Trainining Programme On Basic Thermodynamics With Iit Faculty

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Day Session I 10.00 AM-11.00AM Registration Inauguration Introduction to Programme Session II 11.10 AM- 12.10 PM Basic Concept

Session III 12.20 PM- 1.20 PM

Day I Monday

Day 2 Tuesday First law of thermodynamics

Thermodynamics, Property, State, Process, Cycle, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, statement and significance, Gas laws Avogadro's hypothesis, Heat and work transfer.

Session IV 2.30 PM-3.45 PM Assignment/ Equilibrium, Tutorial

Session V 4.00 PM-5.30 PM Interactive session on Teaching Basic Thermodynamics: Concept understanding by students and teachers Instructional objectives + assignment on writing objectives for a chosen topic of Basic Thermodynamics Domains of learning + assignment on writing objectives at various level of hierarchy of cognitive domain Teaching methods and media for teaching Basic Thermodynamics

Assignment/ Tutorial

First law applied to closed system Processes analysis of closed system Flow process, flow energy, steady flow process Limitations of first law of thermodynamics.

Assignment/ Tutorial contd.

Day3 Wednesday

Second law of thermodynamics

Heat engine, heat reservoir, Refrigerator Heat pump, COP,EPR, Available energy Carnot's theorem, Carnot's cycle, efficiency of Carnot's cycle

Assignment/ Tutorial

Assignment/ Tutorial contd.

Day 4 Thursday

Statement of second law

Reversible and irreversible processes, consequence of second law, Entropy, Entropy change for ideal gas, T-S diagrams, Availability and Irreversibility. Gibbs and Helmholtz functions

Assignment/ Tutorial

Assignment/ Tutorial contd.

Day 5 Friday

Real gas
Deviation with ideal gas Vander-walls equation, evaluation constants, Limitations of the equation. of its

Assignment/ Tutorial

Assignment/ Tutorial contd.

Assignment on Making media for teaching Basic Thermodynamics

Break: 11.00 AM-11.10 AM (Tea break), 12.10PM-12.20PM (Tea Break), 1.20PM-2.30 PM (Lunch Break), 3.45PM-4.00PM (Tea Break)

Day Session I 10.00 AM-11.00AM

Session II 11.10 AM- 12.10 PM

Session III 12.20 PM- 1.20 PM Assignment/ Tutorial

Day 6 Monday

Thermodynamics relations
The law of corresponding states Compressibility factor Generalized compressibility chart, P-V-T surface of a Real gas, Maxwell relations and their applications.

Session IV 2.30 PM-3.45 PM Assignment/ Tutorial contd.

Session V 4.00 PM-5.30 PM Student assessment I with short assignments on Basic Thermodynamics

Day 7 Tuesday

Pure Substance
Formation of steam, properties of steam, Phase, Phasetransformations, PVTsurface, HS,TS,PV,PH,TV diagram, Processes of vapor measurement of dryness fraction, Use of steamtable and Mollier chart.

Assignment/ Tutorial

Assignment/ Tutorial contd.

Student assessment II with short assignments on Basic Thermodynamics

Day 8 Wednesday

Thermodynamics Cycles

Assignment/ Tutorial

Day 9 Thursday Day 10 Friday

Carnot Cycle Air standard cycles, Otto, Diesel, Dual cycles Brayton cycle,

Assignment/ Tutorial contd.

Gas mixture Properties of mixture of ideal gases

Internal energy, Enthalpy Specific heat of gas mixtures Non reactive gas mixture PVT relationship Mixture of ideal gases,

Assignment/ Tutorial

Assignment/ Tutorial contd. Assignment/ Tutorial contd.

Identification of laboratory skills inBasic Thermodynamics and Instruction session planning Sample teaching practice

Assignment/ Tutorial

Feedback and Valedictory session

Break: 11.00 AM-11.10 AM (Tea break), 12.10PM-12.20PM (Tea Break), 1.20PM-2.30 PM (Lunch Break), 3.45PM-4.00PM (Tea Break)

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