Products Rather Then Bidvest Supplies

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[WHBET BEYAN joined the session] 16/04/2009 11:59:47[WHBET BEYAN left

the session] 16/04/2009 11:59:58[Rob Baxendale joined the

session] 16/04/2009 12:02:50[Rob Baxendale started recording] 16/04/2009
12:03:02[WHBET BEYAN joined the session] 16/04/2009 12:03:03Rob
Baxendale: hi rachael and whbet 16/04/2009 12:03:12Rob Baxendale: how
are you today? 16/04/2009 12:03:16RACHAEL COLLEY: hello Rob 16/04/2009
12:04:13RACHAEL COLLEY: having a rotten time getting the chart to
work 16/04/2009 12:04:24[WHBET BEYAN left the session] 16/04/2009 12:04:47
Rob Baxendale: mac user?? 16/04/2009 12:05:06RACHAEL COLLEY: i posted
on the forum asking if it we had to save the spreadsheet a particular way
after creating the dynamic link 16/04/2009 12:05:07RACHAEL
COLLEY: yuh 16/04/2009 12:05:09RACHAEL COLLEY: xp on parralels 16/04/2009
12:05:24Rob Baxendale: there was a special way to save it 16/04/2009
12:05:46RACHAEL COLLEY: um, each of my columns has a drop down list at
the top to allow for filtering etc 16/04/2009 12:05:54Rob Baxendale: but you
had to do it BEFORE you created the link 16/04/2009 12:05:57RACHAEL
COLLEY: really? 16/04/2009 12:05:58RACHAEL COLLEY: ohhhhh, 16/04/2009
12:06:04Rob Baxendale: you needed to make a folder on your
deaktop 16/04/2009 12:06:11Rob Baxendale: *desktop 16/04/2009 12:06:14Rob
Baxendale: then put both porgrams in it 16/04/2009 12:06:23Rob
Baxendale: then create the link between them 16/04/2009 12:06:31RACHAEL
COLLEY: mmmm..ok, was that in the video tut? 16/04/2009 12:06:32Rob
Baxendale: it was discussed in previous chats as well as the dicscussion
board 16/04/2009 12:06:59RACHAEL COLLEY: ok, lemme go revise 16/04/2009
12:07:13Rob Baxendale: easier to get teh message accross there as
everyone can see them 16/04/2009 12:07:28Rob Baxendale: kk 16/04/2009
12:07:38[RACHAEL COLLEY left the session] 16/04/2009 12:07:47[RACHAEL
COLLEY joined the session] 16/04/2009 12:08:06Rob Baxendale: any other
questions i can help you with at the momment? 16/04/2009 12:09:41[JESSICA
JONES joined the session] 16/04/2009 12:10:01RACHAEL COLLEY: maybe...ha
ha, just looking 16/04/2009 12:10:01[WHBET BEYAN joined the
session] 16/04/2009 12:10:09RACHAEL COLLEY: at where i went
wrong 16/04/2009 12:10:07[WHBET BEYAN left the session] 16/04/2009 12:10:19
Rob Baxendale: hi jessica 16/04/2009 12:10:22Rob Baxendale: thats
ok 16/04/2009 12:10:26RACHAEL COLLEY: i know whbet is very keen to chat
too but she keeps getting booted 16/04/2009 12:10:26JESSICA JONES: hi rob
how are you? 16/04/2009 12:10:30Rob Baxendale: i am here for the entire
session 16/04/2009 12:10:33Rob Baxendale: so continue to do your
work 16/04/2009 12:10:41RACHAEL COLLEY: kk 16/04/2009 12:10:45Rob
Baxendale: and if you do run into any problems i will be here to
help 16/04/2009 12:10:55[FLORENCE TREVERROW joined the
session] 16/04/2009 12:11:01JESSICA JONES: i am having trouble with the
chart 16/04/2009 12:10:58[WHBET BEYAN joined the session] 16/04/2009
12:11:08Rob Baxendale: not bad thx jessica 16/04/2009 12:11:03Rob
Baxendale: wb whbet 16/04/2009 12:11:13[WHBET BEYAN left the
session] 16/04/2009 12:11:19JESSICA JONES: i have dynamically linked via a
query 16/04/2009 12:11:14Rob Baxendale: hi florence 16/04/2009 12:11:15Rob
Baxendale: to the query in your database? 16/04/2009 12:11:29JESSICA
JONES: in the query the fields were suppliers and products 16/04/2009
12:11:37JESSICA JONES: i think what i need to do is work out how to change
the data so it reads as eg bidvest supplies 21 products rather then bidvest
supplies bread, milk, cookies etc 16/04/2009 12:12:21JESSICA JONES: and
thats were i get stuck 16/04/2009 12:12:39Rob Baxendale: use math
functions in query to help there jessica 16/04/2009 12:12:49[WHBET
BEYAN joined the session] 16/04/2009 12:13:24[WHBET BEYAN left the
session] 16/04/2009 12:13:38JESSICA JONES: i thought that may have been
the case....change access rather then excel...ok i will go and have a look
at that and then i'll be back!! 16/04/2009 12:13:55FLORENCE
TREVERROW: Hi, just thought I would see if anything interesting was
happening. 16/04/2009 12:13:57Rob Baxendale: ok jessica 16/04/2009 12:14:29
Rob Baxendale: just the last minute questions poping up since teh
assessment is due very soon 16/04/2009 12:14:49Rob Baxendale: baring that,
not much else is happening 16/04/2009 12:15:01FLORENCE TREVERROW: One
question - when I refreshed excell data it changed the order of the
columns but it still works OK. Does it matter? 16/04/2009 12:15:22Rob
Baxendale: thats fine 16/04/2009 12:15:32Rob Baxendale: refresh is a key
comonent of your assessment 16/04/2009 12:15:45Rob Baxendale: and as
long as it works then it will be fine 16/04/2009 12:15:53Rob Baxendale: and i
will test it out by adding more data to your tables, then seeing if refresh
works in excel 16/04/2009 12:16:16FLORENCE TREVERROW: In access it
doesn't seem to matter if the content is enabled or not for security -
everything works. Do I need to mention such things in PPT 16/04/2009
12:17:39Rob Baxendale: not for this presentation as i will not be concerned
on that 16/04/2009 12:18:01Rob Baxendale: but i will be concerned on if you
mention how to logically open and close your programs 16/04/2009 12:18:19
Rob Baxendale: big hint there :-) 16/04/2009 12:18:26[WHBET BEYAN joined
the session] 16/04/2009 12:20:03Rob Baxendale: any one got any problems
with how to logically open up your programs considering many computers
use different OS 16/04/2009 12:20:27Rob Baxendale: etc 16/04/2009 12:20:29
RACHAEL COLLEY: ok have saved both files to folder on desktop 16/04/2009
12:20:36[WHBET BEYAN left the session] 16/04/2009 12:20:46RACHAEL
COLLEY: same problem 16/04/2009 12:20:44Rob Baxendale: good work
rachael 16/04/2009 12:20:49Rob Baxendale: path error rachael?? 16/04/2009
12:21:05RACHAEL COLLEY: I select all of the cells I want in the chart and
then... 16/04/2009 12:21:10RACHAEL COLLEY: no, it brings the data in fine,
it's the chart' 16/04/2009 12:21:23RACHAEL COLLEY: i select all of the cells for
the chart, in this case a Cluster chart.. 16/04/2009 12:21:41RACHAEL
COLLEY: and it only displays 1 of the supplier names 16/04/2009 12:22:05Rob
Baxendale: what are you trying to represent ion your graph?? 16/04/2009
12:22:14RACHAEL COLLEY: how many products are supplied by each
supplier 16/04/2009 12:22:32[WHBET BEYAN joined the session] 16/04/2009
12:22:51[WHBET BEYAN left the session] 16/04/2009 12:22:59RACHAEL
COLLEY: whichever supplier is at the top of the column is the one that gets
displayes 16/04/2009 12:23:04Rob Baxendale: a bar graph will be easier to
display that information 16/04/2009 12:23:50Rob Baxendale: give that a try
to see if it makes a difference 16/04/2009 12:24:03JESSICA JONES: thats the
same prob i am having 16/04/2009 12:24:12Rob Baxendale: cluster charts are
a little too advanced for that information 16/04/2009 12:24:15RACHAEL
COLLEY: yuh, same problem - i have tried just about all of them
LOL 16/04/2009 12:24:18RACHAEL COLLEY: just tried a bar chart again then,
no good 16/04/2009 12:24:39JESSICA JONES: i am trying to use the math
function but i seem to only be able to get a total count of suppliers, not a
count of how many products are supplied by each supplier 16/04/2009
12:24:51Rob Baxendale: let me guess, you did a sount on the supplier id
number that was found in the products table?? 16/04/2009 12:26:06RACHAEL
COLLEY: Is it correct to say that after you have imported your data into the
spreadsheet, you select all of the cells you want in the chart and then
apply the chart of choice? 16/04/2009 12:26:15[ANNE ROWE joined the
session] 16/04/2009 12:26:31Rob Baxendale: yes rachael 16/04/2009 12:27:08
Rob Baxendale: how about my question above to your ladies?? 16/04/2009
12:27:20[ANNE ROWE left the session] 16/04/2009 12:27:28[ANNE
ROWE joined the session] 16/04/2009 12:27:28Rob Baxendale: hi
anne 16/04/2009 12:27:22RACHAEL COLLEY: mmmmm 16/04/2009 12:27:25
ANNE ROWE: Hi folks.. sorry I'm late - a little technical trouble. 16/04/2009
12:27:45JESSICA JONES: i opened my query, went to query design, and
clicked totals and then highlighted what i wanted it to total...sorry rob i am
trying to follow the instructions of access help and then apply it to what i
want 16/04/2009 12:27:53RACHAEL COLLEY: my programs open fine
rob 16/04/2009 12:28:05

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