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With reference to examples from different parts of the world, evaluate the methods used to reduce the devastating

effects of droughts. The effects of droughts can be extremely devastating, and can cause a great deal of damage to the affected places. However, fortunately, measures can be taken to reduce the devastating effects of droughts. These strategies are mainly In rural areas which experience drought, irrigation can be carried out to bring usable water to the affected area. The water can be diverted from another area, and can be used by agricultural villages to water their crops. This can ensure a steady supply of water to the affected area, and is a mean of obtaining water during droughts. In 1991, a series of small scale irrigations took place in Zimbabwe. The main objective of the programme is to improve crop yields in the corn producing village of Mozambique through the use of ceramic pipes made by the local women, which were used to transport water underground to prevent evaporation. After the project was completed, the local farmers reported that water required to water the crops has effectively halved, due to the increased moisture in the ground. However, the most important part of this project lies in the fact that even during droughts, the ground will still be moist enough to support the growing of crops with the same amount of watering by the farmers. Thus, irrigation has effectively limited the devastating effects of droughts Rainwater catchment can also be used to alleviate the devastating effects of droughts. In drought prone areas, precipitation is low, and falls sporadically, and when rain does come, it comes too quickly, and most of the water flows away, so it cannot be fully utilised. Rainwater catchment involves the use of storage tanks to store and collect rainwater when it rains. This will allow villagers in dry areas to collect and use the rain as effectively and efficiently as humanely possible. The most effective way of catching rainwater and irrigating lands is through the means of drip irrigation. An example is the successful irrigation carried out in Zimbabwe. The improved fields can actually sustain crops even when there is only moderate rainfall, and produce a yield capacity equal to the yield capacity of a traditional garden with abundant rainfall. Drip irrigation also minimizes water loss through evaporation by irrigating the bottom layer of soil, and hence is an efficient way of irrigation. By managing our water resources well, we can limit the amount of damage caused by droughts. By means of encouraging wise water use, and by having a reserve of potable water, a country can manage a drought effectively. In the UK, a flood plan has been drawn out, and in times of flood, this will come into action. At the current moment, UK environmental agencies are monitoring environmental indicators such as river flows, groundwater levels, reservoir levels and river ecology to recognise the onset and development of droughts. When a drought may happen, they will warn the public about the onset of droughts, and may apply for drought permit to ban all unnecessary use of water, so as to conserve it. In severe enough cases, the UK government may even declare a national state of emergency, and send in porta-tankers to help relief affected areas. By having a

drought plan, a drought can be effectively managed and disaster relief efforts can be quickly and effectively carried out. Cloud seeding is the process of introducing chemicals with a crystalline structure into the atmosphere, thus providing a nucleation point for the super cooled water vapour to form solid ice crystals, thus causing rain. Because the water vapour is not disturbed when it reaches sub-zero temperatures, it remains liquid and does not become ice crystals. This method is extremely expensive, as it requires much expertise to carry out. Trained pilots will have to carry the chemicals to extremely high altitudes, typically where clouds can form, usually where it is from -5 to -15 degrees Kelvin. And for cloud seeding to be effective, silver iodide will have to be released 10 to 30 miles upwind from the targeted area, and into a storm cloud, so rain will fall into the targeted area. This is extremely expensive, and only rich DCs can afford it. An example is the cloud seeding over the drought stricken Texas, causing precipitation to increase by nearly 10%.

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