new loan classification system, designed to assist in monitoring performance against the poverty target and to enable it to track its lending in support of thematic priorities. Two new ADB-Global Environment Facility (GEF) proposals entered the formal GEF pipeline in 2001: the Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Indian Sundarbans Project, and the GEF-PRC Strategic Partnership for Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems. A GEF grant of $6.4 million to cofinance the Efficient Utilization of Agricultural Wastes Project in the PRC was approved by the GEF Council in 2001. The project promotes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by expanding the use of small- and medium-scale biomassbased renewable energy technologies (BIORETS) in rural agricultural areas. This replaces the use of coal, straw, and firewood for household fuel and reduces open field burning of crop



residues. Once completed, the project will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 78,338 tons annually and will lead to further expansion and adoption of similar BIORETS in other PRC provinces. Technical assistance activities were undertaken in 2001 to build DMCs capacity for sound environmental planning and management, covering urban, coastal, and marine ecosystems, and strengthening environmental and social management in their operations. Similarly, some DMCs will receive help in implementing the Kyoto Protocol and in evaluating national and subregional achievements in preparation for the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa. Others will receive help in integrating cleaner production technologies into their industrial development policies. ADB supports projects with direct benefits to the environment, and ensures that its projects and programs are environmentally sound. In this regard, the impacts of loan projects and programs are reviewed to ensure that environmental risks, especially to the poor, are minimized. For environmentally sensitive projects, public consultation starting from the early stage of project processing is undertaken, and ADB requirements concerning disclosure are satisfied. Compliance with these environmental safeguards is monitored and ensured through field visits during project implementation. To mainstream environmental considerations into ADB operations, work on the Environmental Assessment Guidelines continued. Moreover, preparation of an environment policy was pursued in 2001, along with broad-based public consultations

that covered more than 20 countries within and outside the Asian and Pacific region. Environmental strategic partnerships were further enhanced in 2001. The public and private sectors, development agencies, NGOs, and civil societies participated in conferences, interagency consultations, and senior-level meetings in regional, subregional, and international forums that addressed common and emerging environmental issues. Environmental awareness of ADB staff and DMC officials was further enhanced through workshops, seminars, and publications dealing with emerging environmental issues.

ADB supports projects with direct benefits to the environment, and ensures that its projects and programs are environmentally sound.

Supporting regional cooperation

ADBs support for regional cooperation involves three related dimensions: facilitating the economic development of participating countries through cooperation and integration; providing key regional public goods that address shared constraints and opportunities; and encouragingthrough processes associated with broader and deeper cooperationregional stability, which is necessary for developing the region. ADB supports several broad-based regional economic cooperation initiatives, discussed in more depth in the special theme chapter on page 14.



n 2001, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) took pioneering and well-balanced steps to address the needs of its developing member countries (DMCs). ADB established the Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology to bridge the growing digital divide in the Asian and Pacific region. In its private sector operations, ADB approved its first two loan projects in the social sectors for education and health care. Also in 2001, ADB continued to emphasize good governance and transparency in portfolio management and project implementation.

Lending for both public and private sector operations in 2001 amounted to $5,339 million for 76 loans in 60 projects, compared with $5,653 million for 88 loans in 74 projects in 2000. The average loan size in 2001 was $70 million. Of the total lending, loans with government guarantee were over $5,301 million for 57 projects, comprising $3,940 million for 26 loans from ordinary capital resources (OCR) and $1,362 million for 46 loans from the concessional Asian Development Fund (ADF). Lending to the private sector without government guarantee amounted to $37.5 million for four loans in three projects. The transport and communications sector received the largest share of loans, $1,426 million or 26.7% of total lending in 2001, followed by multisector, others, energy, agriculture and natural resources, social infrastructure, and industry and nonfuel minerals. Environment and governance projects are included in the current classification others. For details, see Tables 16 and 913 in the Statistical Annex. For more on lending, see

ADB continued to emphasize good
governance and transparency in portfolio management and project implementation in 2001, and pursued timely submission of quality-driven audited project accounts and agency financial statements. . . . Portfolio performance at the country, sector, and project levels; and sound financial management procedures and practices in executing agencies were increasingly factored into ADBs country programming and project processing work.

Technical assistance
In 2001, ADB approved 257 technical assistance grants totaling $146.4 million. Project preparatory technical assistance accounted for 64 projects amounting to $40.4 million, while advisory and operational technical assistance accounted for 142 projects amounting to $76.1 million. The agriculture and natural resources sector received the largest share of project-specific technical assistance followed by social infrastructure and finance. The remaining 51 projects, valued at $29.9 million, were for regional technical assistance. For details, see Tables 2428 in the Statistical Annex. For more on technical assistance grants, see



ADB Operations
$ Million 2000 2001 % Change

Resource transfers
The net transfer of resources from ADB to its DMCs increased from $3.7 million in 2000 to $464.3 million in 2001. During the year, net transfers to ADF borrowers were $658.4 million ($782.1 million in 2000). Compared with net inflows of $778.4 million in 2000, net inflows to ADB from OCR borrowers decreased to $194.1 million. For details, see Tables 2930 in the Statistical Annex . Loan disbursements in 2001 totaled $3.9 billion, comprising 90% of the years target of $4.3 billion. Of the total, OCR disbursements were $2.8 billion or 74% and ADF disbursements were $1.0 billion or 26%. For 2000 and 2001 disbursements by lending modality, see Table 8 in the Statistical Annex. Loan service payments reached $3.4 billion in 2001, compared with $4.0 billion in 2000. The decrease was mainly because of lower prepayments ($52.5 million in 2001, $693.4 million in 2000). In 2001, the four largest net resource transfers from ADB were to Peoples Republic of China (PRC), Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

Lending OCR ADF Total Lending Equity Investments Technical Assistance Grants b TOTAL 4,060.1a 1,592.5 5,652.6 78.2 172.0 5,902.8 3,977.4 1,361.6 5,339.0 30.4 146.4 5,515.8 (2.0) (14.5) (5.5) (61.1) (14.9) (6.6)

a Adjusted to reflect terminated loans and reduced ADB loan amounts. b Including regional activities.

Resource Transfers to Developing Member Countries ($ million)

OCR Loan Disbursements Principal Repayments a Payments of Interest/Charges Net Equity Investment Net ADF TOTAL 2,884 (1,835) (1,818) (9) (778) 782 4 2,850 (1,196) (1,843) (5) (194) 658 464


Cofinancing and guarantee operations

In 2001, cofinancing for loan projects mobilized from all sources amounted to $1.4 billion, equivalent to about 26% of ADBs total lending of $5.3 billion. For details, see Table 7 in the Statistical Annex . Although this level of cofinancing is significantly lower than the 2000 level of nearly $3.0 billion, 2001 was the fifth consecutive year in which cofinancing was arranged for more than 40% of ADB projects. The decrease in the cofinancing amount is mainly because of the slippage or cancellation of several large projects with cofinancing possibilities from both market and official sources; and the global economic slowdown, which inevitably affected Asias economy and reduced the demand for large physical infrastructure projects. Twenty-five projects in 11 DMCs received cofinancing in 2001. The PRC received the largest amount, with about $867.0 million cofinancing (primarily from its domestic financial institutions), followed by India with $150.0 million, and Sri Lanka with $102.0 million. During 19702001, 580 ADB-assisted loan projects and programs received cofinancing in an aggregate amount of $36.2 billion, consisting of $21.7 billion from official sources, $9.2 billion from commercial sources, and $5.3 billion from export credit sources. The energy sector accounted for $15.3 billion or 42%,

( ) Represents resource inflow from developing member countries. a Includes prepayments of $52.5 million ($693.4 million in 2000).

In 2001, 16 projects received grants totaling $93.8 million. Of this, eight projects received about $24 million from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction; and eight projects that received ADB loans during the year also received grants totaling $69.8 million from the governments of Australia, Denmark, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the Global Environment Facility. For details, see Tables 3536 in the Statistical Annex .

Equity investments
In 2001, equity investments in private sector operations were made in three projects amounting to $30.4 million. The investments were made in a housing bank, a regional fund in the Mekong region, and a country equity fund. For details, see Table 10 in the Statistical Annex .



Cofinancing Arrangements, followed by transport and Out of an initial contribution of 19972001 ($ million) communications ($8.2 billion or 10 billion yen (about $92.6 million) 23%), agriculture and natural from the Government of Japan, the resources ($4.2 billion or 11%), Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction social infrastructure ($3.1 billion (JFPR) financed a total of about or 8%), finance ($1.7 billion or $24 million for eight projects in 5%), and other sectors ($3.7 billion 2001. For details, see Table 35 in the or 11%). Statistical Annex. Official cofinancing: CofinancThe Japan Fund for Informaing from official sources for ADB tion and Communication loan projects amounted to $425.2 Technology, also funded by the million in 2001, a decrease of about Government of Japan with 24% from the $557.9 million in 1,273.3 billion yen (about 2000. Germany provided cofinanc$10.7 million), was established in ing of $185.0 million for four July 2001 to harness the potential projects, followed by France with of information and communication $45.4 million, and United Kingdom technology and bridge the growing Total Cost of Loan Projects and with $38.0 million. The European digital divide in Asia and the Sources of Financing, 2001 Investment Bank provided Pacific. cofinancing of $50.0 million for the Channel financing arrangeGuangxi Roads Development Project ments were approved with the in the PRC. Other major multilateral governments of Canada, Denmark, cofinanciers were International The Netherlands, and United Finance Corporation, Nordic Kingdom in poverty reduction, Development Fund, and the OPEC governance, climate change, Fund for International Development. water, and renewable energy, Grants from official donors for a total of $47.4 million in were actively pursued in 2001. untied grants. In addition to Japans annual Commercial and export contributions to the Japan Special credit cofinancing: Commercial Fund (JSF), untied grants totaling cofinancing in 2001 amounted to $86.5 million were contributed by $912.6 million for eight projects, a Includes cofinancing from official, export credit, and commercial sources; equity sponsors; and local Australia, Canada, Denmark, a decrease of more than 50% from participating private companies and financial Finland, France, Italy, The the $2.3 billion arranged in 2000. institutions. Netherlands, New Zealand, United Of the 2001 total, $822.6 million Kingdom, United States, and the Global Environment was parallel cofinancing from domestic financial Facility. institutions in the PRC and Viet Nam. Export credit Under the JSF, funded by the Government of Japan, cofinancing in 2001 amounted to $20.1 million for a a total of $53.8 million for 96 technical assistance power project in Bangladesh, in the form of supplier's projects was financed on an untied basis in 2001, credit, the source of which accounting for 37% of all technical assistance approvals. will be determined through international For details, see Tables 24 and 33 in the Statistical Annex competitive bidding. and table on Japan Special Fund Technical Assistance by Guarantees : In 2001, a partial credit guarantee of Sector, 2001 on page 125. $90 million was approved to support commercial Under the Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility cofinancing for the Small and Medium Enterprise (ACCSF), also funded by the Government of Japan, Sector Development Program Credit Assistance Project DMCs affected by the financial crisis continued to in Sri Lanka. To date, ADB has issued a total of receive assistance. Sixteen technical assistance 11 partial credit guarantees and 3 political risk projects totaling $16.1 million were approved in 2001. guarantees in support of about $1.5 billion in For details, see Tables 24 and 34 in the Statistical commercial cofinancing under syndicated loans and Annex and tables on ACCSF by country and by sector capital market instruments. For more on cofinancing, on page 125. see .



Portfolio management

works contractors, on which ADB will base a standard prequalification document in 2002. The working group In 2001, under its Portfolio Management Action Plan, also commenced work for preparing a similar master ADB introduced an automated project rating system to document for civil works contracts. improve the consistency and timeliness, and reduce the To improve its effectiveness, ADB reviewed its subjectivity of ratings. An at risk approach was policies and procedures on selecting consulting firms. adopted in the rating system, combining an enhanced To expedite processing and improve transparency, ADB project rating system with an early warning device for finalized a proposal to introduce the quality and costflagging projects rated satisfactory or better but with based system (QCBS). The QCBS focuses on quality as potential problems. In addition, the project performance the primary selection criterion (80%), while considering report was restructured and expanded to make it a more to a degree (20%) the cost of the services. useful project monitoring tool. Project administration: A total of 76 new loans The Project Administration Instructions were revised (72 public and 4 private sector) were approved in 2001. completely in 2001 to incorporate improvements in This brought the number of loans under administration to business processes and changes in delegation of authority. 552, comprising 501 loans in the public sector and 51 in The revisions, which streamline project administration the private sector. Of the public sector loans, 399 were activities, are expected to be adopted in 2002. rated satisfactory (including 6 highly satisfactory) in ADB continued to emphasize terms of implementation progress and good governance and transparency in achievement of development Contract Awards and portfolio management and project objectives, while 79 loans were Disbursements,19972001 implementation in 2001, and pursued rated partly satisfactory and (cumulative, end of year) ($ billion) timely submission of quality-driven 23 loans unsatisfactory. audited project accounts and agency Altogether, 690 project financial statements. Better administration missions, including assessment and strengthened private sector loan and multiproject financial management of executing reviews, were fielded to assess agencies at the early stage of project project progress and discuss processing remained important problems; improve portfolio features of ADBs drive toward better performance; and strengthen the governance and fiduciary safeguards linkages between country and sector and controls in project implementaperformance, including joint project tion. Portfolio performance at the reviews with the World Bank and country, sector, and project levels; other MDBs. A total of 9,352 personand sound financial management days (or an average of 21.4 personprocedures and practices in executing days per project) were spent agencies were increasingly factored reviewing projects. Country portfolio Disbursements and Net Transfer into ADBs country programming and of ADB Resources to DMCs, 2001 review missions were undertaken in project processing work. 16 DMCs to discuss with senior ($ million) ADB also continued to government officials implementation collaborate with the Procurement problems, timely submission of Cooperation Group of Multilateral audited project accounts and audited Development Banks (MDBs) and agency financial statements, crossInternational Financial Institutions to sectoral issues, and remedial develop master bidding documents measures. Special portfolio and master documents for consultant restructuring for Indonesia was recruitment. Based on the master undertaken; $101.8 million was documents, ADB prepared four identified for loan cancellation. related documents reflecting its ADBs regional and resident procedures and policies for the missions continued to play an procurement of goods. The working important role in project implementagroup also prepared the master tion, in accordance with ADBs policy document for prequalifying civil on resident missions. Major See page 51 for classification of countries.



operational functions such as country programming, project processing, and portfolio management continued to be delegated to the missions. By end-2001, administration of a total of 32 loans for 27 projects had been delegated to the resident missions in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam; and the regional mission for the South Pacific in Vanuatu. For more on the Resident Mission Policy, see Eighty-three projects were completed during the year. Sixty-one project completion reports were circulated in 2001, bringing the total number of reports prepared as of end-2001 to 989. For details, see Table 14 in the Statistical Annex . Contract awards: Contracts totaling $2.6 billion (excluding contracts for technical assistance projects) were awarded in 2001 by executing agencies in DMCs for engaging consulting services and procuring goods, related services, and civil works. This represented a 24% decline from 2000, and 2001 contract awards fell short of projections for several large borrowers: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Viet Nam. Consultancy contracts under loan projects totaled $142.9 million and involved 344 consulting contracts (113 international and 231 domestic). For details, see Tables 1523 in the Statistical Annex. Loan disbursements: The 2001 loan disbursements of $3.9 billion fell short of the $4.3 billion projected for the year, and were slightly lower than the 2000 disbursements, mainly because of shortfalls in program loan disbursements. For 2000 and 2001 disbursements by lending modality, see Table 8 in the Statistical Annex. Project implementation and administration seminars: ADB conducted a series of seminars in 2001 to help DMCs understand the changing environment in which projects are implemented. Eight seminars focused on improving project implementation and administration in the DMCs; a total of 315 DMC representatives participated in the 2-week sessions. Seven of the eight were in-country seminars held in PRC, Indonesia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam. One was a regional seminar held at ADB headquarters. In addition, seven seminars on the use of consultants, attended by about 300 participants, were held in Bangladesh, Cambodia, PRC, India, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Uzbekistan. Also, seminars on developing domestic consulting services attended by about 250 participants were held in Cambodia, PRC, India, Indonesia, and Viet Nam. Business opportunities seminars: Fourteen seminars on business opportunities were organized in 2001 in 10 countries: Austria; Belgium; Hong Kong,

China; Italy; Japan; Republic of Korea; Pakistan; Spain; Turkey; and United States. Participants were provided with an overview of business opportunities under ADBfinanced loans and technical assistance, given advice on preparing bids and proposals in line with ADB guidelines, and informed of the procedures for evaluating bids and ranking consulting proposals. Overall, more than 519 participants joined the presentations, discussions, and one-on-one consultations. In addition, several seminars were held at ADB headquarters for visiting missions and delegations from various members.

Private sector operations portfolio

ADBs private sector portfolio has delivered developmental impacts, leveraged and catalyzed other sources of funding, created employment, and continued to promote governance and environmental protection. In 2001, the portfolio amounted to $1.2 billion. This consisted of $718.7 million in loans (62% of the portfolio) and $449.2 million in equity investments (38%). Since ADBs first private sector investment in 1983, cumulative approvals have totaled $2.0 billion, financing 148 projects and mobilizing $655.8 million of complementary financing loans. ADBs involvement also catalyzed $15.5 billion in additional financing, leveraging ADB investments by a ratio of 7.7 times. At the end of 2001, cumulative disbursements rose by $67.3 million and reached $1.4 billion. Of the approvals, $614 million or 31% has been repaid and divested. For details, see Tables 913 in the Statistical Annex and table below. ADBs private sector operations continued to focus on infrastructure and capital markets. In 2001, two pioneering private sector projects were approved in social infrastructureone in health care and another in education. Infrastructure projects in DMCs account for 46.3% ($539.3 million) of the private sector portfolio. In

Private Sector Portfolio Distribution,a 2001

Investments Held No. of Companies Infrastructure Investment Funds and Financial Institutions Others TOTAL 19 64 16 99 $ Million 539.3 452.1 176.5 1,167.9 % 46.2 38.7 15.1 100.0

a At exchange rates as of 31 December 2001.



Private Sector Operations Portfolio Distribution by Country, 2001 ($ million)

capital markets, approvals for 2001 included a regional financial institution, two country-specific funds, and a housing bank. At the end of 2001, 16.2% of the private sector portfolio or $188.3 million was in pioneering financial institutions, which develop and strengthen capital and financial markets and allow ADB to leverage on its own available staff and financial resources. Another 22.6% of the private sector portfolio or $263.8 million was invested in country and sectoral funds and fund management companies, which provide equity and/or loans to infrastructure projects, small and medium enterprises, and financial institutions in DMCs. The remaining 15.1% of the private sector portfolio, or $176.5 million, was made in the mid-1980s when ADB supported several DMC governments that encouraged the private sector to invest in large agricultural and industrial ventures. At the end of 2001, there were 99 projects under administration, net of repayments, cancellations, and divestments. Of the total number of projects, 18 are in regional financial entities and funds. Operationally, 71 companies were demonstrating strong financial performance, 4 were performing marginally, and 24 were underperforming. Risk management vigilance continued in 2001. This included an active effort to rehabilitate, restructure, or exit impaired assets. Interest and other income earned on the private sector portfolio in 2000 and 2001 were at the same level at $31.1 million. Dividend income rose from $11.4 million (4.3% yield) in 2000 to $13.2 million (4.9% yield) in 2001. On a cumulative basis, dividends to date amounted to $80.1 million. In addition, cumulative net realized gains totaled $69.4 million. Provision for possible losses on impaired assets increased from $140.1 million in 2000 to $144.5 million in 2001. The loss reserve was 21.1% of the total outstanding portfolio at the end of 2001, compared with 20.6% in 2000. For more on private sector operations, see

Capacity building: In 2001, ADB jointly organized a workshop with the International Finance Corporation and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation on environmental management for private sector fund managers and finance professionals.

Performance evaluation and development impact

The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) independently evaluates ADBs operations, including the performance of completed projects, programs, and technical assistance, and thematic studies in the form of impact, special, and country assistance program evaluations. The primary objectives of ADBs evaluation activities are to provide resource accountability, cite lessons learned for future operations, and identify follow-up actions for sustaining the benefits of activities supported by ADB. Operations evaluation activities were strengthened in 2001: the Operations Evaluation Office became a department with additional posts, under the oversight of the Board of Directors Development Effectiveness Committee. During the year, OED completed 37 evaluation reports; the main reports comprised 26 performance audit reports and 6 special evaluation reports.

Project/program performance audit reports

In 2001, 17 projects and 5 programs were assessed in 21 reports, using the four-category rating system of highly successful, successful, partly successful, and unsuccessful. Of the 22 evaluated projects/programs in 2001, 3 (14%) were rated highly successful and 9 (41%) successful. The remaining 10 (45%) projects/programs were rated partly successful. None was rated unsuccessful. Of the five performance audit reports for programs, one was rated successful and four were rated partly successful. The evaluations demonstrated that reforms require longer periods, more policy dialogue, and sustained commitment from governments. The evaluations also underscored the need for detailed sector studies and use of participatory approaches in program design, and confirmed the importance of realistic assessment of and systematic capacity building for executing agencies. Of the 17 projects, including 4 using the sector loan modality, 3 (18%) were considered highly successful, 8 (47%) successful, and 6 (35%) partly successful. Of the seven physical infrastructure projects, three were found to be highly successful. Of the social sector projects, four targeting underserved areas and lower-income communities were rated successful. Five other



agriculture and social sector projects Classification of ADBs Developing Members and one multisector project were rated partly successful. A revised classification system for ADBs DMCs, approved by the Board of Two of the three projects Directors in December 1998, took effect on 1 January 1999. Two criteria evaluated in Group A DMCs (see box per capita gross national product and debt repayment capacityare used on Classification of ADBs Developing to determine the classification of borrowing developing members into Members) were rated highly Groups A, B1, B2, and C.1 The system determines the degree of eligibility successful; two road projects in the to borrow from the Asian Development Fund (ADF), applicable ceiling on Lao PDR improved a vital road ADB project financing, and minimum share of government contribution to section from the national capital to technical assistance costs. the northern provinces, strengthening Group A (ADF only) includes Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cambodia, Kiribati, national integration and generating Kyrgyz Republic, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Maldives, Mongolia, substantial benefits to the economy. Myanmar, Nepal, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. Of the 14 projects in Groups B1 and Group B1 (ADF with limited amounts of ordinary capital resources [OCR]) B2 DMCs, 6 were rated successful includes Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cook Islands,2 Marshall Islands, Federated and the rest partly successful. Of the States of Micronesia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tonga, and Viet Nam. Group B2 (OCR with limited amounts of ADF) includes Peoples Republic five projects in Group C countries, of China, India, Indonesia,3 Nauru, and Papua New Guinea. one was rated highly successful and Group C (OCR only) includes Fiji Islands, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, three successful. The highly Philippines, Thailand, and Uzbekistan. successful Second Erawan Gas Project In addition, the criteria for graduation from regular ADB assistance in Thailand highlighted two factors were established. Four membersHong Kong, China; Republic of Korea; critical to the success of a project: a Singapore; and Taipei,Chinahave graduated from regular ADB assistance. high degree of ownership by the For details on ADBs graduation policy for DMCs, see http:// Government and the executing agency, . and strong institutional capability of the implementing agencies. 1 Turkmenistan has not been classified. Lessons from these evaluations 2 Limited eligibility for OCR will be applied only after the external debt position improves. 3 On a watch list for graduation from the ADF. are relevant to future ADB operations. For example, the Dhaka Urban Infrastructure Improvement Project in Bangladesh, rated partly successful, showed that Act. The evaluation highlighted two main issues: a community participation is a critical factor in ensuring heavy reliance on external funding for road mainteproper operation and maintenance of project facilities, nance; and the higher remuneration packages offered to and the sustained delivery of services. The Heilongjiang project management units that attracted qualified Expressway Project in the PRC, which was rated personnel away from regular activities. One of the successful, highlighted the need for a rigorous review of technical assistance in Cambodia was highly successful, technical features at appraisal and during implementaand the other partly successful. The technical assistance tion to improve design, for example, for safety. in Viet Nam was rated partly successful. OED evaluated two technical assistance projects in the social sectors of two DMCs. One helped generate Technical assistance performance social survey data for formulating social sector reforms audit reports in Viet Nam. The other introduced a cost resource Five performance audit reports of technical assistance allocation method for the budget allocation system for clusters were prepared in 2001. Twenty-five technical health in Sri Lanka. Three main lessons emerged: assistance activities were evaluated; 2 were rated highly technical assistance focused on DMC priorities is more successful, 11 successful, 7 partly successful, and likely to succeed; the use of technical assistance outputs 5 unsuccessful. needs to be specified during design; and important In Cambodia, two technical assistance grants findings should be widely disseminated. Both technical supported a detailed survey of transport needs and assistance were rated successful. provided formal training to the Planning Department of Six technical assistance grants designed to build the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. In Viet Nam, evaluation capability in Nepal, Philippines, and Sri Lanka a technical assistance grant helped formulate a Road were evaluated. It was found that for evaluation



capacity to be built in DMCs, there must be a high should include in their design mechanisms to degree of government ownership, backed up by highdisseminate the results and findings to a wider level support and stable staffing; participation by all key audience in the country. stakeholders in project performance management Eight technical assistance, involving four Pacific systems; and creation of awareness among senior DMCs, focused on institutional strengthening and decision makers during preparation. Weaknesses were capacity building for financial institutions. In the identified in implementation. The two technical Marshall Islands, the institutions involved failed to assistance to strengthen postevaluation capacity in sustain their small enterprise activities, and the Small Nepal and the Philippines were rated partly successful; Business Development Corporation in Papua New that for Sri Lanka was rated highly successful. Three Guinea was closed soon after the technical assistance technical assistance to strengthen each countrys project was completed. These technical assistance were rated performance management system were rated unsuccessunsuccessful. Technical assistance was provided for ful, partly successful, and successful. institutional strengthening of other banking institutions Six advisory technical assistance in the PRC in the Marshall Islands and Papua New Guinea. It was addressed the problems of growing urban population found that implementation time was inadequate in the and urban management. The first two technical first case, and a corporate plan for the rural developassistance approved in 19921993 were rated unsuccessment bank was not implemented in the second. Both ful but the last four approved in 19951998 were rated were rated partly successful. Technical assistance for successful. The trend has been toward successful outcomes in recent years as ADB gained more experience Program Lending: A Lending Modality for Policy Reform in the PRC and focused on areas in urban development where it had a Program lending has been the main instrument through which ADB has comparative advantage, mainly water supported policy reforms in its developing member countries (DMCs). The supply and sanitation. Two of the modality was used extensively in responding to the 1997 Asian financial more recent technical assistance crisis. From 1987 until the end of 2001, 117 programs or program helped formulate and implement components of sector development programs were approved with a combuild-operate-transfer water supply bined loan amount of $16.1 billion, 22% of total ADB lending. Program projects, and had a significant impact lending now involves a diverse range of countries, including Pacific DMCs and newer members in Central Asia; program loans now support a broader in strengthening the relevant range of activities, including social infrastructure and public sector reforms, institutions. An urban policy in addition to the initial focus on the agriculture, financial, and industry workshop provided a venue for sectors. The special evaluation study assessed the role of program lending dialogue between government in promoting policy reforms in the DMCs and identified generic measures agencies, city administrations, and that could enhance its effectiveness. ADB. Many of the recommendations The programs met their immediate targets. Total disbursements for in the urban development plan for 58 completed programs were only 9% below the approved loan amount. Hohhot were considered by the Although ambitiouscontaining a large number of conditions within a executing agency. Three lessons were tight time framenearly all program conditions for 40 programs with learned. First, ADB needs to be more completion reports were met. However, tranche releases and program thorough in preparing technical completion were delayed; disbursements planned over an average of assistance projects in the urban 15 months from loan effectiveness were actually completed within an development sector. For example, average of 24 and a maximum of 52 months. Most programs had been data availability needs to be designed with two tranches; 72% of second tranche releases were delayed adequately assessed. Second, ADB and 11% canceled altogether. needs to ensure that sufficient According to the performance reporting system and stakeholder resources are allocated for meeting consultations in seven countries, program impacts did not always achieve their the requirements of the terms of potential. DMCs made significant progress in adopting more market-oriented reference, for the supervision of policies; however, the recurrence of conditionalities between loans and sectechnical assistance implementation, tors indicated that reforms could not always be sustained. In several cases, and for translation services. Third, program conditions were enacted after program completion, indicating a technical assistance that serve as problem of process and timing. In other cases, program lending provided demonstration or pilot projects



rehabilitating the Development Bank of Western Samoa, strengthening government financial institutions in Samoa, and preparing a strategic plan for the National Bank of Vanuatu provided two main lessons: government action to resolve known problems should precede technical assistance, and technical assistance should be designed with sufficient flexibility to permit midcourse adjustments. These technical assistance were rated successful.

providing policy advisory technical assistance. The study found that, although slow, the overall impact of the crisis management interventions was evident in major economic indicators. Nonlending support prior to or with the crisis support loans was timely and useful, and helped restore investor confidence. Four main lessons were identified: crisis conditions require different approaches, procedures, and instruments from noncrisis operations; restoring investor confidence is the most important objective of crisis assistance; crisis assistance Special evaluation studies must be continuous and intensive both during the A special evaluation study examined the impact of preapproval and postapproval phases; and nonlending ADBs crisis support interventions in Indonesia, which support is an important part of crisis assistance. included five loans, totaling $2.8 billion, to augment A special evaluation study on gender and liquidity and budgetary resources; promote transparency development used a project case study approach to in financial sector governance; provide social protection examine factors influencing the incorporation of gender to the poor; and support important structural reforms considerations in ADB-financed projects. Cultural and related to the crisis. Nonlending support included religious barriers, and indifference toward gender objectives, are the most common obstacles to addressing gender effectively. Project design often fails (continued) to recognize relevant gender issues and effective targeting provisions; insufficient resources for capacity building during policy reform implemenexecuting agencies often accord low tation. Greater assistance for capacity building is needed, especially in policy priority to social and gender analysis and implementation coordination. Stakeholder consultation and awareness training because they do commitment to the reforms, specialized skills in program implementation, not have the relevant authority. A and a change in the focus of economic and sector work from outputs to sequence of steps to follow during results, would also help in successful implementation. project preparation and implementaOverall, program lending has had and will continue to have high relevance to the needs of DMCs, and has been moderately effective in tion is recommended: conduct an supporting substantive legislative and policy changes. However, programs initial social assessment, collect and have not always been based on achievable rates of change; stakeholder analyze relevant gender information, participation in program formulation could be better; and analysis of the adopt a gender inclusive design, incentive structure for effecting changed behaviors could be strengthened. conduct timely policy dialogue, and The study recommended specific actions for increasing the efficacy, monitor gender provisions. For more sustainability, and development impact of program lending: on gender and development, see more options should be considered in program design, including multiple and floating tranches, providing a justification in each case; A special evaluation study, based government authorship of the reform package needs to be on 50 activities in four countries, complemented by participation of affected groups, and dissemination found that total economic and sector of information relating to proposed policy changes and the costs of work absorbed around 5%6% of staff not changing; time, $3 million$5 million in staff counterpart funds should be used for building government capacity consultant inputs, and $30 million for designing and implementing programs; and $50 million of technical assistance further evaluation of programs, including selected reevaluation studies resources annually. The study found and evaluation of selected programs during implementation, should perceptions that present staff be done and guidelines for program evaluation updated. resources are inadequate for This study has already been discussed by the Development Effectiveness generating effective economic and Committee and at an informal Board seminar, and the Board of Directors sector work outcomes, governments continues to take an active interest in the objectives and design of this involvement in planning such work is important lending modality. For more details, see limited, and stakeholders are documents/policies/program_lending. concerned about the cost-effective-



ness of such activities. A focus on results rather than inputs would improve the effectiveness of economic and sector work. Five steps for improving the management of this work were identified: define economic and sector work as a separate nonlending service in ADBs Operations Manual; establish a tracking system for monitoring resource use and results; introduce internal processes to enhance overall quality; develop a dissemination strategy; and establish a change agent within ADB to enhance economic and sector work. A special evaluation study on the impact of ADF resources covered the first five ADF commitment periods, 19731991, and the Special Funds period (1969 1972) that preceded them. Total commitments were $10.2 billion: Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka accounted for 76% of the total. It was found that projects designed to enhance DMCs productive capacitysuch as energy, transport and communications, and irrigation promoted economic growth and indirectly reduced poverty. Projects designed to reduce poverty directly, while making positive contributions, generally produced results below expectations. The following lessons have been considered in designing and implementing subsequent ADF-funded projects: thorough project preparation should consider local culture, and technical and financial aspects; beneficiary participation is essential for developing project ownership; ADB staffs capability to deal with stakeholders at the grassroots level must be enhanced; commitment to a sector or subsector must be long term; transparency and accountability in project management are essential; and the policy environment must support the project. A special evaluation study on privatizing public sector enterprises assessed the global experience on privatization; analyzed ADBs support for privatization through loan and technical assistance projects since 1994; and evaluated the DMC experience by surveying active borrowers. The main findings include the

importance of sequencing reforms, and the need for a more integrated approach to implementing privatization. Economic stabilization and trade liberalization are essential for the success of privatization; many policy changes, for example, deregulating the banking sector, legal and judicial changes, and capital market development, should precede any divestment; and complementary social welfare actions avoid delays and implementation constraints.

The primary objectives of ADBs evaluation activities are to provide resource accountability, cite lessons learned for future operations, and identify follow-up actions for sustaining the benefits of activities supported by ADB.

Harmonization of evaluation activities

An Evaluation Cooperation Group, established in 1996 among the MDBs, is pursuing greater harmonization of evaluation activities to reduce the costs on borrowing countries and allow clear comparisons between participating institutions. The group is examining the criteria used in evaluations, timing and procedures for evaluations, and governance issues relating to independence and disclosure. Draft sets of good practice standards have been developed in relation to evaluating public sector lending and private sector operations. OED is also involved in a joint evaluation in Viet Nam of the Comprehensive Development Framework Approach to Partnership. For more on evaluating ADB projects, see evaluation .



Policy dialogue with governments

helps ADB prepare operational strategies, and from project implementation evaluations, ADB derives lessons to improve the quality of future projects.


he Asian Development Bank (ADB) monitors the economic performance and assesses the needs of its developing member countries (DMCs). These regular evaluations are the basis for the country strategy and program reports and updates. Policy dialogue with governments helps ADB prepare operational strategies, and from project implementation evaluations, ADB derives lessons to improve the quality of future projects. In this chapter, ADB activities in 2001 in its DMCs including those in Afghanistanare discussed. While not yet a member, East Timor is included in the discussion because ADB had activities there in 2001. Four members Hong Kong, China; Republic of Korea; Singapore; and Taipei,Chinahave graduated from regular ADB assistance; of the four members, only the Republic of Korea is included in the discussion because of ongoing ADB operations as a result of the 1997 Asian financial crisis. was estimated at $6.9 billion, with per capita income of about $300 in 1989. The bulk of national production consisted of agriculture and forestry products (53%), followed by light industry (28%), trade (8%), and construction (6%). These estimates exclude illegal poppy cultivation and narcotics production, which are major sources of income. Afghanistans social and economic structures and institutions have been devastated by hostilities since 1978. At least 5 million people have been displaced within and outside the country. The countrys infant mortality, life expectancy, and literacy rates are among the lowest in the world. Severe drought over the past 3 years has resulted in substantially less food supply. While large-scale food aid and other humanitarian relief have flowed into the country, delivering this aid to remote mountain settlements remains a challenge. Trade statistics for 1999, the most recently available, indicate total exports of $235 million, the major exports, in order of size, being fruit, nuts, and carpets. Imports totaled $900 million in 1999, leaving a trade deficit of about $665 million. Major imports included capital goods, food, textiles, and petroleum products. Arrears to multilateral creditors total nearly $50 million. Nevertheless, over the coming years,

Economic performance
Before the recent war that ousted the Taliban regime, Afghanistans aggregate gross domestic product (GDP)



Afghanistan will need large financial inflows to fund humanitarian, rehabilitation, and reconstruction efforts if poverty is to be reduced and sustainable development made possible. The major economic and social issues are food security and provision of basic health, water and sanitation services, as well as shelter and other basic social infrastructure.

Based on the preliminary assessment, ADB is considering assistance in the form of ADF loans and grants of around $500 million over 2.5 years.

Economic performance
Azerbaijans real GDP growth rate in 2001 was 9.9%, down from 11.1% in 2000. Economic performance in 2001 was generally strong, mainly because of growth in the non-oil subsector of 12%. In contrast, growth in oil and gas was 5%. Inflation as measured by the consumer price index (CPI) Azerbaijan remained at 1.5% GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 in 2001, (percent) compared with 1.8% the previous year. Benefiting from more rapid GDP growth and buoyant world oil prices, government revenues reached 18.0% of GDP in 2001, though their heavy reliance on the oil and gas subsector continued during the year. The general fiscal balance position slightly improved from a deficit of 2.2% of GDP during the first half of 2000 to a deficit of 2.1% of GDP the same period in 2001. Owing to an improved trade balance, the current account improved with the deficit falling from 3.4% of GDP to 2.3% of GDP, despite the growing deficit in the nonmerchandise accounts. The countrys export growth of 7.9% was fueled mainly by oil. Because of a sharp increase in income outflows from foreign oil consortia and subdued oil exploration activities, oil equipment imports fell, causing overall imports to decrease by 5.4% in 2001. Foreign investment, mainly foreign direct investment in the oil and gas subsector, recovered. Despite increased capital repayment and growth in the state oil fund, gross international reserves improved to $744 million in 2001, equivalent to about 5 months of imports. Due to significant underreporting and large employment in the informal sector, the actual unemployment rate is estimated at 18%, although officially, unemployment has remained at 1.0% since 1995.

ADB operations
Afghanistan became a member of ADB in 1966. Operations began in 1969, with the first ADB loan being approved in 1970. By 1979, when ADB assistance was suspended following the Soviet occupation, Afghanistan had received nine loans totaling $95.1 million and technical assistance grants totaling $2.5 million, all outstanding loans at that time being sourced from the Asian Development Fund (ADF). ADB operations emphasized projects in agriculture, irrigation, transportation, hydropower development, and vocational education. As of 31 December 2001, the total principal outstanding was $27.7 million, with arrears on four loans totaling $15.3 million. These arrears are currently being addressed as a prerequisite to resumption of ADB operations. Since October 2001, ADB has played a key role in planning and assisting Afghanistans reconstruction. At the request of the Steering Group on Afghanistan Reconstructionchaired by the United States (US), Japan, the European Union, and Saudi ArabiaADB, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and World Bank jointly prepared a Preliminary Needs Assessment for Recovery and Reconstruction. This document was finalized at ADB headquarters in Manila for use as the basis for international pledges in support of Afghanistans reconstruction. The preliminary assessment indicates a requirement of about $1.7 billion for the first year, $4.9 billion for the first 2.5 years, about $10 billion over 5 years, and $14.6 billion over 10 years under a base case scenario. ADB also plays a key role in launching the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund, which will be managed jointly by ADB, the Islamic Development Bank, UNDP, and World Bank. The agriculture, infrastructure, and social sectors are crucial for rehabilitating and reconstructing Afghanistan. ADBs immediate focus will be on restoring irrigation systems and roads that can make a major contribution to rebuilding the national economy while creating local community employment. As all social sector services have collapsed, ADBs first priority will be to restore basic education, including nonformal education.



ADB operations
Operational strategy: Inequitable economic growth and the need to assist growing numbers of poor people were major concerns in formulating ADBs interim operational strategy for the country, the goal of which is reducing poverty and raising living standards by enhancing human development, supporting good governance and institutional strengthening, and promoting sustainable growth. ADBs strategy for Azerbaijan consists of helping the Government improve the delivery of essential public goods and services to those in greatest need, and strengthen the environment for private investment and job creation. Policy dialogue: In 2001, ADBs policy dialogue focused on Azerbaijans proposed national strategy for reducing poverty. Discussions with the Government and funding agencies focused on assisting 20,000 internally displaced persons, with $2.5 million financing from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction. Loans and technical assistance: While no loans were approved in 2001, five technical assistance grants totaling $2.0 million were approved during the year, which will provide training in ADB policies and procedures, support macroeconomic policy development, facilitate development of a national program for poverty reduction, and prepare ADBs first loan to Azerbaijan that will fund urban water supply and sanitation development.

However, the budget deficit remained high at 6.1% of GDP due to a surge in expenditures. Exports, mainly garments and knitwear, grew by 12.4% in FY2001, compared with 8.2% the previous year. However, the current account deficit increased to 2.1% of GDP compared with 1% in FY2000, following a surge in imports and a decline in private current transfers, including remittances. Foreign exchange reserves declined to $1.3 billion or 1.7 months of imports at the end of FY2001, compared with $1.6 billion at the end of FY2000. Because the domestic garment industry and overseas job marketswhich have absorbed a large proportion of the population entering the labor market during the last 2 decadeshave become saturated, Bangladesh faces the challenge of absorbing 2 million labor force entrants annually, as well as addressing large-scale underemployment.

ADB operations

Operational strategy: ADBs focus remained on poverty reduction, the most important challenge facing Bangladesh since nearly half the population lives in absolute poverty. The Partnership Agreement on Poverty Reduction (PAPR) concluded in early 2000 also recommended promotion of effective development interventions, increased quantity and quality of social sector investments, and greater attention to good governance. Policy dialogue: Major emphases in 2001 were reform strategy and regulation for the energy sector, improving performance of the water resource management sector, and the postliteracy and continuing education subsectors. Economic performance Loans, technical assistance, and grants: In 2001, GDP growth in fiscal year (FY)2001 (ending 30 June) is ADB approved four loans totaling $297.9 million for the estimated at 5.2%, lower than the 5.9% growth rate West Zone power system development, postliteracy and achieved in FY2000. This relatively robust growth was continuing education, and second small-scale water due to a bumper crop in agriculture resources development sector and growth in the industry sector of projects. Twelve technical assistance Bangladesh 7.2%, higher than the 6.2% growth grants totaling $4.9 million were also GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 achieved in FY2000. Growth in the approved for funding a poverty (percent) services sector in FY2001 was 5.4%, assessment; a review of public against 5.5% in FY2000. Inflation, as expenditure; erosion mitigation of the measured by the CPI, declined to 1.6% Jamuna-Meghna River; a study on the in FY2001 from 3.4% in FY2000, Jamuna Bridge; improvement of urban mainly due to depressed food prices. governance and infrastructure; review Government revenue increased to and strategy formulation in the 9.6% of GDP in FY2001, compared financial, industry, and trade sectors; with 8.5% in FY2000 as a result of rural infrastructure improvement; improved tax collection, increased development of the Northwest Road imports, and a new compulsory corridor; road network improvement preshipment inspection system. and maintenance; and primary




education sector improvement. Three grant-financed projects amounting to $25.4 million were also approved: one for beneficiary participation and project management, and one for the second small-scale water resources development sector, both funded by the Government of The Netherlands; and another for supporting livelihood improvement for the poor through water management associations, financed by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR). Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1973, Bangladesh has received 147 loans, of which 37 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $137.9 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $4.7 billion. The contract award ratio was 14.6%, slightly lower than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $214.9 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to about $4.7 billion. The disbursement ratio was 17.3%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. Bangladesh In 2001, the Lending and Disbursements, Government and 19972001 ($ million) ADB focused on implementing the measures agreed upon during the 2000 country portfolio review. Efforts were concentrated on improving project readiness, streamlining procurement and

recruitment of consultants, and enhancing project implementation and monitoring. A technical assistance grant for strengthening project portfolio performance, training executing agencies staff in project implementation, and improving the Governments institutional capacity in project monitoring is currently being implemented.

Economic performance
While Bhutans real GDP growth was robust in calendar year 2001, reaching an estimated 6.5%, this figure hides a relatively wide variation in sectoral performance. Growth in agriculture, traditionally the slowestgrowing sector, recorded an estimated 4.8%, while growth in the industry and services sectors reached estimated rates of 8.0% and 6.3%, respectively. Major hydropower and industrial projects prompted expansion in construction, and growth in transport and communications was dynamic. However, the performance of mining and manufacturing was disappointing. Tourism, though not identified separately in the national accounts, gained increasing importance despite being adversely affected by the 11 September events. Because of the fixed exchange rate between Bhutans ngultrum and the Indian rupee, trends in inflation in Bhutan have traditionally paralleled those in India. That said, the countrys inflation rate fell substantially in FY2000 and remained steady in FY2001 at 3.6%, largely due to reduced food prices. The Government has traditionally pursued a prudent fiscal policy, with current expenditure being financed completely from domestic revenues. While Bhutans fiscal deficit increased to 5.1% of GDP in FY2001 from 4.1% in FY2000 as a result of increased capital investment for hydropower and industrial projects, domestic revenue is expected to increase as major projects are commissioned over the coming months and power export tariffs are raised in the long run. In FY2001, the trade and current account deficits increased to 22.6% and 27.5% of GDP, respectively. However, capital inflowsmostly in the form of grantshave continued to exceed by some margin the deficits in the countrys trade and current accounts. The net effect of these trends has boosted Bhutans foreign exchange reserves significantly over time. As of June 2001, foreign exchange reserves stood at $294 million, equivalent to 16 months of merchandise imports.

Bangladesh Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Agriculture and Natural Resources Energy Transport and Communications Social Infrastructure Industry and Nonfuel Minerals Finance Multisector TOTAL No. of Loans 63 23 19 24 8 8 2 147 $ Million 2,161.8 1,475.7 1,190.8 1,021.4 262.5 217.6 158.8 6,488.6 % 33.3 22.7 18.4 15.7 4.1 3.3 2.5 100.0



ADB operations

Operational strategy : In the context of Bhutan, reducing poverty will require continued economic growth, and extending the coverage of health, education, and other facilities to all segments of society. ADB supports poverty reduction in Bhutan by promoting economic growth and social inclusiveness through interventions in physical and social infrastructure, private sector development, employment creation, and improved economic management. In particular, ADB promotes income and employmentgenerating activities through private sector-led development, brought about by an improved policy setting and more efficient financial intermediation; upgraded road transport and expanded power transmission and distribution; and strengthened vocational, technical, and basic skills. To implement the country strategy effectively, ADB assisted the Governments first study on poverty. Published by the Government in December 2001, the study examines the nature and extent of poverty in Bhutan and its geographical distribution. The studys findings are expected to contribute to improved national data relating to poverty. While the findings will not change the focus of ADBs country strategy, these will be taken into account in future project design and implementation. Policy dialogue: In implementing the country strategy, policy dialogue focused on promoting private sector development; improving the efficiency of public service delivery and cost recovery; and establishing administrative and technical capacity for analyzing and monitoring poverty, and formulating and evaluating poverty interventions. ADB will continue to support the Government's efforts in providing an enabling environment for private sector development by rationalizing and strengthening banking and financial institutions; continuing to liberalize foreign trade, exchange, and investment regulations; liberalizing interest rates to reflect the true underlying cost of resource mobilization,

intermediation, and risk; and formulating transparent legislation and regulatory procedures. In the power sector, key policy objectives include pursuing financial viability and Bhutan sustainability of power operations GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 through corporatizing the Department (percent) of Power. ADB also supports the Governments ongoing efforts for improving domestic resource mobilization, including cost recovery of public service delivery in the health and urban services. ADBs operational program also includes a comprehensive household living standard survey. Loans and technical assistance: One loan of $7 million for basic skills development was approved in 2001. Five technical assistance grants totalling $2.1 million Bhutan were also approved, of which four Lending and Disbursements, were advisory and one was for 19972001 ($ million) preparing a rural electrification and network expansion project. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1982, Bhutan has received 18 loans, of which 7 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $6.0 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $63.9 million. The contract award ratio was 24.5%, significantly higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $6.7 million,

Bhutan Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Energy Multisector Finance Agriculture and Natural Resources Industry and Nonfuel Minerals TOTAL No. of Loans 5 3 2 2 3 2 1 18 $ Million 33.1 19.3 17.5 12.4 10.5 7.8 1.2 101.8 % 32.5 18.9 17.2 12.2 10.3 7.7 1.2 100.0



bringing cumulative disbursements to $60.8 million. The disbursement ratio was 16.9%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. In October 2001, a country portfolio review mission assessed key portfolio performance indicators and, in particular, annual contract awards and disbursement projections. Based on the review, an action plan was developed for improving project implementation and administration, as well as the overall performance of the Bhutan project portfolio. Improvements to project monitoring and reporting were discussed with project directors. Procurement briefings and a project administration workshop were also conducted during the year for project directors and line ministry officials.

conflict, needs continued investment in infrastructure to ensure sustained economic growth.

ADB operations
Operational strategy: ADBs operational strategy focuses on economic growth and poverty reduction in line with the Governments own priorities. Three priority areas have been identified. First, to support broad-based development of rural areas, ADB coordinates efforts in water resource management, while supporting decentralization, rural development, natural resource management, and agriculture sector reform. Second, to assist human and social development, ADB facilitates a sectorwide approach in education and provides complementary support in health and rural water supply. Third, to promote private sector development, ADB supports the improvement of the nations road network, while playing a key role in the area of financial sector reform, and a supportive role in the energy sector. In addition, ADB provides strategic support to governance, focusing on economic planning, public finance, decentralization, and legal reform while ensuring appropriate gender focus in all interventions. Policy dialogue : ADB and the Government continued policy dialogue on land management, public financial management, civil service reform, decentralization, financial sector reform, natural resource management, education, and governance reforms, including anticorruption. The consultative group of funding agencies held regular policy dialogue with the Government on forestry management, public administration reform, demobilizing military personnel, and legal and judicial reform. The Governments 5-year socioeconomic development plan, approved by the Cabinet in late 2001 and scheduled for submission to the National Assembly in 2002, will pave the way for a partnership agreement on poverty reduction with ADB. Loans and technical assistance: Four loans totaling $75.2 million were approved in 2001 for the financial sector program, rural development of the northwestern region, and education sector development (program loan and project loan). Eight technical assistance grants totaling $6.8 million were approved in 2001. Four were advisory: strengthening public financial management (technical assistance cluster), formulating a transport sector strategy, providing institutional support for national economic policy management, and building capacity for banking and financial management. Four were for preparing projects on basic health services, rural water supply and sanitation, agriculture

Economic performance
Growth in Cambodia was led by the textiles and tourism subsectors, which remained strong in 2001, although both were vulnerable to the global economic downturn. Price inflation in 2001 was negligible. As a result of low inflation, the exchange rate remained stable. The Government Cambodia maintained a GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 (percent) conservative fiscal policy. Spending for health and education increased substantially in 2001. Cambodias current account deficit of 6.6% of GDP was offset completely by official transfers and concessional loans to the Government. Exports grew in 2001 despite the global economic slowdown. Overall economic growth in Cambodia was 5.3%. Few benefits of economic growth have reached the poor, with much of the growth concentrated in urban areas. More opportunities need to be created for the poor as the country undergoes agricultural transformation. Government investments in health and education have increased substantially in recent years. Cambodia, still recovering from more than 20 years of



sector development program, and the northwest irrigation sector. Project implementation : Since joining ADB in 1966, Cambodia has received 21 loans, of which 17 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $40.7 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $328.7 million. The contract award ratio was 19.2%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $48.4 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $251.4 million. The disbursement ratio was 18.7%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. Portfolio performance in Cambodia continued to improve in 2001 and most of the agreed actions of the 2000 country portfolio review were achieved. A joint country portfolio review was conducted for the first time between the Government, ADB, and World Bank, and an action plan was prepared for improving portfolio performance. It included the establishment and use of a common set of portfolio performance indicators and project readiness Cambodia criteria. Standard Lending and Disbursements, 19972001 ($ million) operating guidelines for project implementation, financial management, and staff training were adopted with a work plan to operationalize these activities in 2002.

Peoples Republic of China

Economic performance
Despite the global economic slowdown, the economy of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) performed well with GDP growing at 7.3% in 2001. The industry sector grew by 8.9% in 2001, compared with 9.6% in 2000. Agriculture grew at a modest 2.8% in 2001, mainly because of a severe drought and a decrease in the area planted with grain. Retail sales Peoples Republic of China increased by GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 (percent) 10.1%, compared with 9.7% in 2000. Investments continued to grow strongly because of fiscal stimulation measures and increased inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI). Actual FDI reached $46.8 billion, representing an increase of 14.9% over the level of 2000. Monetary policy remained accommodative to stimulate domestic demand. Interest rates remained stable in 2001. The CPI increased by 0.7% in 2001, compared with 0.4% in 2000. While clothing prices continued to decline, housing and service prices rose moderately. Although the expansionary fiscal policy continued in 2001, the overall deficit has fallen since 2000. The planned fiscal deficit in 2001 was 2.6% of GDP, compared with 2.8% in 2000. In 2001, revenues increased by 22.2%, the highest growth rate in the past 8 years. With the global economic slowdown, exports in 2001 rose by only 6.8%, compared with 27.9% in 2000. Imports grew by about 8.2%, compared with 35.4% in 2000. The current account surplus in 2001 is estimated at $20 billion, slightly less than the 2000 figure. Foreign exchange reserves amounted to $212.2 billion by the end of 2001. The debt service ratio was below 10%. The official estimate of the urban unemployment rate in 2001 was 3.6%, slightly higher than in 2000.

Cambodia Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Multisector Agriculture and Natural Resources Energy Finance TOTAL No. of Loans 7 3 2 5 3 1 21 $ Million 138.0 123.0 122.7 118.3 48.5 10.0 560.5 % 24.6 21.9 21.9 21.1 8.7 1.8 100.0

ADB operations
Operational strategy: ADBs operational strategy focuses on improving economic efficiency, promoting



growth to reduce poverty in poor inland provinces, and also made in strengthening the development of improving environmental protection and natural resource economic laws, including the enactment of the Trust management. These objectives guided ADBs operations Law, prepared with ADB assistance. To support the in 2001. However, work also started in 2001 to update PRCs membership in the WTO, two seminars were held the country strategy and program in view of significant to discuss draft regulations on foreign trade, antidumping, policy developments and structural changes in the PRC subsidy, and safeguard measures as part of ongoing economy and changes in ADBs policies. Continued foreign trade law reforms in compliance with WTO rapid economic growth, the PRCs entry to the World requirements. Trade Organization (WTO), adoption of a regional In a conference organized in 2001 under the development strategy focusing on the western region, technical assistance for Policy Support for the PRC 2020 and deepening economic reforms will help shape the (Phase III), ADB promoted the sustainable development PRCs future development agenda. ADBs proposed of the western region where most of the PRCs poor strategy and poverty reduction initiatives will have to people live. Discussions were held on poverty reduction, address the problems and challenges associated with a human resource development, private sector developcountry that is shifting from a centrally planned to a ment, environmental protection, good governance, and market economy and from a rural to an urban economy. regional cooperation. Policy dialogue: A series of consultative meetings ADB further advanced its policy work on social were held to discuss poverty security reforms with the approval of reduction in conjunction with drafting a technical assistance grant for policy Peoples Republic of China a partnership agreement on poverty and institutional support of the social Lending and Disbursements, reduction, which will be completed in security reform pilot program in 19972001 ($ million) 2002. The implementation of ADBLiaoning Province and with financed technical assistance projects strengthening the National Social also provided the policy inputs for Security Fund, which was recently set exploring ways to reduce rural up as part of the social security poverty, improving the Governments reforms. poverty planning methodology, Loans, technical assistance, measuring and addressing urban and grants: Six loans totaling poverty, and promoting the participa$997 million were approved in 2001. tion of poor stakeholders in policy These included two road projects in planning and implementation. The the western region to promote poverty planning methodology, economic growth and poverty developed with ADB assistance for reduction in Guangxi and Shaanxi county and village planning, was adopted as a national policy. Peoples Republic of China ADB continued to advance its environment Cumulative ADB Lending improvement and natural resource management agenda (as of 31 December 2001) in the PRC. A loan was approved to address acid rain and air pollution in Anhui Province in the Yangtze River Sector No. of Loans $ Million % Valley. Discussions were held with senior policymakers Transport and to strengthen institutional capacity for combating land Communications 38 5,568.0 49.3 degradation and desertification. Continuing ADB Energy 18 1,966.3 17.4 assistance on water tariff reforms led to the enactment Social Infrastructure 7 846.5 7.5 of local tariff regulations in pilot cities to ensure Multisector 6 730.0 6.5 transparency and efficiency. ADB participated in 2001 in Industry and the China Council for International Cooperation on Nonfuel Minerals 5 686.8 6.1 Environment and Development, a high-level advisory Finance 6 530.0 4.7 body to the Government. Agriculture and To promote transparent and competitive bidding Natural Resources 8 513.9 4.5 procedures and to reduce the potential for corruption in Others 3 453.0 4.0 the longer term, ADB initiated a technical assistance TOTAL 91 11,294.5 100.0 grant to prepare a procurement law. More progress was



provinces; one railway project to promote pro-poor economic growth by linking the poor and underdeveloped project area in southern Jiangxi and western Fujian provinces with more prosperous parts of the PRC; an acid rain control and environment improvement project in Anhui Province; a power transmission project in Liaoning Province; and a sector project to improve flood management along the Yellow River. The Government of Denmark provided $300,000 in cofinancing for the latter project for Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System in the Yellow River Basin. ADB also provided 20 technical assistance grants totaling $12.4 million. Of these, 7 were to prepare new projects and 13 were to support policy-oriented studies and promote capacity building. Two technical assistance projects are focusing on poverty reduction; three on environmental protection, including one to assist the Government in enhancing partnership with the Global Environment Facility; and two technical assistance grants are helping the Government develop human resources and improve foreign capital utilization in the western regions. ADB also approved a technical assistance grant of $970,000 to finance a planning study for preparing the Yellow River Law. The $1 million JFPR grant is designed to reduce environment-related causes of poverty by supporting innovative community-managed approaches where poor communities adopt effective and sustainable ways of managing watersheds and land degradation to reduce sedimentation of the Yellow River, and thus their vulnerability to flood disasters. Project implementation : Since joining ADB in 1986, the PRC has received 91 loans, of which 51 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $587.8 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $6.8 billion. The contract award ratio was 22.1%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $1.1 billion, bringing cumulative disbursements to $6.9 billion. The disbursement ratio was 29.8%, higher than the ADBwide average of 20.5%. The Government and ADB jointly organized working groups to review the Governments and ADBs approval processes and cost estimates. To identify ways of improving the procurement and contracting processes, procurement in the road and power subsectors was reviewed jointly by ADB and the Government. ADB also conducted various workshops on project implementation and disbursement operations for staff of executing agencies and line ministries. A series of sector-specific studies on portfolio performance review has been programmed and the road subsector has been taken up first under these studies.

Cook Islands
Economic performance
Real GDP in the Cook Islands grew by 3.0% in 2001. Record numbers of tourists have stimulated growth in construction and services, particularly in Rarotonga and Aitutaki. However, the loss of international air services in late 2001 due to the 11 September attacks diminished medium-term growth prospects. Cook Islands The government GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 (percent) sectors contribution to GDP has been reduced to about 55.0% of its 1994 level. The banking system is sound with a high level of liquidity supported in particular by the rapid increase in the Governments net creditor position. Broad money at the end of September 2001 was 6.0% higher than at the end of 2000. Inflation accelerated from 3.2% in 2000 to 8.0% in 2001. The budget was sound in FY2001 (ending 30 June), with revenues amounting to 38.8% of GDP and an operating surplus of 4.2% of GDP. Continued economic and import growth led to increased receipts of valueadded tax and import levies, which explains the unexpected strong revenue growth. Expenditure was kept close to the budget estimate. However, the Governments external debt obligations remained a concern. Adverse exchange rate movement during the past year increased the total debt in New Zealand dollar terms. Net debt was about 72% of GDP at the end of 2001, with the Government maintaining a reserve for future debt repayment.

ADB operations
Operational strategy: ADBs operational strategy focuses on building sustainable capacity for sound economic and public sector management, promoting economic growth through private sector development, and reducing poverty. It is directed at economic and governance reform, and infrastructure and outer islands development. Several economic and governance reforms were identified in the recently completed 2001 Economic



Report, e.g., diversifying the economy by emphasizing fisheries and agriculture, improving human resource development, strengthening prudential supervision of the banking system, and bringing the benefits of development to the outer islands. Policy dialogue: Policy dialogue in 2001 focused on continued economic development by diversifying the economy, strengthening and ensuring an appropriate role for the private sector, extending the financing available to small businesses, improving the prudential regulation of the financial sector, and expanding the Superannuation Fund. It also focused on improved governance by clarifying the roles of island councils and island administrations, developing suitable institutional capacities and business procedures for the outer islands, enhancing transparency in public sector operations, and institutionalizing performance-based management of the public sector; and promoting better environmental

Cook Islands management by Lending and Disbursements, extending 19972001 ($ million) environmental monitoring and regulation to the outer islands. Loans and technical assistance : ADB approved one loan of $2.2 million for a waste management project, and approved two technical assistance grants totaling $500,000, one for preparing the outer islands development program and the other an

East Timor
Economic performance With the restoration of order and security, economic activities recovered in 2001, led by agriculture, commercial initiatives, external relief programs, rehabilitation and reconstruction investments, and restoration of basic services. The United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor began reestablishing an administrative and judicial system, introducing commercial and other regulations, and creating government bodies to manage budgetary and monetary affairs. During FY2001 (July 2000 June 2001), economic recovery continued. Two banks opened and external trade increased. According to an International Monetary Fund estimate, gross domestic product grew by about 18%, but poverty remains extensive. East Timor continued to be heavily dependent on external funding agencies. improve the efficiency of public service delivery and cost recovery; protect the environment, largely through institution building; and ensure that environmental and gender concerns are integrated into all activities. East Timor is not yet an ADB member and is not eligible for loans. However, ADBs Board of Directors made East Timor eligible for technical assistance grants primarily for capacity building. Six advisory technical assistance grants were approved totaling $2.3 million in 2001for the demarcation of the exclusive economic zone, transport sector improvement, microfinance, information technology systems development, power sector development, economic policies and strategies for development planning, and postal services development. ADB is administering five grant projects, amounting to $47.0 million, funded under the Trust Fund for East Timor (TFET) using ADB guidelines. Total project disbursements from the International Development Association, funded through the TFET for ADB to administer, was $23 million as of 2001 for three active projects. Two projects have had no disbursements to date. Project implementation has been satisfactory. The main role of ADBs assistance has been to establish institutional and regulatory frameworks in various sectors, including infrastructure and microfinance development. The Special Office in East Timor facilitated interaction with the East Timorese and among other funding agencies.

ADB operations

Operational strategy: ADBs interim assistance strategy proposes the following measures for East Timor: strengthen the capacities of government agencies for economic management and development administration; improve physical infrastructure in water, power, and ports; support agriculture sector development in extension services and marketing; foster private sector development associated with physical infrastructure development, microfinance, better governance, and an improved investment climate;



Cook Islands Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Finance Transport and Communications Others Social Infrastructure Multisector Agriculture and Natural Resources TOTAL No. of Loans 3 2 1 2 3 1 12 $ Million 6.0 5.4 5.0 4.9 4.6 0.8 26.7 % 22.5 20.2 18.7 18.4 17.2 3.0 100.0

advisory technical assistance for improving corporate management in government services. ADB continued to play an honest brokers role in assisting the Governments effort in restructuring its debts to bilateral creditors. Project implementation : Since joining ADB in 1976, the Cook Islands has received 12 loans, of which 2 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $600,000, bringing the cumulative figure to $25.2 million. The contract award ratio was 16.8%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $600,000, bringing cumulative disbursements to $22.8 million. The disbursement ratio was 18.3%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%.

supply and private sector credit contracted during the year, reflecting depressed economic activities. The current account deficit widened to 4.4% of GDP largely due to a drop in exports and weakness in the services account, reflecting the global economic slowdown and uncertainties in the domestic economy. The overall balance of payments was negative, leading to a decrease in external reserves to about F$360 million at the end of 2001, sufficient to cover about 4.4 months of imports. During 2001, the nominal and real effective exchange rate indexes remained relatively stable. The Government succeeded in maintaining macroeconomic stability despite the expansionary fiscal policy. Over the year, the central bank eased the monetary policy and exchange controls. In the second half of 2001, the commercial banks were required to lend a certain minimum proportion to the export sector.

ADB operations

Fiji Islands
Economic performance
Real GDP in the Fiji Islands grew by a 2001, largely reflecting a partial recovery in tourism. The weakness in economic activities was broad-based and business confidence remained subdued. Despite variations during the year, inflation averaged about 4.3%, reflecting an increase in transport and postal charges and reinstatement of value-added tax on basic food items. Government efforts to stimulate the economy through tax incentives and higher expenditure resulted in a budget deficit of 4.9% of GDP in 2001. Government debt stood at 42.7% of GDP at end-2001. Money

Operational strategy: A new operational strategy for the Fiji Islands is being prepared to reflect the newly elected (September 2001) Governments socioeconomic program for rebuilding the economy. The strategic focus will be on helping the Government stimulate economic growth by encouraging private sector development and export-oriented activities to support employment creation. This will involve enhancing public sector reforms; supporting the establishment and functioning of efficient financial sector and capital markets, promoting corporatization and commercialization of public enterprises, selective public sector investments for infrastructure development, and poverty reduction; and addressing environmental and natural resource management concerns. Policy dialogue: Poverty reduction, good modest 1.5% in governance, enterprise policy reforms, cost recovery, and operation and maintenance in the road subsector were the focus of Fiji Islands GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 policy dialogue between ADB and the (percent) Government. Loans and technical assistance: No loans or technical assistance were approved in 2001. However, ADB reactivated all suspended technical assistance and further processed the Ports Development and the Suva-Nausori Water Supply and Sewerage projects. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1970, the Fiji Islands has received 13 loans, of which 1 was



active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $12.9 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $131.8 million. The contract award ratio was 43.2%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Fiji Islands Disbursements Lending and Disbursements, during the year 19972001 ($ million) totaled $4.4 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $123.6 million. The disbursement ratio was 12.9%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%.

Fiji Islands Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Transport and Communications Energy Agriculture and Natural Resources Social Infrastructure Finance TOTAL No. of Loans 4 3 3 1 2 13 $ Million 78.0 36.9 27.6 9.6 9.0 161.1 % 48.4 22.9 17.1 6.0 5.6 100.0

domestic demand. Industry sector performance remained sluggish; the agriculture and services sectors performance recorded improvement in FY2001, compared with FY2000. Fiscal deficits as a share of GDP declined in FY2000. However, lower-than-expected tax revenues put pressure on fiscal balances in FY2001, for which the Government set a fiscal deficit target of 4.7% of GDP. The Reserve Bank of India has taken measures to accelerate economic growth, including lowering the bank rate to 6.5% and reducing the cash reserve ratio to 5.5% by December 2001. Oil prices were a major cause of rising inflation in FY2000, which eased in FY2001. Wholesale price index inflation, at 2.0% in December 2001, has been on a downward trend. Indias external position in FY2000 was favorable, owing mostly to exceptional export performance. Indias trade balance improved to 3.0% of GDP, narrowing the current account deficit to 0.5% of GDP. Although the global economic slowdown has caused export growth to drop in FY2001, imports have followed suit in the context of a sluggish industry sector performance and slow investment demand.

ADB operations
Operational strategy: ADBs strategy supports achieving higher and sustainable pro-poor growth, improved income, and reduced poverty by removing infrastructure constraints and increasing investment. It focuses on alleviating infrastructure bottlenecks and improving supply side efficiency by supporting priority public investment and catalyzing private sector investment in energy and transport and communications; and focusing on social infrastructure, including urban development and housing. Emphasis is given to creating a conducive private sector environment. ADB helps foster further development of financial and capital markets as an effective source of funding for infrastructure projects. ADBs operational program continues to be sectorally and geographically focused. In the medium term, about half the annual Rate, 19972001 lending to India will be for state-level operations in ADBs focal states. ADB state-level assistance supports macroeconomic reform and fiscal consolidation to improve public saving and enhance resource mobilization, increase efficient resource use, promote policy reforms in key physical infrastructure sectors, and foster human development by reallocating budgetary resources to social sectors.

Economic performance
Indias economic growth for FY2001 (referring to 1 April 200131 March 2002) is estimated at 5.4% compared with economic growth of 4% in FY2000. While economic performance has improved in FY2001, it still falls short of the levels recorded in the mid-1990s. The main causes of the economic slowdown of recent years are structural and cyclical in nature: high fiscal deficit, infrastructure bottlenecks, and depressed global and

India GDP Growth




Policy dialogue: In support of the operational Corridor Project will improve capacity and increase strategy in 2001, policy dialogue focused on improving safety on the national highway network through private the policy environment and governance of the power sector participation in developing the high-density subsector at the state level; providing a policy and transport corridor. operational framework for attracting private sector Loans and technical assistance : ADB approved participation in infrastructure; promoting subregional seven loans totaling $1.5 billion in 2001 to rehabilitate economic cooperation; and removing the capacity and reconstruct areas damaged by the Gujarat constraints on the transport corridor through private earthquake, develop the western transport corridor sector participation. The Madhya Pradesh Power Sector and the West Bengal corridor, establish a private Development Program will support the creation of an sector infrastructure facility at the state level (two efficient, self-sustaining, and competitive power project loans), and implement the Madhya Pradesh subsector to provide sufficient quantity and quality of power sector development program (program and power, thereby enhancing the economic and social project loans). ADB approved 12 technical assistance development of Madhya Pradesh, one of the poorest grants, of which 8 were for advisory purposes on states in India. Another project will promote private capacity building for earthquake rehabilitation and sector participation in infrastructure at the state level to reconstruction of housing, conducting the Madhya facilitate project development and Pradesh integrated water resource address risks associated with management study, enhancing the India financing projects through various corporate finance capability of the Lending and Disbursements, 19972001 ($ million) initiatives. The West Bengal Corridor National Highways Authority of Development Project, one of the pilot India, assessing the role of efforts in project processing by a mortgage-backed securities, resident mission, will develop a determining the impact on poverty corridor and sector development reduction of financial sector policies framework to promote sound corridor and reforms, and improving the development and management accounting system of the Calcutta practices, improve the policy Municipal Corporation. Four were environment for the efficient delivery technical assistance grants to of transport infrastructure, and prepare the Kerala power sector strengthen environmental and social development program, Madhya governance through mitigation Pradesh State road sector and measures. The Western Transport integrated urban development projects, and public-private partnership on the National Highway Corridor. India Project implementation : Since joining ADB in Cumulative ADB Lending 1966, India has received 69 loans, of which 38 were (as of 31 December 2001) active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $106.5 million, bringing the cumulative figure to Sector No. of Loans $ Million % $6.0 billion. The contract award ratio was 4.5%, lower a Energy 20 3,741.8 35.8 than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements Transport and during the year totaled $269.8 million, bringing Communications 15 2,605.6 24.9 cumulative disbursements to $5.8 billion. The b Social Infrastructure 13 1,400.0 13.4 disbursement ratio was 11.9%, lower than the ADBFinance 11 1,330.0 12.7 wide average of 20.5%. Multisector 6 1,200.0 11.5 During the country portfolio review in December, Industry and the Government agreed to accord high priority to the Nonfuel Minerals 4 175.9 1.7 readiness of new projects to facilitate implementation TOTAL 69 10,453.3 100.0 and to ensure quality at entry. ADB will also provide a Adjusted after termination of the private sector loan to Balagarh Power Co., more training on ADBs policies and procedures. A Ltd. amounting to $25 million. working group has been formed to identify steps for b Adjusted after termination of two loans under the Housing Finance II: Housing improving the flow of funds to externally assisted and Urban Development Corporation ($100 million); and Housing Development Finance Corporation ($80 million). projects at the state level.




structural reforms for economic recovery and social protection for the poor and vulnerable. In contrast, the COS focuses on longer-term development challenges, Economic performance stressing the need to improve governance. ADB GDP growth in 2001 in Indonesia was estimated to have activities will be directed specifically to private sector exceeded 3.3%, slightly higher than previously forecast, development, human and social development, and owing to increased household demand. Household mainstreaming environmental management to ensure expenditures increased by 6% and government sustainable use of natural resources. consumption increased by 5% in 2001. Along with the new COS, the Investment in plant and equipment Partnership Agreement on Poverty Indonesia began to taper off from a relatively Reduction provided guidance for the GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 strong start at the beginning of the future program. Loan and technical (percent) year. Manufacturing showed strong assistance projects processed in 2001 gains at 4.3%, and utilities and represented a transition between transport increased strongly. On the those needed to ensure sustainable other hand, agriculture continued to recovery and activities to meet the weaken throughout the year, growing goals of the new COS. Relatively small only at 0.8% in 2001. The annual loan assistancetwo loanswas inflation (CPI) ran at 11.5% partly approved, reflecting the difficulties of because of reduced fuel and power readjusting assistance plans to be subsidies. Relatively lax monetary consistent with politically realistic policy also contributed to inflation. The reform goals and to meet the needs Government faced difficulties in of a quickly decentralizing country. financing the 2001 budget deficit The State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) targeted at 3.7% of GDP. Owing to shortfalls in expected Governance and Privatization Program loan will support revenues, vital expenditures were curtailed. Developsustainable economic recovery by improving resource ment expenditures declined drastically from 42% of total allocation in the public sector. Privatizing SOEs will expenditures in the precrisis years to 10.5% in 2001. The allow the public sector to release scarce resources for financing problem was worsened by limited performance poverty reduction and social development programs. in privatization this year, although the Indonesian Bank Government commitment in this program loan is an Restructuring Agency achieved its asset-selling target. important signaloffering the promise of a policy To reduce the fiscal deficit, significant increases in environment supportive of private sector development. domestic revenue mobilization are necessary. The The Decentralized Basic Education Project will support Government plans to work for further debt relief from devolution of basic education management. Supporting the Paris Club. Weakening international markets affected the Governments decentralization program, the loan will Indonesian exports. The dollar value of exports through be implemented primarily by local governments, December 2001 declined to $59 billion, down by over communities, and schools in rural and urban districts. To 9% from its 2000 level. Oil, gas, and non-oil exports fell. cope with growing demand for transport services and Total merchandise imports also fell through infrastructure, private sector resources (domestic and December 2001 to $35 billion, dropping 12.2% from the foreign) need to be tapped to reduce pressure on the 2000 figure. In light of external events, tourist receipts available scarce public funding. dropped to 30% below target. The current account Policy dialogue: ADB President Tadao Chino surplus deteriorated from $8.0 billion in 2000 to reiterated during his visit to Indonesia in September $5.1 billion in 2001. A slight increase in unemployment 2001 ADBs strong commitment to supporting the and a fall in reported employment were experienced Governments efforts for reform, fighting poverty, and in 2001. promoting sustainable development. The Indonesia Resident Mission was strengthened and played an ADB operations effective role in wide-ranging policy dialogue. ADB took Operational strategy: A country operational strategy the lead in coordinating the international communitys (COS) was finalized and discussed with the Board of statement on poverty at the April Interim Meeting of the Directors. The COS replaced the interim strategy used Consultative Group for Indonesia (CGI) and on education during the 1997 financial crisis, which focused on at the CGI meeting in November.



ADB has been involved in the Partnership for Governance Reform, being a founding member of this organization. The ADB technical assistance will provide scope for the Partnership to establish regional centers for its work. An important aspect of the ADB assistance in governance reform is to encourage decentralization, and the Community and Local Government Support Sector Development Program aids in drafting regulations and guidelines. Other areas of reform emphasized in ADBs program include financial governance, small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) development, project and aid effectiveness, and energy policy. Policy dialogue in the financial sector focused on corporate governance. A proposed law to prevent money laundering offered an opportunity to widen the discussion and build political consensus toward strengthening financial institutions. SMEs were encouraged through review Indonesia and revision of Lending and Disbursements, the regulatory 19972001 ($ million) environment inhibiting SMEs to grow and occupy a more prominent position in the economy. Other proposed legislation to reform the power sector, especially directed toward

Indonesia Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Social Infrastructure Agriculture and Natural Resources Energy Finance Transport and Communications Multisector Industry and Nonfuel Minerals Others TOTAL No. of Loans 65 96 28 11 31 7 14 4 256 $ Million 4,499.1 3,856.7 3,130.0 2,837.0 2,544.9 689.0 631.7 140.6 18,329.0 % 24.5 21.0 17.1 15.5 13.9 3.8 3.4 0.8 100.0

establishing a competitive market in electricity in the Java-Bali area, also offers a forum for wider economic policy discussion. Loans and technical assistance: ADB approved two loans totaling $500 million in 2001 for the decentralized basic education project and the SOE governance and privatization program. ADB approved 19 technical assistance grants totaling about $15.9 million. Seven were to prepare projects on poverty reduction, power transmission, private sector participation in infrastructure, decentralized health services, capacity building for decentralization, participatory irrigation, and microfinance; and the rest were for advisory purposes on developing a financial services supervisory institution; formulating a gas sector development plan; decentralizing education management; developing leading indicators for poverty monitoring; privatizing and restructuring SOEs; strengthening procurement policies, legal framework, and institutions; commercializing public service obligations; providing a regulatory framework for private and public water supply and wastewater enterprises; supporting country financial accountability; promoting fiscal decentralization; and reforming water enterprises. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1966, Indonesia has received 256 loans, of which 66 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $456.3 million, bringing the cumulative total to $11.2 billion. The contract award ratio was 14.9%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $686.0 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $12.1 billion. The disbursement ratio was 17.4%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. A joint country portfolio review was conducted by the Government, ADB, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, and World Bank, focusing on four topics: strengthening institutional arrangements for portfolio management under decentralization, improving project management, streamlining disbursement processes, and mainstreaming project implementation readiness criteria. Further strengthening fiduciary standards for public procurement and financial management under decentralization, and instituting reforms in the public procurement and financial management systems will also be addressed.

Economic performance
GDP growth was 13.5% in 2001. However, the economy, with its high reliance on oil exports, remains vulnerable to external factors. The surge in oil subsector output



and growing export volumes have enabled the economy strengthen long-term growth potential; and encourage to expand at its fastest pace since independence. the creation of a new output structure and production Industry sector output grew by 13.5% in 2001, mainly capacity through private sector investment. ADB assists spurred by the recovery of global prices and sharp six priority areas: management reform at the central and increases in oil and gas production. local government levels; infrastrucAgriculture sector output grew by ture, especially rehabilitation projects; Kazakhstan 16.9%. Economic growth slowed in education and training; industry, GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 the last quarter of 2001 because of focusing on reforming medium (percent) decreased global economic activity, a enterprises; agriculture; and private significant softening of world oil sector development, where potential prices, and uncertainty following the projects have been identified in the 11 September events. In 2001, financial, agribusiness, and energy government revenues continued to sectors. increase, reaching 24.2% of GDP, Policy dialogue : Policy largely due to high oil prices, dialogue with the Government in increased pipeline capacity, and large 2001 centered on poverty reduction, investment inflows. Government public investment programming, expenditures increased sharply to agricultural reform, and small 24.7% of GDP over the same period. business development. ADB The bulk of the increased revenues assistance on developing the were spent on state benefits and medium-term poverty reduction public sector salaries. Inflation by the strategy will help guide Kazakhstan end of 2001 was 6.4%, compared with Kazakhstans medium- to long-term Lending and Disbursements, 9.8% in 2000. Lower than expected oil socioeconomic development 19972001 ($ million) export prices during the fourth programs. Efficiency in the use of quarter of 2001 and higher import scarce public resources will be costs reduced the size of the trade enhanced by improvements in surplus, which reached 3.9% of GDP preparing, monitoring, and in 2001 (shrinking by 29% compared evaluating public investment with 2000). Exports decreased by 3.5% programs. In the agriculture sector, while imports increased sharply by policy dialogue focused on 23.5%, mostly due to rising capital strengthening the countrys policy, goods imports. As a result, the legal, and regulatory frameworks to balance-of-payments situation in create an enabling environment for 2001 was adversely affected, with implementing farm restructuring. the current account recording a deficit equivalent to 4.6% of GDP. The heavy presence of multinational oil companies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan ensured sufficient and steady inflows of Cumulative ADB Lending foreign direct investment to cover the current account (as of 31 December 2001) deficit. Strong economic growth in 2001 helped reduce unemployment. The official unemployment rate by the Sector No. of Loans $ Million %a end of 2001 was 2.8%. However, the actual unemployAgriculture and ment rate was estimated at 10.4% in September 2001, Natural Resources 5 185.0 36.1 down from 12.8% in 2000.

ADB operations
Operational strategy: ADBs strategy encourages the transition from a centrally planned to a market-based economy by supporting the Governments reform agenda, institutional change, and social protection. It also seeks to promote environmental rehabilitation;

Transport and Communications Finance Social Infrastructure Multisector TOTAL

2 1 3 2 13

102.0 100.0 65.0 60.0 512.0

19.9 19.5 12.7 11.7 100.0

a Figures may not add due to rounding.



Loans and technical assistance: No loans were approved in 2001. ADB approved five technical assistance grants totaling $2.3 million, of which two were to prepare projects on urban small business development, and early childhood and womens development. Three advisory grants were approved. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1994, Kazakhstan has received 13 loans, of which 9 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $8.2 million, bringing the cumulative figure to about $358.0 million. The contract award ratio was 7.0%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $15.3 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $355.5 million. The disbursement ratio was 25.3%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. A country portfolio review in May developed a time-bound action plan to improve performance. Positive developments in disbursements and progress in compliance with loan covenants and financial management procedures were noted. Recognizing the importance of effective project monitoring, monthly review meetings with executing agencies were initiated by the Kazakhstan Resident Mission.

Kiribati Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Energy Finance TOTAL No. of Loans 1 2 2 1 6 $ Million 10.2 2.3 1.6 1.0 15.1 % 67.6 15.2 10.6 6.6 100.0

The fiscal position weakened in 2001. The overall budget balance deteriorated from a deficit of 0.8% of GDP in FY2000 to a projected deficit of 37.5% of GDP in 2001. This increase in the deficit resulted primarily from a higher wage and salaries bill, rising subsidies to government-owned businesses and the copra industry, payments for a landing craft, and a larger government contribution to development projects.

ADB operations

Operational strategy: ADBs strategy envisages two main priorities in its assistance program: water assessment and management in South Tarawa and the outer islands, and support for establishing and expanding trust funds to provide sustainable financing Economic performance of basic services. Kiribatis economy grew by 1.5% in 2001, after a Policy dialogue: ADB assists the Government in contraction of 1.7% in 2000. Much of the increase was improving its water and environmental management in attributed to increased government and donor South Tarawa and in identifying policy changes for spending, a recovery in copra production, and a rise outer island development. in construction activity. The inflation rate increased Loans and technical assistance: No loans were from 0.9% in 2000 to 7.1% in 2001, largely due to the approved in 2001. ADB approved one advisory delayed effect of the rise in local oil prices and fall in technical assistance grant amounting to $500,000 for the Australian dollar (A$). In 2001, imports are strengthening development strategies and supporting estimated to have declined by 9.0%, poverty reduction. while commodity exports fell by Project implementation: Since Kiribati GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 33.2%. The trade deficit is estimated joining ADB in 1974, Kiribati has (percent) to have reached nearly 70.0% of received six loans, of which one was GDP, slightly higher than the 67.5% active at the end of 2001. Contract level in 2000, with the current awards totaled $300,000, bringing the account surplus falling to around cumulative figure to $7.0 million. The 4.4% of GDP. The Revenue contract award ratio was 5.4%, lower Equalization Reserve Fund, than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. which accounted for almost all Disbursements during the year totaled external assets, decreased from $1.4 million, bringing cumulative A$658 million at end-2000 to disbursements to $6.3 million. The A$635 million at end-2001. This is disbursement ratio was 16.9%, equivalent to $329 million, over 10 lower than the ADB-wide average years of imports or 8.2 times GDP. of 20.5%.




Republic of Korea
Economic performance

Republic of Korea GDP Growth Rate, 19972001


Despite the weakened global demand for information and communication technology (ICT) in the latter part of 2000, the economy of the Republic of Korea grew around 3.0% in 2001, following an impressive growth of 9.3% in the previous year. The manufacturing subsector expanded during the first half of 2001; in the second half of the year, external demand led to a strong growth in the automotive subsector, offsetting the shortfall in the ICT subsector. On the other hand, regained strength in domestic demand boosted nonmanufacturing activities. Construction rebounded from previous years. Services also grew in 2001. Inflation Republic of Korea was controlled at Lending and Disbursements, 4.1% due to 19972001 ($ million) weak domestic demand and the decreased oil price. In 2001, the Government cut taxes, accelerated planned expenditures, and passed a $5.1 billion supplementary budget to

provide fiscal stimulus. Total merchandise exports, an indicator of the impact of the global economic slowdown, contracted by 14% in 2001, mainly due to substantial declines in electronic and semiconductor exports. Merchandise imports declined by 13.3% as a result of a significant reduction in imported raw materials used for exports. Current account surplus narrowed slightly to around 2.0% against GDP mainly due to the declining merchandise trade surplus. Revived nonmanufacturing activities and increased domestic demand contributed to a decline in unemployment. To sustain economic activity, the Government averted capital market turmoil and worked out high-profile corporate restructuring in an increasingly difficult economic environment. The Government took steps to ensure the smooth functioning of capital markets by guaranteeing new bond issues through the Quick Underwriting Program and the Korea Credit Guarantee Fund.

ADB operations
Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1966, the Republic of Korea has received 81 loans, of which only one technical assistance loan for institutional strengthening of the financial sector remained active at the end of 2001. The project scope of this technical assistance loan was changed to add a new component for financing management consulting services to commercial banks and other financial institutions for diagnostic review, mergers and acquisitions, training and advice on restructuring, and foreign capital inducement.

Republic of Korea Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Finance Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Energy Agriculture and Natural Resources Industry and Nonfuel Minerals TOTAL No. of Loans 22 22 11 10 8 8 81 $ Million 4,710.0 635.1 459.5 234.4 163.8 135.5 6,338.3 % 74.3 10.0 7.3 3.7 2.6 2.1 100.0

Kyrgyz Republic
Economic performance
The Kyrgyz Republic grew at 5.3% in 2001. Agriculture rose 6.8% aided by double-digit growth in crop production. Industry grew at 5.4%, while the output of several subsectors shrank. The services sector grew at 2.4%. Gross domestic investment fell from 18% of GDP in 1999 to about 16% of GDP in 2000 due to a fall in public investment by the same magnitude. In 2001, public investment, which is largely externally funded, fell further to 4.4% of GDP. Tight monetary policy and a good agriculture performance reduced the monthly average rate of consumer price inflation to 6.9% in 2001



Kyrgyz Republic from 18.7% in 2000. Food prices GDP Growth Rate, remained stable and prices of (percent) nonfood consumer goods increased by a modest 1.4%. However, there was a sharp increase in the administered prices of utilities (electricity, gas, and water). Foreign trade volume shrank by 10.2% in 2001. Exports fell by 6.0% mainly due to a decline in exports of electricity, food products, and nonprecious metals. Imports also shrank by 14.4% because of a fall in public investment. The current account deficit was about 0.7% of GDP in 2001. The Government embarked on a fiscal compression program, cutting the fiscal deficit from 10.2% of GDP in 2000 to 4.4% of GDP in 2001 under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This was accomplished largely by compressing public investment. These developments notwithstanding, the high external debt burden continues to threaten macroeconomic stability unless concessional treatment of debt is provided by the Paris Club. Increased real wages, stable food prices, and growth in farm output reduced the incidence of poverty from 52.0% in 2000 to 47.4% in September 2001. ADB operations
Operational strategy: The main objectives of ADBs strategy are to support the Governments reform activities and strengthen its policy formulation, development management, and public service delivery capacities; create a conducive environment for promoting growth through private sector investment; and enhance long-term growth potential by investing in physical infrastructure, human development, and environmental improvement. Since 1998, the emphasis of ADBs assistance has shifted to addressing social problems to mitigate the adverse impact of the high poverty incidence. The current operational strategy will be revised to focus on the priorities of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy and the Comprehensive Development Framework, once these two important policy documents are finalized and approved by the Government. It will also take into account the countrys debt burden. Policy dialogue: ADBs policy dialogue with the Government covered several areas, including finalizing the Comprehensive Development Framework and the Interim National Poverty Reduction Strategy. ADB also

provided technical assistance to strengthen the Governments capacity to manage and prioritize the public investment program for ensuring debt sustainability, and to assess the quality of public sector governance at national and regional levels. Under the second phase of the Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform Program, ADB initiated policy dialogue with the Government to create an environment conducive to private sector development. The dialogue included improving corporate governance and banking, carrying out judicial reforms to reduce adjudication costs and improve judicial governance, introducing international accounting standards, and accelerating public enterprise reforms. ADB also had policy discussions with the Government to enhance road safety and improve operations of Kyrgyz Republic rural credit Lending and Disbursements, unions. 19972001 ($ million) Loans and technical assistance : ADB approved two loans totaling $75 million in 2001 for a road rehabilitation project and a corporate governance and enterprise


Kyrgyz Republic Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Transport and Communications Finance Social Infrastructure Agriculture and Natural Resources Multisector Energy TOTAL No. of Loans 4 5 4 3 3 1 20 $ Million 145.0 115.0 93.7 88.5 55.0 30.0 527.2 % 27.5 21.8 17.8 16.8 10.4 5.7 100.0



reform program. ADB approved four advisory technical assistance grants totaling $2.2 million in 2001 to conduct a governance assessment study on sound development management and poverty reduction, institutional support in the transport sector, building capacity of the Ministry of Finance for financial management and planning the public investment program, and strengthening corporate governance and judicial reforms. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1994, the Kyrgyz Republic has received 20 loans, of which 16 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $41.1 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $323.3 million. The contract award ratio was 21.3%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $58.3 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $314.7 million. The disbursement ratio was 30.3%, higher than the ADBwide average of 20.5%. Following a review of ongoing projects in December, ADB agreed with the Government to enhance staff resources to help implement agriculture and social sector projects. Additional review missions were scheduled to build capacity and promote knowledge transfer.

largely financed by grants and external borrowing. In 2001, capital expenditure accounted for around 65.0% of total expenditure. The current account deficit in 2001 was 7.2% of GDP, compared with 5.8% in 2000. Exports continued to grow, reaching $393 million in 2000 and $425 million in 2001. Electricity from hydropower plants was the leading export. Tourism increased and was a major source of foreign exchange earning. Imports also grew from $591 million in 2000 to $653 million in 2001. In recent years, foreign private investment has focused mainly on hydropower and tourism. In 2001, foreign investment was estimated at $30 million, about the same level in 2000 but below the levels in previous years when investment was often above $100 million per year. The mining subsector started to gain momentum. In 2001, the Government signed several memorandums of understanding for surveys and explorations of copper, potassium, zinc, gold, and cement raw materials.

ADB operations

Operational strategy: ADB, with the Government, formulated its new country strategy and program (CSP) in 2001 to guide its operations in the Lao PDR for the next 5 years. The core strategies for reducing poverty are sustainable economic growth, inclusive social development, and good governance. The strategy focuses on five operational priorities: rural development and market linkages, human resource development, Economic performance sustainable environmental management, private sector In 2001, GDP grew at 5.5% in the Lao Peoples development, and regional integration. The Lao PDR is a Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), compared with 5.9% key player in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) in 2000. The agriculture, industry, and services sectors program, and the CSP explores various options for all reported healthy growth rates in 2001. Agriculture, maximizing the benefits of subregional cooperation. which employed an estimated 85.0% of the workforce, ADBs interventions will focus primarily on the poor grew at 3.9% in 2001. Industry grew at a rate of 8.5% northern provinces and along the East-West Corridor. A in 2001, compared with 7.5% in 2000. In 2001, partnership agreement on poverty reduction was signed inflation was brought down to between the Government and ADB in around 8%, due to strict monetary September 2001. Lao Peoples Democratic Republic policyadopted in the second half Policy dialogue: In 2001, policy GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 of 1999restricting central bank dialogue focused on fiscal manage(percent) lending to the Government, ment, financial sector reform, private commercial banks, and state-owned sector development, environment enterprises. This was coupled with management, and poverty monitoring. tight fiscal and monetary policies. In A policy-based loan was processed in 2001, the exchange rate remained 2001 to help the Government take steady between 8,300 and 9,500 kip into account environment and social to the dollar. Total expenditures in concerns in energy and transport FY2000 were 21.9% of GDP and the infrastructure development projects. Government had a primary surplus ADB also conducted a joint public of 6.2% of GDP and an overall expenditure review with IMF and the budget deficit of 7.9% of GDP, World Bank to ensure that public

Lao Peoples Democratic Republic



expenditures incorporate the Governments strategy for reducing poverty. ADB also helped the Government improve its public investment program, and its monitoring of aid and poverty incidence. Consistent with ADBs Resident Mission Policy, the Lao Resident Mission (LRM), established in 2000, has become increasingly active in aid coordination and project implementation. The Lao PDR Prime Minister and the ADB President inaugurated the LRM in July 2001. LRM led the annual country portfolio review mission in 2001. ADB has been an active member of the funding agency community in the Lao PDR. In 2001, ADB worked closely with the IMF and World Bank in support of systemic reform in the financial sector. Loans and technical assistance: In 2001, ADB approved three loans totaling $65 million: Vientiane Urban Infrastructure and Services Project, Second Education Quality Improvement Project, and Environment and Social Program. ADB also approved 10 technical assistance grants totaling $5.2 million. Five are advisory in nature, including Lao Peoples Democratic Republic three for capacity Lending and Disbursements, buildingin 19972001 ($ million) project financial management, of the Lao Women's Union, and for environment and social management in energy and transport; and two for institutional strengthening of public investment

management and of the National Audit Office. The rest are to prepare projects on the northern community-managed irrigation sector, financial sector development program, and roads for rural development. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1966, the Lao PDR has received 52 loans, of which 19 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $50.9 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $718.1 million. The contract award ratio was 25.5%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $44.7 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $660.3 million. The disbursement ratio was 18.9%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. The LRM assists in project administration and helps executing agencies understand ADB procedures. The LRM and the Committee for Planning and Cooperation hold quarterly review meetings with national project directors to monitor portfolio performance. In November, a country portfolio review was undertaken with the Government. The implementation status of the 2000 action plan was reviewed and additional measures were agreed upon with the Government to improve further the overall portfolio performance.

Economic performance
Being an open and trade-dependent economy, Malaysia was affected by the global downturn in the electronics industry and the US economic slowdown. Despite the more difficult external environment, which worsened in the aftermath of the 11 September attacks, growth of the Malaysian economy remained positive at 0.4% in 2001. Pragmatic and flexible policies to strengthen the economy, put in place since the Asian financial crisis, have enabled the economy to weather the more challenging external environment. In particular, the increase in public spending by the Government and the introduction of two stimulus packages targeted at boosting consumption and investmentone in March, and the other in Septembertotaling 7.3 billion ringgit, helped cushion the adverse impact of the weaker external sector on the domestic economy. Hence, the deterioration of the manufacturing subsector by 5.1%, largely due to weaker external demand, was offset by positive growth in the domestic sectors of the economyin particular the services sector, which expanded by 4.9%. The nations macroeconomic fundamentals remained strong with inflation subdued at below 2%, unemployment

Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Transport and Communications Social Infrastructure Energy Agriculture and Natural Resources Finance Multisector TOTAL No. of Loans 11 14 13 11 2 1 52 $ Million 304.0 228.4 223.3 126.8 50.0 20.0 952.5 % 31.9 24.0 23.4 13.3 5.3 2.1 100.0



Malaysia is also a comparatively advanced economy in the region, (percent) with strong experience in privatization, small and medium enterprise development, and government service. ADB has asked the Government to share its experience with ADB members and contribute to ADB operations knowledge transfer. Policy dialogue: Although Operational strategy: In light of implementation of ongoing projects is high domestic liquidity and low continuing, there was no new interest rates, Malaysia is following a activity; thus, there was no policy policy not to receive new assistance dialogue. from multilateral finance institutions Loans and technical for public sector investment. assistance: No loans or technical Implementation of ongoing projects is Malaysia assistance were approved in 2001. continuing, and Malaysia participates Lending and Disbursements, Project implementation: Since in and supports ADBs subregional 19972001 ($ million) joining ADB in 1966, Malaysia has activities. received 76 loans, of which 3 were Malaysia is an active participant active at the end of 2001. Contract in the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesiaawards totaled $25.6 million, bringing Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN the cumulative figure to $1.4 billion. Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) and the The contract award ratio was 34.0%, Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth higher than the ADB-wide average of Triangle (IMT-GT) subregional 14.8%. Disbursements during the year initiatives. Malaysia participated in totaled $15.0 million, bringing the implementation of the regional cumulative disbursements to technical assistance approved in $1.4 billion. The disbursement ratio December 2001 for Expanding the was 16.5%, lower than the ADB-wide Strategy for Small and Medium average of 20.5%. Enterprise Development in the East In November 2001, during the official launching of ASEAN Growth Area, and Strengthening Subregional the Development Projects Monitoring System by the Cooperation in the Transport Sector of the EAGA and the State Government of Sarawak, ADB briefed senior IMT-GT. government officials on issues relating to project implementation and proactive portfolio management, Malaysia including ADB's project rating system. Additional Cumulative ADB Lending briefings on effective portfolio management tools (as of 31 December 2001) and seminars relating to business opportunities are planned in 2002. Sector No. of Loans $ Million % contained at below 4%, the current account balance remaining in surplus at 8.9% of GNP, strong external reserves at $30.8 billion at end-2001 (up $4.9 billion from the lowest level in 2001), as well as a sound and resilient banking system.

Malaysia GDP Growth Rate, 19972001

Social Infrastructure Agriculture and Natural Resources Energy Transport and Communications Industry and Nonfuel Minerals Others Finance TOTAL

21 26 11 15 1 1 1 76

750.6 566.0 321.5 255.1 53.0 26.3 15.0 1,987.5

37.8 28.5 16.2 12.8 2.7 1.3 0.7 100.0

Economic performance
Economic performance in the Maldives was favorable during the first 8 months of 2001, but came under stress with recent adverse global developments, in particular after the 11 September events. Tourism, which accounted for more than one third of GDP, stagnated. Concerns over travel safety and declines in consumer spending and confidence significantly



reduced tourist arrivals in the Maldives. Tourist arrivals declined by 20.1% in October and 22.2% in November, from 2000 levels. Overall, tourism was estimated to have contracted by 0.5% in 2001, compared with 6.0% growth per annum in recent years. This had a spillover effect on other sectors, reducing GDP growth in 2001 to 2.1% from 4.6% in 2000. The fiscal deficit increased from 4.9% of GDP in 2000 to 5.3% of GDP in 2001. Money supply increased by 9.0% but inflation remained as low as 0.7%. The trade deficit was estimated to have deteriorated by 3.7% and reached 42.5% of GDP in 2001 from 41.6% of GDP in 2000. Overall current account deficit expanded by 17.0% and was posted at 10.9% of GDP in 2001 from 9.5% of GDP in 2000. As for capital account, net nonmonetary capital inflow for 2001 declined by 20%. Consequently, the balance-ofpayments deficit for 2001 expanded to $26.0 million from $7.9 million in 2000. Foreign exchange reserves at the end of 2001 declined to $94.3 million, sufficient to cover 2.9 months of imports.

Policy dialogue: Policy dialogue focused on the telecommunications (percent) and energy sectors. The formulation of the telecommunications sector policy indicated the Governments strong commitment to restructure tariff, enhance regulatory framework with appropriate legislation, and open telecommunications markets to competition. In the energy sector, major policy developments included strengthening the regulatory body for sector efficiency and facilitating cost recovery policy and private sector participation in establishing and managing island community-based Maldives power supply systems. Lending and Disbursements, Loans and technical 19972001 ($ million) assistance: In 2001, ADB approved two loans totaling $17.5 million for an information technology development project and a sector project on outer islands electrification. ADB also approved three technical assistance grants totaling $700,000, of which two were for project preparation and one was for capacity building. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1978, the Maldives has received 11 loans, of which 5 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $3.3 million, bringing the ADB operations cumulative figure to $45.4 million. The contract award Operational strategy : ADBs operational strategy will ratio was 13.1%, lower than the ADB-wide average of support poverty reduction by combining pro-poor 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $2.7 milgrowth, social development, and good governance lion, bringing cumulative disbursements to $38.8 million. initiatives. To foster pro-poor growth, ADB will assist The disbursement ratio was 14.9%, lower than the ADBin regional development by providing basic infrastrucwide average of 20.5%. ture and capacity building; creating an enabling environment for private sector development, including Maldives financial sector and legal system reform; and Cumulative ADB Lending developing an information and communication (as of 31 December 2001) network in the atolls. To raise the level of social development, ADB will provide assistance for Sector No. of Loans $ Million %a postsecondary education and skills development. To Energy 4 30.3 41.7 support good governance, ADB will develop improved Transport and information access in the public sector and build the Communications 4 25.7 35.4 capacity of key public institutions for improving Multisector 2 10.4 14.3 management efficiency. ADB will also help the Social Infrastructure 1 6.3 8.7 Government facilitate private sector participation in TOTAL 11 72.7 100.0 the economy with the eventual graduation of the Maldives from a least-developed country status. a Figures may not add due to rounding.

Maldives GDP Growth Rate, 19972001



use of trust funds. An important element is improving accountability and financial management of public funds and governance in the public and private sectors. Improve living standards by promoting broad-based growth and expanding access to essential services. Special attention is to be given to addressing the needs of women and equity issues in the outer islands, and creating employment for vulnerable groups. Improve the investment climate, thereby promoting private sector and small business development. Policy dialogue: The Governments commitment to Economic performance reform was demonstrated in 2000 when it met the GDP growth in 2001 in the Marshall Islands was difficult conditions specified in the Public Sector Reform estimated at 0.6%, declining from 0.7% in 2000. A small Program, especially the reduction in the public sector rise in copra exports and the first full year of operations staff force by 30%. The Government remained under of a tuna loin processing plant contributed to a 5.1% pressure to recede from reform momentum, which increase in exports to an estimated $8 million, while constrained progress. Also, the renewal of the Compact imports declined to a projected $60 million. This level of of Free Association with the US was likely to affect the trade deficit was due to the large environment for reform. The situation direct budget support under the US provided an opportunity to influence Marshall Islands Compact and other US federal the Marshall Islands future direction. GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 (percent) programs. The trade deficit in 2000 Through improved governance and was 52.0% of GDP, a slight decline fiscal discipline, the Marshall Islands from the 1999 deficit. Consumer will emerge from the next Compact prices were generally stable over the with a stronger and more equitable year, rising by an estimated 2.0%. A economy. recent increase in competition in Loans and technical retail and wholesale activities, which assistance : In 2001, ADB approved saw an increase in cheaper imports a blend loan totaling $12 million for from the US and the pressure of a fiscal and financial management trader margins, contributed to the low program, and an advisory technical inflation. The budget has been in assistance grant of $950,000 for surplus in recent years. However, the fiscal, financial, and economy need to repay a high level of debt advisory services. arising from Compact-secured Project implementation : Marshall Islands government and state-owned Since joining ADB in 1990, the Lending and Disbursements, enterprise bond issues put a strain on Marshall Islands has received 19972001 ($ million) the fiscal position. Income from 11 loans, of which 6 were active at fishing licenses provides the main the end of 2001. Contract awards source of nontax revenue, approxitotaled $6.6 million, bringing the mately $3.0 million in FY2001 (ending cumulative figure to $48.1 million. 30 September). The contract award ratio was 29.3%, higher than the ADB-wide average ADB operations of 14.8%. Disbursements during the Operational strategy: ADBs year totaled $8.3 million, bringing operational strategy has three broad cumulative disbursements to thrusts. $48.2 million. The disbursement Strengthen fiscal management, ratio was 32.6%, higher than the and establishment and efficient ADB-wide average of 20.5%.

A country portfolio review in December assessed key performance indicators, and developed a plan to improve project implementation and promote readiness for better overall portfolio performance in the Maldives. Recent improvements in project monitoring and reporting were reviewed with the various executing agencies and project directors. A procurement workshop was also conducted in Mal for ADB project directors and government officials.

Marshall Islands



Marshall Islands Cumulative ADB Lending

long-term improvement in efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability in the Government must start at the state (as of 31 December 2001) level. Capacity building is required. ADB technical assistance will help build capacity at the state level. In Sector No. of Loans $ Million % social sector reforms, emphasis will be on the outer Social Infrastructure 5 30.4 42.8 islands to help improve basic social services delivery, Finance 3 24.0 33.7 consistent with ADBs poverty reduction strategy. Multisector 2 9.8 13.8 Increased allocation and better use of resources will be Agriculture and important in expanding access to essential services. The Natural Resources 1 6.9 9.7 Basic Social Services Project provides the start in improving health and education services delivery. TOTAL 11 71.1 100.0 Subsequently, the needs of this sector will be addressed through Compact funding, with ADB providing the necessary aid coordination. Policy dialogue: The Federated States of Micronesia now faces serious challenges in adjusting to Economic performance an expected change in Compact funding. So far, Following 3 years of negative growth from FY1996 sustainable productive investment, critical to ensuring a (ending 30 September) to FY1998, the Federated reasonable living standard for all citizens, has been States of Micronesias economy grew at 1.1% in insufficient. Most citizens have been reached by the FY1999 and 2.5% in FY2000. The public sector, resulting in an real GDP is expected to have grown unsustainable level of government by 0.9% in FY2001. Growth potential recurrent expenditure beyond 2001 Federated States of Micronesia was significantly constrained due to and a dualistic society. Public GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 the uncertain investment climate, (percent) expenditure will have to be reduced resulting from the uncertainty about substantially to match current the level of assistance beyond domestic revenue. FY2004 under the Compact of Free Loans and technical Association with the US. Inflation assistance: In 2001, ADB approved remained moderate. The annual two loans totaling $13.0 million for a inflation rate (only for Pohnpei private sector development program. State) was 2.6% in 2001. ADB also approved two advisory Pohnpei and Yap states have technical assistance grants totaling maintained medium-term fiscal $1.2 million for strengthening balance and constrained recurrent capacity of economic policy reform expenditure increases. However, and implementing performance-based fiscal management in Chuuk and budget management. Kosrae has generally been weak. Project implementation: Since Federated States of Micronesia The national Government mainjoining ADB in 1990, the Federated Lending and Disbursements, tained a large structural surplus; States of Micronesia has received 19972001 ($ million) however, revenue shortfalls due to six loans, of which five were active reduced fishing fee revenues of at the end of 2001. Contract awards $4 million and low investment totaled $920,000, bringing the returns put significant pressure on cumulative figure to $30.4 million. the national fiscal position in the The contract award ratio was 4.7%, short term. lower than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the ADB operations year totaled $2.5 million, bringing Operational strategy: Emphasis on cumulative disbursements to public sector reform needs to be $29.8 million. The disbursement shifted to the state level. Recognizing ratio was 46.6%, higher than the the four states as key players, ADB-wide average of 20.5%.

Federated States of Micronesia



Federated States of Micronesia Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Finance Social Infrastructure Multisector Agriculture and Natural Resources TOTAL No. of Loans 3 1 1 1 6 $ Million 31.0 10.6 8.0 6.5 56.1 % 55.2 18.9 14.3 11.6 100.0

international reserves increased from $190 million in 2000 to $208 million in 2001, or equivalent to 14 weeks of imports. The national currency, the togrog, remained stable. Growing unemployment and a weak social safety net remain the countrys prime concern. About 36.0% of Mongolias population still lives below the official poverty line. The Government started formulating a comprehensive Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, drawing on the framework of a partnership agreement on poverty reduction (PAPR) with ADB, scheduled for completion in September 2002.


ADB operations

Operational strategy: ADBs operational strategy for Mongolia was reformulated in May 2000 in line with the Economic performance PAPR framework. The innovative approach focused on In 2001, Mongolia progressed in restoring macroecopoverty reduction by enhancing private sector potential. nomic stability. The budget deficit decreased from Accordingly, ADBs operations covered initiatives aimed 7.5% of GDP in 2000 to 4.0% although the inflation at bolstering the financial, agricultural, public, social, rate reached 11.8% from 8.3% the and urban development sectors. The previous year. Through extensive transport sectora potential Mongolia negotiations on macroeconomic contributor to poverty reductionhas GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 policy framework, the Government also been targeted according to (percent) and IMF agreed on a new restructurADBs operational needs and country ing program supported by the guidelines. Poverty Reduction and Growth Policy dialogue: ADB President Facility (PRGF). Economic stability Tadao Chinos visit to Mongolia in created a sound policy environment August 2001 highlighted policy for the expanding private sector-led dialogue with the Government and growth. provided focus and direction for Despite two consecutive severe further bilateral negotiations. ADBs winters and the worsening terms of commitment remains strong in trade, Mongolia has maintained a providing assistance to public sector moderate positive growth of 1.5% reforms, promoting private sector-led owing to the performance of growth, and giving further support to manufacturing and mining subsecthe privatization program in the Mongolia tors, which grew by 23.0% and financial and infrastructure sectors. Lending and Disbursements, 10.0%, respectively. Still affected by ADB is actively working with the 19972001 ($ million) adverse climatic conditions, Government to improve project agriculture sector output declined implementation and aid efficiency by by 6.0%. reducing bureaucratic hurdles and The current account deficit reforming internal loan approval and widened from $167 million in 2000 ratification procedures. The first to $170 million in 2001 mainly due annual review of the PAPR took place to declining international export in 2001, leading the Government and commodity prices, particularly ADB to recognize that the countrys copper and cashmere. The balance transition to a market economy can of payments showed a $12.6 million only be completed with a substantial surplus reflecting a substantive reduction in the number of people inflow of external assistance; living below the poverty line.



Mongolia Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Transport and Communications Energy Agriculture and Natural Resources Industry and Nonfuel Minerals Social Infrastructure Finance Others Multisector TOTAL No. of Loans 5 4 6 2 6 3 1 2 29 $ Million 134.5 93.8 73.6 60.0 53.2 53.0 25.0 12.0 505.1 % 26.6 18.6 14.6 11.9 10.5 10.5 4.9 2.4 100.0

Economic performance
GDP in Myanmar grew by 13.7% in FY2000 (ending 31 March 2001). Although agriculture sector growth moderated in FY2000, a spurt in manufacturing activity helped support aggregate Myanmar growth. As a GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 consequence of (percent) the growth of central bank credit, inflation reached an average of around 21.0% in the 1990s. However, in FY2000, inflation fell, with prices decreasing by 1.7%, due to ample food supply (food weighs heavily in the price basket), reduced deficit spending and recourse to inflationary finance, and the introduction of tax-free markets. By March 2001, prices were rising again, continuing throughout the year. The overall public sector deficit has averaged around 5.0% of GDP. In FY2000, the deficit rose to 109.7 billion kyat (MK) from MK91.9 billion a year earlier. To pare the deficit, the Government cut expenditure. However, the deficit was also caused by poor revenue mobilization and losses in some state economic enterprises. About 1.4% of GDP was spent on public health and education. Faster export

Loans and technical assistance: ADB approved four loans totaling $35.7 million in 2001. Two loans (policy and investment) went to the social security sector development program, one to the housing finance sector, and another to rural finance. Seven technical assistance grants totaling $3.8 million were approved in 2001 for establishing a central procurement monitoring office, improving social statistics, integrating development of basic urban services in secondary towns, intensifying crop production, strengthening policy for social security reform, preparing the second health sector project, and improving aid coordination and management. Project implementation : Since joining ADB in 1991, Mongolia has received 29 loans, of which 15 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $31.1 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $372.5 million. The contract award ratio was 24.3%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $30.4 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $352.3 million. The disbursement ratio was 23.2%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. Further time-bound measures were agreed upon with the Government during the country portfolio review in September to expedite project start-up and enhance institutional capacity to improve the overall portfolio performance. Presentations were made to the Government and executing agencies on ADBs project performance rating system. With the opening of the Mongolia Resident Mission, ADB is now in regular contact with the Government, executing agencies, and civil society, thus improving portfolio management.

Myanmar Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Agriculture and Natural Resources Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Energy Industry and Nonfuel Minerals Finance TOTAL No. of Loans 15 6 2 5 2 2 32 $ Million 316.1 99.1 42.5 31.8 21.4 20.0 530.9 % 59.5 18.7 8.0 6.0 4.0 3.8 100.0



growth and slower imports narrowed the trade deficit in FY2001, compared with the previous year. Commodity exports performed well and garment exports picked up. Myanmars trade regime was characterized by wide tariff dispersion, and a variety of nontariff barriers were used to compress import demand. Myanmars international reserve position remained fragile, with reserves sufficient to cover about 1 month of imports. In FY1997, of a total population of 46.4 million, the labor force consisted of about 22.5 million. Agriculture was the largest employeraccounting for 63.0% of the labor force. About 30%40% of state sector employees were classified as casual labor.

ADB operations
Operational strategy: ADB has played a lead role in helping the country recover from its financial difficulties through a program loan in 1999. ADB will coordinate closely with other funding agencies, especially the Australian Agency for International Development, and provide complementary assistance as necessary. Policy dialogue: In 2001, policy dialogue was conducted on measures to restore macroeconomic stability and fiscal discipline, and to protect the countrys dwindling economic assets. Although ADB provided advice on these issues, limited progress has been achieved in key reform areas. Loans and technical assistance : In 2001, no loans or technical assistance were approved. Technical assistance implementation in 2001 included fielding consultants, which has continued intermittently since 1999. Assistance was also provided for appraising the condition and prospects of the Bank of Nauru and giving options for restoring banking services; providing advice and training in budget design and preparation; and evaluating NPRTs net assets and assistance in planning and implementing its transition from a predominantly property- to financial assets-based portfolio. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1991, Nauru has received one program loan that was still active at the end of 2001. No contract awards were made during the year; cumulative contract awards totaled $2.3 million. There were no disbursements during the year; total disbursements remained at $2.3 million.

ADB operations
Operational strategy: ADB continues to monitor economic developments in Myanmar. An operational strategy will be formulated when appropriate. Loans and technical assistance: No loans have been provided to Myanmar since 1986 and no technical assistance since 1987. Project implementation: There are no ongoing loans in Myanmar. However, Myanmar is involved in ADBs regional cooperation initiative for the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), participating in regional meetings and workshops supported by ADBs regional technical assistance. In November 2001, Myanmar hosted the 10th GMS Ministerial Conference in Yangon.

Economic performance
It was not possible to obtain official estimates of the latest macroeconomic indicators covering 2001. Information on Naurus national account table for 2001 is not available. Naurus dominant major income source, phosphate production, continues to decline in volume and prices. The Nauru Phosphate Royalties Trust (NPRT), once the holder of overseas reserves valued at over A$1 billion, had an estimated net worth of only about A$150 million. The Government faced serious cash constraints in 2001 and the draft 2002 budget indicated a deficit of A$40 million50 million. Nauru also faced the need to further reform its offshore banking sector. An unforeseen development toward the end of 2001 was the agreement between the governments of Nauru and Australia that Nauru would host over 1,000 asylum seekers transferred from Australian waters, and Australia would provide mainly in-kind budget support. This is expected to give a temporary boost to the Nauru economy.

Economic performance
In FY2001, GDP growth slowed to 5.0% from 6.1% in FY2000. This was mainly attributed to weaker agriculture sector performance compared with record high growth in FY2000, sharp deceleration in manufacturing, and a continued slump in tourism. Inflation remained at 2.4% in FY2001the lowest in more than 20 years compared with 3.5% in FY2000. The budget deficit widened to 4.2% of GDP in FY2001 from 3.3% in FY2000 due to a rise in expenditure mainly for security, a salary increase for civil servants, and a voluntary early retirement scheme. Growth in the dollar value of merchandise exports sharply declined to 3.7% in FY2001, compared with an expansion of 42.0% in FY2000 due to a significant decline in exports of ready-made garments



and woolen carpets. The dollar value of imports declined by 1.0%, following a recovery of 20.0% growth in FY2000, reflecting a sharp deceleration in manufacturing. By the end of FY2001, Nepal had about $1.0 billion in foreign exchange reserves, enough to cover around 7 months of imports. The debt service ratio was a manageable 3.9% of exports during FY2001. Nepal was affected by the global economic slowdown due to the 11 September events that worsened the trade and investment of other countries in the region. In particular, Nepals tourism and trade were adversely affected. In the year ending November 2001, tourist arrivals declined by 17.0%, exports by 8.0%, and imports by 3.5%.

Five-Year Plan, and optimizing water use in Kathmandu Valley; and two for (percent) preparing projects on the second phase of rural infrastructure development and communitymanaged irrigation in the central and eastern basins. ADB also approved two grants amounting to $10.4 million to support poor and disadvantaged farmers through civil society organizations, funded by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, and for the road network development project, funded by the United Kingdom. Project implementation: Since Nepal joining ADB in 1966, Nepal has Lending and Disbursements, received 102 loans, of which 27 were 19972001 ($ million) active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $36.3 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $1.3 billion. ADB operations The contract award ratio was 11.2%, Operational strategy: ADBs lower than the ADB-wide average of operational strategy in 2001 focused 14.8%. Disbursements during the year on government reforms and building totaled $57.2 million, bringing effective institutions as a key part of cumulative disbursements to reducing poverty. In October 2001, $1.3 billion. The disbursement ratio the Government and ADB signed a was 16.6%, lower than the ADB-wide partnership agreement on poverty average of 20.5%. reduction (PAPR), aimed at reducing The Nepal Resident Mission held poverty incidence from over 40.0% at monthly review meetings with project present to less than 10.0% by 2017. In line with the 2001 directors and quarterly portfolio review meetings with country strategy and program update and the PAPR, the Government and World Bank. An annual country operational priorities were to generate employment and increase rural incomes through broad-based, more rapid Nepal economic growth; improve basic social services to Cumulative ADB Lending enhance human resource development; and promote (as of 31 December 2001) good governance. Policy dialogue: Based on the operational Sector No. of Loans $ Million %a priorities, the policy dialogue with the Government Agriculture and focused on civil, corporate, and financial governance Natural Resources 51 788.5 40.4 reforms, streamlining subsidies in agriculture, and Energy 14 432.4 22.2 power sector reforms. ADB also assisted the GovernSocial Infrastructure 14 311.7 16.0 ment in preparing its poverty reduction strategy and the Transport and Tenth Five-Year Plan. Communications 13 270.7 13.9 Loans, technical assistance, and grants: ADB Industry and approved three loans totaling $95.6 million in 2001 for Nonfuel Minerals 5 75.1 3.8 teacher education, a governance reform program, and Others 4 65.6 3.4 road network development. Five technical assistance Finance 1 7.3 0.4 grants totaling $4.0 million were approved in 2001: TOTAL 102 1,951.3 100.0 three advisory grants on institutional support for governance reforms, support for preparing the Tenth a Figures may not add due to rounding.

Nepal GDP Growth Rate, 19972001



portfolio review mission was fielded in August with World Bank and Japan Bank for International Cooperation. Measures to enhance portfolio performance were formulated with the Government. Project directors and other government representatives also attended a project implementation and administration seminar in Manila, aimed at further improving overall portfolio performance in Nepal.

improvement from a reduced trade deficit and increased workers remittances. Further slowdown in economic growth in FY2001 and declining development expenditure resulted in higher unemployment.

ADB operations

Operational strategy: In 2001, ADBs operational strategy was anchored on poverty reduction, increasing economic growth, and providing assistance for governance-related reforms. A significant amount (78.0%) of ADBs assistance was in program lending. While program loans finance the cost of adjustment and Economic performance complement the economic reform agenda to be pursued Economic growth in Pakistan in FY2001 decelerated to under the 3-year $1.3 billion IMF-financed Poverty 2.6% primarily due to the impact of drought on Reduction and Growth Facility, the counterpart rupees agriculture and hydroelectric power generation. The were envisaged to be used for poverty reduction and drought caused a loss in national income estimated at social sector development. ADBs 2001 loan program for about 2.0%. Nonagriculture GDP grew by 4.3%, which Pakistan was a record $957 million in the aftermath of was significantly higher than in the previous year. the 11 September attacks. ADBs commitment to help Agriculture sector output declined by mitigate the impact of the post2.5%, with output of major crops 11 September events on the Pakistan Pakistan falling by 10.0%. Growth in largeeconomy was reiterated by ADB GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 scale manufacturing, however, President Tadao Chino, who visited (percent) accelerated to 8.4%the highest Pakistan in November 2001 and met growth rate since the 1980s. While Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf increased capacity propelled output and Finance Minister Shaukat Aziz. growth in FY2001, the underlying tone Policy dialogue: In the context for a majority of the constituent of 2001 operations, policy dialogue subsectors of large-scale manufacturfocused on agriculture sector reform, ing remained firm. Excluding the designed to ensure a greater role for subsectors that recorded significant the private sector in domestic trading capacity addition (oil refining, of major agriculture commodities, automotive, and fertilizer), large-scale gradual phasing out of administered manufacturing output grew by 7.0% in prices with market forces, and FY2001. Investment as a percentage enhancing food security and poverty of GDP continued to decline, reaching reduction. Another major initiative a new low at 14.7% in FY2001. The decline largely was the Access to Justice Program loan, which resulted from low private sector confidence, despite supported legal and judicial reforms, focusing on helping improvement in Pakistans macroeconomic fundamenthe Government improve access to justice by strengthtals. The major success during the year was a reduced ening the subordinate judiciary, supporting policy inflation rate of 4.4%, resulting largely from improved reforms, and enhancing the judicial system to ensure macroeconomic and financial policy management. The timely commercial adjudication and a mechanism for fiscal deficit in FY2001 was 5.3% of GDPthe lowest in enforcing contracts, thereby providing a greater comfort 23 years. The deficit decreased because of stringent for prospective international investors. Policy dialogue control over public expenditure, particularly current also continued under the Energy Sector Restructuring expenditure that was reduced by 1.5% of GDP. Program and the Trade, Export Promotion, and Industry Development expenditure also declined to only 2.9% of Program. GDP, a record low. In FY2001 exports increased by 7.4%, Loans and technical assistance: ADB approved to over $9.0 billion for the first time. Export volume 11 loans for 5 projects and programs in 2001 totaling expanded by over 15.0%, with 8 out of 10 top export $956.8 million. These are for the urban sector developitems recording double-digit growth. The current ment in the North-West Frontier Province, road sector account deficit declined to 0.9% of GDP, with development (a program loan and two sector loans),




access to justice program (two program loans and a technical assistance loan), agriculture sector program (a project loan and a technical assistance loan), and reproductive health. ADB approved 17 technical assistance grants totaling $6.6 million in 2001. Twelve grants were to provide advisory assistance on fiscal decentralization, a forum on poverty analysis, supporting access to justice under the local government plan, institutional strengthening of the State Bank of Pakistan, environmental assessment, institutional reform and road maintenance financing study, poverty reduction study, social impact analysis and resettlement planning, support for the implementation of the national policy and action plan to combat child labor, capacity building for capital market development and corporate governance, and restructuring the gas sector. Five were assistance in project Pakistan preparation for Lending and Disbursements, the preliminary 19972001 ($ million) engineering update of the provinces of Punjab and Sindh; additional preparatory work on the Sindh Rural Development Project; and supporting government restructuring and reform.

Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1966, Pakistan has received 203 loansincluding 21 private sector loans without government guarantee of which 59 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $418.9 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $8.0 billion. The contract award ratio was 18.1%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $512.3 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $8.4 billion. The disbursement ratio was 28.2%, higher than the ADBwide average of 20.5%. The Pakistan Resident Mission initiated quarterly provincial project review meetings in the four provinces and held two review meetings at the federal level. To enhance further project and portfolio performance, the resident mission conducted two provincial level and one federal level workshops on project management with staff of executing agencies, line ministries, and other government offices concerned. ADB also conducted a country project implementation and administration workshop for executing agency and line ministry staff. Proactive project implementation has improved key portfolio monitoring indicators and overall portfolio performance.

Papua New Guinea

Economic performance
In 2001, real GDP in Papua New Guinea declined by 3.3%, led by a 9.0% drop in mining and quarrying. While the agriculture, forestry, and fishing sectors grew by 0.9%, economic activity declined or remained subdued in most other sectors. A fiscal deficit of 1.8% of GDP was recorded in 2001. The Government reduced expenditure in the second half of the year in response to a major shortfall in tax revenue. External debt increased by 5.6% in US dollar terms by the end of 2001. However, annual average inflation fell from 15.6% in 2000 to 9.8% in 2001. This allowed easing of monetary policy by reducing the kina facility rate to below 10.0% by end2001, with modest relief in commercial bank interest rates. Broad money supply grew by about 10.0% in 2001. Declining exports caused the current account surplus to fall slightly to about $221 million. The overall balanceof-payments surplus also declined to about $106 million from about $130 million in the previous year. Gross international reserves reached $400 million or 5 months of imports. The local currency continued to depreciate, with the average rate against the US dollar falling by about 20.0% in 2001 compared with the previous year. Public sector reforms continued with increasing

Pakistan Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Agriculture and Natural Resources Energy Finance Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Industry and Nonfuel Minerals Others Multisector TOTAL No. of Loans 61 46 33 26 14 17 3 3 203 $ Million 3,384.6 3,062.0 1,427.0 1,135.0 967.0 798.4 350.0 344.0 11,468.0 % 29.5 26.7 12.4 9.9 8.4 7.0 3.1 3.0 100.0



ADB approved eight technical assistance grants totaling $4.3 million, (percent) of which five were advisory assistance on health policy support, poverty analyses for socioeconomic development strategies, gas pipeline development, health sector review, ADB operations and public sector management. Three Operational strategy: Poor were to prepare projects for governance and inadequate public developing a road authority, sector management are the main maintaining and upgrading roads in development problems. ADB helps the the Southern region, and gender and Government strengthen public sector population. ADB also approved a financial management by improving $5.5 million grant, funded by the the machinery of financial and Government of Australia, to develop general public sector management at employment-oriented skills. Papua New Guinea national and provincial levels, Project implementation: Since Lending and Disbursements, 19972001 ($ million) concentrating management on output joining ADB in 1971, Papua New and performance; and good Guinea has received 55 loans, of governance institutions by improving which 13 were active at the end of systems and procedures and through 2001. Contract awards totaled capacity building. Private sector $43.6 million, bringing the cumulative development is critical in reducing figure to $570.4 million. The contract poverty. ADB helps strengthen sector award ratio was 21.9%, higher than policy and institutional frameworks; the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. improve factor productivity, especially Disbursements during the year totaled through skills development; and $44.7 million, bringing cumulative enhance market access, especially by disbursements to $565.5 million. The rehabilitating and maintaining road disbursement ratio was 19.6%, lower and water transport infrastructure. than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. Through public sector reforms, ADB While significant improvements will help improve the management and governance of in portfolio performance were noted in a country social service delivery agencies, focusing in particular on health, education, and public works. In the social Papua New Guinea sectors, ADB will continue to be involved in developing Cumulative ADB Lending policies, promoting infrastructure investments, and (as of 31 December 2001) improving service delivery. Policy dialogue: ADBs policy dialogue with the Sector No. of Loans $ Million %a Government has focused on improving governance and Transport and strengthening public sector management for more Communications 12 253.8 29.9 efficient and effective service delivery. Overall progress Social Infrastructure 16 215.5 25.4 in implementing the Governments structural reform Agriculture and program, including public service reforms, has generally Natural Resources 12 184.6 21.7 been satisfactory despite very difficult economic Others 2 95.8 11.3 conditions. ADB has taken a lead role in working with Energy 5 43.0 5.1 the Government, particularly in strengthening road Finance 4 32.1 3.8 sector management. As a result, the Government is Multisector 3 16.0 1.9 changing the sectors institutional structure to increase Industry and independence and accountability. Nonfuel Minerals 1 8.4 1.0 Loans and technical assistance: In 2001, two TOTAL 55 849.3 100.0 loans totaling $75.9 million were approved for a public service program and a nucleus agro-enterprise project. a Figures may not add due to rounding.

emphasis on public service delivery. The privatization program also progressed with Air Niugini brought to the point of sale, and privatization of the PNG Banking Corporation nearly completed.

Papua New Guinea GDP Growth Rate, 19972001



portfolio review in September 2001, an action plan was updated to assist in further improving portfolio management and performance. Executing agencies and government officials were briefed on ADB procurement procedures and project administration.

October 2001which aims to reduce poverty, promote equity, improve social services delivery, protect the environment, and promote good governance. The strategy balances these priorities and emphasizes socioenvironmental development and poverty reduction. Priority projects are basic education and health services; urban services development, especially housing; rural roads; rural development; natural resource and environmental management; and enhancement of Economic performance nonbank financial governance. The Government and The GDP growth rate in the Philippines decelerated from ADB signed the Poverty Partnership Agreement in 4.0% in 2000 to 3.4% in 2001, owing mainly to the October 2001. global economic slowdown, political disruptions, and Policy dialogue: Policy dialogue with the consequent weak investor confidence. All three major Government included reforming the power sector and economic sectors expanded during the year. The privatizing the National Power Corporation; enhancing agriculture, industry, and services sectors grew by 3.9%, basic urban services in Mindanao; supporting govern1.9%, and 4.3%, respectively. Slow ment reforms to improve governance economic activity resulted in average in the nonbank financial sector; Philippines inflation for the year of 6.1%, well improving air quality under the Metro GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 within the government target of 6.0% Manila Air Quality Improvement (percent) 7.0%. This was due mainly to Development Program; and providing favorable supply-side factors, notably assistance for government judiciary lower prices for food and oil and economic sector reforms. products, and continued prudent Loans and technical monetary policy. The fiscal deficit of assistance: ADB approved two loans 147 billion pesos in 2001 was in 2001 totaling $105 million for the maintained close to the government Mindanao Basic Urban Services target of 145 billion pesos, because of Sector and Nonbank Financial lower public expenditure. The overall Governance Program. Nine technical balance of payments yielded a deficit assistance grants were approved in of $1.5 billion in 2001. Nevertheless, 2001 totaling $7.6 million. Six were the current account remained in advisory assistance grants on surplus at $4.5 billion following the improving poverty monitoring surplus in the trade-in goods and income accounts. surveys, strengthening the independence of the judiciary, Compared with the level in 2000, the current account capacity building for the Regulatory Office of the surplus in 2001 was lower by 47% due to the 16.2% Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System, slowdown in merchandise exports. Despite the global strengthening regulatory and market governance, rural economic downturn and more cautious investing, direct road development policy framework, and competition investments were $2.0 billion in 2001. Portfolio policy for the electricity sector. Three were project investments likewise posted a net inflow of $297 million preparatory assistance for integrated coastal resource due largely to the divestment by residents of their management, microfinance for rural development, and holdings of foreign-issued debt securities in September. Metro Manila urban services for the poor. Unemployment was recorded at 11.1% in 2001, Project implementation: Since joining ADB in compared with 11.2% in 2000, resulting from high 1966, the Philippines has received 185 loans, of which population growth and low employment opportunities. 55 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $304.5 million, bringing the cumulative figure to ADB operations $4.9 billion. The contract award ratio for 2001 was Operational strategy: ADBs operational strategy 21.0%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. supports the Governments development priorities Disbursements during the year totaled $321.8 million, elaborated in the Medium-Term Philippine Development bringing cumulative disbursements to $5.2 billion. The Plan and aligns with the country operational strategy disbursement ratio was 18.7%, lower than the ADB-wide revised as country strategy and program update in average of 20.5%.




Policy dialogue was intensified on portfolio issues through the quarterly portfolio review, jointly conducted with the Government, World Bank, and Japan Bank for International Cooperation, and ADBs annual country portfolio review. The country portfolio review mission in April 2001 emphasized to the Government the importance of good governance as a basic principle in sound portfolio management. Consultations that followed focused on improving disbursement performance, reducing underperforming projects, canceling surplus funds, speeding up recruitment of consultants and procurement of goods and civil works, and addressing policy reform issues. Concrete steps taken during the year included restructuring several project subcomponents, canceling $139 million of unutilized loan surplus, and increasing Philippines contract awards Lending and Disbursements, and disburse19972001 ($ million) ments.

Economic performance
Real GDP in Samoa is estimated to have grown by 10.0% in 2001 despite the global economic slowdown. Construction, and transport and communications led the growth. However, annual average inflation increased from 0.9% in 2000 to 4.0% in Samoa 2001. The overall GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 budget deficit (percent) increased from 0.7% of GDP in FY2000 (ending 30 June) to 2.3% of GDP in FY2001, reflecting a rise in development expenditure and budgetary support to Polynesian Airlines. In 2001, exports and imports grew by about 20% and 31%, respectively. The level of foreign exchange reserves declined from 6.4 to 4.8 months of import cover during the same period. External debt declined to about 60.2% of GDP at the end of FY2001. In 2001, the effective exchange rate of the tala remained generally stable in nominal and real terms. The central bank considered tightening money supply but deferred this as the economy weakened after 11 September. Reforms continued, which included the approval of the Public Finance Management Act 2001 and the Companies Act 2001. A development strategy for Samoa for 20022004 emphasizes the importance of distributing the benefits of development among all communities. The development of health, education, traditional values, and a competitive economy are the cornerstones of this strategy.

Philippines Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Energy Agriculture and Natural Resources Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Finance Others Multisector Industry and Nonfuel Minerals TOTAL No. of Loans 27 63 38 26 16 3 6 6 185 $ Million 2,257.6 1,920.4 1,410.5 1,105.9 673.0 296.0 283.7 47.2 7,994.3 %a 28.2 24.0 17.6 13.8 8.4 3.7 3.6 0.6 100.0

ADB operations
Operational strategy: ADBs operational approach in Samoa emphasizes promoting economic growth and equitable social development by enhancing capacity for sound economic management, and supporting financial reform and privatization of state-owned enterprises (SOEs); improving living standards and reducing income disparity through improved equity and access to essential services, particularly education; and supporting sound policy frameworks and physical infrastructure

a Figures may not add due to rounding.



improvements aimed at creating an enabling environment for private sector development. Policy dialogue: Policy dialogue focused on improving corporate governance for SOEs, implementing the Governments privatization program, further streamlining business processes by removing remaining barriers and simplifying tariffs, improving access to finance, and establishing a more efficient regulatory and legal framework. Dialogue also included land reform and ways to improve availability of land for economic activities. Loans and technical assistance: In 2001, ADB approved one loan of $6 million for power sector improvement. ADB also approved three advisory technical assistance grants totaling $800,000 for implementing SOE reforms, carrying out a household income and expenditure survey for socioeconomic equity assessment, and strengthening energy loss reduction and maintenance management capacity of the electric power corporation. Project implementation: Samoa Since joining Lending and Disbursements, 19972001 ($ million) ADB in 1966, Samoa has received 29 loans, of which 3 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $3.7 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $98.2 million. The contract award ratio was

21.1%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $3.6 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $94.5 million. The disbursement ratio was 26.7%, higher than the ADBwide average of 20.5%.

Solomon Islands
Economic performance
Further to the contraction in 2000, real GDP in Solomon Islands declined by an estimated 5.0% in 2001. The contraction was broad-based. A positive development in the latter part of 2001 was the Solomon Islands resumption of GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 fresh fish exports (percent) and sale of canned fish. Annual average inflation was 8.0%, reflecting the disruption of economic activities. Government expenditure continued to increase while tax collection remained weak, mainly due to a decline in economic activity and discretionary grants of tax and duty remissions. As a result, the budget deficit rose to 8.0% of GDP. Faced with increasing arrears, the Government exceeded the statutory limit of borrowing from the central bank during the year. Broad money supply and credit to the private sector declined by 12.5% and 21.5%, respectively, reflecting the low demand for new credit due to weak economic activity. The trade deficit widened due to a sharp decline in exports, and the current account recorded a deficit of 14.3% of GDP. At end2001, the official reserves were sufficient to cover only about one month of imports.

Samoa Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Agriculture and Natural Resources Finance Energy Transport and Communications Social Infrastructure Multisector TOTAL No. of Loans 9 7 7 4 1 1 29 $ Million 41.5 27.0 21.0 13.0 7.0 4.4 113.9 % 36.4 23.7 18.4 11.4 6.2 3.9 100.0

ADB operations
Operational strategy : After suspension of operations following a coup in 2000, ADB resumed limited operations in 2001 to assist Solomon Islands in restructuring basic infrastructure damaged by civil unrest. The objectives of ADBs interim strategy for Solomon Islands are to support the Government in restoring essential facilities and services through the



Post-Conflict Emergency Rehabilitation loan, postpone the country programming exercise, and finish any minor activities under ongoing or almost completed technical assistance projects to facilitate project continuity and closure. The strategy will be reviewed in early 2002. Policy dialogue : ADB has helped the Government rehabilitate basic infrastructure. It has also highlighted the need to prioritize issues such as law and order, good governance, and sound public financial management. Moreover, ADB has been concerned about the Governments delivery of basic public services in light of the political and socioeconomic difficulties the country is facing. Overall, the temporary suspension of country programming has limited effective dialogue with the Government on a medium-term assistance program. Loans and technical assistance: No loans or technical assistance were approved in 2001. Project implementation: Solomon Islands Since joining Lending and Disbursements, 19972001 ($ million) ADB in 1973, Solomon Islands has received 16 loans, of which 2 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $1.1 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $54.8 million.

The contract awards ratio was 10.7%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $10,000, bringing cumulative disbursements to $54.1 million. The disbursement ratio was 0.1%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%.

Sri Lanka
Economic performance
After achieving 6.0% growth in GDP in 2000, Sri Lanka faced negative economic growth of 1.3% in 2001. The decline was largely due to three factors: the global economic slowdown, which reduced demand for manufacturing exports; the ethnic conflict resulting in an attack on Sri Lankas international airport that adversely affected tourism and shipping; and poor weather, reducing agriculture yields. The fiscal deficit was around 10.0% of GDP for the last 2 years. The national debt rose, reaching more than 100% of GDP in 2001. Consumer prices increased by 11.0% in 2001 from 1.2% in 2000 despite the drop in world oil prices at the end of the year. Inflation increased due to a rise in key administered prices (particularly diesel and electricity) and the 11.0% rupee depreciation, with poor weather also generating high domestic food prices. Money growth of 11.4%mainly due to rising domestic deficit might have triggered inflationary pressures, given the declines in real output. The dollar value of merchandise exports fell by 12.8%, but was offset by the 18.4% decline in merchandise imports, thereby improving the merchandise trade balance position. Following the rupee float, supported by an IMF Standby Arrangement, the level of official reserves improved to about 2.7 months of imports. The new Governments challenge is to restore macroeconomic stability to provide an environment conducive to long-term development.

Solomon Islands Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Finance Agriculture and Natural Resources Multisector Energy Transport and Communications Social Infrastructure TOTAL No. of Loans 4 4 2 2 3 1 16 $ Million 30.0 20.2 10.5 8.9 8.0 1.7 79.3 %

ADB operations
Operational strategy: ADBs operational strategy was formulated in 1999. It was further refined, reflecting the Governments framework for poverty reduction and ADBs poverty analysis, to incorporate poverty reduction into ADB operations. The strategy is aimed at achieving sustainable poverty reduction through broad-based, propoor growth to generate employment and increase rural income; social development focusing on improving education and increasing nutrition awareness; promoting community-based natural resource management; good governance for greater accountability and responsiveness to the needs of the poor; and reduced conflict-related poverty.

37.8 25.5 13.2 11.2 10.1 2.1 100.0

a Figures may not add due to rounding.



Policy dialogue: Policy dialogue with the Facility ($9 million) and the Government of Government focused on reducing poverty, improving The Netherlands ($4 million). public sector governance and In 2001, ADB approved an equity efficiency, and promoting private investment of up to $360,000 in Sri Sri Lanka sector growth. ADB continued the Lankas first private sector housing GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 policy dialogue on poverty reduction bank, which will provide loans to (percent) through ADBs poverty analysis, highlow- and medium-income borrowers. level forum, and the Governments Project implementation: Since preparation for its poverty reduction joining ADB in 1966, Sri Lanka has strategy. ADB worked with the received 105 loans, of which Government for policy and institution32 were active at the end of 2001. al reforms in the sectors where ADB Contract awards totaled $103.5 miloperations are focused, such as road, lion, bringing the cumulative figure power, port, environment and natural to $1.9 billion. The contract award resource management, and rural ratio was 15.1%, higher than the finance. ADB also provided a program ADB-wide average of 14.8%. for small and medium enterprise Disbursements during the year (SME) sector development for totaled $103.5 million, bringing enhancing the business environment, cumulative disbursements to strengthening business capabilities, $1.8 billion. The disbursement ratio Sri Lanka and improving private sector access was 15.1%, lower than the ADB-wide Lending and Disbursements, to finance, particularly SMEs. The average of 20.5%. 19972001 ($ million) program will have an integrated In January 2001, ADB conducted strategy that will include policy a country project implementation reforms and capacity building. and administration seminar for Loans and technical government officials and executing assistance : ADB approved six loans agency personnel with focus on for four projects totaling $146 improving project and portfolio million in 2001 for Colombo Ports performance. The country portfolio increased efficiency and expansion, review in October 2001 identified North East community restoration ways to enhance portfolio perforand development, Southern Province mance and project administration, rural economic advancement, and with an emphasis on procurement development of an SME sector procedures, project quality at entry, program (which includes a program loan for SME development and two investment loans Sri Lanka for a business services support facility and a credit Cumulative ADB Lending line). ADB also approved nine technical assistance (as of 31 December 2001) grants totaling $4.1 million. Two were to prepare projects on aquatic resource development and quality Sector No. of Loans $ Million % improvement and on rural finance sector developAgriculture and ment. Seven advisory technical assistance grants were Natural Resources 42 920.6 33.6 for integrating cleaner production into industrial Social Infrastructure 17 517.0 18.8 development, a study of the pricing policy in the Finance 15 446.0 16.3 petroleum subsector, road maintenance budgeting and Transport and expenditure control, transport sector support, Communications 14 437.3 15.9 resettlement capacity building, and SME development. Energy 10 291.8 10.6 ADB approved a $500,000 grant, funded by the Industry and Government of The Netherlands, to restore and Nonfuel Minerals 5 91.1 3.3 develop the North East community. The Protected Multisector 2 39.7 1.5 Area Management and Wildlife Conservation Project TOTAL 105 2,743.5 100.0 also received grants from the Global Environment



and project readiness. Recent improvements in project monitoring were discussed with various executing agencies and project directors.

make satisfactory progress by 2001, as stipulated in their restructuring plans, will either have to merge with more successful ones or be closed.


ADB operations Tajikistan GDP Growth Rate, 19972001

Operational strategy : ADBs operational strategy and program has Economic performance been based on the interim operational (percent) Economic growth in Tajikistan was strategy, endorsed by the Board of strong in 2001. Real GDP grew by Directors in 1998. The objectives are 10.2%, while industry sector output, to facilitate the countrys transition to led by aluminum production, grew by a market economy, assist in 14.8%. Inflation rose to 38.5% in postconflict rehabilitation and 2001, up by 6.0% from the previous reconstruction, and support natural year; the exchange rate remained disaster rehabilitation. To maximize stable, and gross international the development impact of ADBs reserves increased to around assistance, the strategy focuses on 2.3 months of import cover. The fall three priority areas: agriculture; in world market prices of cotton by infrastructure rehabilitation, especially about 35% in 2001 had serious roads and power; and the social consequences for the Tajik economy. sector. ADB plans to prepare a full Cotton and aluminum are the main country strategy and program Tajikistan foreign exchange earners. Cotton following the conclusion of a Lending and Disbursements, 19972001 ($ million) accounts for 80.0% of exports. The partnership agreement on poverty Government agreed with Russia to reduction with the Government, reduce the debt stock by $49.4 milwhich will be based on the national lion. The size of the debt stock poverty reduction strategy. remains contentious because of Policy dialogue: ADB has held disagreements over which exchange close policy dialogue with the rate applies to value it. With external Government in all areas of ADB debt now around 120.0% of GDP, the operations. In 2001, ADB strengthGovernment plans to approach the ened its ties with the Government Paris Club to discuss debt reschedulwith visits of ADB President Tadao ing. However, because of higherChino and the Board of Directors. than-expected GDP growth, fiscal Dialogue with the Government revenue and tax collection were continued, particularly on the national stronger than anticipated, easing the poverty reduction strategy and ADBs pressure on the budget. A primary surplus of 510 assessments on governance, private sector, and social million somoni was recorded for 2001. The IMF did not sector. Cooperation with funding agencies has been conclude its third and fourth review of the Poverty favorably developed and has strengthened ADB presence Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) because of the in the country. ADB supports the Government in need to meet specific structural reform targets and strengthening aid coordination through the technical resolve issues related to external debt management. assistance for Improving Aid Coordination and External Privatizing and restructuring state-owned farms slowed, Debt Management for the coming 3 years. mainly because of the State Land Reform Committees Loans and technical assistance: In 2001, ADB limited constitutional capacity and the complexity of the approved one loan for the emergency restoration of the reform process. In May 2001, the four largest commerYavan water conveyance system for $3.60 million. Five cial banks, accounting for 84.0% of bank assets, signed technical assistance grants were approved totaling restructuring agreements with the National Bank of $2.12 million in 2001three advisory assistance for the Tajikistan (NBT). To improve supervision further, a governance assessment-sound development manageProblem Bank Unit was established within the Bank ment study, building a poverty monitoring mechanism, Supervision Department of NBT. Banks that failed to and support for facilitating sustainable project benefits.



Tajikistan Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Multisector Energy Transport and Communications Agriculture and Natural Resources TOTAL No. of Loans 3 1 1 1 6 $ Million 45.0 34.0 20.0 3.6 102.6 % 43.9 33.1 19.5 3.5 100.0

Two were project preparatory assistance for social sector development and road rehabilitation. ADB also approved a $2.9 million grant to help reduce rural poverty, financed by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1998, Tajikistan has received six loans, of which five were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $3.6 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $27.1 million. The contract award ratio was 5.8%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $2.9 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $25.1 million. The disbursement ratio was 3.7%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. ADB monitors portfolio performance through regular missions from headquarters. A liaison office, established in 1998, was strengthened in 2001 because of increased demand for operational assistance. Preparations for the second seminar on ADB operational policies and procedures and the first country portfolio review began in 2001.

appliances, and food. The industrial capacity utilization rate slightly dropped to about 54% in 2001, compared with 55.9% in the previous year. The services sector posted a 2.6% growth during the year, while agriculture sector growth dropped to 1.5%. On the demand side, private consumption expenditure grew by 3.5% in 2001, while the government consumption expenditure increased slightly at 1.9% in 2001. Private investment demand increased by 5.1%, while trade balance declined from $5.5 billion to $2.5 billion. Of a total labor force of 34.9 million, 34.2 million or 97.9% were employed in 2001. The unemployment rate during the same period at 3.4% was largely unchanged from the previous year (3.6%), reflecting strengthened domestic demand. CPI inflation remained almost unchanged at 1.6% in 2001. For FY2001, the Government registered a budget deficit of 136.1 billion baht or about 2.7% of GDP. In 2001, the trade surplus narrowed to $2.5 billion as merchandise exports contracted by 6.9% (in dollars). The decline in exports was across the board, reflecting the impact of the global economic slowdown and causing a substantial decline in current account surplus to $6.2 billion in 2001, from $9.3 billion in the previous year. Even with the narrowing of the current account, estimated tourism revenues recorded an increase of 3.6% in 2001. Gross official reserves rose slightly to $33 billion at endDecember 2001 from the previous year.

ADB operations

Economic performance
Thailands economy grew by 1.8% in 2001 as exports continued to weaken. The manufacturing production index (MPI) subdued as a result of the global slowdown. While MPI for export-oriented industries (exporting more than 60% of total production) shrunk by 11.4%, the MPI for the domestic-oriented industries expanded by 13.2% in 2001. Major declines were noted in the production of electrical and electronic

Operational strategy: A new country strategy and program (CSP) is being prepared. The CSP Update, presented to ADBs Board of Directors in August 2001, called for a reevaluation of ADBs strategy and program in response to the constitutionally mandated steps toward decentralization, and the objectives of the newly formulated Ninth National Economic and Social Development Plan (20022006). The CSP Update observed that as a consequence of the crisis, the incidence of poverty in Thailand Thailand rose, and that serious longGDP Growth Rate, 19972001 term challenges, such as gaps in the (percent) countrys competitiveness, remained. In this context, the CSP Update noted the importance of supporting inclusive social development, promoting rural development, and deepening the competitiveness of Thailands economy. ADBs strategy in Thailand will also continue to emphasize the benefits of subregional economic cooperation. ADBs ability to meet Thailands development objectives will



depend on an effective partnership with the Government. However, effective operations will also depend on support ADB will receive from target communities. ADBs strategy will complement and support initiatives that have originated from within the Thai society itself. Policy dialogue: Through technical assistance to the National Economic and Social Development Board, ADB supports poverty reduction strategies articulated in the Ninth National Economic and Social Development Plan. As part of ADBs strategy formulation process, a participatory poverty study for Thailand is being undertaken. ADB also helps strengthen governance in Thailand by supporting Thailand constitutionally Lending and Disbursements, mandated 19972001 ($ million) accountability mechanisms. Support for capital market development focuses on specialized financial institutions. In the financial sector, ADB continues to assist in examining options for pension reform. In the agriculture and environment sectors, ADB supports Thailands initiatives for cost recovery of irrigated water, leading to the integrated management of water resources at the national level.

Thailand Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Energy Transport and Communications Social Infrastructure Agriculture and Natural Resources Multisector Finance Industry and Nonfuel Minerals TOTAL No. of Loans 27 17 15 13 1 9 1 83 $ Million 1,632.3 1,214.5 758.7 709.1 500.0 494.5 39.0 5,348.1 % 30.5 22.7 14.2 13.3 9.4 9.2 0.7 100.0

Loans and technical assistance: No public sector loans were approved in 2001. In October 2001, Thailands foreign currency borrowing ceiling was $2.2 billion, the lowest ceiling in 8 years. The reduction seemed, in part, to reflect concerns over the rapid accumulation of public sector debt and, in particular, foreign currency debt since the crisis in 1997. ADB approved an equity investment of $25 million in a private equity fund to help Thai companies recover from the Asian financial crisis of 19971998. Also in 2001, ADB approved seven technical assistance grants worth $2.7 million: one for preparing the North-Northeast Region area development project, and six were advisory assistance for a participatory assessment of poverty in Thailand, an independent inspection of the Samut Prakarn wastewater management project, developing an agriculture sector strategy and policy, planning for sustainable urbanization, strengthening accountability mechanisms, and supporting an international conference on Monetary Outlook on East Asia in an Integrating World Economy. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1966, Thailand has received 83 loans, of which 10 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $20 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $4.1 billion. The contract award ratio was 6.4%, lower than the ADBwide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $139.0 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $4.0 billion. The disbursement ratio was 26.5%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. During the country portfolio review, the Government agreed to promote implementation readiness for new projects by assigning government counterpart staff to work more closely with ADB missions. The Government also agreed to consider allowing unutilized counterpart funds to carry over to the following fiscal year to ensure availability of project funding.

Economic performance
Real GDP growth in Tonga slowed to 3.0% in FY2001 (ending 30 June)largely due to subdued agriculture sector growth and stagnant tourism, following the sharp rise in the latter in the preceding year. Annual average inflation rose 6.3% during the same period. This was associated with a sharp rise in money supply and domestic credit expansion by 26.5% and 31.3%, respectively. Overall budget deficit increased to 2.6% of GDP in FY2001, reflecting lower-than-expected revenues and higher expenditures. The rise in the expenditure reflected two payments of cost of living allowance to



civil servants in FY2001. Total official external debt, including that of public corporations, stood at 44.6% of GDP at the end of FY2001. Exports increased by 3.7%, compared with a 4.3% decline in imports in FY2001. However, the current account deficit increased to 8.2% of GDP due to deterioration in service balance. The overall balance of payments was also in deficit, reducing the gross international reserves in FY2001 to $12 million, equivalent to about 2 months of imports. During FY2001, the central bank devalued its currency by about 19.0% against the US dollar.

Policy dialogue: Important issues for policy dialogue in relation (percent) to the Economic and Public Sector Reform Program include preparing a private sector development strategy; implementing public enterprise and civil service reform; and undertaking reforms in the financial sector. The Government has indicated the need for comprehensive reforms. However, strong political commitment and direction need to be sustained during the long implementation phase to ensure that the benefits of the reform program are delivered. Tonga Loans and technical assistance: Lending and Disbursements, ADB operations No loans were approved in 2001. ADB 19972001 ($ million) Operational strategy: ADB approved one advisory technical continues to assist in building assistance grant of $650,000 in 2001 capacity for governance, economic for the economic and public sector management, and public service reform program. delivery; strengthening the financial Project implementation: Since sector; and supporting the role of joining ADB in 1972, Tonga has civil society. This strategy is received 13 loans; none was active at supported by the recently completed the end of 2001. Contract awards ADB-financed economic report. totaled $20,000, bringing the ADBs assistance for Tonga is cumulative figure to $47.1 million. expected to strengthen economic and The contract award ratio was 94.4%, public sector management, thereby higher than the ADB-wide average of creating an enabling environment for 14.8%. Disbursements during the year private sector development and improving living totaled $220,000, bringing cumulative disbursements to standards for all Tongans. The public sector, including $41.2 million. The disbursement ratio was 96.0%, much financial and nonfinancial public enterprises, has a higher than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. dominant role in the Tongan economy. To encourage private sector development as the basis of economic growth, the demands of the public sector will be Tonga curtailed by carrying out reforms of core government Cumulative ADB Lending departments and public enterprises. A strategy for (as of 31 December 2001) public sector reforms and its successful implementation will achieve several benefits such as reduced Sector No. of Loans $ Million % government demand on financial and human Multisector 5 11.4 26.6 resources, thus leaving room for the private sector to Transport and develop and grow; decreased current fiscal deficit by Communications 2 11.3 26.3 improving public sector operational efficiency without Energy 1 7.3 17.0 impacting on government services; improved Finance 2 6.5 15.2 governance in the public sector and human resource Agriculture and management practices based on merit; and greater Natural Resources 2 6.0 14.0 access of women to finance and business opportuniIndustry and ties through private sector development initiatives in Nonfuel Minerals 1 0.4 0.9 agriculture, fisheries, and tourism where women TOTAL 13 42.9 100.0 traditionally play a significant role.

Tonga GDP Growth Rate, 19972001



Consistent with the Governments long-term development objectives as described in its 20002010 Development Program and with ADBs objective to Economic performance reduce poverty, ADBs strategy will include three main GDP in Turkmenistan grew by 20.5% during 2001. strategic objectives: enhancing human and social Growth continued to be dependent on the industry development, promoting sustainable economic growth, sector, with production growing by 26.4% over the same and promoting regional economic cooperation. Human period. Gas and oil production increased by 8.0% and and social development will focus on improving basic 11.0%, respectively. The Governments importservices, such as clean drinking water, sanitation, and substituting industrialization policies also appear to heating, especially for the rural poor; and maintaining have been successful, with strong and upgrading the human resource growth in the textile and food base. Sustainable growth will include Turkmenistan GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 industries. In JanuaryOctober 2001, building capacity to improve public (percent) cotton processing rose by 15.0%, food sector management; enhancing industry production by 35.0%, and agriculture sector production; and agriculture sector production by improving environmental manage22.0%. With the introduction of ment, primarily in terms of water relatively tighter monetary and fiscal resource management to increase policies, the Central Bank of efficiency and improve maintenance Turkmenistan managed to hold of irrigation systems. Turkmenistan inflation to an average of 7.4% in can play a key role in restoring 2000. In 2001, inflation was reduced security, stability, and economic further to an average of 6.0%. growth in Central Asia, due to its Inflation partly remained low because unique geographic, cultural, and of extensive subsidies on basic political relations with its neighbors. consumer goods and utilities. The Several opportunities have been state budget recorded a deficit of 1.2% of GDP for identified for ADB to support Turkmenistans involveJanuaryOctober 2001. Revenue was 5.37 trillion manat ment in reconstructing and rehabilitating Afghanistan. (M), 14.0% below the target for the period; and Loans and technical assistance: No loans were expenditures at M5.66 trillion were 15.0% lower than approved in 2001. ADB approved one technical targeted. Of total expenditures, about 80.0% were assistance grant in 2001 worth $150,000 for seminars on directed toward social and public services. Although the ADB operational policies and procedures. budgetary position appears to be stable, many expenditures remained off-budget, and the official figures did not give a comprehensive picture of the Governments overall financial position. Turkmenistan Economic performance maintained a positive trade balance in 2001, with a trade surplus of $275 million. However, the trade Tuvalus economy continued to grow in 2001, expanding surplus was down by 62.0%, compared with 2000. at approximately 4.0%, compared with 3.0% in 2000. Import expenditure rose by 32.0% year-on-year (mostly Growth was led by the public sector, and the mining due to a substantial increase in capital good imports) and quarrying sector as a result of government and aidwhile exports registered a year-on-year rise of about 5%. funded projects. Annual average inflation fell from 5.3% The current account recorded a small surplus equivalent in 2000 to 1.8% in 2001 primarily because of a drop in to about 0.1% of GDP in 2001. the prices of textiles, clothing, and other miscellaneous items. Cash incomes have risen strongly with seafarer ADB operations remittances alone having more than doubled over the Turkmenistan became ADBs 59 th member in last 4 years, reaching an estimated $2.6 million for August 2000. An economic report and interim 2001. However, significant wealth disparities exist operational strategy, which define ADBs initial between the main atoll Funafuti and the outer islands. development cooperation activities in the country, Tuvalu relies heavily on income from fishing license have been prepared and are under government access fees (estimated at A$6.1 million in 2001), rent consideration. from its international telecommunication dial-up code





Tuvalu GDP Growth Rate, 19972001

(estimated at A$0.31 million in (percent) 2001), and, more recently, its toplevel Internet domain license fees .tv (estimated at A$1.6 million in 2001). Remittances from seafarers, official transfers, and investment income from the Tuvalu Trust Fund (TTF) assets also contribute substantially to foreign exchange earnings. A positive effect of the Australian dollar depreciation is that the US$-denominated revenue from fishing licenses and domain fees are increasing. Over the past 5 years, revenue from the TTF has contributed an average of 19.0% per annum to the Governments total recurrent revenues but this revenue was smaller in 2001 due to weakness in overseas financial markets. The actual budget outcome for 2001 was an overall budget surplus of A$2.5 million or 20.0% of GDP.

$4.0 million. The contract award ratio was 100%. Disbursement during the year totaled $1.2 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $4.0 million. The disbursement ratio was 95.8%, higher than the ADBwide average of 20.5%.

Economic performance
Uzbekistans economy continued to grow in 2001, expanding at 4.5%, compared with 4.0% in 2000. While growth in the industry sector remained strong, it was hampered by a lack of investment owing to the restrictive trade and foreign exchange regime. Despite the severe drought, agriculture rebounded in 2001. An unfavorable global environUzbekistan ment and a GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 slump in cotton (percent) prices partly offset the positive impact of the improved crop. Falling import demand in the Commonwealth of Independent States, the absence of wide-ranging restructuring in Uzbekistan, continued reliance on the cotton crop, and the worsening environmental conditions in the region, have led to lower-than-expected GDP growth. The 2001 budget target assumed a deficit of 57.5 billion sum (1.5% of GDP). The overall budget deficit was about 1.0% of GDP in 2001. The shortfall was financed by central bank credits and proceeds from the sale of state-owned enterprises. A slump in commodity prices in 2001 reduced export revenue and forced the Government to continue its policy of import compression and import substitution to prevent a rise in financing requirements. A massive devaluation of the sum also depressed imports. However, these policies did not cancel out the current account deficit at 0.5% of GDP in 2001 from a surplus equivalent to 0.8% of GDP in 2000. External debt was estimated at $4.6 billion. Consumer price inflation was 26.6% in 2001, according to official statistics, but the actual level could be even higher. The partial unification of

ADB operations
Operational strategy: ADBs operational strategy for Tuvalu is to promote economic growth and poverty reduction by supporting the development of the outer islands, where the poor and the vulnerable groups are concentrated. The main principles of ADBs strategy call for encouraging public sector reform, including corporatizing government businesses; devolving responsibility for island development to local governments; reorienting the economy toward private sectorled growth; improving economic infrastructure; and developing human resources. Policy dialogue: Ongoing dialogue with the Government focuses on outer island decision making and corporatizing government agencies. Also, discussions on the need to maintain the standards of Tuvalus only higher educational institution, the Tuvalu Maritime Training Institute, are under way. Loans and technical assistance: No loans were approved in 2001. One technical assistance grant amounting to $300,000 was approved for a country economic study and strategy development. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1993, Tuvalu has received one loan. Contract awards totaled $1.2 million, bringing the cumulative total to



foreign exchange rates and the rise in fuel prices and public sector wages became the main drivers of inflation over the last quarter of 2001. Registered unemployment in 2001 was at the same level as at the end of 19990.4% of the workforce. Actual unemployment was higher because of underreporting. Considerable hidden underemployment also existed.

ADB operations
Operational strategy: The central goal of ADBs assistance to Uzbekistan is managing a smooth transition to a market economy, while providing for sustainable poverty reduction and raising living standards. The strategy has two operational objectives: to manage transition by supporting basic reforms and minimizing the social costs of transition; and to enhance growth potential by promoting regional cooperation, investment in the rural sector, and direct support to the private sector. Policy dialogue: Policy dialogue with the Government centered on reforms in education, agriculture, and urban infrastrucUzbekistan ture, and small Lending and Disbursements, and medium 19972001 ($ million) enterprise (SME) development. In the education sector, policy dialogue covered modernizing the structure, content, and processes of education; improving sector sustainability and efficiency;

Uzbekistan Cumulative ADB Lending

(as of 31 December 2001)
Sector Transport and Communications Social Infrastructure Agriculture and Natural Resources Finance TOTAL No. of Loans 3 4 2 1 10 $ Million 190.0 133.0 86.0 50.0 459.0 % 41.4 29.0 18.7 10.9 100.0

reforming education governance; and protecting the poor and vulnerable population groups. In agriculture, the dialogue focused on farm debt restructuring, abolishing joint responsibility, promoting producer incentives, and encouraging private farming. In urban infrastructure, dialogue was on institutional reforms and decentralizing implementation, cost recovery, capacity building, and raising the standards of urban infrastructure service delivery and maintenance. As a result of ADB policy dialogue, SMEs will benefit from easier foreign exchange availability. Loans and technical assistance: ADB approved two loans totaling $72 million in 2001 for the agricultural development of Ak Altin and urban water supply projects. ADB approved five advisory technical assistance grants totaling $2.3 million in 2001 for pilot testing rural savings and credit unions, institutional support for sustainable agricultural development, building research and analytical capability for structural reforms, capacity building for urban water supply, and comprehensive medium-term strategy for improving the living standards of the people of Uzbekistan. ADB also approved a $2.5 million grant-financed project for supporting innovative poverty reduction activities in Karakalpakstan, financed by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1995, Uzbekistan has received 10 loans, all of which were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $32.6 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $133.2 million. The contract award ratio was 5.6%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $40.1 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $119.0 million. The disbursement ratio was 13.1%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. A country portfolio review was held in June. The 2000 action plan was discussed with the Government and further measures were agreed upon to expedite project start-up and improve the overall portfolio performance. To facilitate portfolio performance, several projects were delegated to the Uzbekistan Resident Mission for supervision.

Economic performance
Real GDP in Vanuatu declined by 0.5% in 2001 after a 3.7% expansion in 2000. Much of the decline was attributed to an estimated contraction of 14.9% in agriculture, fishing, and forestry. Tourist arrivals before



September 2001 decreased due to the weakening world economy and the low value of the Australian dollar; there was a sharp 14.0% drop in the fourth quarter, which is largely attributed to the 11 September events. The weakening export sector saw the trade balance deteriorate. Combined with softening tourism, the current account deficit grew to around $4.7 million. However, international reserves remained at 5.7 months worth of imports by the end of 2001. Consumer price index for 2001 showed an annual inflation rate of 3.6%, from 2.5% in the previous year, mainly attributed to higher prices for housing, utilities, and transport and communications. The overall budget deficit stood at 3.9% of GDP. Due to a narrow revenue base with very little direct taxes, total annual revenue remained at 21.6% of GDP. The Government relied heavily on overdraft facilities of the Reserve Bank until they were exhausted in the third quarter of 2001.

governance, and public sector management; poverty reduction; and (percent) private sector development. Specific objectives of ADBs strategy are to build local capacities for sound economic and financial management and good governance; increase employment and income; and redress disparities in living standards and access to social services. Policy dialogue: ADB participates in high-level policy dialogue with the Government through its programming and project missions and also on an ad hoc basis. The Government recognizes ADBs Vanuatu assistance in critical areas such as Lending and Disbursements, the Comprehensive Reform Program; 19972001 ($ million) infrastructure, agriculture, and legal sectors; Parliament; Statistics Office; and the preparation of the country's economic report. The Government confirms that ADB's operational strategy adequately supports its development priorities. The Government has proposed holding the second ADB-sponsored Consultative Group Meeting in 2002. ADB operations Loans and technical Operational strategy: Vanuatu has assistance: No loans were approved good growth prospects based on in 2001. ADB approved three advisory abundant natural resources. Economic management and technical assistance grants totaling $700,000 for governance, access to basic social services such as strengthening development policies, service delivery, health and education, rural transport infrastructure and and the Parliament. financial services, social development indicators, and Project implementation: Since joining ADB in employment creation could be improved. ADBs strategy 1981, Vanuatu has received nine loans, of which one for Vanuatu focuses on reforms in economic policy, was active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $767,000, bringing the cumulative figure to $47.6 million. The contract award ratio was 85.1%, higher than the Vanuatu ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the Cumulative ADB Lending year totaled $2.8 million, bringing cumulative disburse(as of 31 December 2001) ments to $48.5 million. The disbursement ratio was Sector No. of Loans $ Million % 82.5%, higher than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%.

Vanuatu GDP Growth Rate, 19972001

Finance Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Multisector Agriculture and Natural Resources TOTAL

3 1 2 2 1 9

26.0 10.0 9.2 5.0 1.1 51.3

50.7 19.5 17.9 9.8 2.1 100.0

Viet Nam
Economic performance
GDP growth in Viet Nam in 2001 slowed to 5.8% from 6.1% in 2000, reflecting poor agriculture sector performance and weakening external demand. The agriculture sectors growth rate declined to 2.3% in 2001



due to a poor rice crop and low world prices for 2001 began to implement the transition from the 1995 agricultural goods. Industry sector growth in 2001 operational strategy that emphasized policy reform, dropped slightly from the 2000 level to 9.7%, following infrastructure rehabilitation, and human development to the weakening external demand for manufactured the new strategy. Two of the 2001 loans focused on exports, while services sector growth livelihood improvement in poor was maintained. Inflation, as districts of the central region and Viet Nam measured by CPI, remained low in provincial towns development, both GDP Growth Rate, 19972001 2001. As of end-December, the important components of the (percent) percentage change in the CPI was new strategy. 0.8%. The fall in world prices for ADBs future strategy for Viet Nam agricultural commodities, particularly prioritizes sustainable growth through rice, and 2 years of bumper rice rural and private sector development; harvests, led to a decline in the food inclusive social development by price index that was only partially adopting an integrated and mainoffset by higher nonfood item prices streamed approach, and building the in the CPI. The preliminary estimates poverty, gender, and ethnic of fiscal deficit, excluding grants and dimensions into relevant areas of including onlending, was 4.9% of GDP assistance; good governance; and in 2001. Higher-than-planned adapting a geographic focus on the revenues are partly attributed to central region to promote more newly registered enterprises that were balanced regional development and Viet Nam brought under the tax base. Total increase the development impact of Lending and Disbursements, expenditures exceeded planned levels ADB operations. 19972001 ($ million) by about 4.0% due to higher wage Policy dialogue: Policy dialogue expenditures and capital spending on with the Government evolved infrastructure projects. Merchandise around the Governments preparaexport growth decelerated to 6.5% in tion of Viet Nams Socioeconomic 2001, following the deterioration in Development Strategy for 20012010, the external environment. The dip in adopted in April 2001, and the crude oil prices accounted for a large Comprehensive Poverty Reduction part of the decline. Agricultural and Growth Strategy (CPRGS), exports remained depressed, scheduled for completion by mid-2002. particularly rice and coffee. Import ADB supported the effort through growth also declined in 2001, growing the Poverty Task Force, providing by only 6.0%. Reflecting the sluggish input for monitoring the CPRGS by growth of both exports and imports, the current account surplus dropped Viet Nam to 1.5% of GDP in 2001, compared with 1.6% in 2000. Cumulative ADB Lending The bilateral trade agreement with the US was ratified (as of 31 December 2001) by the National Assembly, and Viet Nam is now taking steps toward accession to the World Trade Organization. Sector No. of Loans $ Million % Total employment increased by 1.3% with nonstate Agriculture and employment growing by 1.5%, while state sector Natural Resources 17 717.9 30.5 employment dropped by 0.6%. Urban unemployment fell Social Infrastructure 16 623.4 26.5 slightly to 6.3% in the first 7 months of 2001 from 6.4% Transport and in 2000. Poverty incidence, as measured by the new Communications 9 601.2 25.5 national poverty line, declined from an estimated 17.2% Energy 3 186.3 7.9 at end-2000 to an estimated 16.0% at end-2001. Industry and

ADB operations
Operational strategy: ADBs new country strategy and program was prepared in 2001. ADB loan operations in

Nonfuel Minerals Finance TOTAL

3 2

130.0 97.0

5.5 4.1






adapting the International Development Goals to Viet Nams development vision and targets, with special attention to health and governance. ADB supported policy dialogue in financial sector development, corporate governance, public administration reform, power sector institutional arrangements and tariff setting, and water resource management through a National Water Resource Council. A governance strategy for Viet Nam was finalized, and ADB supportedwith other multilateral and bilateral funding agenciesthe implementation of a joint Legal Needs Assessment that will develop an action plan for further legal reform in Viet Nam. Loans and technical assistance: In 2001, ADB approved seven loans for six projects totaling $260.6 million in the fields of water resource management, water supply and sanitation, integrated livelihood improvement, and road improvement. These loans also include $17.5 million in two pioneering private sector projects in social infrastructure. ADB also approved 10 technical assistance projects totaling $8.4 million. Seven were advisory assistance for institutional support to the Office of the Government, fishing port management, project financial management through decentralization, enhancing the resettlement legal framework and institutional capacity, framework for microfinance development, road map for power sector reform, and

capacity building for the central region's poverty reduction efforts. Three project preparatory assistance grants were for upper secondary education development, urban development in the central region, and livelihood improvement in the central highlands. Project implementation: Since joining ADB in 1966, Viet Nam has received 50 loans, of which 34 were active at the end of 2001. Contract awards totaled $71.4 million, bringing the cumulative figure to $1.1 billion. The contract award ratio was 7.8%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 14.8%. Disbursements during the year totaled $176.2 million, bringing cumulative disbursements to $990.0 million. The disbursement ratio was 17.0%, lower than the ADB-wide average of 20.5%. The Viet Nam Resident Mission (VRM) and the Government monitored the country portfolio performance through monthly project implementation meetings. The second joint country portfolio review by the Government, ADB, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, and World Bank was held in August. ADBs 2001 country portfolio review with the Government was conducted in October and an action plan for further improving overall portfolio performance was prepared. The action plan will be monitored through the monthly project implementation meetings. VRM is playing an increasing role in country programming and in the administration of several loan and technical assistance projects.

For a more comprehensive analysis of economic developments in the developing member countries (DMCs) of Asia and the Pacific, see the Asian Development Bank publication Asian Development Outlook, 2002, at For more on ADBs operations in each DMC, see regions and countries at




ADB recognizes that the needs and

priorities of its developing member countries will evolve, and it must respond to these changes, as well as to changes in regional and global conditions. ADBs Long-Term Strategic Framework (LTSF) 20012015 provides that response. Approved in 2001, the LTSF sets the mission, development objectives, and corporate agenda and responds to the challenges of reducing poverty.

he Asian Development Bank (ADB) responds to the challenges of reducing poverty by ensuring that its planning process integrates its strategic agenda and operating principles with its organizational capacity for the efficient delivery of services. ADB regularly updates the strategic agenda in which it plans country-specific operations and reviews, and adjusts its policies in the context of its own experience and the emerging needs of its developing member countries (DMCs). Operational work plans are developed based on these strategies and policies. ADB recognizes that the needs and priorities of its DMCs will evolve, and it must respond to these changes, as well as to changes in regional and global conditions. ADBs Long-Term Strategic Framework (LTSF) 20012015 provides that response. Approved in 2001, the LTSF sets the mission, development objectives, and corporate agenda and responds to the challenges of reducing poverty. Specific objectives and targets are set out in the 5-year Medium-Term Strategy 20012005, also approved in 2001. To translate the strategy into action, individual country strategy and program (CSP) reports and a 3-year rolling operational program are developed with each DMC. The CSP is updated yearly in consultation with the DMC concerned. These country-based plans form the basis for ADBs overall 3-year work program and budget framework, which in turn provide the framework for the annual administrative budget. Following the major strategic reorientation in 2001 to meet the challenges confronting its DMCs more efficiently, ADB undertook a comprehensive review of its organizational structure and operational business processes, both effective in January 2002. For more on ADBs reorganization, see reorganization_2002/.

Economics and Development Resource Center

The role of the Economics and Development Resource Center (EDRC; upgraded to Economics and Research Department effective 1 January 2002) is to help ADB achieve its corporate objectives through knowledge generation and dissemination activities. Externally, it aims to strengthen DMCs policy analysis and institutional



capacity and enhance ADBs profile as a premier development institution. Internally, it enhances the knowledge base of ADB operations. EDRCs key functions include policy research and country macroeconomic studies, economic and financial analysis, maintenance of data support, and capacity-building activities. In 2001, EDRC continued to focus its core functions on policy and operations issues relating to ADBs Poverty Reduction Strategy and data requirements for operationalizing the Strategy. EDRC carried out several studies in 2001 on a range of issuespolicy, labor market, institutional and social development, information and communication technology (ICT), and approaches to poverty reduction. These studies were disseminated through the Asia and Pacific Forum on Poverty; the Third Asia Development Forum conducted with the World Bank and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific; the ADB-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Forum on Asian Perspective: Technology and Poverty Reduction in Asia; and the Conference on Poverty, Growth, and the Role of Institutions in Developing Member Countries. ADBs statistical database system was expanded to include additional poverty, environment, and social indicators to reflect progress being made in achieving the targets of the Millennium Development Goals. For more on the International Development Goals and the Millennium Development Goals, see box on page 32. Also, macroeconomic prudential indicators were added to the database, thus enabling better monitoring of financial sector developments. EDRC studies also clarified the methodology and measurement issues arising from operationalizing the Poverty Reduction Strategy. Several implementation guidelines were published for staff, including integrating the poverty impact and risk analysis in project economic analyses; a poverty impact assessment of policy-based lending; and pro-poor growth measurement guidelines for strengthening the financial management and governance of ADB operations. Mapping and measuring poverty and a diagnostic study of accounting and auditing practices in selected DMCs were also undertaken. EDRC worked with members of a technical working group organized by multilateral development banks (MDBs) to harmonize financial management and reporting practices among themselves, with a view to minimizing transaction costs to MDB borrowers. Major capacity-building activities included in-house staff training and external training for DMC officials on project economic analysis and financial management and governance. Working with the ADB Institute and the

Colombo Plan, ADB also provided capacity building in workshops and seminars on taxation, international finance, ICT strategies, and technology innovation and transfers. Several technical assistance projects were aimed at improving DMC census capability, data quality, and national statistical systems. EDRC strengthened ADBs knowledge base with the publication of the Asian Development Outlook 2001 and its Update and Growth and Change in Asia and the Pacific: Key Indicators 2001. For recent titles of ADB publications, see page 264. For the first time in 31 years, the latter included an analytical chapter on long-term demographic and other socioeconomic trends in DMCs. A new publication, Policy Briefsbased on papers or notes prepared by ADB staff and resource personswas launched to provide concise nontechnical accounts of policy issues of topical interest. An annual event to discuss the medium-term global and regional outlookthe Workshop on Asian Economic Outlookbrought together scholars, policymakers, private sector representatives, and officials from multilateral institutions. Participants also examined the implications of the 11 September terrorist attacks for ADBs DMCs and the world economy, and the proliferation of regional trade arrangements within and outside the Asian and Pacific region. Other activities included organizing the Distinguished Speakers Program, a workshop in India to disseminate the findings of ongoing studies on Asias international competitiveness, and a workshop in Thailand on intergovernmental fiscal transfers for equitable in-country growth. EDRC and the ADB Institute coordinated their efforts through regular consultations and by membership of ADBs chief economist in the Institutes Advisory Council. In 2001, they jointly conducted four capacitybuilding activities: the Eleventh Tax Conference, the Asia Development Forum, the Eleventh Seminar on International Finance, and the Workshop on ICT Strategies for Developing Asia. Staff also participated as resource persons in a regional workshop on social safety nets, workshops on developing corporate bond markets in Asia, and other training programs organized by the ADB Institute.

ADB Institute
The ADB Institute (the Institute)located in Tokyo, Japanprovides another avenue for ADB to better understand the dynamics of development in Asia and the Pacific, and helps formulate long-term strategies for sustainable social and economic development in the region.



Research activities at the Institute are focused on examining the respective roles of markets, governments, and institutions that best fit countrieswith their diverse historical and cultural settingsat different stages of development. Research assesses the potential strengths and weaknesses of different development paradigms as a basis for postcrisis strategies for long-term development and for capacity building and training. Poverty studies have become an important part of the Institutes research program, and the last two anniversary conferences focused squarely on measures to reduce poverty. In 2001, research included surveying the experiences of the miracle economies in reducing poverty; assessing the impact of the financial crisis on poverty in Indonesia; and studying poverty in the western region of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). Under development paradigms, the Institute conducted a survey of the current views on poverty in the development literature and assessed the impact of different types of growth on poverty reduction. The Institute also analyzed the links between ICT and poverty in Asia; examined the relationship between public governance and poverty; and studied policy failures in the name of poverty reduction. Other areas of research included corporate governance and international competitiveness. Under corporate governance, the Republic of Korea was studied as were state-owned enterprises in the PRC. On product markets and competitiveness, work was completed on operations of multinational firms, including a study of the basic characteristics of skills and organizational structure of software firms in India; lessons from the research and development activities of multinationals in Singapore; foreign direct investment of Japanese firms in East Asia, including development of technology platforms; and a comparative analysis of international production networks between multinationals from Japan and the United States. In addition, a study on trade competitiveness prior to the 1997 Asian financial crisis was completed. The Institute conducted research on designing a new intermediate financial market structure in postcrisis Asia and on the relationship between the information quality of financial systems and economic development. In addition, economic modeling of the financial crisis in Indonesia was used to examine the macroeconomic consequences of exchange rate depreciation, high interest rate policy, and political turmoil. The criteria used by global credit rating agencies in assessing developing country borrowers were critically analyzed. Work also started on banking

reforms in the PRC and on more effective alternative means of resolving the problems of nonperforming bank loans in the region. In 2001, the Institute strengthened institutional links it had developed in previous years. For example, the Asian Policy Forum, established in December 1999 to bring together leading researchers from various institutions in Asia, focused in 2001 on the problem of developing new and balanced financial market structures in postcrisis Asia, with an emphasis on the corporate bond market. Policy recommendations were discussed for the first time at ADBs 34 th Annual Meeting in May 2001. Dissemination seminars of the final policies were conducted in the PRC and India and during the ADB Institutes Advisory Council meeting in October. The Institutes 4th anniversary conference in December 2001 focused on quality of growth, governance, and social development in reducing poverty. Papers were commissioned from leading international scholars on development strategies and poverty reduction and on trade liberalization and poverty reduction. In addition, the Institutes staff and visiting scholars produced papers for the conference on trade liberalization and poverty reduction, governance and famine, financial issues and poverty, and policy options for developing the western region of the PRC. The research output of the Institute was published and posted on-line. For recent titles of ADB Institute publications, see page 266. In 2001, the Institute completed 29 capacitybuilding and training activities with wide thematic coverage, including rural and urban poverty reduction, social protection, and pension funds; public and private sector governance, public administration, and public expenditure management; public-private partnerships in the social sector; ICT strategies for developing countries and the potential for partnerships in ICT and education; and international finance and securities market regulation. These competency-based training programs benefited over 1,600 participants from 45 ADB members and achieved about 6,300 participantdays of training.

Resident and regional missions and representative offices

ADBs field officesresident missions, special and extended missions, country office, regional mission, and representative officessupport ADBs objective of reducing poverty by strengthening its representation in its regional and nonregional members.



Implementing the Resident Mission Policy

In 2001, ADB continued to effectively implement its Resident Mission Policy. Continuing the expansion called for in the policy, ADB inaugurated a mission in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) and opened an extended mission in Gujarat, India; a mission in Mongolia; and a country office in the Philippines. The functions of the missions were realigned and expanded, with each taking a more active role in ADBs standard functions. Progress was made in expanding contacts with country stakeholders, coordinating with other funding agencies, and disseminating information about ADB operations. The missions continued work in portfolio management, with some assuming more responsibilities in 2001 in country programming, project processing, and economic and sector work. Significant increases in the amount of country programming work being handled by the resident missions were evident in Bangladesh, PRC, and Indonesia with each preparing the 2001 country strategy and program (CSP) updates. The PRC and Indonesia resident missions began work on full CSPs. The India Resident Mission supported expeditious processing of the Gujarat Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project and also processed the West Bengal Corridor Development Project as one of the pilot efforts in project processing; the Cambodia, Indonesia, and Viet Nam resident missions took a prominent role in major ADB initiatives in governance. The Sri Lanka Resident Mission processed an emergency loan to rebuild communities directly affected by the ongoing civil conflict. The Viet Nam Resident Mission prepared a private sector assessment for Viet Nam. The Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam resident missions helped process an $8 million grant, to be financed through the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, to help decrease the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the region. The resident missions assisted in public relations and information dissemination in 2001 as well. Resident mission staff in Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan hosted visits by ADB President Tadao Chino; the Bangladesh, PRC, India, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Uzbekistan resident missions produced regular newsletters; and several maintained web sites. At the end of 2001, ADB had 14 resident missions, one each in Bangladesh, Cambodia, PRC, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam; extended missions (nonpermanent representation) in Gujarat, India and Papua New Guinea; and a Special Office in East Timor. ADB also began work on establishing a Special Liaison Office in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Country office
ADB officially opened the Philippines Country Office (PhCO) at ADB headquarters in March 2001. The new office, with staff dedicated solely to operations in the Philippines, strengthened client orientation by establishing a streamlined and coordinated communication channel. Through PhCO, ADB is addressing urban poverty in Metro Manila; helping the Government develop the private sector to create jobs and boost economic growth; providing technical assistance in policy areas including governance, trade, and environment; and assisting in capacity building at the national and local government levels. The 2001 country portfolio review mission, held in April, focused on improving disbursement performance and addressing policy reform issues. In October 2001, ADB and the Government signed a partnership agreement on poverty reduction.

Regional mission
The South Pacific Regional Mission in Port Vila, Vanuatu, works with eight ADB DMCs: Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. The mission interacts with governments, civil societies, and the private sector; engages in policy dialogue; and coordinates aid. In 2001, the mission undertook country programming for the Cook Islands and Vanuatu, processed several loan and technical assistance projects, and administered 11 loan and 22 technical assistance projects, all performing satisfactorily.

Representative offices
The representative offices in Europe, Japan, and North America furthered ADBs interests in 2001 by increasing ADBs visibility in its donor members; mobilizing resources by promoting cofinancing with official and commercial sources; and improving awareness of the private sector through seminars and exhibits, leading to increased investment in the region. The European Representative Office (ERO), based in Germany, organized a conference on Infrastructure and Poverty Reduction in Asia with the Kreditanstalt fr Wiederaufbau and arranged an ADB Day in cooperation with the Regional Council of the Rhones-Alpes region in Lyon. ERO also helped organize the Seventh ADB-OECD Conference on Asian Perspectives on Technology and Poverty Reduction in Asia and the Pacific. The Japanese Representative Office (JRO) coordinated with organizers of the Third Asia-Europe Finance Ministers Meeting in Kobe in January, where ADB President Tadao Chino delivered a keynote address



entitled Post-Crisis Economic Recovery in Asia. To further strengthen its relationship with nongovernment organizations (NGOs) in Japan, JRO, in cooperation with the World Bank and the Japanese Ministry of Finance, arranged a review meeting on ADBs Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction and World Banks Japan Social Development Fund. The North American Representative Office, covering Canada and the US, played a key role in coordinating with the US Government arrangements for the 34th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors in Honolulu, Hawaii, and worked with the United Nations Development Programme, World Bank, and other institutions in coordinating recovery and reconstruction efforts of post-conflict Afghanistan.

Information management
Several departments and offices help generate and maintain ADBs knowledge base. The Office of External Relations (OER) facilitates knowledge management and dissemination of ADBs operations to internal and external audiences. Efforts to raise ADBs international profile continued in 2001 through OERs work in media relations, publications, web site (, briefings, speech writing, speaking engagements, photographic services, video production and distribution, exhibits, and internal information flows. ADB approved 62 new publications in 2001 and continued to disseminate ADB documents as part of its disclosure policy to 157 depository libraries and over 200 NGOs. For recent titles of ADB publications, see page 264. ADB projects and activities were featured in the newsmagazine ADB Review. Complementing print and on-line information, ADBs work was also documented through video and photographic services. Internal communications were strengthened by the quarterly Bank Forum , the Weekly Press Review, and the Daily News Digest, and regular updates to the resident missions and representative offices. Within the Office of Administrative Services, the Library, with its collection of 200,000 volumes, continued as ADBs knowledge resource center for print and electronic information. Educational institutions and individual researchers from around the world regularly used the Librarys collections and services via the Internet, telephone, facsimile inquiries, or in-person visits. On-line services and access continued to be enhanced in 2001. An upgraded on-line catalog of library resources was made available to ADB staff at headquarters, resident/regional missions, and representative offices. The Learning Resources Center (LRC) was

administratively and physically transferred to the Library to provide unified access to materials and to assist ADB staff in upgrading their skills. The LRC will facilitate the transition to e-learning and distance-learning activities within ADB and its projects. ADBs Records Center continued to maintain a records protection program to ensure that ADBs operations will continue during emergencies, while the Archives preserved and made available records of permanent value to ADBs history. The Office of Information Systems and Technology completed a midterm review of its Information Systems and Technology Strategy for 19982002 and began work on a follow-on strategy to cover 2003 and beyond. Implementation of the current strategy continued with the installation of network and server upgrades to improve network security, including network intrusion detection capabilities. An integrated server management system was acquired as part of a larger enterprise network management system. Computer hardware and software were procured and installed to provide enhanced risk management capabilities for ADBs investment and borrowing operations. The INTEGRA project was launched in 1999 to replace ADBs major computer systems with an integrated, web-enabled environment. The standard functionality of the new human resources and financial applications systems was pilot-tested in 2001. The off-the-shelf packages for these two modules were further customized to gain the full benefits of streamlined, automated, and integrated business processes. However, the standard commercial software could not be customized to meet ADBs operational requirements. This matter will be further addressed once the human resources payroll and financial applications are implemented. A multiyear replacement contract for microcomputers and associated peripheral equipment was initiated to meet operational needs and keep pace with technology changes. Extended-term facilities were set up to reduce the costs and streamline the processes involved in acquiring and managing personal computer software. A basic web infrastructure enabled internal collaboration and communication via the Intranet. In support of the Resident Mission Policy, complete information technology installations were provided to two new resident missions. Telephone systems, servers, and local area network equipment were upgraded, and voice and data link capacity was increased in three resident missions. Data links using virtual private network technology were implemented in seven resident missions and videoconferencing equipment was installed in two others.



The new organizational structure

will enhance ADBs effectiveness in meeting the needs of its developing member countries by strengthening the relevance of strategic planning and resource allocation and by ensuring that strong technical knowledge and skills are spread across ADB.


ince its last reorganization in 1995, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has faced new challenges, expanded its mandate, and taken on new and complex policy initiatives, including the Poverty Reduction Strategy in 1999. The Long-Term Strategic Framework (LTSF) 20012015, approved in 2001, consolidates those initiatives and experiences and charts ADBs agenda for the next 15 years. Consequently, ADB President Tadao Chino appointed a steering committee, working group, and secretariat to assess how best to implement the LTSF. After consulting with the Board of Directors, stakeholders, and external advisors, the steering committee recommended and the Board approved a reorganization plan for ADB. The new organizational structure will enhance ADBs effectiveness in meeting the needs of its developing member countries (DMCs) by strengthening the relevance of strategic planning and resource allocation and by ensuring that strong technical knowledge and skills are spread across ADB. At the heart of the new structure is a strong country and subregional focus that will improve the quality of ADBs assistance to individual DMCs, promote subregional cooperation, and, within ADB, strengthen the accountability for all services to the DMCs. DMCs will be grouped into five geographically contiguous areas: East and Central Asia, Mekong, Pacific, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. These departments replace the former projects and programs departments. Each regional department will be responsible for implementing ADBs strategic agenda in the countries it covers. They will undertake a full range of activities in their respective DMCs, beginning with the country strategy and program process; extending to planning, designing, and implementing projects; and undertaking economic, thematic, and sector work. For the most part, each regional department will consist of one operations coordination division, four sector divisions (infrastructure; agriculture, environment, and natural resources; social sectors; and governance, finance, and trade), and resident missions in the DMCs concerned. Each DMC will have a country team, headed by a principal desk officer at headquarters or the resident mission. The reorganization will improve ADBs work in other ways as well, such as enhancing the efficient management of knowledge and resources. The new Regional and Sustainable Development Department (RSDD) will be responsible for maintaining



quality and technical excellence across ADB and for developing and monitoring policies and guidelines for all thematic and sector work. RSDD will support regional cooperation and strengthen ADBs role in linking the region to global networks. RSDD will also monitor ADBs compliance with its own policies. An ADB-wide Knowledge Management Committee will be established to oversee ADBs program for knowledge products and monitor the progress in delivering such products. ADBs Private Sector Group has been strengthened and upgraded to a department, reflecting ADBs increased emphasis on private sector development. The new organizational structure of ADB and the accompanying changes in the business processes essential for meeting the goals of the reorganization became effective on 1 January 2002. For a chart of the new structure, see Appendix 6.

Human resource management, training, and development

In 2001, human resource management programs focused on attracting, retaining, and motivating staff, and on developing and implementing human resource policies to support ADBs goal of reducing poverty. In addition to recruiting highly qualified professional and support staff, staff members were redeployed to help attain the desired skills mix and promote professional development. Also in 2001, ADB began a review of its gender action program and outlined steps to integrate the program into its strategic policies. The role of the spouse liaison officer was expanded to include assisting spouses of new professional staff in settling in Manila. ADB continued to recognize staff for their meritorious contribution to ADBs operations through the Performance Recognition Program and for long-term employment through the Service Awards. In line with the Resident Mission Policy, approved in February 2000, human resource issues in the resident missions were identified and systems were implemented to align practices of the resident missions and the headquarters. Internal and external recruitment of professional and support staff was intensified to help each resident mission achieve its functional requirement. In the area of training, ADB focused on strengthening existing modules, developing new programs, and exploring new ways of delivering training sessions. Modules were added to the mission leadership program,

taking into consideration the widening role and responsibility of a mission team. A mentoring component was added to the mission leadership program. Videoconferencing enabled resident mission staff to take part in orientation seminars. Staff participated in policy and strategy awareness sessions and structured technical training in sector and thematic areas, including poverty analysis and reduction, governance, economic analysis, resettlement, and microfinance. Through seminars and general briefings, staff were familiarized with the new business processes. ADB continued to send staff to external learning events to acquire technical skills not provided in-house. Several staff attending the in-house Masters in Business Administration program entered their final year. ADB provided government officials, staff from other international organizations, and graduate students an opportunity to learn more about ADB through the Orientation Program for DMC Officials, Secondment Program, and the Internship Program, respectively. At the end of 2001, ADB had 2,163 staff from 47 of its 59 members. The total comprised 763 professional staff1 and 1,400 support staff,2 of which 295 staff3 or about 13.7% are located in the field offices. During the year, there were 86 appointments and 55 departures among professional staff, while 128 support staff joined ADB and 53 left. The number of women professional staff increased from 184 or 25.3% of total professional staff at the end of 2000, to 198 or 26.1% at the end of 2001. For more about careers at ADB, see .

Consistent with ADBs market-driven compensation system, a 4.3% increase in the professional staff salary structure was approved (effective 1 January 2002). For support staff salaries, the local salary survey for 2001 resulted in a 9.6% salary increase effective 1 January 2001 (the salary effectivity date was moved from 1 April to 1 January to coincide with the fiscal year and the annual performance evaluation). Upon recommendation of the Pension Committee, revisions to the Staff Retirement Plan were approved, which enhanced the commuted lump sum and the early retirement benefits. The review of the terms and service conditions for professional staff in the field offices continued in 2001 with further streamlining of the implementation guidelines announced in June 2001.



Administrative services
Security was tightened in 2001: additional security equipment was installed and close cooperation between ADB and the Philippine Government and foreign embassies continued. Anticipating the reorganization and continuing efforts to cut costs, ADB further streamlined its business processes. For example, more paper forms were converted to electronic templates and the use of ADBs Intranet was expanded. Shipping and marine insurance policies and procedures were made more effective and, as a result, several difficult insurance claims were resolved satisfactorily. Improvements in business processes also included prequalifying suppliers and awarding contracts for procuring various information technology products. Inventory and procurement management improved with enhancement of the new server-based software system in ADBs commissary. Commissary services improved with the assumption of the new management services contractor.

(LIBOR)-based loan products, and strengthen anticorruption work; and other expenses for ongoing and planned upgrading of information technology systems, and for enhancing the communications capacity of resident missions. In addition to internal administrative expenses, the 2002 budget also includes an annual capital budget of $4.0 million, mainly for improving infrastructure at ADB headquarters, enhancing technology and automation systems, and meeting the field offices regular capital expenditure requirements. For details, see Appendix 9.

RSDD will support regional cooperation and strengthen ADBs role in linking the region to global networks.

Audit and anticorruption

The Office of the General Auditor (OGA) conducts periodic, independent, and objective appraisals of ADB activities to ensure adequacy and effectiveness of controls and to identify the means for improving economy and efficiency in the use of resources in carrying out ADBs development mission. OGA is also the focal point in ADBs drive against corruption and in dealing with alleged incidents of corruption or fraud in its projects or by its staff. OGA reports directly to the President. The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors reviews OGAs activities. Internal audits in 2001 led to recommendations for better controlling and supervising building maintenance work and contractors monthly billings; clearing all outstanding audit recommendations in audited project accounts in Bangladesh; preparing timely completion reports and settling advances for project preparation technical assistance; strengthening follow-up procedures for loans with overdue payments; implementing appropriate measures for controlling various administrative processes in the Nepal Resident Mission; and strengthening control over mail delivery and communications costs. OGA also audited six consultants contracts in 2001 with the assistance of appointed auditors. These audits further strengthened the control procedures to ensure accurate and factual declaration of information in the consultants financial proposals and other documents submitted to ADB. In 2001, OGA implemented measures to streamline and standardize further various audit functions to maximize the use of available resources in producing value-added audit services. To promote interaction with

Actual internal administrative expenses (IAE) for 2001 amounted to $220.7 million, a saving of $6.2 million against the original budget of $226.9 million. The saving resulted mainly from the Philippine currency depreciation; net saving realized in various operational and administrative expenses; not using the 1% general contingency; and effective budget monitoring, including midyear review of work program and budget allocations. The IAE budget for 2002 of $240.0 million is the first under the reorganized ADB. The budget was formulated under the LTSF and the Medium-Term Strategy, with the work programs based on ADBs 3-year rolling work plan outlined in the Work Program and Budget Framework paper (20022004). ADBs 2002 budget is aimed principally at accelerating the translation of its strategic agenda into tangible outcomes at the country and subregional levels. Budgetary resources, therefore, will be targeted primarily at the effective direct delivery of quality products and services. The 2002 budgets volume growth was contained at 1.8%, demonstrating ADBs continuing efforts toward strict budgetary discipline. Major increments for 2002 include 30 new professional staff positions to enhance the delivery capacity of frontline operations in headquarters and resident missions, cater to fiduciary and other requirements of the new London interbank offered rate



other multilateral development banks (MDBs) and comply with the requirements for professional practice in internal auditing, OGA arranged to have internal auditors from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) conduct a peer review for determining the extent to which OGA has implemented best practices in its audit processes. The question of carrying out peer reviews has been discussed with other MDBs on a continuous basis, and OGA is likewise prepared to conduct such peer review, as it did on EBRD in 1998. ADBs Anticorruption Unit ( anticorruption), established in 1999, is the point of contact for reporting allegations of fraud and corruption among ADB-financed projects or its staff. To date, the Anticorruption Unit has investigated more than 190 allegations of fraud and corruption, treating the sources of allegations with utmost confidentiality and discretion. In 2001, the Anticorruption Unit increased awareness of the Anticorruption Policy and the Anticorruption Unit through presentations, seminars, and publications. OGA continued to audit project procurement-related activities, helping prevent and detect corruption or fraud. OGA also continued to strengthen its exchange of information with Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) and other MDBs through meetings, international conferences, and the annual meeting of MDBs auditors general. OGA has played an active role in helping upgrade the audit capability of SAIs in DMCs. In 2001, OGA was involved in training programs for the Asian Organization of

Supreme Audit Institutions and the South Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions, and upgrading the audit capabilities of the Government of the Peoples Republic of China and government auditors in three countries in Central Asia. OGA continued to participate in the ongoing implementation of the financial management and human resource management information system, focusing on security and control aspects in data conversion and acceptance testing of the system; the preimplementation activities of the Treasury Risk Management System to ensure that security and control aspects are addressed; fallback tests for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT, an electronic funds transfer system) and ADBs mainframe facilities, conducted in 2001 at the backup sites; and various administrative procurements, providing comments and observations to ensure compliance with procurement guidelines. OGA provided integrated assistance to ADBs external auditors in their continuing audit of ADBs annual financial statements throughout the year, and in certifying interim financial statements for ADBs various bond offerings. In 2001, the external auditors made a presentation on developments in International Accounting Standards and the extent of use and acceptance of these standards in selected DMCs. The presentation, attended by various departments, also provided an overview of developments in financial reporting in these countries.

1 Includes Management, i.e., the President and Vice-Presidents, Director's Advisors, staff on secondment and special leave without pay, and staff on loan to ADB Institute. 2 Includes staff on special leave without pay. 3 Includes 61 professional staff and 234 support staff.





he Asian Development Bank (ADB) is an international development finance institution whose vision is to make the Asian and Pacific region free of poverty. ADB was established in 1966 through the Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank (the Charter), ratified by 31 countries to promote the social and economic development of the region. ADB has 59 members (as of 31 December 2001), of which 43 are in the region. ADB is rated triple-A by Moodys and Standard & Poors. In pursuing its objectives, ADB provides different forms of financial assistance to its developing member countries (DMCs). The main instruments are loans, technical assistance, grants, guarantees, and equity investments, which are met through various funding resources. Such funding resources are ADBs ordinary capital resources (OCR)which are the main topic of this Managements Discussion and AnalysisSpecial Funds resources, and other funds. The Charter requires that each funding resource be kept separate from the other.

Ordinary capital resources

OCR come from three distinct sources: private capital markets in the form of borrowings; paid-in capital provided by government funds; and accumulated retained income (reserves), which provide a buffer for risk arising from operations.

Financial policies
The most important financial risk facing ADB as a multilateral development bank (MDB) is country credit risk. ADB has devised two policy instruments that provide the operational framework for addressing this risk: the income and reserves policy and the liquidity policy. The income and reserves policy addresses the potential losses caused by a major default by borrowers, while the liquidity policy addresses the potential disruption of access to capital markets, by the same default. The review of the income and reserves policy, undertaken by the Board of Directors in 1997, identified ADBs decisive income indicatorsthe interest coverage ratio (ICR) and the reserve:loan ratio (RLR). The ICR is the ratio of net income to financial expenses plus a factor of one. It measures the extent to which net income can fall without jeopardizing ADBs ability to service its financial expenses from current

The Managements Discussion and Analysis contains forward-looking statements that may be identified by such terms as believes, expects, intends, or words of similar meaning. Such statements involve several assumptions and estimates based on current expectations, which are subject to risks and uncertainties beyond ADBs control. Consequently, actual future results could differ materially from those currently anticipated.



income. The review concluded that the minimum policy level for the ICR should be about 1.31. The RLR is the ratio of total reserves to the sum of outstanding loans, equity investments, and guarantees. The RLR measures the adequacy of ADBs earning base relative to its loan assets. The policy maintains an RLR of about 25%. In light of deteriorating creditworthiness of most ADB borrowers resulting from the 1997 Asian financial crisis, ADB reviewed its OCR loan charges in 1999. A change in the structure of ADBs OCR loan charges was recommended and approved by the Board, and became effective on 1 January 2000. ADBs lending spread for all outstanding pool-based loans was raised from 40 to 60 basis points. A front-end fee of 1% was introduced for new loans, and a commitment fee of 0.75% was adopted for new program loans. To ensure the adequacy of its risk-bearing capacity, ADB reviews its income outlook annually. Based on the review, Management recommends to the Board the portion of the previous years actual net income for allocation to reserves, to ensure that the level of reserves is commensurate with the policy level. An increase in loan charges is recommended if net income is deemed inadequate, and a reduction in loan charges is recommended if net income is deemed excessive. ADBs existing liquidity policy requires that at the end of the year, the liquidity level should not be less than 40% of the undisbursed balance of loans to ensure that operations will not suffer from any disruption in ADB's access to capital markets due to loss of investor confidence. Such disruption could arise as a result of protracted arrears by one or more major borrowers. The existing policy is based on a balance sheet concept, not a cash flow concept. Accordingly, the policy is being reviewed with a view to shifting the target level of liquidity to a more dynamic one. On 1 July 2001, ADB introduced London interbank offered rate (LIBOR)-based loan (LBL) products to meet the needs of its public and private sector borrowers in managing interest rate and exchange rate risks. The new loans provide borrowers with a choice of currency and interest rate basis; options to link the repayment schedules to actual disbursements for financial intermediary borrowers; ability to change the original loan terms (currency and interest rate basis) at any time during the life of the loans; and options to purchase a cap or collar on a floating lending rate at any time during the life of the loans. With the introduction of the LBL, the pool-based multicurrency loans and market-based loans were no longer offered. ADB will cease offering the pool-based

single-currency loan in United States (US) dollars by 1 July 2002.

Basis of financial reporting

Statutory reporting: ADB prepares its financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied in the US. Effective 1 January 2001, ADB adopted Financial Accounting Standard (FAS) No. 133, Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities, along with its related amendments under FAS No. 138. These two standards are collectively termed FAS 133. As defined and required by FAS 133, ADB has marked all derivative instruments to fair value and reported in the balance sheet with changes in the fair value recognized in current net income. Under FAS 133, two options exist in accounting for derivative instruments: hedge or non-hedge accounting. In hedge accounting, changes in the fair value of certain hedge instruments have to be reflected in current income, while others have to be reflected in other comprehensive income. In non-hedge accounting, all changes in the fair value of hedge instruments need to be recognized as current income. A preliminary assessment using FAS 133 hedge criteria indicates that most of ADBs derivative transactions are highly effective in hedging underlying transactions and are appropriate for its operations in achieving lower funding costs. At the same time, however, ADB has also found that applying FAS 133 hedge criteria is not entirely reflective of risk management strategies within ADB. Compliance with the hedge criteria would impose undue constraints on ADBs future borrowing, loan, and hedge programs, and likely detract from its focus of minimizing the cost of borrowings. Therefore, ADB believes it is more important to continue pursuing the objective of minimizing the cost of borrowings rather than follow the accounting definition of a qualifying hedge. The application of FAS 133 qualifying hedge criteria would not make fully evident economic risks inherent in ADBs financial assets and liabilities. Accordingly, ADB chooses to adopt the non-hedge accounting and recognizes changes in fair value of derivative instruments in the period as part of the net income. Supplemental reporting: ADB manages its balance sheet by selectively using derivatives to minimize the interest rate and currency risks associated with its financial assets and liabilities. It uses derivative instruments to enhance asset/liability management of individual positions and portfolios, and to reduce borrowing costs. As certain financial instruments (including all derivatives and certain investments) are



Selected Financial Data

As of or for the year ended 31 December 2001 (amounts in $ million)
Statutory Reported Basisa 2001 Income and Expenses From Loans From Investments From Other Sources Total Income Interest and Other Financial Expenses Administrative Expensesb Technical Assistance to Member Countries Provision for Losses Total Expenses Operating Income before FAS 133 FAS 133 Adjustments Net Income Average Earning Assets Annual Return on Average Earning Assets Return on Loans Return on Investments Cost of Borrowings Reserve-to-Loan Ratio Liquidity Ratio Interest Coverage Ratio 1,813.7 403.4 21.6 2,238.7 1,434.1 59.0 20.0 9.8 1,522.9 715.8 147.5 863.3 36,272 2.28% 6.42% 5.91% 5.54% 28.47% 46.95% 1.58c 2000 1,861.3 399.9 39.7 2,300.9 1,576.7 92.6 5.9 1,675.2 625.7 625.7 36,693 1.71% 6.59% 5.09% 5.90% 27.26% 52.10% 1.40 Pre-FASa 133 Basis 2001 Net Income Average Earning Assets Annual Return on Average Earning Assets Return on Loans Return on Investments Cost of Borrowings Reserve-to-Loan Ratio Interest Coverage Ratio
a b c d

1999 1,674.6 344.0 9.2 2,027.8 1,447.2 105.9 24.8 1,577.9 449.9 449.9 34,788 1.29% 6.41% 3.96% 5.66% 25.97% 59.05% 1.31

1998 1,440.9 382.9 8.7 1,832.5 1,206.5 121.7 37.4 1,365.6 466.9 466.9 28,558 1.63% 6.78% 5.27% 5.70% 27.70% 55.43% 1.39 Current Value Basis 2001 473 38,431 1.23% 3.11% 2.66% 3.02% 26.66% 1.33d

1997 1,127.9 311.7 10.1 1,449.7 853.2 95.7 32.9 981.8 467.9 467.9 23,226 2.01% 6.89% 5.24% 6.10% 33.62% 41.90% 1.55

716 36,271 1.97% 6.42% 5.91% 5.63% 28.09% 1.50

nil FAS 133 was implemented in 2001. Accordingly, statutory reported basis is the same as pre-FAS 133 basis prior to 2001. Net of administration charge allocated to the Asian Development Fund. For 2000 and 2001, administrative expenses were net of front-end fees earned as well. Excludes the one-time cumulative effect of recording the adoption of FAS 133 on 1 January 2001. Excludes the cumulative effect of the adoption of current value basis accounting.

recognized at their fair value, while some others are still at cost (loans and borrowings), FAS 133 does not fully reflect the overall economic value of ADBs financial instruments. ADB also prepares two supplemental financial statements in the Managements Discussion and Analysis: current value basis and pre-FAS 133 basis for management information. ADB believes that the financial

statements under current value basis present the economic value of all its financial instruments. On the other hand, pre-FAS 133 basis presents financial information that is comparable to that in prior years. Discussion and analysis of current value: The Condensed Current Value Balance Sheet at right presents ADBs estimates of the economic value of its financial



Condensed Current Value Balance Sheet at 31 December 2001 and 2000

($ thousand)
31 December 2001 FAS 133 Reported Basis Due from Bank Investments and Accrued Income Loans Outstanding and Accrued Interest Equity Investment Receivable from Members Receivable from Swaps Other Assets TOTAL Borrowings and Accrued Interest Payable for Swaps Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Paid-In Capital Net Notional Maintenance of Value Ordinary Reserve Special Reserve Surplus Net Income after Appropriation Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Total Equity TOTAL
Nil ( ) Negative. a Translated using exchange rates at transaction date. b See the reclassification section in Note B to OCR Financial Statements.

31 December 2000 Current Value Adjustments 1,645,219 (147,957) 330,164 1,827,426 1,508,822 194,674 1,703,496 (222,905) (243,150) 589,985 123,930 1,827,426 Current Value Basis 68,823 8,330,341 30,697,150 208,018 200,543 6,379,403 478,096 46,362,374 26,734,750 6,784,076 1,955,836 35,474,662 2,989,775 (462,456) 7,589,531 182,903 116,645 471,314 10,887,712 46,362,374 Pro Forma Current Value 62,546 7,620,321 29,924,355 203,497 218,210 6,263,545 1,069,706 b 45,362,180 26,811,266 6,989,667 643,871b 34,444,804 3,049,828 b 7,166,484 181,608 116,645 402,811 10,917,376 45,362,180

Reversal of FAS 133 Effectsa (1,212) (330,164) (331,376) (26,261) (194,674) (220,935) (147,501) 37,060 (110,441) (331,376)

Pre-FAS 133 Basis 68,823 8,330,341 29,051,931 208,018 348,500 6,049,239 478,096 44,534,948 25,225,928 6,589,402 1,955,836 33,771,166 2,989,775 (462,456) 7,812,436 182,903 116,645 714,464 (589,985) 10,763,782 44,534,948

68,823 8,330,341 29,053,143 208,018 348,500 6,379,403 478,096 44,866,324 25,252,189 6,784,076 1,955,836 33,992,101 2,989,775 (462,456) 7,812,436 182,903 116,645 861,965 (627,045) 10,874,223 44,866,324

assets and liabilities, taking into consideration the changes in interest rates, exchange rates, and credit risks. Current value reflects the exit price for financial instruments with liquid markets and accordingly is similar in most respects to fair value. For financial instruments with no market, current value reflects the expected cash flow streams discounted with the appropriate interest and exchange rates. Loan portfolio: The majority of ADB loans are made to or guaranteed by ADB members. ADB does not sell its loans, believing that there is no comparable market for them. The current value of loans incorporates Managements best estimate of the probable expected

cash flow, including interest, to ADB. Estimated cash flows from principal repayments, interest, and other loan charges are discounted by the applicable market yield curves for ADBs funding cost, plus ADBs lending spread. The current value also includes ADBs appropriate credit risk assessment. To recognize the risk inherent in these and other potential overdue payments, ADB has adjusted the value of the loans through its loan loss provisioning. ADB has never suffered a loss on its public sector loans, with the exception of opportunity losses resulting from the difference between the discounted present value of expected payments for interest and



Condensed Current Value Income Statement for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000
($ thousand)
31 December 2001 Adjustments to Current Value 31 December 2000 Year-to-Date Reported Basis 1,861,334 399,862 39,734

Year-to-Date Reported Basis Income From Loans From Investments From Other Sources 1,813,640 403,436 21,634

Year-to-Date Current Value Basis 1,813,640 403,436 21,634

Total Income
Expenses Interest and Other Financial Expenses Administrative Expenses Technical Assistance to Member Countries Provision for Losses

1,434,112 59,039 19,962 9,838


1,434,112 59,039 19,962

1,576,745 92,559 5,910

Total Expenses
Operating Income Before FAS 133 Adjustment FAS 133 Adjustment Current Value Adjustments Provision for Losses Net Income Appropriation of Guarantee Fees to Special Reserve

715,759 147,501 863,260 (1,295)

9,838 (147,501) (243,150) (9,838) (390,651)

725,597 (243,150) (9,838) 472,609 (1,295)

625,716 625,716

Net Income After Appropriation





charges, according to the loans contractual terms, and actual timing of cash flows. The positive adjustment of $1.6 billion (5.7%) to ADBs loan balancefrom the FAS 133-reported basis of $29.1 billion to the current value basis of $30.7 billion reflects that the loans in the portfolio, on average, carry a higher interest rate than the discount rate at which ADB would currently originate similar loans. Investments: Under both the reported and current value bases, the investments held in ADB are carried and reported at fair value. Fair value is based on market quotations. In the case of instruments for which market quotations are not readily available, the current value is calculated using market-based methodologies. Equity investments: Equity investments with readily determinable fair values (i.e., market value) are reported at fair value. Unlisted equity investments without market value are reported at cost less allowance for losses, which represent a fair approximation of the current value. Receivables from members: Receivables from members consist of unrestricted, may be restricted, and restricted promissory notes. The current value of

receivables from members is based on the cash flow of the projected encashment of the promissory notes, discounted using appropriate interest and exchange rates. Borrowings after swaps: The current value of these liabilities includes the value of the debt securities and the financial derivative instruments associated with the borrowings portfolio. The current value is calculated using market-based methodologies. The increase of $1.5 billionequivalent to 5.8% in the value of the borrowings portfolio after swaps from the FAS 133-reported basis of $25.6 billion to the current value basis of $27.1 billionrepresents the fact that the average cost of the borrowings portfolio is higher than the rate at which ADB could currently obtain funding. For borrowings for 19912001, see chart on page 120.

Operating activities
In pursuing its objectives, ADB provides financial assistance to its DMCs through loans, technical assistance, guarantees, and equity investments to help meet their development needs. Loans: Until 30 June 2001, ADBs three lending windows for loans from OCR were the pool-based



LIBOR-Based Loan Products

On 1 July 2001, ADB introduced the London interbank offered rate (LIBOR)-based loan (LBL) products, carrying a floating lending rate that consists of 6-month LIBOR and a spread fixed over the life of the loan. The LBL is a timely response to borrowers demand for new ADB financial loan products that can meet borrowers needs to tailor the currency of the loan and the interest rate basis to suit project needs and/or external debt risk management strategies. The LBL has market-based features, including a fixed spread and pricing relative to standard market references that provide a transparent basis for borrowers to compare the terms of ADB loan products with those of other lenders and to be amenable to ADBs efficient intermediation on the finest possible terms. With the new LBL facility, a high degree of flexibility is given to borrowers in terms of choice of currency and interest rate basis; options to link repayment schedules to actual disbursements for financial intermediary borrowers; the ability to change the original loan terms (currency and interest rate basis) at any time during the life of the loans; and options to purchase a cap or collar on a floating lending rate at any time during the life of the loans. The LBL terms are available for all new loans with invitation to negotiate issued on or after 1 July 2001. LBLs are also extended to borrowers that wish to convert undisbursed amounts of presently effective pool-based single-currency United States (US) dollar loans, if the undisbursed balance constitutes at least 40% of the original loan amount as of 30 June 2001. To become a full-fledged LIBOR-based lender, however, ADB will retire all its existing loan products. Since 1 July 2001, the existing pool-based multicurrency and market-based lending facilities have no longer been offered; while on 1 July 2002, pool-based single-currency US dollar loans will be retired. Thus, effective 1 July 2002, ADBs loan product menu will consist only of LBLs. Loan currency: Borrowers may choose to denominate their LBLs in Euros, Japanese yen, or US dollars. The currency selected by the borrower will be the loan currency, i.e., the currency to be disbursed by ADB and to be paid by the borrower for its debt service payments. Interest rate basis: LBLs can be made on a floatingrate basis or on a fixed-rate basis, but initially all LBLs will have a floating lending rate. In a floating-rate loan, the lending rate is reset every 6 months on each interest payment date, referred to also as the lending rate reset date. The lending rate is the cost base rate plus a spread (the fixed spread) that is fixed in the loan agreement. The cost base is reset every 6 months, on either the 1st or 15th day of the month of a loans reset dates. The fixed spread for public sector borrowers is equal to ADBs basic lending spread prevailing at the time of loan signing (currently 60 basis points), regardless of the loan currency. The spread for private sector borrowers reflects the credit risk of the specific project and borrower. Borrowers may direct ADB to automatically implement a series of interest rate fixings either by period or by amount. Other loan charges : The current commitment charge of 0.75% and front-end fee of 1% applied to poolbased loans also apply to public sector LBL products. Other loan charges for private sector loans remain unchanged. Rebates and surcharges: Since the principle of automatic cost pass-through pricing is maintained for the LBLs, any actual sub-LIBOR funding cost margin will be returned to public sector borrowers through a rebate. For this purpose ADB will calculate twice a year (on 1 January and 1 July) its actual average funding cost margin. A surcharge could arise if ADBs funding cost is above the 6-month LIBOR, which is unlikely unless ADB experiences serious credit deterioration. Rebates or surcharges could also arise due to changes in ADBs basic lending spread because of changes in the credit quality of its entire loan portfolio. Pricing of conversions: For all conversions and interest rate caps and collars, ADB will pass on to borrowers the rates or cost of the corresponding hedge prevailing at the time of executing the conversion. In addition, a transaction fee applies ranging from 0.0625% to 0.125% of the principal amount involved. These fees may change during the life of the loan. By 1 July 2002, ADB will offer one set of loan productsLBL. Thereafter, borrowers can focus on three key terms that are central to external debt management strategy: currency, interest rate basis, and amortization. LBLs allow borrowers to tailor cash flows of their loans to suit their project or overall debt management needs. Therefore, borrowers should become familiar with the features of the LBL products as early as possible in the project cycle. Borrowers must consider the available options for the loan terms during project preparation and analyze the advantages and risks well before project appraisal.



multicurrency loan (PMCL) window, the pool-based for multicurrency loans decreased to 5.21% per annum, single-currency loan (PSCL) window in US dollars, and while the rate for US dollar loans remained at 6.70% the market-based loan (MBL) window. With the per annum. introduction of the LBL products on 1 July 2001, the The lending rates for MBLs are determined on the PMCL and MBL were no longer offered; while on 1 July basis of the 6-month LIBOR on 1 January and 1 July plus 2002, the PSCL in US dollars will be retired. The LBL a lending spread. The lending spread for MBL loans to facility is a timely response to borrower demand for new financial intermediaries in the public sector is the same ADB financial loan products that suit project needs and as that applicable for OCR pool-based public sector external debt risk management strategies. LBL products loans. For private enterprises, the lending spread is give borrowers a high degree of flexibility and at the same determined on a case-to-case basis to cover ADBs risk time provide low intermediation risk to ADB. exposure to particular borrowers and projects. See OCR loan approvals, disbursements, repayments, Lending Rates table at right. and prepayments: In 2001, 30 OCR loans totaling Four LBLs became effective in December 2001, $4.0 billion were approved, compared with 391 OCR three in US dollars and one in Japanese yen. The lending loans totaling $4.1 billion approved in 2000. Of the rates are determined on the basis of the 6-month LIBOR 2001 amount, 91.2% of the loans went to India, by reference to each loan disbursement date, plus a Peoples Republic of China, Pakistan, Indonesia, and lending spread. The lending spread for public sector Bangladesh. Disbursements in 2001 totaled $2.8 billion, loans is 60 basis points, while the spread for private a decrease of 1.2% from $2.9 billion in 2000. Principal sector loans varies. The daily 6-month LIBOR for US repayments for the year were $1.2 billion, of which dollars and Japanese yen are shown in the chart below. $52.5 million represented prepayments on loans. In Technical assistance: ADB considers technical 2001, three loans were fully prepaid and one loan was assistance programs as an important part of ADBs partially prepaid. On 31 December 2001, cumulative overall operations in helping DMCs meet their loans outstanding after allowance for losses amounted development objectives. From 1967 to 1992, technical to $28.7 billion. assistance expenses were charged to OCR as well as to Status of loans: Three public sector OCR loans other technical assistance funding resourcesTechnical (two to Myanmar and one to Nauru) and 12 private Assistance Special Fund, Japan Special Fund, and other sector loans were in nonaccrual status at the end of trust/grant funds. In 2001, ADBs Board of Directors 2001. The total outstanding balances of these public and approved the financing of high priority technical private sector loans were $3.1 million and $75.4 million, assistance programs out of OCR current income within a respectively. The combined total of $78.5 million rolling 4-year financing framework. The amount of comprised 0.3% of the total OCR loans outstanding. financing required varies between years and will be Lending rates: The lending rates for the PMCL and subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. PSCL US dollar loan windows are determined on the Guarantees: ADB provides guarantees as credit basis of the previous semesters average cost of enhancements for eligible projects to cover risks that borrowings plus a lending spread (60 basis points since 1 January 2000). Daily 6-Month LIBOR ,a December 2001b The MBL window provides single(percent) currency loans in US dollars, Japanese yen, or Swiss francs to private sector borrowers and government-guaranteed financial intermediaries at current terms. The interest rates on loans from the MBL window are on either fixed- or floating-rate terms. ADBs pool-based variable lending rates for the first half of 2001 were 5.50% per annum for multicurrency loans and 6.70% per a London interbank offered rate. annum for US dollar loans. For the b Applicable LIBOR will be determined by reference to each loan disbursement date and interest second half of 2001, the lending rate payment date. Future rates may fluctuate depending on the market situation.



Lending Rates a
(% per annum)
2001 1 January 1 July 5.50 6.70 5.21 6.70 2000 5.72 6.46 5.68 6.53 Multicurrency US Dollar Multicurrency US Dollar

a Lending rates are set on 1 January and 1 July every year and are valid for 6-month periods.

the private sector cannot easily absorb or manage on its own. Reducing these risks can make a significant difference in mobilizing debt funding for projects. ADB has used its guarantee instruments successfully for infrastructure projects, financial institutions, capital markets, and trade finance. The guarantee instruments are recognized as off-balance sheet financial instruments in ADBs annual financial statements. ADB offers two guarantee productspolitical risk guarantees and partial credit guaranteesboth designed to mitigate risk exposure of commercial lenders and capital market investors. These guarantees are not issued on a stand-alone basis but are provided for projects where ADB has direct participation. ADB can cooperate with other multilateral, official, and private sector entities in providing its guarantee products. Political risk guarantees : ADBs political risk guarantee (PRG) program is designed to facilitate cofinancing by providing lenders/capital market investors of an ADB-assisted project with cover against specifically defined political risks. Coverage is available against any combination of the risks in the nature of expropriation, currency inconvertibility or nontransferability, political violence, and breach of contract, and is available for loans and other debt instruments, but not equity instruments. Equity instruments are ineligible for PRG coverage. Tenors are based on the underlying project merits. All or part of outstanding debt service obligations to a lender may be covered. The cover may be for principal and/or interest payment obligations. For private sector projects, ADB can issue a PRG without a counterguarantee from the host government. However, PRG exposure to a private sector project without a counterguarantee from the host government is subject to a maximum of $150 million or 50% of the project cost, whichever is lower. Fees, payable in advance, are market-based and comprise a guarantee fee, a front-end fee, and a standby fee. ADBs PRG is callable when a guaranteed event has occurred and resulted in debt service default to the guaranteed lender.

In 2001, ADB concluded three PRG transactions, two of which were in the private sectorone each in Bangladesh ($70 million) and Sri Lanka ($31 million) to support power projects. In these, ADBs PRG covered breach of contract to commercial cofinanciers. These transactions were backed by the respective host countrys counterguarantee. The third transaction was in the public sector to promote and gain access to trade finance by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan ($150 million). ADBs PRG now allows eligible banks to confirm offshore letters of credit issued by select local banks from Pakistan. Partial credit guarantees: The partial credit guarantee (PCG) provides comprehensive cover (commercial and political risks) for a specific portion of the debt provided by cofinanciers. PCG cover is particularly useful for projects in DMCs with restricted access to financial markets, but which ADB considers creditworthy and financially sound. Since the 1997 Asian financial crisis, borrowers, project sponsors, cofinanciers, and host governments have aimed to hedge currency mismatch risks by using the revenue currency as the borrowing currency. ADBs PCGs can cover local currency debt, including domestic bond issues or longterm loans from local financial institutions. For private sector transactions not supported by a counterguarantee from the host government, the exposure limit is $75 million or 25% of the project cost, whichever is less. Guarantee fees for private sector transactions are determined by the market. Guarantee fees for transactions backed by a host government guarantee comprise a standard counterguarantee fee of 40 basis points (0.4%) per annum on the present value of the outstanding guarantee obligation plus a front-end fee to cover ADBs processing costs. Fees can be charged either to the borrower or lender. One PCG project in the public sector was approved in 2001 to support the SME Sector Development Program in Sri Lanka. ADB is committed to further develop the regional bond markets by using its guarantee products. ADB's guarantee instruments are reliable in catalyzing capital flows to its DMCs by providing necessary credit enhancements. ADBs total exposure toward loan guarantees is disclosed in Note E to the OCR Financial Statements. Private sector equity investments and loans: The Charter allows ADB to use the OCR to make total equity investments in private enterprises up to 10% of its unimpaired paid-in capital with reserves and surplus, exclusive of special reserve. As of 31 December 2001, there were 61 companies in which ADB held equity only, 23 in which it provided loans only, and



21 companies where it provided both equity and loans. The total equity portfolio for both outstanding and undisbursed approved facilities amounted to $449.2 million, including $0.5 million relating to the Japan Special Fund at year-end 2001. This represents about 3.5% as against the 10% ceiling defined by the Charter. At the end of 2001, the overall private sector portfolio (equity investments and loans) was about $1.2 billion, which is within the operational limit of $1.5 billion set by the Board of Directors. As an interim arrangement, pending the implementation of a more objective capital allocation methodology, approvals of private sector operations in excess of $1.5 billion are allowed beginning in September 2001. It is also ADBs policy to limit a single project exposure (aggregate equity investment and loan) to the lesser of $75 million or 25% of total project cost. In 2001, ADB approved equity investments amounting to $30.4 million in three projects. These were $0.4 million in NDB Housing Bank Limited in Sri Lanka; $25 million in the Lombard Thailand Intermediate Fund, LLC; and $5 million in the Mekong Enterprise Fund, a regional project.

Borrowings, 19912001
($ million)

Total shareholders equity, after reclassifying the notional maintenance value of $0.4 million as of 31 December 2000, grew from $10.4 billion as of 31 December 2000 to $10.9 billion as of 31 December 2001. This was primarily due to 2001 net income after appropriation of guarantee fee to special reserve of $862.0 million, offset by unfavorable translation adjustments of $289.5 million, and unfavorable movement in the exchange rates and notional maintenance value of $174.7 million. In addition to subscribed and paid-in capital, capital backing in the form of callable capital can be called only if required to meet ADBs obligations incurred on borrowings or guarantees under the OCR. As of 31 December 2001, the callable shares subscribed amounted to $40.6 billion.

In May 2001, the Board of Directors approved a borrowing program of $3.4 billion equivalent for 28 May 2001 to 30 April 2002. As in previous years, implementing the borrowing program for 2001/2002 focused on the core objective of ensuring the availability of long-term funds at the lowest cost possible for ADBs lending operations. Accordingly, in 2001, ADB employed a selective bond issuance funding strategy, concentrating mainly on private placement transactions that offer cost-efficient

funding. Under this strategy, in July 2001 ADB established a $20 billion Global Debt Issuance Facility (GDIF) designed to increase its responsiveness to opportunities in the private placement market. The newly established GDIF allowed ADB to issue bonds at short notice and in a currency, size, and structure that matched investors needs. As a result, in 2001 ADB completed a total of 15 structured private placement transactions under the GDIF, raising about $700 million in long-term funds. Interest rate and currency swaps allowed ADB to transform these structured borrowings into plain vanilla liabilities on a fully hedged basis. Aside from the private placement transactions, ADB also raised about $500 million through two public offerings in July 2001, bringing total 2001 medium- and long-term borrowings to about $1.2 billion. First, ADB issued a 10-year A$500 million bond in Australias domestic debt market; with a 10-year maturity, the issue became the longest maturity deal launched by a supranational entity in that market. Second, ADB reopened its existing 6.75%, $1.0 billion global bond due 2007 in the amount of $250 million, increasing the outstanding principal to $1.2 billion. The average life of long-term borrowings undertaken in 2001 was about 6.2 years, compared with 5.6 years in 2000. As part of its market diversification strategy, ADB borrowed in three currencies, with Australian dollars accounting for about 41%, US dollars 38%, and Japanese yen 21%. After swaps, almost all the 2001 borrowings were converted into US dollar floatingrate liabilities. Aside from the medium- and long-term borrowings, ADB also raised short-term funds totaling $1.2 billion through Euro-commercial paper (ECP) issuance. As of the end of 2001, only $400 million of ECPs were outstanding. These ECPs will be refinanced by long-term borrowings in 2002. The remainder of the borrowing program for 2001/ 2002, amounting to $2.2 billion, will be implemented



(amounts in $ million)
2001 2000

Average Size of Liquidity Portfolio

(percent per annum)
2001 Core Portfolio 5,202.00 381.00 1,101.00 6,684.00 Operational Cash Portfolio Cash Cushion Portfolio TOTAL 2000 5,027.00 967.00 1,461.00 7,455.00

Medium and Long Term Total Principal Amount Average Maturity a (years) Number of Transactions Public Offerings Private Placements Number of Currencies Public Offerings Private Placements Short Termb Total Principal Amountc Number of Transactions Number of Currencies

1,207.1 6.2 2 15 2 3 1,249.7 9 2

1,692.6 5.6 3 1 1 1 250.0 2 1

Return on Liquidity Portfolio

Annualized Financial Return (%) 2001 Core Portfolio Operational Cash Portfolio Cash Cushion Portfolio TOTAL 7.25 3.59 2.29 6.11 2000 7.00 0.97 1.22 6.09

a On a first call basis. b All Euro-commercial papers. c At year-end, the outstanding principal amount was $400 million in 2001 and nil in 2000.

during JanuaryApril 2002. Aside from the private placement strategy, ADB, in 2002, will focus on maintaining its strong presence in key currency bond markets through regular benchmark global bond issuance.

Liquidity portfolio management

The liquidity portfolio helps ensure the uninterrupted availability of funds to meet loan disbursements, debt servicing, and other cash requirements. It also contributes to ADBs earning base. The Investment Authority, which is approved by the Board of Directors, governs liquid asset investments. Its primary objective is to ensure the security and liquidity of funds invested, as ADB seeks to maximize returns on its liquidity portfolio investment. ADBs investments are made in the same currencies as received. In compliance with its Charter, ADB does not convert currencies for investment. At present, liquid investments are held in 18 currencies. ADBs liquid assets are held in obligations of governments and other official entities, time deposits, and other unconditional obligations of banks and financial institutions, and, to a limited extent, in corporate bonds, mortgage-backed securities, and assetbacked securities of high credit quality. The liquid assets are held in three subportfolios core portfolio, operational cash portfolio, and cash cushion portfolioall of which have different risk profiles and performance benchmarks. The average size of

the liquidity portfolios during 2000 and 2001 is presented in the table above. The core portfolio is funded by equity and invested to ensure that the primary objective of a liquidity buffer is met. Cash inflows and outflows are minimized to achieve the core portfolios objective of maximizing the total return relative to a defined risk tolerance level. The portfolio performance is measured against external benchmarks with an average duration of about 2 years. The operational cash portfolio is designed to meet net cash requirements over a 1-month period. It is funded by equity and invested in short-term, highly liquid money market instruments. The portfolio performance is measured against short-term external benchmarks. The cash cushion portfolio holds the proceeds of ADBs borrowing transactions pending disbursements. The portfolio is invested in short-term instruments and its performance is measured against short-term external benchmarks. Risk management: Implementing the new investment strategy substantially changed the treasury risk management requirements of ADBs investment portfolio, requiring new monitoring measures and reporting systems. In 2001, ADB selected and began installing an advanced treasury risk management system, the software components of which will enable the Risk Management Division to enhance the current level of risk identification, measurement, and analysis. New tools will be introduced to measure market and credit risks, including various value-at-risk methodologies, stress-tests, and risk-adjusted performance and



attribution measures. The risk management system will generate greater operational efficiency by introducing straight-through-processing, linking the Treasurers Departments front, middle, and back offices. Software implementation will be completed in late 2002. In ADBs private sector operations, the Risk Management Unit has two main functions: special assets management to give special attention to the most vulnerable private sector projects; and credit review to evaluate and give an independent credit judgment, separate from the dealing officers judgment on each project. ADB is currently reviewing its ADB-wide risk management.

Summary of financial performance and allocation of net income

Income and expenses: Gross income decreased by 2.7%, from $2.3 billion in 2000 to $2.2 billion in 2001 because of a decrease in loan and other income. Of the total gross income, $1.8 billion was generated by the loan portfolio, $403.4 million by the investment portfolio, and $21.6 million from other sources (see Selected Financial Data on page 114). Total operating expenses were $1.5 billion, down by $152.3 million, or 9.1% from the previous year of $1.7 billion. The reduction in expenses was because of a $142.6 million decrease in interest and financial expenses, a $33.5 million decrease in administrative expenses,2 a $3.9 million increase in the provision for losses, and technical assistance financing for 2001 of $19.9 million. The provision for losses was higher for 2001 ($9.8 million), compared with 2000 ($5.9 million) primarily because of exceptional loss provisions established during 2001 as a result of operational difficulties in some investee companies and private sector borrowers. The reduction in administrative expenses resulted primarily from the offset of front-end fees of $34.8 million earned in 2001. Total operating expenses accounted for 68.0% of the gross income, compared with 72.8% in 2000. For the year ending 31 December 2001, the reported net income was $863.3 million, compared with $625.7 million in 2000. The increase of $237.6 million (representing 38.0% increase) in net income is predominantly attributable to the following. Income of $147.5 million related to FAS 133 adjustments reflected the initial adoption of this standard on 1 January 2001 and the year-to-date marked to fair value of ADBs derivative instruments. The FAS 133 adjustment is limited to

the change in value of derivative instruments as opposed to all financial instruments. The remaining increase in income of $90.1 million related primarily to a reduction in interest and financial expenses, as well as administrative expenses. FAS 133 adjustments: Of the FAS 133 adjustment of $147.5 million, $34.7 million reflected the initial transition entry on adoption of FAS 133 and $153.5 million represented the change in the values of the derivatives during the period. These amounts have been offset by amortization of the FAS 133 transition adjustments during 2001 of $40.7 million. The $153.5 million gain on derivatives arose predominantly because of several US dollar interest rate swaps with fixed interest receivable and floating interest payable. The significant fall in US dollar interest rates during 2001 meant that these derivatives gained significant value. The adjustment to current value removes the impact related to the adoption of FAS 133, as these effects are already accounted for in the current value adjustment. Current value income: For 2001, net income was $472.6 million under the current value basis, compared with the pre-FAS 133 income of $715.8 million. The decrease under the current value method was attributed to the unfavorable currency translation adjustment for the period, which outweighed the gain on investment holding and the gain resulting from the downward movement of interest rates. Allocation of net income: During the year, in accordance with the income and reserves policy approved in 1997, ADB reviewed its income outlook and allocation of 2000 net income. Based on the review, the Board of Governors approved that the entire amount of $625.7 million of the 2000 net income be allocated to reserves. The Board of Directors approved that in 2001, ADB be allowed to convert an equivalent amount of $600 million of nondollar operating currencies into US dollars; and that there should be no generalized change in OCR loan charges.

Special Funds
ADB is authorized by its Charter to establish and administer Special Funds. Special Funds being administered as of 31 December 2001 were the Asian Development Fund (ADF); the Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF); the Japan Special Fund (JSF), including the Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility (ACCSF); and the ADB Institute Special Fund.



Asian Development Fund

The ADF is the concessional lending window of ADB that provides loans to its DMCs with low per capita gross national product and limited debt repayment capacity. The governments of 27 donor members (regional and nonregional) have contributed to the ADF, which is the only multilateral source of concessional assistance dedicated exclusively to the needs of Asia and the Pacific. The ADF supports activities that promote poverty reduction and improve quality of life of ADBs poorer DMCs. The ADF is, therefore, an important instrument of multilateral cooperation for achieving poverty reduction through equitable and sustainable development in the poorest countries of Asia and the Pacific. ADF VIII: On completing their negotiations in Okinawa, Japan, on 7 September 2000, donors recommended a level of ADF operations for 20012004 of $5.65 billion. Of this, $2.79 billion will come from new donor contributions, and an additional $0.12 billion will be generated from the acceleration of encashments in accordance with the schedule agreed by the donors. The $2.74 billion balance will be met from the commitment authority derived from repayments of earlier loans. In December 2000, the Board of Governors adopted Resolution No. 276, which set out the replenishment terms and conditions. ADF VIII became effective on

ADF Commitment Authority

($ million, year-end)
2000 a ADF VIII Contributions ADF VII Contributions ADF VI Contributions Expanded Advance Commitment Authority Total ADF Resources Less: Loans Committed Carryover of Conditional Loans Committed Provision for Disbursement Risk TOTAL 1,978.2 417.0 2,231.4 4,626.6 4,471.0 0.0 155.7 0.0 2001a 417.3 120.6 800.0 1,337.9 b 712.9 c 584.8 d 35.0 5.3

a Total does not add due to rounding. b Excludes pre-ADF VIII amounts for determining the ADF commitment authority under the new financial planning framework for managing ADF resources, as approved by the Board on 15 April 1997. c Excludes loans that were conditionally approved in November and December 2001. d Loans that were conditionally approved the previous year and were funded in January 2001.

14 June 2001 when the total amount of Instruments of Contribution deposited with ADB for unqualified contributions reached an amount equivalent to SDR1,028,652,262 ($1,405,068,014 at the Resolution exchange rates), thereby exceeding the trigger amount for effectiveness, equal to 50% of all pledged contributions (including the contribution of Hong Kong, China, which was not reflected in the Resolution table of contributions, and New Zealands increased contribution). By the end of 2001, ADF VIII Instruments of Contribution had been received from 16 donors, for a total of $1,845,752,514. 3 Fourteen of those donors Australia; Austria; France; Hong Kong, China; Japan; Republic of Korea; The Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Singapore; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; and United Kingdomdeposited untied Instruments of Contribution. Canada and Taipei,China deposited Instruments of Contribution containing a qualification, as permitted by the Resolution, that all installment payments except the first were subject to budgetary appropriations. For details of amounts released for operational commitment in 2001, see the column labeled Addition in Table 31 in the Statistical Annex. ADF VII: The sixth ADF replenishment (ADF VII) was intended to cover 19972000. At the end of the period, a few installment payments were still outstanding. Italy and Australia paid their fourth installments, totaling $48.70 million, in February 2001 and May 2001, respectively. In March 2001, the US released $71.84 million as partial payment of its third installment. These resources became part of the ADF VIII commitment authority in 2001. Since the US paid only part of its third installment and none of its fourth installment, four donorsAustria, France, Germany, and Malaysia exercised their pro rata rights and did not release their fourth installments for operational commitment. The total amount withheld was $58.71 million. ADF loan approvals, disbursements, and repayments : In 2001, 46 ADF loans totaling $1.4 billion were approved, compared with 49 ADF loans totaling $1.6 billion approved in 2000. Of the 2001 amount, about 56% went to Pakistan, Viet Nam, and Bangladesh, in order of magnitude. Disbursements during 2001 totaled $1,024.3 million, a decrease of 9.8% from $1,135.0 million in 2000. At the end of the year, cumulative disbursements from ADF resources were $17.6 billion. Loan repayments during the year amounted to $219.3 million, and cumulative repayments were $1.6 billion. As of 31 December 2001, ADF loans outstanding amounted to $14.8 billion. The table at left indicates the availability and use of ADF resources in 2001.



Status of loans: Four public sector loans to Afghanistan, 28 public sector loans to Myanmar, and 1 private sector loan were in nonaccrual status at the end of 2001. Total outstanding ADF loans to Afghanistan amounted to $27.7 million, to Myanmar $414.4 million, and to the private sector $5.2 million, together comprising about 3.0% of the total ADF loans outstanding. Portfolio position: The ADF investment portfolio amounted to $2.6 billion at the end of 2001, compared with $2.3 billion at the end of 2000. About 15% of the portfolio was invested in bank deposits, and 85% in floating and fixed income securities. The financial rate of return on ADF investments rose to 5.4% in 2001 from 5.2% in 2000. The portfolio was denominated in 14 currencies, with yen and US dollars accounting for about 30% of portfolio holdings.

JSF: Reducing Poverty in East Timor, Educating Children in Viet Nam

The Japan Special Fund (JSF) continued to support ADB's efforts to reduce poverty. In East Timor, ADBs first technical assistancefunded through the JSFwill enhance the country's capacity to make more informed decisions about its post-independence needs. A Memorandum of Understanding between the East Timor Transitional Administration, ADB, World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme for the design and implementation of a joint poverty assessment was a first step in developing a collaborative poverty reduction strategy for East Timor. The poverty assessment included surveys at the household, village, and community levels. In Viet Nam, rural students, including ethnic minorities in remote areas, will have better access to quality secondary education because of a $600,000 technical assistance grant provided by ADB using JSF monies. Vietnamese Government officials, a representative of the Government of Japan, and ADB staff signed a technical assistance agreement in September in Hanoi, which cleared the way for preparing papers on key education issues, including a detailed proposal for the Upper Secondary Education Development Loan Project. At the signing ceremony, officials stressed the importance of investing in education as a way to empower the poor and reduce poverty, noting that education empowers the poor to boost their incomes and leave the pain of poverty behind.

Technical Assistance Special Fund

Review of activities: In April 2001, the Board of Directors approved the reintroduction of the use of ordinary capital resources (OCR) current income for financing part of technical assistance operations. Thus, no reallocation was made from the OCR surplus account to the TASF. During the year, Pakistan made its 24th direct voluntary contribution to the TASF and India made its 17th, amounting to about $70,000 and $47,000, respectively. These were made on a wholly untied basis. At the end of 2001, total TASF resources amounted to $911.0 million ( see table). Of this, $829.7 million had been committed, leaving an uncommitted balance of $81.3 million. For details, see Table 32 in the Statistical Annex. Operations and resource position: Technical assistance committed (approved and effective) decreased from $80.5 million in 2000 to $34.7 million in 2001, with 74 technical assistance projects effective during the year. In 2001, $5.5 million ($13.4 million in 2000), representing completed and canceled technical assistance projects, was written back as a reduction in technical assistance for the period and the corresponding undisbursed commitment was eliminated. Revenue from investment increased from $9.7 million in 2000 to $10.9 million in 2001, due to favorable fair value changes. As a result of decreased

contribution, the uncommitted balance available for future commitments decreased from $115.5 million in 2000 to $81.3 million in 2001. In terms of technical assistance approved during the year, the TASF contributed 40.8% of funding for total technical assistance. For details, see Table 24 in the Statistical Annex. At the end of 2001, TASF investments stood at $185 million, down by $54 million from 2000. Other

Technical Assistance Special Fund Cumulative Resources

($ million)
2000 Regularized Replenishment Contributions Allocations from OCR Net Income Direct Voluntary Contributions Income from Investment and Other Sources Transfers from the TASF to the ADF TOTAL
( ) Negative.

2001 238.0 501.0 87.4 88.1 (3.5) 911.0

238.0 501.0 87.3 76.7 (3.5) 899.5



assetscomprising dues from banks, advances to consultants, and otherstotaled $9.5 million. Accounts payable to the OCR and others amounted to $177,000.

Japan Special Fund

Review of activities: The technical assistance grants funded by the JSF continued to support ADB operations aimed at reducing poverty. In March 2001, the Government of Japan contributed 3.7 billion yen ($30.9 million equivalent) as a regular contribution to the JSF. As of 31 December 2001, Japan's cumulative contribution to the JSF, since its inception in 1988, totaled 94.3 billion yen (about $813.5 million equivalent), comprising regular contributions of 76.3 billion yen and supplementary contributions of 18.0 billion yen. In 2001, ADB approved 96 technical assistance grants for JSF funding totaling $53.8 million. The uncommitted balance as of 31 December 2001 was $39.3 million. For details, see Tables 24 and 33 in the Statistical Annex. Sectoral activities: In 2001, the JSF financed 37% of the total amount of technical assistance approved by ADB, including 72% of the total amount of project preparatory technical assistance approved during the year. The breakdown of JSF approvals by sector is shown in the table below .

Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility

Review of activities: The ACCSF was established in March 1999 for a 3-year period as an independent component of the JSF. The ACCSF is administered by ADB and funded entirely by the Government of Japan as part of its financial assistance under the New Miyazawa Initiative to countries in the region most affected by the Asian financial crisis: Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand. The ACCSF modalities comprise

interest payment assistance (IPA), technical assistance grants, and guarantees. The ACCSF assistance must be approved within the 3-year period after the ACCSF was established (i.e., not beyond 23 March 2002). At the end of 2001, Japans cumulative contributions for the IPA and technical assistance components of the ACCSF amounted to 27.5 billion yen ($241.0 million equivalent). In 2001, ADB approved 16 technical assistance grants for ACCSF funding amounting to $16.1 million (see tables below). The uncommitted balance of ACCSF funds for IPA and technical assistance was $89.1 million as of 31 December 2001. For details, see Tables 24 and 34 in the Statistical Annex. ACCSF financing is targeted at activities that support policy dialogue, human resource development, institutional strengthening, and other relevant efforts focusing on bank and corporate debt restructuring; create or develop sound financial monitoring, supervision, and regulation; enhance public sector and corporate governance; develop social safety nets; and protect the environment. The Government of Japan also deposited a promissory note for 360.0 billion yen ($2.7 billion equivalent) in the ACCSF custodian account, which may be encashed to meet a call on any guarantees issued under the ACCSF. Although opportunities for using ACCSF guarantees in relation to ADB operations in the

Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility Technical Assistance by Country, 2001

$ Million Indonesia Philippines Thailand Regional TOTAL 8.9 3.8 1.6 1.8 16.1 % 55.3 23.6 9.9 11.2 100.0

Japan Special Fund Technical Assistancea by Sector, 2001

$ Million Agriculture and Natural Resources Social Infrastructure Others Transport and Communications Multisector Energy Industry and Nonfuel Minerals Finance TOTAL
a Includes regional technical assistance.

% 28.3 21.2 20.7 13.0 5.9 5.6 3.4 1.9 100.0 Finance Social Infrastructure Others Energy Multisector TOTAL

15.2 11.4 11.2 7.0 3.1 3.0 1.9 1.0 53.8

Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility Technical Assistance by Sector, 2001

$ Million 6.3 4.0 3.8 1.0 1.0 16.1 % 39.1 24.9 23.6 6.2 6.2 100.0



DMCs eligible for ACCSF financing were identified in 2001, no ACCSF guarantee operations were concluded during the year. Sectoral activities: In 2001, the ACCSF financed 11% of all technical assistance approved by ADB.

ships. The number of new scholarships awarded annually has grown from 49 in 1988 to 170 in 2001.

Channel financing arrangements

Official grant cofinancing plays a vital role in ADB operations, particularly in view of the continuing constraints on TASF and ADF resources. These grant funds support ADBs technical assistance program and finance soft components of its loan projects. A majority of such grants are provided by bilateral donors under channel financing arrangements (CFAs). ADB acts as administrator of the funds and applies its own guidelines and procedures in recruiting consultants, procurement, disbursement, and project supervision. Under a CFA, the donor enters into a comprehensive agreement with ADB whereby the donor provides an untied grant fund to be administered by ADB (but the fund does not become part of ADB's own resources); the donor indicates its preferred sectors and recipient countries in the use of the fund; ADB regularly provides the donor with a list and description of proposed technical assistance projects that satisfy the donors preferences; and the donor and ADB agree on the specific activities to be financed under the fund. Funds provided under a CFA are transferred to an interestbearing account and may also be invested by ADB pending disbursement. A donor is provided with regular financial statements and progress reports on the use of the fund. ADB is responsible for project preparation, processing, and administration. CFAs may be replenished with additional funds at the donor's discretion. The primary advantage of CFAs is that funding for several individual technical assistance projects may be provided under a single agreement. Accordingly, they minimize the need for detailed negotiations on a caseby-case basis and foster administrative efficiency. The first CFA was negotiated in 1980. Since then, ADB has entered into CFAs with 14 bilateral donors: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. To date, 151 technical assistance grants have been financed under CFAs with a cumulative amount of about $73.7 million. In addition to the traditional type of CFA (which may be used for several sectors), the processing of thematic CFAs with bilateral agencies rose sharply in 2001 in such areas as renewable energy, climate change, poverty reduction, governance, and water. Several thematic CFAs are now being packaged as umbrella facilities to allow more than one donor to contribute. The traditional CFAs approved in 2001 include the Canadian Cooperation Fund on Climate

ADB Institute Special Fund

The costs for operating the ADB Institute are met from the ADB Institute Special Fund (ADBISF), which is administered by ADB in accordance with the Statute of ADB Institute. Japan made its fifth and sixth contributions in the aggregate amount of 2.2 billion yen (equivalent to $18.5 million) in March and August 2001. For details, see ADBISF-3 in Financial Statements. As of 31 December 2001, cumulative commitments amounted to 7.5 billion yen (equivalent to about $61.5 million) excluding translation adjustments. Of total contributions received, $52.8 million had been used as of 31 December 2001, mainly for research and capacitybuilding activities, including organizing symposiums, forums, and training; preparing research reports, publications, and web sites; and associated administrative expenses. As of 31 December 2001, the balance of net current assets available for future projects and programs of ADB Institute was about $8.7 million.

Other funds managed by ADB

In addition to the OCR and Special Fund resources, ADB also manages and administers the funds for the Japan Scholarship Program (JSP), Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR), Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology (JFICT), and channel financing of grants provided by bilateral donors to support technical assistance and soft components of loans. However, these funds do not become part of ADBs own resources.

Japan Scholarship Program

The JSP was established in 1988 to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of DMCs to undertake postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at selected educational institutions in Asia and the Pacific. The JSP is funded by the Government of Japan and administered by ADB. Currently, 18 institutions in 10 countries participate in the JSP. Between 1988 and 2001, the Government of Japan contributed more than $46.1 million to the JSP. A total of 1,334 scholarships were awarded to recipients from 34 member countries. Of these, 99 have already completed their courses. Women received 389 scholar-



JSP: Helping Students Get a Quality Education

To Dinh Kho, a Vietnamese student at the Asian Institute of Technology, credits the Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) for helping him get a good education. He notes that because of the JSP he has been able to acquire more knowledge that will benefit his country as well as his career. Because of an increase in the budget, nearly 300 scholarship slots were available in 2001, an increase of 20 over the number in 2000. The JSP continues to attract many applicants and is considered by the designated institutions as one of the most successful scholarship programs in Asia and the Pacific.

Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction

In support of the Poverty Reduction Strategy, the Government of Japan established in May 2000 the JFPR with an initial grant contribution of 10 billion yen (about $92.6 million). An additional contribution from the Government of Japan of 7.9 billion yen (about $65 million) was announced in early 2001. By 31 December 2001, ADB had approved 13 JFPR projects JFPR Projects Are Recognized for Their Innovation amounting to $31.5 million. In addition, the Government of Japan has Projects funded under the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR) have preapproved 8 more projects totaling been recognized by stakeholders in the following ways. $15.7 million. ADB-approved JFPR During the signing ceremonies for the JFPR-funded On-Site Integrated projects include activities on nutrition Urban Upgrading for Vulnerable Slum Communities in Payatas (Manila for poor children and mothers in dumpsite), Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and ADB Central Asia, preventive measures President Tadao Chino noted the importance of the JFPR in supporting against HIV/AIDS in the Greater self-help activities. Mekong Subregion, upgrading housing The Uzbekistan Government sought urgent assistance from the JFPR for facilities for two slum areas in the a project to reduce poverty in Khorezem in the Aral Sea basin after noting Philippines, helping girl street children the innovative JFPR project to create jobs and provide drinking water at risk in Indonesia, participatory in Karakalpakstan. watershed management for poverty A JFPR project on girl street children at risk of sexual abuse in Indonesia received widespread international media attention. reduction along the Yellow River in In the six countries that make up the Greater Mekong Subregion, the the Peoples Republic of China, JFPR-funded project Community Action for Prevention of HIV/AIDS livelihood improvement in connection received strong support from governments, media, and the community, with a rural infrastructure loan in the particularly in Cambodia and Viet Nam. Philippines, income-generating JFPR support for improving nutrition of poor children and mothers with activities for the poor through small iodized salt and fortified wheat in Central Asia was welcomed by the irrigation and water impounding six participating countries, the private sector, and nongovernment orsystems in Bangladesh, addressing ganizations. poverty of landless and bonded Recognition of the JFPR as an innovative tool for fighting poverty in agricultural workers in Nepal, lowAsia has spread through increased coverage by the international media cost sanitation in Papua New Guinea, and has often been cited by ADB Directors. rural poverty reduction in Tajikistan, and addressing poverty near the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan through drinking Change, the United Kingdom Cooperation Fund for water and employment generation. For details, see Table 35 Technical Assistance (Poverty-Focused) in India, and the in the Statistical Annex. Danish Cooperation Fund on Renewable Energy and Characteristics and eligibility: The JFPR provides a Energy Efficiency in Rural Areas. Thematic CFAs unique opportunity to pilot-test new approaches that approved in 2001 include the Cooperation Fund for directly target the poor and can later be scaled up for the Formulation and Implementation of National use in mainstream ADB operations. The JFPR also Poverty Reduction Strategies (first contribution by provides more opportunities to work directly with The Netherlands), the Cooperation Fund on Water Sector nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and community(first contribution by The Netherlands), and the Goverbased organizations in their efforts to reduce poverty. nance Cooperation Fund (first contribution by Canada). The The JFPR finances projects that directly target poverty total amount made available over a period of several reduction and that have a strong relation and clear years through these CFAs is $47.4 million equivalent. conceptual link to the regular ADB-financed activities.



It is also expected that JFPR projects will enhance the quality and impact of ADB-financed projects that they support. Priority is given to activities that have an innovative and demonstrative character. Project proposals must meet all of the following eligibility criteria. They must directly target the poor; possess a clear conceptual link to an ADB loan;4 show sustainable impact on poverty reduction; promote maximum community and NGO involvement, including the possibility of disbursing to NGOs directly as implementing agencies; demonstrate an innovative approach to poverty reduction that is operationally relevant for future ADB loans; and veer from being a substitute for traditional ADB loan and technical assistance, or for typical government financing. Impact: The JFPR has opened the door for innovative poverty-targeted approaches that can be mainstreamed into the broader pipeline of ADB loans. Because of its flexibility in the use of funds but insistence that most funding should directly impact on the poor, the JFPR provides opportunities to work with civil society and show that the poor are bankable for ADB loans. The strength of the JFPR is its implementation and partnership on the ground and its direct target at poverty in connection with ADB loans. Through this approach, the poor, the governments, and ADB staff can see the impact of the JFPR grant and its relevance to future loan investments, and gain practical experience that could not be facilitated through technical assistance alone. As a result, some DMC governments have considered in loan preparations the innovative poverty-focused features that have been piloted under the JFPR. For example, in Bangladesh, a JFPR project provides input for designing a new water resource development loan; and in Uzbekistan, discussions on JFPR projects have initiated demand for a new ADB loan on drought-prone areas in the Aral Sea basin. Another impact of the JFPR is its close cooperation with NGOs and other funding agencies such as in Indonesia with various local NGOs from Yogjakarta; in the Philippines with Mindanao Coalition of Development NGOs, Philippine Business for Social Progress, and the Vincentian Missionaries; in Tajikistan with the Aga Khan Foundation; and in Uzbekistan with the United Nations Development Programme. Also, JFPR projects opened new areas for ADB cooperation such as in slum development, housing-related poverty, social

protection for disabled poor people, rural infrastructure for livelihood improvement of the poor and watershedrelated poverty, and cooperation with the private sector to improve nutrition for poor mothers and children.

Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology

The JFICT was established in July 2001 for a 3-year period to harness the potential of information and communication technology (ICT) and bridge the growing digital divide in Asia and the Pacific. ADB will administer the JFICT, which is financed with a contribution of 1,273.3 million yen (approximately $10.7 million) from the Japanese Government. In line with ADBs strategic approach for ICT, the JFICT-funded projects will have a strong relation to, and enhance the effectiveness and impact of, ADBs Poverty Reduction Strategy. The strategic approach recognizes ADBs limited financial and human resources and consists of three strategic thrusts: creating an enabling environment, building human resources, and developing ICT applications and information content. The JFICT will finance on a pilot basis ICT-related activities, including the purchase of ICT equipment and services, software development, provision of technical assistance, development of equity/fund investment approaches, and other means. The JFICT will basically cover activities to create and improve DMC environments for ICT development, such as policy initiatives for developing ICT infrastructure and human resource capacities; and to help establish a center for learning, information, communication, and knowledge for Asia and the Pacific. The JFICT is a grant-financed trust fund whose main goal is to assist DMCs in bridging the digital divide, thereby reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific. Specifically, the JFICT will support ICT-related activities in DMCs that can add substantive value to promote and impact ADBs Poverty Reduction Strategy and other development objectives; encourage private sector participation in ICT development and enhance its capabilities in the region; and improve regional and international cooperation, partnerships, and networking to enhance local efforts at development through appropriate ICT applications.

1 2 3 4 Excluding two terminated loans amounting to $180 million. This is after allocating administrative charges to the ADF of $129.5 million and offsetting front-end fee income of $34.8 million. Another donor, Germany, submitted its ADF VIII Instrument of Contribution in January 2002. The requirement to link JFPR projects to existing or future ADB loans also results in a different timing for approving JFPR projects through the Government of Japan and ADB.




131 132 134 135 136 138 140 142 144


Report of Independent Auditors OCR-1 Balance Sheet, 31 December 2001 and 2000 OCR-2 Statement of Income and Expenses for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 OCR-3 Statement of Cash Flows for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 OCR-4 Statement of Changes in Capital and Reserves for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 OCR-5 Summary Statement of Loans, 31 December 2001 and 2000 OCR-6 Summary Statement of Borrowings, 31 December 2001 and 2000 OCR-7 Statement of Subscriptions to Capital Stock and Voting Power, 31 December 2001 OCR-8 Notes to Financial Statements, 31 December 2001 and 2000

161 162 163 164 165 166 168 169 173 174 175 176 177 178 179


Report of Independent Auditors ADF-1 Special Purpose Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Fund Balances, 31 December 2001 and 2000 ADF-2 Special Purpose Statement of Revenue and Expenses for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 ADF-3 Special Purpose Statement of Cash Flows for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 ADF-4 Special Purpose Statement of Changes in Fund Balances for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 ADF-5 Special Purpose Summary Statement of Loans, 31 December 2001 and 2000 ADF-6 Special Purpose Statement of Resources, 31 December 2001 ADF-7 Notes to Special Purpose Financial Statements, 31 December 2001 and 2000

Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF)

Report of Independent Auditors TASF-1 Statement of Financial Position, 31 December 2001 and 2000 TASF-2 Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 TASF-3 Statement of Cash Flows for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 TASF-4 Statement of Resources, 31 December 2001 TASF-5 Summary Statement of Technical Assistance Approved and Effective for the Year Ended 31 December 2001 TASF-6 Notes to Financial Statements, 31 December 2001 and 2000



Japan Special Fund (JSF)

181 182 183 184 185 189 190 191 192 193 Report of Independent Auditors JSF-1 Statement of Financial Position, 31 December 2001 and 2000 JSF-2 Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets for the Years Ended 31 Dec ember 2001 and 2000 JSF-3 Statement of Cash Flows for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 JSF-4 Notes to Financial Statements, 31 December 2001 and 2000

Asian Development Bank Institute Special Fund (ADBISF)

Report of Independent Auditors ADBISF-1 Statement of Financial Position, 31 December 2001 and 2000 ADBISF-2 Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 ADBISF-3 Statement of Cash Flows for the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 ADBISF-4 Notes to Financial Statements, 31 December 2001 and 2000




Asian Development Bank In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheets and the related statements of income and expenses, of cash flows, and of changes in capital and reserves present fairly, in all material respects, in terms of United States dollars, the financial position of the Asian Development BankOrdinary Capital Resources at 31 December 2001 and 2000, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States. These financial statements are the responsibility of the management of the Asian Development Bank; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United States which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above. As discussed in Note B, the Asian Development BankOrdinary Capital Resources adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133, Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities, as amended, effective 1 January 2001. Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The accompanying summary statements of loans and of borrowings as at 31 December 2001 and 2000, and of statement of subscriptions to capital stock and voting power as at 31 December 2001 are presented for purposes of additional analyses and are not required parts of the basic financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the basic financial statements and in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

Detroit, Michigan 27 February 2002



Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
ASSETS 2001 DUE FROM BANKS (Notes B and C) INVESTMENTS (Notes B, C, D, and J) Government and government-guaranteed obligations Time deposits Other securities LOANS OUTSTANDING (OCR-5) (Notes A, B, and E) (Including FAS 133 adjustment of $1,212 31 December 2001) Members and guaranteed by members Private sector $ 68,823 2000 $ 62,546

$ 3,527,786 2,673,253 2,063,876


$ 3,623,338 2,065,190 1,844,480


28,334,516 404,458 28,738,974

27,825,302 405,424 28,230,726 28,658,846 208,018 75,610 28,155,116 203,497

Lessallowance for loan losses EQUITY INVESTMENTS (Notes A, B, and F) ACCRUED INCOME On investments On loans RECEIVABLE FROM MEMBERS (Note I) Nonnegotiable, noninterest-bearing demand obligations (Note C) Amounts required to maintain value of currency holdings Subscription installments RECEIVABLE FROM SWAPS (Notes B and H) (Including FAS 133 adjustment of $330,164 31 December 2001) OTHER ASSETS Notional amounts required to maintain value of currency holdings (Notes B and I) Property, furniture, and equipment (Notes B and G) Investment related receivables Unamortized issuance costs of borrowings Miscellaneous (Note L) TOTAL


65,426 394,297


87,313 408,735


333,047 11,100 4,353

384,045 8,725 1,169





155,262 159,500 52,343 110,991

478,096 $44,866,324

677,808 156,256 86,026 46,613 103,003

1,069,706 $43,856,557

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (OCR-8).




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
LIABILITIES, CAPITAL, AND RESERVES 2001 BORROWINGS (OCR-6) (Notes B and H) (Including FAS 133 adjustment of $26,261 31 December 2001) ACCRUED INTEREST ON BORROWINGS PAYABLE FOR SWAPS (Notes B and H) (Including FAS 133 adjustment of $194,674 31 December 2001) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND OTHER LIABILITIES Notional amounts required to maintain value of currency holdings (Notes B and I) Investment related payables Undisbursed technical assistance commitments (Notes J and K) Advance payments on subscriptions (Note I) Miscellaneous (Note G) CAPITAL AND RESERVES (OCR-4) Capital stock (OCR-7) (Notes B and I) Authorized (SDR34,909,940,000) Subscribed (SDR34,746,270,000 - 2001 and 2000) Lesscallable shares subscribed Paid-in shares subscribed Lesssubscription installments not due Subscription installments matured Lesscapital transferred to the Asian Development Fund 2000

$24,880,784 371,405

$25,367,175 378,140



1,778,553 19,753 4 157,526

279,051 222,646 102 142,072



43,628,112 40,559,590 3,068,522 18,967 3,049,555 59,780 2,989,775

45,271,263 42,087,172 3,184,091 72,232 3,111,859 62,031 3,049,828 7,166,484 181,608 116,645 625,716 10,874,223 $44,866,324 (306,646) 10,833,635 $43,856,557

Net notional amounts required to maintain value of currency holdings (Notes B and I) Ordinary reserve (Note J) Special reserve (Note J) Surplus (Note J) Net income after appropriation (OCR-2) (Note J) Accumulated other comprehensive income (OCR-4) (Note J) TOTAL

(462,456) 7,812,436 182,903 116,645 861,965 (627,045)




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
INCOME (Note K) From loans (Notes B and E) Interest Commitment charge Other From investments (Notes B and D) Interest Net gain (loss) on sales Net loss from futures From other sourcesnet (Notes E and P) TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES (Note K) Interest and other financial expenses (Note H) Administrative expenses (Note M) Technical assistance to member countries Provision for losses (Notes B and E) TOTAL EXPENSES FAS 133 ADJUSTMENT (Notes B and K) OPERATING INCOME CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF CHANGE IN ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLE (Note B) NET INCOME APPROPRIATION OF GUARANTEE FEES TO SPECIAL RESERVE (Note J) NET INCOME AFTER APPROPRIATION TO SPECIAL RESERVE
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (OCR-8).


$1,765,025 47,050 1,565 $1,813,640

$1,807,955 46,860 6,519


322,586 81,032 (182)

403,436 21,634 $2,238,710

403,490 (3,628)

399,862 39,734 $2,300,930

1,434,112 59,039 19,962 9,838 1,522,951 715,759 112,845 828,604

1,576,745 92,559 5,910 1,675,214 625,716 625,716

34,656 863,260



$ 861,965

$ 625,716




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
2001 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Interest and other charges on loans received Interest on investments received Interest and other financial expenses paid Administrative expenses paid Technical assistance disbursed Othersnet Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Sales of investment Maturities of investment Purchases of investment Principal collected on loans Loans disbursed Property, furniture, and equipment acquired Net (sale) purchases of equity investments Net Cash Used in Investing Activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net proceeds of new borrowings Bonds purchased for redemption and borrowings redeemed Matured capital subscriptions collected1 Borrowing issuance expenses paid Demand obligations of members encashed Net currency swaps Resources transferred to TASF Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Due from Banks Net Increase (Decrease) in Due from Banks Due from Banks at Beginning of Year Due from Banks at End of Year RECONCILIATION OF NET INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Net Income (OCR-2) Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: FAS 133 Adjustment Cumulative effect of change in accounting principle Change in accrued income, including interest and commitment charges added to loans Depreciation and amortization Net (gain) loss from sales of investments Change in accrued interest and other expenses Undisbursed technical assistance commitments Provision for losses charged Change in administration charge receivable Othersnet Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities

2000 $ 1,570,741 400,347 (1,485,833) (56,385) 21,741 450,611 5,493,655 213,024,681 (217,953,656) 1,856,437 (2,640,125) (10,570) 511 (229,067) 1,944,312 (1,969,637) 20,301 (6,491) 23,967 (172,193) (80,000) (239,741) 7,771 (10,426) 72,972 $ $ 62,546 625,716 (299,873) 96,218 3,628 1,752 5,910 33,653 (16,393) $ 450,611

1,559,651 366,408 (1,367,316) (77,599) (337) 19,550 500,357 6,627,494 199,790,074 (205,830,483) 1,195,800 (2,555,876) (6,825) (8,934) (788,750) 2,458,205 (2,164,031) 15,740 (21,319) 53,492 (33,913) 308,174 (13,504) 6,277 62,546

$ $

68,823 863,260 (112,845) (34,656) (266,895) 138,548 (80,850) (23,173) 19,753 9,838 1,771 (14,394)


In addition, nonnegotiable, noninterest-bearing demand promissory notes amounting to $29,952 ($47,508 - 2000) were received from members.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (OCR-8).



Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Notes B and I)
Net Notional Maintenance of Value Net Income After Appropriations Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income

Capital Stock Balance 1 January 2000 Comprehensive income for the year 2000 (Note J) Change in SDR value of paid-in shares subscribed Additional paid-in shares subscribed during the year Change in subscription installments not due Change in SDR value of capital transferred to Asian Development Fund Change in Notional Maintenance of Value Allocation of 1999 net income to ordinary reserve (Note J) Allocation of surplus to Technical Assistance Fund (Note J) Credit to ordinary reserve for change in SDR value of capital stock (Note J) Balance 31 December 2000 (Forward)

Ordinary Reserve

Special Reserve



$ 3,121,843




$449,873 625,716

$ (75,606) (231,040)

$10,563,236 394,676 (157,007) 7,600 74,037 3,355

(157,007) 7,600 74,037 3,355

449,873 (80,000) 27,738


(80,000) 27,738











Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
Net Notional Maintenance of Value Net Income After Appropriations Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income

Capital Stock Balance 31 December 2000 (Forward) Comprehensive income for the year 2001 (Note J) Change in SDR value of paid-in shares subscribed Change in subscription installments not due Change in SDR value of capital transferred to Asian Development Fund Reclassification of notional maintenance of value Allocation of 2000 net income to ordinary reserve (Note J) Credit to ordinary reserve for change in SDR value of capital stock (Note J)

Ordinary Reserve

Special Reserve










1,295 (110,960) 48,656 2,251 (462,456) 625,716 20,236



542,861 (110,960) 48,656 2,251 (462,456)



Balance 31 December 2001









Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Note J) For the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000
Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
FAS 133 Adjustment and Amortization 2001 Balance, 1 January Transition adjustment Amortization Other comprehensive income for the year Balance, 31 December $ (116,313) 61,415 $ (54,898) $ $ 2000 Accumulated Translation Adjustments 2001 $(376,002) (289,470) $(665,472) 2000 $ (78,329) (297,673) $(376,002) Unrealized Investment Holding Gains (Losses) 2001 $ 69,356 23,969 $93,325 2000 $ 2,723 66,633 $69,356 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income 2001 2000

$(306,646) $ (75,606) (116,313) 61,415 (265,501) (231,040)

$(627,045) $(306,646)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (OCR-8).



Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
Undisbursed Loans Balances of Outstanding1 Effective Loans2 $ 35,654 5,906,050 46,812 4,054,780 6,971,037 284,057 3,916,313 433,781 2,040 795 2,300 41,963 2,161,012 168,454 2,461,965 27,001 2,072,420 107,919 40,177 28,734,530 Regional TOTAL 31 December 2001 Allowance for loan losses NET BALANCE 31 December 2001 Made up of loans to: Members and guaranteed by members Private sector (net of allowance for loan losses) Net balance 31 December 2001 TOTAL 31 December 2000 Allowance for loan losses NET BALANCE 31 December 2000 Made up of loans to: Members and guaranteed by members Private sector (net of allowance for loan losses) Net balance 31 December 2000
1 2 3

Borrower/Guarantor Bangladesh China, Peoples Rep. of Fiji Islands India Indonesia Kazakhstan Korea, Rep. of Malaysia Marshall Islands Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Uzbekistan Viet Nam

Loans Not Yet Effective

Total Loans

Percent of Total Loans 0.82 22.13 0.18 17.48 23.20 0.99 9.21 1.20 0.01 n.a. 3 0.01 0.10 7.06 0.74 9.43 0.34 5.78 1.02 0.25 99.95 0.05 100.00

173,346 2,453,389 29,847 2,010,868 2,896,917 38,738 1,727 75,940 1,960 2,700 1,433 516,355 147,045 1,399,733 58,706 385,219 254,239 51,002 10,499,164 15,556 10,514,720

$ 138,700 $ 347,700 1,055,000 9,414,439 76,659 1,370,000 7,435,648 9,867,954 97,000 419,795 3,918,040 509,721 4,000 795 5,000 43,396 325,562 3,002,929 315,499 148,053 4,009,751 60,000 145,707 2,457,639 72,000 434,158 15,000 106,179 3,281,315 3,281,315 $3,281,315 $3,221,315 60,000 $3,281,315 $3,128,903 $3,128,903 $2,822,903 306,000 $3,128,903 42,515,009 20,000 42,535,009 (80,128) $42,454,881 $ 41,823,932 630,949 $ 42,454,881 $ 42,087,630 (75,610) $42,012,020 $ 41,306,130 705,890 $ 42,012,020

4,444 28,738,974 (80,128) $28,658,846 $ 28,334,516 324,330 $ 28,658,846 $ 28,230,726 (75,610) $28,155,116 $ 27,825,302 329,814 $ 28,155,116

$10,514,720 $ 10,268,101 246,619 $ 10,514,720 $ 10,728,001 $10,728,001 $ 10,657,925 70,076 $ 10,728,001

Amounts outstanding on loans made under the Pool-based variable interest rate systems and market-based variable/floating interest rate loans totaled $28,007,486 ($27,298,476 - 2000). The average yield on loans was 6.42% (6.59% - 2000). Of the undisbursed balances, ADB has made irrevocable commitments to disburse various amounts totaling $97,520 ($165,122 - 2000). Below 0.01%.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (OCR-8).




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
MATURITY OF EFFECTIVE LOANS Twelve Months Ending 31 December 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Five Years Ending 31 December 2011 2016 2021 2026 2030 Total

Amount $1,423,105 1,489,569 1,603,923 1,737,322 1,851,731

Amount 14,346,775 9,665,658 5,283,919 1,597,709 253,983 $39,253,694

SUMMARY OF CURRENCIES RECEIVABLE ON LOANS OUTSTANDING Currency Australian dollar Euro Japanese yen $ 2001 71 11,024 7,401,173 $ 2000 122 14,350 9,075,555 Currency New Zealand dollar Swiss franc United States dollar Total 2001 370 77,262 21,249,074 $28,738,974 2000 624 121,459 19,018,616 $28,230,726



Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
Borrowings Principal Outstanding1 2001 2000 Swap Arrangements2 Payable (Receivable) 20013 2000

Long-Term Borrowing: Australian dollar Austrian schilling Canadian dollar Deutsche mark Euro Hong Kong dollar Japanese yen Korean won Netherlands guilder New Taiwan dollar Pound sterling Swiss franc United States dollar Subtotal Short-Term Borrowing: Japanese yen United States dollar Subtotal Principal amount outstanding Unamortized discounts/premiums and transition adjustments FAS 133 Adjustment to financial expenses Total $ 1,265,406 157,104 677,970 4,663,401 60,929 280,799 560,320 360,350 738,282 15,648,410 24,412,971 400,000 400,000 24,812,971 67,813 $ 838,125 67,578 165,585 714,745 256,419 5,531,275 63,885 296,030 590,717 480,754 844,384 15,490,881 25,340,378 25,340,378 26,797 376,812 (400,560) $(1,290,423) (176,767) (731,048) 1,656,207 (393,505) (66,207) (307,358) (600,565) (221,421) (356,923) 4,751,057 (1,834,626) $ (835,049) (67,753) (165,080) (714,747) (256,393) 2,200,546 (219,260) (63,885) (295,597) (590,517) (333,813) 315,496 (367,283) 4,117,694 (2,033,320)



MATURITY STRUCTURE OF BORROWINGS OUTSTANDING5 Twelve Months Ending 31 December Amount Five Years Ending 31 December Amount

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

$5,853,994 4,483,100 4,771,961 2,956,433 806,575

2011 2016 2021 2022 Total

5,394,725 500,395 7,632 38,156 $24,812,971

Includes zero coupon borrowings which have been recorded at their discounted values. The aggregate face amounts and discounted values of these borrowings (in United States dollar equivalents) are: Aggregate Face Amount Discounted Value Currency Swiss franc United States dollar 2001 $ 291,905 1,254,591 2000 $ 300,313 1,254,591 2001 $ 141,726 1,058,410 2000 $138,526 979,258

Include currency liability, dual currency and interest rate swaps for 2001. At 31 December 2001, the remaining duration of swap agreements ranged from 1 to 21 years. Approximately 22.62% of the swap receivables and 24.09% of the payables are due from 31 December 2006 through 1 August 2022.


141 OCR-6

Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
Net Currency Obligation 20013 2000 Weighted Average Cost (%) After Swaps4 2001

(25,017) (19,663) (731,048) 677,970 5,926,103 (5,278) (26,559) (40,245) 138,929 381,359

3,076 (175) 505 (714,747) 714,745 26 7,512,561 433 200 146,941 792,597 17,575,255

1.67 (3.39) 0.10 5.10 5.52 0.22 4.66 (2.80) 0.21 (0.97) 12.78 6.63 5.87 5.63


376,812 (560)

0.04 7.11 4.15

(0.08) 5.54
INTEREST RATE SWAP ARRANGEMENTS6 Average Rate (%) Receive Notional Amount Receive Fixed Swaps: Australian dollar7 Deutsche mark8 Japanese yen United States dollar9 United States dollar Receive Floating Swaps: Japanese yen United States dollar Total
3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Pay Fixed Floating Maturing Through 2005 2010 2004 2016 2002-2011 2002-2016 2007-2014

76,313 76,313 76,313 22,893 4,191,840 389,194 31,500

4.60 4.40 5.50 1.93 6.00 2.42 3.06

3.59 3.62

0.27 (0.34) 2.32 (0.34)

4.56 6.60


Adjusted by the cumulative effect of the adoption of FAS 133 effective 1 January 2001. In calculating cost of borrowings, the cumulative effect of the adoption of FAS 133 is excluded. Bonds with put and call options were considered maturing on the first put or call date. The interest rate swap information is based on interest rates at 31 December 2001. To the extent that interest rates change, variable interest rate information will change. Consists of a currency coupon swap with interest receivable in Australian dollar and interest payable in Japanese yen. Consists of a currency coupon swap with interest receivable in Deutsche mark and interest payable in Japanese yen. Consists of a currency coupon swap with interest receivable in United States dollar and interest payable in Japanese yen.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (OCR-8).



Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
MEMBER REGIONAL Afghanistan Australia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Japan Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal New Zealand Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Total Regional (Forward) Number of Shares Percent of Total Par Value of Shares Total Callable Paid-in

Number of Votes Percent of Total

1,195 204,740 15,736 36,128 220 1,750 228,000 94 2,406 19,270 224,010 192,700 552,210 28,536 142 178,246 10,582 492 96,350 142 94 142 532 19,270 142 5,202 54,340 77,080 3,320 84,304 116 12,040 236 20,520 38,540 10,134 48,174 142 8,958 50 23,834 236 12,076 2,212,431

0.034 5.892 0.453 1.040 0.006 0.050 6.562 0.003 0.069 0.555 6.447 5.546 15.893 0.821 0.004 5.130 0.305 0.014 2.773 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.015 0.555 0.004 0.150 1.564 2.218 0.096 2.426 0.003 0.347 0.007 0.591 1.109 0.292 1.386 0.004 0.258 0.001 0.686 0.007 0.348 63.674

15,005 2,570,756 197,584 453,630 2,762 21,973 2,862,814 1,180 30,210 241,958 2,812,714 2,419,580 6,933,659 358,304 1,783 2,238,092 132,870 6,178 1,209,790 1,783 1,180 1,783 6,680 241,958 1,783 65,317 682,304 967,832 41,687 1,058,538 1,457 151,177 2,963 257,653 483,916 127,245 604,882 1,783 112,478 628 299,264 2,963 151,629

10,208 $ 2,390,726 183,685 421,863 2,474 18,232 2,662,279 1,105 28,088 225,007 2,615,745 2,250,146 6,448,086 333,204 1,657 2,081,378 123,566 5,512 1,125,061 1,657 1,105 1,657 6,215 225,007 1,657 60,734 634,528 900,054 38,786 984,419 1,306 140,592 2,762 239,610 450,039 118,292 562,518 1,657 104,568 578 278,308 2,762 134,238

4,796 180,031 13,900 31,767 289 3,742 200,535 75 2,122 16,951 196,969 169,433 485,573 25,100 126 156,714 9,304 665 84,729 126 75 126 465 16,951 126 4,583 47,776 67,778 2,900 74,119 151 10,585 201 18,043 33,877 8,953 42,365 126 7,910 50 20,956 201 17,390

15,918 219,463 30,459 50,851 14,943 16,473 242,723 14,817 17,129 33,993 238,733 207,423 566,933 43,259 14,865 192,969 25,305 15,215 111,073 14,865 14,817 14,865 15,255 33,993 14,865 19,925 69,063 91,803 18,043 99,027 14,839 26,763 14,959 35,243 53,263 24,857 62,897 14,865 23,681 14,773 38,557 14,959 26,799 2,845,520

0.366 5.053 0.701 1.171 0.344 0.379 5.588 0.341 0.394 0.783 5.497 4.776 13.053 0.996 0.342 4.443 0.583 0.350 2.557 0.342 0.341 0.342 0.351 0.783 0.342 0.459 1.590 2.114 0.415 2.280 0.342 0.616 0.344 0.811 1.226 0.572 1.448 0.342 0.545 0.340 0.888 0.344 0.617 65.515







Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
MEMBER Total Regional (Forward) NONREGIONAL Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Italy The Netherlands Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States Total Nonregional TOTAL Number of Shares 2,212,431 Percent of Total 63.674 Par Value of Shares Total $27,779,726 Callable $25,821,072 Paid-in $1,958,654

Number of Votes 2,845,520 Percent of Total 65.515

12,040 12,040 185,086 12,040 12,040 82,356 153,068 63,950 36,294 12,040 12,040 12,040 20,650 12,040 72,262 552,210 1,262,196 3,474,627

0.347 0.347 5.327 0.347 0.347 2.370 4.405 1.840 1.045 0.347 0.347 0.347 0.594 0.347 2.080 15.893 36.326 100.000

151,177 151,177 2,323,977 151,177 151,177 1,034,078 1,921,952 802,969 455,715 151,177 151,177 151,177 259,286 151,177 907,336 6,933,659 15,848,386 $ 43,628,112

140,592 140,592 2,161,236 140,592 140,592 961,654 1,787,350 746,730 423,809 140,592 140,592 140,592 241,117 140,592 843,802 6,448,086 14,738,518 $ 40,559,590

10,585 10,585 162,741 10,585 10,585 72,424 134,602 56,239 31,905 10,585 10,585 10,585 18,169 10,585 63,534 485,573 1,109,868 $ 3,068,522

26,763 26,763 199,809 26,763 26,763 97,079 167,791 78,673 51,017 26,763 26,763 26,763 35,373 26,763 86,985 566,933 1,497,764 4,343,284

0.616 0.616 4.600 0.616 0.616 2.235 3.863 1.811 1.175 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.814 0.616 2.003 13.053 34.485 100.000

Note: Figures may not add due to rounding. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (OCR-8).




special reserve. At 31 December 2001, such equity investments represented approximately 3.5% (3.7% - 2000) of the paid-in capital, reserves, and surplus, as defined.

Nature of Operations
The Asian Development Bank (ADB), a multilateral development finance institution, was established in 1966 with its headquarters in Manila, Philippines. ADB and its operations are governed by the Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank (the Charter). Its purpose is to foster economic development and co-operation in the Asian and Pacific region and to contribute to the acceleration of the process of economic development of the developing member countries (DMCs) in the region, collectively and individually. With the adoption of its poverty reduction strategy at the end of 1999, ADB made reducing poverty in the region its main goal. ADB provides financial and technical assistance (TA) for projects and programs which will contribute to achieving this purpose. Mobilizing financial resources, including cofinancing, is an integral part of ADBs operational activities. In addition, ADB, alone or jointly, administers on behalf of donors, including members, their agencies and other development institutions, funds restricted for specific uses which include TA grants as well as regional programs. ADB s ordinary operations comprise loans, equity investments, and guarantees. In 2001, limited technical assistance to member countries to support high priority TA programs is included. It finances its ordinary operations through borrowings, paid-in capital, and retained earnings.

Functional Currencies and Reporting Currency

The currencies of members are all functional currencies. The reporting currency is the United States dollar, and the financial statements are expressed in thousands of current United States dollars.

Valuation of Capital Stock

The authorized capital stock of ADB is defined in Article 4, paragraph 1 of the Charter in terms of United States dollars of the weight and fineness in effect on 31 January 1966 (the 1966 dollar) and the value of each share is defined as 10,000 1966 dollars. The capital stock had historically been translated into the current United States dollar (ADBs unit of account) on the basis of its par value in terms of gold. From 1973 until 31 March 1978, the rate arrived at on this basis was $1.20635 per 1966 dollar. Since 1 April 1978, at which time the Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) came into effect, currencies no longer have par values in terms of gold. Pending ADBs selection of the appropriate successor to the 1966 dollar, the capital stock has been valued for purposes of these financial statements in terms of the Special Drawing Right (SDR) at the value in current United States dollars as computed by the IMF, with each share valued at SDR10,000. As of 31 December 2001, the value of the SDR in terms of the current United States dollar was $1.25562 ($1.30291 2000) giving a value for each share of ADBs capital equivalent to $12,556.20 ($13,029.10 - 2000). However, ADB could decide to fix the value of each share at $12,063.50 based on the 31 March 1978 par value of the United States dollar in terms of gold.

Limitations on Loans, Guarantees, and Equity Investments

Article 12, paragraph 1 of the Charter provides that the total amount outstanding of loans, equity investments, and guarantees made by ADB shall not exceed the total of ADBs unimpaired subscribed capital, reserves, and surplus, exclusive of the special reserve. At 31 December 2001, the total of such loans, equity investments, and guarantees aggregated approximately 83.7% (80.7% - 2000) of the total subscribed capital, reserves, and surplus as defined. Article 12, paragraph 3 of the Charter provides that equity investments shall not exceed 10% of the unimpaired paid-in capital together with reserves and surplus, exclusive of the

Translation of Currencies
Assets and liabilities are translated from their functional currencies to the reporting currency generally at the appli-




cable rates of exchange at the end of a reporting period. Income and expense amounts are translated for each semimonthly period generally at the applicable rates of exchange at the beginning of each period; such practice approximates the application of average rates in effect during the period. Translation adjustments other than those relating to maintenance of SDR capital values (see Notes I and J), are charged or credited to Accumulated translation adjustments and reported in CAPITAL AND RESERVES as part of Accumulated other comprehensive income.

fair value of the derivative instruments in the borrowings portfolio on 31 December 2000 as well as loans that met hedge criteria, offset by any gains or losses on those borrowings and loans for which a fair value exposure was being hedged. The net effect gave rise to a transition loss of $81,657,000, out of which, a loss of $116,313,000 is reported in other comprehensive income and a gain of $34,656,000 is reported in net income. The allocation between net income and other comprehensive income was based upon the hedging relationships that existed before the initial application of this statement. Since ADB has not defined any qualifying hedging relationships under this standard, the amount recorded in other comprehensive income as part of the transition is being reclassified into earnings in the same period or periods in which the hedged forecasted transaction affects earnings.

Derivative Financial Instruments

In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 133, Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities. SFAS No. 133 was further amended by SFAS No. 137, Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities Deferral of the Effective Date of FASB Statement No. 133 and SFAS No. 138, Accounting for Certain Derivative Instruments and Certain Hedging Activities, an amendment of Statement 133. The standards are herein collectively referred to as FAS 133. FAS 133, is effective for ADB on 1 January 2001. This statement establishes accounting and reporting standards requiring that every derivative instrument be recorded in the Balance Sheet as either an asset or liability measured at its fair value. Changes in the fair value of derivatives are recorded in net income or other comprehensive income, depending on whether a derivative is designated as part of a hedge transaction and, if it is, the type of hedge transaction. ADB uses derivative instruments for asset/liability management of individual positions and portfolios, as well as for the reduction of transaction costs. In applying FAS 133 for purposes of financial statement reporting, ADB has elected not to define any qualifying hedging relationships. Rather, all derivative instruments, as defined by FAS 133, have been marked to fair value and all changes in the fair value have been recognized in net income. ADB has elected not to define any qualifying hedging relationships, not because economic hedges do not exist, but rather because the application of FAS 133 hedging criteria does not make evident the impact of economic risks inherent in ADBs financial assets and liabilities. The cumulative effect of a change in accounting principle includes the difference between the carrying value and the

All investment securities and negotiable certificate of deposits held by ADB other than derivative instruments are considered by Management to be Available for Sale and are reported at estimated fair value, with unrealized gains and losses excluded from net income and reported in CAPITAL AND RESERVES as part of Accumulated other comprehensive income. All derivative instruments are marked to market. Estimated fair value generally represents market value. Time deposits are classified as Held-to-Maturity and are reported at cost. Realized gains and losses are included in income from investments and are measured by the difference between amortized cost and the net proceeds of sales. With respect to futures, realized gain or loss is reported based on daily settlement of the net cash margin.

ADBs loans are made to or guaranteed by members, with the exception of loans to the private sector, and have maturities ranging between 3 and 30 years. ADB requires its borrowers to absorb exchange risks attributable to fluctuations in the value of the currencies which it has disbursed. It is the policy of ADB to place loans in nonaccrual status for which principal, interest, or other charges are overdue by six months. Interest and other charges on nonaccruing loans are included in income only to the extent that payments



have been received by ADB. ADB follows a policy of not taking part in debt rescheduling agreements with respect to public sector loans. In the case of private sector loans, ADB may agree to debt rescheduling only after alternative courses of action have been exhausted. ADB determines that a loan is impaired and therefore subject to provisioning when principal or interest is in arrears for one year for public sector loans (unless there is clear and convincing evidence warranting the deferment or acceleration of such provisioning) and six months for private sector loans. If the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the loans effective interest rate is less than the carrying value of the loan, a valuation allowance is established with a corresponding charge to provision for loan losses. ADBs periodic evaluation of the adequacy of the allowance for loan losses is based on its past loan loss experience, known and inherent risks in existing loans, and adverse situations that may affect a borrowers ability to repay. ADB levies front-end fees on all new loans. Incremental direct loan origination costs are offset against front-end fees earned and, if material, the difference is deferred and amortized over the life of the loans.

Accounting Estimates
The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires Management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the end of the year and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the year. The actual results could differ from those estimates.

Statement of Cash Flows

For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, ADB considers that its cash and cash equivalents are limited to DUE FROM BANKS.

Certain reclassifications of prior years information have been made to conform to the current years presentation due to FAS 133. Also, in prior years, notional amounts receivable and payable required to maintain value of currency holdings were classified as an asset and a liability, respectively. These amounts have been reclassified in the Balance Sheet of 2001 as a component of CAPITAL AND RESERVE. This reclassification has no impact on the legal obligation of the members to maintain value of their capital.

Equity Investments
Investments in equity securities without readily determinable fair values are reported at cost less probable losses inherent in the portfolio but not specifically identifiable. The reserve against losses for equity investments is established quarterly based on Managements evaluation of potential losses for such investments. Equity securities with readily determinable fair values are reported at fair value, with unrealized gains and losses excluded from net income and reported in CAPITAL AND RESERVES as part of Accumulated other comprehensive income. ADB applies the equity method of accounting to one investment where it has the ability to exercise significant influence.

In accordance with Article 24, paragraph 2(i) of the Charter, the use by ADB or by any recipient from ADB of certain currencies may be restricted by members to payments for goods or services produced and intended for use in their territories. With respect to the currencies of 39 DMCs for 2001 (39 - 2000), cash in banks (due from banks) and demand obligations totaling $51,919,000 ($54,221,000 - 2000) and $217,926,000 ($233,767,000 - 2000), respectively, may be, but are not currently so restricted. In accordance with Article 24, paragraphs 2(i) and (ii) of the Charter, two members have restricted the use by ADB or by any recipient from ADB of their currencies to payments for goods or services produced in their territories. Cash in banks

Property, Furniture, and Equipment

Property, furniture, and equipment are stated at cost and, except for land, depreciated over estimated useful lives on a straight-line basis. Maintenance, repairs, and minor betterments are charged to expense.




(due from banks), demand obligations of members, and investments totaling $36,000 ($45,000 - 2000), $2,778,000 ($2,966,000 - 2000) and $4,783,000 ($4,604,000 - 2000), respectively, have been so restricted.
Estimated NOTE DINVESTMENTS Fair Value Amortized Cost

The estimated fair value and amortized cost of the investments by contractual maturity at 31 December 2001 are as follows:

The main investment management objective is to maintain security and liquidity. Subject to these parameters, ADB seeks the highest possible return on its investments. Investments are governed by the Investment Authority approved by the Board of Directors in 1999. ADB is restricted by its Investment Authority to invest in investment instruments which are obligations of a limited class of issuers, primarily government or government-guaranteed obligations and corporate obligations. Included in other securities as of 31 December 2001 were corporate bonds, asset/mortgagebacked securities, and other obligations of banks amounting to $1,205,915,000 ($801,978,000 2000), $534,331,000 ($269,991,000 2000) and $323,630,000 ($772,511,000 2000), respectively. Exposure to interest rate risk may be adjusted within defined bands to reflect changing market circumstances. These adjustments are made through the purchase and sale of both securities, financial futures, and options. To increase returns, ADB may invest in securities denominated in currencies other than the originating functional currencies and then enter into covered forward foreign exchange agreements in order to maintain its original mix of functional currency holdings. Accordingly, the financial futures, options, and covered forwards are held for risk management rather than for trading purposes. The currency compositions of the investment portfolio as of 31 December 2001 and 2000 expressed in United States dollars are as follows:
Currency 2001 2000

Due in one year or less Due after one year through five years Due after five years through ten years Total

$3,440,387,000 4,295,656,000 528,872,000 $8,264,915,000

$3,437,342,000 4,214,445,000 522,072,000 $8,173,859,000

Cost for time deposits approximates fair value. Additional information relating to investments in government and government-guaranteed obligations and other securities is as follows:
2001 2000

As of 31 December

Amortized cost Estimated fair value Gross unrealized gains Gross unrealized losses
For the years ended 31 December

$5,500,606,000 5,591,662,000 91,430,000 374,000

$5,401,464,000 5,467,817,000 66,458,000 105,000

Change in net unrealized gains Proceeds from sales Gross realized gains Gross realized losses

24,703,000 6,627,494,000 86,397,000 5,547,000

83,468,000 5,493,655,000 9,094,000 12,722,000

Asset/Mortgage-backed Securities: Asset/Mortgagebacked securities are instruments whose cash flow is based on the cash flows of a pool of underlying assets or mortgage

Australian dollar Canadian dollar Euro Japanese yen Pound sterling Swiss franc United States dollar Others Total

$ 245,470,000 136,680,000 278,641,000 1,078,786,000 183,040,000 321,441,000 5,785,007,000 235,850,000 $8,264,915,000

$ 266,777,000 251,606,000 387,748,000 1,088,950,000 226,308,000 874,819,000 4,117,683,000 319,117,000 $7,533,008,000

loans managed by a trust.


Futures are contracts for delayed delivery of secu-

rities or money market instruments in which the seller agrees to make delivery at a specified future date of a specified instrument at a specified price or yield. Initial margin requirements are met with cash or securities, and changes in the market prices are settled daily. ADB generally closes out open positions prior to maturity. Therefore, cash receipts



or payments are limited to the change in market value of the futures. At 31 December 2001, the nominal amount of outstanding purchase and sales contracts were $294,500,000 and $187,300,000, respectively (nil - 2000).

Prior to 1 July 1986, the lending rate of ADB was based on a multicurrency fixed lending rate system under which loans carried interest rates fixed at the time of loan approval for the entire life of the loans. Effective 1 July 1986, ADB adopted a multicurrency pool-based variable lending rate system. In addition, in July 1992, ADB introduced a pool-based variable United States dollar lending rate system, and in November 1994, a market-based variable lending rate system was made available to financial intermediaries in the public sector and to the private sector borrowers. For loans to the private sector borrowers, approximately 69% (66% - 2000) of the loans were based on variable lending rates. Since 1988, ADB has charged front-end fees for private sector loans. Effective 1 January 2000, ADB levies front-end fee of 1% for new public sector loans for which the loan negotiations are completed after that date. In addition, the lending spread applied to all outstanding pool-based OCR public sector loans and new public sector market-based loans has been increased from 0.4% to 0.6%. Also effective the same date, a flat commitment fee of 0.75% is charged for new program loans, while the progressive commitment fee of 0.75% is maintained for project loans.

ADB does not currently sell its loans, nor does it believe there is a comparable market for its loans. The estimated fair value of all loans is based on the estimated cash flows from principal repayments, interest, and other charges discounted at the applicable market yield curves for ADBs borrowing cost plus lending spread. The estimated fair value of public sector loans is not affected by credit risks based on ADBs experience with its borrowers. Allowance for loan losses is made against private sector loans. The carrying amount and estimated fair value of loans outstanding at 31 December 2001 and 2000 are as follows:

2001 Carrying Value Estimated Fair Value Carrying Value

2000 Estimated Fair Value

Fixed rate multicurrency loans Pool-based multicurrency loans Pool-based single currency (US$) loans LIBOR-based single currency loans Fixed rate single currency loans Total

559,641,000 7,006,085,000 16,158,226,000 4,873,607,000 61,287,000

708,134,000 7,902,889,000 17,108,946,000 4,906,480,000 70,701,000

748,078,000 8,634,853,000 14,215,879,000 4,487,301,000 69,005,000

936,719,000 9,691,828,000 14,726,296,000 4,487,544,000 81,968,000





Administrative expenses relating to direct loan origination of $34,793,000 for the year ended 31 December 2001 ($8,531,000 2000) were offset against front-end fees earned of a similar amount, resulting in a reduction in administrative expenses of this amount. Commencing 1 July 2001, ADB offered LIBOR-based loans (LBLs) in any of the following currencies Euro, Japanese yen, or US dollar. The new LBL lending facility offers borrowers the flexibility of (i) choice of currency and interest rate basis;

(ii) options to link repayment schedules to actual disbursements for financial intermediary borrowers; (iii) change the original loan terms (currency and interest rate basis) at any time during the life of the loan; and (iv) options to cap or collar the floating lending rate at any time during the life of the loan. LBL terms are available for all new loans for which the invitation to negotiate is issued on or after 1 July 2001. It is also extended to borrowers who wish to transform undisbursed amount of presently effective pool-based single currency loan




in US dollars, if this constitutes at least 40 percent of the original loan amount as of 30 June 2001. ADBs loan product menu will consist only of LBL by the 1st of July 2002. Undisbursed loan commitments and an analysis of loans by borrowing member countries as of 31 December 2001 are shown in OCR-5. The carrying amounts of loan outstanding by loan products at 31 December 2001 and 2000 are as follows:

overdue. Loans in nonaccrual status resulted in $307,000 ($66,000 - 2000) not being recognized as income from public sector loans for the year ended 31 December 2001. The accumulated interest and other charges on these loans that were not recognized as income as of 31 December 2001 would have totaled $514,000 ($207,000 - 2000).

Private Sector Loans

2001 2000

Public Sector Fixed rate multicurrency loans Pool-based multicurrency loans Pool-based single currency (US$) loans Market-based loans floating rate Market-based loans fixed rate LIBOR-based loans

559,641,000 6,995,932,000 16,158,226,000 4,298,838,000 1,095,000 320,784,000

748,078,000 8,617,170,000

Twelve private sector loans were in nonaccrual status as of 31 December 2001 (twelve - 2000). The principal outstanding at that date was $75,449,000 ($77,699,000 - 2000) of which $51,065,000 ($42,116,000 - 2000) was overdue. Loans in nonaccrual status resulted in $7,676,000 ($7,214,000 2000) not being recognized in income from private sector loans for the year ended 31 December 2001. The accumulated interest and other charges on these loans that were not recognized as of 31 December 2001 would have totaled $29,380,000 ($21,704,000 - 2000).

14,215,879,000 4,244,175,000 27,825,302,000

28,334,516,000 Private Sector Pool-based multicurrency loans Currency specific loans Private sector facility loans Market-based loans floating rate Market-based loans fixed rate Revolving facility AFIC

Loan Loss Provision

12,497,000 190,094,000 7,340,000 152,747,000 37,336,000 4,444,000 404,458,000 19,221,000 208,729,000 15,672,000 131,588,000 26,214,000 4,000,000 405,424,000 (75,610,000) 329,814,000 $28,155,116,000 Loans not subject to loss provisions Loans subject to loss provisions Total Average amount of loans subject to loss provisions Related interest income on such loans Cash received on related interest income on such loans
2001 2000

ADB has not suffered any losses of principal on public sector loans. No loan loss provisions have been made against outstanding public sector loans, but loan loss provisions have been made against private sector loans during the year (see Note K). Information pertaining to loans which were subject to loan loss provisions at 31 December 2001 and 2000 is as follows:

Less: Allowance for loan loss

(80,128,000) 324,330,000

$28,629,075,000 109,899,000 $28,738,974,000

$28,148,427,000 82,299,000 $28,230,726,000



Public Sector Loans

Two public sector loans to Myanmar and one public sector loan to Nauru were in nonaccrual status as of 31 December 2001 (two to Myanmar - 2000). The principal outstanding for these three loans as of 31 December 2001 was $3,095,000 ($864,000 2000) of which $795,000 ($864,000 2000) was









The changes in the allowance for loan losses during 2001 and 2000 are as follows:
2001 2000

covered; and (ii) political risk guarantees, which provide coverage against well-defined sovereign risks. Guaranteed payments under partial credit guarantees are generally due 10 or more years from the loan inception date. ADBs political risk guarantee is callable when a guaranteed event has occurred and such an event has resulted in debt service default to the guaranteed lender. The present value of the contingent future payment obligations of all outstanding partial credit guarantees and the nominal value of political risk guaranteed obligation at 31 December 2001 and 2000 are used to calculate ADBs lending limitation. None of these amounts were subject to call as of that date (nil 31 December 2000). ADB estimates that the present value of guarantees outstanding at 31 December 2001 approximates their fair value. As at 31 December 2001 and 2000, the outstanding amount and present value of ADBs guarantee obligations covered:

Balance 1 January Provision during the year Translation adjustments Balance 31 December

$75,610,000 4,994,000 (476,000) $80,128,000

$72,991,000 3,045,000 (426,000) $75,610,000

Loan Guarantees
ADB extends guarantees to public sector and private sector borrowers which are not reflected in the financial statements. Such guarantees include (i) partial credit guarantees where only certain principal and/or interest payments are
2001 Outstanding Guaranteed Amount

2000 Outstanding Present Value Guaranteed Amount Present Value

Partial Credit Guarantees Complementary Loans China, Peoples Rep. of India Indonesia Papua New Guinea Subtotal Bond Issue Philippines Term Loans Sri Lanka Subtotal Political Risk Guarantees Bangladesh Pakistan Sri Lanka Subtotal Total

$ 27,966,000 57,235,000 21,741,000 505,000 107,447,000 91,575,000 112,636,000 311,658,000 28,735,000 8,662,000 6,118,000 43,515,000 $355,173,000

$ 21,039,000 39,935,000 16,174,000 494,000 77,642,000 44,148,000 80,839,000 202,629,000 16,147,000 8,220,000 3,936,000 28,303,000 $230,932,000

$ 28,709,000 65,778,000 24,987,000 1,601,000 121,075,000 105,245,000 115,268,000 341,588,000 $ 341,588,000

$ 19,361,000 40,849,000 16,709,000 1,515,000 78,434,000 42,702,000 74,103,000 195,239,000 $195,239,000

The outstanding guaranteed amounts represent the amounts utilized under the related loans which have been disbursed as of the end of a reporting period. At 31 December 2001, the nominal amount of the partial credit guarantees

and political risk guarantees facilities were $317,596,000 and $251,000,000, respectively ($346,455,000 and nil 31 December 2000).




ADB functions as lead lender in cofinancing arrangements with other participating financial institutions who also provide funds to ADBs public and private sector borrowers. In such capacity, ADB provides loan administration services,
2001 No. of Amount Loans Amount

which include loan disbursements and loan collections. The participating financial institutions have no recourse to ADB for their outstanding loan balances. Loans administered by ADB on behalf of participating institutions as at 31 December 2001 and 2000 are as follows:
2000 No. of Loans

Public sector loans Private sector loans Total

$ 994,709,000 277,284,000 $1,271,993,000

39 15 54

$1,251,620,000 271,844,000 $1,523,464,000

40 12 52

During the year ended 31 December 2001, a total of $532,000 ($224,000 - 2000) was received as compensation for arranging and administering such loans. This amount has been included in Income from Other Sources.


In 1991, under the terms of an agreement with the Philippines (Government), ADB returned the former headquarters premises which had been provided by the Government. In accordance with the agreement as supplemented by a memorandum of understanding, ADB was compensated $22,657,000 for the return of these premises. The compensation is in lieu of being provided premises under the agreement and accordingly, is deferred and amortized over the estimated life of the new headquarters building as a reduction of occupancy expense. The amortization for the year ended 31 December 2001 amounted to $567,000 ($567,000 2000) reducing depreciation expense for the new headquarters building from $4,414,000 ($4,700,000 2000) to $3,847,000 ($4,133,000 2000). At 31 December 2001, the unamortized deferred compensation balance (included in ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND OTHER LIABILITIES - Miscellaneous) was $16,473,000 ($17,040,000 - 2000). At 31 December 2001, accumulated depreciation for property, furniture, and equipment was $82,614,000 ($78,898,000 2000).

ADBs investments in equity securities issued by private enterprises located in DMCs include an $13,874,000 ($12,511,000 2000) investment in the Asian Finance and Investment Corporation Ltd. (AFIC) which is accounted for on the equity method. The holding represents 30.3% of the investees issued ordinary share capital and net assets. ADB also holds 100% of AFIC issued convertible noncumulative preference shares in the amount of $25,000,000 ($25,000,000 - 2000). In October 2001, ADB together with other financiers, renewed the revolving credit facility up to a maximum aggregate principal amount outstanding at any time of $45,000,000 ($45,000,000 2000). ADBs obligations amount to $20,000,000, of which, at 31 December 2001, the outstanding loan is $4,444,000 ($4,000,000 - 2000). This amount has been included in LOANS OUTSTANDING (see Note E). Unrealized gains on equity investments reported at market value were $2,269,000 at 31 December 2001 ($3,003,000 2000) and were reported in CAPITAL AND RESERVES as part of Accumulated other comprehensive income. Approved equity investment facility that has not been disbursed was $176,739,000 at 31 December 2001 ($185,377,000 - 2000).

ADB uses derivative financial instruments in connection with its borrowing activities to diversify its funding sources across public and private debt markets, currencies, and instruments. Currency swaps are used to convert a currency



borrowed under advantageous terms into one of ADBs major operational currencies, taking advantage of the opportunities offered in different financial markets. Such currency swaps enable ADB to raise operationally needed currencies in a cost-efficient way and to maintain its borrowing presence in the major capital markets. Interest rate swaps are used generally to reduce balance sheet interest rate mismatches arising from lending operations. ADB issues structured debt which includes embedded currency and/or interest rate derivatives in order to decrease its cost of borrowing. However, ADB enters into simultaneous currency and/or interest rate swaps to hedge fully against the effects of such embedded derivatives. ADB has a potential risk of loss if the swap counterparty fails to perform its obligations. In order to reduce such credit risk, ADB only enters into long-term swap transactions with counterparties eligible under ADBs swap guidelines which include a requirement that the counterparties have a credit rating of double A or higher. ADB does not anticipate that any of its counterparties will fail to perform their obligations under such agreements. The fair value of outstanding currency swap agreements, interest rate swap agreements, and borrowings is determined at the estimated amount that ADB would receive or pay to terminate the agreements using a market-based valuation model. The basis of valuation is the present value of expected cash flows based on appropriate market data. Under a typical interest rate swap agreement used by ADB, one party agrees to make periodic payments based on a notional principal amount and an
Interest rate swaps:

interest rate that is fixed at the outset of the agreement. The counterparty agrees to make floating rate payments based on the same notional principal amount. The terms of ADBs interest rate swap agreements specifically match the terms of particular borrowings. Prior to the adoption of FAS 133 in 2001, amounts receivable or payable under the terms of the swap were accrued over the period to which the payment relates and the related cost or income is included in Interest and other financial expenses. Under a typical currency swap agreement, one party agrees to make periodic payments in one currency
Currency swaps:

while the counterparty agrees to make periodic payments in another currency. The payments may be fixed at the outset of the agreement or vary based on interest rates. A receivable is created for the currency swapped out, and a payable is created for the currency swapped in. The terms of ADBs currency swap agreements specifically match the terms of particular borrowings. Prior to the adoption of FAS 133 in 2001, swap premiums and discounts were deferred and amortized over the life of the underlying instruments. Such amortizations are included in Interest and other financial expenses. As of 31 December 2001 and 2000, the carrying amounts (inclusive of accrued interest) and estimated fair values of borrowings and swaps are as follows:

2001 Carrying Amount Estimated Fair Value Carrying Amount

2000 Estimated Fair Value

Borrowings Payable for swaps Receivable from swaps

$25,252,189,000 6,784,076,000 6,379,403,000

$26,734,750,000 6,784,076,000 6,379,403,000

$25,767,437,000 6,785,302,000 6,116,385,000

$26,811,266,000 6,989,667,000 6,263,545,000


shares (3,474,627 2000) have been subscribed by members. Of the subscribed shares, 3,230,244 (3,230,244 - 2000) are callable and 244,383 (244,383 2000) are paid-in. The callable share capital is subject to call by ADB only as and when required to meet ADBs obligations incurred on borrowings of funds for inclusion in its ordinary capital resources or on guarantees chargeable to such resources. The paid-in share capital has been paid or is payable in installments, partly in convertible currencies and partly in

Capital Stock
The authorized capital stock of ADB as of the end of 2001 and 2000 consists of 3,490,994 shares, of which 3,474,627




the currency of the subscribing member which may be convertible. In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 3 of the Charter, ADB accepts nonnegotiable, noninterest-bearing demand obligations in satisfaction of the portion payable in the currency of the member, provided such currency is not required by ADB for the conduct of its operations. The settlement of such amounts is not determinable and, accordingly, it is not practicable to determine a fair value for these receivables. As of 31 December 2001, all matured installments amounting to $3,049,555,000 ($3,111,859,000 - 2000) were received except for $4,353,000 ($1,169,000 - 2000) from two countries (two - 2000). Installments not due aggregating $18,967,000 ($72,232,000 - 2000) are receivable as follows:
Year ending 31 December:

Maintenance of Value of Currency Holdings
Prior to 1 April 1978, the effective date of the Second Amendment to the IMF Articles, ADB implemented maintenance of value (MOV) in respect of holdings of member currencies in terms of 1966 dollars, in accordance with the provisions of Article 25 of the Charter and relevant resolutions of the Board of Directors. Since then, settlement of MOV has been put in abeyance. Inasmuch as the valuation of ADBs capital stock and the basis of determining possible MOV obligations are still under consideration, notional amounts have been calculated provisionally as receivable from or payable to members in order to maintain the value of currency holdings in terms of the SDR. In view thereof, the notional MOV amounts of receivables and payables are offset against one another and shown as net notional amounts to maintain value of currency holdings in the CAPITAL AND RESERVES portion of the Balance Sheet. In 2000 and prior years, the notional MOV amounts were shown as asset and liability in the Balance Sheet. The timing of the establishment and settlement of such amounts is uncertain and, accordingly, it is not practicable to determine a fair value for such receivables and payables. One country made an arrangement with ADB that has the effect of continuing the settlement of their MOV obligation. The Amounts required to maintain value of currency holdings under RECEIVABLE FROM MEMBERS represents the amount receivable from changes in exchange rates of the members currency in relation to the United States dollar. The net notional amounts as of 31 December 2001 consisted of (a) the increase of $148,847,000 ($239,791,000 - 2000) in amounts required to maintain the value of currency holdings to the extent of matured and paid capital subscriptions due to the increase in the value of the SDR in relation to the United States dollar during the period from 1 April 1978 to 31 December 2001 and (b) the net decrease of $313,609,000 ($158,966,000 2000) in the value of such currency holdings in relation to the United States dollar during the same period. In terms of receivable from and payable to members, they are as follows:
2001 2000





Payments in respect of capital subscription installments in advance of due dates are shown in the Balance Sheet (under ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND OTHER LIABILITIES) as Advance payments on subscriptions pending the determination of the full value of such payments based on the rate of exchange to be used by ADB as of the date on which such payments are actually due.

Capital Transferred to Asian Development Fund

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph 1(i) of the Charter, the Board of Governors has authorized the setting aside of 10% of the unimpaired paid-in capital paid by members pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 2(a) of the Charter and of the convertible currency portion paid by members pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 2(b) of the Charter as of 28 April 1973 to be used as a part of the Special Funds of ADB. The resources so set aside amounting to $59,780,000 as of 31 December 2001 ($62,031,000 - 2000) expressed in terms of the SDR on the basis of $1.25562 ($1.30291 - 2000) per SDR ($57,434,000 in terms of $1.20635 per 1966 dollarsee Note B), were allocated and transferred to the Asian Development Fund.

Notional MOV Receivables Notional MOV Payables Total

$657,940,000 195,484,000 $462,456,000

$677,808,000 279,051,000 $398,757,000



As of 31 December 2001, ADB is owned by 59 member countries, 43 countries from the region and 16 countries from outside the region (see OCR7). There has been no subscription from new members in 2001 (Turkmenistan 2000).

2000) was allocated by the Board of Governors out of Surplus to Technical Assistance Special Fund.

Comprehensive Income and Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income

Comprehensive income has two major components: net income and other comprehensive income comprising gains and losses affecting equity that, under generally accepted accounting principles, are excluded from net income. Other comprehensive income includes such items as the effects of the implementation of FAS 133, unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities and listed equity investments, and currency translation adjustments.

Ordinary Reserve and Net Income

Under the provisions of Article 40 of the Charter, the Board of Governors shall determine annually what part of the net income shall be allocated, after making provision for reserves, to surplus and what part, if any, shall be distributed to the members. During 2001, $625,716,000 of the net income for the year ended 31 December 2000 was allocated to the Ordinary Reserve ($449,873,000 - 2000). The restatement of the capital stock for purposes of these financial statements on the basis of the SDR instead of the 1966 dollar (see Note B) resulted in a net credit of $20,236,000 to the Ordinary Reserve during the year ended 31 December 2001 ($27,738,000 - 2000). That credit is the decrease in the value of the matured and paid capital subscriptions caused by the change during the year in the value of the SDR in relation to the United States dollar not allocated to members as notional maintenance of value adjustments in accordance with resolutions of the Board of Directors.

Total income from loans for the year ended 31 December 2001 was $1,813,640,000 ($1,861,334,000 - 2000). The average yield on the loan portfolio during the year was 6.42% (6.59% - 2000). Total income from investments for the year ended 31 December 2001 was $403,436,000 ($399,862,000 - 2000). The annualized rate of return on the average investments held during the year, based on the portfolio held at the beginning and end of each month, excluding unrealized gains and losses, was 5.91% (5.09% - 2000). If unrealized gains and losses were included, the annualized rate of return would have been 6.18% (6.15% - 2000). Income from other sources includes a share of the net earnings of an equity investment of $1,478,000 ($667,000 2000) accounted for on the equity method. There were no gains/losses realized in 2001 (gains of $4,530,000 2000) representing the difference between reacquisition price and net carrying amount of borrowings extinguished prior to maturity. Dividends received for the year ended 31 December 2001 amounted to $13,229,000 ($11,354,000 - 2000). Total interest expense incurred for the year ended 31 December 2001 amounted to $1,416,830,000 ($1,560,606,000 - 2000). Other financial expenses consist of amortization of borrowings issuance costs and other expenses of $17,282,000 ($16,139,000 - 2000). Administrative expenses (other than those pertaining directly to ordinary operations and special operations) for the

Special Reserve
The Special Reserve includes commissions on loans and guarantee fees on guarantees set aside pursuant to Article 17 of the Charter. Special Reserve assets consist of term deposits and government and government-guaranteed obligations and are included under the heading INVESTMENTS. As the amount of guarantee fees earned of $1,587,000 for 2001 covered the residual charge of $292,000 resulting from the guarantee refund made to Thailand in 1999, the amount of $1,295,000 was appropriated to Special Reserve for 2001 (nil 2000).

Surplus represents funds for future use to be determined by the Board of Governors. During 2001, no amount ($80,000,000




year ended 31 December 2001 were apportioned between ordinary capital resources and the Asian Development Fund according to the number of loans and equity investments approved during the year. Of the total administrative expenses of $223,313,000 ($203,389,000 - 2000), $129,481,000 ($102,299,000 - 2000) was accordingly charged to the Asian Development Fund. The balance of administrative expenses after allocation was offset by front-end fee from new loans for the year ended 31 December 2001 of $34,793,000 ($8,531,000 2000) (see Notes B and E). In April 2001, the Board of Directors approved financing of technical assistance (TA) directly from current income and outlined a 4-year financing framework for TA operations. The full amount of TA commitments is to be charged to OCR current income as TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO MEMBER COUNTRIES in the year of commitment. As at 31 December 2001, the amount of TA commitments amounted to $19,962,000 out of which $209,000 had been disbursed. For the year ended 31 December 2001, the provision for losses totaled $9,838,000 ($4,994,000 for private sector loans and $4,844,000 for equity investments). For the year ended 31 December 2000, the provision for losses totaled $5,910,000 ($3,045,000 for private sector loans and $2,865,000 for equity investments). FAS 133 adjustment of $112,845,000 was made up of mark to market gains on derivatives of $153,560,000 offset by amortization of the FAS 133 transition adjustments of $40,715,000.



Staff Retirement Plan

ADB has a contributory defined benefit Staff Retirement Plan (the Plan). Every employee, as defined under the Plan, shall, as a condition of service, become a participant from the first day of service, provided that at such a date, the employee has not reached the normal retirement age of 60. The Plan applies also to members of the Board of Directors who elect to join the Plan. Retirement benefits are based on length of service and highest average remuneration during two years of eligible service. The Plan assets are segregated and are not included in the accompanying Balance Sheet. The costs of administering the Plan are absorbed by ADB, except for fees paid to the investment managers and related charges, including custodian fees, which are borne by the Plan. Participants are required to contribute 9 1/3% of their salary to the Plan and may also make additional voluntary contributions. ADBs contribution is determined at a rate sufficient to cover that part of the costs of the Plan not covered by the participants contributions.

Postretirement Medical Benefits Plan

In 1993, ADB adopted a cost-sharing plan for retirees medical insurance premiums. Under the plan, ADB is obligated to pay 75% of the Group Medical Insurance Plan premiums for retirees, including retired members of the Board of Directors, and their eligible dependents who elected to participate. The cost-sharing plan is currently unfunded. Generally accepted accounting principles require an actuarially determined assessment of the periodic cost of postretirement medical benefits.

Included in miscellaneous assets are amounts receivable from the following related funds as of 31 December 2001 and 2000:
2001 2000

Asian Development Fund (Note K) Technical Assistance Special Fund Japan Special Fund Asian Development Bank Institute Special Fund Total

$6,103,000 143,000 107,000 $6,353,000

$8,823,000 502,000 144,000 115,000 $9,584,000



The following table sets forth the pension and postretirement medical benefits at 31 December 2001 and 2000:

Pension Benefits 2001 2000

Postretirement Medical Benefits 2001 2000

Change in benefit obligation: Benefit obligation at beginning of year Service cost Interest cost Participants contributions Amendments Actuarial loss (gain) Benefits paid Benefit obligation at end of year Change in plan assets: Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year Actual return on plan assets Employers contribution Plan participants contributions Benefits paid Fair value of plan assets at end of year Funded status Unrecognized actuarial loss (gain) Unrecognized prior service cost Unrecognized transition obligation Net amount recognized Amounts recognized in the balance sheet consist of: Prepaid benefit cost Accrued benefit liability Intangible asset Accumulated other comprehensive income Net amount recognized Weighted-average assumptions as of 31 December Discount rate Expected return on plan assets Rate of compensation increase varies with age and averages

$576,014,000 19,014,000 44,165,000 29,898,000 40,392,000 32,295,000 (27,413,000) $714,365,000

$ 530,866,000 17,968,000 42,354,000 21,812,000 (12,919,000) (24,067,000) $ 576,014,000

61,231,000 4,252,000 6,964,000 34,460,000 (1,118,000)

$ 56,791,000 1,874,000 4,510,000 (4,082,000) 3,167,000 (1,029,000) $ 61,231,000

$ 105,789,000

$729,822,000 (49,607,000) 10,175,000 29,898,000 (27,413,000) $692,875,000 $ (21,490,000) 2,605,000 42,185,000 (2,217,000) $ 21,083,000

$ 754,458,000 (32,545,000) 10,164,000 21,812,000 (24,067,000) $ 729,822,000 $ 153,808,000 (146,392,000) 2,775,000 (3,322,000) $ 6,869,000

1,118,000 (1,118,000)

1,029,000 (1,029,000)

$(105,789,000) 32,190,000 (3,697,000) 7,706,000 $ (69,590,000)

$(61,231,000) (272,000) (4,082,000) 10,115,000 $(55,470,000)

$ 21,409,000 (326,000) $ 21,083,000

7,144,000 (286,000) 11,000 6,869,000

(69,590,000) N/A N/A

(55,470,000) N/A N/A

$ (69,590,000)


7.00% 8.00% 6.00%

7.50% 8.00% 6.50%

7.00% N/A 6.00%

7.50% N/A 6.50%




For measurement purposes, an 8.5% annual rate of increase in the per capita cost of covered health care benefits was assumed for the valuation as at 31 December 2001. The rate

was assumed to decrease gradually to 5.75% for 2009 and remain at that level thereafter.

Pension Benefits

Postretirement Medical Benefits

Components of net periodic benefit cost: Service cost Interest cost Expected return on plan assets Amortization of prior service cost Amortization of transition obligation Recognized actuarial (gain) loss Net periodic benefit cost $ 19,014,000 44,165,000 (58,746,000) 982,000 (1,105,000) (8,349,000) $ (4,039,000)

$ 17,968,000 42,354,000 (52,559,000) 1,046,000 (1,105,000) (5,726,000) $ 1,978,000

$ 4,252,000 6,964,000 (385,000) 2,409,000 1,998,000 $15,238,000

$1,874,000 4,510,000 2,409,000 $8,793,000

The projected benefit obligation, accumulated benefit obligation, and fair value of plan assets for the pension plan with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets were $630,000,000, $625,000,000, and $319,000,000, respectively as of 31 December 2001 and $592,000,000, $589,000,000, and $303,000,000, respectively, as of 31 December 2000.

A one-percentage-point change in assumed health care trend rates would have the following effects:
1-PercentagePoint Increase 1-PercentagePoint Decrease

Effect on total service and interest cost components $ 2,623,000 Effect on postretirement benefit obligation 20,865,000

$ (2,023,000) (16,503,000)




The carrying amounts and estimated fair values of ADBs significant financial instruments as of 31 December 2001 and 2000 are summarized as follows:
2001 Carrying Amount Estimated Fair Value Carrying Amount 2000 Estimated Fair Value

On-balance sheet financial instruments:

ASSETS: Due from banks Investments (Note D) Loans outstanding (Note E) Equity investments (Note F) Other assets Nonnegotiable, noninterestbearing demand obligations Receivable from swaps (Note H) LIABILITIES: Borrowings (Note H) Other liabilities Payable for swaps (Note H) 25,252,189,000 6,784,076,000
Outstanding Amount Off-balance sheet financial instruments:

68,823,000 8,264,915,000 28,658,846,000 208,018,000

68,823,000 8,264,915,000 30,697,150,000 208,018,000

62,546,000 7,533,008,000 28,155,116,000 203,497,000

62,546,000 7,533,008,000 29,924,355,000 203,497,000

333,047,000 6,379,403,000

185,090,000 6,379,403,000

384,045,000 6,116,385,000

208,316,000 6,263,545,000

26,734,750,000 6,784,076,000
Estimated Fair Value

25,767,437,000 6,785,302,000
Outstanding Amount

26,811,266,000 6,989,667,000
Estimated Fair Value

Guarantees (Note E)





The carrying amount for borrowings and swaps are inclusive of accrued interest.

Additional fair value information, including methods used to estimate certain values, is included in the notes referenced in the above table. Fair value of a financial instrument is defined as the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale. The fair value of financial instruments that are short-term approximates their carrying amount. If available, quoted market values are used to determine fair values. Financial instruments for which market quotations are not readily available are valued using a market-based

valuation model. The basis of valuation is the expected cash flows discounted at the applicable market yield curves or appropriate market data.

ADB is a party to off-balance sheet financial instruments on guarantees. Guarantees involve elements of credit risk which are not reflected on the balance sheet. Credit risk represents the maximum potential accounting loss due to possible nonperformance by obligors and counterparties under the terms of the contract. The amount of credit risks on guaran-




tees as at 31 December 2001 was $230,932,000 ($195,239,000 31 December 2000).

programs are funded with external funds administered by ADB and with external funds not under ADBs administration. The funds are restricted for specific uses including technical assistance to borrowers and technical assistance for regional programs. The responsibilities of ADB under these arrangements range from project processing to project implementation including the facilitation of procurement of goods and services. Special funds and funds administered by ADB on behalf of the donors are not included in the assets of ordinary capital resources. The breakdown of the total of such funds together with the funds of the special operations as of 31 December 2001 and 2000 is as follows:

ADBs operations include special operations, which are financed from special fund resources, consisting of the Asian Development Fund, the Technical Assistance Special Fund, Japan Special Fund, and the Asian Development Bank Institute Special Fund. In addition, ADB, alone or jointly with donors, administers on behalf of the donors, including members of ADB, their agencies and other development institutions, projects/ programs supplementing ADBs operations. Such projects/

2001 Total Net Assets No. of Funds Total Net Assets

2000 No. of Funds

Special Funds Asian Development Fund Technical Assistance Special Fund Japan Special Fund Asian Development Bank Institute Special Fund Subtotal Trust Funds Funds administered by ADB Funds not administered by ADB Subtotal Total

$19,887,498,000 81,271,000 268,129,000 9,857,000 20,246,755,000

1 1 1 1 4

$20,999,228,000 115,457,000 326,977,000 7,614,000 21,449,276,000

1 1 1 1 4

219,626,000 6,900,000 226,526,000 $20,473,281,000

30 1 31 35

140,310,000 8,234,000 148,544,000 $21,597,820,000

21 1 22 26

During the year ended 31 December 2001, a total of $411,000 ($655,000 - 2000) was received as compensation for

administering projects/programs under Trust Funds. The amount has been included in Income from other sources.






Asian Development Bank We have audited the accompanying special purpose statement of assets, liabilities and fund balances of the Asian Development BankAsian Development Fund as of 31 December 2001 and 2000 and the related special purpose statements of revenues and expenses, of cash flows and of changes in fund balances for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the management of the Asian Development Bank. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosure in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. As discussed in Notes B and D, the Board of Directors approved in May 2001 the adoption of special purpose financial statements for the Asian Development BankAsian Development Fund in 2001. With the adoption of the special purpose financial statements, loan loss provisioning policy has been eliminated. The financial statements for 2000 have been restated accordingly. The accompanying financial statements are not intended to be a presentation in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States. In our opinion, the special purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the assets, liabilities and fund balances of Asian Development BankAsian Development Fund at 31 December 2001 and 2000, and the revenues and expenses and of cash flows for the years then ended, on the basis explained in Notes B and D. Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the special purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The accompanying special purpose statements of loans as at 31 December 2001 and 2000, and of resources as at 31 December 2001 are presented for purposes of additional analyses and are not required parts of the special purpose financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the special purpose financial statements and in our opinion is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the special purpose financial statements taken as a whole. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Board of Governors, Board of Directors, management and members of the Asian Development BankAsian Development Fund. However, under the Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Fund, this report is included in the Annual Report of the Asian Development Bank and is therefore a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited.

Detroit, Michigan 27 February 2002




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
2001 ASSETS DUE FROM BANKS (Note B) INVESTMENTS (Notes B and C) Government and government-guaranteed obligations Time deposits Other securities LOANS OUTSTANDING (ADF-5) (Notes B and D) ACCRUED REVENUE On investments On loans DUE FROM CONTRIBUTORS (Notes B and E) OTHER ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES PAYABLE TO ORDINARY CAPITAL RESOURCES ADVANCE PAYMENTS ON CONTRIBUTIONS (ADF-6) OTHER LIABILITIES Investment related payables Others FUND BALANCES Amounts available for loan commitments (ADF-6) Contributed Resources (Note B) Set-Aside Resources (Note G) Transfers from Ordinary Capital Resources and Technical Assistance Special Fund (Note A) $ 70,842 1,400 $ 6,103 2,651 $ 12,429 570 $ 8,823 2,704 28,508 36,066 $ 1,002,046 386,344 1,197,736 $ 6,293 $ 2,586,126 14,832,323 27,826 39,536 590,283 1,072,066 599,069 $ 7,591 2000

2,261,418 15,531,500

64,574 2,476,215 2,963 $19,968,494

67,362 3,154,538 1,345 $21,023,754



18,180,486 59,780 232,553 18,472,819

19,319,810 62,031 232,670 19,614,511 1,469,993 19,887,498 $19,968,494 (85,276) 20,999,228 $21,023,754

Accumulated surplus (ADF-4) Accumulated other comprehensive income (ADF-4) (Notes B and H) TOTAL

1,608,532 (193,853)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these special purpose financial statements (ADF-7).




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
REVENUE From loans (Notes B and D) From investments (Notes B and C) Interest Net gain on sales From other sourcesnet EXPENSES Administrative expenses (Note F) EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES


$146,763 $120,018 1,015 $115,148 1 $ 268,056


121,033 260

115,149 378 $ 265,854

129,517 $138,539

102,308 $163,546

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these special purpose financial statements (ADF-7).




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
2001 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Interest charges on loans received Interest on investments received Cash received from other sources Administrative expenses paid Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Sales of investment Maturities of investment Purchases of investment Principal collected on loans Loans disbursed Net Cash Used in Investing Activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Contributions received and notes of contributors encashed1 Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Due from Banks Net Decrease in Due from Banks Due from Banks at Beginning of Period Due from Banks at End of Period RECONCILIATION OF EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENSES TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Excess of revenue over expenses (ADF-2) Adjustments to reconcile excess of revenue over expenses to net cash provided by operating activities: Capitalized charges on loans Amortization of discounts/premiums Change in accrued/prepaid administrative expenses Net gain on sales of securities Change in accrued revenue on investments and loans Changes in receivables/payables Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities

2000 $ 119,869 92,267 479 (135,962) 76,653 1,209,982 34,779,807 (36,306,232) 208,442 (1,109,423) (1,217,424) 1,121,856 1,121,856 (3,645) (22,560) 30,151 $ 7,591

126,324 116,773 121 (131,456) 111,762 362,994 49,239,054 (49,935,316) 219,334 (1,005,975) (1,119,909) 1,006,117 1,006,117 732 (1,298) 7,591


138,539 (20,162) (2,564) (1,939) (1,015) (958) (139)

163,546 (24,666) (13,243) (33,653) (1) (15,431) 101



In addition, nonnegotiable, noninterest-bearing demand promissory notes amounting to $558,674 ($495,274 - 2000) were received from contributing members.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these special purpose financial statements (ADF-7).




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
Transfers from OCR & TASF $232,855 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income $ 36,848 (122,124)

Contributed Resources Balance 1 January 2000 Comprehensive income for the year 2000 (Note H) Change in amount of contributed resources available for loan commitments Change in SDR value of set-aside resources Change in value of transfers from Technical Assistance Special Fund Balance 31 December 2000 Comprehensive income for the year 2001 (Note H) Change in amount of contributed resources available for loan commitments Change in SDR value of set-aside resources Change in value of transfers from Technical Assistance Special Fund Balance 31 December 2001 $20,452,212

Set-Aside Resources $65,386

Accumulated Surplus $1,306,447 163,546

Total $22,093,748 41,422

(1,132,402) (3,355) (185) $19,319,810 $62,031 $232,670 $1,469,993 138,539 $ (85,276) (108,577)

(1,132,402) (3,355) (185) $20,999,228 29,962

(1,139,324) (2,251) (117)

(1,139,324) (2,251) (117)







Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Note H) For the Years Ended 31 December 2001 and 2000
Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
Accumulated Translation Adjustments 2001 Balance, 1 January Other comprehensive income for the year Balance, 31 December $ (87,242) (121,738) $(208,980) 2000 $ 39,830 (127,072) $ (87,242) Unrealized Investment Holding Gains (Losses) 2001 $ 1,966 13,161 $15,127 2000 $ (2,982) 4,948 $ 1,966 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income 2001 $ (85,276) (108,577) $(193,853) 2000 $ 36,848 (122,124) $ (85,276)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these special purpose financial statements (ADF-7).



Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
Loans Outstanding $ 27,702 3,904,445 53,665 221,140 19,500 589,084 43,729 4,928 290,469 564,790 31,558 42,323 26,203 310,123 414,444 1,045,336 3,664,451 238,772 778,956 66,570 43,111 1,456,724 23,190 50,394 32,962 3,972 5,853 44,740 833,189 Undisbursed Balances of Effective Loans2 $ 774,411 31,995 201,501 2,587 238,914 6,020 6,708 122,373 184,284 15,008 14,785 2,704 96,180 276,016 834,172 34,674 77,971 9,414 9,974 477,678 73,424 12,104 509 859,396 Loans Not Yet Effective2 $ 152,796 73,825 97,410 68,898 64,573 17,368 20,572 35,456 109,847 303,530 20,845 5,895 166,196 239,407 $ Total Loans 27,702 4,831,652 85,660 496,466 22,087 925,408 49,749 11,636 481,740 813,647 63,934 57,108 49,479 441,759 414,444 1,431,199 4,802,153 294,291 856,927 81,879 53,085 2,100,598 96,614 50,394 32,962 3,972 17,957 45,249 1,931,992 Percent of Total Loans 0.13 23.49 0.42 2.41 0.11 4.50 0.24 0.06 2.34 3.95 0.31 0.28 0.24 2.15 2.01 6.96 23.34 1.43 4.17 0.40 0.26 10.21 0.47 0.24 0.16 0.02 0.09 0.22 9.39 100.00

Borrower/Guarantor1 Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia Cook Islands Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam

BALANCE 31 December 2001 $14,832,323 BALANCE 31 December 2000 $15,531,500

1 2

$4,362,802 $4,179,239

$1,376,618 $1,488,266

$20,571,743 $21,199,005

Loans other than those made directly to a member or to its central bank have been guaranteed by the member with the exception of loans to the private sector amounting to $8,836 ($9,839 - 2000). Loans negotiated before 1 January 1983 were denominated in current United States dollars. Loans negotiated after that date are denominated in Special Drawing Rights (SDR) for the purpose of commitment. The undisbursed portions of such SDR loans are translated into United States dollars at the applicable exchange rates as of the end of a reporting period. Of the undisbursed balances, ADB has entered into irrevocable commitments to disburse various amounts totaling $90,393 ($88,474 - 2000).

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these special purpose financial statements (ADF-7).




MATURITY OF EFFECTIVE LOANS Twelve Months Ending 31 December 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Five Years Ending 31 December 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 2039 Total

Amount $380,940 323,203 361,509 391,470 427,931

Amount 3,048,507 3,793,437 4,019,093 3,316,146 2,125,269 918,961 88,659 $19,195,125

SUMMARY OF CURRENCIES RECEIVABLE ON LOANS OUTSTANDING Currency Australian dollar Austrian schilling Belgian franc Canadian dollar Danish krone Euro Japanese yen 2001 $ 350,116 771,606 68,359 2,271,650 8,768,144 2000 $ 383,838 626 36 790,524 83,638 2,299,201 9,567,705 Currency Korean won New Zealand dollar Norwegian krone Pound sterling Swedish krona Swiss franc United States dollar Total 2001 14,034 17,340 30,386 227,914 88,962 189,745 2,034,067 $14,832,323 2000 66 21,778 40,984 263,517 89,779 176,349 1,813,459 $15,531,500




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
Effective Amounts Committed During 2001 CONTRIBUTED RESOURCES Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China Indonesia Italy Japan Korea, Rep. of Malaysia Nauru The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China Thailand Turkey United Kingdom United States Total SET-ASIDE RESOURCES (Note G) TRANSFER FROM ORDINARY CAPITAL RESOURCES TRANSFERS FROM TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SPECIAL FUND2 TOTAL
1 2

Effective Amounts Committed At Exchange Rates Per Resolutions

Amounts Not Yet Amounts At 31 Dec. 2001 Available Available Exchange For Loan For Loan Rates Commitments Commitments

Amounts Received

Amounts Receivable

$ 147,333 $ 1,324,951 21,726 169,562 138,556 122,389 1,413,316 154,229 100,391 110,135 957,755 1,132,547 16,280 36,550 14,960 707,302 856,613 7,502,667 71,426 158,580 10,000 1,933 72,420 496,350 16,441 90,472 24,265 165,600 3,645 4,000 122 103,931 31,475 288,985 33,253 250,051 13,796 46,508 4,000 5,000 105,386 122,850 862,613 2,924,928 1,669,169 19,166,123

824,812 150,603 113,245 1,113,726 123,358 67,997 754,390 1,010,863 36,550 14,960 407,727 9,957,463 126,687 6,708 1,933 435,986 57,858 119,318 3,645 70,694 174,394 251,820 42,732 2,288 105,386 719,065 2,924,928 19,619,136 59,780

$ 110,500 20,191 91,791 106,348 29,388 12,210 642,460 53,570 1,677 54,315 12,331 18,199 2,734 23,606 24,940 10,327 3,750 92,137 128,176 1,438,650

714,312 $ 714,312 130,412 130,412 113,245 113,245 1,021,935 1,021,935 123,358 123,358 67,997 67,997 648,042 648,042 981,475 981,475 24,340 24,340 14,960 14,960 407,727 407,727 9,315,003 9,315,003 73,117 73,117 5,031 5,031 1,933 1,433 381,671 381,671 45,527 45,527 101,119 101,119 911 911 70,694 70,694 150,788 150,788 226,880 226,880 32,405 32,405 2,288 2,288 101,636 101,636 626,928 626,928 2,796,752 2,796,752 18,180,486 59,780 18,179,986 1

500 500



2,553 $19,911,469




$1,669,169 $19,166,123

$18,472,819 $18,179,986

Excludes $2,651 equivalent representing advance payments received but not yet available for loan commitments as of 31 December 2001. Includes translation adjustments amounting to $919 as of 31 December 2001.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these special purpose financial statements (ADF-7).





The Asian Development Fund (ADF) was established on 28 June 1974 to more effectively carry out the special operations of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) by providing resources on concessional terms which are made available almost exclusively to the least developed borrowing countries. The resources of ADF have been subsequently augmented by seven replenishments, the most recent of which became effective in June 2001 in a total amount equivalent to $2,791,483,000 to cover the operational requirements for the four-year period from January 2001. The last allocation from the surplus account of ADBs ordinary capital resources to ADF in the amount of $230,000,000 was in 1997.

cable rates of exchange at the beginning of each period; such practice approximates the application of average rates in effect during the period. Translation adjustments relating to set-aside resources (see Note G) are recorded as notional amounts receivable from or payable to ordinary capital resources. Other translation adjustments are charged or credited to Accumulated translation adjustments and reported in FUND BALANCES as part of Accumulated other comprehensive income. Exchange gains or losses on currency transactions among functional currencies are included in revenue.

All investment securities and negotiable certificate of deposits held by ADF are considered by Management to be Available for Sale and are reported at estimated fair value, with unrealized gains and losses excluded from revenue and reported in FUND BALANCES as part of Accumulated other comprehensive income. Estimated fair value generally represents market value. Time deposits are classified as Held-to-Maturity and are reported at cost. Realized gains and losses are included in revenue from investments and are measured by the difference between amortized cost and the net proceeds of sales.

In May 2001, the Board of Directors approved the adoption of the special purpose financial statements for ADF. With the adoption of the special purpose financial statements, loan loss provisioning has been eliminated. Due to the nature and organization of ADF, these financial statements have been prepared for the specific purpose of reflecting the sources and applications of member subscriptions and are not intended to be a presentation in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. These special purpose financial statements have been prepared to comply with Article IV, Section 4.01 of the Regulations of ADF.

It is the policy of ADF to place in nonaccrual status loans made to eligible borrowing member countries if the principal or interest with respect to any such loans is overdue by six months. Interest on nonaccruing loans is included in revenue only to the extent that payments have actually been received by ADF. ADB follows a policy of not taking part in debt rescheduling agreements with respect to public sector loans. In the case of private sector loans, ADB may agree to debt rescheduling only after alternative courses of action have been exhausted. When ADB decides that a particular loan is no longer collectible, the entire amount will be expensed during the period.

Functional Currencies and Reporting Currency

The currencies of contributing member countries are functional currencies. The reporting currency is the United States dollar, and the special purpose financial statements are expressed in thousands of current US dollars.

Translation of Currencies
Assets, liabilities, amounts available for loan commitments and advance payments on contributions are translated from their functional currencies to the reporting currency, generally at the applicable rates of exchange at the end of a reporting period. Revenue and expense amounts are translated for each semimonthly period, generally at the appli-

Contributed Resources
Contributions by member countries are included in the financial statements as amounts committed from the date



Instruments of Contribution are deposited and related formalities are completed. Contributions are generally paid or to be paid in the currency of the contributor either in cash or notes.
Currency 2001 2000

The currency compositions of the investment portfolio as of 31 December 2001 and 2000 expressed in United States dollars are as follows:

Accounting Estimates
The preparation of special purpose financial statements requires Management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the end of the year and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the year. The actual results could differ from those estimates.

Australian dollar Canadian dollar Danish krone Euro Japanese yen Norwegian krone Pound sterling Swedish krone United States dollar Others Total

$ 355,074,000 240,118,000 50,268,000 555,904,000 53,693,000 87,934,000 450,718,000 38,403,000 710,052,000 43,962,000 $2,586,126,000

$ 267,308,000 191,797,000 30,726,000 454,888,000 65,893,000 65,464,000 367,517,000 35,767,000 735,625,000 46,433,000 $2,261,418,000

Special Purpose Statement of Cash Flows

For the purposes of the special purpose statement of cash flows, ADF considers that its cash and cash equivalents are limited to DUE FROM BANKS.

The estimated fair value and amortized cost of the investments by contractual maturity at 31 December 2001 are as follows:
Estimated Fair Value Amortized Cost

Reclassification and Restatement

Certain 2000 amounts have been restated to conform with the 2001 presentation.

Due in one year or less Due after one year through five years Total

$1,407,039,000 1,179,087,000 $2,586,126,000

$1,402,719,000 1,168,280,000 $2,570,999,000

The main investment management objective is to maintain security and liquidity. Subject to these parameters, ADB seeks the highest possible return on its investments. Investments are governed by the Investment Authority approved by the Board of Directors in 1999. ADB is restricted by its Investment Authority to invest in investment instruments which are obligations of a limited class of issuers, primarily government or government-guaranteed obligations and corporate obligations. Included in other securities as of 31 December 2001 were corporate bonds and other obligations of banks amounting to $805,044,000 ($229,400,000 - 2000) and $392,692,000 ($369,669,000 2000), respectively.

Cost for time deposits approximates fair value. Additional information relating to investments in government and government-guaranteed obligations and other securities is as follows:
2001 As of 31 December 2000

Amortized cost Estimated fair value Gross unrealized gains Gross unrealized losses
For the years ended 31 December

$2,184,655,000 2,199,782,000 15,156,000 29,000

$1,187,386,000 1,189,352,000 2,088,000 122,000

Change in net unrealized gains Proceeds from sales Gross gains Gross losses

13,161,000 362,994,000 1,019,000 4,000

4,948,000 1,209,982,000 13,000 12,000




The annualized rate of return on the average investments held during the year, based on the portfolio held at the beginning and end of each month, excluding unrealized gains and losses, was 4.84% (5.01% - 2000). If unrealized gains and losses were included, the annualized rate of return would have been 5.35% (5.22% - 2000).


from loans for the year ended 31 December 2001. The accumulated interest on these loans that was not recognized as income as of 31 December 2001 would have totaled $22,882,000 ($18,170,000 - 2000). The loans in nonaccrual status as of 31 December 2001 were four loans made to Afghanistan and 28 loans to Myanmar. (Four loans to Afghanistan and 28 loans to Myanmar - 2000). One private sector loan was in nonaccrual status as of 31 December 2001 (one 2000). The principal outstanding at that date was $5,234,000 ($6,015,000 2000). Loan in nonaccrual status resulted in $57,000 ($122,000 2000) not being recognized in income from private sector loans for the year ended 31 December 2001. Private sector loans outstanding as of 31 December 2001 were $8,836,000 ($9,839,000 - 2000), and there were no undisbursed loan commitments (nil - 2000).

Prior to 1 January 1999, loans of ADF were extended to eligible borrowing member countries, which bore a service charge of 1% and required repayment over periods ranging from 35 to 40 years. On 14 December 1998, the Board of Directors approved an amendment to ADF loan terms, as follows: (i) for loans to finance specific projects, the maturity was shortened to 32 years including an 8-year grace period; (ii) for program loans to support sector development, the maturity was shortened to 24 years including an 8-year grace period; and (iii) all new loans bear a 1% interest charge during the grace period, and 1.5% during the amortization period, with equal amortization. The new ADF lending terms took effect on 1 January 1999 and apply only to new loans for which formal loan negotiations were completed on or after 1 January 1999. ADF requires borrowers to absorb exchange risks attributable to fluctuations in the value of the currencies disbursed. The fair value of loans is determined using an entry value method. Under this method, fair value is determined based on the terms at which a similar loan would currently be made by ADB to a similar borrower. For such loans, fair value approximates the carrying amount. The estimated fair value of loans is not affected by credit risks because the amount of any such adjustment is not considered to have a material effect based on ADBs experience with its borrowers. Undisbursed loan commitments and an analysis of loans by country as of 31 December 2001 are shown in ADF-5. The principal amount outstanding of public sector loans in nonaccrual status as of 31 December 2001 was $442,146,000 ($491,216,000 - 2000) of which $69,994,000 ($55,693,000 2000) was overdue. Loans in nonaccrual status resulted in $4,712,000 ($5,162,000 - 2000) not being recognized as income

Loan Loss Provision

In May 2001, the Board of Directors approved the elimination of ADF loan loss provisioning. For comparative purpose to this years presentation, the amount of loans outstanding as of 31 December 2000 has been restated with the amount of the allowance for possible losses of $6,667,000 as of 31 December 2000. Correspondingly the balances of accumulated surplus and accumulated translation adjustment as of 31 December 2001 have been restated by $6,849,000 and ($182,000), respectively.

Notes of contributors are nonnegotiable, noninterest-bearing and, subject to certain restrictions imposed by applicable Board of Governors resolutions, encashable by ADB at par upon demand. ADB currently expects that the notes outstanding at 31 December 2001 will be encashed in varying amounts over a nine-year period ending 31 December 2010. The fair value of notes of contributors is determined using an entry value method, whereby fair value is determined based on the terms at which notes are currently being accepted from contributors. On this basis, the fair value of outstanding notes of contributors approximates their carrying amount.





dollars as computed by the IMF. As of 31 December 2001, the value of the SDR in terms of the current United States dollar was $1.25562 ($1.30291 - 2000). On this basis, Set-Aside Resources amounted to $59,780,000 ($62,031,000 - 2000). If the capital stock of ADB as of 31 December 2001 had been valued in terms of $12,063.50 per share, Set-Aside Resources would have been $57,434,000.

Administrative expenses for 2001 included an administration charge from ordinary capital resources amounting to $129,481,000 ($102,299,000 - 2000). The charge represents an apportionment of all administrative expenses of ADB (other than those pertaining directly to ordinary operations and special operations), based on the number of loans and equity investments approved during the year.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph 1(i) of the Articles of Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank (the Charter), the Board of Governors has authorized the setting aside of 10% of the unimpaired paid-in capital paid by member countries pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 2(a) of the Charter and of the convertible currency portion paid by member countries pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 2(b) of the Charter as of 28 April 1973, to be used as a part of the Special Funds of ADB. The capital so set aside was allocated and transferred from the ordinary capital resources to ADF as Set-Aside Resources. The capital stock of ADB is defined in Article 4, paragraph 1 of the Charter, in terms of United States dollars of the weight and fineness in effect on 31 January 1966 (the 1966 dollar). Therefore, Set-Aside Resources had historically been translated into the current United States dollar (ADBs unit of account), on the basis of its par value in terms of gold. From 1973 until 31 March 1978, the rate arrived at on this basis was $1.20635 per 1966 dollar. Since 1 April 1978, at which time the Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) came into effect, currencies no longer had par values in terms of gold. Pending ADBs selection of the appropriate successor to the 1966 dollar, the Set-Aside Resources have been valued for purposes of the accompanying financial statements in terms of the Special Drawing Right (SDR), at the value in current United States

Comprehensive income has two major components: net income and other comprehensive income. Other comprehensive income include such items as unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities and foreign currency translation adjustments.

Fair value of a financial instrument is defined as the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale. The fair value of financial instruments that are short-term approximates their carrying amounts. If available, quoted market values are used to determine fair values. Financial instruments for which market quotations are not readily available are valued using methodologies and assumptions which necessarily require the use of subjective judgments. Accordingly, the actual value at which such financial instruments could be exchanged in a current transaction, or whether they are actually exchangeable is not determinable. The carrying amounts of ADFs assets, liabilities, and fund balances are considered to approximate fair values for all significant financial instruments. See Notes B, C, D, and E for discussions relating to investments, loans, and notes of contributors.




Asian Development Bank In our opinion, the accompanying statements of financial position and the related statements of activities and changes in net assets and of cash flows present fairly, in all material respects, in terms of United States dollars, the financial position of the Asian Development Bank Technical Assistance Special Fund at 31 December 2001 and 2000, and the results of its activities and changes in net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States. These financial statements are the responsibility of the management of the Asian Development Bank; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United States which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above. Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The accompanying statement of resources as at 31 December 2001 and summary statement of technical assistance approved and effective for the year ended 31 December 2001 are presented for purposes of additional analyses and are not required parts of the basic financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the basic financial statements and in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

Detroit, Michigan 27 February 2002




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (TASF-6).




$ 60,678 124,275

184,953 991 7,052 $194,463

$ 26,095 159,220 53,454

238,769 3,356 8,457 $251,738

177 113,015

502 3 135,776

81,271 $194,463

115,457 $251,738




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
2001 CHANGES IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS CONTRIBUTIONS (TASF-4) (Notes B and D) REVENUE From investments (Notes B and C) Interest Unrealized investment gains From other sourcesnet (Note E) Total EXPENSES Technical assistance (TASF-5) (Notes B and E) Financial expenses Total CONTRIBUTIONS AND REVENUE (LESS THAN) IN EXCESS OF EXPENSES EXCHANGE LOSSESnet (Note B) DECREASE IN NET ASSETS NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR NET ASSETS AT END OF YEAR
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (TASF-6).



$ 80,103

$ 9,103 1,844 10,947 447 11,394 11,511

$9,624 112 9,736 388 10,124 90,227

34,744 3 34,747

80,456 4 80,460

(23,236) (10,950) (34,186) 115,457 $ 81,271

9,767 (10,599) (832) 116,289 $115,457




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
2001 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Contributions received Interest on investments received Cash received from other activities Technical assistance disbursed Financial expenses paid Net Cash (Used in) Provided by Operating Activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Sales of investment Maturities of investment Purchases of investment Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Due from Banks Net Increase (Decrease) in Due from Banks Due from Banks at Beginning of Year Due from Banks at End of Year RECONCILIATION OF DECREASE IN NET ASSETS TO NET CASH (USED IN) PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Decrease in net assets (TASF-2) Adjustments to reconcile decrease in net assets to net cash (used in) provided by operating activities: Change in undisbursed commitments Translation adjustments Change in accrued interest receivable and others Unrealized investment gains Change in advances for technical assistance to member countries Amortization of discounts/premiums Change in contributions receivable Net Cash (Used in) Provided by Operating Activities
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (TASF-6).


70 11,227 563 (56,382) (3) (44,525) 523 2,952,122 (2,907,548) 45,097 (261) 311 1,156

80,173 7,937 525 (58,407) (4) 30,224

2,048 1,533,084 (1,567,780) (32,648) (92) (2,516) 3,672 $ 1,156




(22,761) 11,066 1,920 (1,844) 1,568 (241) (47) $ (44,525) $

22,095 10,736 (404) (112) (860) (469) 70 30,224




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
Contributions Committed During 2001 DIRECT VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS Australia Austria Bangladesh Belgium Canada China, Peoples Rep. of Denmark Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Italy Japan Korea, Rep. of Malaysia Nauru The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Singapore Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China Turkey United Kingdom United States Total Transfers to Asian Development Fund Allocation from OCR Net Income Other Resources TOTAL

Direct Voluntary Contributions

Regularized Replenishment

Total Contributions

47 70 117

$ 2,484 159 47 1,394 3,346 600 1,963 237 1,697 3,315 100 2,810 250 774 47,710 1,900 909 1,338 1,096 3,279 1,457 1,100 190 6 861 1,035 200 5,617 1,500 87,374

$ 15,318 2,207 1,808 17,185 2,283 1,007 12,900 15,249 120 40 8,795 97,279 600 67 5,978 715 2,021 1,651 4,129 3,137 500 2,354 8,344 34,352 238,039

$ 17,802 2,366 47 3,202 20,531 600 4,246 1,244 14,597 18,564 220 2,810 290 9,569 144,989 2,500 909 67 7,316 1,811 5,300 1,457 1,100 1,841 6 4,990 4,172 700 2,354 13,961 35,852 325,413 (3,472) 501,000 88,025 $910,966

Other resources represent income and replenishments accruing to TASF since 1 April 1980, including unrealized investment holding gains.

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (TASF-6).




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
Project Preparation $ (12) 1,174 754 (31) 130 (111) (40) (330) (78) Project Implementation/ Advisory $ 300 2,062 (60) 1,773 3,586 351 3,095 (771) (94) 23 990 (19) 85 (99) 213 1,121 4,825 3,361 779 (581) 439 (46) 395 140 350 (135) (11) 79 453 $

Recipient Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of East Timor India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Tajikistan Thailand Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Total Regional Activities TOTAL

Total 300 2,062 (60) 1,761 4,760 351 3,095 (17) (94) 23 990 (19) 85 (99) 182 1,121 4,825 3,491 779 (692) 399 (46) 65 62 350 (135) (11) 79 453 24,060 10,684 $34,744



Negative amounts represent net undisbursed commitments written back to balances available for future commitments (Notes B and E). The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (TASF-6).





Technical Assistance to Member Countries

Technical assistance is recognized in the financial statements when the related project is approved and becomes effective. Upon completion of the TA project, any undisbursed amount is written back as a reduction in technical assistance for the period and the corresponding undisbursed commitment is eliminated accordingly.

The Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF) was established to provide technical assistance on a grant basis to developing member countries of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and for regional technical assistance. TASF resources consist of direct voluntary contributions by members, allocations from the net income of ordinary capital resources (OCR) and Asian Development Fund (ADF) contributions, and revenue from investments and other sources.

Reporting Currency
The financial statements of TASF are expressed in thousands of current United States dollars. As a matter of convenience, the United States dollar is the functional and reporting currency and is used to measure exchange gains and losses.

Presentation of the Financial Statements

The financial statements of the TASF are presented on the basis of unrestricted and temporarily restricted net assets. TASF reports contributed cash and other assets as restricted support if they are received with donor stipulations that limit the use of the donated assets. When a donor restriction expires, that is, when a stipulated time or purpose restriction is accomplished, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets as net assets released from restrictions. There were no restricted net assets at 31 December 2001 and 2000.

Translation of Currencies
Assets, liabilities, and uncommitted balances in currencies other than United States dollars are translated at the applicable rates of exchange at the end of a reporting period. Contributions included in the financial statements during the year are recognized at applicable exchange rates as of the respective dates of commitment. Revenue and expense amounts in currencies other than United States dollars are translated for each semimonthly period generally at the applicable rates of exchange at the beginning of each period; such practice approximates the application of average rates in effect during the period. Translation adjustments are accounted for as exchange gains or losses and are charged or credited to operations.

All investment securities held by TASF are reported at estimated fair value, with realized and unrealized gains and losses included in revenue. Estimated fair value generally represents market value. Time deposits are classified as Held-to-Maturity and are reported at cost.

Accounting Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires Management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the end of the year and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the year. The actual results could differ from those estimates.

Contributions from members are included in the financial statements from the date contribution agreements become effective. Contributions from donors which are restricted by them to technical assistance (TA) projects/programs with specified procurement sources are classified as temporarily restricted contributions. Those without any stipulations as to specific use are accounted for as unrestricted contributions.

Statement of Cash Flows

For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, the TASF considers that its cash and cash equivalents are limited to DUE FROM BANKS.




Certain 2000 amounts have been reclassified to conform with the 2001 presentation.

In addition, an aggregate amount equivalent to $501,000,000 had been allocated to TASF out of OCR in 1992 to 1995 and in 1998 to 2000. Some of the direct contributions received were subject to restricted procurement sources, while some were given on condition that the technical assistance be made on a reimbursable basis. The total contributions received for the years ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 were without restrictions.

The main investment management objective is to maintain security and liquidity. Subject to these parameters, ADB seeks the highest possible return on its investments. Investments are governed by the Investment Authority approved by the Board of Directors in 1999. ADB is restricted by its Investment Authority to invest in investment instruments which are obligations of a limited class of issuers, primarily government or government-guaranteed obligations and corporate obligations. The currency compositions of the investment portfolio as of 31 December 2001 and 2000 expressed in United States dollars are as follows:
Currency 2001 2000

Undisbursed commitments are denominated in United States dollars and represent effective ongoing grant-financed TA projects/programs which are not yet disbursed as of the end of the year. During 2001, an amount of $5,471,000 ($13,390,000 - 2000) representing completed and canceled TA projects has been written back as a reduction in technical assistance of the period and the corresponding undisbursed commitment has been eliminated. The fair value of undisbursed commitments approximates the amounts undisbursed because ADB expects that grants will be made for all projects/programs covered by the commitments. When TA provided as a project preparatory grant leads to an ADB loan, the amount of the grant exceeding $250,000 will be refunded by the borrower through the loan proceeds under the terms of that ADB loan. Refinanced amount of $346,000 ($279,000 - 2000) was charged to such loans and credited to revenue from other sources of the TASF during the year ended 31 December 2001.

Australian dollar Canadian dollar Euro Swiss franc Others Total

5,147,000 132,725,000 10,078,000 33,918,000 3,085,000

$ 5,113,000 129,910,000 18,528,000 81,954,000 3,264,000 $238,769,000


The annualized rate of return on the average investments held during the year, based on the portfolio held at the beginning and end of each month was 5.26% (5.18% - 2000).

Since inception in 1967, direct contributions have been made by 29 member countries. In 1986 and 1992, the Board of Governors, in authorizing a replenishment of the ADF, provided for an allocation to the TASF in an aggregate amount equivalent to $72,000,000 and $140,000,000, respectively, to be used for technical assistance to ADF borrowing developing member countries and for regional technical assistance.

Fair value of a financial instrument is defined as the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale. The fair value of financial instruments that are short-term approximates their carrying amounts. The carrying amounts of TASFs assets, liabilities, and uncommitted balances are considered to approximate fair values for all significant financial instruments. See Notes B and E for discussions with respect to investments and undisbursed commitments, respectively.




Asian Development Bank In our opinion, the accompanying statements of financial position and the related statements of activities and changes in net assets and of cash flows present fairly, in all material respects, in terms of United States dollars, the financial position of the Asian Development BankJapan Special Fund at 31 December 2001 and 2000, and the results of its activities and changes in net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States. These financial statements are the responsibility of the management of the Asian Development Bank; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United States which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

Detroit, Michigan 27 February 2002




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
2001 JSF Regular & Supplementary 2000 JSF Regular & Supplementary

ACCSF ASSETS DUE FROM BANKS (Note B) INVESTMENTS (Notes A, B, and C) Government and government-guaranteed obligations Time deposits Other securities $ 1,315 35,967 80,964 64,546 181,477 EQUITY INVESTMENTS (Notes A, B, and D), net ACCRUED REVENUE OTHER ASSETS (Note E) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND UNCOMMITTED BALANCES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND OTHER LIABILITIES Payable to Ordinary Capital Resources Other Liabilities (Note E) $ 10,327 10,327 UNDISBURSED COMMITMENTS (Notes B and F) Technical assistance Interest payment assistance 14,918 58,115 73,033 NET ASSETS (JSF-2) (Note B), represented by: Uncommitted balances (Note G) Unrestricted Temporarily restricted (Notes A and H) 431 23 $183,246




663 96,085 181,676 277,761 105 1,335 6,170

$ 1,978 35,967 177,049 246,222 459,238 105 1,766 6,193 $469,280

61 103,281 127,616 230,897 46 71

537 10,676 136,256 145,816 292,748 338 6,701 4,289

598 113,957 263,872 145,816 523,645 338 6,747 4,360





143 43 186 117,605 117,605

143 10,370 10,513 132,523 58,115 190,638

4,807 4,807 13,099 76,185 89,284

144 60 204 114,416 114,416

144 4,867 5,011 127,515 76,185 203,700

99,366 99,366

8,505 57,794 66,299 101,944 168,243 $286,034

8,505 157,160 165,665 102,464 268,129 $469,280

136,637 136,637 347 136,984 $231,075

43,469 57,276 100,745 89,248 189,993 $304,613

43,469 193,913 237,382 89,595 326,977 $535,688

Net accumulated investment income Temporarily restricted (Notes A and H)

520 99,886



The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (JSF-4).




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
2001 JSF Regular & Supplementary 2000 JSF Regular & Supplementary





$ 30,929 74 205 894 32,102 64,227 1,413 431 66,071 (33,969) (992) (34,961) (3) (34,964)

$ 30,929 74 205 9,673 40,881 72,927 1,492 431 74,850 (33,969) (992) (34,961) (3) (34,964)

9,632 9,632 9,575 57 9,632

$ 37,561 150 (330) (557) 36,824 59,274 1,485 60,759 (23,935) (116) (24,051) 802 (23,249)

$ 37,561 150 (330) 9,075 46,456 68,849 1,542 70,391 (23,935) (116) (24,051) 802 (23,249)

14,110 (894) (2) 13,214 (21,750) 189,993 $168,243

14,362 (9,673) (218) (28,355) (23,884) (58,848) 326,977 $268,129

136,587 401 (9,632) 10 (16,514) 110,852 110,852 26,132 $136,984

19,823 557 676 21,056 (2,193) 192,186 $189,993

136,587 20,224 (9,075) 10 (15,838) 131,908 108,659 218,318 $326,977

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (JSF-4).




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
2001 JSF Regular & Supplementary $ 30,929 18,096 (62,893) (1,470) (902) (16,240) 29,966 6,864,848 (6,878,441) 16,373 (7) 126 537 $ 663 $ $ 2000 JSF Regular & Supplementary $ 37,561 $ 17,731 (60,622) (2,038) 19 (7,349) 1,656,089 (1,652,737) 3,352 (1) (3,998) 4,535 $ 537 $

ACCSF CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Contributions received Interest on investments received Technical assistance disbursed Interest assistance paid Administrative expenses paid Othersnet Net Cash (Used in) Provided by Operating Activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Sales of investment Maturities of investment Purchases of investment Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Due from Banks Net Increase (Decrease) in Due from Banks Due from Banks at Beginning of Year Due from Banks at End of Year RECONCILIATION OF (DECREASE) INCREASE IN NET ASSETS TO NET CASH (USED IN) PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES: (Decrease) Increase in net assets (JSF-2) Adjustments to reconcile (decrease) increase in net assets to net cash (used in) provided by operating activities: Translation adjustments Change in undisbursed commitments Amortization of discounts/premiums Provision for losses charged Unrealized investment losses (gains) Loss from sales of investments Othersnet Net Cash (Used in) Provided by Operating Activities $ $ 536 (7,010) (12,398) (55) (218) (19,145) 8,419 3,733,758 (3,721,982) 20,195 204 1,254 61 1,315

Total 30,929 18,632 (69,903) (12,398) (1,525) (1,120) (35,385) 38,385 10,598,606 (10,600,423) 36,568 197 1,380 598 1,978 $

ACCSF $ 136,587 128 (2,684) (3,736) (14) 11 130,292 9,309 2,273,868 (2,419,865) (136,688) 6,384 (12) 73 61

Total 174,148 17,859 (63,306) (3,736) (2,052) 30 122,943 9,309 3,929,957 (4,072,602) (133,336) 6,383 (4,010) 4,608 598




$ 110,852

(2,193) $ 108,659

28,353 (16,251) 623 45 5,183 $ (19,145) $

5 3,189 (1,401) 431 (203) 19 3,470 (16,240) $

28,358 (13,062) (778) 431 (158) 19 8,653 (35,385)

16,514 (1,043) (264) 7 4,226 $ 130,292 $

(1,478) (3,879) (1,245) 382 1,064 (7,349) $

15,036 (4,922) (1,509) 389 5,290 122,943

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (JSF-4).





All investment securities held by JSF are reported at estimated fair value, with realized and unrealized gains and losses included in revenue. Estimated fair value generally represents market value. Time deposits are classified as Held-to-Maturity and are reported at cost.

The Japan Special Fund (JSF) was established in March 1988 when Japan and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) entered into a financial arrangement whereby Japan agreed to make an initial contribution and ADB became the administrator. The purpose of JSF is to help developing member countries (DMCs) of ADB restructure their economies and broaden the scope of opportunities for new investments, thereby assisting the recycling of funds to DMCs of ADB. While JSF resources are used mainly to finance technical assistance (TA) operations, these resources may also be used for equity investment operations in ADBs DMCs. Under the agreement between ADB and Japan, ADB may invest the proceeds of JSF pending disbursement. The revenue from such investments, if retained by ADB, may only be used to pay for direct and identifiable costs incurred in the administration of JSF. In March 1999, the Board approved the acceptance and administration by ADB of a new facility, the Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility (ACCSF) to assist Asian currency crisisaffected member countries (CAMCs). Funded by Japan, ACCSF was established within JSF to assist in the economic recovery of CAMCs through interest payment assistance (IPA) grants, TA grants, and guarantees. ACCSF funds must be committed within three years after the date the facility became effective. Thereafter, the use of any residual funds, if and when the purpose of ACCSF is considered to be fulfilled, shall be decided in consultation between ADB and Japan.

Contributions by Japan are included in the financial statements from the date indicated by Japan that funds are expected to be made available. Contributions which are restricted by the donor for specific TA projects/programs or for IPA grants are classified as temporarily restricted contributions. Those without any stipulation as to specific use are accounted for as unrestricted contributions and reported as such.

Technical Assistance and Interest Payment Assistance

Technical assistance and interest payment assistance are recognized in the financial statements when the related project or assistance is approved and becomes effective. Upon completion of the TA project, any undisbursed amount is written back as a reduction in TA for the period and the corresponding undisbursed commitment is eliminated, accordingly.

Functional Currency and Reporting Currency


Presentation of the Financial Statements

The financial statements of JSF are presented on the basis of unrestricted and temporarily restricted net assets. ACCSF funds are separately reported in the financial statements. JSF reports the contributions of cash and other assets as restricted support if they are received with donor stipulations that limit the use of the donated assets. When the donor restriction expires, that is, when a stipulated time or purpose restriction is accomplished, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets as NET ASSETS RELEASED FROM RESTRICTIONS.

The functional currency of JSF is the Japanese yen, while the reporting currency is the United States dollar. The financial statements are expressed in thousands of current United States dollars.

Translation of Currencies
Assets, liabilities, and uncommitted balances are translated from the functional currency to the reporting currency at the applicable rates of exchange at the end of a reporting period. Contributions included in the financial statements during the year are translated at the applicable exchange rates as of the respective dates of commitment. Revenue and expense amounts in Japanese yen are translated for each semimonthly period at the applicable rates of exchange




at the beginning of each period; such practice approximates the application of average rates in effect during the period. Exchange gains or losses on currency transactions arise on translation differences between the date a project/program is committed and the timing of disbursements. Exchange gains or losses are charged or credited to operations.

Statement of Cash Flows

For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, the JSF considers that its cash and cash equivalents are limited to DUE FROM BANKS.

Reclassification Equity Investments

Certain 2000 amounts have been reclassified to conform Equity investments with readily determinable fair values are reported at fair value. The reserve against losses is established quarterly based on Managements evaluation of potential losses on investments without readily determinable fair values. with the 2001 presentation.

The main investment management objective is to maintain security and liquidity. Subject to these parameters, ADB seeks the highest possible return on its investments. Investments are governed by the Investment Authority approved by the Board of Directors in 1999. ADB is restricted by its Investment Authority to invest in investment instruments which are obligations of a limited class of issuers, primarily government or government-guaranteed obligations and corporate obligations. The currency compositions of the investment portfolio as of 31 December 2001 and 2000 expressed in United States dollars are as follows:
2000 JSF Regular and Total ACCSF Supplementary Total

Accounting Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires Management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the end of the year and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the year. The actual results could differ from those estimates.
2001 JSF Regular and Currency ACCSF Supplementary

Japanese yen United States dollar Total

$181,477,000 $181,477,000


$181,477,000 277,761,000 $459,238,000

$230,897,000 $230,897,000


$230,897,000 292,748,000 $523,645,000



The annualized rates of return on the average investments held under ACCSF and JSF funds during the year, based on the portfolio held at the beginning and end of each month were 0.12% and 4.76%, respectively (0.18% and 6.42% - 2000).

investment at its written down value of $105,000 ($338,000 2000).


Included in other assets and liabilities are interfund transfers between JSF and ACCSF. As at 31 December 2001, an amount of $431,000 ($584,000 2000) was receivable from ACCSF. The said amount is reflected as other assets under JSF and other liabilities under ACCSF.

ADB used JSF resources to make an equity investment in India in 1990. In May 2001, due to the unavailability of a reliable market for the investment, ADB reported the





that disbursements will substantially be made for all the projects/programs covered by the commitments.

Undisbursed commitments are denominated in United States dollars and represent TA projects/programs and IPA grants which have become effective but not yet disbursed. During 2001, an amount of $2,920,000 ($11,751,000 - 2000), representing completed and canceled TA projects, has been written back as a reduction in technical assistance for the period, and the corresponding undisbursed commitment has been eliminated. The fair value of undisbursed commitments approximates the amounts outstanding because JSF expects
2001 JSF Regular and ACCSF Supplementary Total ACCSF

Uncommitted balances comprised of amounts which have not been committed by ADB as at 31 December 2001. These balances include TA projects/programs that had been approved but not yet become effective. As of 31 December 2001 and 2000 these balances are as follows:
2000 JSF Regular and Supplementary Total

Uncommitted balances TA projects/programs approved by Japan and ADB but not yet effective TA projects/programs approved by Japan and not yet effective Uncommitted balances available for new commitments


$ 66,299,000












( 3,440,000)

( 6,190,000)





$ 39,304,000



$ 51,102,000



Temporarily restricted uncommitted balances are available for the following purposes as of 31 December 2001 and 2000:
2001 2000

All contributions for the years ended 31 December 2001 and 2000 were received during the respective years. Some of the contributions received were with restriction that were to be utilized for specific TA projects/programs and IPA grants. Such contributions were classified as temporarily restricted support.

Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility Japan Special Fund Environment-Related Activities Financial Sector Private Sector Promotion Gender and Development Training/Symposium

$ 99,366,000

$ 136,637,000

29,365,000 11,009,000 9,916,000 7,110,000 394,000 57,794,000

29,113,000 10,997,000 9,676,000 7,096,000 394,000 57,276,000 $193,913,000






Accumulated investment income net of accumulated administrative expenses has been categorized as temporarily restricted net assets because, under the terms of the agreement between ADB and Japan, it may only be used for defraying of the JSFs administrative expenses. Net assets released from restrictions relate to commitments for technical assistance and interest payment assistance satisfying the conditions specified by the donor and, in the case of accumulated investment income, to defray the administrative expenses of the Fund.

Fair value of a financial instrument is defined as the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale. The fair value of financial instruments that are short-term approximates their carrying amounts. If available, quoted market values are used to determine fair values. Financial instruments for which market quotations are not readily available are valued using methodologies and assumptions which necessarily require the use of subjective judgments. Accordingly, the actual value at which such financial instruments could be exchanged in a current transaction or whether they are actually exchangeable is not determinable. The carrying amounts of JSFs assets, liabilities, and uncommitted balances are considered to approximate fair values for all significant financial instruments. See Notes B, C, D, and F for discussions relating to investments, equity investments, and undisbursed commitments.

To assist in the economic recovery of CAMCs, a guarantee facility is provided under ACCSF. In this connection, Japan has made available a noninterest-bearing, nonnegotiable note in the amount of 360 billion ($2.7 billion), encashable by ADB at any time to meet any calls on the guarantee facility. As of 31 December 2001, no guarantee has been made.




Asian Development Bank In our opinion, the accompanying statements of financial position and the related statements of activities and changes in net assets, and of cash flows present fairly, in all material respects in terms of United States dollars, the financial position of the Asian Development BankAsian Development Bank Institute Special Fund at 31 December 2001 and 2000, and the results of its activities and changes in net assets and its cash flows for the years ended 31 December 2001 and 2000, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States. These financial statements are the responsibility of the management of the Asian Development Bank Institute; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in the United States which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

Detroit, Michigan 27 February 2002




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (ADBISF-4).


$ 2,161

$ 940

5,975 $4,135 2,929 $4,752 2,787


1,206 1,711 $11,053

1,965 1,869 $8,815

107 1,089

$ 115 1,086

9,857 $11,053

7,614 $8,815




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (ADBISF-4).



$ 8,278

5 3 18,484

12 4 8,294

10,191 4,647 14,838 3,646 (88) (1,315)

10,306 4,379 14,685 (6,391) (57) (1,053)

2,243 7,614 $ 9,857

(7,501) 15,115 $ 7,614




Expressed in Thousands of United States Dollars (Note B)
2001 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Contributions received Interest on investments received Expenses paid Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Sales of investment Purchases of investment Net Cash (Used in) Provided by Investing Activities Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash Net Increase in Due From Banks Due from Banks at Beginning of Year Due from Banks at End of Year RECONCILIATION OF INCREASE (DECREASE) IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Increase (decrease) in net unrestricted assets (ADBISF-2) Adjustments to reconcile increase (decrease) in net unrestricted assets to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities: Translation adjustments Amortization of discounts/premiums Depreciation Othersnet Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements (ADBISF-4).


$ 18,476 5 (14,415) 4,066

8,278 10 (13,964) (5,676)

155,002 (158,094) (3,092) 247 1,221 940 $ 2,161 $

167,340 (161,909) 5,431 590 345 595 940


$ (7,501)

1,315 545 (37) $ 4,066

1,053 (3) 864 (89) $ (5,676)





Functional Currency and Reporting Currency

The currencies of contributing members are functional currencies. The reporting currency is the United States dollar and the financial statements are expressed in thousands of current United States dollars.

In 1996, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved the establishment of the Asian Development Bank Institute (the Institute) in Tokyo, Japan as a subsidiary body of ADB. The Institute commenced its operations upon the receipt of the first funds from Japan on 24 March 1997, and it was inaugurated on 10 December 1997. The Institutes funds may consist of voluntary contributions, donations, and grants from ADB member countries, nongovernment organizations, and foundations. The objectives of the Institute, as defined under its Statute, are the identification of effective development strategies and capacity improvement for sound development management in developing member countries.

Translation of Currencies
Assets, liabilities, and uncommitted balances are translated from the functional currency to the reporting currency at the applicable rates of exchange at the end of a reporting period. Contributions included in the financial statements during the period are translated at the applicable exchange rates as of the respective dates of commitment. Revenue and expense amounts in currency other than the United States dollar are translated for each semimonthly period at the applicable rates of exchange at the beginning of each period; such practice approximates the application of average rates in effect during the period.

Presentation of the Financial Statements

The financial statements of the Institute are presented on the basis of those for not-for-profit organizations. The Institute reports donors contributions of cash and other assets as unrestricted support as these are made available to the Institute without conditions other than for the purposes of pursuing the objectives of the Institute.

Accounting Estimates
The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires Management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as at the end of the year and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the year. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

All investment securities held by the Institute are reported at estimated fair value, with realized and unrealized gains and losses included in revenue. Estimated fair value generally represents market value. Time deposits are classified as Held-to-Maturity and are reported at cost.

Statement of Cash Flows

For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, the Institute considers that its cash and cash equivalents are limited to DUE FROM BANKS.

Property, Furniture, and Equipment

Property, furniture, and equipment are stated at cost and depreciated over their estimated useful lives using the straight-line method.

Contributions from donors are included in the financial statements from the date committed.

The investment portfolio was composed wholly of investments denominated in Japanese yen. As of 31 December 2001 and 2000, the estimated fair value of the investments approximated cost or amortized cost. All such investments are due within one year.




The annualized rate of return on the average investments held during the year, based on the portfolio held at the beginning and end of each month was 0.07% (0.12% - 2000). Investments are governed by the Investment Authority approved by the Board of Directors in 1999. The Investment Authority allows investment in higher-yielding investment instruments, such as high-quality corporate bonds, mortgagebacked securities, and asset-backed securities. The main investment management objective is to maintain security and liquidity. Subject to these parameters, ADB seeks the highest possible return on its investments.

the professional staff, as defined under the Plan, shall, as a condition of service, become a participant from the first day of service, provided that at such a date, the staff has not reached the normal retirement age of 60. Retirement benefits are based on length of service and highest average remuneration during two years of eligible service. The Plan assets are segregated and are not included in the statement of financial position. The costs of administering the Plan are absorbed by ADB, except for fees paid to the investment managers and related charges, including custodian fees, which are borne by the Plan. Participants are required to contribute 9 1/3% of their salary to the Plan and may also make voluntary contributions. The Institutes contribution is determined at a rate sufficient to cover that part of the costs of the Plan not covered by the participants contributions.

Fair value of a financial instrument is defined as the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale. The fair value of financial instruments that are short-term approximates their carrying amounts. The Institutes statement of financial position carrying amounts are considered to approximate fair values for all significant financial instruments.

Postretirement Medical Benefits Plan

The Institute participates in the cost-sharing plan of ADB for retirees medical insurance premiums of ADB. Under the plan, the Institute is obligated to pay 75% of the Group Medical Insurance Plan premiums for retirees and their eligible dependents who elect to participate. The cost-sharing plan is currently unfunded. Generally accepted accounting principles require an actuarially determined assessment of the periodic cost of postretirement medical benefits.

Staff Retirement Plan

The Institute participates in the contributory defined benefit Staff Retirement Plan (the Plan) of ADB. Every member of





The following table sets forth the pension and postretirement benefits at 31 December 2001 and at 31 December 2000:
Postretirement Pension Benefits 2001 2000 Medical Benefits 2001 2000

Change in benefit obligation: Benefit obligation at beginning of year Service cost Interest cost Plan participants' contributions Amendments Actuarial gain Benefits paid Benefit obligation at end of year Change in plan assets: Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year Actual return on plan assets Employer contribution Plan participants contributions Benefits paid Fair value of plan assets at end of year Funded status Unrecognized actuarial gain Unrecognized prior service cost Net amount recognized Amounts recognized in the statement of financial position consist of: Accrued benefit liability Net amount recognized Weighted-average assumptions as of 31 December Discount rate Expected return on plan assets Rate of compensation increase varies with age and averages

$ 750,000 270,000 84,000 124,000 45,000 (53,000) $1,220,000 $ 651,000 (53,000) 147,000 124,000 $ 869,000 $ (351,000) (235,000) 45,000 $ (541,000)

$ 560,000 254,000 70,000 142,000 (276,000) $ 750,000 $ 330,000 (22,000) 201,000 142,000 $ 651,000 $ (99,000) (334,000) $(433,000)

$ 252,000 84,000 28,000 (58,000) (16,000) $ 290,000 $ 16,000 (16,000)

$ 179,000 92,000 21,000 (17,000) (23,000) $ 252,000 $

$(290,000) (135,000) (15,000) $(440,000)

$(252,000) (79,000) (17,000) $(348,000)

$ (541,000) $ (541,000) 7.00% 8.00% 6.00%

$(433,000) $(433,000) 7.50% 8.00% 6.50%

$(440,000) $(440,000) 7.00% n/a 6.00%

$(348,000) $(348,000) 7.50% n/a 6.50%

For measurement purposes, a 8.5% annual rate of increase in the per capita cost of covered health care benefits was assumed for the valuation as at 31 December 2001. The rate was assumed to decrease gradually to 5.75% for 2009 and remain at that level thereafter.

There were no projected benefit obligation, accumulated benefit obligation, nor fair value of plan assets for the pension plan with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets as of 31 December 2001 (nil - 31 December 2000).




Postretirement Pension Benefits 2001 2000 Medical Benefits 2001 2000

Components of net periodic benefit cost: Service cost year Interest cost Expected return on plan assets Amortization of prior service cost Recognized actuarial loss Net periodic benefit cost

$270,000 84,000 (65,000) (34,000) $255,000

$254,000 70,000 (33,000) (6,000) $285,000

$ 84,000 28,000 (2,000) (2,000) $108,000

$ 92,000 21,000 (7,000) $106,000

Assumed health care cost trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts reported for the health care plan. A one-percentage-point change in assumed health care cost trend rates would have the following effects:
1-PercentagePoint Increase 1-PercentagePoint Decrease

Effect on total service and interest cost components Effect on postretirement benefit obligation

$26,000 61,000

$(20,000) (50,000)



Operational Data
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Public and Private Sector Loan Approvals by Country, 2001 Loan Approvals by Sector: 3-Year Moving Averages, 1968197019992001 Loan Approvals by Sector, 2001 Distribution of Lending Among Developing Members, 19682001 Sectoral Distribution of Loans, 2001 Loan Approvals by Country and Source of Funds, 2001 Projects Involving Cofinancing, 2001 Loan Disbursements, 2000 and 2001 Program Loan Disbursements, 2001 Private Sector Approvals and Total Project Costs by Country, 2001 Private Sector Approvals and Total Project Costs by Sector, 2001 Private Sector Loan and Equity Investment Approvals by Year, 19872001 Cumulative Private Sector Approvals by Country, 19832001 Number of Loans and Projects Approved and Under Administration, Project Completion Reports Circulated, Projects Completed, Loans Closed, and Project/Program Performance Audit Reports Circulated Amount of Loans Approved, Contracts Awarded, and Disbursements Distribution of Contracts Awarded by Country of Origin, Project and Program Loans CombinedOCR Distribution of Contracts Awarded by Country of Origin, Project and Program Loans CombinedADF Contracts Awarded by Country of Origin, 2001, Project LoansOCR Contracts Awarded by Country of Origin, 2001, Project LoansADF Contracts Awarded by Country of Origin, 2001, Project LoansOCR and ADF Combined Estimates of Payment to Supplying Countries for Foreign Procurement Under Program Lending, 2001 Cumulative Contracts Awarded by Country of OriginTechnical Assistance Operations Contracts Awarded by Country of Origin, 19992001Technical Assistance Operations Technical Assistance Grants by Country and Regional Activities, 19672001, 2000, 2001 Technical Assistance Grants, 2001 Technical Assistance Grants by Sector, 19672001, 2000, 2001 Technical Assistance Loans and Grants by Sector, 2001 Regional Technical Assistance Activities, 2001 Net Transfer of Resources (OCR and ADF), 19992001 Net Transfer of Resources (OCR and ADF Combined), 19922001 Asian Development Fund Resources and Commitment Authority Technical Assistance Special Fund Japan Special FundRegular and Supplementary Contributions Japan Special FundAsian Currency Crisis Support Facility Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction Assistance, 2001 External ADB-Administered Grant Components of Loan Projects, 2001

198 201 202 204 206 206 207 209 209 210 210 211 211 212 214 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 226 232 232 233 235 236

Financial Resources

237 238 239 239 240 240

Economic Data
37. Estimates of Real Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate, 19912001 and Per Capita Gross National Product, 2000 38. Gross Domestic Saving, Gross Capital Formation, and Resource Gap as Percentage of Gross Domestic Product, 19992001 39. Changes in Consumer Prices, 19992001 40. Merchandise Trade, 19992001 41. International Reserves and Ratio of Reserves to Imports, 19992001 42. Net Flows of Financial Resources, 19982000 43. Total External Debt and Debt Service Ratio, 19982000

241 242 243 244 245 246 247

Environment and Social Indicators

44. Environment Indicators 45. Poverty and Inequality Indicators 46. Human Development Indicators

248 249 250



Total Project Cost a Date Approved

OCR BANGLADESH Second Small-Scale Water Resources Development Sector Post-Literacy and Continuing Education West Zone Power System Development Subtotal BHUTAN Basic Skills Development Subtotal CAMBODIA Financial Sector Program (Subprogram 1) Northwestern Rural Development Education Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Project Loan Subtotal CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF Yellow River Flood Management (Sector) Shaanxi Roads Development Ganzhou-Longyan Railway Guangxi Roads Development Acid Rain Control and Environmental Improvement Shen-Da Power Transmission and Grid Rehabilitation Subtotal COOK ISLANDS Waste Management Subtotal INDIA Gujarat Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Western Transport Corridor Madhya Pradesh Power Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Project Loan West Bengal Corridor Development Private Sector Infrastructure Facility at State Level - Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Ltd. - Industrial Development Bank of India Subtotal INDONESIA Decentralized Basic Education State-Owned Enterprise Governance and Privatization Program Subtotal KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Third Road Rehabilitation Second Phase of the Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform Program Subtotal



138.70 138.70 150.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 147.00 100.00 997.00 500.00 240.00 150.00 200.00 210.00 100.00 100.00 1,500.00 400.00 400.00

34.00 65.00 60.20 159.20 7.00 7.00 10.00 27.20 20.00 18.00 75.20 2.20 2.20 100.00 100.00 40.00 35.00 75.00

34.00 65.00 198.90 297.90 7.00 7.00 10.00 27.20 20.00 18.00 75.20 150.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 147.00 100.00 997.00 2.20 2.20 500.00 240.00 150.00 200.00 210.00 100.00 100.00 1,500.00 100.00 400.00 500.00 40.00 35.00 75.00

78.00 99.70 402.10 579.80 12.50 12.50 10.00 34.73 20.00 22.50 87.23 404.70 757.00 775.00 455.20 325.00 475.00 3,191.90 3.10 3.10 625.00 378.00 150.00 318.90 323.00 250.00 100.00 2,144.90 125.00 400.00 525.00 50.00 35.00 85.00

12 Jul 13 Dec 17 Dec

21 Jun

15 Nov 27 Nov 4 Dec

28 Aug 30 Aug 30 Oct 30 Oct 19 Dec 20 Dec

17 Jul

26 Mar 20 Sep 6 Dec 11 Dec 11 Dec

29 Nov 4 Dec

31 Oct 22 Nov

Data not applicable. a Total project cost includes financing by ADB, governments, borrowers, beneficiaries, and subborrowers; cofinancing from official, export credit, and commercial sources; equity sponsors; and local participating private companies and financial institutions.



Total Project Cost a Date Approved

OCR LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Vientiane Urban Infrastructure and Services Second Education Quality Improvement Environment and Social Program Subtotal MALDIVES Information Technology Development Outer Islands Electrification (Sector) Subtotal MARSHALL ISLANDS Fiscal and Financial Management Program Subtotal MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF Private Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Project Loan Subtotal MONGOLIA Social Security Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Project Loan Housing Finance (Sector) Rural Finance Subtotal NEPAL Teacher Education Governance Reform Program Road Network Development Subtotal PAKISTAN North-West Frontier Province Urban Development Sector Agriculture Sector Program II - Technical Assistance Loan Road Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Sector Loans Access to Justice Program - Institutional Development for Access to Justice Reproductive Health Subtotal PAPUA NEW GUINEA Public Service Program Nucleus Agro-Enterprises Subtotal PHILIPPINES Mindanao Basic Urban Services Sector Nonbank Financial Governance Program Subtotal



4.00 4.00

25.00 20.00 20.00 65.00 9.50 8.00 17.50 8.00 8.00

25.00 20.00 20.00 65.00 9.50 8.00 17.50 12.00 12.00

37.00 37.60 20.00 94.60 12.00 10.60 22.60 12.00 12.00

23 Aug 28 Sep 6 Dec

17 Dec 18 Dec

7 Jun

5.00 8.02 13.02

5.00 8.02 13.02

5.00 13.03 18.03

12 Dec

225.00 50.00 75.00 243.20 593.20 70.00 70.00 30.00 75.00 105.00

8.00 4.00 15.00 8.69 35.69 19.60 30.00 46.00 95.60 20.80 123.00 2.00 75.00 86.80 20.00 36.00 363.60 5.90 5.90

8.00 4.00 15.00 8.69 35.69 19.60 30.00 46.00 95.60 20.80 348.00 2.00 50.00 150.00 330.00 20.00 36.00 956.80 70.00 5.90 75.90 30.00 75.00 105.00

8.00 10.00 24.00 15.00 57.00 25.90 30.00 69.50 125.40 30.00 348.00 2.80 50.00 236.00 330.00 25.50 45.00 1,067.30 70.00 7.40 77.40 60.00 75.00 135.00

28 Aug 18 Oct 25 Oct

24 Sep 27 Nov 13 Dec

8 Nov 13 Dec 19 Dec 20 Dec 20 Dec

12 Dec 18 Dec

27 Sep 15 Nov

Data not applicable. a Total project cost includes financing by ADB, governments, borrowers, beneficiaries, and subborrowers; cofinancing from official, export credit, and commercial sources; equity sponsors; and local participating private companies and financial institutions.



Total Project Cost a Date Approved

OCR SAMOA Power Sector Improvement Subtotal



6.00 6.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 6.00 86.00

6.00 6.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 6.00 60.00 146.00

7.50 7.50 14.40 40.00 42.70 20.00 96.00 60.00 273.10

17 Dec

SRI LANKA Colombo Port Efficiency and Expansion North East Community Restoration and Development Southern Province Rural Economic Advancement Small and Medium Enterprise Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Investment Loan for the Business Services Support Facility - Investment Loan for the Lines of Credit 60.00 Subtotal TAJIKISTAN Emergency Restoration of Yavan Water Conveyance System Subtotal UZBEKISTAN Ak Altin Agricultural Development Urban Water Supply Subtotal VIET NAM RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) International University Viet Namb Second Red River Water Resources Sector Far East Medical Vietnam Ltd.b - Senior Loan - Subordinated Loan Third Provincial Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Central Region Livelihood Improvement Provincial Roads Improvement Sector Subtotal REGIONAL Asian Finance and Investment Corporation Ltd.b Subtotal TOTAL 60.00

27 16 26 20

Sep Oct Oct Dec

36.00 36.00 72.00

3.60 3.60

3.60 3.60 36.00 36.00 72.00

4.50 4.50 72.00 65.50 137.50

30 Oct

23 Aug 27 Sep

7.50 6.50 3.50 17.50 20.00 20.00 3,977.40

70.00 60.00 43.09 70.00 243.09 1,361.60

7.50 70.00 6.50 3.50 60.00 43.09 70.00 260.59 20.00 20.00 5,339.00

33.00 156.20 40.00 98.00 75.95 100.00 503.15 45.00 45.00 9,209.51

26 Apr 13 Nov 13 Nov 13 Dec 17 Dec 18 Dec

8 Oct

Data not applicable. a Total project cost includes financing by ADB, governments, borrowers, beneficiaries, and subborrowers; cofinancing from official, export credit, and commercial sources; equity sponsors; and local participating private companies and financial institutions. b Private sector loan without government guarantee.




Total Lending a ($ million) Agriculture and Natural Resources Industry and Nonfuel Minerals Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Multisector/ Others



Average during 19681970 19691971 19701972 19711973 19721974 19731975 19741976 19751977 19761978 19771979 19781980 19791981 19801982 19811983 19821984 19831985 19841986 19851987 19861988 19871989 19881990 19891991 19901992 19911993 19921994 19931995 19941996 19951997 19961998 19971999 19982000 19992001 Cumulative (19682001)
0.00 Data negligible.

(percent of total lending) 128.44 199.25 271.92 330.53 428.42 543.16 661.30 774.22 940.36 1,098.92 1,282.01 1,454.96 1,598.97 1,751.46 1,937.03 1,978.52 2,013.77 2,081.84 2,512.17 3,053.71 3,564.93 4,115.48 4,561.39 4,973.89 4,616.65 4,791.51 4,804.86 6,693.20 6,858.75 6,768.38 5,537.90 5,323.39 93,155.26 19.48 20.48 15.69 15.78 18.76 27.87 29.27 30.51 27.42 29.86 30.95 32.56 34.00 33.68 34.18 32.42 35.46 30.63 26.90 22.37 25.83 25.30 21.63 13.87 10.98 12.07 14.13 12.72 10.10 9.14 11.45 13.06 18.34 11.98 25.38 33.06 32.18 26.71 23.03 21.35 22.02 21.53 24.03 24.88 27.21 27.71 26.60 28.98 24.63 25.26 17.47 18.76 16.41 20.78 26.04 28.15 30.33 27.80 30.62 26.65 18.05 11.05 9.00 13.85 15.80 20.87 23.36 19.57 13.97 15.49 15.06 16.73 17.44 15.46 14.37 11.81 10.96 10.72 10.00 10.61 7.01 6.50 4.65 11.24 12.84 17.16 12.67 10.83 9.53 9.09 7.63 6.59 7.64 29.20 33.90 32.29 11.46 4.97 14.53 15.06 8.69 5.04 0.42 4.02 4.25 5.48 4.19 7.25 5.62 3.93 0.90 0.74 2.36 1.91 1.87 0.34 3.06 7.46 6.69 4.50 3.58 3.79 5.45 4.44 3.36 2.58 1.30 1.29 2.22 4.58 5.28 3.47 6.10 4.20 10.75 12.25 14.12 10.44 9.85 10.85 13.45 16.55 16.84 19.11 15.97 18.26 14.36 20.30 17.48 15.24 11.32 14.60 15.15 14.86 12.95 14.30 14.16 17.56 17.16 18.39 15.26 18.70 19.91 19.38 16.10 24.03 21.68 21.48 23.88 21.32 17.68 16.61 16.97 15.98 12.10 12.39 9.41 11.53 7.52 12.12 12.75 14.40 20.54 21.27 21.94 19.37 17.93 20.82 23.70 29.49 26.67 25.44 16.33 18.50 16.86 22.99 23.47 20.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.06 0.96 1.43 1.53 2.40 1.81 1.45 0.82 1.71 1.45 3.13 3.25 5.49 3.13 6.40 4.00 9.89 11.80 15.75 18.04 6.51

a Total may not tally due to rounding.




$ Million OCR AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES BAN Second Small-Scale Water Resources Development Sector CAM Northwestern Rural Development MON Rural Finance PAK Agriculture Sector Program II - Technical Assistance Loan PNG Nucleus Agro-Enterprises SRI Southern Province Rural Economic Advancement TAJ Emergency Restoration of Yavan Water Conveyance System UZB Ak Altin Agricultural Development VIE Second Red River Water Resources Sector VIE Central Region Livelihood Improvement Subtotal ENERGY BAN West Zone Power System Development PRC Shen-Da Power Transmission and Grid Rehabilitation IND Madhya Pradesh Power Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Project Loan MLD Outer Islands Electrification (Sector) SAM Power Sector Improvement Subtotal FINANCE CAM Financial Sector Program (Subprogram I) INO State-Owned Enterprise Governance and Privatization Program KGZ Second Phase of the Corporate Governance and Enterprise Reform Program RMI Fiscal and Financial Management Program FSM Private Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Project Loan PHI Nonbank Financial Governance Program REG Asian Finance and Investment Corporation Ltd.a Subtotal INDUSTRY AND NONFUEL MINERALS SRI Small and Medium Enterprise Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Investment Loan for the Business Services Support Facility - Investment Loan for the Lines of Credit Subtotal SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE BAN Post-Literacy and Continuing Education BHU Basic Skills Development CAM Education Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Project Loan COO Waste Management INO Decentralized Basic Education LAO Vientiane Urban Infrastructure and Services LAO Second Education Quality Improvement 225.00 36.00 261.00 138.70 100.00 150.00 200.00 588.70 400.00 4.00 75.00 20.00 499.00 60.00 60.00 ADF 34.00 27.20 8.69 123.00 2.00 5.90 25.00 3.60 70.00 43.09 342.48 60.20 8.00 6.00 74.20 10.00 35.00 8.00 5.00 8.02 66.02 20.00 6.00 26.00 65.00 7.00 20.00 18.00 2.20 100.00 25.00 20.00 Total 34.00 27.20 8.69 348.00 2.00 5.90 25.00 3.60 36.00 70.00 43.09 603.48 198.90 100.00 150.00 200.00 8.00 6.00 662.90 10.00 400.00 35.00 12.00 5.00 8.02 75.00 20.00 565.02 20.00 6.00 60.00 86.00 65.00 7.00 20.00 18.00 2.20 100.00 25.00 20.00

Data not applicable. a Private sector loan without government guarantee. Key: BAN (Bangladesh), BHU (Bhutan), CAM (Cambodia), PRC (People's Republic of China), COO (Cook Islands), IND (India), INO (Indonesia), KGZ (Kyrgyz Republic), LAO (Lao People's Democratic Republic), MLD (Maldives), RMI (Marshall Islands), FSM (Federated States of Micronesia), MON (Mongolia), PAK (Pakistan), PNG (Papua New Guinea), PHI (Philippines), REG (Regional), SAM (Samoa), SRI (Sri Lanka), TAJ (Tajikistan), UZB (Uzbekistan), and VIE (Viet Nam).



$ Million OCR MON NEP PAK PAK PHI UZB VIE VIE VIE Housing Finance (Sector) Teacher Education North-West Frontier Province Urban Development Sector Reproductive Health Mindanao Basic Urban Services Sector Urban Water Supply RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) International University Viet Nama Far East Medical Vietnam Ltd.a - Senior Loan - Subordinated Loan Third Provincial Towns Water Supply and Sanitation 30.00 36.00 7.50 6.50 3.50 83.50 250.00 200.00 150.00 240.00 210.00 50.00 75.00 1,175.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 700.00 150.00 147.00 243.20 70.00 610.20 3,977.40 ADF 15.00 19.60 20.80 36.00 60.00 408.60 40.00 9.50 46.00 75.00 10.00 70.00 250.50 20.00 8.00 4.00 25.00 57.00 30.00 86.80 20.00 136.80 1,361.60 Total 15.00 19.60 20.80 36.00 30.00 36.00 7.50 6.50 3.50 60.00 492.10 250.00 200.00 150.00 240.00 210.00 40.00 9.50 46.00 50.00 150.00 10.00 70.00 1,425.50 500.00 100.00 100.00 20.00 8.00 4.00 25.00 757.00 150.00 147.00 30.00 330.00 20.00 70.00 747.00 5,339.00

Subtotal TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS PRC Shaanxi Roads Development PRC Ganzhou-Longyan Railway PRC Guangxi Roads Development IND Western Transport Corridor IND West Bengal Corridor Development KGZ Third Road Rehabilitation MLD Information Technology Development NEP Road Network Development PAK Road Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Sector Loans SRI Colombo Port Efficiency and Expansion VIE Provincial Roads Improvement Sector Subtotal MULTISECTOR IND Gujarat Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction IND Private Sector Infrastructure Facility at State Level - Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Ltd. - Industrial Development Bank of India LAO Environment and Social Program MON Social Security Sector Development Program - Program Loan - Project Loan SRI North East Community Restoration and Development Subtotal OTHERS PRC PRC NEP PAK Yellow River Flood Management (Sector) Acid Rain Control and Environmental Improvement Governance Reform Program Access to Justice Program - Institutional Development for Access to Justice PNG Public Service Program Subtotal TOTAL

Data not applicable. a Private sector loan without government guarantee. Key: PRC (People's Republic of China), IND (India), KGZ (Kyrgyz Republic), LAO (Lao People's Democratic Republic), MLD (Maldives), MON (Mongolia), NEP (Nepal), PAK (Pakistan), PHI (Philippines), PNG (Papua New Guinea), SRI (Sri Lanka), UZB (Uzbekistan), and VIE (Viet Nam).



Table 4 DISTRIBUTION OF LENDING AMONG DEVELOPING MEMBERS, 19682001 Percentage of Value of Loans Approved in Period
19681972 OCR Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional TOTAL Lending ($ million)
nil. 0.0 is equivalent to value less than 0.05.

19731977 ADF 2.6 0.8 34.6 1.8 2.2 1.6 17.7 9.0 7.1 1.7 2.7 1.5 11.1 5.6 OCR 0.5 0.1 1.7 17.2 20.9 10.9 0.3 12.8 0.8 21.2 1.4 0.1 11.9 0.2 100.0 2,326.9 ADF 7.1 27.3 4.5 0.2 0.8 13.6 9.1 19.2 2.2 1.2 1.4 1.0 8.4 0.8 0.2 3.0 100.0 964.9 OCR

19781982 ADF 0.9 32.8 0.1 2.1 1.1 0.1 11.4 7.3 27.1 1.9 2.7 0.7 0.2 8.6 2.7 0.2 0.1 100.0 2,351.1

0.6 2.9 26.2 10.6 0.3 8.9 13.5 12.1 1.7 13.3 9.9 100.0 753.9

0.8 0.8 28.4 18.4 9.6 5.1 0.8 19.1 1.1 15.9 100.0 4,856.2

100.0 201.5



19831987 OCR 2.0 0.2 9.5 33.7 9.2 8.3 15.9 1.3 12.1 7.8 100.0 6,755.7 ADF 31.7 0.8 0.1 3.7 0.0 1.9 0.2 3.5 9.5 34.3 1.6 1.4 0.4 0.6 9.8 0.2 0.3 100.0 3,617.3

19881992 OCR 12.3 0.4 24.9 31.0 0.9 3.1 0.0 10.1 0.6 10.9 5.5 0.3 100.0 13,978.5 ADF 25.4 0.2 1.1 0.1 5.7 0.0 3.5 0.2 0.1 0.5 7.3 29.0 2.4 11.7 0.6 0.1 11.7 0.3 0.1 100.0 6,428.3

19931997 OCR 0.2 23.4 0.2 13.0 22.2 1.6 18.4 0.9 0.2 4.1 0.2 6.7 0.0 8.5 0.3 0.1 100.0 21,828.8 ADF 21.2 0.3 2.5 0.2 3.7 0.8 3.5 5.8 0.2 0.5 0.5 4.8 5.2 20.5 0.6 3.1 0.0 0.0 7.8 0.2 0.3 0.1 18.2 100.0 7,139.5

19982001 OCR 1.8 25.5 20.8 22.9 0.3 0.0 0.0 8.0 1.1 9.2 0.8 5.9 2.2 0.6 0.9 100.0 16,941.0 ADF 15.9 0.8 5.4 0.0 5.3 0.2 5.5 3.4 0.6 0.5 0.4 2.6 8.5 14.3 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.7 12.2 2.1 0.1 0.4 15.4 4.0 100.0 5,011.7 Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional TOTAL Lending ($ million)





No. of Loans Agriculture and Natural Resources Energy Finance Industry and Nonfuel Minerals Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Multisector Others TOTAL 2 4 4 1 5 7 3 4 30

$ Million 261.00 588.70 499.00 60.00 83.50 1,175.00 700.00 610.20 3,977.40

No. of Loans 10 3 5 2 13 6 4 3 46

$ Million 342.48 74.20 66.02 26.00 408.60 250.50 57.00 136.80 1,361.60

No. of Projects b $ Million 10 5 7 1 16 11 5 5 60 603.48 662.90 565.02 86.00 492.10 1,425.50 757.00 747.00 5,339.00

% 11.30 12.42 10.58 1.61 9.22 26.70 14.18 13.99 100.00

a Includes private sector loans. b A project with multiple loans is counted as one project.

Table 6 LOAN APPROVALS BY COUNTRY AND SOURCE OF FUNDS,a 2001 (amounts in $ million)
OCR Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands India Indonesia Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Sri Lanka Tajikistan Uzbekistan Viet Nam Regional TOTAL 138.70 997.00 1,500.00 400.00 4.0 593.20 70.00 105.00 60.00 72.00 17.50 20.00 3,977.40 ADF 159.20 7.00 75.20 2.20 100.00 75.00 65.00 17.50 8.00 13.02 35.69 95.60 363.60 5.90 6.00 86.00 3.60 243.09 1,361.60 Total 297.90 7.00 75.20 997.00 2.20 1,500.00 500.00 75.00 65.00 17.50 12.00 13.02 35.69 95.60 956.80 75.90 105.00 6.00 146.00 3.60 72.00 260.59 20.00 5,339.00 % 5.58 0.13 1.41 18.67 0.04 28.10 9.37 1.40 1.22 0.33 0.22 0.24 0.67 1.79 17.92 1.42 1.97 0.11 2.73 0.07 1.35 4.88 0.37 100.00

Data not applicable. a Includes loans to private sector without government guarantee.




ADB Loan Cofinancing Official Commerciala Source of Cofinancing

BANGLADESH Post-Literacy and Continuing Education Second Small-Scale Water Resources Development Sector West Zone Power System Development 65.00 12.00b 24.30b 30.00 10.00 2.50b Department for International Development (DFID), United Kingdom The Netherlands Kreditanstalt fr Wiederaufbau (KfW), Germany Nordic Development Fund (NDF) Export credit agency to be determined Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Germany

34.00 198.90


BHUTAN Basic Skills Development CHINA, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Acid Rain Control and Environmental Improvement Ganzhou-Longyan Railway Guangxi Roads Development Shaanxi Roads Development Shen-Da Power Transmission and Grid Rehabilitation Yellow River Flood Management (Sector) INDIA Private Sector Infrastructure Facility at State Levelc LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Second Education Quality Improvement Vientiane Urban Infrastructure and Services MONGOLIA Social Security Sector Development Program (Investment Loan) NEPAL Road Network Development PAKISTAN Road Sector Development Program (Investment Loan) PHILIPPINES Mindanao Basic Urban Services Sector 30.00 6.00 NDF 150.00d 15.00 OPEC Fund for International Development (OPEC Fund) 46.00 9.60b DFID 4.00 4.00 NDF 20.00 25.00 9.60b 4.40b Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Sweden Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD), France 200.00 150.00d KfW 147.00 200.00 150.00 250.00 100.00 150.00 50.00 0.30b 69.20 266.00 60.40 181.00 240.00 Domestic banks, Peoples Republic of China (PRC) China Development Bank (CDB), PRC CDB, PRC European Investment Bank China Construction Bank (CCB), PRC CCB, PRC Danish International Development Agency, Denmark 7.00

a b c d

Data not applicable. Includes export credit cofinancing. Refers to grant cofinancing. The Project resulted into two loans, one for the Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Ltd. and the other for the Industrial Development Bank of India. Consists of both a grant of $2 million and a loan of $148 million.



ADB Loan Cofinancing Official Commerciala Source of Cofinancing

SRI LANKA North East Community Restoration and Development Small and Medium Enterprise Sector Development Program Credit Assistance Southern Province Rural Economic Advancement VIET NAM Central Region Livelihood Improvement Far East Medical Vietnam Ltd.c 43.09 10.00 RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) International University Viet Namc Second Red River Water Resources Sector Third Provincial Towns Water Supply and Sanitation TOTAL
a b c Data not applicable. Includes export credit cofinancing. Refers to grant cofinancing. Private sector loan.

25.00 60.00

2.50b 0.50b 4.00


GTZ The Netherlands OPEC Fund Commercial banks under ADBs Partial Credit Guarantee OPEC Fund DFID Bank for Investment and Development of Viet Nam International Finance Corporation (IFC) IFC AFD The Netherlands AFD


5.00 16.40b 10.00 7.50 30.00 10.60b 11.00 425.20

6.00 932.70

7.50 70.00 60.00




Table 8 LOAN DISBURSEMENTS, 2000 AND 2001 (amounts in $ thousand)

2 0 0 0 % of Total OCR 59 3 62 26 10 2 100 % of Total ADF 66 66 18 16 100 % of Total Disbursements 61 2 63 23 12 2 100 % Change (2001/2000) % of Total Disbursements 61 2 63 21 15 1 100

OCR Project a Nondevelopment Finance Institution Development Finance Institution Total Project Loans Programb Sector c Private Sector d TOTAL 1,695,503 96,962 1,792,465 739,500 291,052 61,038 2,884,055

ADF 749,765 552 750,317 198,940 185,791 1,135,048 2 0 0 1

Total 2,445,268 97,514 2,542,782 938,440 476,843 61,038 4,019,103

OCR Project Nondevelopment Finance Institution Development Finance Institution Total Project Loans Program b Sector c Private Sector d TOTAL

% of Total OCR 59 3 62 22 14 2

ADF 665,494 673 666,167 174,004 184,089

% of Total ADF 65 0 65 17 18 100

Total 2,337,955 82,323 2,420,278 809,283 593,760 50,628 3,873,949

OCR (1) (16) (2) (14) 41 (17) (1)

ADF (11) 22 (11) (13) (1) (10)

Total (4) (16) (5) (14) 25 (17) (4)

1,672,461 81,650 1,754,111 635,279 409,671 50,628 2,849,689

100 1,024,260

Data not applicable. ( ) Negative. a A project loan is a loan provided to finance specific projects. ADB uses development finance institutions in its developing member countries (DMCs) as vehicles to finance small- to medium-sized projects in the private sector. b A program loan is a loan provided to support DMCs efforts to improve the policy, institutional, and investment environment of sector development. It helps meet short-term costs that policy adjustments entail. c A sector loan is a loan provided to develop a specific sector or subsector. It finances a large number of subprojects in a single sector or subsector. d Excludes equity investments.

Table 9 PROGRAM LOAN DISBURSEMENTS, 2001 ($ million)

OCR Indonesia Kyrgyz Republic Marshall Islands Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Sri Lanka Tuvalu TOTAL
Data not applicable.

ADF 33.44 2.26 10.07 11.92 86.55 3.31 25.28 1.17 174.00

Total 210.00 33.44 4.30 10.07 11.92 299.99 34.65 175.00 3.31 25.43 1.17 809.28

210.00 2.04 213.44 34.65 175.00 0.15 635.28



Total ADB Funds Total Complementary ADB Loan Approvals Project Cost/ Fund Size

Loan Sri Lanka National Development Bank of Sri Lanka Housing Bank Limited Thailand Lombard Thailand Intermediate Fund LLC

Equity Investment

0.36 25.00

0.36 25.00

0.36 25.00

10.00 500.00

Viet Nam RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) International University Viet Nam 7.50 Far East Medical Vietnam Ltd. 10.00 b Regional Mekong Enterprise Fund Asian Finance and Investment Corporation Ltd. (AFIC) d TOTAL
Data not applicable.

5.00 30.36

7.50 10.00 5.00 20.00 c 67.86

7.50 10.00 5.00 20.00 67.86

33.00 40.00 20.00 45.00 648.00

20.00 37.50

a Excluding a supplementary equity investment of $2 million to Centurion Bank Ltd. (IND), approved by Management on 14 February 2001; however, the rights issue did not materialize; refund received by ADB on 5 May 2001. b Senior loan of $6.5 million and subordinated loan of $3.5 million. c Maximum limit of $20 million. d Second syndicated revolving credit facility to AFIC.

Total ADB Funds 17.50 50.36 67.86 Total Complementary ADB Loan Approvals 17.50 50.36 67.86 Total Project Cost 73.00 575.00 648.00

Loan Infrastructure Investment Funds and Financial Institutions Others TOTAL

Data not applicable.

Equity Investment 30.36 30.36

17.50 20.00 37.50



No. of Projects a 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
a b c

Loan 20.50 58.00 95.70 78.85 156.80 50.00 182.10 68.00 98.50 45.00 136.12 146.50 152.00c 37.50

Equity Investment b 27.61 35.67 67.59 35.94 20.52 5.42 20.70 48.70 99.41 95.15 59.50 39.44 7.40 78.15 30.36

Total ADB Funds 48.11 93.67 163.29 114.79 177.32 55.42 202.80 48.70 167.41 193.65 104.50 175.56 153.90 230.15 67.86

Complementary Loan 5.00 51.10 24.00 81.50 19.30 5.83 191.50 151.08 181.50 45.00

Total ADB Approvals a 53.11 93.67 214.39 138.79 177.32 136.92 222.10 48.70 173.24 410.15 104.50 326.64 335.40 275.15 67.86

Total Project Cost 524.34 524.24 1,178.55 2,051.63 1,330.07 409.39 1,513.70 919.20 1,050.32 2,420.37 1,239.69 1,152.70 1,412.50 1,631.84 648.00

7 12 16 17 10 4 9 9 8 8 6 6 4 11 6

Data not applicable. Net of cancellations. Includes equity investments, lines of equity, and equity underwritings. Loan amount updated to reflect ADBs committed amount as stated in the loan agreement.

Table 13 CUMULATIVE PRIVATE SECTOR APPROVALS BY COUNTRY, 19832001 (amounts in $ million)

No. of Projects a Bangladesh Bhutan China, Peoples Rep. of India Indonesia Korea, Rep. of Malaysia Nepal Pakistan Philippines Samoa Sri Lanka Thailand Viet Nam Regional TOTAL 6 1 7 22 12 5 1 4 27 19 1 9 9 4 21 148 Equity Investment b 14.46 0.53 72.30 90.80 23.65 8.96 2.00 3.26 30.62 36.85 0.40 13.58 77.07 294.87 669.35 Total ADB Funds 131.66 0.53 188.80 226.50 105.65 8.96 2.00 52.81 272.42 319.17 0.40 85.58 108.53 78.50 419.87 2,001.38 Complementary Loan 20.00 171.50 5.00 63.50 5.83 129.90 233.58 26.50 655.81 Total ADB Approvals a 151.66 0.53 360.30 231.50 169.15 8.96 2.00 58.64 402.32 552.74 0.40 85.58 108.53 105.00 419.87 2,657.19

Loan 117.20 116.50 135.70 82.00 49.55 241.80 282.32 72.00 31.46 78.50 125.00 1,332.03

Data not applicable. a Net of cancellations. b Includes equity investments, lines of equity, and equity underwritings.



Cumulative No. of Loans Approveda Cumulative No. of Effective Loans Cumulative No. of Projects Approved b Cumulative No. of Blended Loans Cumulative No. of Supplementary Loans Cumulative No. of Cofinanced

Projects 2 67 6 8 41 1 5 18 53 2 1 8 6 30 9 5 1 6 12 42 73 11 63 9 2 5 37 2 36 3 2 3 22 591

Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional TOTAL
a b c

9 147 18 21 91 12 13 5 69 256 13 6 81 20 52 76 11 11 6 29 32 1 102 203 55 185 29 14 16 105 12 6 83 13 1 10 9 50 4 1,876

8 142 18 17 84 12 13 5 60 255 10 6 81 17 49 76 9 11 3 25 32 1 99 193 53 182 27 14 16 98 12 6 83 13 1 8 9 43 4 1,795

8 136 17 19 89 12 13 5 59 230 8 6 80 16 48 74 11 10 5 24 28 1 91 164 44 156 25 14 15 96 12 6 79 13 1 9 8 44 7e 1,683

6 1 17 2 1 1 2 1 26 10 17 3 2 1 3 1 94

1 5 2 3 1 2 9 5 4 4 5 2 1 44

Nil or data not applicable. Includes special implementation assistance loans, special assistance, and private sector loans; excludes loans withdrawn by borrowers. Blended loans and multiloan projects are counted as one project; supplementary loans and special implementation assistance loans are not counted as separate projects. Includes projects/loans which have been approved but still awaiting effectivity, inactive loans, fully disbursed private sector loans without government guarantee but still under administration; excludes projects/loans exclusively financed from other sources.



No. of Loans Under Administrationc

Cumulative No. of No. of PCRs Projects Under Circulated/ Administrationa,c Prepared

No. of Projects Completed in 2001d

No. of Loans Closed in 2001

No. of PCRs Circulated in 2001

No. of PPARs Circulated in 2001

37 7 17 51 2 1 38 66 9 1 1 16 19 3 5 6 5 15 1 27 59 13 55 3 2 32 5 10 10 1 34 1 552

34 6 16 49 2 1 29 58 6 1 1 15 19 3 5 5 4 13 1 25 49 13 43 3 2 29 5 9 9 1 32 1 489

93 7 3 36 10 10 5 28 139 3 4 60 3 24 51 6 3 1 9 26 63 101 27 99 19 7 13 59 1 48 15 6 8 2 989

7 4 11 5 9 2 3 3 2 2 5 12 1 6 3 1 1 1 4 1 83

2 1 3 6 10 4 2 1 4 1 2 3 6 1 3 1 1 1 1 53

7 2 6 1 7 5 1 2 3 1 3 4 3 1 4 4 2 3 1 1 61

3 1 1 3 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 21

Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional TOTAL

d Projects which were physically completed in 2001. e Includes the regional projectsGreater Mekong Subregion (GMS): Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City Highway Project (Cambodia and Viet Nam loan components); GMS: East-West Corridor Project (Lao PDR and Viet Nam loan components); Almaty-Bishkek Regional Road Rehabilitation Project (Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic loan components); and Asian Finance and Investment Corporation, Ltd.



Table 15 AMOUNT OF LOANS APPROVED, CONTRACTS AWARDED, AND DISBURSEMENTS (as of 31 December 2001; amounts in $ million)
Cumulative Contracts Awarded c,d 34.21 4,663.96 63.90 328.72 6,797.30 25.15 131.82 94.50 5,950.35 11,152.44 357.98 7.02 5,572.35 323.30 718.14 1,400.52 45.40 48.10 30.38 372.49 418.77 2.30 1,286.34 7,959.18 570.44 4,937.84 98.23 130.22 54.82 1,853.89 90.28 27.05 4,073.30 47.07 3.97 133.20 47.57 1,103.68 60,956.17

Cumulative Loan Amounts Approved a Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional f TOTAL 95.10 6,488.61 101.76 560.47 11,294.50 26.67 161.10 101.50 10,453.30 18,328.99 512.00 15.14 6,338.33 527.20 952.54 1,987.54 72.68 71.13 56.14 505.11 530.86 5.00 1,951.28 11,468.04 849.28 7,994.27 113.92 181.08 79.31 2,743.45 100.39 102.60 5,348.07 42.89 4.00 459.00 51.25 2,355.77 125.00 93,155.26

Cumulative Net Effective Loans b,c 27.90 5,622.87 92.79 452.93 9,359.12 25.33 153.47 94.50 7,835.32 15,198.06 400.29 12.97 5,562.07 437.04 844.56 1,442.58 53.84 64.92 32.55 448.46 411.83 5.00 1,586.92 9,731.65 747.21 6,716.53 103.94 144.44 64.05 2,322.02 91.14 98.54 4,405.86 41.17 3.97 385.31 48.98 1,919.13 125.00 77,114.22

Contracts Awarded in 2001c,d 137.90 6.04 40.65 587.76 0.56 12.94 106.48 456.33 8.24 0.30 1.17 41.14 50.93 25.59 3.31 6.64 0.92 31.07 36.32 418.87 43.60 304.46 3.72 1.05 103.52 3.56 20.00 0.02 1.17 32.63 0.77 71.40 2,559.05

Data not applicable. a Includes special assistance loans and private sector loans but excludes terminated loans. The US dollar equivalent is in accordance with the exchange rate prevailing within ADB at the time of loan signing. b Net refers to cancellation and refund of unused loan amounts. c The US dollar equivalent is in accordance with the exchange rate prevailing in ADB on 31 December 2001. The cumulative contracts awarded exceed the net effective loan amounts due to the following reasons: (i) for countries without active loans, the base contract amount of loans that were closed prior to computerization does not reflect the adjustment with regard to procurement data, e.g. Afghanistan; and (ii) for countries with active loans, the contract amount inputted is the percentage of ADB-financed portion and each contract amount was adjusted upon completion of disbursement. d Excludes private sector loans without government guarantee.



% of Cumulative Contracts Awarded to Cumulative Net Effective Loans 122.64 82.95 68.86 72.58 72.63 99.28 85.89 100.00 75.94 73.38 89.43 54.13 100.18 73.97 85.03 97.08 84.32 74.09 93.34 83.06 101.68 46.00 81.06 81.79 76.34 73.52 94.51 90.15 85.59 79.84 99.06 27.45 92.45 114.35 100.00 34.57 97.12 57.51 79.00

Disbursements in 2001 214.91 6.70 48.35 1,052.90 0.59 4.43 269.83 686.00 15.28 1.43 1.63 58.30 44.67 14.95 2.73 8.34 2.51 30.39 57.20 512.33 44.71 321.80 3.60 0.01 103.49 2.93 139.00 0.22 1.17 40.13 2.80 176.21 4.44 3,873.95

Cumulative Disbursements e 27.90 4,675.63 60.80 251.43 6,905.73 22.75 123.62 94.50 5,810.11 12,061.04 355.53 6.26 5,560.34 314.67 660.28 1,366.64 38.83 48.18 29.84 352.28 411.83 2.30 1,309.74 8,361.22 565.49 5,238.57 94.53 144.44 54.07 1,785.56 91.14 25.12 4,020.64 41.17 3.97 118.97 48.47 989.97 94.52 62,168.05

% of Cumulative Disbursements to Cumulative Net Effective Loans 100.0 83.2 65.5 55.5 73.8 89.8 80.6 100.0 74.2 79.4 88.8 48.3 100.0 72.0 78.2 94.7 72.1 74.2 91.7 78.6 100.0 46.0 82.5 85.9 75.7 78.0 90.9 100.0 84.4 76.9 100.0 25.5 91.3 100.0 100.0 30.9 99.0 51.6 75.6 80.6 Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional TOTAL

e The cumulative disbursements may exceed the cumulative contracts awarded due to disbursed amount without procurement contract summary sheet, e.g., interest during construction, contingencies, and private sector loans that do not require procurement. f Private sector loans to Asian Finance and Investment Corporation Ltd.



19671976 19771986 19871996 19972001 Goods, Related Goods, Related Goods, Related Goods, Related Services, and Consulting Services, and Consulting Services, and Consulting Services, and Consulting Civil Works (%) Services (%) Civil Works (%) Services (%) Civil Works (%) Services (%) Civil Works (%) Services (%)
Afghanistan Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgium Bhutan Cambodia Canada China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Denmark Fiji Islands Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional International Organizations TOTAL TOTAL VALUE ($ million) 0.00 1.15 2.38 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 2.19 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.09 0.05 3.78 7.57 0.60 1.45 0.00 3.36 42.33 0.00 0.00 9.67 0.00 0.00 3.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.17 0.17 0.15 0.01 0.00 1.14 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 1.91 1.77 0.00 2.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.03 6.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 1,151.81 0.00 3.91 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 2.29 0.00 0.00 1.94 0.00 0.00 6.05 10.36 0.00 3.35 0.00 11.06 7.33 0.00 0.00 1.31 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.20 1.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 1.07 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.61 41.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 65.59 0.00 1.43 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.24 0.04 2.02 4.79 1.65 0.67 8.54 1.35 22.82 0.00 0.00 16.74 0.00 0.00 4.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.42 0.03 0.57 0.25 8.43 0.00 1.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.54 1.51 1.70 0.00 6.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.76 7.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5,006.38 0.00 2.46 0.30 0.00 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.00 6.79 0.00 0.00 2.91 0.00 0.31 2.98 4.34 0.47 0.34 9.58 4.08 12.58 0.00 0.00 4.06 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.60 1.46 0.25 0.04 0.07 1.59 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.04 5.86 3.20 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.08 21.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 327.46 0.00 1.90 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.81 9.39 0.00 0.15 0.16 0.47 2.27 5.66 1.17 9.97 17.36 3.82 11.63 0.00 0.00 6.40 0.01 0.00 3.42 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.09 0.06 3.02 0.27 3.36 0.00 1.56 0.00 0.19 0.01 0.81 1.69 0.75 0.00 3.48 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 1.53 6.55 0.02 0.40 0.04 0.00 0.00 100.00 17,780.48 0.00 4.09 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.48 0.00 0.00 1.89 0.03 0.32 4.39 6.21 0.08 1.29 29.08 2.27 7.31 0.00 0.00 0.79 0.00 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.60 0.17 0.00 0.37 0.19 4.14 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.15 6.19 1.01 0.00 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.90 9.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 825.74 0.00 1.52 0.45 0.00 0.07 0.24 0.00 0.03 0.58 18.71 0.00 0.25 0.03 0.20 1.30 3.07 0.63 8.78 12.94 1.05 7.04 0.41 0.00 13.91 0.02 0.00 2.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.44 0.09 0.03 2.40 0.45 1.38 0.00 2.27 0.01 0.24 0.01 0.27 0.54 0.69 0.00 2.99 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 1.59 7.22 0.38 0.00 0.09 4.82 0.00 100.00 16,642.61 0.00 12.21 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.21 0.31 0.00 1.37 0.00 0.14 5.87 1.93 0.99 5.55 18.74 2.58 2.61 0.03 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.12 1.03 1.12 0.00 0.05 6.17 0.00 2.11 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.25 4.73 1.25 0.00 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.34 11.95 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 419.31

0.00 Data negligible. a Represents the country of origin where the goods are mined, produced, grown, and manufactured, based on US dollar value equivalent of contract.



19671976 19771986 19871996 19972001 Goods, Related Goods, Related Goods, Related Goods, Related Services, and Consulting Services, and Consulting Services, and Consulting Services, and Consulting Civil Works (%) Services (%) Civil Works (%) Services (%) Civil Works (%) Services (%) Civil Works (%) Services (%)
Afghanistan Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgium Bhutan Cambodia Canada China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Denmark Fiji Islands Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional International Organizations TOTAL TOTAL VALUE ($ million) 0.00 4.89 0.12 0.00 0.20 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.12 0.01 0.13 14.61 0.27 4.42 0.00 5.68 38.73 0.00 0.00 5.66 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 1.68 0.56 0.05 0.00 2.60 0.14 0.09 4.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.33 0.74 0.00 1.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.96 3.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 260.83 0.00 6.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.30 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.63 0.00 1.63 0.00 5.49 21.17 0.00 0.00 1.84 0.00 0.00 2.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.57 2.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.14 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.83 6.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 27.69 0.37 0.83 0.34 0.00 5.80 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.00 0.04 0.79 0.05 0.07 1.37 5.08 0.74 6.30 1.14 2.75 25.35 0.00 0.00 5.31 0.00 0.05 0.36 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.00 2.28 1.22 0.81 0.02 4.76 1.52 2.74 0.28 1.85 0.28 0.00 3.11 1.64 2.64 0.20 0.00 2.35 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.44 8.98 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.00 0.00 100.00 2,447.95 0.00 3.75 0.00 0.00 0.94 0.05 0.00 0.00 7.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.34 2.57 1.68 0.00 9.30 1.85 0.82 15.18 0.00 0.00 2.01 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 2.22 2.00 0.57 0.47 0.19 2.83 0.07 0.11 0.09 0.00 0.26 0.04 6.18 0.04 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.11 15.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 155.37 0.00 1.18 0.16 0.00 14.03 0.36 0.18 0.31 0.40 5.68 0.05 0.33 0.02 0.18 1.43 3.69 0.83 2.27 3.49 1.68 5.47 0.32 0.01 6.79 0.44 0.79 1.02 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.14 0.13 0.00 3.27 1.61 0.46 0.36 15.57 1.16 4.85 0.06 4.02 0.10 0.06 4.38 0.57 0.93 0.76 0.00 0.94 0.07 0.30 0.00 0.00 2.02 6.28 0.05 0.04 0.68 0.00 0.00 100.00 9,288.56 0.00 5.64 0.00 0.00 3.73 0.00 0.01 0.00 3.11 0.00 0.01 1.68 0.02 0.20 4.01 5.35 0.00 1.84 4.70 2.94 3.56 0.00 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.16 5.22 3.48 0.28 9.91 0.39 5.04 0.07 0.16 0.00 0.00 1.39 2.19 2.58 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.81 11.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 568.07 0.00 0.74 0.33 0.00 14.42 0.29 0.22 1.69 0.31 5.78 0.06 0.43 0.06 0.22 2.05 1.73 0.29 2.61 2.43 2.06 3.36 0.72 0.00 5.02 0.88 0.93 0.99 0.03 0.17 0.20 0.67 0.03 0.00 2.59 0.33 0.44 0.01 13.66 0.27 2.78 0.02 3.17 0.32 0.14 5.68 0.16 0.37 0.29 0.47 1.79 0.09 3.67 0.00 0.00 0.73 3.45 0.79 0.17 9.54 0.33 0.00 100.00 4,837.48 0.00 7.94 0.01 0.00 4.84 0.03 0.13 0.24 5.83 0.02 0.14 2.88 0.00 1.74 5.17 5.36 0.00 2.18 0.77 0.05 9.78 0.15 0.00 0.89 0.38 1.14 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.16 0.06 0.00 2.77 2.49 1.54 1.03 5.06 0.16 4.28 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 2.20 0.90 0.34 1.21 0.27 1.06 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 13.60 11.89 0.00 0.01 0.87 0.00 0.00 100.00 408.33

0.00 Data negligible. a Represents the country of origin where the goods are mined, produced, grown, and manufactured, based on US dollar value equivalent of contract.



Goods, Related Services, and Civil Works
Afghanistan Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgium Bhutan Cambodia Canada China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Denmark Fiji Islands Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional International Organizations TOTAL 0.00 2.54 6.56 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 4.06 549.57 0.00 1.68 0.10 1.29 5.53 19.04 15.92 89.86 191.34 7.02 9.94 1.53 0.00 9.88 0.00 0.00 26.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.89 0.30 0.37 0.03 1.53 45.01 0.00 4.55 0.00 9.72 0.00 3.45 6.60 1.21 0.00 8.65 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 6.65 55.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 1,087.78

% Distribution
0.00 0.23 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.37 50.52 0.00 0.15 0.01 0.12 0.51 1.75 1.46 8.26 17.59 0.64 0.91 0.14 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.00 2.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.14 4.14 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.89 0.00 0.32 0.61 0.11 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.61 5.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00

Consulting Services
0.00 12.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 1.30 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.00 10.97 14.80 0.07 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.09 6.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 68.76

% Distribution
0.00 17.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 1.89 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 15.96 21.52 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.86 9.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00

Total Contracts Awardedb

0.00 14.62 6.56 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.00 4.67 550.87 0.00 1.97 0.10 1.29 5.98 19.04 15.92 100.83 206.14 7.08 9.94 1.54 0.00 9.88 0.00 0.00 27.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.89 0.30 0.37 0.03 1.53 47.86 0.00 4.55 0.00 9.72 0.00 3.45 7.05 1.21 0.00 8.71 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 23.74 62.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 1,156.54

% Distributionb
0.00 1.26 0.57 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.40 47.63 0.00 0.17 0.01 0.11 0.52 1.65 1.38 8.72 17.82 0.61 0.86 0.13 0.00 0.85 0.00 0.00 2.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.13 4.14 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.84 0.00 0.30 0.61 0.10 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 2.05 5.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00

a Represents the country of origin where the goods are mined, produced, grown, and manufactured, based on US dollar value equivalent of contract. b Total may not add due to rounding.



Goods, Related Services, and Civil Works
Afghanistan Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgium Bhutan Cambodia Canada China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Denmark Fiji Islands Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional International Organizations TOTAL 0.00 0.50 0.69 0.00 85.88 11.07 1.65 19.50 0.65 17.50 1.27 1.19 0.00 2.23 6.39 3.44 1.16 14.21 21.20 2.21 5.60 1.40 0.00 11.07 4.68 15.32 1.99 0.90 0.50 0.00 18.81 1.02 0.00 12.76 0.53 0.94 0.00 77.13 0.90 32.12 0.21 0.91 0.00 3.23 57.27 0.00 0.92 1.10 1.15 7.27 0.02 0.01 0.15 0.00 1.47 13.73 3.68 0.03 59.52 0.00 0.00 527.08

% Distribution
0.00 0.09 0.13 0.00 16.29 2.10 0.31 3.70 0.12 3.32 0.24 0.23 0.00 0.42 1.21 0.65 0.22 2.70 4.02 0.42 1.06 0.27 0.00 2.10 0.89 2.91 0.38 0.17 0.09 0.00 3.57 0.19 0.00 2.42 0.10 0.18 0.00 14.63 0.17 6.09 0.04 0.17 0.00 0.61 10.87 0.00 0.17 0.21 0.22 1.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 2.60 0.70 0.01 11.29 0.00 0.00 100.00

Consulting Services
0.00 8.72 0.00 0.00 4.19 0.02 0.52 0.81 1.01 0.04 0.11 1.24 0.00 0.00 0.08 3.70 0.00 7.77 0.02 0.00 5.17 0.00 0.00 3.64 0.26 1.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.25 0.00 4.65 0.48 2.07 0.00 1.80 0.06 5.16 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 5.04 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.36 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 74.09

% Distribution
0.00 11.77 0.00 0.00 5.65 0.03 0.71 1.09 1.37 0.05 0.15 1.67 0.00 0.00 0.10 5.00 0.00 10.49 0.03 0.00 6.98 0.00 0.00 4.92 0.35 1.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.33 0.00 6.28 0.65 2.79 0.00 2.43 0.08 6.97 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 6.80 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.63 1.12 0.00 0.00 1.29 0.00 0.00 100.00

Total Contracts Awardedb

0.00 9.22 0.69 0.00 90.07 11.09 2.18 20.31 1.66 17.54 1.39 2.43 0.00 2.23 6.47 7.14 1.16 21.99 21.22 2.21 10.77 1.40 0.00 14.71 4.94 16.54 1.99 0.90 0.50 0.00 18.86 1.27 0.00 17.41 1.02 3.00 0.00 78.93 0.95 37.29 0.21 0.97 0.00 3.23 62.31 0.44 0.92 1.10 1.15 11.62 0.02 0.01 0.15 0.00 10.83 14.56 3.68 0.03 60.48 0.00 0.00 601.17

% Distributionb
0.00 1.53 0.12 0.00 14.98 1.85 0.36 3.38 0.28 2.92 0.23 0.40 0.00 0.37 1.08 1.19 0.19 3.66 3.53 0.37 1.79 0.23 0.00 2.45 0.82 2.75 0.33 0.15 0.08 0.00 3.14 0.21 0.00 2.90 0.17 0.50 0.00 13.13 0.16 6.20 0.03 0.16 0.00 0.54 10.36 0.07 0.15 0.18 0.19 1.93 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 1.80 2.42 0.61 0.01 10.06 0.00 0.00 100.00

a Represents the country of origin where the goods are mined, produced, grown, and manufactured, based on US dollar value equivalent of contract. b Total may not add due to rounding.



Goods, Related Services, and Civil Works
Afghanistan Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgium Bhutan Cambodia Canada China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Denmark Fiji Islands Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional International Organizations TOTAL 0.00 3.04 7.26 0.00 85.88 11.38 1.65 19.50 4.70 567.06 1.27 2.87 0.10 3.52 11.92 22.48 17.08 104.07 212.54 9.23 15.54 2.93 0.00 20.95 4.68 15.32 28.07 0.90 0.50 0.00 18.81 1.02 0.00 12.80 1.42 1.23 0.37 77.15 2.43 77.13 0.21 5.46 0.00 12.95 57.27 3.45 7.52 2.31 1.15 15.92 0.02 0.67 0.15 0.00 8.12 69.56 3.68 0.03 59.52 0.04 0.00 1,614.86

% Distribution
0.00 0.19 0.45 0.00 5.32 0.70 0.10 1.21 0.29 35.12 0.08 0.18 0.01 0.22 0.74 1.39 1.06 6.44 13.16 0.57 0.96 0.18 0.00 1.30 0.29 0.95 1.74 0.06 0.03 0.00 1.16 0.06 0.00 0.79 0.09 0.08 0.02 4.78 0.15 4.78 0.01 0.34 0.00 0.80 3.55 0.21 0.47 0.14 0.07 0.99 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.50 4.31 0.23 0.00 3.69 0.00 0.00 100.00

Consulting Services
0.00 20.80 0.00 0.00 4.19 0.02 0.52 0.81 1.63 1.34 0.11 1.52 0.00 0.00 0.53 3.70 0.00 18.75 14.82 0.07 5.17 0.01 0.00 3.64 0.26 1.22 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.25 0.00 4.65 0.48 2.07 0.00 1.80 0.06 8.01 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 5.04 0.44 0.45 0.00 0.00 4.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.45 7.63 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.00 142.85

% Distribution
0.00 14.56 0.00 0.00 2.93 0.01 0.37 0.56 1.14 0.94 0.08 1.06 0.00 0.00 0.37 2.59 0.00 13.12 10.37 0.05 3.62 0.01 0.00 2.55 0.18 0.86 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.17 0.00 3.26 0.34 1.45 0.00 1.26 0.04 5.61 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 3.53 0.31 0.32 0.00 0.00 3.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.52 5.34 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 100.00

Total Contracts Awardedb

0.00 23.84 7.26 0.00 90.06 11.40 2.18 20.31 6.33 568.40 1.39 4.39 0.10 3.52 12.45 26.18 17.08 122.82 227.36 9.30 20.71 2.94 0.00 24.59 4.94 16.54 29.01 0.90 0.50 0.00 18.86 1.27 0.00 17.45 1.90 3.30 0.37 78.95 2.48 85.14 0.20 5.52 0.00 12.95 62.31 3.89 7.97 2.31 1.15 20.32 0.02 0.67 0.15 0.00 34.58 77.19 3.68 0.03 60.48 0.04 0.00 1,757.71

% Distributionb
0.00 1.36 0.41 0.00 5.12 0.65 0.12 1.16 0.36 32.34 0.08 0.25 0.01 0.20 0.71 1.49 0.97 6.99 12.93 0.53 1.18 0.17 0.00 1.40 0.28 0.94 1.65 0.05 0.03 0.00 1.07 0.07 0.00 0.99 0.11 0.19 0.02 4.49 0.14 4.84 0.01 0.31 0.00 0.74 3.55 0.22 0.45 0.13 0.07 1.16 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.00 1.97 4.39 0.21 0.00 3.44 0.00 0.00 100.00

a Represents the country of origin where the goods are mined, produced, grown, and manufactured, based on US dollar value equivalent of contract. b Total may not add due to rounding.



Ordinary Capital Resources (OCR) $ Million
Afghanistan Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgium Bhutan Cambodia Canada China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Denmark Fiji Islands Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional International Organizations TOTAL 0.66 20.28 1.47 0.02 0.48 3.22 0.12 0.01 5.10 21.11 0.00 0.95 0.00 3.38 12.36 22.88 9.22 5.73 4.25 9.37 140.26 0.05 0.00 26.73 0.00 0.00 18.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.01 0.02 5.27 1.99 0.60 50.73 34.25 0.83 0.00 26.60 0.01 3.06 0.78 2.83 8.67 11.17 0.03 10.48 0.00 2.84 0.00 0.00 10.59 147.02 1.15 0.00 1.51 0.00 0.00 627.30

Asian Development Fund (ADF) $ Million

0.03 1.51 0.28 0.00 0.05 1.57 0.00 0.00 1.07 9.03 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.10 1.41 9.56 0.28 0.87 0.03 8.40 12.21 4.97 0.00 1.03 0.03 0.00 5.53 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.71 0.08 0.05 37.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.21 0.00 1.02 0.33 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 3.68 0.00 0.00 9.21 52.02 9.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 174.05

Combined OCR and ADF $ Million

0.69 21.79 1.75 0.02 0.53 4.79 0.12 0.01 6.17 30.14 0.00 1.13 0.00 3.48 13.77 32.44 9.50 6.60 4.28 17.77 152.47 5.01 0.00 27.76 0.03 0.00 24.33 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.01 0.04 5.97 2.07 0.65 88.23 34.25 0.84 0.00 26.93 0.01 3.27 0.78 3.86 9.00 11.17 0.53 10.99 0.00 6.52 0.00 0.00 19.79 199.04 10.75 0.00 1.51 0.00 0.00 801.35

% Distribution
0.11 3.23 0.23 0.00 0.08 0.51 0.02 0.00 0.81 3.37 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.54 1.97 3.65 1.47 0.91 0.68 1.49 22.36 0.01 0.00 4.26 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.32 0.10 8.09 5.46 0.13 0.00 4.24 0.00 0.49 0.12 0.45 1.38 1.78 0.00 1.67 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.00 1.69 23.44 0.18 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 100.00

% Distribution
0.01 0.87 0.16 0.00 0.03 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.62 5.19 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.06 0.81 5.49 0.16 0.50 0.01 4.83 7.01 2.85 0.00 0.59 0.01 0.00 3.17 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.41 0.04 0.03 21.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.59 0.19 0.00 0.29 0.29 0.00 2.11 0.00 0.00 5.29 29.89 5.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00

% Distribution
0.09 2.72 0.22 0.00 0.07 0.60 0.02 0.00 0.77 3.76 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.43 1.72 4.05 1.19 0.82 0.53 2.22 19.03 0.63 0.00 3.46 0.00 0.00 3.04 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.75 0.26 0.08 11.01 4.27 0.10 0.00 3.36 0.00 0.41 0.10 0.48 1.12 1.39 0.07 1.37 0.00 0.81 0.00 0.00 2.47 24.84 1.34 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 100.00

Note: Total may not add due to rounding. a Estimates are based on import data drawn from the latest information available on borrowers trade statistics compiled by the International Monetary Fund Direction of Trade Statistics.



ADBs Own Resources Afghanistan Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgium Bhutan Cambodia Canada China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Denmark Fiji Islands Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional International Organizations TOTAL 0.00 100.42 0.82 0.05 6.54 2.83 0.07 0.46 57.08 4.95 0.02 9.38 0.43 3.75 14.17 12.23 12.73 26.43 10.86 4.49 17.26 0.14 0.00 4.19 0.20 2.40 6.68 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.44 0.72 0.00 4.52 17.51 42.79 2.37 8.39 1.17 48.09 0.67 10.81 0.45 0.54 9.27 4.70 8.86 1.06 0.08 8.08 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.04 118.89 169.46 0.08 0.73 1.49 0.98 23.21 784.34 % Distribution 0.00 12.80 0.10 0.01 0.83 0.36 0.01 0.06 7.28 0.63 0.00 1.20 0.05 0.48 1.81 1.56 1.62 3.37 1.38 0.57 2.20 0.02 0.00 0.53 0.03 0.31 0.85 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.06 0.09 0.00 0.58 2.23 5.46 0.30 1.07 0.15 6.13 0.09 1.38 0.06 0.07 1.18 0.60 1.13 0.13 0.01 1.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 15.16 21.61 0.01 0.09 0.19 0.12 2.96 100.00 Administered Trust Funds 0.00 18.27 0.00 0.00 2.49 0.71 0.02 0.00 28.34 0.90 0.00 1.82 0.00 4.59 10.52 5.21 1.25 4.15 1.33 0.66 5.66 0.18 0.03 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.99 20.25 7.55 3.16 0.21 0.01 9.88 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.29 1.08 2.85 4.65 0.07 0.00 2.64 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 36.99 44.41 0.04 0.01 0.09 0.00 4.07 228.06 % Distribution 0.00 8.01 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.31 0.01 0.00 12.43 0.39 0.00 0.80 0.00 2.01 4.61 2.28 0.55 1.82 0.58 0.29 2.48 0.08 0.01 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.43 8.88 3.31 1.38 0.09 0.00 4.33 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.57 0.47 1.25 2.04 0.03 0.00 1.16 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 16.22 19.47 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.00 1.78 100.00 Japan Special Fund 0.02 81.36 0.00 0.00 3.17 1.19 0.03 0.10 51.20 4.02 0.00 14.36 0.07 6.95 17.91 26.39 16.00 11.65 5.54 2.53 17.54 0.03 0.00 3.35 0.03 0.47 3.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.00 1.18 24.16 42.40 3.20 1.59 0.01 21.63 0.86 6.90 0.07 0.72 2.61 5.82 8.47 2.03 0.00 8.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 104.96 142.80 0.02 1.18 1.75 1.14 4.90 654.39 % Distribution 0.00 12.43 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.18 0.00 0.01 7.82 0.61 0.00 2.19 0.01 1.06 2.74 4.03 2.44 1.78 0.85 0.39 2.68 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.00 0.07 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.18 3.69 6.48 0.49 0.24 0.00 3.31 0.13 1.05 0.01 0.11 0.40 0.89 1.29 0.31 0.00 1.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.04 21.82 0.00 0.18 0.27 0.17 0.75 100.00 Total Contracts Awarded 0.02 200.05 0.82 0.05 12.19 4.73 0.12 0.55 136.62 9.87 0.02 25.55 0.49 15.29 42.60 43.82 29.98 42.24 17.73 7.67 40.46 0.35 0.03 8.53 0.23 2.87 9.97 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.82 1.20 0.00 6.69 61.92 92.74 8.73 10.19 1.19 79.60 1.52 17.72 0.53 2.54 12.96 13.37 21.97 3.16 0.08 19.29 0.18 0.18 0.00 0.04 260.84 356.68 0.14 1.92 3.32 2.12 32.18 1,666.79 % Distribution 0.00 12.00 0.05 0.00 0.73 0.28 0.01 0.03 8.20 0.59 0.00 1.53 0.03 0.92 2.56 2.63 1.80 2.53 1.06 0.46 2.43 0.02 0.00 0.51 0.01 0.17 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.07 0.00 0.40 3.71 5.56 0.52 0.61 0.07 4.78 0.09 1.06 0.03 0.15 0.78 0.80 1.32 0.19 0.00 1.16 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 15.65 21.40 0.01 0.12 0.20 0.13 1.93 100.00

Note: Total may not add due to rounding. a Represents the country of origin where the goods are mined, produced, grown, and manufactured, based on US dollar value equivalent of contract.



1999 Value
Afghanistan Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belgium Bhutan Cambodia Canada China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Denmark Fiji Islands Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Italy Japan Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu United Kingdom United States Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional International Organizations TOTAL 0.00 16.38 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.03 0.03 7.31 1.07 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.57 3.54 3.20 0.92 2.43 1.04 0.48 3.48 0.01 0.03 0.28 0.04 0.12 1.33 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.06 0.15 0.00 0.23 2.37 12.07 0.20 0.84 0.02 5.43 0.02 1.60 0.21 0.02 0.14 0.10 1.41 0.00 0.01 2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.95 27.44 0.04 1.22 0.91 0.50 0.04 123.53

2000 %
0.00 13.26 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.32 0.02 0.02 5.92 0.86 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.46 2.86 2.59 0.74 1.97 0.84 0.39 2.81 0.01 0.02 0.23 0.03 0.09 1.07 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.12 0.00 0.19 1.92 9.77 0.16 0.68 0.02 4.39 0.02 1.30 0.17 0.02 0.11 0.08 1.14 0.00 0.01 1.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.57 22.21 0.03 0.99 0.73 0.40 0.03 79.67

2001a %
0.00 13.54 0.00 0.00 0.92 0.08 0.01 0.04 7.82 0.83 0.01 1.18 0.02 0.99 0.14 4.16 2.97 1.23 0.44 0.61 1.70 0.01 0.00 0.08 0.03 1.30 0.40 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.06 0.00 0.20 7.28 4.44 0.45 0.34 0.08 5.60 0.22 0.74 0.12 0.00 2.15 0.41 1.40 0.02 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 12.39 23.15 0.01 0.06 0.97 0.31 0.01 111.28

0.00 20.99 0.00 0.00 1.43 0.13 0.02 0.07 12.13 1.28 0.01 1.84 0.03 1.54 0.22 6.45 4.61 1.91 0.68 0.95 2.64 0.02 0.00 0.12 0.05 2.01 0.62 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.09 0.00 0.32 11.29 6.89 0.69 0.52 0.13 8.68 0.34 1.15 0.18 0.00 3.34 0.63 2.18 0.03 0.00 1.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 19.22 35.90 0.02 0.09 1.50 0.48 0.01 155.05

0.00 17.99 0.67 0.05 1.77 0.86 0.03 0.14 11.01 0.65 0.01 0.60 0.08 0.00 4.00 5.66 2.94 4.13 1.30 0.27 1.35 0.20 0.00 0.31 0.06 0.07 0.37 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.05 0.00 0.55 4.46 9.07 0.03 1.28 0.41 8.62 0.11 2.17 0.09 0.05 0.73 0.93 0.90 0.00 0.04 2.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.21 32.96 0.03 0.34 0.30 1.12 0.00 139.34

0.00 12.91 0.48 0.03 1.27 0.62 0.02 0.10 7.90 0.46 0.01 0.43 0.06 0.00 2.87 4.06 2.11 2.96 0.93 0.20 0.97 0.14 0.00 0.22 0.04 0.05 0.27 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.00 0.39 3.20 6.51 0.02 0.92 0.30 6.18 0.08 1.56 0.07 0.03 0.52 0.67 0.65 0.00 0.03 1.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.07 23.66 0.02 0.24 0.22 0.80 0.00 100.00

Note: Total may not add due to rounding. a Represents the country of origin where the goods are mined, produced, grown, and manufactured, based on US dollar value equivalent of contract.



Table 24 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS BY COUNTRY AND REGIONAL ACTIVITIES,a 19672001, 2000, 2001 (amounts in $ thousand)
1 9 6 7 2 0 0 1b No. Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands East Timor Fiji Islands India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Subtotal Regional TOTAL
a b c d

2 % 0.13 0.10 7.12 1.40 2.98 9.57 0.39 0.36 0.93 3.49 8.85 1.03 0.47 0.25 1.38 4.34 1.23 0.69 0.76 0.96 2.43 0.52 0.06 4.92 4.50 1.92 5.87 0.91 0.03 0.53 3.64 0.00 0.61 2.53 0.56 0.01 0.16 0.98 0.63 4.11 No. 7 5 9 25 2 12 4 16 16 6 2 8 13 3 4 2 5 1 9 8 8 12 3 2 11 10 6 2 1 5 4 12 233 73 306 OCR and TASF JSF ACCSF Financing Financing Financing 600.00 100.00 1,050.00 5,665.00 280.00 4,042.90 590.00 9,545.00 3,180.00 100.00 150.00 1,185.00 5,350.00 750.00 548.00 800.00 600.00 3,580.00 7,905.00 736.00 1,393.20 1,320.00 800.00 1,085.00 450.00 450.00 271.00 300.00 1,033.00 1,755.00 55,614.10 22,046.00 77,660.10 4,590.00 1,954.00 3,386.00 11,050.40 900.00 2,195.00 3,480.00 350.00 3,090.00 2,300.00 700.00 340.00 2,985.00 300.00 3,735.00 1,420.00 3,228.00 500.00 5,600.00 3,800.00 1,600.00 250.00 3,020.00 330.00 4,924.00 66,027.40 11,060.00 77,087.40 5,825.00 1,775.00 7,600.00 7,600.00
c d

Amount 2,565.70 1,952.00 145,628.33 28,625.15 60,088.60 195,614.05 7,995.00 7,312.90 18,916.80 71,326.86 180,978.27 21,149.00 9,540.00 5,010.15 28,240.50 88,717.78 25,202.30 14,178.00 15,477.00 19,585.00 49,770.65 10,716.00 1,244.00 100,569.70 91,981.40 39,271.60 119,994.25 18,601.50 577.42 10,900.24 74,390.60 100.00 12,465.00 51,693.60 11,426.50 150.00 3,336.00 20,000.00 12,814.76 83,933.46

Other Sources 2,180.00 650.00 1,181.00 600.00 500.00 67.00 2,440.00

Total 5,190.00 2,054.00 4,436.00 16,715.40 280.00 4,942.90 590.00 9,545.00 13,380.00 3,580.00 500.00 4,925.00 7,650.00 1,450.00 888.00 800.00 3,585.00 300.00 7,315.00 7,905.00 3,337.00 6,396.20 1,820.00 800.00 6,685.00 4,850.00 2,550.00 271.00 250.00 3,320.00 1,430.00 9,119.00

16 5 272 76 82 368 25 18 63 141 408 39 30 33 46 184 92 41 37 31 99 38 5 219 227 117 281 69 2 51 189 1 24 140 44 1 13 35 47 128

3,737 1,662,040.06 1,011 381,609.62 4,748

81.33 18.67

7,618.00 136,859.50 2,022.00 35,128.00 9,640.00 171,987.50

2,043,649.68 100.00

Excludes technical assistance financed under loans that are included in ADBs loan data. Cumulative data are adjusted to exclude technical assistance projects withdrawn by governments. Japan Special Fund. Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility.



2 0 0 1 % 3.02 1.19 2.58 9.72 0.16 2.87 0.34 5.55 7.78 2.08 0.29 2.86 4.45 0.84 0.52 0.47 2.08 0.17 4.25 4.60 1.94 3.72 1.06 0.47 3.89 2.82 1.48 0.16 0.15 1.93 0.83 5.30 79.58 20.42 100.00 No. 5 12 5 8 20 2 6 12 19 5 1 4 10 3 1 2 7 5 17 8 9 3 9 5 7 1 1 1 5 3 10 206 51 257 OCR and TASF Financing 1,212.00 1,525.00 900.00 1,750.00 8,668.00 270.00 5,750.00 2,790.00 300.00 1,550.00 1,100.00 950.00 900.00 2,000.00 1,825.00 5,800.00 1,570.00 917.00 800.00 706.00 575.00 350.00 650.00 150.00 300.00 1,700.00 200.00 1,300.00 46,508.00 13,286.00 59,794.00 JSF Financing 740.00 3,340.00 1,200.00 4,050.00 2,630.00 500.00 2,100.00 2,590.00 1,900.00 500.00 650.00 4,100.00 700.00 1,800.00 2,175.00 800.00 2,700.00 2,358.00 3,400.00 1,550.00 750.00 600.00 500.00 3,500.00 45,133.00 8,650.00 53,783.00

ACCSFd Financing 8,953.00 3,790.00 1,565.00 14,308.00 1,800.00 16,108.00

Other Sources 1,000.00 1,150.00 2,250.00 1,600.00 95.00 333.00 485.00 3,618.00 10,531.00 6,143.86 16,674.86

Total 1,952.00 4,865.00 2,100.00 6,800.00 12,448.00 500.00 2,370.00 8,000.00 15,933.00 2,295.00 500.00 2,200.00 5,200.00 700.00 950.00 1,233.00 3,800.00 4,000.00 6,600.00 4,270.00 7,550.00 800.00 4,106.00 2,125.00 2,665.00 650.00 150.00 300.00 2,300.00 700.00 8,418.00 116,480.00 29,879.86 146,359.86

% 1.33 3.32 1.43 4.65 8.51 0.34 1.62 5.47 10.89 1.57 0.34 1.50 3.55 0.48 0.65 0.84 2.60 2.73 4.51 2.92 5.16 0.55 2.81 1.45 1.82 0.44 0.10 0.20 1.57 0.48 5.75 79.58 20.42 100.00 Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands East Timor Fiji Islands India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Subtotal Regional TOTAL



Table 25 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS, 2001 ($ thousand)

Project Preparatory Advisory and Operational

AZERBAIJAN Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Seminars on Bank Operational Policies and Procedures Capacity Building for Strategic Economic Policy Formulation in the Ministry of Finance Capacity Building for Poverty Data Analysis Preparation of the Medium-Term National Poverty Reduction Strategy BANGLADESH Jamuna-Meghna River Erosion Mitigation Urban Governance and Infrastructure Improvement Rural Infrastructure Improvement Northwest Road Corridor Development Road Network Improvement and Maintenance II Primary Education Sector Improvement Bangladesh Poverty Assessment Public Expenditure Review Jamuna Bridge Impact Study Finance, Industry and Trade Sector Review and Strategy Formulation Central Depository Capacity Building Corporatization of the West Zone Distribution Operations of the Bangladesh Power Development Board BHUTAN Rural Electrification and Network Expansion Strengthening the National Statistical System Financial Sector Review Institutional Development of the Department of Employment and Labor Institutional Development of the National Pension and Provident Fund Bureau CAMBODIA Second Basic Health Services Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agriculture Sector Development Program Northwest Irrigation Sector Strengthening Public Financial Management (Technical Assistance cluster) Transport Sector Strategy Institutional Support for National Economic Policy Management Capacity Building for Banking and Financial Management CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF Hebei Zhanghewan Pumped Storage (Supplementary) Shanxi and Shaanxi Roads (Supplementary) Songhua River Flood, Wetland, and Biodiversity Management (Supplementary) Wuhan Wastewater Treatment Western Yunnan Roads Development Gansu Hydropower Ningxia Roads Development Study on Ways to Support Rural Poverty Reduction Projects (Supplementary) Formulation of the Government Procurement Law PRC-Global Environment Facility Partnership on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems
a b c d To To Of Of


150.00 762.00 150.00 150.00

1,000.00a 350.00a 440.00a 150.00a 600.00a 800.00a

100.00 100.00 150.00 125.00 150.00 900.00


600.00 300.00 200.00a 300.00a

700.00a 700.00a 600.00a 1,200.00a

1,200.00 850.00a 550.00 1,000.00b

148.00 152.00 250.00 500.00b 770.00a 950.00a 600.00c

270.00 578.00 1,150.00d

be financed from the Japan Special Fund (JSF). be financed by the Government of France with ADB acting as executing agency. this amount, $300,000 is to be financed from the JSF and $300,000 by the Government of Italy with ADB acting as executing agency. this amount, $350,000 is to be financed by the Global Environment Facility with ADB acting as executing agency.



Project Preparatory Advisory and Operational

CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF Optimizing Initiatives to Combat Desertification in Gansu Province World Trade Organization Membership and Foreign Trade Law Reform Pro-Poor Urban Heating Tariff Reforms Strategic Planning Study for the Preparation of the Yellow River Law Strengthening the Accountancy Profession Policy and Institutional Support for the Social Security Reform Pilot Program National Guidelines for Urban Wastewater Tariffs and Management Study Western Region Human Resource Development Study of Foreign Capital Utilization for Western Region Nature Reserve Management Plan in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region COOK ISLANDS Outer Islands Development Program Improving Corporate Management in Government Services EAST TIMOR Exclusive Economic Zone Demarcation Transport Sector Improvement Microfinance Information Technology Systems Development Power Sector Development Plan (Phase I) Economic Policies and Strategies for Development Planning Postal Services Development INDIA Kerala Power Sector Development Program Madhya Pradesh State Road Sector Development National Highway Corridor - Public-Private Partnership Integrated Urban Development in Madhya Pradesh Capacity Building for Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Housing Madhya Pradesh Integrated Water Resources Management Strategy Enhancing the Corporate Finance Capability of National Highways Authority of India Assessing the Role of Mortgaged-Backed Securities Impact on Poverty Reduction of Financial Sector Policies and Reforms Support for Improvements in the Accounting System of the Calcutta Municipal Corporation Conservation and Livelihood Improvement in the Indian Sundarbans Enhancing Private Sector Participation in Infrastructure Development at State Level INDONESIA Urban Poverty Reduction Second Decentralized Health Services Participatory Irrigation Sector Local Government Capacity Building for Decentralization Private Sector Participation Development Facility for Urban Infrastructure Regional Power Transmission and Competitive Market Development Rural Microfinance Development of a Financial Services Supervisory Institution Gas Sector Development Plan Support for Decentralized Education Management
a b c d e To To To Of To be financed from the JSF. be financed by the Government of the United Kingdom with ADB acting as executing agency. be financed from the Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility (ACCSF). this amount, $600,000 is to financed from the JSF. be financed by the Government of France with ADB acting as executing agency.

610.00a 700.00 850.00 970.00 600.00 1,000.00 700.00 1,000.00 550.00 100.00 250.00a

250.00a 120.00 500.00a 150.00 400.00a 950.00a 250.00a

800.00 600.00 700.00 1,000.00 b

1,300.00 500.00b 700.00 150.00 150.00b 150.00b 450.00b 1,500.00

800.00c 1,000.00 a 800.00d 713.00c 600.00c 500.00a 1,000.00e

1,700.00c 490.00a 990.00



Project Preparatory Advisory and Operational

INDONESIA Developing Leading Indicators for Poverty Monitoring Privatization and Restructuring of State-Owned Enterprises Strengthening Procurement Policies, Legal Framework, and Institutions Commercialization of Public Service Obligations Regulatory Framework for Private and Public Water Supply and Wastewater Enterprises Supporting Country Financial Accountability Fiscal Decentralization Reform of Water Enterprises Support to the Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia KAZAKHSTAN Urban Small Business Development Early Childhood and Womens Development Technology and Institutional Development for Sustainable Locust Management Energy Sector Study Governance Study and Capacity Building for Administrative Reform KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Governance Assessment Study for Sound Development Management and Poverty Reduction Institutional Support in the Transport Sector Strengthening Capacity of the Ministry of Finance for Financial Management and Planning of the Public Investment Program (Phase II) Strengthening Corporate Governance and Judicial Reforms KIRIBATI Strengthening Development Strategies and Supporting Poverty Reduction LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Northern Community-Managed Irrigation Sector Financial Sector Development Program Roads for Rural Development Tree Plantation for Livelihood Improvement Northern Economic Corridor Capacity Building in Project Financial Management Institutional Strengthening of Public Investment Management Capacity Building of the Lao Womens Union Capacity Building for Environment and Social Management in Energy and Transport Institutional Strengthening of the National Audit Office MALDIVES Strengthening of the Public Accounting System Postsecondary Education and Skills Development Enhancement of the Social Security System MARSHALL ISLANDS Fiscal, Financial, and Economy Advisory Services 700.00c 400.00c 400.00c 700.00c 600.00c 600.00c 600.00c

300.00 2,600.00a 500.00 1,000.00a 790.00a 300.00 500.00 600.00b 750.00a

700.00c 245.00d 150.00

100.00 650.00c 600.00 850.00 500.00c

400.00c 400.00 300.00c 600.00c 700.00

150.00c 400.00c

150.00c 950.00

a b c d

To To To Of

be financed from the ACCSF. be financed by the Government of France with ADB acting as executing agency. be financed from the JSF. this amount, $95,000 is to be financed by the Government of Finland with ADB acting as executing agency.



Project Preparatory Advisory and Operational

MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF Implementation of Performance-Based Budget Management Economic Policy Reform and Capacity Building (Phase I) MONGOLIA Integrated Development of Basic Urban Services in Secondary Towns Crop Production Second Health Sector Establishment of a Central Procurement Monitoring Office Improving Social Statistics Strengthening Policy for Social Security Reform Improving Aid Coordination and Management NEPAL Second Rural Infrastructure Development Community-Managed Irrigation (Central and Eastern Basins) Sector Institutional Support for Governance Reforms Support for the Preparation of the Tenth Five-Year Plan Optimizing Water Use in Kathmandu Valley PAKISTAN Preliminary Engineering Update (Province of Punjab) Preliminary Engineering Update (Province of Sindh) Additional Preparatory Work on the Sindh Rural Development Project Supporting Government Restructuring and Reform Southern Punjab Basic Urban Services Fiscal Decentralization Poverty Analysis and High-Level Forum Supporting Access to Justice under the Local Government Plan Institutional Strengthening of the State Bank of Pakistan Environmental Assessment Institutional Reform and Road Maintenance Financing Study Poverty Reduction Study Social Impact Analysis and Resettlement Planning Support for the Implementation of the National Policy and Action Plan to Combat Child Labor Capacity Building for Capital Market Development and Corporate Governance Restructuring the Gas Sector Supporting and Monitoring Progress under the Access to Justice Program PAPUA NEW GUINEA Road Authority Development Southern Road Maintenance and Upgrading Gender and Population Project Health Policy Support Poverty Analyses for Socioeconomic Development Strategies Gas Pipeline Development Health Sector Review Strengthening Public Sector Management 700.00b 500.00b 600.00b

350.00 883.00a

600.00 500.00 600.00 300.00

800.00b 600.00b

1,525.00 300.00 775.00b

150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 800.00b

1,400.00 150.00 150.00 450.00 50.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 600.00 1,000.00 900.00

700.00b 400.00b 500.00b

220.00 650.00 700.00 250.00b 850.00b

a Of this amount, $333,000 is to be financed by the Government of the United States with ADB acting as executing agency. b To be financed from the JSF.



Project Preparatory Advisory and Operational

PHILIPPINES Integrated Coastal Resource Management Metro Manila Urban Services for the Poor Microfinance for Rural Development Improving Poverty Monitoring Surveys Technical Assistance to Strengthen the Independence of the Judiciary Capacity Building for the Regulatory Office of the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System Strengthening Regulatory and Market Governance Rural Road Development Policy Framework Competition Policy for the Electricity Sector SAMOA Household Income and Expenditure Survey for Socioeconomic Equity Assessment Implementation of State-Owned Enterprise Reforms Strengthening Energy Loss Reduction and Maintenance Management Capacity of the Electric Power Corporation SRI LANKA Aquatic Resources Development and Quality Improvement Rural Finance Sector Development Small and Medium Enterprise Development (Supplementary) Integrating Cleaner Production into Industrial Development Study of Pricing Policy in the Petroleum Subsector Road Maintenance Budgeting and Expenditure Control Support to Transport Sector for Resettlement Capacity Building Capacity Building for the National Policy on Involuntary Resettlement Enabling Small and Medium Enterprise Growth TAJIKISTAN Social Sector Development Second Road Rehabilitation Governance Assessment-Sound Development Management Study Building a Poverty Monitoring Mechanism Support for Facilitating Sustainable Project Benefits THAILAND North-Northeast Region Area Development Participatory Assessment of Poverty in Thailand Independent Review of the Samut Prakarn Wastewater Management Development of Agriculture Sector Strategy and Policy Planning for Sustainable Urbanization Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms International Conference on Monetary Outlook on East Asia in an Integrating World Economy TONGA Economic and Public Sector Reform Program
a b c d Of To To Of

933.00a 1,000.00b 560.00c

347.00d 1,200.00 c 800.00b 1,000.00b 720.00 990.00b 150.00 500.00 150.00

800.00c 550.00c

200.00 800.00c 150.00 150.00 56.00 150.00 1,250.00c

950.00c 600.00c

140.00 300.00 135.00


150.00 150.00 250.00c 500.00c 565.00b 50.00 650.00

this amount, $598,000 is to be financed from the JSF and $335,000 by the Global Environment Facility with ADB acting as executing agency. be financed from the ACCSF. be financed from the JSF. this amount, $150,000 is to be financed by the Government of New Zealand with ADB acting as executing agency.



Project Preparatory Advisory and Operational

TURKMENISTAN Seminars on ADB Operational Policies and Procedures TUVALU Country Economic Study and Strategy Development UZBEKISTAN Pilot Testing of Rural Savings and Credit Unions Institutional Support for Sustainable Agricultural Development Building Research and Analytical Capability for Structural Reforms Capacity Building for Urban Water Supply Comprehensive Medium-Term Strategy for Improving the Living Standards of the People of Uzbekistan VANUATU Strengthening Development Policies Performance Improvements to Service Delivery Units Institutional Strengthening of the Parliament VIET NAM Upper Secondary Education Development Central Region Urban Development Forests for Livelihood Improvement in the Central Highlands Framework for Microfinance Development Institutional Support to the Office of the Government Training in Fishing Port Management Improving Project Financial Management through Decentralization Enhancing the Resettlement Legal Framework and Institutional Capacity Road Map for Power Sector Reform Capacity Building for Central Region Poverty Reduction TOTAL
a b c d e

150.00 300.00 150.00 600.00 150.00 600.00a 800.00 200.00 300.00a 200.00a 600.00a 1,000.00a 1,560.00 b

300.00a 500.00c 140.00 500.00 310.00 400.00d 3,108.00e 76,064.00


To be financed from the JSF. Of this amount, $800,000 is to be financed from the JSF and $760,000 by the Government of The Netherlands with ADB acting as executing agency. Of this amount, $150,000 is to be financed by the Government of New Zealand with ADB acting as executing agency. To be financed by the Government of France with ADB acting as executing agency. Of this amount, $800,000 is to be financed from the JSF and $2,308,000 by the Government of the United Kingdom with ADB acting as executing agency.



Table 26 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE GRANTS BY SECTOR,a 19672001, 2000, 2001

19672001b No. Agriculture and Natural Resources Energy Finance Industry and Nonfuel Minerals Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Multisector Others TOTALc $ Thousand % No. 2000 $ Thousand % No. 2001 $ Thousand %

1,030 398 317 122 698 472 42 658 3,737

466,434.14 167,102.05 132,678.36 44,794.70 303,006.97 208,465.95 32,450.90 307,107.00 1,662,040.06

28.06 10.05 7.98 2.69 18.23 12.54 1.95 18.48 100.00

33 15 25 4 46 31 5 74 233

24,033.00 9,289.00 17,825.00 4,700.00 24,699.00 15,199.00 2,497.90 38,616.60 136,859.50

17.56 6.79 13.02 3.43 18.05 11.11 1.83 28.22 100.00

31 16 17 2 30 26 9 75 206

22,206.00 9,373.00 13,200.00 1,450.00 19,315.00 10,498.00 7,175.00 33,263.00 116,480.00

19.06 8.05 11.33 1.24 16.58 9.01 6.16 28.56 100.00

a Excludes loan-financed technical assistance (which are included in loan data) and regional activities. b Cumulative data are adjusted to exclude technical assistance grants withdrawn by governments. c Total may not add due to rounding.


Loan Agriculture and Natural Resources Energy Finance Industry and Nonfuel Minerals Social Infrastructure Transport and Communications Multisector Others TOTAL b
a Excludes regional technical assistance. b Total may not add due to rounding.

Granta 22.20 9.37 13.20 1.45 19.32 10.50 7.18 33.26 116.48

Total 47.55 14.97 16.43 6.32 57.52 75.41 24.31 54.33 296.84

% 16.02 5.04 5.53 2.13 19.38 25.40 8.19 18.30 100.00

25.35 5.60 3.23 4.87 38.20 64.91 17.13 21.07 180.36




$ Thousand Conference Governance and Poverty Forums Support to the Sixth International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific Multilateral Financial Institutions Environmental Group Meeting Second Asia-Europe Meeting Seminar on Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures Eleventh Seminar on International Finance Eleventh ADB Tax Conference Third ADB-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Conference on Combating Corruption in the Asia-Pacific Region Regional Conference on National Poverty Strategies Research Sixth Agriculture and Natural Resources Research at Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research Centers Strengthening the Collaborative Vegetable Research Network in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam (Phase II) Study Regional Economic Cooperation in Central Asia (Phase II-Year Three) Strengthening Asian Financial Markets Promotion of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Greenhouse Gas Abatement Projects Coastal and Marine Resources Management and Poverty Reduction in South Asia Regional Study of Health Care Financing for the Poor A Study on Regional Integration and Trade: Emerging Policy Issues for Selected Developing Member Countries (DMCs) Expanding the Strategy for Small and Medium Enterprise Development in the East Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Growth Area (EAGA) Impact and Special Evaluation Studies of ADB Operations in DMCs South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation II Strengthening Subregional Cooperation in the Transport Sector of the EAGA and the Indonesia-MalaysiaThailandGrowth Triangle Regions Facilitating Economic Cooperation in Eastern Parts of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Peoples Republic of China and Mongolia Identifying Disability Issues Related to Poverty Reduction (Supplementary) Promoting Regional Cooperation in the Development of the Insolvency Law Reforms Diagnostic Study on Accounting and Auditing Practices in Selected DMCs Microfinance Outreach Initiatives of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest Youth- and Gender-Sensitive Public Expenditure Management in the Pacific Study on Monetary and Financial Cooperation in East Asia Enhancing Social and Gender Statistics in Selected DMCs Gender and Governance Issues in Local Government Capacity Building and Regional Cooperation for Economic Statistics in Selected Pacific DMCs Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Telecommunications Sector Policy Formulation and Capacity Building

250.00 150.00 25.00 150.00a 50.00 150.00a 150.00a 50.00b

4,000.00 650.00a

950.00 750.00 5,000.00 c 600.00d 400.00a 550.00 240.00 1,600.00 500.00 260.00 500.00a 300.00 e 1,500.00 f 230.00 500.00 300.00a 500.00 a 150.00 735.00 g 500.00a 700.00 a

a b c d e f g

To To Of Of To To Of

be financed from the Japan Special Fund (JSF). be financed from the Cooperation Fund for Poverty Reduction. this amount, $4.5 million is to be financed by the Government of The Netherlands with ADB acting as executing agency. this amount, $450,000 is to be financed from the JSF. be financed by the Government of Finland with ADB acting as executing agency. be financed from the Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility (ACCSF). this amount, $600,000 is to be financed from the JSF and $135,000 by the Government of Canada with ADB acting as executing agency.



$ Thousand Training Facilitating Cross-Border Trade and Investment for Small and Medium Enterprise Development in the GMS Capacity Building for Project Implementation and Administration Fourteenth Workshop on the Asian Economic Outlook Consultation Workshops on Poverty Reduction Strategies in Selected Pacific DMCs Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Centre 19992001-Second Tranche Capacity Building of Ministries of Finance in Selected DMCs for the ASEAN Surveillance Process (Part II) Strengthening the Regional Training Capability of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions Capacity Building for National Institutions Involved in the Greater Mekong Subregion Program Technical Training and Capacity Building in Support of the ASEAN Economic Surveillance Process (Phase II) Others A Survey of Nongovernment Organization Capacity Building Needs in Pacific DMCs (Supplementary) Regional Consultations for the Third World Water Forum Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility Development of a Regional Technical Assistance Home Page (Phase II) Asia Recovery Information Center (Phase II) An ASEAN+3 Framework for the Development of Early Warning Systems Judicial Independence Information and Communication Technology Assessment in the Pacific Key Indicators of Developing Asian and Pacific Countries Ten Years after Rio: Promoting Subregional Cooperation for Sustainable Development Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities TOTAL

600.00a 600.00 250.00 300.00 433.00 300.00 b 650.00a 500.00 a 200.00a

28.86c 1,000.00 a 250.00 98.00 930.00d 150.00 475.00e 300.00a 75.00 200.00a 150.00a 29,879.86

a To be financed from the JSF. b To be financed from the ACCSF. c Of this amount, $13,300 is to be financed by the Government of New Zealand and $15,560 by the Government of Australia with ADB acting as executing agency. d To be financed by the Government of Australia with ADB acting as executing agency. e Of this amount, $200,000 is to be financed by the Government of The Netherlands with ADB acting as executing agency.



OCR 1999 Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional TOTAL 11.51 0.53 444.18 (5.39) 216.73 684.26 (11.05) (257.35) (47.93) 2.25 4.99 (81.82) 4.82 (292.41) 3.38 209.04 15.58 2.50 21.46 925.29 2000 2.35 (0.07) 400.53 (2.90) (137.91) 18.11 0.74 (320.69) (20.05) (0.07) 3.20 (39.79) (15.05) (191.59) 6.10 (574.92) 55.41 38.15 0.06 (778.40) 2001 19.39 (0.13) 555.26 (2.74) (218.21) (48.62) (17.26) (268.83) (49.30) 2.00 (0.07) (5.08) (48.58) 19.02 (91.13) 10.96 (69.30) 26.03 (5.00) (2.54) (194.12) 1999 172.80 1.10 24.86 0.55 (6.36) 6.29 (0.08) 77.82 38.53 (0.02) 3.57 4.76 44.47 (0.05) 45.86 95.13 0.85 15.34 (2.05) (0.98) 67.96 9.79 (2.43) 1.52 2.80 0.09 5.85 185.77 793.74 ADF 2000 158.38 5.83 49.29 0.11 11.28 3.92 0.97 19.02 41.75 0.70 9.53 4.14 29.94 64.38 117.92 (2.54) 13.74 (2.09) (0.46) 40.40 12.22 (2.71) 2.16 (0.02) 1.19 9.94 193.08 782.07 2001 84.94 5.69 46.42 0.21 4.36 2.16 1.32 55.83 34.61 2.16 5.87 2.25 27.46 30.63 121.19 (5.73) 10.56 1.61 (0.80) 54.07 2.75 (2.74) (0.61) 1.14 4.44 2.13 166.54 658.44

Data not applicable. ( ) Negative. Note: Figures may not add due to rounding. a Net transfer of resources for the OCR defined as loan disbursements less principal repayments/prepayments and interest/charges received. Includes private sector loans and net equity investments. b Net transfer of resources for the ADF defined as loan disbursements less principal repayments and interest/charges received. Includes private sector loans.



19921996 Average Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Regional TOTAL 245.67 2.09 16.63 368.67 2.18 (5.92) 240.75 (284.97) 17.90 0.10 (67.72) 11.95 40.58 (88.59) 3.46 1.62 0.09 25.99 (13.23) 47.19 225.72 (3.65) (71.53) 1.89 (3.55) 0.43 99.66 (30.14) 3.01 0.56 11.70 9.03 807.56 1997 112.65 6.34 9.75 375.44 2.20 (4.39) 364.38 (115.65) 63.87 (0.08) 1,912.16 51.24 81.67 (8.45) 2.50 9.99 11.31 65.91 (17.17) 83.45 85.50 (1.18) 6.72 (1.48) (0.02) 70.61 456.69 1.58 0.01 145.89 (17.54) 3,753.90 1998 145.91 3.39 28.42 515.56 1.72 (4.85) 293.70 583.26 114.55 (0.07) 1,498.26 42.10 59.16 (30.86) (0.08) 7.75 6.14 29.94 (0.31) 97.25 181.19 (1.05) (17.96) 2.38 13.12 92.22 381.88 4.31 1.82 11.02 124.04 48.68 4,232.59 1999 184.31 1.63 24.86 444.18 0.55 (5.39) 216.73 677.90 (4.76) (0.08) (257.35) 77.82 38.53 (47.93) (0.02) 3.57 4.76 44.47 (0.05) 2.25 50.85 13.31 5.67 (277.07) (2.05) (0.98) 71.34 9.79 206.61 1.52 2.80 15.67 5.85 188.27 21.46 1,719.02 2000 160.73 5.76 49.29 400.53 0.11 (2.90) (137.91) 29.39 4.66 0.97 (320.69) 19.02 41.75 (20.05) 0.70 9.53 4.14 29.94 (0.07) 67.58 78.13 (17.59) (177.85) (2.09) (0.46) 46.50 12.22 (577.63) 2.16 (0.02) 56.60 9.94 231.23 0.06 3.66 2001 104.33 5.57 46.42 555.26 0.21 (2.74) (218.21) (44.26) (15.10) 1.32 (268.83) 55.83 34.61 (49.30) 2.16 7.87 2.25 27.46 (0.07) 25.56 72.61 13.29 (80.57) 1.61 (0.80) 65.03 2.75 (72.05) (0.61) 1.14 30.47 2.13 161.54 (2.54) 464.32

Data not applicable. ( ) Negative. Note: Figures may not add due to rounding. a Net transfer of resources defined as loan disbursements less principal repayments/prepayments and interest/charges received. Includes private sector loans and net equity investments.



Change in 2001 Valued as of Exchange Rate Net 31 December 2000 Addition Adjustment Change (US$ equiv.) (US$ equiv.) (US$ equiv.) (US$ equiv.) Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China Indonesia Italy Japan Korea, Rep. of Malaysia Nauru The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China Thailand Turkey United Kingdom United States TOTAL 715.52 131.76 119.39 1,044.85 129.74 71.68 654.16 1,034.71 20.27 14.96 409.40 10,459.35 56.83 5.03 1.93 383.29 44.22 97.35 74.40 158.46 224.86 28.94 2.39 100.39 611.02 2,724.91 19,319.81 68.51 5.54 31.13 28.55 4.07 20.31 230.36 18.33 17.29 4.08 6.06 0.93 0.12 8.05 7.73 3.47 1.25 31.16 71.84 558.78 (69.72) (6.89) (6.14) (54.05) (6.38) (3.68) (34.67) (53.23) (21.98) (1,374.71) (2.04) (18.91) (2.77) (2.29) (0.02) (3.83) (15.72) (5.71) (0.01) (0.10) (15.25) (1,698.10) (1.21) (1.35) (6.14) (22.92) (6.38) (3.68) (6.12) (53.23) 4.07 (1.67) (1,144.35) 16.29 (1.62) 1.31 3.77 0.91 (3.71) (7.67) 2.02 3.46 (0.10) 1.25 15.91 71.84 (1,139.32) Valued as of 31 December 2001 (US$ equiv.) (SDR a equiv.) 714.31 130.41 113.25 1,021.93 123.36 68.00 648.04 981.48 24.34 14.96 407.73 9,315.00 73.12 5.03 1.93 381.67 45.53 101.12 0.91 70.69 150.79 226.88 32.40 2.29 101.64 626.93 2,796.75 18,180.49 568.89 103.86 90.19 813.88 98.25 54.16 516.11 781.67 19.38 11.91 324.72 7,418.66 58.23 4.01 1.54 303.97 36.26 80.53 0.73 56.30 120.09 180.69 25.80 1.82 80.95 499.30 2,227.39 14,479.29

ADF COMMITMENT AUTHORITY ($ million; as of 31 December 2001)

2000 ADF VIII Contributions ADF VII Contributions ADF VI Contributions Expanded Advance Commitment Authority d Total ADF Resources Less: Loans Committed Carryover of Conditional Loans Committed Provision for Disbursement Risk TOTAL 1,978.21 417.02c 2,231.43 4,626.66 4,470.97 155.69 0.00 2001 417.28 120.63b 800.00 1,337.91e 712.87f 584.82g 34.96 5.26

Data not applicable. ( ) Negative. Note: Total may not add due to rounding. a Refers to special drawing rights (SDR) valued at the rate of $1.25562 per SDR as of 31 December 2001. b ADF VII contributions released for operational commitments during the ADF VIII period. c ADF VI contributions released for operational commitments during the ADF VII period. d Incorporates additional resources. e Excludes pre-ADF VIII amounts for determining ADF commitment authority under the new financial planning framework for managing ADF resources as approved by the Board of Directors on 15 April 1997. f Excludes loans that were conditionally approved in November and December 2001. g Loans that were conditionally approved in 2000 and were funded in January 2001.



Table 32 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SPECIAL FUND ($ thousand equivalent; as of 31 December 2001) a

Total Contributions Direct Voluntary Contributions Australia Austria Bangladesh Belgium Canada China, Peoples Rep. of Denmark Finland France Germany Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Italy Japan Korea, Rep. of Malaysia The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Singapore Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taipei,China United Kingdom United States Subtotal Regularized Replenishment Contributions Transfer to Asian Development Fund Allocation from OCR Net Income TOTAL
( ) Negative. a Represents Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF) portion of contributions to the replenishment of the Asian Development Fund and the TASF authorized by Governors Resolution Nos. 182 and 214. b Represents income, repayments, and reimbursements accruing to TASF since 1980, including unrealized investment holding gains.

Amount Utilized

2,484 159 47 1,394 3,346 600 1,963 237 1,697 3,315 100 2,810 250 774 47,710 1,900 909 1,338 1,096 3,279 1,457 1,100 190 6 861 1,035 200 5,617 1,500 87,374 238,039 (3,472) 589,025 910,966

2,484 159 47 1,394 3,346 600 1,963 237 1,697 3,315 100 2,763 250 774 47,710 1,900 909 1,338 1,096 3,279 1,457 1,100 190 6 861 1,035 200 5,617 1,500 87,327 238,039 (3,472) 507,801 829,695



Table 33 JAPAN SPECIAL FUNDREGULAR AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONTRIBUTIONS Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets ($ million)
19881995a Contributions Committed Revenue Total Expenses Exchange Gain (loss) Translation Adjustments Change in Net Assets 554.0 50.7 604.7 299.5 (0.6) 54.6 359.2 1996 79.9 2.5 82.4 77.3 (11.7) (37.7) (44.3) 1997 2.4 2.4 73.8 (10.1) (29.0) (110.5) 1998 62.5 16.5 79.0 96.8 (1.6) (1.8) (21.2) 1999 48.6 17.2 65.8 57.2 0.5 (0.1) 9.0 2000 37.6 19.6 57.2 60.8 (0.1) 1.5 (2.2) 2001 30.9 14.2 45.1 65.9 (1.0) (21.8) Total 813.5 123.1 936.6 731.3 (24.6) (12.5) 168.2

Data not applicable. ( ) Negative. a Prior years amounts have been restated to conform with the 1995 presentation.

Table 34 JAPAN SPECIAL FUNDASIAN CURRENCY CRISIS SUPPORT FACILITY Statement of Activities and Change in Net Assets ($ million)
1999 Contributions Committed Revenue Total Expenses Exchange Gain (loss) Translation Adjustments Change in Net Assets 104.4a 104.4 95.7 17.4 26.1 2000 136.6 0.4 137.0 9.6 (16.5) 110.9 2001 0.3 0.3 8.8 (0.2) (28.4) (37.1) Total 241.0 0.7 241.7 114.1 (0.2) (27.5) 99.9

Data not applicable. a In addition, the Government of Japan has made available noninterest-bearing, nonnegotiable notes in the amount of 360 billion yen ($2.7 billion), encashable by ADB at any time to meet a call on any guarantee issued under the Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility.




$ Thousand BANGLADESH Supporting Livelihood Improvement for the Poor through Water Management Associations CHINA, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Innovations for Participatory Flood Control by the Poor along the Yellow River LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Community-Managed Livelihood Improvement NEPAL Supporting Poor and Disadvantaged Farmers through Civil Society Organizations TAJIKISTAN Rural Poverty Reduction UZBEKISTAN Supporting Innovative Poverty Reduction in Karakalpakstan REGIONAL Improving Nutrition for Poor Mothers and Children Community Action for Preventing HIV/AIDS TOTAL

900 1,000 1,000 800 2,900 2,540 6,850 8,000 23,990


Component of the Project
BANGLADESH Beneficiary Participation and Project Management (supplementary) Second Small-Scale Water Resources Development Sector CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System in the Yellow River Basin NEPAL Road Network Development PAPUA NEW GUINEA Employment-Oriented Skills Development SRI LANKA North East Community Restoration and Development Protected Area Management and Wildlife Conservation VIET NAM Central Region Livelihood Improvement TOTAL

Grant Source of Amount Cofinancing

Related Loan

0.20 24.30

The Netherlands The Netherlands

Small-Scale Water Resources Development Sector Second Small-Scale Water Resources Development Sector

0.30 9.60 5.49 0.50 9.00 4.00 16.45 69.84

Denmark United Kingdom Australia

Yellow River Flood Management (Sector) Road Network Development Employment-Oriented Skills Development

The Netherlands North East Community Restoration and Development Global Environment Protected Area Management and Wildlife Facility Conservation The Netherlands United Kingdom Central Region Livelihood Improvement



GDP Growth Rate (%) Annual Average (19911998) Afghanistan Azerbaijane Bangladesh f Bhutan e Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands e Hong Kong, China India e,f Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands f Micronesia, Fed. States of f Mongolia Myanmar f Nauru Nepal e,f Pakistan e,f Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands e Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga e,f Turkmenistan Tuvalu e Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Weighted Average g
... Data not available. ( ) Negative. a Based on the World Bank Atlas methodology except for Hong Kong, China. Fluctuations in prices and exchange rates are smoothened by averaging the exchange rates for the period 19982000, after adjusting for differences in inflation rates between the country and the G-5 countries (France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States). b Preliminary estimates from country sources. c Refers to 19911993. d Estimated to be low income ($755 or less). e Refers to GDP growth at factor cost. f Refers to fiscal year. g The weights used were derived from the average of 1995 and 1996 GDP (in US dollars). Myanmar was excluded in the calculation of the average growth. Sources: Country sources; ADB data file; World Bank web site (; and World Bank official communication.

Per Capita GNP a 2001b ... 9.9 5.2 6.5 5.3 7.3 3.0 1.5 0.1 5.4 3.3 13.5 1.5 3.0 5.3 5.5 0.4 2.1 0.6 0.9 1.5 5.0 2.6 (3.3) 3.4 10.0 (2.0) (5.0) (1.3) (1.9) 10.2 1.8 3.0 20.5 4.0 4.5 (0.5) 5.8 3.7 ($) 2000 ... d 610 380 550 260 840 ... 1,830 24,812 460 570 1,190 950 8,910 270 290 3,380 1,460 1,970 2,110 390 ... d ... 220 470 760 1,040 1,460 24,740 630 870 13,880 170 2,010 1,660 840 ... 610 1,140 390

1999 7.4 4.9 7.4 6.9 7.1 2.7 9.7 3.0 6.1 0.8 2.5 2.1 10.9 3.8 7.3 6.1 7.4 (0.2) 1.1 3.2 10.9 4.4 4.2 7.6 3.4 3.1 6.9 (1.3) 4.3 5.4 3.7 4.4 3.1 16.0 3.0 4.4 (2.5) 4.7 6.4

2000 ... 11.1 5.9 5.7 5.4 8.0 4.1 (2.8) 10.5 4.0 4.8 9.9 (1.7) 9.3 5.4 5.9 8.3 4.6 0.7 2.5 1.1 13.7 6.1 3.9 (0.8) 4.0 7.3 10.3 (14.0) 6.0 5.9 8.3 4.6 6.2 17.6 3.0 4.0 3.7 6.1 7.0

(10.6)c (5.9) 4.6 5.9 5.2 10.8 1.4 2.2 3.8 5.5 4.8 (6.9) 3.9 5.3 (5.5) 6.2 7.2 8.4 (1.8) 1.5 (0.4) 5.9 4.8 4.5 5.5 2.7 3.2 7.7 4.1 5.3 6.6 (9.5) 4.6 2.4 5.6 (1.0) 5.0 7.9 6.7



Gross Domestic Saving as Percentage of GDP 1999 Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam
... Data not available. ( ) Negative. a Preliminary estimates. Sources: Country sources and ADB data file.

Gross Capital Formation as Percentage of GDP 1999 26.5 22.2 43.1 17.0 37.4 13.8 25.0 24.3 12.1 17.8 26.7 18.0 22.7 22.3 13.4 20.5 15.6 16.4 18.8 31.9 27.3 23.4 17.3 20.5 17.1 22.2 2000 20.7 23.0 43.8 14.1 36.1 11.1 27.6 24.0 17.9 17.9 28.2 20.0 20.5 26.8 11.2 23.3 15.6 17.8 31.6 28.0 22.9 22.7 19.6 23.9 2001a 20.9 23.1 36.3 25.8 24.0 17.0 26.7 21.0 26.4 24.4 14.7 17.6 24.3 24.7 18.2 24.0 20.2 25.9

Resource Gap as Percentage of GDP 1999 17.9 4.5 18.0 10.2 (2.0) (11.2) (5.4) 1.1 (7.9) 1.7 (6.8) 14.8 6.3 (25.1) 0.4 6.9 2.7 3.1 4.4 (17.0) 7.8 (2.8) (2.1) (12.0) (0.1) 0.1 2000 0.2 5.1 16.4 7.1 (2.8) (8.8) (4.8) 0.6 (7.8) (5.0) (4.4) 5.7 5.8 (20.0) 0.1 8.3 0.2 1.4 (17.8) 10.6 (2.3) (9.7) 0.2 1.6 2001a (6.2) 5.2 (1.8) (5.3) 1.0 (8.5) (3.4) 7.2 (17.8) 8.3 0.2 0.1 (21.6) 7.4 (5.3) (7.4) 0.3 1.2

2000 20.4 17.9 27.4 7.0 38.9 19.9 32.3 23.4 25.7 22.9 32.6 14.3 14.7 46.7 11.1 15.0 15.4 16.5 49.3 17.3 25.2 32.5 19.4 22.3

2001a 27.1 17.9 38.1 31.1 23.0 25.5 30.1 13.8 44.2 16.0 14.5 17.5 45.8 17.3 23.5 31.4 19.9 24.7

8.6 17.7 25.0 6.8 39.4 25.0 30.4 23.2 20.0 16.0 33.5 3.2 16.4 47.3 13.0 13.6 12.9 13.3 14.3 48.8 19.5 26.1 19.4 32.5 17.3 22.1



Table 39 CHANGES IN CONSUMER PRICES,a 19992001 (%)

1999 Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh c Bhutan c Cambodia d China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands d Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India c,e Indonesia Kazakhstanf Kiribati d Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands d Micronesia, Fed. States of c Mongolia Myanmar d Nauru Nepal Pakistanc Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands d Sri Lanka d Taipei,China Tajikistan f Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalud Uzbekistanf Vanuatu Viet Nam f Weighted Average
... Data not available. ( ) Negative. a b c d e f g Unless otherwise indicated, data refer to changes in average consumer prices of the country. Preliminary estimates. Data refer to fiscal year. Data refer to capital city. Discussion in text is based on wholesale price index (WPI). For WPI, growth rates are 3.3 and 7.2 for fiscal years 1999 and 2000, respectively. Data refer to end of period. The weights used were derived from the average of 1995 and 1996 gross domestic product (in US dollars). Myanmar and Nauru were excluded in the calculation of the average.

2000 1.8 3.4 3.6 (0.8) 0.4 3.2 1.1 (3.8) 3.8 3.7 9.8 0.9 2.2 18.7 23.1 1.5 (1.2) (1.9) 3.2 8.3 1.7 7.5 3.5 3.6 15.6 4.4 0.9 1.3 8.8 1.2 1.3 32.9 1.6 4.9 7.4 5.3 28.0 2.5 0.6 1.9

2001b 1.5 1.6 3.6 (0.6) 0.7 8.0 4.3 (1.6) 11.5 6.4 7.1 4.1 6.9 7.8 1.4 0.7 2.0 2.6 11.8 4.0 2.4 4.4 9.8 6.1 4.0 1.0 8.0 11.0 (0.01) 38.5 1.6 6.3 6.0 1.8 26.6 3.6 0.8 2.7

(8.5) 8.9 9.2 4.0 (1.4) 1.4 2.0 (4.0) 3.3 20.4 17.8 1.8 0.8 35.9 128.4 2.8 3.0 1.7 2.6 10.0 18.4 6.7 11.3 5.7 14.9 6.7 0.3 0.1 8.0 5.9 0.2 30.1 0.3 3.9 1.0 26.0 2.1 0.1 2.5

Sources: Country sources and ADB data file.



Table 40 MERCHANDISE TRADE,a 19992001 ($ million)

Exports (FOB )b 1999 Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh d Bhutan d,e Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands e Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China e India d,e Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR e Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands d Micronesia, Fed. States of d Mongolia e Myanmar d Nauru Nepal d Pakistan d,f Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa e Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand e Tonga d Turkmenistan e,f Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam TOTAL
... Data not available. ( ) Negative. a b c d e f Unless otherwise indicated, data are from the balance-of-payments statistics. FOB refers to free on board. Preliminary estimates from country sources. Refers to fiscal year. Refers to imports, cost, insurance, and freight. Refers to data from external trade.

Imports (FOB)b 2001c 2,005 6,477 1999 1,433 8,018 162 1,159 158,734 42 774 177,885 55,383 30,599 5,648 40 116,793 547 554 61,452 354 60 132 567 2,443 1,291 9,446 1,083 29,252 115 104,290 105 5,979 106,077 645 47,529 56 1,478 2,587 76 10,460 2000 1,539 8,403 185 1,524 214,657 51 582 210,910 59,264 40,365 6,849 35 159,076 502 591 77,575 342 59 149 687 2,135 1,551 10,328 1,007 30,377 104 127,488 92 7,320 133,531 921 62,423 63 1,785 2,440 78 14,072 2001c 1,456 9,364 215 1,575 232,259 642 199,250 58,731 35,438 8,460 31 137,979 430 653 69,550 349 61 155 621 1,537 10,741 985 28,496 137 109,607 86 5,974 101,803 60,665 60 80 14,916

Balance of Trade 1999 (408) (2,694) (58) (275) 35,982 (38) (242) (3,158) (17,841) 20,643 341 (32) 28,371 (84) (191) 22,645 (262) (52) (121) (113) (938) (765) (1,597) 881 4,959 (97) 11,227 38 (1,369) 15,042 43 9,272 (43) (291) 359 (51) 1,080 120,161 2000 319 (2,641) (71) (263) 34,474 (42) (25) (8,193) 2001c 549 (2,887) (103) (226) 33,813 (199) (8,330)

2000 1,858 5,762 114 1,261 249,131 9 556 202,717 44,894 65,407 9,616 6 175,948 511 393 98,429 109 8 23 537 1,619 748 8,636 2,106 37,295 14 139,059 69 5,522 147,548 839 67,889 11 2,506 2,816 26 14,449

1,025 5,324 105 884 194,716 4 531 174,727 37,542 51,242 5,989 9 145,164 463 363 84,097 92 7 11 454 1,505 525 7,849 1,963 34,211 18 115,517 143 4,610 121,119 688 56,801 12 1,187 2,946 25 11,540 1,063,409

112 1,349 266,072 442 190,920 44,445 58,998 9,279 4 151,371 480 425 87,754 107 8 24 443 776 9,265 1,974 31,243 17 122,479 48 4,817 122,080 63,190 11 22 15,389

(14,370) (14,286) 25,042 23,560 2,766 819 (29) 16,872 9 (198) 20,854 (233) (51) (127) (150) (516) (803) (1,692) 1,099 6,918 (91) 11,572 (23) (1,798) 14,017 (82) 5,466 (52) 721 376 (52) 377 109,382 (28) 13,392 50 (228) 18,204 (242) (52) (131) (178) (762) (1,476) 989 2,747 (120) 12,872 (38) (1,157) 20,277 2,525 (49) (59) 473 99,720

1,288,440 1,192,025

943,248 1,179,059 1,092,305

Sources: Country sources; ADB data file; and International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics on CD-ROM, March 2002.




International Reservesa ($ million) 1999 Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan d Cambodia d China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands d Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives d Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa d Singapore d Solomon Islands d Sri Lanka d Taipei,China Tajikistan e Thailand Tonga d Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan e Vanuatu d Viet Nam TOTAL
... Data not available. a Consists of gold, special drawing rights, reserve position with International Monetary Fund, and foreign exchange holdings; year-end figures, unless otherwise specified. b Merchandise imports from the balance-of-payments statistics were used for computing the ratio. c Preliminary estimates. d Refers to total reserves minus gold. e Refers to gross official reserves of the country. Sources: Country sources; and International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics on CD-ROM, March 2002.

Ratio to Imports b (months) 2001c 744 1,275 1999 5.6 2.4 20.3 4.1 12.0 6.6 6.5 7.6 10.7 4.3 7.6 5.6 2.3 6.0 4.3 2.9 1.4 7.8 2.6 2.6 6.2 7.1 8.8 5.8 3.3 12.6 1.1 8.8 5.8 12.3 5.8 6.5 3.4 8.6 2000 5.3 2.2 19.2 4.0 9.4 8.5 6.1 8.1 8.7 3.7 7.3 6.3 2.8 4.6 4.3 3.5 1.3 7.7 2.4 4.0 5.9 6.4 7.5 4.2 1.7 10.0 1.1 6.3 5.2 5.4 6.0 7.5 2001c 5.0 1.7 16.0 4.5 11.0 4.4 6.7 9.3 9.5 3.6 8.9 8.0 2.5 5.3 2.9 3.5 7.0 4.7 5.0 6.6 4.8 8.3 4.7 2.7 14.1 6.5 5.2 5.7 8.8

2000 680 1,516 295 502 168,856 410 107,583 40,155 29,268 2,096 96,198 262 140 29,576 123 190 234 992 2,056 336 15,024 64 80,132 32 1,039 111,370 87 32,661 27 1,100 39 723,041

673 1,623 274 393 158,336 429 96,256 35,069 27,257 2,002 74,054 254 105 30,645 127 137 277 843 2,054 233 15,012 68 76,843 51 1,636 111,061 58 34,781 27 1,513 1,242 41 2,947 676,322

294 587 212,200 360 111,174 45,327 28,018 2,508 102,821 287 133 30,800 94 208 411 1,060 4,235 400 15,659 57 75,376 33 1,287 119,622 33,041 26 38 788,073



Table 42 NET FLOWS OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES, 19982000 ($ million)

Long-Term Debt 1998 Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam TOTAL -140 341 53 52 (61) -(17) -4,154 (583) 1,196 -3,687 123 78 2,918 19 --60 135 -123 1,222 28 860 0 -11 521 -11 (356) 2 466 -599 12 716 16,511 1999 -227 376 3 35 (150) -(26) -(590) (3,633) 445 -(12,401) 167 61 1,531 5 --148 (1) -76 396 (44) 4,292 (3) -2 77 -64 (3,408) (1) --1,078 5 58 (11,213) 2000 -125 332 25 71 (374) -(16) -5,031 (5,348) 686 -(3,193) 71 55 1,200 0 --42 (56) -89 93 59 (75) 2 -(3) 242 -61 (4,972) (0) --169 9 256 (5,419) Foreign Direct Investment 1998 -1,023 190 0 121 43,751 -107 (2,197) 2,635 (356) 1,151 -5,412 109 46 2,163 12 --19 315 -12 506 110 2,287 3 6,316 9 193 -30 7,315 2 130 -140 20 1,671 73,244 1999 -510 180 0 144 38,753 -(33) 5,251 2,169 (2,745) 1,587 -9,333 44 79 1,553 12 --30 253 -4 532 297 573 2 7,197 10 176 -21 6,213 2 --121 20 1,412 73,699 2000 -130 280 0 126 38,399 -0 2,537 2,315 (4,550) 1,250 -9,283 (2) 72 1,660 13 --30 255 -4 308 130 2,029 0 6,390 10 173 -24 3,366 2 --100 20 1,298 65,652 1998 -1,199 1,191 82 343 45,299 -103 4,204 7,621 (420) 2,373 -13,199 280 243 5,695 44 --133 517 -251 1,903 346 3,798 15 -30 835 -99 9,381 10 603 -765 38 2,623 Total Flows a 1999 -790 1,235 41 300 42,709 -(45) 35,414 3,355 (4,685) 2,060 -9,361 261 284 3,618 34 --228 282 -228 1,125 580 5,462 4 -24 371 -139 5,399 8 --1,224 32 1,732 2000 -305 1,207 46 398 60,525 -(6) 31,918 9,928 (9,156) 1,979 -13,875 112 262 3,411 23 --154 244 -237 526 335 2,401 7 -56 530 -134 (525) 8 --303 41 1,790 121,067

102,803 111,572

-- Not reporting. ( ) Negative. 0 Magnitude is less than half of the unit employed. a Refer to the sum of net resource flows on long-term debt (excluding the International Monetary Fund) plus net foreign direct investment, portfolio equity flows, and official grants (excluding technical cooperation). Source: World Bank, Global Development Finance 2002. Hong Kong Monetary Authority, official communication, 3 April 2002.



Debt Outstanding a 1998 Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam TOTAL
-- Not reporting. a Debt outstanding is as of end of year, covering long- and short-term debt of public and private entities in the country, and the use of International Monetary Fund (IMF) credit. b Service payments include yearly payments on principal and interest on long-term debt, IMF repurchases and charges, and interest payments on short-term debt. Debt service ratio is the percentage of service payments to exports of goods and services (including workers remittances). Source: World Bank, Global Development Finance 2002.

Service Payment b 1998 -24 644 9 13 18,435 -35 -12,094 18,310 992 -20,624 115 31 6,074 16 --35 93 -88 2,297 310 4,730 5 -12 557 -91 12,754 4 311 -369 2 1,094 100,165 1999 -85 718 7 33 20,655 -39 -10,108 17,903 1,360 -43,020 110 37 4,408 18 --26 97 -107 2,935 212 6,424 7 -11 674 -69 16,210 4 --548 2 1,410 127,236 2000 -181 790 7 31 21,728 -30 -9,920 18,772 1,840 -23,205 173 42 5,967 20 --29 87 -100 2,857 305 6,737 9 -9 738 -88 14,016 4 --899 2 1,303 109,886

Debt Service Ratio b (%) 1998 -2.3 8.6 6.3 1.2 8.6 -3.5 -20.6 31.7 14.4 -12.9 18.8 6.3 7.2 3.7 --6.2 5.2 -7.0 19.8 14.7 10.8 3.9 -6.0 8.0 -15.1 18.4 7.1 31.8 -10.8 0.9 9.0 13.4 1999 -6.5 9.2 5.1 2.9 9.0 -3.5 -15.3 30.4 19.3 -24.6 20.5 7.7 4.5 4.0 --4.8 6.0 -7.9 29.4 9.7 13.6 5.1 -4.8 9.9 -10.2 21.8 10.9 --17.5 1.1 10.0 15.7 2000 -8.0 9.1 4.2 2.0 7.4 -2.5 -12.8 25.3 16.8 -10.9 29.3 8.1 5.3 4.3 --4.7 4.7 -6.5 26.8 13.5 13.6 10.8 -6.7 9.6 -10.9 16.3 11.6 --26.3 1.4 7.5 11.2

1999 -1,038 16,533 184 2,262 154,223 -163 -98,158 150,844 6,105 -130,316 1,742 2,527 41,902 219 --891 6,004 -2,970 33,899 2,707 53,019 192 -165 9,797 -1,134 96,769 64 --4,685 65 23,260 841,835

2000 -1,184 15,609 198 2,357 149,800 -136 -100,367 141,803 6,664 -134,417 1,829 2,499 41,797 207 --859 6,046 -2,823 32,091 2,604 50,063 197 -155 9,065 -1,170 79,675 58 --4,340 69 12,787 800,869

-708 15,671 171 2,210 154,599 -193 -97,639 151,236 6,084 -139,097 1,511 2,437 42,409 194 --711 5,647 -2,646 32,271 2,718 48,266 180 -155 8,838 -1,250 104,916 62 2,259 -3,208 63 22,502 849,850




Total Forest (as % of land area) 2000 Average Annual Rate National Carbon Dioxide GDP per Unit Population Using of Deforestationa Protected Areasb Emissions c of Energy Used Improved Drinking (as % of (as % of total (per capita (constant 1995 $ per Water Sources forest area) land area) metric tons) kg of oil equivalent) (%) 19902000 1999 1997 1998 1999

Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam
... Data not available. ( ) Negative. < Less than. a b c d

12.6 10.2 52.9 17.5 16.6 e 21.6 58.0 4.5 63.3 5.2 54.4 58.7 6.8 52.3 27.3 3.2 67.6 19.4 3.3 30.0 58.1 2.8 28.9 8.0 4.8 30.2

(1.3) (1.3) 0.6 (1.2) 0.0 e,f (0.1) 1.2 (2.2) 0.1 (2.6) 0.4 1.2 0.5 1.4 1.8 1.1 0.4 1.4 0.0 f 1.6 (1.2) (0.5) 0.7 0.0 f (0.2) (0.5)

0.3 5.5 0.7 21.2 15.8 ... ... 1.1 33.7 e 4.4 10.1 2.7 ... 6.9 3.5 0.0 f 4.6 ... ... ... 11.5 0.3 ... 7.6 4.7 < 0.1 4.8 ... 4.7 0.0 f 13.3 12.5 4.1 13.8 ... 4.1 ... 1.8 ... 3.0

... 4.1 0.2 ... 0.0 2.9 ... ... 5.1 1.1 1.3 8.0 ... 9.9 1.4 0.1 6.3 ... ... ... 3.3 0.2 ... 0.1 0.8 0.5 1.1 ... 21.9 ... 0.4 ... 0.9 3.8 ... 6.7 ... 4.4 ... 0.6

... 0.2 2.0 ... ... 0.6 ... ... 8.3 0.8 1.7 0.4 ... 3.3 1.2 ... 2.4 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.6 1.1 ... 2.1 ... 3.1 ... ... ... ... 2.7 ... ... ... 0.4 ... 0.7

13 ... 97 62 30 75 100 47 100 88 76 91 47 92 77 90 95 100 ... ... 60 68 ... 81 88 42 87 99 100 71 83 90 g ... 80 100 58 100 85 88 56

Positive figures indicate deforestation rates while negative figures indicate reforestation rates. Refers to all protected areas at least 1,000 hectares listed in categories I-V of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Refers to carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning and cement manufacturing. In previous year, data for GDP per unit of Energy Use were expressed in purchasing power parity (PPP) $ per kg of oil equivalent (kgoe). Since there may be problems associated with PPP, the major of which is that there is no price data collection since 1993, the indicator expressed in constant 1995 $ per kgoe is deemed more appropriate. e For Hong Kong, China figure for total forest refers to 1995, average rate of deforestation refers to 19901995, national protected areas refers to 1997. f The number 0.0 means the magnitude is zero or is less than half of the unit employed and not known more precisely. g Refers to percentage of population served by tap water. Sources: Food and Agriculture Organization, State of the Worlds Forest 1999; United Nations Childrens Fund, The State of the Worlds Children 2000, web site ( and The State of the Worlds Children 2001; World Bank, World Development Indicators 2001, CD-ROM; World Resources Institute, World Resources 20002001; Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS), Statistical Yearbook 2001 and past issues; DGBAS, Social Indicators 2000 for Taipei,China; and Hong Kong Monetary Authority, official communication, 4 April 2002.




Population in Poverty (%) a Total Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia e Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of f Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan e Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa e Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka e Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand k Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam
... Data not available. a Refers to headcount ratio or proportion of the population falling below the poverty line (in each country) to total population unless otherwise specified. b Refers to income or expenditure. c Refers to the same year as that of the Income Ratio and calculated based on income or expenditure. A value of zero implies perfect equality while a value of 1 implies perfect inequality. d Urban areas do not include Phnom Penh where poverty incidence in 1999 was 9.7%. e Data on population in poverty refer to percentage of poor households. f ADB estimate. Government may have its own estimate. g Refers to Ulaanbaatar (capital city) only. Poverty incidence in aimag (provincial) capitals is 45.1%. h Refers to 1997. i Refers to food poverty. j Defined as percent of low-income population to total population. k Urban and rural areas refer to municipal areas and villages, respectively. Poverty incidence in sanitary districts is 7.2%. l Data collection period was from January to June 2000. m Based on weighted calculation using equivalence scales. Sources: Country sources; United Nations Development Programme web site (; and World Bank, World Development Indicators 2001.

Urban ... ... 43.3 ... 25.2 d ... ... ... ... 23.6 19.5 30.0 ... ... 43.9 26.9 3.8 20.0 ... ... 34.1 g ... ... 23.0 ... 25.0 ... ... ... 13.4 ... ... 1.5 ... ... ... ... ... 9.0

Rural ... ... 44.9 ... 40.0 ... ... ... 27.1 26.1 34.2 ... ... 56.4 41.0 13.2 50.0 ... ... 32.6 ... ... 44.0 ... 54.4 ... ... ... 28.7 ... ... 17.2 ... ... ... ... ... 45.0 (19992000) (1999) (2000) (1995) (2000) (19971998) (1999) (1998) (1998) (1998) (1995) (1999) (1999) (1998)

Income b Ratio of Highest 20% to Lowest 20% ... 6.3 12.7 ... 4.7 5.5 ... ... 18.0 5.7 4.0 6.3 ... 5.3 7.1 5.7 12.3 ... ... ... ... ... ... 5.9 7.1 12.6 12.6 h 17.0 ... ... 11.4 5.5 ... 9.3 l ... 4.7 ... ... ... 5.5 (1998) (1995) (1999) (1999) (1998)

Gini Coefficient c ... 0.36 0.39 ... 0.32 ... ... 0.53 0.38 0.31 0.35 ... 0.32 0.32 0.36 0.49 ... ... 0.41 0.35 ... ... 0.37 0.40 0.51 0.45 ... ... ... 0.48 0.33 ... 0.44 ... 0.41 ... ... ... 0.35

... 68.1 44.7 ... 35.9 4.6 ... ... ... 26.1 23.4 31.8 ... 7.4 52.0 38.6 8.1 43.0 ... 39.5 35.6 ... ... 42.0 33.5 21.7 40.0 48.0 i ... ... 26.7 0.6 j 83.0 12.9 ... ... ... 22.0 m ... 37.0

(2001) (1997) (1999) (1996) (2000) (2000) (19971998) (1997)

(1998) (1998)

(1996) (19992000) (1996) (2000) (1997)

(19951996) (19961997) (1996) (2000) (1997)

(19951996) (1999) (1999) (1998)

(19951996) (1999) (2000) (1998)

(1996) (1998)




Adult Literacy Rate a (%) 1985b Female Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam
... Data not available. a b c d Adult literacy rate refers to population of 15 years old and over. Data may refer to a year from 1980 to 1989 other than, but nearest to, the reference year. Data may refer to a year from 1990 to 2000 other than, but nearest to, the reference year. Data refer to the most recent estimates reported by the national authorities, and which were not adjusted for underreporting or misclassification of maternal deaths. e Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified. Sources: Country sources; Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Asia-Pacific in Figures 2000 and past issues; United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2001; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization web site (; United Nations Childrens Fund, The State of the Worlds Children 2001; World Bank, World Development Indicators 2001 and World Bank, World Development Indicators database web site (

Gross Enrollment Ratio (%) Primary School Secondary School 1985b Female 13 ... 52 ... 114 ... 122 105 80 114 ... ... 98 122 100 100 ... ... ... 102 96 ... 50 30 60 107 107 106 71 101 100 ... 97 ... ... ... 85 100 Male 27 ... 72 ... 132 ... 122 106 111 120 ... ... 96 123 121 101 ... ... ... 99 101 ... 108 56 71 108 102 110 86 104 99 ... 100 ... ... ... 88 106 2000c Female 32 105 82 104 123 100 90 100 83 110 100 78 99 97 101 101 131 79 83 104 117 95 106 79 74 113 94 97 89 108 101 94 91 49 88 85 70 111 Male 64 108 88 123 123 100 ... 100 101 115 100 76 99 100 123 101 134 78 82 103 122 96 141 99 87 115 93 98 103 110 100 97 90 51 87 86 73 116 1985b Female 5 ... 11 22 33 ... 52 73 26 35 104 ... 91 107 19 53 ... ... ... 95 22 ... 12 10 8 65 71 61 14 66 91 ... 28 ... ... ... 97 11 41 Male 11 27 37 46 ... 51 68 48 47 102 ... 93 111 28 53 ... ... ... 87 24 ... 38 24 15 64 63 63 24 60 89 ... 30 ... ... ... 117 17 44 2000c Female 12 81 17 66 49 35 79 39 77 80 47 98 84 23 69 84 51 43 72 ... 37 30 24 19 78 75 ... 18 78 100 74 71 ... 35 ... 18 46 Male 32 73 31 74 42 37 74 59 77 80 42 97 82 34 59 74 47 45 60 ... 32 48 35 26 77 66 ... 30 72 98 83 64 ... 31 ... 26 48 Male 52 100 59 56 83 92 93 95 96 68 92 ... 94 99 99 82 91 99 97 77 98 89 95 59 61 72 95 96 96 39 94 99 100 97 99 100 95 99 37 95

2000c Female 22 100 43 28 61 76 94 91 90 45 82 ... 91 96 98 59 83 99 97 66 98 81 95 24 37 57 95 96 88 20 89 92 99 94 99 100 95 99 30 91

Male 37 ... 44 46 ... 83 ... 90 94 59 83 99 ... 98 99 60 84 91 ... ... 84 87 ... 34 42 74 92 ... 94 ... 92 96 99 93 ... ... ... 99 ... 93

8 ... 20 19 ... 61 ... 83 78 29 66 96 ... 93 96 33 68 92 ... ... 68 72 ... 9 18 52 91 ... 79 ... 82 85 97 85 ... ... ... 96 ... 83



Life Expectancy at Birth (years) 1985b Female Male 41 ... 55 49 47 70 68 71 79 56 58 73 54 73 71 48 72 56 62 64 60 55 62 47 54 53 65 64 76 62 71 76 70 67 64 ... 59 71 57 66 40 ... 56 46 45 68 68 67 74 55 54 62 52 65 64 45 68 58 59 62 58 51 62 49 54 51 61 62 72 60 67 71 70 63 61 ... 59 65 55 62 2000c Female Male 47 75 59 63 59 73 74 71 82 63 68 71 65 78 71 61 75 71 69 67 65 58 62 58 66 57 72 73 80 66 75 78 70 72 71 69 70 73 67 70 46 69 59 60 64 68 71 67 77 62 64 60 59 71 63 57 70 72 66 64 61 54 55 58 64 55 66 66 76 64 69 73 65 68 65 63 64 68 64 66

Mortality Rates (per 1,000 live births) 1999 Infant 165 35 58 80 86 33 26 18 3 70 38 35 53 5 55 93 8 20 63 20 61 79 25 75 84 79 31 21 4 22 17 6 54 26 18 52 40 45 37 31 Under 5 257 45 89 107 122 41 30 22 ... 98 52 42 72 5 65 111 9 ... 92 24 80 112 30 104 112 112 42 26 4 26 19 ... 74 30 22 71 56 58 46 40

Births Attended by Trained Maternal Contraceptive Prevalence Health Personnel Mortality Ratiod (% of total) Rate (%) (per 100,000 live births) 19801999e 19952000e 19952000e

... 43 440 380 470 55 ... 38 ... 410 450 70 ... 20 65 650 39 350 ... ... 150 230 ... 540 ... 370 170 ... 6 550 60 8 65 44 ... 65 ... 21 ... 160

... 54 22 91 ... 55 66 60 17 42 33 30 24 26 47 30 ... 66 ... 72 56 75

100 13 34 67 ... 56 98 98 96 93 56 9 19 53 56 ... ... ... 79 96 98 77

Afghanistan Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Rep. of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Rep. of Kyrgyz Republic Lao PDR Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Resolutions of the Board of Governors Adopted in 2001 Board of Governors Board of Directors and Voting Groups Committees of the Board of Directors ADB Institute Advisory Council Organizational Structure Management, Senior Staff, and Resident/Country Directors Former ADB Presidents and Vice-Presidents Summary of Budget for 2002

253 254 256 257 257 258 259 262 263



Appendix 1


Resolution No. 277 278 279 280 281 Subject Procedures for the Election of Directors at the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting Place and Date of the Forthcoming Annual Meeting 2003 Financial Statements and Independent Auditors Reports Allocation of Net Income Election of President Date Adopted 10 May 10 May 11 May 11 May 15 September



Appendix 2

(as of 31 March 2002)

XIANG HUAICHENG (Peoples Republic of China) (Chairperson) SATU HASSI (Finland) (Vice-Chairperson) MEMBER AFGHANISTAN AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN BANGLADESH BELGIUM BHUTAN CAMBODIA CANADA CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF COOK ISLANDS DENMARK FIJI ISLANDS FINLAND FRANCE GERMANY HONG KONG, CHINA INDIA INDONESIA ITALY JAPAN KAZAKHSTAN KIRIBATI KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KYRGYZ REPUBLIC LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC GOVERNOR Hedayat Amin Arsala1 Peter Costello Karl-Heinz Grasser Avaz Alekperov M. Saifur Rahman Didier Reynders Lyonpo Yeshey Zimba Keat Chhon William Graham6 Xiang Huaicheng Terepai Maoate Carsten Staur7 Jone Yavala Kubuabola Satu Hassi Laurent Fabius Uschi Eid Antony Leung Kam Chung Yashwant Sinha Dr. Boediono
12 10 4

ISMAIL SHAFEEU (Maldives) (Vice-Chairperson) ALTERNATE GOVERNOR Sami Wali2 Chris Gallus3 Thomas Wieser Vadim Khubanov Anisul Huq Chowdhury5 Gino Alzetta Sonam Wangchuk Ouk Rabun Bruce Montador Jin Liqun Kevin Carr Ove Ullerup8 Savenaca Narube Pertti Majanen Jean-Pierre Jouyet Rolf Wenzel9 Joseph Yam C. M. Vasudev11 Syahril Sabirin Lorenzo Bini Smaghi13
14 15

Antonio Fazio Masajuro Shiokawa Beniamina Tinga Nyum Jin Bolot Abildaev

Masaru Hayami Arman Dunayev16 Tebwe Ietaake17 Chol-Hwan Chon Kurmanbek Ukulov19 Phoupheth Khamphounvong

Mazhit Yessenbayev

Soukanh Mahalath20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Appointed in March 2002. Appointed in March 2002. Succeeded Kay Patterson in November 2001. Succeeded Shah A.M.S. Kibria in November 2001. Succeeded Ayub Quadri in December 2001. Ayub Quadri succeeded Masihur Rahman in November 2001. Succeeded John Manley in January 2002. Succeeded Ellen Margrethe Loj in May 2001. Succeeded Torben Brylle in September 2001. Succeeded Michael Rskau in May 2001. Succeeded Donald Tsang in May 2001.

11 Succeeded Ajit Kumar in November 2001. 12 Succeeded Rizal Ramli in August 2001. Rizal Ramli succeeded Prijadi Praptosuhardjo in June 2001. 13 Succeeded Mario Draghi in October 2001. 14 Succeeded Kiichi Miyazawa in June 2001. 15 Succeeded Zhaxybek Kulekeyev in February 2002. 16 Succeeded Erbolat Dosayev in February 2002. 17 Succeeded Bureti Williams in December 2001. 18 Succeeded Temirbek Akmataliev in January 2002. 19 Succeeded Urkaly Toktomovich Isaev in June 2001. 20 Succeeded BounNhang Vorachith in April 2001.



21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

GOVERNOR Dato Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad Ismail Shafeeu Michael Konelios John Ehsa Chultemiin Ulaan Khin Maung Thein Aloysius Amwano23 Ram Sharan Mahat Gerrit Zalm Michael Cullen Olav Kjrven25 Shaukat Aziz Mekere Morauta Jose Isidro N. Camacho27 Misa Telefoni Retzlaff BG Lee Hsien Loong28 Laurie Chan
29 21

ALTERNATE GOVERNOR Tan Sri Dr. Samsudin bin Hitam Riluwan Shareef22 Amon Tibon Lorin Robert Ochirbat Chuluunbat Soe Lin Alexander Deiye24 Bimal P. Koirala Eveline L. Herfkens Alan Bollard Age Grutle Nawid Ahsan Robert Igara26 Rafael Buenaventura Hinauri Petana Lim Siong Guan Shadrach Fanega30 Juan Costa Climent Charitha Ratwatte32 Gunilla Olsson33 Rudolph Dannecker Chun Chen Iskandar Davlatov35 Somchainuk Engtrakul Aisake Eke Aydin Karaz Seitbay Kandymov Solofa Uota38 Hilary Benn39 Alan P. Larson Mamarizo Nurmuratov41 Jeffery Wilfred Duong Thu Huong
32 Succeeded P. B. Jayasundara in December 2001. 33 Succeeded Lennart Bage in May 2001. 34 Succeeded Murotali Muhammadievich Alimardonov in October 2001. 35 Succeeded Maruf Saifiev in October 2001. 36 Succeeded Orazmurad Begmuradov in February 2002. 37 Succeeded Lagitupu Tuilimu in December 2001. 38 Succeeded Afelee Falema Pita in July 2001. 39 Succeeded Chris Mullin in June 2001. 40 Succeeded Bakhtier S. Khamidov in May 2001. 41 Succeeded Rustam Sadikovich Azimov in May 2001. 42 Succeeded Stevens Morking Iatika in November 2001.

Rodrigo de Rato y Figaredo K. N. Choksy Oscar Knapp Fai-nan Perng Gulomjon Babaev34 Somkid Jatusripitak Siosiua T. T. Utoikamanu Faik ztrak Enebay Geldiyevna Atayeva36 Saufatu Sopoanga Clare Short Paul H. ONeill Rustam Azimov40 Joe Bomal Carlo42 Le Duc Thuy

Gun-Britt Andersson

Succeeded Tun Daim Zainuddin in June 2001. Succeeded Ibrahim Mohamed in July 2001. Succeeded Kinza Clodumar in April 2001. Succeeded David Adeang in March 2002. Succeeded Sigrun Mgedal in November 2001. Succeeded Koiari Tarata in December 2001. Succeeded Alberto G. Romulo in June 2001. Succeeded Richard Hu Tsu Tau in December 2001. Succeeded Michael Maina in March 2002. Mr. Maina succeeded Snyder Rini in December 2001. 30 Succeeded Leslie Teama in May 2001. 31 Succeeded Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga in December 2001.



Appendix 3


(as of 31 March 2002)
DIRECTOR Kh. Zaheer Ahmed1 ALTERNATE DIRECTOR Cayetano W. Paderanga, Jr.2 MEMBERS REPRESENTED Kazakhstan, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, Indonesia, Kyrgyz Republic, New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga United States Austria, Germany, Turkey, United Kingdom Australia; Azerbaijan; Cambodia; Hong Kong, China; Kiribati; Federated States of Micronesia; Nauru; Solomon Islands; Tuvalu Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Tajikistan Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand Canada, Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland Japan Republic of Korea; Papua New Guinea; Sri Lanka; Taipei,China; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Viet Nam Peoples Republic of China

Jusuf Anwar

John Austin

(vacant)3 Uwe Henrich John S. Lockhart

Chantale Yok-Min Wong Frank Black

Miranda Rawlinson5

P. G. Mankad6


Othman Jusoh Julian H. Payne Patrick Thomas Osamu Tsukahara10 Jeung-Hyun Yoon

Ram Binod Bhattarai Maarten Verwey8 Pascal Gregoire9 Yasuro Narita S. L. Seneviratne11

Zhao Xiaoyu
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ju Kuilin12

Succeeded Cayetano W. Paderanga, Jr. on 1 July 2001. Mr. Paderanga succeeded Patricia Z. Riingen as Director on 1 April 2001. Succeeded Kh. Zaheer Ahmed on 1 July 2001. N. Cinnamon Dornsife resigned on 5 October 2001. Succeeded Cahit Akinci on 1 July 2001. Succeeded Stephen Baker on 12 March 2001. Succeeded C. Ramachandran on 1 July 2001. M. Faizur Razzaque resigned on 31 December 2000. Succeeded Erik Johnsson on 1 September 2001. Succeeded Jose Miguel Cortes on 1 August 2001. Succeeded Naoyuki Shinohara on 11 July 2001. Succeeded Barry Holloway on 1 July 2001. Succeeded Li Buqun on 1 January 2002.



Appendix 4


(as of 31 December 2001)
STANDING COMMITTEES AUDIT COMMITTEE Patrick Thomas (Chairperson) John Austin Othman Jusoh Cayetano W. Paderanga, Jr. Miranda Rawlinson BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE Jeung-Hyun Yoon (Chairperson) P. G. Mankad Julian H. Payne Patrick Thomas Osamu Tsukahara Zhao Xiaoyu DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS COMMITTEE Zhao Xiaoyu (Chairperson) Jusuf Anwar Uwe Henrich P. G. Mankad Osamu Tsukahara INSPECTION COMMITTEE John S. Lockhart (Chairperson) Kh. Zaheer Ahmed Ram Binod Bhattarai Frank Black S. L. Seneviratne Maarten Verwey WORKING COMMITTEE WORKING GROUP ON THE 2001 ANNUAL REPORT Cayetano W. Paderanga, Jr. (Chairperson) Jusuf Anwar Frank Black Pascal Gregoire Yasuro Narita Miranda Rawlinson S. L. Seneviratne

Appendix 5


(as of 31 December 2001)
Magnus Blomstrm Ronald Duncan William P. Fuller Yujiro Hayami Y. Venugopal Reddy Zhang Xiao Qiang Chief Economist Sweden Australia United States Japan India Peoples Republic of China Asian Development Bank



Appendix 6

(as of 1 January 2002)





























Appendix 7


(as of 31 March 2002)
OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT President Special Counselor to the President Special Advisor to the President Head, Regional Economic Monitoring Unit Director, Regional Economic Monitoring Unit OFFICES OF THE VICE-PRESIDENTS Vice-President (Operations 1) Vice-President (Operations 2) Vice-President (Finance and Administration) Director, INTEGRA Project Project Director, Project Management Unit OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY The Secretary Assistant Secretary OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL The General Counsel Deputy General Counsel Assistant General Counsel Assistant General Counsel Assistant General Counsel OFFICE OF THE GENERAL AUDITOR General Auditor Director, Financial, Administrative, and Information Systems Division OPERATIONS EVALUATION DEPARTMENT Director General Director, Operations Evaluation Division 1 Director, Operations Evaluation Division 2 STRATEGY AND POLICY DEPARTMENT Director General Director, Strategic Planning, Policy, and Interagency Relations Division Director, Management Support Division Resident Director, European Representative Office Resident Director, Japanese Representative Office Resident Director, North American Representative Office REGIONAL AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Director General Chief Compliance Officer and Deputy Director General Senior Advisor Director, Environment and Social Safeguard Division Director, Poverty Reduction and Social Development Division Senior Director, Governance and Regional Cooperation Division Senior Director, Finance and Infrastructure Division Director, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Social Sectors Division Advisor for Governance (Public Administration and Management) ECONOMICS AND RESEARCH DEPARTMENT Chief Economist Senior Economic Advisor Assistant Chief Economist, Macroeconomics and Finance Research Division Assistant Chief Economist, Development Indicators and Policy Research Division Assistant Chief Economist, Economic Analysis and Operations Support Division
1 Mr. Eyre will leave the service of ADB on 1 April 2002.

Tadao Chino Hans-Jergen Springer J. Antonio M. Quila Yoshihiro Iwasaki Pradumna B. Rana Myoung-Ho Shin Joseph B. Eichenberger John Lintjer Silvio R. Cattonar Yoo Jin Yoon B. N. Lohani Amarjit Singh Wasan Gerald A. Sumida Eisuke Suzuki Richard Eyre1 Philip Daltrop Eveline Fischer Peter Egens Pedersen Rakesh Gupta Vladimir Bohun Graham M. Walter David Edwards Shoji Nishimoto Christopher MacCormac Shyam P. Bajpai Keon-Woo Lee Jungsoo Lee Karti Sandilya Akira Seki Rolf Zelius Anita Kelles-Viitanen J. Warren Evans Brahm Prakash Cedric D. Saldanha Asavin Chintakananda Bradford R. Philips Jak Jabes (vacant) (vacant) Jean-Pierre A. Verbiest V. N. Gnanathurai Xianbin Yao



OFFICE OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS Principal Director Robert H. Salamon Director Ann Quon SOUTH ASIA DEPARTMENT (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) Director General Yoshihiro Iwasaki Deputy Director General Jin Koo Lee Director, Operations Coordination Division Sultan H. Rahman Director, Infrastructure Division Tadashi Kondo Director, Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources Division Frederick C. Roche Director, Social Sectors Division Edward M. Haugh, Jr. Director, Governance, Finance, and Trade Division Klaus Gerhaeusser Country Director, Bangladesh Resident Mission Toru Shibuichi Country Director, India Resident Mission Frank J. Polman Country Director, Nepal Resident Mission Richard W. A. Vokes Country Director, Pakistan Resident Mission Marshuk Ali Shah Country Director, Sri Lanka Resident Mission John R. Cooney MEKONG DEPARTMENT (Cambodia, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam) Director General Rajat M. Nag Deputy Director General Zhang Yuejiao Senior Advisor Philippe Benedic Director, Operations Coordination Division Kazu Sakai Director, Infrastructure Division Khalid I. Rahman Director, Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources Division C. R. Rajendran Director, Social Sectors Division Arjun Thapan Director, Governance, Finance, and Trade Division (vacant) Country Director, Cambodia Resident Mission Urooj Malik Country Director, Lao Resident Mission Paul V. Turner Country Director, Viet Nam Resident Mission John Samy PRIVATE SECTOR OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Director General (vacant) Director, Private Sector Operations Division Bruce A. Purdue Director, Infrastructure Finance Division Alfredo E. Pascual EAST AND CENTRAL ASIA DEPARTMENT (Azerbaijan; Peoples Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Kazakhstan; Republic of Korea; Kyrgyz Republic; Mongolia; Taipei,China; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan) Director General Geert van der Linden Deputy Director General M. E. Tusneem Director, Operations Coordination Division Kunio Senga Director, Infrastructure Division H. Satish Rao Director, Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources Division Katsuji Matsunami Senior Director, Social Sectors Division William M. Fraser Director, Governance, Finance, and Trade Division Shamshad Akhtar Country Director, Peoples Republic of China Resident Mission Bruce Murray Country Director, Kazakhstan Resident Mission Hong Wang Country Director, Kyrgyz Resident Mission J. C. Alexander Country Director, Mongolia Resident Mission Barry J. Hitchcock Country Director, Uzbekistan Resident Mission Peter C. Darjes



SOUTHEAST ASIA DEPARTMENT (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore) Director General K. H. Moinuddin Senior Advisor Asad Ali Shah Director, Infrastructure Division Patrick C. Giraud Director, Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources Division Muhammad A. Mannan Director, Social Sectors Division Peter L. Fedon Director, Governance, Finance, and Trade Division Ayumi Konishi Country Director, Indonesia Resident Mission Jan P. M. van Heeswijk Country Director, Philippines Country Office Thomas Crouch PACIFIC DEPARTMENT (Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu) Director General Jeremy H. Hovland Director, Pacific Operations Division, Area A Robert Y. Siy, Jr. Director, Pacific Operations Division, Area B Peter N. King Country Director, South Pacific Regional Mission Jeffry R. Stubbs CENTRAL OPERATIONS SERVICES OFFICE Principal Director James E. Rockett Director, Consulting Services Division Sarojkumar Thuraisingham Director, Project Coordination and Procurement Division Ferdinand P. Mesch BUDGET, PERSONNEL AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT Director General Masakazu Sakaguchi Deputy Director General (vacant) Director, Budget and Management Services Division T. L. de Jonghe Director, Compensation and Benefits Division Roger A. Burston Director, Human Resources Division Robert L. T. Dawson OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Director General Zhang Zhixiang Director, Facilities Management Division Farrokh E. Kapadia Director, General Services Division Normin S. Pakpahan CONTROLLERS DEPARTMENT Controller Ping-Yung Chiu Assistant Controller, Accounting Division Ronny E. Budiman Assistant Controller, Loan Administration Division Byung-Wook Park TREASURERS DEPARTMENT The Treasurer (vacant) Deputy Treasurer Ifzal Ali Assistant Treasurer, Risk Management Division Philip C. Erquiaga Assistant Treasurer, Funding Division Juanito Limandibrata Assistant Treasurer, Investment Division Jelle C. Mann Assistant Treasurer, Treasury Services Division David R. Parker Advisor (Financial Policy) Hinahon L. Domingo OFFICE OF COFINANCING OPERATIONS Principal Director Zhu Xian Director Woo Chull Chung OFFICE OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY Principal Director Pamela G. Kruzic Director Christian E. Perez



Appendix 8


(as of 31 December 2001)
PRESIDENTS Takeshi Watanabe Shiro Inoue Taroichi Yoshida Masao Fujioka Kimimasa Tarumizu Mitsuo Sato VICE-PRESIDENTS C. S. Krishna Moorthi A.T. Bambawale M. Narasimham S. Stanley Katz In Yong Chung William R. Thomson Gnther G. Schulz Bong-Suh Lee Pierre Uhel Peter H. Sullivan 19 December 196631 March 1978 1 April 197828 October 1985 1 November 198531 July 1988 1 April 197828 September 1990 1 August 198831 July 1993 1 October 199030 June 1994 1 April 198330 June 1995 1 August 199331 July 1998 1 July 199524 November 1998 6 July 199420 September 2000 24 November 196624 November 1972 25 November 197223 November 1976 24 November 197623 November 1981 24 November 198123 November 1989 24 November 198923 November 1993 24 November 199315 January 1999



Appendix 9

SUMMARY OF BUDGET FOR 2002 Internal Administrative Expenses

($ thousand)
2001 After Transfers a 808 8,781 176,967 93,284 46,229 2,300 3,224 16,072 15,528 330 38,102 6,195 8,800 914 1,845 3,440 6,966 557 9,127 258 224,658 2,247 226,905

Budget I. BOARD OF GOVERNORSb II. III. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OPERATIONAL EXPENSES Salaries Benefits Staff Development Relocation Consultants Business Travel Representation IV. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Communications Office Occupancy Library Office Supplies Office Equipment Contractual Services Insurance Depreciation Miscellaneous V. TOTAL BEFORE GENERAL CONTINGENCY 808 8,781 176,967 93,284 46,229 2,300 3,224 14,400 17,200 330 38,102 6,195 8,312 914 1,845 2,836 6,393 557 10,792 258 224,658 2,247 226,905

Actual 785 8,558 175,500 93,189 46,033 2,012 3,208 16,072 14,717 269 35,816 6,020 8,800 880 1,420 3,440 6,966 340 7,708 242 220,659 220,659

2002 Budget 696 9,611 185,316 99,085 47,858 2,350 3,493 15,700 16,500 330 41,993 6,467 9,001 914 1,860 4,236 8,034 440 10,724 317 237,616 2,376 239,992


a b c

Transfers were made between budget items within each budget category without exceeding the original amount of each category. Annual Meeting expenses. Excludes the following items reconciling with financial statements to conform with generally accepted accounting principles: (i) provisions for future liabilities with respect to severance pay ($2,258,000), accumulated compensated absences ($1,101,000), and accrued resettlement/ repatriation allowances ($1,449,000); (ii) adjustments of actuarially determined assessment of benefit obligations with respect to pension costs (-$14,213,000) and postretirement medical benefits ($14,120,000); and (iii) bank charges pertaining directly to Asian Development Fund (ADF), Japan Special Fund (JSF), and Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) ($46,000). Total administrative expenses, as shown in the financial statements, amounted to $225,420,000. This amount, after deducting $579,000 directly charged to the Trust Fund for East Timor ($309,000), JSP ($79,000) and Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction ($191,000), has been distributed as follows: ordinary capital resources (OCR)$59,039,000 (Ref. OCR-2) net of $34,793,000 as front-end fee offset against loan origination costs and recognized as a reduction in administrative expenses, ADF$129,517,000 (Ref. ADF-2), and JSF$1,492,000 (Ref. JSF-2).




Economic Growth
Achieving Financial Stability in Asia (copublished with Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (2000) Asian Development Outlook (annually) 2 Basic Statistics (annually) Developing Best Practices for Promoting Private Sector Investment in Infrastructure (volumes on Power, Water Supply, Roads, Ports, Airports, and Air Traffic Control) (2000)3 Economics and Development Resource Center Briefing Notes Evaluation Highlights of 1998 (1999) Financial Liberalization in Asia (1999) Fiscal Transition in Kazakhstan (1999)3 Government Bond Market Development in Asia (2001)3 Handbook for the Economic Analysis of Health Sector Projects (2000)3 Investing in Asia (1999) Growth and Change in Asia and the Pacific: Key Indicators (annually)2 Mortgage-Backed Securities Markets in Asia (2000) 3 Policy Briefs (No. 1: Is Growth Good Enough for the Poor?; No. 2: Indias Economic Reforms; No. 3: Unequal Benefits of Growth in Viet Nam; No. 4: Is Volatility Built Into Todays World Economy?; No. 5: What Else Besides Growth Matters to Poverty Reduction?; No. 6: Achieving the Twin Objectives of Efficiency and Equity: Contracting Health Services in Cambodia) Rising to the Challenge in Asia: A Study of Financial Markets (Vol. 1: Overview; Vol. 2: Special Issues; Vol. 3: Sound Practices; Vol. 4: Peoples Republic of China; Vol. 5: India; Vol. 6: Indonesia; Vol. 7: Republic of Korea; Vol. 8: Malaysia; Vol. 9: Pakistan; Vol. 10: Philippines; Vol. 11: Thailand; and Vol. 12: Socialist Republic of Viet Nam) (2000)2 The Role of Central Banks in Microfinance in Asia and the Pacific (Vol. 1: Overview; Vol. 2: Country Studies) (2000)3 Rural Asia: Beyond the Green Revolution (2000)2, 3 Vol. 1: Transforming the Rural Asian Economy: The Unfinished Revolution (2000); Vol. 2: The Growth and Sustainability of Agriculture in Asia (2000); Vol. 3: Rural Financial Markets in Asia: Policies, Paradigms, and Performance (2000); Vol. 4: The Quality of Life in Rural Asia (2001); Vol. 5: The Evolving Roles of the State, Private, and Local Actors in Rural Asia (2001) Environments in Transition: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Viet Nam (2000)3 Fire, Smoke, and Haze: The ASEAN Response Strategy (2001)3 India: Mainstreaming Environment for Sustainable Development (2001) 3 Integrated Economic and Environmental Planning at the Subnational Level in Asia (2001) Mobilizing Broader Support for Asias Biodiversity (1999)3 Reform of Environmental and Land Legislation in the Peoples Republic of China (2000)3 Sustainable Development in Asia (2000)3

Human Development
Agricultural Biotechnology, Poverty Reduction, and Food Security (2001)3 Asian Cities in the 21st Century: Contemporary Approaches to Municipal Management (Vols. 1, 2, and 3; 1999); (Vol. 4; 2000); (Vol. 5; 2001)3 Development and Management of Cities: Networking and Cooperation (1999) 3 Effectiveness of ADB Approaches and Assistance to Poverty Reduction (2000) 3 Financing Immunization in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam (1999) 3 Handbook on Resettlement: A Guide to Good Practice (1998)3 (Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, English) Health Sector Reform in Asia and the Pacific (1999)3 Human Capital of the Poor in Viet Nam (2001) Human Development Brochure Immunization Financing in Developing Countries and the International Vaccine Market (2001)3 Integrating Poverty Impact into Project Economic Analysis (2000) Lao Peoples Democratic Republic: Education Sector Development Plan Report (2000)3 Making Cities Work: Urban Policy and Infrastructure in the 21 st Century (2000)3 The New Social Policy Agenda in Asia (2000)3 Perceptions of the Poor: Poverty Consultations in Four Districts in Sri Lanka (2001)3 Philippine Education for the 21st Century (1999)3 Resettlement Policy and Practice in Southeast Asia and the Pacific (2000)3 Social Development (1999) Sri Lanka National Immunization Program Financing Assessment (2001)3 Sri Lanka Urban Development Sector Study (2000) Supporting Growth with Equity in Pakistan (2000)3 Urban Indicators for Managing Cities: Cities Data Book (2001)3 Urban Sector Strategy in Cambodia (1999)

Bangladesh: Toward an Environment Strategy (Country Environment Review) (2001) 3 Development of Environment Statistics in Developing Asian and Pacific Countries (1999)3 The Environment Agenda of the Asian Development Bank (1999) Environment and Economics in Project Preparation (1999)3 Environmental Management of Maldives: An Overview (1999)3 Environmental Profile of Tajikistan (2000)3

Improving the Status of Women

Women Women Women Women Women Women in in in in in in Bangladesh (2001)3 Malaysia (1999)3 Republic of Maldives (2001) 3 Nepal (1999)3 Pakistan (2000)3 Sri Lanka (1999)3


Women in Tajikistan (2000) 3 Women in the Republic of Uzbekistan (2000)3

Law and Policy Reform

Combating Corruption in Asian and Pacific Economies (2000)3 Corporate Governance and Finance in East Asia (Vol. 1, 2000; Vol. 2, 2001)3 Governance, Corruption and Public Financial Management (2000)3 Key Governance Issues in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam (2001)3 Law and Policy Reform at the Asian Development Bank (annually) Law and Policy Reform at the Asian Development Bank (2000)3, Vol. 1: The Need for an Integrated Approach to Secured Transactions and Insolvency Law Reforms; and Vol. 2: Secured Transactions Law Reform in Asia: Unleashing the Potential of Collateral Law and Policy Reform Bulletin (annually) Managing Government Expenditure (1999)3 Progress in the Fight Against Corruption in Asia and the Pacific (2001)3 Simplification of Customs Procedures (1999)3 To Serve and to Preserve: Improving Public Administration in a Competitive World (2001)3

Pacific Studies Series

Financial Sector Development in Pacific Island Economies (2001)3 Vol.1: Regional Report; and Vol. 2: Country Reports Reforms in the Pacific (1999)3 Republic of the Fiji Islands: 1999 Economic Report3 Republic of Marshall Islands Meto 2000: Economic Report and Statement of Development Strategies (2001)3 Samoa 20003 Tuna: A Key Economic Resource in the Pacific (2001)3 Vanuatu Agriculture and Fisheries Sector Review 2000 (2001)3

The Banks Policy on Forestry (1994) The Banks Policy on Gender and Development (1998)4 The Banks Policy on Indigenous Peoples (1999)4 Cofinancing: A Guide to ADBs Official and Commercial Cofinancing Operations, 2001 Commercial Cofinancing and Guarantees, 2001 Cooperation Between Asian Development Bank and Nongovernment Organizations (1998)4 Energy 2000: Review of the Energy Policy of the Asian Development Bank (2000)4 Establishment of an Inspection Function (1995) Fighting Poverty in Asia and the Pacific: The Poverty Reduction Strategy of the Asian Development Bank (1999)4 Governance: Sound Development Management (1995)4 A Graduation Policy for the Banks DMCs (1998) Information Policy and Strategy of the Asian Development Bank (1994)4 Involuntary Resettlement (1995)4 Medium-Term Strategy, 20012005 (2001) Microfinance Development Strategy of the Asian Development Bank (2000)4 Moving the Poverty Reduction Agenda Forward in Asia and the Pacific: The Long-Term Strategic Framework of the Asian Development Bank, 20012015 (2001)4 A Pacific Strategy for the New Millennium (2000) Policy for the Health Sector (1999)4 Policy on Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information (1994)4 Political Risk Guarantee Policy (2001)4 Private Sector Development Strategy (2000)4 Program Lending Policies (1999) Project Profiles for Commercial and Export Credit Cofinancing, 2002 Resident Mission Policy (2000)4 Social Development (1999) Social Protection Strategy (2001) Urban Sector Strategy (1999) Water for All: The Water Policy of the Asian Development Bank (2001) 4

ADB Review News from Bangladesh News from European Representative Office News from India News from Japanese Representative Office News from Kazakhstan News from Nepal News from North American Representative Office News from Pakistan News from Sri Lanka News from Uzbekistan

Regional Cooperation
First Workshop on Economic Cooperation in Central Asia Challenges and Opportunities in Transportation (1999)3 Rebuilding the Silk Road: Encouraging Economic Cooperation in Central Asia (2001)3 Second Workshop on Economic Cooperation in Central Asia: Challenges and Opportunities in Energy (1999)3 Sustainable Development: Asian and Pacific Perspectives (1999)

Central Asias Hidden Hunger (2001)5 Children of Asia (available in both DVD and video) (2001)5 Digital Dividends (2001)5 Fighting Poverty in Asia (2000)5 Fragile Promise (2001)5 Lessons from Life (2001)5 Poverty in Asia: The Challenge Ahead (2000)5

Framework: Policies and Strategies

Anticorruption Policy (1998)4 The Banks Cofinancing Strategy (1995) The Banks Policy on Agriculture and Natural Resources Research (1995) The Banks Policy on Fisheries (1997)



Reducing Poverty in Asia and the Pacific (2001)5 Resettlement: Improving the Lives of People Affected by Projects (2000)5 Turning Grief into Courage (2001)5

Actionable Learning: A Handbook for Capacity Building Through Case Based Learning ADB Institute Newsletter

ADB Institute, 2001

Asian Policy Forum Reports
Designing New and Balanced Financial Market Structures in Post-Crisis Asia (English and Chinese versions)

Research Papers Series

Avoiding Double Mismatches and Withstanding Regional Financial Crises: The Singapore Experience The Basic Characteristics of Skills and Organizational Capabilities in the Indian Software Industry Business Groups Looted by Controlling Families, and the Asian Crisis Can Moral Hazard Explain the Asian Crises? Designing a Financial Market Structure in Post-Crisis Asia How to Develop Corporate Bond Markets Diverse Paths Toward The Right Institutions: Law, the State, and Economic Reform in East Asia Do Foreign Companies Conduct R&D in Developing Countries? A New Approach to Analyzing the Level of R&D, with an Analysis of Singapore The Evolution of Koreas Development Paradigm: Old Legacies and Emerging Trends in the Post-Crisis Era Family-Based Business Groups: Degeneration of QuasiInternal Organizations and Internal Markets in Korea Family Business Gone Wrong? Ownership Patterns and Corporate Performance in Thailand Growth and Poverty Alleviation: Lessons from Development Experience How Do Global Credit Rating Agencies Rate Firms from Developing Countries? Information and Communication Technology and Poverty: An Asian Perspective Informational Quality of Financial Systems and Economic Development: An Indicators Approach for East Asia Modeling Crisis Evolution and Counterfactual Policy Simulations: A Country Case Study (Indonesia) Overview of Financial Market Structures in AsiaCases of the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia Population Pressure, Land Tenure, and Natural Resource Management Searching for New Regulatory Frameworks for the Intermediate Financial Market Structure in Post-Crisis Asia Sequential Foreign Investments, Regional Technology Platforms and the Evolution of Japanese Multinationals in East Asia

Executive Summary Series

2001 International Finance Seminar 2001 Tax Conference Banking Sector Reform High-Level Dialogue on Banking Regulation and Financial Market Development: New Issues in the Post-Crisis Information and Communication Technology and Education: Potential for Partnerships Information and Communication Technology Strategies for Developing Countries Millennium Tax Conference Pacific Public Management Executive Program (PPMEP) Module 2: Managing Continuous Quality Improvement Partnership Issues in the Social Sector Poverty Reduction Issues PPMEP Module 3: Managing Programs, Projects and People PPMEP Module 4: Leadership and the Management of Change Public Expenditure Management: Local Program Conducted by Pakistan Administrative Staff College Public Expenditure Management: Training-of-Trainers Program Public-Private Partnerships in Health Recovery Phase Reforming Pension Systems in South Asia: Part 1Policy Conference Reforming Pension Systems in South Asia: Part 2Training Workshop Regulatory Differences between Banks and Securities Markets: Implications for Crisis Prevention and Management Skill Development for Industry Social Safety Nets Seminar Tokyo Roundtable on Capital Market Reform in Asia Tokyo Seminar on Securities Market Regulation Trade Policy Emerging Issues Urban Poverty Reduction Issues

1 For list of publications, see Copies of these publications may be obtained/purchased from the Publications Unit, Office of External Relations, Asian Development Bank, P.O. Box 789, 0980 Manila, Philippines. Orders may also be sent by fax to (632) 636-2648 or E-mail at Publications other than those listed with footnotes are free but applicable handling/shipping fees are charged. ADB Institute publications should be ordered directly from ADB Institute. Priced publication, also available directly from Oxford University Press offices, associated companies, and agents worldwide. Priced publication. Available in CD-ROM. Priced video.

2 3 4 5



ACCSF ADB ADF ARIC ASEAN BIMP-EAGA BOO BOT CAREC CARs CDF CFA CFS CPI CSP CSPU DMC ECA ECP EIA FAS FDI FY GAD GDIF GDP GEF GMS GNP ICR ICT IMF IMT-GT IPA JFICT JFPR JSF JSP Lao PDR Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility Asian Development Bank Asian Development Fund Asia Recovery Information Center Association of Southeast Asian Nations Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-MalaysiaPhilippines East ASEAN Growth Area build-own-operate build-operate-transfer Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation Central Asian republics comprehensive development framework channel financing arrangement complementary financing scheme consumer price index country strategy and program country strategy and program update developing member country export credit agency Euro-commercial paper environmental impact assessment Financial Accounting Standard foreign direct investment fiscal year gender and development Global Debt Issuance Facility gross domestic product Global Environment Facility Greater Mekong Subregion gross national product interest coverage ratio information and communication technology International Monetary Fund Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle interest payment assistance Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction Japan Special Fund Japan Scholarship Program Lao Peoples Democratic Republic PRC PRG PRGF PSCL REMU RLR SASEC SDR SME SOE TASF TCR TPAR UN UNDP US WTO PCG PCR PMAP PMCL PMU PPA PPAR PPIAF PPIAF PAPR LBL LIBOR LTSF MBL MDB MTS NGO NPL OCR ODA OECD LIBOR-based loan London interbank offered rate Long-Term Strategic Framework market-based loan multilateral development bank Medium-Term Strategy nongovernment organization nonperforming loan ordinary capital resources official development assistance Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Partnership Agreement on Poverty Reduction Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility partial credit guarantee project completion report portfolio management action plan pool-based multicurrency loan project management unit participatory poverty assessment project/program performance audit report Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility Peoples Republic of China political risk guarantee Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility pool-based single currency loan Regional Economic Monitoring Unit reserve:loan ratio South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation special drawing right small- or medium-sized enterprise state-owned enterprise Technical Assistance Special Fund technical assistance completion report technical assistance performance audit report United Nations United Nations Development Programme United States World Trade Organization



ACCSF : Asian Currency Crisis Support Facility, established in March 1999 as an independent component of the Japan Special Fund for countries in the region most affected by the Asian financial crisis; its modalities comprise interest payment assistance, technical assistance grants, and guarantees ADF: Asian Development Fund, ADBs soft-lending window for members with low per capita gross national product and weak debt repayment capacity ARIC: Asia Recovery Information Center, a clearinghouse for information relating to recovery from the Asian financial crisis CFS: complementary financing scheme, a participation modality under which ADB, in addition to a loan from its own resources, makes a complementary loan on market-based terms, funded entirely by participation from market institutions without recourse to ADB for debt service contract award ratio: the ratio of contracts awarded during the year over the value available for contract awards at the beginning of the year credit line: government-guaranteed loan provided to selected financial intermediaries in DMCs for onlending to small and medium private enterprises CSP: country strategy and program, ADBs most important planning and programming document at the country level, prepared every 5 years to identify the countrys development needs, priorities, and strategies disbursement ratio : the ratio of total disbursements during the year over the net loan amount available at the beginning of the year plus the loan amounts of newly approved loans that have become effective during the year; excludes private sector loans DMC: developing member country, refers to a member of ADB and does not imply any view on the part of ADB as to the members sovereignty or independent status INTEGRA: integrated financial management and human resource management information system; an integrated webenabled computer system JFICT: Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology, established in July 2001 to harness the potential of information and communication technology and bridge the growing digital divide in Asia and the Pacific JFPR: Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, established in May 2000 to support ADB-financed projects with innovative poverty reduction and related social development activities on a grant basis in line with ADBs poverty reduction strategy JSF: Japan Special Fund, established in March 1988 and administered by ADB to help its DMCs restructure their economies and broaden the scope for new investments by recycling funds JSP: Japan Scholarship Program, established in 1988 to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of DMCs to undertake postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at selected educational institutions in Asia and the Pacific LTSF: Long-Term Strategic Framework, addresses the major long-term challenges and identifies the strategic agenda for 20012015 to strengthen ADB as an effective development partner for DMCs MTS: Medium-Term Strategy, addresses the medium-term needs and challenges of the region, which ADB will undertake for 20012005 OCR: ordinary capital resources, the interest-bearing window for ADBs ordinary lending operations PAPR: Partnership Agreement on Poverty Reduction, an agreement signed between ADB and governments of DMCs that specifies targets and measures for reducing poverty, and ADBs support toward achieving these objectives. Also known as poverty partnership agreements and poverty reduction partnership agreements. PCR: project completion report, certifies the completion of an ADB project PPA: participatory poverty assessment, a product of consultations with the poor to understand better the nature of poverty and to help formulate poverty reduction programs


PPAR: project/program performance audit report, provides an assessment of the long-run development effectiveness of a project/program program loan: loan provided to support DMCs efforts to improve the policy, institutional, and investment environment of sector development and help meet short-term costs that policy adjustments entail project loan: loan provided to finance a specific project REMU : Regional Economic Monitoring Unit, established in 1999 to support the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in its surveillance of economic developments and to provide inputs relating to the Asian financial crisis through the Asia Recovery Information Center sector development program loan: a lending modality that combines program lending, sector/project lending, and technical assistance under a single assistance window to foster an integrated and long-term approach to sector needs sector loan: loan provided to develop a specific sector or subsector; finances a large number of subprojects in a single sector or subsector TASF: Technical Assistance Special Fund, the principal vehicle for providing technical assistance grants from ADBs own resources

DEFINITIONS 0.0 ... () billion data negligible data not available not applicable not reporting negative 1,000 million

NOTE ON DOLLAR AMOUNTS ADBs financial statements are expressed in current United States dollars. The dollar amounts in this Annual Report refer, unless otherwise stated, to United States dollars current at the time. Since 1 April 1978, when the Second Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) came into effect, the capital stock has been valued for purposes of ADB's financial statements in terms of special drawing rights, at the value in current United States dollars as computed by IMF. For a more detailed discussion, see OCR-8, Notes to Financial Statements of Ordinary Capital Resources.




Asian Development Bank. 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, 0401 Metro Manila, Philippines, P.O. Box 789, 0980 Manila, Philippines; Telephone (63-2) 632-4444; Facsimile (63-2) 636-2444; E-mail:; Web site:

Resident/Regional Missions
Bangladesh Resident Mission. BSL Office Complex, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Hotel Annex, 1 Minto Road, Ramna, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh; Telephone (880-2) 933-4017; Facsimile (880-2) 933-4012; E-mail: Cambodia Resident Mission. 93/95 Norodom Boulevard, Sangkat Boeung Raing, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia; P.O. Box 2436; Telephone (855-23) 215-805/215-806; Facsimile (855-23) 215-807; E-mail: Peoples Republic of China Resident Mission. 7th Floor, Block D, Beijing International Financial Building, 156 Fuxingmennei (Dajie Avenue), Xicheng District, Beijing 100031, Peoples Republic of China; Telephone (86-10) 6642-6600 to 05; Facsimile (86-10) 6642-6606; E-mail: India Resident Mission. Plot No. 4, San Martin Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021, India; P.O. Box 5331; Telephone (91-11) 410-7200; Facsimile (91-11) 687-0955; E-mail: Indonesia Resident Mission. Gedung BRI II, 7th Floor, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 44-46, Jakarta 10210, Indonesia; P.O. Box 99 JKPSA, Jakarta 10350A, Indonesia; Telephone (62-21) 5798-0600; Facsimile (62-21) 5798-0700; E-mail: Kazakhstan Resident Mission. Okan Inter-Continental Hotel; 144 Abai Avenue, Astana 473000, Kazakhstan; Telephone (7-3172) 391-086/391-236; Facsimile (7-3172) 391-087; E-mail: Kyrgyz Resident Mission. Logvinenko Street, 28, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic; Telephone (996-312) 610-870/600-447; Facsimile (996-312) 610-993; E-mail: Lao Resident Mission. Corner of Lane Xang and Samsenthai Road, Vientiane, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic; P.O. Box 9724; Telephone (856-21) 250-444; Facsimile (856-21) 250-333; E-mail: Mongolia Resident Mission. MCS Plaza, 2nd Floor, 4 Natsagdory St., Ulaanbaatar 46, Mongolia; Telephone/Facsimile (976-11) 313-440/323-507; Facsimile (976-11) 311-795; E-mail: Nepal Resident Mission. Srikunj Kamaladi Ward No. 31; Block 2/597, Kathmandu Metropolis; P.O. Box 5017 K.D.P.O., Kathmandu, Nepal; Telephone (977-1) 227-779; Facsimile (977-1) 225-063; E-mail: Pakistan Resident Mission. Overseas Pakistanis Foundation Building, Sharah-e-Jamhuriyat, G-5/2, Islamabad, Pakistan; GPO Box 1863, Islamabad, Pakistan; Telephone (92-51) 282-5011 to 16; Facsimile (92-51) 282-3324/ 227-4718; E-mail: Sri Lanka Resident Mission. 49/14-15 Galle Road, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka; Telephone (94-1) 387-055; Facsimile (94-1) 386-527; E-mail: Uzbekistan Resident Mission. 1, A. Khojaev Street, Shaikhantaur District, Tashkent 700027, Uzbekistan; Telephone (998-71) 120-7921/22/24; Facsimile (998-71) 120-7923; E-mail: Viet Nam Resident Mission. Unit 701-706, Sun Red River Building, 23 Phan Chu Trinh Street, Hoam Kiem District, Hanoi, Viet Nam; Telephone (84-4) 933-1374 to 76; Facsimile (84-4) 933-1373; E-mail: South Pacific Regional Mission. La Casa di Andrea, Fr. Dr. W.H. Lini Highway; P.O. Box 127, Port Vila, Vanuatu; Telephone (678-2) 3300; Facsimile (678-2) 3183; E-mail:


Representative Offices
European Representative Office. Rahmhofstrasse 2-4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Telephone (49-69) 2193-6400; Facsimile (49-69) 2193-6444; E-mail: Japanese Representative Office. Yamato Seimei Building, 1-7 Uchisaiwaicho 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0011, Japan; Telephone (81-3) 3504-3160; Facsimile (81-3) 3504-3165; E-mail: North American Representative Office. 815 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 325, Washington, DC 20006, USA; Telephone (1-202) 728-1500; Facsimile (1-202) 728-1505; E-mail:

Other Offices
Extended Mission in Gujarat. Suite 502 Megh Malhar Tower Sector, 11 Gandhinagar 382017 Gujarat, India; Telephone (91-79) 324-1100/3478; Facsimile (91-79) 324-1028 Extended Mission in Papua New Guinea. Holiday Inn, Suite G-1; CNR Waigani Drive and Wards Road; P.O. Box 8196, Boroko, Papua New Guinea; Telephone (675) 323-9757; Facsimile (675) 323-5771 Philippines Country Office. 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City; 0401 Metro Manila, Philippines; Telephone (63-2) 683-1000; Facsimile (63-2) 683-1030; E-mail:; Web site: Special Office in East Timor. ADB-World Bank Building, Avenida Dos, Direitos Humanos, Dili, East Timor; Telephone/Facsimile (670) 3903-24801; Facsimile (670) 3903-24132

ADB Institute
8th Floor, Kasumigaseki Building, 2-5 Kasumigaseki 3-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6008, Japan; Telephone (81-3) 3593-5500; Facsimile (81-3) 3593-5571; E-mail:; Web site:




ADB Institute ADB Review Agriculture Annual Report Anticorruption Asia Economic Monitor Asian Development Fund Bangladesh Resident Mission Business Opportunities Calendar of Events Cambodia Resident Mission Cofinancing Opportunities Consulting Services Country Assistance Plans Country Economic Reviews Country Operational Strategy Studies Country Operations Depository Library Program Development Topics East and Central Asia East Asia Economics and Statistics Economic Monitor Education Employment Opportunities Energy Environment European Representative Office Evaluation Financial Resources Fisheries Forestry Gender and Development Governance Graduation Policy Greater Mekong Subregion Guarantee Operations Health India Resident Mission Indigenous Peoples 1999/default.asp


Information Inspection Internship Program Involuntary Resettlement Japan Scholarship Program Japan Special Fund Japanese Representative Office Kazakhstan Resident Mission Law and Policy Reform Microfinance Nepal Resident Mission News and Events Newly Industrialized Economies Nongovernment Organizations North American Representative Office Organizational Chart Pacific Pakistan Resident Mission Policies and Strategies Poverty Reduction Private Sector Development Procurement Projects Publications Regional Cooperation Regions and Countries Reorganization Resident Mission Policy South Asia Southeast Asia Sri Lanka Resident Mission Statistics Technical Assistance Technical Assistance Reports Uzbekistan Resident Mission Viet Nam Resident Mission Water Young Professionals Program




(as of 31 December 2001) YEAR SUBSCRIBED VOTING OF CAPITALa POWERb MEMBERSHIP (% of total) (% of total) YEAR SUBSCRIBED VOTING OF CAPITALa POWERb MEMBERSHIP (% of total) (% of total)

Afghanistan Australia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China, Peoples Republic of Cook Islands Fiji Islands Hong Kong, China India Indonesia Japan Kazakhstan Kiribati Korea, Republic of Kyrgyz Republic Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Malaysia Maldives Marshall Islands Micronesia, Federated States of Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal New Zealand Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Taipei,China Tajikistan Thailand Tonga Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uzbekistan Vanuatu Viet Nam Subtotal Regional 1966 1966 1999 1973 1982 1966 1986 1976 1970 1969 1966 1966 1966 1994 1974 1966 1994 1966 1966 1978 1990 1990 1991 1973 1991 1966 1966 1966 1971 1966 1966 1966 1973 1966 1966 1998 1966 1972 2000 1993 1995 1981 1966 0.034 5.892 0.453 1.040 0.006 0.050 6.562 0.003 0.069 0.555 6.447 5.546 15.893 0.821 0.004 5.130 0.305 0.014 2.773 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.015 0.555 0.004 0.150 1.564 2.218 0.096 2.426 0.003 0.347 0.007 0.591 1.109 0.292 1.386 0.004 0.258 0.001 0.686 0.007 0.348 63.674 0.366 5.053 0.701 1.171 0.344 0.379 5.588 0.341 0.394 0.783 5.497 4.776 13.053 0.996 0.342 4.443 0.583 0.350 2.557 0.342 0.341 0.342 0.351 0.783 0.342 0.459 1.590 2.114 0.415 2.280 0.342 0.616 0.344 0.811 1.226 0.572 1.448 0.342 0.545 0.340 0.888 0.344 0.617 65.515

Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Italy The Netherlands Norway Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States Subtotal Nonregional TOTAL 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1970 1966 1966 1966 1966 1986 1966 1967 1991 1966 1966 0.347 0.347 5.327 0.347 0.347 2.370 4.405 1.840 1.045 0.347 0.347 0.347 0.594 0.347 2.080 15.893 36.326 100.000 0.616 0.616 4.600 0.616 0.616 2.235 2.863 1.811 1.175 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.814 0.616 2.003 13.053 34.485 100.000

Note: Figures may not add due to rounding. For other details, see tables on pages 142 and 143. a Subscribed capital refers to a member's subscription to shares of the capital stock of ADB. b The total voting power of each member consists of the sum of its basic votes and proportional votes. The basic votes of each member consist of such number of votes as results from the equal distribution among all members of 20% of the aggregate sum of the basic votes and proportional votes of all members. The number of proportional votes of each member is equal to the number of shares of the capital stock of ADB held by that member. c Portugal was admitted as the 60th member of ADB on 2 April 2002.



The Asian Development Bank (ADB) was established in 1966 through a multilateral agreement ratified by 31 countries.1 It has 60 members, as of 2 April 2002, of which 43 are in Asia and the Pacific. ADB has its headquarters in the Philippines, and has 22 overseas offices, including resident missions in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Peoples Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam; and a country office in the Philippines. ADB also maintains a regional mission for the South Pacific in Vanuatu, extended missions in Gujarat, India and Papua New Guinea, and a Special Office in East Timor. It has representative offices for Europe (based in Frankfurt), for Japan (Tokyo), and North America (Washington, DC). A special liaison office in Kabul, Afghanistan is being organized. special window for loans on concessional terms to members with low per capita gross national product and weak debt-repayment capacity. The ADF is financed by periodic voluntary contributions from donors. Other Special Funds are the Technical Assistance Special Fund; Japan Special Fund; and ADB Institute Special Fund. Other funds managed by ADB are the Japan Scholarship Program; Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction; Japan Fund for Information and Communication Technology; and channel financing of grants provided by bilateral donors to support technical assistance and soft components of loans, including the Canadian Cooperation Fund on Climate Change, Governance Cooperation Fund (initial contribution by Canada), Danish Cooperation Fund on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Rural Areas, Cooperation Fund for the Formulation and Implementation of National Poverty Reduction Strategies and Cooperation Fund on Water Sector (both with initial contributions from The Netherlands), and United Kingdom Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance (Poverty-Focused) in India. Technical assistance activities funded through grants or loans help maximize ADBs development impact. Most technical assistance grants are used for preparing projects and supporting advisory activities in areas such as law and policy reform, fiscal strengthening, good governance, capacity building, and natural resource management. ADB has a triple-A rating and typically raises about $4 billion$5 billion a year from bond issues. It actively mobilizes financial resources through its cofinancing operations, tapping official, commercial, and export credit sources. ADBs assistance to governments creates an enabling environment for private sector development. ADB participates directly in financing private sector projects to assist commercial investors and lenders.

Objective: reduce poverty

ADBs vision is an Asian and Pacific region free of poverty. Its mission is to help its developing member countries (DMCs) reduce poverty and improve their living conditions and quality of life. Its strategic agenda includes sustainable economic growth, inclusive social development, and governance for effective policies and institutions. Three crosscutting themes broaden and deepen the impact of the core areas of intervention promoting the role of the private sector in development, supporting regional cooperation and integration for development, and addressing environmental sustainability. ADBs main instruments in providing help to its DMCs are policy dialogues, loans, technical assistance, grants, guarantees, and equity investments. ADB offers a range of lending modalities and terms; all loans involve conditionalities aimed at improving development performance. About 72% of ADBs cumulative lending comes from its ordinary capital resources (OCR). These comprise paid-in capital, reserves, funds raised through borrowings, and accumulated retained income. In 2001, ADB introduced LIBOR-based loan (LBL) products, with maturity ranges from 15 to 25 years. Effective 1 July 2002, LBLs will be the only choice for borrowers. OCR loans are nonconcessional and are generally made to members that have attained a somewhat higher level of economic development. ADB also provides loans from its Special Funds resources. The Asian Development Fund (ADF) is a Note

Organizational structure
ADBs highest policy-making body is its Board of Governors, which meets annually and comprises one representative from each member. The Governors elect the 12 members of the Board of Directors, with each Director appointing an Alternate. The President is elected by the Board of Governors for a 5-year term and is Chairperson of the Board of Directors. The President, assisted by three Vice-Presidents, manages the business of ADB.

The term country, as used in the context of ADB, refers to a member of ADB and does not imply any view on the part of ADB as to the members sovereignty or independent status.


Robert Salamon, Principal Director, Office of External Relations (OER) and Raveendranath Rajan, Head, Printing and Graphics Section, Office of Administrative Services (OAS), ADB Lynette Mallery and Marcia Samson, OER Cecil Caparas, Lynette Mallery, and Marcia Samson, OER Lhoie Maestro and Judy Yiguez, OAS

Editors Design & Production

Photographs (by chapter) Strengthening Partnerships: Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors Richie Abrina, Rollie del Rosario, and Eric Sales 2001 in Review: Board of Directors Report Richie Abrina, Rollie del Rosario, Ed Haugh, Eric Sales, Marcia Samson, and Susan Tamondong Special Theme: Empowering Nations through Regional Cooperation Rollie del Rosario, Ian Gill, Omana Nair, and Marcia Samson Operational Priorities Ram Cabrera, Joe Cantrell, Carolyn Dedolph, Eric Sales, and Marcia Samson Operations Richie Abrina, Joe Cantrell, Rollie del Rosario, and Marcia Samson Country Reports Ram Cabrera, Ian Gill, Omana Nair, and Marcia Samson Strategic Planning and Support Activities Richie Abrina, Ian Gill, Eric Sales, and Marcia Samson Institutional Matters Richie Abrina, Ram Cabrera, Rollie del Rosario, Marcia Samson, and Edna Villareal Managements Discussion and Analysis and Financial Statements Richie Abrina, Ram Cabrera, Joe Cantrell, Rollie del Rosario, Ian Gill, and Marcia Samson


Dear Reader, We seek your comments on how to get our message across so you may have a better understanding of ADBs work. Thank you for completing this questionnaire. 1 Where do you belong? 1.1 Civil society (professional organization) 1.2 Financial institution 1.3 Government 1.4 International organization 1.5 Library 1.6 News media 1.7 Nongovernment organization 1.8 Private sector 1.9 University/college 1.10 Others___________________________________ What sector do you represent? 2.1 Agriculture and Natural Resources 2.2 Energy 2.3 Finance 2.4 Industry and Nonfuel Minerals 2.5 Social Infrastructure 2.6 Transport and Communications 2.7 Others___________________________________ What section of the Annual Report do you refer to most often? Check one or more. 3.1 Operational and Financial Overview, 2001 3.2 2001 in Review: Board of Directors Report 3.3 Special Theme 3.4 Operational Priorities 3.5 Operations 3.6 Country Reports 3.7 Strategic Planning and Support Activities 3.8 Institutional Matters 3.9 Managements Discussion and Analysis 3.10 Statistical Annex 3.11 Appendixes How can we improve the Annual Reports presentation? 4.1 Charts ______________________________________________________ 4.2 Content ________________________________________________________ 4.3 Photos ________________________________________________________ 4.4 Tables ________________________________________________________ 4.5 Writing Style ________________________________________________________ Other Comments ________________________________________________________ 5 On which areas of ADB operations would you like more information? 5.1 Economic growth 5.2 Environmental protection 5.3 Gender and development 5.4 Globalization 5.5 Governance 5.6 Human development 5.7 Information and communication technology 5.8 Law and policy reform 5.9 Poverty reduction 5.10 Private sector development 5.11 Regional cooperation 5.12 Social protection 5.13 Trade 5.14 Urban development 5.15 Others___________________________________ What is your most preferred version of the Annual Report? 6.1 CD-ROM 6.2 Print 6.3 Web site

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