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AARUPADAI VEEDU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY M.E.(POWER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING)/IInd Semester Subject : POWER SYSTEM CONTROL Unit-I: Automatic Generation Control: PART - A 1. What is meant by Control Area in power system? 2. Give the controller specifications of multi area system with secondary ALFC. 3. What is meant by Area Control error? How it is minimized in single area ALFC? 4. Explain the functions of primary and secondary ALFC Loops? 5. Give the advantage of Pool operation in multi area system? 6. The generator 100MW power generation, it has a regulation parameter of R of four percentages (0.04pu). By how much will the turbine power increase if the frequency drops by 0.1HZ with the power reference unchanged? 7. Draw the block diagram of AGC in single area control? 8. Give the requirement of integral controller? 9. The generator has the frequency drop 0.1HZ with generating power output 100MW but the turbine power must remain unchanged, by how should the reference settings be changed? 10. Give the ALFC parameters and its units? 11. State and Explain the necessity of secondary ALFC loop? 12. Give the expression of modeling of tie line between two area systems? 13. Drive the power system model of secondary ALFC ? 14. Explain the Mechanical Analog model of two area power system? 15. Express the composite characteristics of power system?

PART - B 1. Explain the operation of (simplified) primary loop ALFC with neat sketch. Also, (i) Derive ALFC Loop parameters. (ii) Give the Block diagram of the Primary and secondary ALFC loop of single area system. 2. Determine the Primary ALFC Loop parameters for a control area having the following specification. Total rated area capacity Pr=2000 MW Normal operating Load PDo=1000 MW Inertia Constant Regulation H = 5.0 sec R = 2.40 HZ/pu MW (all area generator)

We shall assume that the load frequency dependency is linear, meaning that the old load would increase one percent for one percent frequency increase. 3. Derive an expression of the state variable model for a two area power system? 4. The two 50 HZ power system are connected by means of interconnected cable of negligible impedance so that stations work in parallel.

Station A

15 MW full load capacity Regulation 3%

Station B 1. 4 MW full load capacity Regulation 4%

The Load is A is 10 MW and in B is 4MW. Calculate the generator output Of the each station, power transmitted by the interconnection and operating frequency? Assume free governor action and the speed changes generators were set to have a frequency of 50 HZ i. at No load ii. at Full load 5. Explain the static and dynamic analysis of primary ALFC loop operation?

6. Two identical machine of rating 120 MW, 50 HZ operating in parallel has the following characteristics.

Settings Speed Changer set to give rated speed

M/c 1

M/c 2

at rated load value 50% 75% Regulation 4% 3% a) Find the load sharing of each machine for 200 MW load. b) What adjustment should be made for the machines to share the 200 MW load but with a frequency of 50 HZ. c) Solve the problem by Graphical and Analytical approach. 7. Explain the static and dynamic analysis of secondary ALFC loop operation?

Unit: II Reactive power and voltage control PART - A 1. Explain how the magnitude of the AVR loop gain affects the system stability? 2. What is meant by surge impedance loading (SIL)? 3. List the components are produce and absorb reactive power and how? 4. State and explain the need of reactive power control and voltage control in transmission line? 5. How will be the 5th and 7th harmonics are eliminated in the three phase 12 pulse TCR system? 6. When will be the reactive and active power flow happen in Transmission line? and give the conditions? 7. Give the application of the static var compensator? 8. Derive the fundamental components of current wave form equation of TCR?

9. Give the diagram of 12-pulse TCR arrangement? 10. Give the composite characteristic of an SVS system? 11. Explain the Dynamic characteristics of TSC. 12. Explain the steady state characteristics of static var system. 13. Give the application of SVC? 14. Explain the Static performance of AVR model? 15. Mention the advantage of TSC over TCR? PART - B 1. Explain Brushless AVR modeling with neat sketch; also give the static response of AVR Loop? 2. Explain the operation of TCR and TSC. Also derive fundamental current wave form? 3. Explain the principles of transmission system compensation? What is the effect compensation in line voltage and full load? 4. A, B, C are connected to a common bus bar. Supply point A maintained at nominal 275kV and it is connected to M to a 275/132kV, transformer reactance of 0.1p.u and a 132 kV line of reactance 50ohm. Supply point B is nominally at 132 kV and connected to M to a 132 kV line of 50 ohm reactance. Supply point C is nominally at 275 kV to connect to M to 275 kV/132 kV of 0.1 reactance, 132 kV reactance 50 ohm if at a particular system load the line voltage. M falls below of its nominal voltage by 5 kV. Calculate the magnitude of reactive VA injection required at M to maintain voltage 500 MVA Base voltage. 5. A line connects an infinite bus bar of 400x106 V to a load bus for supplying 1000MW. The link has as line impedance of (7+70j) ohm feeding the load bus for via transformer with tap ratio 0.9:1. A compensator is connected at load bus bar. If the maximum overall voltage drop is 10% with taps fully utilized. Calculate the Q-requirements of compensator.

6. Explain voltage control and reactive power control operation of SVC? 7. Give different types of static var compensators and explain any of three? Unit 3: Power system security control PART - A 1. What is the need for security to power system? 2. What is meant by system blackout? 3. What is telemetry system? 4. Define optimal dispatch? 5. Define post contingency? 6. Define secure dispatch? 7. Define secure post-contingency? 8. Define overload performance index? 9. What are SCADA systems? 10. Discuss briefly about RTU? PART - B 1. Explain how do SCADA work? 2. Explain about the factors affecting power system security?3. 3. Explain the contingency analysis procedure with flow chart? 4. Explain AC power flow security analysis with contingency case selection? 5. Explain about concentric relaxation? 6. Explain with neat sketch about SCADA?

Unit 4: State Estimation

PART - A 1. What is meant by Simulation? 2. Define errors? 3. What is meant by state estimation? 4. Define probability density function? 5. What is meant by diagonal matrix? 6. Define true value? 7. Define measured value? 8. Write down the procedure for detection of bad measurements? 9. Define state estimator? 10. Describe briefly about treatment of bad data?

PART - B 1. How will be the state is estimated in AC network and write an algorithm? 2. Give the Maximum likelihood weighted least method in which how to estimate the unknown value? 3. The three bus system base of 100MVA has X12=0.2p.u, X13=0.4p.u and X23=0.25p.u reactance values and measured values of M12=62MW, M13=5MW and M23=40MW. Find the 1 and 2 values by Maximum Likelihood method assume number of measurement is equal to number of state and 3=0. 4. The three bus system base of 100MVA has measured values of M12=62MW, M13=5MW and M23=37MW. Find estimated readings by Maximum Likelihood method where variance (R) value is 0.0001, Nm=3 and Ns=2. 5. Derive and explain the generation shift factor and linear sensitivity factor of power system? 6. Give an algorithm of weighted least square method? 7. Give an algorithm of least square error method? 8. Give the algorithm for contingency analysis using sensitivity factor?

9. To explain in detail of detection and identification of bad measurements and estimation of quantities not being measured? Unit 5: Power system Control under deregulated environment PART - A 1. What is deregulation? 2. What is independent system operator? 3. What is mean by genco, Transco and disco in deregulation market? 4. Give the task in todays industries under regulated system? 5. Give the trading entities of power system? 6. Give the operation tasks in todays industries under regulated system? 7. Give the comparison of traditional and competitive market structures? 8. Give any two activities of ISO? 9. Give the different entities in deregulated electricity market? 10. Give the typical structure of deregulated electricity system? 11. Explain the market operator duties in deregulated environment system? 12. Give the advantage of deregulated system? 13. Explain the deregulated system with traditional market system? PART - B 1. What is deregulated environment and Explain with neat sketch of typical structures of a deregulated electricity power system? 2. Give and explain the different entities function in deregulated electricity market? 3. Give the benefits of competitive electricity market with the traditional market? 4. How deregulation has affected the power system and validate with example? 5. Explain the operating tasks of todays industry and todays competitive industries?

6. Give the three entities and explain their functions in deregulated environment system? 7. Explain the activities of the Independent system operator in deregulation environment?

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