Exp Station PIN

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Experion Station Overview

With over 30 years of DCS experience, Honeywell incorporates innovative and efficient features into the Experion Process Knowledge System (PKS) human machine interface (HMI). Experion Station is flexible enough to meet varying control needs while maintaining a common, consistent interface for the user. Three types of Stations are available: Experion Station-Console (ES-C) Experion Station-Console Extension (ES-CE) Experion Station-Flex (ES-F)

Additional usability features include recently used command lists, copy and paste, live video integration, ActiveX support, scripting and launching applications.

Experion Station supports standard peripherals, including multi-display (up to quad) video cards, sound cards, purpose-built operator keyboards and touch screens.

Honeywell provides hardware kits to allow the use (or reuse) of Honeywell consoles and cabinets or standard desktop PC configurations.

ES-C Delivers Critical Control Availability

The following benefits and features are available with each Experion Station: The Experion HMI utilizes Honeywells HMIWeb technology, a Web-based architecture that allows HMIs, application data and business data to be integrated. HTML is used as the native display format to provide access to process graphic displays from either the secure Experion Station environment or directly from Microsoft Internet Explorer without functionality, reducing exports or cumbersome plug-ins. Alarm and event presentation has been designed to adhere to guidelines provided by the Abnormal Situation Management (ASM) Consortium and the Engineering and Equipment Manufacturers Users Associations (EEMUA) Publication 191 guidelines. The use of industry standards, such as Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Ethernet, HTML and the Internet, minimize operator training by providing a familiar operating environment. Experion Station makes extensive use of configurable pulldown menus and toolbars to allow easy, intuitive navigation and fast access to key process data. When deployed with TPS, direct access to data, alarms and events on the LCN are also achieved. Only Experion provides this level of robust operational integration and migration for TPS. ES-C enables unique functionality known as a logical console, first delivered with TDC 3000. It allows operators to fully respond to all alarms/events within their scope of responsibility regardless of operator actions on other consoles. No duplicate databases or engineering needed to add an ES-C to a system. Multi-window functionality (including SafeView) is standard with each ES-C. When deployed with C200 or C300 controllers, Foundation Fieldbus Interface Modules and ACE, an operator can be assured a direct path to the control elements. The ES-C has unique capabilities that make it ideal for the control room. Primarily, it has direct access to the data, alarms and events from the controllers in its scope of control.

Experion Station Overview

ES-CE Expands Operator Workspace

The ES-CE connects directly to an ES-C for data, alarms and events. This provides an economical and efficient way to extend the high availability ES-C. As an extension to the ES-C, the ES-CE can also be grouped together as part of logical consoles. Multi-window functionality (including SafeView) is standard functionality with each ES-CE. An ES-C can support as many as three ES-CEs.

Although ES-F could be deployed for casual use by staff that typically need a read-only interface, Honeywell offers a product designed to meet this specific need. eServer delivers powerful and secure access to Experion for casual users. Graphics may be viewed from any browser with a zero footprint, making it cost effective to deploy and compatible with business network lockdown policies that often prevent component downloads.

Mobile Station Provides Remote Access Solutions

Mobile Station is a powerful family of solutions for relaying control system information to remote users. Each solution is optimized for specific customer applications, ranging from read-only access over the Intranet by multiple casual users to secure system access for mobile operators. Mobile Access for eServer Standard - A zero footprint solution that makes use of eServer to deliver secure, viewonly, casual access to Experion process graphics from any standard Web browser. Mobile Access for eServer Premium - Provides a secure, view-only, dynamic browser connection that displays live Experion graphics. Mobile Access for Station - Provides remote access to full Station capabilities as well as remote access to Configuration Studio. Users have the same level of control of the plant from their remote device as they would from a control room.

ES-F Meets a Wide Range of Applications

The ES-F is a versatile operator interface. Since it utilizes a client-server relationship to present process data to the user, it can be applied anywhere as long as it has a connection to the server (or redundant servers), including Internet and wireless connections. ES-F can be deployed as the operators view to the process, as an engineering configuration station, as a casual user interface or as a means to perform remote diagnostics. When configuring an ES-F, the user has a choice of connection methods: Static - Provides a permanent, dedicated link to a specific ES-F. This is the recommended connection type when used for full-time operations. Rotary - Provides an as-required connection to an ES-F. This is the recommended connection for staff that does not need full-time access. Rotary connections are advantageous from a licensing point of view because the license only specifies the number of simultaneously connected ES-Fs (concurrent use licensing). Rotary Stations also provide the option of using the Experion Station interface or Internet Explorer, which is ideal for those who want to use familiar desktop tools to interact with or view the process. All the security mechanisms of the Experion Station are employed when using Internet Explorer to protect your process from unauthorized changes. The performance benefits reach beyond the economic benefits of implementing ES-Fs in an Experion architecture. For instance, the Experion Server subscribes to data and alarms/events on a proxy basis for each ES-F as required. This results in the minimum possible communications to the Control Execution Environment (CEE) devices (C200 controller, ACE, etc.).

Solutions run on hardware platforms such as handheld and mobile devices on a wireless network, as well as computers that are not on the process control network, such as computers connected to your business network or on remote networks.

Ready to Perform Right from the Box

Regardless of the type of Experion Station, the standard features available will benefit users immensely. The state-of-the-art alarm management will improve the operators ability to minimize process interruptions. Powerful trending allows the operator to maintain appropriate situational awareness to keep the process within desired limits. Experion Stations security options are part of an architecture that is best in class in the industry.

Experion Station Overview

Standard System Displays

An extensive range of standard displays is available such as menu/navigation displays, alarm summary, event summary, trends, operating groups, point details, popup faceplates, system status displays, configuration displays, loop tuning displays, and diagnostic and maintenance displays, making it easy for operators to learn and use the system.

Integrated Alarm and Event Management

Designed to conform to the ASM Consortiums recommended guidelines, the standard alarm summary display allows operators to focus on the problem. Location pane supports rapid alarm filtering and provides summary alarm count details. Detail pane shows extensive alarm condition details.

OPC Display Data Client OPC Display Data Client allows the display designer to insert OPC data into a display without the need to purchase and build points. This is ideal for data that just needs to be visualized by the operator and does not need to be alarmed or historized. OPC data that is acquired in this fashion supports both reads and writes. Shortcut Menus Often referred to as right-click menus, shortcut menus enable direct access to actions that apply to the selected dynamic object. Each dynamic object in a display can be configured to use a standard or customized shortcut menu.
Location pane showing alarm counts for a particular asset

SafeBrowse The user can securely browse either the company Intranet or Internet from the Experion Station. This allows users to view corporate documents and product information from across the world. Because the operator is using the Experion Station as the browsing interface, the view of alarms is maintained. SafeBrowse offers three levels of security to restrict access. Alarm summary columns can be customized to suit individual site or operator requirements. Fields can include the actual trip value and current live value among many other fields. View Configuration creates, saves and recalls custom operator alarm views. Alarms can be filtered by priority. Repeat alarm handling keeps the alarm summary from filling up with a chattering alarm. A single alarm includes details on the time the alarm originally occurred, the time it last occurred and the total number of times the alarm occurred. Operators can easily add comments to alarms and events from the alarm summary display either individually or per page. On custom graphics, alarms can similarly be acknowledged on an individual or per page basis. The event summary lists events that occur in the system such as alarms, alarm acknowledgments, return to normal, operator control actions, operator login and security level changes, online database modifications, communications alarms, system restart messages and more.

Multiple Windows Enhance Operator Effectiveness

The multiple window option is ideal for Experion Stations that require multiple monitors, such as Honeywells Icon Console. Managed by SafeView, the multiple windows option allows the operator to work in a window environment yet maintain a predictable, repeatable, safe interface to the plant. Users can configure each screen into regions and designate what type of display or application goes into each region. They can also decide if displays in each region are movable and sizable. Further, users can configure windows to not be overwritten or always on top, which ensures a constant view of the process.

Enterprise Model Reduces Operators Memory Load

Reducing the operators memory load when making diagnoses and decisions, the Experion enterprise model enables users to navigate and manage the process from an intuitive hierarchical plant or mill representation. For example, all alarms are visualized based on the asset hierarchy in the enterprise model.

Experion Station Overview

Trends can display data in the following ways: Line graphs Bar graphs Numerical list of historical data X-Y plot of the value of one point against another

Functions providing data analysis include:

Comments can be added and displayed for alarms and events.

View events in combination with trend data Combination real-time/historical trending Trend zooming, panning and scrolling Hairline readout Declutter Configurable trend density Simple recall of archived history Trend protection Smart clipboard support for copy/paste of data Flexible time period selectors Auto-scaling

Experion allows the engineer to configure custom alarm priority colors.

Users can configure archive functionality to store events online as well as to network servers or removable media to access at a later date.

System status display provides the operator one place to review the health and status of all Experion components.

Experion incorporates an open alarm and event system, supporting not only Experion, TPS, and application alarms, events and messages, but also providing full integration with third-party alarms and events through OPC. All the valuable features described above can be utilized by operators when the Experion Station is deployed as the single interface to all plant or mill control systems. Alarm groups aggregate and indicate alarm status for a disparate collection of points. This powerful feature directs the operators attention to current important situations. For example, points contained by several different assets may be in use on a single graphic. If the operator needs to have this graphic linked to an operator keyboard button, an alarm group can be used to represent the alarm states on the button LED for all the points in use on the graphic. The declutter feature, for example, enables individual traces on multi-type trends to be temporarily disabled for clearer viewing without requiring reconfiguration of the trace. Trends may be easily configured online through standard trend displays without the need to build displays. Real-time and historical data are presented together on the same trend. Archived history may be accessed automatically by simply scrolling to, or directly entering, the appropriate time and date.
Trend with categorized list of events with associated icon representation

Trend Capabilities Increase Operator Effectiveness

The flexible trend capabilities in Experion allow trends to be preconfigured or configured online as necessary by simply browsing the database and selecting the desired point and parameter. Any of the standard Experion history collection intervals may be used as the basis for the real-time and historical trends.

Experion Station Overview

Group Displays Provide Intuitive Operation

Standard group displays allow configuration of panel board-like displays. By grouping related points into a group display, operators can more easily interpret process activity. Each group contains up to eight points and each point has its own faceplate that displays the values of the major parameters. Group faceplates are consistent in design, functionality and appearance with the standard pop-up faceplates and detail displays. Each group has three standard views available including faceplate, group trend (with control parameters accessible) and numeric trend.

Sequence of Events (SOE) Report When specific SOE-capable hardware is implemented, SOE reporting includes filtering and time sequenced sorting by IOLINK. Batch Reporting Enables integrated reporting of batches or lots of a production process run to be compiled and archived automatically. This feature enables batch history and events to be output either as a CSV file or directly into Microsoft Excel, if available. The batch report option is designed as a simple discontinuous batch or lot reporting option. For a complete batch solution with Experion, Honeywells TotalPlant Batch is completely integrated with Experion, providing advanced batch control and advanced reporting tools. Reports may be generated periodically, or on an event-driven or on-demand basis and may be configured online. Report output may be directed to screen, printer, file or directly to another computer for analysis or viewing electronically.

Built-in Reporting
Experion provides many built-in reporting functions to aid in documenting or analyzing process and system events. Standard report descriptions include: Alarm/Event Report Reports all alarms and events in a specified time period. By using filters, this report provides an operator and/or engineer a point trace facility. The report can be configured to report alarm and events across nominated servers in a Distributed System Architecture. Alarm Duration Report Reports the time of occurrence and elapsed time before returnto-normal for specific alarms in a specified time period. Integrated Excel Report Provides the ability to launch a report built using Microsoft Excel. Excel can access the Experion database using the Open Data Access option. Free Format Report Writer Generates reports in flexible formats, which may include math and statistical functions such as Max/Min and standard deviation. Point Attribute Report Reports on points displaying specific attributes, such as off-scan, bad data and alarm inhibit. Point Cross-Reference Determines database references for specified points to enable easier system maintenance when points are decommissioned or renamed.

Flexible Security Models to Control Access

System security enables you to control who has access to the system and what users can do within the system when access is granted. Experion provides two types of Station security. Station-Based Security Station-based security provides six security levels ranging from view-only to manager mode. When a station is configured to use station-based security, the user is prompted to enter a password when the user requests a higher level of access. Security levels can be assigned to server functions. For example, a button on a display might be assigned a security level of supervisor when a custom display is built. In order for an operator to use the button, the station security level must be either supervisor or higher. Operator-Based Security Operator-based security is used to assign a specific security level to each user. Users cannot access any station unless they enter a valid ID and password. To access a higher security level than the one they are currently using, users need to sign on again as a different operator with the higher security level. Operator-based security offers a variety of security strategies to suit different user needs.

Experion Station Overview

The traditional operator account is defined in the Experion Server. Authentication and authorization are performed by the Experion Server. The integrated account combines a Windows user or group account and an Experion operator account. Authentication is performed by Windows while authorization is performed by the Experion Server. Using integrated accounts enables you to use existing enterprise-wide security policies or a single sign-on. Single sign-on enables operators to log on to the Experion Station computer and start by providing their operator ID and password only once when they log on to the computer. This is a configurable option that requires the use of operator-based security integrated with Windows accounts. Up to six security levels govern security access to Experion functions:

As a configuration option, the system will require that both the operator and station have appropriate assignable asset access prior to granting control. This enhances safety by preventing an operator with broad access from operating equipment from an unsafe location. Any actions initiated by an operator are logged in the event database against an operator identifier. In addition, any control action to a given point is only allowed if the control level configured in the operator profile exceeds the level assigned to the point.

Preconfigured Security Policy

The high-security policy leverages the Microsoft Windows group policy security model to enable you to control how programs, network resources and the operating system behave for users and computers in the organization. The policy can be implemented in both the workgroup and

Security Level
View Only Acknowledge Only OPER SUPV

View-only mode View-only mode with alarm acknowledgment capability Operator mode Operator mode plus the ability to configure standard system infrastructure such as reports, history assignment, etc. Supervisor mode plus the ability to configure more settings Unlimited access

domain environment. In the domain environment, security settings are implemented at the group level and automatically apply to all members of that group.

Sign-On Manager Enhances Usability

Sign-On Manager is a standard capability that provides a point of single sign-on on a particular computer. Users can: Sign on to several applications with one login through SignOn Manager Change the current user without having to shut down and restart any applications or the computer Temporarily override the current user security credentials without having to shut down and restart any applications or the computer Sign-On Manager is optional and may be used with an Experion Station if operator-based security is used in conjunction with integrated Windows accounts. When a different user signs on to Sign-On Manager, any instances of Experion Station that are running receive notification of the change of user. The Experion Server then verifies the authority of the user in the normal manner and changes to the appropriate security level for the current user. For example, an operator is logged on to Sign-On Manager and is running multiple stations. At the end of the shift, the next operator needs to sign on with security credentials. The operator


Operator-based security provides up to 255 control levels to further refine operator control access to individual pieces of equipment. Experions database can be configured to assign points to assets within the Experion Enterprise Model that typically represent physical entities within the plant or mill. The security models available for Experion Station can be further refined to limit operator or station access to graphics, alarms and point data to assigned locations (assets). This provides a best-in-class plant partitioning mechanism for managing the scope of an operators control and actions. The limitation of asset assignment can be further refined to define access as view only, acknowledge only or full control. Assets can also be enabled or disabled for control between certain time and date criteria.

Experion Station Overview

calls up Sign-On Manager and enters a user name and password. All instances of Station are notified of the change and the new operator is effectively logged on to all Stations with the correct security credentials.

Operator actions are not complete if: The user name or password provided by the operator is invalid The operator cancels the electronic signature dialog box A timeout has been set for the action and the time has been exceeded before the signing was complete The operator does not have the appropriate security level required for the action The legal text displayed in the electronic signatures dialog box can be customized to meet site requirements. The legal text informs the operator that an electronic signature is the legally binding equivalent of their handwritten signature.

Manage Operator Access with Profiles

A profile consists of a list of assets and an asset time period. When operator-based security is used, profiles provide: Additional security through the ability to assign assets only for specified times and dates A method of giving an operator additional access at specified times, such as after-hours monitoring from a central location A quick way of assigning assets to operators to manage scope of responsibility When defining the asset list, each asset can be refined to include view only, acknowledge only or full control capability.

Investment Protection
Experion continues Honeywells commitment to protecting customers investment by providing a range of options for integrating with other Honeywell systems, unmatched by any other automation supplier. Customers can easily upgrade to the latest in control system technology while retaining their existing intellectual property investment. TPS System Integration Full-scale TPS system integration using the LCN-connected Experion Server and Experion Station Console nodes provide the state of the art Experion HMI with the TPS system. This is a full operational integration, with both TPS and Experion points, alarms and system status completely integrated in one Human Machine Interface (HMI). Native Window and GUS displays are fully supported providing coexistence with and a migration path for both Universal Stations and GUS. TPS and Experion points are integrated without requiring duplicate databases. TPS points are browseable and automatically discovered rather than being configured. There is no need for costly maintenance of duplicate databases.

Electronic Signatures Option

The electronic signatures option is specifically designed to support users that must meet the requirements of 21 CFR Part 11 such as the pharmaceutical industry. However, it is also useful to any user requiring the ability to trace all operator actions. The electronic signature option allows for operator actions, such as acknowledging a message or controlling a point, to require one or more electronic signatures to complete the action. Electronic signatures require the use of operator-based security integrated with Windows accounts. An action can be configured to require single or double signatures, as well as a reason for the action. A set of reasons must be configured so that the operator can select from this set at the time of signing. A reason set can contain up to 32 reasons. Events recording the names of the operators responsible for the action, date, time and reasons are generated and stored in the events database. These events can be viewed in the event summary. If an operator partially completes signing an action and then cancels the action, an event is also generated.

Experion Station Overview

Model Numbers Experion Station - Console

Model Number

Model Description
Experion Station - Console (1 License) Experion Station - Console (5 Licenses) Experion Station - Console (10 Licenses)

Includes multi-window support for up to 16 concurrent windows (includes SafeView) and an FTE license. Requires an FTE network. An Experion Server supports up to 10 ES-C nodes or up to 20 ES-C nodes when only connecting to an LCN.

Experion Station Console Extension

Model Number

Model Description
Experion Station -Console Extension

EP-STACEX includes multi-window support for up to 16 concurrent windows (includes SafeView) and an FTE license.

LCN-connected Options

Model Number

Model Description
Experion Station Console TPS Enabler, per Station GUS display runtime for Experion One required for each ES-C with GUS dislays; supports one GUS display and includes the HCI Client add-in package. Also includes remote GUS server (only used with ES-CEs that require GUS remote displays).


GUS multiple displays for Experion One required per LCN-connected ES-C; up to 8 GUS displays can be shown concurrently; includes SafeView; used with ES-C and any connected ES-CEs.


GUS Display Builder for Experion One per PC; it can run both on-line and off-line; there is no separate license for a GUS off-line Display Builder.


Remote Native Window Client for Experion One required per remote node, requires an ES-C as host. GUS Remote Displays Client for Experion EP-RGC000 is only available for an ES-CE that requires GUS displays. If multiple GUS displays are required on the ES-CE, then the GUS multiple displays options is required to be purchased for each ES-CE.

The TPS Enabler provides Native Window functionality and allows for the addition of GUS options. An Experion Server supports up to 10 ES-C nodes or up to 20 ES-C nodes when only connecting to an LCN.

Experion Station Overview

Experion Station Flex

Model Number

Model Description
Experion Station Flex (1 Connection) Experion Station - Flex (5 Connections) Experion Station - Flex (10 Connections) Multi-window support, per PC platform (Maximum 16 windows concurrently open or four static stations); includes SafeView to deliver multiple windows)

One Experion Station-Flex connection license is delivered with the base software license. An Experion Server supports up to 40 Experion Station-Flex connections.

General Options

Model Number

Model Description
Electronic Signature Option

Experion, ASM, SafeView and SafeBrowse are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc.

More Information For more information about Experion Station, visit www.honeywell.com/ps, or contact your Honeywell account manager. Automation & Control Solutions Process Solutions Honeywell 2500 W. Union Hills Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85027 Tel: +1-602-313-6665 or 877-466-3993 www.honeywell.com/ps
PN-06-24-ENG June 2006 2006 Honeywell International Inc.

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