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Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.


Part 56.
Once And For All!
''He hath swallowed up death for ever; and the Lord Jehovah will wipe away tears from off all faces;
and the reproach of his people will he take away from off all the earth: for Jehovah hath spoken it.'' Isa
25: 8. ASV.
In the book of Leiti!"s #e read$ ''And it shall be when he is guilty in one of these, he shall confess
that in which he has sinned. And he shall bring his trespass offering to Jehovah for his sin which he has
sinned, a female from the flock, a lamb or a doe of the goats, for a sin offering. And the priest shall make
an atonement for him for his sin.'' Le 5:5%6. &'(V.
This is the first )ention that I a) a#are of on the tea!hing of !onfession of sin * sin offerings or
sa!rifi!es. The fo++o#ing a+so doe%tai+s #ith o"r the)e. In this arti!+e I hae )ade the first fe# ,ages
)ore of a bib+e st"d- * so #e #i++ be ."oting a n")ber of te/ts$ if -o" #i++ take the ti)e * effort to
,+o"gh thro"gh these I a) s"re that -o" #i++ be #e++ re#arded in the end. After the fo"rth ,age the tenor
of the )essage a+ters into easier reading.
''And when he has made an end of reconciling the sanctuary % ho+- ,+a!e % and the tabernacle of
the congregation and the altar, he shall bring the live goat. And Aaron shall lay both his hands on the
head of the live goat, and confess over him all the sins of the sons of srael, and all their transgressions
in all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat, and shall send away by the hand of a chosen man
into the wilderness. And the goat shall bear on him all their sins to a land in which no one lives. And he
shall let the goat go in the wilderness.'' Le 06:21%22. &'(V.
This a+so is the first tea!hing in the 2T that I !an find on the laying on of hands. 3hen in
4ebre#s 6 #e are to+d to leave the do!trines of re,entan!e of dead #orks +a-ing on of hands et! * that
#e are to go on into perfection, #hat the #riter is referring to$ he is sa-ing that #e are to +eae a++ of
#hat is #ritten in the +a# regarding these +ega+is)s. ''Let us go on ! get past the elementary stage of
where we have come from.'' P+ease kee, in )ind that the greater ,art of the book of 4ebre#s is #ritten to
those #ho hae !o)e o"t of ("dais) * is infor)ing the) that there is a far better * greater sa!rifi!e or
!oenant * that there sho"+d not be an- need to be relaying again the fo"ndation of re,entan!e *
abandon)ent fro) 2T dead #orks * a+so to +eae the do!trine of ba,tis)s. 3hat ba,tis)s5 2T
#ashings6 This ,arti!"+ar #ord ba,tis)s is fro) the 2T #ord for #ashings * the Diag+ott des!ribes
the) as dipping"s or washings$ this #ord is on+- )entioned fo"r or fie ti)es in the 7T * is only
referring to 2T #ashings$ &k 8: 9 * 8 * then again in 4eb ::01 as #e++ as 4eb 6 #hi!h is referring on+-
to the e/terna+ r"+es * reg"+ations for the bod- ;7TIL the refor)ation of the co!plete ne" order
instit"ted b- (es"s Christ #hi!h is to "s a once # for all re,entan!e. So the #riter of 4ebre#s is sa-ing
to +eae a++ of this * not to be rehashing it again * again$ "nfort"nate+- )an- toda- kee, going ba!k *
rehashing these erses si),+- be!a"se the- are not "nderstood in their tr"e !onte/t. I a) !onin!ed that
#e a++ toda- need to rea+ise #hat is )eant #hen 4ebre#s te++ "s a n")ber of ti)es 27C< A7D =2R ALL$
#hi!h a+so in!+"des the )eaning of the #ord AL3A>S.
''And they shall confess their ini#uity, and the ini#uity of their fathers, in their trespass which they
trespassed against me, and also that, because they walked contrary unto me, also walked contrary unto
them, and brought them into the land of their enemies: if then their uncircumcised heart be humbled, and
they then accept of the punishment of their iniuity; then will remember my covenant with Jacob; and
also my covenant with saac, and also my covenant with Abraham will remember; and will remember
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
the land.'' Le 26:91%92. ASV.
P+ease noti!e that these ,eo,+e #ere to accept the p$nish!ent of or for their ini."it- #hi!h
!onsisted of the b+ood sa!rifi!es of ani)a+s #hi!h #as on+- for a ,eriod of ti)e or one year. In!identa++-
the- did not need to !onfess their sins for one -ear. Toda- as #e are "nder the ne# !oenant #hose
sa!rifi!e do #e no# a!!e,t #hi!h is not for one -ear b"t a once # for all or forever sa!rifi!e5

In reading 4ebre#s ::6%05. 3e find that the #riter )entions the ,riests #o"+d !ontin"a++- go into
the first taberna!+e #hi!h is the holy place * #o"+d f"+fi+ the needed seri!es$ b"t into the se!ond$ that is
the !ost holy place the high ,riest #o"+d go in a+one on+- once a year #ith b+ood #hi!h #as offered for
the errors of the ,eo,+e ''$ow much more shall the blood of %hrist, who through the eternal &pirit
offered himself without spot to 'od, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living 'od(''
4eb ::09. '(V.
This is so)ething that is a )ost ne!essar-$ #onderf"+ * ,ertinent "nderstanding for "s toda- *
that is that o"r !ons!ien!e !an be co!pletely p$rged fro) dead #orks of #hi!h ,art of this is a
!ons!io"sness of sins #hi!h in!+"des the !onstant !onfessing of sins. This #e #i++ be +ooking at +itt+e
dee,er f"rther on in the arti!+e.

''the $oly &pirit points out that the way into the )true $oly of* $olies is not yet thrown open as
long as the former )the outer portion of the* tabernacle remains a recognised institution and is still
standing, &eeing that that first !outer portion of the" tabernacle or 4o+- P+a!e % was a parable +a
visible symbol or type or picture of the present age,. n it gifts and sacrifices are offered, and yet are
incapable of perfecting the conscience or of cleansing and renewing the inner man of the worshipper.''
4eb ::8%:. A),. This erse #o"+d a+so te++ "s that a+tho"gh "nder the +a# the !onfession of sins #as
#aied for one -ear it #as sti++ -et in!a,ab+e of ,erfe!ting the !ons!ien!e.
&a- ?od b+ess ea!h of those #ho are reading this. To )oe on @@how much more shall the blood
of #hrist$ who through the eternal &pirit offered $imself without blemish unto 'od, cleanse your
conscience from dead works to serve the living 'od( And for this cause $e is the mediator of a new
covenant, that a death having taken place for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the
first covenant, they that have been called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance.'' ASV.
4ere #e are to+d that a death has taken ,+a!e. 3h-5 =or the rede!ption of transgressions. If
the sa!rifi!e b- Christ is no# once # for all or foreer$ #h- is o"r !onfession of sins not a+so once # for
all or foreer5 Verse 02. If #e !annot do this then #e are sa-ing that the b+ood of b"++s * goats #hi!h
did a#a- #ith !onfession of sins at an- ti)e for 0 -ear is )ore ,o#erf"+ than the b+ood of Christ$ so)e
een insist on !onfession of sins at eer- )eeting. The b+ood of Christ is a once and for all sa!rifi!e.
''t was necessary therefore that the copies of the things in the heavens should be cleansed with
these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. -or %hrist entered not into
a holy place made with hands, like in pattern to the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear before the
face of 'od for us: nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy
place year by year with blood not his own; else must he often have suffered since the foundation of the
world: but now once at the end of the ages hath he been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of
Himself. And inasmuch as it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this cometh .udgement; so
%hrist also, having been once offered to bear the sins of many$ shall appear a second time, apart from
sin$ to them that wait for him, unto salvation.'' 4eb ::2A%28. ASV.
The #ord !any is to be "nderstood b- reading the !onte/t as fo"nd in Ro) 5:08%0: erified b-
>o"ngs$ Con!ordant$ Diag+ott * )an- others$ #hi!h si),+- )eans the !any or a++ of )ankind. 3e no#
ask the ."estion$ ho# often did Israe+ !onfess their sins5 Ans#er$ on!e a -ear$ does it not start+e "s that
the b+ood of b"++s * goats took a#a- an- !onfession of sins for a #ho+e -ear * -et for )ost the b+ood of
(es"s does not hae the ,o#er to take it a#a- for one se!ond$ een after #e are to+d that 4e has put away
sin * -et a!!ording to the ,ra!tise of )ost in the !h"r!h #or+d it #o"+d see) that the b+ood of b"++s *
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
goats are s",erior$ b"t kno# this that the %lood of &es$s is far s$perior. The )ani,"+ation * !ontro+ that
the !h"r!h #or+d has fa++en "nder in this g"i+t ridden re+igion has been added to again * again so that the-
!annot !ond"!t a seri!e #itho"t ,ointing o"t fa"+ts * sins * bringing the ,eo,+e "nder their
!onde)nation * their !ontro+. The #ho+e des,i!ab+e !r- is !onfess -o"r sins again * again. It is the
#orst +ie in so !a++ed Christendo) * does des,ite to the s,irit of gra!e * this +ie is a re,roa!h of the
#orst kind. It is a #onderf"+ thing that toda- that the !oer is being +ifted off this terrib+e error * that #e
are being en+ightened to the tr"e +ibert- * freedo) of !o)ing into an e/,erien!e of a +iberated
!ons!ien!e$ +iberated in that #e toda- kno# that ?od is not ho+ding an- of o"r ,ast$ ,resent or f"t"re
transgressions$ sins or errors against "s * that ?od in 4is )er!- has sent 4is on+- Son to bear the sins of
the !any on!e and for a++. &an- hae been hood #inked b- those #ho do not kno# an- better$ #hat #e
are de!+aring toda- #o"+d so"nd +ike a ,i,e drea) both to the +ait- * the )isinfor)ed !+erg-. It is a+so
the breaking of a STR27?42LD that has a i!e gri, on those #ho are sti++ in the d#ind+ing o"ter !o"rt *
ho+- ,+a!es.
%ertaining &o &he #onscience!
''-or the law having a shadow of the good things to come, not the very image of the things, can never
with the same sacrifices year by year, which they offer continually, make perfect them that draw nigh.
/lse would they not have ceased to be offered( because the worshippers, having been once cleansed,
would have had no more consciousness of sins.'' 4eb 01:0%2. A)eri!an Standard.
3here it states not the very image in the aboe erse the A),+ified reads th"s: ''the Law has
merely a rude outline +foreshadowing, of the good things to come'' If there #as an- irt"e in these
sa!rifi!es to "s for toda-$ the- +ike the rest of the +a# #o"+d neer hae been o"tdated * oerr"+ed b"t as
o"r #riter te++s "s that these #ere nothing )ore than a r$de o$tline' A+so if #e are going to insist on
!onfessing sins #e are defeating the #ho+e ,"r,ose for ChristBs sa!rifi!e #hi!h #as not to free ,eo,+e of
!onfessing their sin for 02 )onths$ b"t 4is sa!rifi!e #as to free the) foreer: ONCE AND (OR A))'
Co)ing ba!k to 4ebre#s ::8%01.$ #e read ''but into the second % )ost ho+- ,+a!e % the high priest
alone, once in the year, not without blood, which he offereth for himself, and for the errors of the people:
''the $oly &pirit this signifying, that the way into the most holy place % or ho+iest of a++ % hath not yet been
made manifest, while the first tabernacle is yet standing; which is a figure for the time present;
according to which are offered both gifts and sacrifices that cannot, as touching the conscience$ make the
worshipper perfect, being only +with meats and drinks and divers washings, carnal ordinances, imposed
until a time of reformation.'' 4eb ::8%01. ASV. This a+so e/,+ains * enfor!es o"r !o))ents aboe.
A+so noti!e that the +a# ''as touching the conscience cannot make the worshipper perfect'''
&his (s &he )onderful %urpose For &his Article!
''And cut through and make firm and plain and smooth$ straight paths for your feet )yes, make them
safe and upright and happy paths that go in the right direction", so that the lame and halting )limbs*
may not be put out of *oint$ but rather may be cured.'' 4eb 02:0A. A),.
3hat a #onderf"+ erse this is. 3e need as )"!h as ,ossib+e to )ake fir) * ,+ain * s)ooth
straight ,aths for the s,irit"a+ feet of ?ods ,eo,+e * gie the) safe$ ha,,- * !ontented ,aths that go in
the right direction, 2"r !on!ern is to be that the +a)e * ha+ting )a- not be ,"t o$t of *oint b"t rather
)a- %e c$red * #hat better #a- to be !"red than to kno# that that the sa!rifi!e of (es"s is a once # for
all$ and as far as the east is fro! the "est$ that 4e is not re#arding an- )an a!!ording to their fa"+ts *
sins * #i++ not ho+d the) against "s eer again. Sin!e Ca+ar- a++ sin * sin !ons!io"sness is finished *
DONE A+A, +ITH' The #onderf"+$ #onderf"+ ne#s is that #hereas the o+d +a# !o"+d not )ake "s
,erfe!t as ,ertaining to the !ons!ien!e$ b"t in Christ #e !an be perfect as regards the !ons!ien!e. The
#ord conscience is fro) t#o #ords$ C2 * SCI<7C< or t#o s!ien!es Coined together. There is a s!ien!e
of the )ind #hi!h is one of )enta+it-$ "nder the +a# this s!ien!e #o"+d te++ "s that #e are g"i+t- of sins$
the )ind a!!e,ted this " which is sin consciousness " * the )ind #as ,ers"aded that sin #o"+d se,arate "s
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
fro) ?od. 3e sti++ hae the sa)e iss"e "nder the ne# !oenant inas)"!h that the kno#+edge "nder the
ne# !oenant is different fro) the first !oenant in that the +a# #as gien to reea+ sin. 7o# #ith the
gos,e+ of gra!e this C2%SCI<7C< or the other side of the conscio$sness #as gien to reea+
righteo"sness * no !ore conscio$sness of sins. 7o# #e are either going to hae a !ons!ien!e that is
+inked ", to the +a# that te++s -o" that -o" are a g"i+t- sinner or !ontra%#ise #e hae a coscience of faith
#hi!h be+iees in the f"++ sa!rifi!e of (es"s * e)bra!es * be+iees that -o" are the righteo$sness of
God. 2"r !ons!ien!e needs to %e cleared. Let "s read the fo++o#ing.
''0hich stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings$ and carnal ordinances, imposed
on them until the time of reformation.'' 4eb ::01. '(V.
=irst of a++ the #ord #ashings here is e/a!t+- the sa)e #ord fo"nd in 4eb 6:2$ #here it s,eaks of
the do!trine of ba,tis)s. 7oti!e that these things #ere i!posed ",on the) $nti+ the refor!ation * that
refor)ation took ,+a!e. 3hen * #here5 At the !ross * the re%g+orifi!ation of (es"s. 3e need to rea+ise
that #e no +onger need to go ba!k to these things )entioned in the first ,art of 4eb 6.
''1ut %hrist being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect
tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; +either by the blood of goats and
calves, but by his own blood he entered in O+#, into the % &ost % holy place, having obtained eternal
redemption for us.'' 4eb ::00%02.. '(V. 7oti!e not of this b"i+dingD 3here is ?ods b"i+ding or
taberna!+e or te),+e toda-5 3e are the taberna!+e or te),+e of ?od. %an we receive it( A+so noti!e that
#e are infor)ed that Christ entered in ONCE, or on!e * for a++.
Verse 0A.''-or if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean,
sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh:'' P+ease noti!e that this #as on+- * ,"re+- for the f+esh * nothing
e+se. The sa!rifi!e of Christ dea+s #ith the 342L< )an s,irit$ so"+ * bod-. 3e )ight a+so sa- that there
!annot be an- tr$e *$stification of the f+esh thro"gh the +a#.
Verse.09 ''How much more shall the blood of %hrist, who through the eternal &pirit offered
himself without spot to 'od, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living 'od( 2n!e
again #e iterate$ 4eb 6:0b$ not laying again the fo"ndation of re,entan!e fro) dead "or-s * the faith
to#ard ?od as ,er "nder the +a#. The #ho+e book of 4ebre#s is an e/,+anation of #hat the- did in the
o+d !oenant * to sho# ho# )"!h a better !oenant #e hae in the 7e#. >et b- )ost a+)ost #itho"t
e/!e,tion 4eb 6 is sti++ ta"ght as the fo"ndationa+ tea!hing of the 7e# Coenant Ch"r!h. This #e are
to+d to +eae %ehind * go on to .ER(ECTION. 7ot on+- are dead "or-s )entioned b"t in!+"ded is the
tea!hing of 2T "ashings "nder the +a# that #e are to leave %ehind.
Verse 05. '' And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for
the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might
receive the promise of eternal inheritance.'' Let "s +ook er- !+ose+- at the !ontent of this erse * absorb
C"st #hat it )eans. That b- )eans of death for the REDE/.TION of the transgressions or SINS that
#ere "nder the (IRST TESTA/ENT' In other #ords$ @@(es"s has redee)ed "s fro) the !"rse of the
)A+'00 So that the- #hi!h are !a++ed #o"+d re!eie the ,ro)ise of eternal inheritance'
7o# I a) going to ."ote #hat )a-be to )an- the )ost i),ortant te/t in this arti!+e f"rther)ore it
)a-be the )ost i),ortant te/t !on!erning the clearing of yo$r conscience that -o" #i++ eer read * if
#e #i++ be+iee it$ it #i++ )ake -o" a ne# ,erson in -o"r "nderstanding.
''for the law works wrath; but where there is +O -A)$ neither is there transgression''' Ro)
9:05. ASV. The #ords #here there is no la" there is no transgression )eans C"st this no sin or sin
conscio$sness' Are #e "nder the +a#5 726 3e are no +onger "nder the +a#D 3hat Pa"+ #rote he )eant
* it is #ritten to -o" * I. This sin !ons!io"s !h"r!h #or+d )indset that has been handed do#n to "s$
!arries #ith it a terrib+e g"i+t !ons!io"sness. 7o# to )ake it a +itt+e !+earer #e no# ."ote fro) the Easy
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
To Read ersion. ''because the law can only bring 'od's anger on those who disobey it. 1ut if there is
no law, then there is nothing to disobey.'' Ro) 9:05. <RV.
&an- toda- sti++ insist that the +a#$ the o+d !oenant is sti++ in og"e this is #h- the- are sti++ "nder
the i),ression that o"r sa+ation * righteo"sness de,ends on #hat #e do. The- are sti++ "nder the +a# of
the o+d !oenant. E"t Pa"+ #o"+d dare to sa- to "s that are "nder the ne# !oenant the la" is co!pletely
finished' ''1ut if there is +O -A) there is nothing to disobey. there is +O &.A+/0.,//(O+.'' Did -o"
get it5 ?ra!e is tota++- the o,,osite to la"6 La# e."a+s transgression * dead #orks$ ?ra!e e."a+s free
righteo$sness. 2"r righteo"sness has nothing to do #ith o"r a!tions$ -o" !annot #ork for it$ it is a free
gift' 4o# is -o"r !ons!ien!e5 Is it being !+eared fro) dead #orks -et5 The re,etitie !onfession of sins
is not a Christ do!trine for the be+ieer * #e !o"+d een "se the ter) that it is an Anti!hrist do!trine. I
re,eat that an- tea!hing that #o"+d infer that the finished #ork of Christ$ the !ross * the re%g+orifi!ation
of the Son of ?od is not eno"gh to hae not on+- taken a#a- o"r sins * !onfession of sins once and for
all does des,ite to the s,irit of ?ra!e * is to be s,oken against$ a+so to be once # for all ,"t right o"t of
o"r thinking.
&he +eed Of &he )ater!
The #ord #ashings #as )entioned ear+ier * so ,ro),ted these tho"ghts. 3ater is a )ost interesting
s"bCe!t * I fee+ that it needs to be !onsidered. ;niersa++- #e find that it re,resents one of the )ost
i),ortant * ne!essar- e+e)ents in the ,h-si!a+ "nierse. 3e find it in o"r ast o!eans$ !o),rising b- far
the +argest ,art of the earth@s s"rfa!e. 3e find it in the a,o"r of o"r of o"r skies$ #e find it for)ing the
+argest ,ro,ortion of o#n o"r bodies * eer-thing that #e !a++ so+id * s"bstantia+ in this #or+d. It is a
fig"re of ,"rit- * refreshing of ."i!kening +ife * ,o#er$ of astness * ab"ndan!e. 3itho"t it +ife !o"+d
not be s"stained for one )o)ent. Eib+i!a++- it too is an a+)ost ine/ha"stib+e s"bCe!t. 2"r )otie here
toda- is not to gie an-one an- arg")ent on #hat an- of "s be+iee regarding #ater s!ri,t"ra++- as there
is tr"th in a++ areas of this s"bCe!t$ so)e )a- hae )ore +ight than others$ be that as it )a- I #ish to bring
to "s a++ so)ething that so)e )a- not hae as -et !onsidered. In the taberna!+e ,+an the +aer #as the
se!ond arti!+e of f"rnit"re )entioned * #e !o"+d no do"bt fi++ o"r arti!+e #ith infor)ation regarding this.
It is )ost interesting that the o+")e of o"r fao"rite book finishes #ith these #onderf"+ #ords in Re
22: 08b ''Let him that is athirst come; and whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely''' So #e
see that #ater in a++ as,e!ts is a er- i),ortant ,art of the taberna!+e ,+an * the )essage it !ontains
#hi!h a+so is the )essage of the 7T. After the ,riests #ashed in the +aer$ b- then the- had a+read- seen
the)se+es in the ,o+ished brass +ooking )irrors * a!ted a!!ording+-$ the ,riesthood had to be set a,art
b- !+eansing. 3e are a+so to+d er- i),ortant+- that these ,riests #ere to ''Let them wash themselves
selves with water that they die not.'' the reason that I a) #riting this is to +et -o" kno# that I kno# " as
some others realise " the i),ortan!e of #hat a++ of this )eant. E"t right here * no# I #ish to sa- that
there is so)ething even !ore i!portant * that is that a++ to do #ith the o"ter !o"rt * the ho+- ,+a!e
#ere on+- t-,es * shado#s of * for the rea+it- of the !ost holy place #hi!h is fo"nd on+- #ithin )an$
the s,irit"a+ ,art of )an #hi!h is co!pletely s,irit"a+ * no a!t"a+ nat"ra+ #ater !an be an- ,art of the
e."ation$ a++ the rest is a +ead ",$ I sa- again$ a t-,e$ * the f"++ e/,erien!e is fo"nd on+- in )an@s diinit-
#hi!h is a !o),+ete+- s,irit"a+ e/,erien!e. Once every year the 4igh Priest #ent into the &ost 4o+-
P+a!e to )ake an offering for the ,eo,+e$ of !o"rse )ost of "s rea+ise that he #as a forer"nner as it #ere
of o"r Lord (es"s #ho has no# entered into the tr"e &ost 4o+- P+a!e not on!e eer- -ear$ b"t hear it
3e !annot take an- of the first t#o +itera+ e/,erien!es be it of #ater or an-thing e+se fro) the
o"ter !o"rt or ho+- ,+a!e into the )ost ho+- ,+a!e$ for the )ost ho+- ,+a!e is not no# a +itera+ fie sensed
nat"ra+ ,+a!e " as in the tabernacle " it@s f"+fi+)ent is fo"nd on+- #ithin )an@s Christ identit- #hi!h is
fo"nd #ithin that for #hi!h the #ho+e of #hat the taberna!+e stands for * that is &A7$ a++ the +itera+ is
done a#a- #ithin the s,irit"a+ god+iness of )an. The +itera+ !an neer f"+fi+ the tr"e intended goa+ of ?od
for o"r +ies. 4ear these #ords fro) the ,en of (. E. Phi++i,s.
''-or if there are prophecies they will be fulfilled and done with, if there are 5tongues5 the
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
need for them will disappear, if there is knowledge it will be swallowed up in truth. -or our knowledge is
always incomplete and our prophecy is always incomplete, and when the complete comes, that is the end
of the incomplete.
0hen was a little child talked and felt and thought like a little child. 2ow that
am a man my childish speech and feeling and thought have no further significance for me.'' 0Co 0A:8.%
00. Phi++i,s. This )a- !o)e as a s"r,rise to so)e b"t there are )an- toda- #ho are in fa!t f"+fi++ing a
great ,art of the aboe erses$ +et "s re)e)ber that ?od@s forer"nners in an- era first enter in * take
?od@s ,ro)ises b- faith. Look at Abraha)$ ''concerning the promises counting those things which were
not as though they already were'' and so it #as !o"nted to hi) as righteo"sness.

As #e hae )entioned before the #ho+e ,+an of the taberna!+e re,resents )an@s bod- so"+ * s,irit$
the s,irit is the ,art of )an that is !o),+ete+- "nseen. Ada! can never %e holy and Christ can never
sin1 Ada) is the o"ter or that #hi!h is seen. Christ is o"r tr"e identit- or 4e that is #ithin * is not
seen1 So #hat #e are sa-ing is that in )an@s diinit- #hi!h is ,"re+- s,irit"a+$ an- for) of nat"ra+ earth+-
#ater #i++ not * !annot hae an- ,art of the agenda as there is )ore to !o)e * it is !a++ed .ER(ECTION.
A &hird %art 6ust 0o &hrough &he Fire!
In the 0A
Cha,ter of &atthe# erse AA #e read. ''As for what was sown on good soil, this is he who
hears the )ord and grasps and comprehends it; he indeed bears fruit and yields in one case a hundred
times as much as was sown, in another si7ty times as much, and in another thirty''' &at 0A:2A. A),.
The fr"it that is indi!ated here is not ne!essari+- the fr"it of the #inning of so"+s for in erse 29
&atthe# )entions that this is ''like a man who sowed good seed in his field.'' I #o"+d take this to )ean
the seed I a) so#ing in )- o#n ,ersona+ fie+d$ that is #ithin )- o#n +ife. I #as )ost definite+- gien
these te/ts * tho"ghts on+- toda-. Thirtyfold, si2tyfold # one h$ndredfold' P+ease noti!e that there
are three se,arate !ategories ."ite ,+ain+- gien here. Is it !oin!iden!e that there is$ 3. an o"ter !o"rt
e/,erien!e$ then$ 4. a ho+- ,+a!e e/,erien!e$ then a+so )ost i),ortant of a++ 5. a )ost ho+- ,+a!e
e/,erien!e that is in the #onderf"+ taberna!+e ,+an gien to &oses5 3e toda- er- i),ortant+- need to
."er- #hat is the S,irit #anting "s to "nderstand in * b- these t-,es * shado#s5 Let "s no# a+so ask
o"rse+es #here e+se in the #ord !an I find a si)i+ar "nderstanding that #o"+d doe%tai+ * e/,+ain )ore
!+ear+- #hat #e need to hear * #o"+d enhan!e this "nderstanding in a f"rther dee,er #a-5 In the 0A
!ha,ter * the 8
erse of the book of Fe!hariah #e read a )ost i),ortant ,ro,he!-.
''And in all the land, says the Lord, two2thirds shall be cut off and perish, but one2third shall be
left alive. And will bring the third part through the fire$ and will refine them as silver is refined and
will test them as gold is tested' 3hey will call on 4y name, and will hear and answer them. will say, (t
is 6y people; and they will say, &he -ord is my 0od''' Fe!h 0A:8%:. A),.
This erse is referring to the )an%!hi+d forer"nners. This )a- so"nd a +itt+e harsh at first b"t as #e
begin to "nderstand that #hen #e are to+d that on+- one third sha++ be +eft a+ie it !ertain+- does not )ean
that the Lord is r"nning aro"nd s+a-ing so"+s that do not )eet 4is !riteria * !a"sing the) to ,erish
foreer$ 726 That #hi!h is being !"t off * to ,erish is both the o"ter !o"rt * ho+- ,+a!e "nderstandings
the t"o thirds #hi!h #o"+d inhibit o"r e/,erien!ing the f"++ "nderstanding of that #hi!h is #ithin
na)e+- the f"++ e/,erien!e of o"r tr"e identit- in the /OST HO), .)ACE' &ost of "s #o"+d "nderstand
that$ ''He takes away the first so to establish the second''' That #hi!h is not being +eft a+ie are the first
t#o e/,erien!es #hi!h hae to do #ith fie sensed f+esh )an. Is not the ,+an of ?od a ,erfe!t one5
Those #ho 4e is ,resering here are the ONE THIRD #ho are ,assing thro"gh the fire * being refined as
si+er * a+so being tested as go+d for ,"rit-. These are those #ho #i++ !ertain+- !a++ on 4is na)e #ith
,o#er$ be heard$ * definite ans#ers #i++ be great+- forth!o)ing$ these are those sons that the g+or- is
abo"t to be reea+ed to * !onferred ",on$ these are the- #ho !reation is +onging earnest+- for the
dis!+os"re$ the reea+ing of their son%shi, * ?od #i++ sa- it is )- ,eo,+e * the- #i++ sa-$ The )ord is !y
God1 These are )ost !ertain+- the THIRD ,art$ those #ho are in the ONE H6NDRED(O)D gro", *
hae +eft the si/t-fo+d * the thirt-fo+d. E"t Fe!hariah is not -et finished as he has )ore to sa- in his
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
,ro,he!- !on!erning these +ast da-s. Let "s no# +ook at the 06
erse of the 09
!ha,ter thro"gh to the
erse * rea+ise that ?od is "sing hi) in his then "nderstanding of the taberna!+e ,+an to en!o"rage "s
toda-. This #hat #e are bringing to -o" toda- are #onderf"+ ,ro,heti!a+ ge)s for those #ho #o"+d
kno# f"rther the #i++ of ?od for this da- * age.

'' And everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from
year to year to worship the 5ing, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of &abernacles or 8ooths.
And it shall be that whoso of the families of the earth shall not go up to Jerusalem to worship the 5ing,
the Lord of hosts, upon them there shall be no rain' And if the family of ,gypt does not go up to
Jerusalem and present themselves, upon them there shall be no rain, but there shall be the plague with
which the Lord will smite the nations that go not up to keep the -east of 3abernacles. 3his shall be the
conse#uent punishment of the sin of /gypt and the conse#uent punishment of the sin of all the nations
that do not go up to keep the Feast of &abernacles.'' Fe!h 09:06%0:. A),+ified.

3ithin the fo"r erses aboe are hidden so)e #onderf"+ tr"ths. Looking at this thro"gh the
,ro,heti!a+ ein$ the rain in truth is referring to the rain of the s,irit. 2ne g+aring a,,+i!ation is that #hen
it refers to &er$sale! I see this as #hen the da- of Pente!ost #as !o)e #hi!h #as of !o"rse in (er"sa+e)
* on this da- #hen the rain #as ,o"red o"t it "shered in the beginning of the !o),+ete tr"e taberna!+e
,+an in #hi!h of !o"rse #as !ontained the f"++ "nderstanding * tr"e f"+fi+)ent of the of the !ost holy
place or ta%ernacle e/,erien!e #hi!h ?od is no# f"++- bringing to ,ass b- the o"t%)oding of the for)er
t"othirds of that #hi!h is o"tside the )ost ho+- ,+a!e. As ?od intends in ti)e to bring every )an in
every nation to a f"++ e/,erien!e in 4i)se+f$ 4e #i++ +eae no stone "nt"rned to a!!o),+ish this for in
tr"th ?od +oes the Christ$ the tr"e identit- #hi!h is hidden in eer- )an * so 4e #i++ eent"a++- bring
a++ the nations to see * #orshi, 4i)se+f in Spirit # in tr$th #hi!h is to #orshi, in the tr"e
"nderstanding of the (east of Ta%ernacles #hi!h #i++ be )ost ,rofitab+e to a++$ for 4e is no res,e!t%er of
an- ,erson. =or is 4e not the Saio"r of all !en 'especially' the) that be+iee5 I Ti) 9:01.
Referring on!e again to (er"sa+e) #e find in 4eb02:22a$ ''1ut rather you have come to 6ount
9ion$ even to the city of the living 0od, the heavenly Jerusalem''' Re)e)bering again that if #e are a
city set on a hill$ this is on!e again attesting to that #hi!h #e are being bro"ght into is fo"nd na)e+-
#ithin o"rse+es if we can receive it. To f"rther enhan!e o"r the)e #e find in erses 26b * 28 of this
sa)e !ha,ter. 6et once more ( will shake and make tremble not only the earth but also the heavens.
2ow this e7pression, 6et once more$ indicates the final removal and transformation of all !that can be"
shaken""that is, of that which has been created""in order that what cannot be shaken may remain and
The heaens referred to here are the "nderstandings of o"r in ,art or t"o thirds s,irit"a+
,er!e,tions #hi!h are tr"+- being shaken. This sha++ be the !onse."ent ,"nish)ent of the sin of <g-,t
and the !onse."ent ,"nish)ent of the sin of a++ the nations that do not go $p to -eep the (east of
Ta%ernacles. Let "s on!e again iterate the ,"nish)ent #hi!h is the "ithholding of rain * the reason for
itD -es$ #e )"st kee, in )ind the reason for it is bless 'od that #e #o"+d !o)e into that #hi!h )an- are
ref"sing. Can #e not no# see the +oe * the gra!e for a++ )en is to bring their #i++s into s"b)ission to
that #hi!h is g+orio"s * for their o#n ,erfe!tion$ "nfort"nate+- o"r f+esh$ o"r t"o thirds, o"r )istaken
identit- do not #ant to +et go of that #hi!h see)s good in o$r o"n eyes b"t is "nfort"nate+- to o"r o#n
detri)ent$ b"t #onderf"+ ass"ran!e is o"rs as #e are on!e again re)inded that as I a) +ifted ", in the
earth$ all !en or the !any sha++ be dra#n into the f"++ e/,erien!e of the (east of Ta%ernacles' (ohn
02:A2. A++ this is )ade ,ossib+e b- the re%g+orif-ing of Christ #ho is a ONCE AND (OR A)) sa!rifi!e.

8ehold ( #ome :uickly!
''$ear the word of the Lord, you who tremble at $is word: 6our brethren who hate you, who cast you out
for 6y name's sake, have said, -et the -ord be glorified, that we may see your .oy8 1ut it is they who
shall be put to shame. )$ark8* An uproar from the city8 A voice from the temple8 3he voice of the Lord,
rendering recompense to $is enemies8 1efore )9ion* travailed, she gave birth; before her pain came
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
upon her, she was delivered of a male child. 0ho has heard of such a thing( 0ho has seen such things(
/hall a land be born in one day( :r shall a nation be brought forth in a moment( -or as soon as 9ion
was in labour, she brought forth her children. &hall bring to the )moment of* birth and not cause to
bring forth( says the Lord. /hall ( )ho causes to bring forth shut the womb; says your 'od.'' Isa 66:5%
:. A),+ified.
The first ,art of this erse is no do"bt referring to the ,ro,heti!a+ )essage that Isaiah * his
fo++o#ers #ere de!+aring to the rest of Israe+ #hi!h of !o"rse #as not re!eied$ this of !o"rse has been *
is a !onsistent rea!tion #hen eer ,ro,heti!a+ tr"th is de!+ared. 4ark an $proar fro) the te),+e * fro)
the !it- of Fion. 2n!e again the first thing that #e see here is se,aration$ -o"r brothers #ho hated -o"$
#ho !ast -o" o"t$ "nfort"nate+- it has a+#a-s been the !ase that reea+ed$ ", to date tr"th #i++ in )an-
!ases se,arate brethren. 7oti!e !aref"++- that those #ho are not re!eiing Isaiah@s #ord are sa-ing let the
)ord %e glorified. 2n!e again #e see a diision bet#een the t"o thirds * the one third, as #e read
ear+ier the one third are +eft a+ie. Regarding the t#o thirds this is referring )ore to a s-ste) of be+ief
#hi!h in!or,orates both the o"ter !o"rt * ho+- ,+a!e "nderstandings * the attit"de #ith )an- is that
these are the A$ ALL * the E$ ALL of #hat ?od has for "s * on!e again I sa- #itho"t an- fear of
!ontradi!tion$ ?od@s #i++ is a done dea+ * this be+ief s-ste) #hi!h #as needed * #onderf"+ in it@s ti)e
has a+)ost r"n it@s !o"rse * it is on+- a )atter of ti)e before there #i++ be no s,irit"a+ rain fa++ing ",on
those that #i++ insist on ho+ding to these phased o$t f+esh+- * so"+i!a+ be+ief s-ste)s. 7efore Fion
traai+ed she bro"ght forth6 It #o"+d see) that %efore going thro"gh her ti)e of la%o$r she #as
de+iered s$ddenly of a )a+e or !an%!hi+d #ho #as f"++- dee+o,ed at birth. 3ho has heard of s"!h a
thing5 Then #e are to+d that as soon as Fion #as in +abo"r she bro"ght forth her !hi+dren. In resear!hing
this I fo"nd that there are t#o o,inions regarding this erse. 2n the s"rfa!e of the iss"e it #o"+d not be
hard to go either #a-. 2ne theor- #o"+d te++ "s that before Fion traai+ed that she bro"ght forth$ before
her ,ain !a)e she bro"ght forth$ #ho has heard of s"!h a thing5 So)e #o"+d a!!e,t that be!a"se of these
#ords that the )an%!hi+d #as born #itho"t an- nor)a+ traai+. Isaiah is a!t"a++- referring to Israe+@s
+a/it- to ?od@s !o))and)ents at that ti)e. As #e read on there is it see)s to be )ore to this
!ontradi!tion. Sha++ a nation be bro"ght forth in a )o)ent5 =or as soon as Fion #as in +abo"r travail she
bro"ght forth her !hi+dren. 3ho are these !hi+dren5 7one other than the )an%!hi+d as in Re 02:5 or the
corporate body of sons, or %hrist in $is fullness. 3here 4e in fa!t +a-s do#n 4is head * ass")es *
f"+fi+s the rightf"+ ,+a!e for His head headship " to be fir)+- * f"++- sett+ed on 4is bod- as )entioned
in Lk ::58. E"t rea++- there is no !ontradi!tion * this is !+arified b- "sing the sa)e #ords in the #a-
the- are )eant to be "nderstood as ,er Ro)ans 8:
''-or the earnest e7pectation of the creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of 0od. ;<
-or the creation was not willingly sub.ected to vanity, but because of $im who sub.ected it on hope ;=
that the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of
the children of 'od. ;; And we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until
now. ;> And not only so, but ourselves also,who have the first"fruit of the &pirit, even we ourselves
groan within ourselves, awaiting adoption, the redemption of our body.'' Ro) 8:0:%2A. &'(V.
So)e #o"+d +ike to think that this #ord !reation #o"+d )ean on+- ani)a+s$ ,ersona++- I #o"+d
sa- that #e are er- )"!h ,art of !reation$ * to be #i++ing or "n#i++ing #e #o"+d need to "nderstand
#hat #e are getting into$ a+so #e need to !onsider to hae hope )- "nderstanding is that #e #o"+d need
to be inte++igent beings to "nderstand #hat #e are to hae hae ho,e for. So I see o"rse+es a er- )"!h
,art of the #ho+e of !reation. To s"bstantiate #hat #e are sa-ing #e ."ote: ''And we know that the whole
creation groans and travails in pain together until now. And not only so, but ourselves also.'' I rather
think that #e need )ore than the traai+ of ani)a+s to bring in the )anifestation of ?od@s sons$ it needs
the !r-ing o"t of those #ho are in +abo"r ,ains to bring forth the )an%!hi+d. ''For as soon as 9ion
travailed she brought forth her children''' Fion$ ?ods ,eo,+e$ are !ertain+- a +itt+e different to ani)a+s.
And so Isaiah finishes this ,arti!"+ar dis!o"rse #ith the er- en!o"raging #ords$ sha++ I bring )-
e/,e!tant sons to the ti)e of the birth * not !a"se to bring forth. Sha++ I #ho !a"ses to bring forth sh"t
the #o)b5 Sa-s -o"r ?od6 So on!e again the sa!rifi!e * the re%g+orifi!ation of Christ brings in an
e/,erien!e #hi!h is a!t"a++- to all !en #hi!h is a once and for all eer+asting righteo"sness e/,erien!e$
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
#hi!h is een no +ess than the righteo"sness of (es"s Christ 4i)se+f$ for 4e being o"r o#n tr"e identit-$
#e are a+so a f"++ ,artaker of #hat 4e is. A++ of this #i++ be seen$ re!ognised * e/,erien!ed in it@s f"++ness
first b- * thro"gh the birthing of the )an%!hi+d #ho #i++ then +ead in the rest of the #or+d. So)e #o"+d
sa- that the )an%!hi+d has a+read- been birthed. If this is so ,ra- te++ )e #here hae #e seen a re%
ena!t)ent of een a &oses toda-5 72 #e !annot !ir!")ent that #hi!h has !+ear+- been set do#n to "s
in the s!ri,t"res. Did -o" kno# that this "nderstanding is not on+- gien to "s that hae !o)e thro"gh the
@@C4;RC4@@ s!ene b"t if -o" are o,en )inded * -o" take a +itt+e ti)e to do so)e sear!hing -o" #i++ be
a)aGed at #hat others in other s,heres of thinking are seeing toda-. A+so #e !o"+d be er- s"r,rised at
the !ontent of so)e er- an!ient #ritings. 0(or God so loved the "orld0 that 4e gae 4is begotten Son6
I do not hae the ans#er here b"t I a) sharing #ith -o" #hat I kno# to be a fa!t$ and no )atter #ho #e
are * #hat o"r ba!kgro"nd$ #e are a++ going to !o)e to f"+fi+)ent on+- thro"gh the one (es"s Christ$ "
though some may not at first realise this " * a++ the #or+d #i++ * )"st in ti)e re!ognise on!e again the
birth of 4is Son * this ti)e it #i++ be 4is f$lly for!ed corporate Son #ho #i++ this ti)e not be birthed
in a hidden )anger$ 2h no that ti)e is #e++ ,assed$ b"t )ark this$ this ti)e this birth is first * fore)ost
hidden #ithin o"rse+es. 3here5 In the se!ret ,+a!e of the &ost 4igh. Then 4e is !o)ing to reea+ 4is
?+or- * 4is a"thorit- -et sti++ #ith 4is h")i+it-$ #hi!h #i++ reea+ o"r ado,tion$ o"r )anifestation as
?od@s sons. In!identa++- if #e are thinking that be!a"se of #hat #e hae C"st )entioned that I a)
inferring that a++ or a great )an- #i++ be in this )an%!hi+dD 7o that is not #hat #e are sa-ing. 3h-5 Pa"+
the a,ost+e had these #ords to sa- #hi!h to )e is an indi!ation$ that een he #ho #as !a"ght ", to the
third heaven een ba!k then$ a+so a+ong #ith Peter * others #ho )ost +ike+- kne# )"!h )ore than #e
''&o too at the present time there is a remnant +a small believing minority,, selected +chosen, by
grace +by 'od's unmerited favour and graciousness,.'' Ro) 00:5. A),.
''4any plans are in a man's mind, but it is the -ord's purpose for him that will stand.'' Proerbs
0::20. A),.

''0od doesn't accept people simply because they obey the -aw. 2o, indeed8 All the Law does is to
point out our sin.'' Ro) A:21. C<V.
''0herefore, by the deeds of the law$ no flesh is *ustified before him: for, by the law, sin is known.''
Ro) A:21. &"rdo!k.
''-or as the new heavens and the new earth which ( make shall remain before 4e, says the Lord,
so shall your offspring and your name remain.'' Isa 66:22. A),+ified. 3hat a #onderf"+ ,ro)ise of
en!o"rage)ent to ea!h * eer-one of "s6
Loe to a++.
Ralph 8no"les, /ay 4935'
If #e hae been ,rone to h")an error in this arti!+e it is not ,"r,ose+-$ * I tr"st that a +itt+e kindness #o"+d a++o# for an- fa"+t$ * that #e #i++ !onsider *
i)bibe the better or s,irit"a+ ,art of that #hi!h is ,resented * intended. R3'.
A +eeded ,7planation!
At the beginning of ,age fie #e )entioned that o"r righteo"sness has nothing to do #ith o"r a!tions$ I
a!t"a++- )eant to e/,+ain this f"rther b"t "nfort"nate+- I be!a)e so absorbed #ith other tho"ghts that it
Christ The Antidote Regarding Death.
#as oer+ooked. The tr"th is that the #a- that the !h"r!h #or+d #o"+d tr- to goad "s into right doing is to
first ,"t "s "nder !onde)nation * te++ "s !onstant+- #hat sinners #e are * then in!ite "s to i),roe
o"rse+es b- tr-ing to be righteo"s b- #orking it o"t o"rse+es in either one or both of o"r t"o third
e/,erien!es #hi!h a!t"a++- be!o)es se+f righteo"sness. E"t in rea+it- the e/a!t o,,osite is the rea+ tr"th.
3e first need to rea+ise that #e are a!t"a++- the righteo$sness of Christ$ that 4e is not ho+ding
an-thing against "s that 4e is not ,ro)oting an- sin conscio$sness in an- )an$ eer- sin #as dea+t #ith
* #i,ed a#a- b- the sa!rifi!e * res"rre!tion of (es"s Christ hi)se+f. 2n!e #e f"++- rea+ise this it #i++
!o),+ete+- !hange "s * as #e begin to "nderstand #ho * #hat #e are #e #i++ rea+ise that there is no
!onde)nation fro) ?od in an- #a- * #e #i++ shake the d"st fro) "nder o"r feet * +ike a Sa)son before
he #as de!eied$ as he #o"+d at ti)es shake hi)se+f * his strength #o"+d be #ith hi)$ this #e do
o"rse+es in ,art een no#.
This is an a++egor- for "s toda- as before #e !o)e into the f"++ rea+isation of #here ?od is +eading
"s there are ti)es for "s that +ike Sa)son that before his testing%s #ere finished * he eent"a++- !a)e to a
f"++ rea+isation of his stat"s in ?od$ this !a)e in great h")i+it- on his ,art as ?od gies gra!e to the
3e !an +iken this to #here #e are toda-$ #e are !o)ing to the end of o"r tether$ #e are in +abo"r
in traai+ as there #as a ti)e for Sa)son that he on!e * for a++ shook hi)se+f on!e again * a rea+isation
of his tr"e identit- be!a)e a f"++ rea+it- * he s+e# a++ of his ene!ies #hi!h re,resent to "s toda- o"r
!ons!io"sness of sins * the fa++a!- that #e are f+esh+- fie sensed sin !ons!io"s beings born on+- fro)
o"r father * )other * #e !o)e to a rea+isation that #e are tr"+- born of ?od -es een of the sa)e fa)i+-
of @@the morning stars who sang together < all the sons of 0od who shouted for *oy''' >es there is the
,erfe!t ti)e for eer- one of "s. This is a total reversal to #hat )ost of Christendo) is ,ro)oting$ #e
first rea+ise o"r tr"e identit- * then #e a!t a!!ording+- in the rea+isation of the identit- of o"r deit- een
Christ. 3hen the tr"th f"++- da#ns on "s$ as #ith Sa)son the f+esh #i++ be !o),+ete+- gone s#a++o#ed
", in o"r in o"r i!tor- of the annihi+ation of o"r fie sensed e/,erien!e. A++ of these things are
!o),+ete+- * tota++- the #i++ * #ork of ?od.
.alph =nowles'

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