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14  theSun | THURSDAY APRIL 16 2009


Where does Thailand go from here?

by Vithoon Amorn sued fresh warnings against Will the protesters come
travel to Thailand during the back?
THAI Prime Minister Abhisit demonstrations. As weary “red shirt” demon-
Vejjajiva regained some of his “In the near term, inbound strators left their stronghold
lost credibility after restoring tourism will be negatively af- around Government House
order in Bangkok on Tuesday, a fected,” S&P’s Tan said. on Tuesday, some said the
day after soldiers and red-shirt- He added that the sovereign fight to get rid of Abhisit was
ed anti-government protesters outlook could return to stable not over and vowed to return
clashed in the streets. “if investor confidence sees a later.
With relatively few casual- strong revival, likely on indica- Abhisit has taken a fairly
ties, Abhisit kept his pledge to tions that the Thai domestic soft line on the protesters so far
avoid bloodshed as soldiers political situation is returning and has proudly touted the fact
moved to enforce a state of to a sustained equilibrium.” that nobody died at the hands
emergency declared on Sunday. of troops who were called in to
On Tuesday, the red-shirted What’s next for Abhisit? quell the protests.
supporters of deposed former Abhisit and his four-month- But his government has ex-
Prime Minister Thaksin Shina- old government have survived tended the New Year’s holiday
watra left their final stronghold their biggest test yet, giving the for the remainder of the week
peacefully. Oxford-educated son of physi- for “public safety” reasons, a
Abhisit’s four months in cians time to try to turn around government spokesman said,
power hit a low point when the recession-hit economy and fearing “red shirts” may regroup
“red shirts” invaded the Asean shore up his political position. in Thaksin strongholds and try
summit he was hosting last Analysts say Abhisit won the coming into Bangkok again.
weekend in the beach resort of public relations war by defus-
Pattaya, forcing him to cancel ing the protests without major What’s next for Thaksin?
the meeting, with leaders bloodshed. The “red shirts”, Thaksin’s chances for a return
evacuated by helicopter. on the other hand, lost public to Thailand and its politics are
Here are some questions support by inciting violence, likely to have been severely
and answers about what may setting up roadblocks at major weakened by the end of the
come next for Thailand: intersections and bringing rampage of his “red shirt”
Bangkok to its knees during the supporters this week.
How are markets likely to Songkran New Year celebra- The former billionaire and
react? tions this week. policeman, ousted in a 2006
Financial markets, which Despite ending the tense coup, has been a figurehead
have been closed in Thailand standoff, opposition to Abhisit for the protests. They ramped
this week for a holiday, are will not vanish. But the urbane, up significantly at his exhorta-
expected to react positively 44-year-old will have some tions via phone-ins and video
to a quick, peaceful end of time – a few months at least – to link-ups from his place of
the protests after the summit prepare his Democrat Party if exile.
debacle. he chooses to call a snap elec- Thaksin’s opponents
“The stock market may tion as demanded by Thaksin’s say he sought to provoke a
bounce much more than you allies. bloody crackdown that would
would expect when it reopens Although Thaksin himself feed a groundswell of support
on Thursday, especially after may be sidelined, his political for the 59-year-old populist
the bottom we have sunk to vehicle retains high popularity politician, still the only Thai
when the summit was can- among rural Thais, who make prime minister ever to have
celled,” economist Varakorn up the majority of the 65 million won two elections – both by
Samakoses said. population. landslides.
But over the medium-term, STANDING DOWN ... A supporter of ousted Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra carrying a Neither side is likely to get But with his loyalists aban-
smart money will wait to see if poster which reads “We love Thaksin” leaving the Government House area in Bangkok on Tuesday. an outright majority in general doning their three-week siege
Thailand is just taking a break elections, analysts say. of Government House, his
from political protest or is in for with a negative outlook. Despite the quick end of this Pattaya, and the violence on “So you would have another gambit may have failed.
a prolonged period of stability. “We believe that investor round of demonstrations, display in central Bangkok on potentially unstable coalition,” His enemies say Thaksin
The decision by Standard confidence has been damaged significant damage has been Monday, showed that Thailand said Danny Richards, senior has been bankrolling the
and Poor’s to downgrade Thai- significantly as a result of the done to an economy already remains politically unstable, economist at the Economist protests. But with his assets
land’s local currency sovereign latest developments,” said S&P suffering from last year’s which will make investors Intelligence Unit in London. “It frozen in Thailand following
credit rating on Tuesday will analyst Kim Eng Tan. political chaos and the global increasingly wary. would depend what way the his conviction last year for cor-
hit the baht, although the rating recession. Tourism, a key component smaller parties jump to decide ruption and abuse of power,
agency affirmed the foreign What about Thailand’s ail- Analysts said the “red shirt” of the Thai economy, will be whether it was a pro-Thaksin many suspect he is running
currency credit rating, albeit ing economy? shutdown of the summit in dented. Several countries is- or Democrat-led government.” out of money. – Reuters

The twists and turns

Here is a timeline tracing the recent political Oct 21: The Supreme Court sentences Thaksin to
turmoil in Thailand. two years in jail in absentia for breaking a conflict-
of-interest law.
September 2005: Sondhi Limthongkul, a former Nov 25: PAD protesters storm Bangkok’s main
business associate of Prime Minister Thaksin Shina- airport halting all flights. Up to 250,000 foreign
watra, starts the People’s Alliance for Democracy tourists are stranded.
(PAD) street campaign to oust Thaksin. Dec 2: Constitutional Court disbands the PPP, bans
April 2, 2006: Thaksin wins a snap election called Somchai from politics for five years. PAD protest-
to silence Sondhi. A court later nullifies the result. ers say they will end blockade of Bangkok’s two
Sept 19: Military stages a coup while Thaksin is at airports on Dec 3 after the ruling.
the United Nations in New York. He flies into exile Dec 15: Opposition leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, an
in London. Oxford-educated economist, becomes third prime
Oct 1: Former army commander-in-chief Surayud minister in as many months. About 200 red-shirted
Chulanont is sworn in as interim prime minister. demonstrators block access to parliament, accus-
May 30, 2007: Thaksin’s Thai Rak Thai party dissolved ing him of being a stooge of the military.
for breaking election laws. He and 110 senior party March 26, 2009: Red-shirted Thaksin supporters
members are banned from politics for five years. start a blockade of Government House.
Aug 20: Voters endorse a new, military-drafted April 10: The red shirts target an Asean summit in
constitution, the 18th in 75 years of on-off democ- the beach town of Pattaya.
racy. April 11: Asean summit is cancelled after protest-
Dec 23: The pro-Thaksin People Power Party (PPP) ers overwhelm riot troops and storm part of the
falls just short of outright majority in a general conference venue. Some of the 15 visiting leaders
election. are evacuated by helicopter.
Jan 28, 2008: PPP leader Samak Sundaravej elected April 12: Abhisit declares a state of emergency in
prime minister. Bangkok. About 50 protesters force their way into
May 25: PAD resumes street protests to overthrow Sept 2: Samak declares a state of emergency in the Interior Ministry with Abhisit inside. He escapes.
what it says is a “Thaksin puppet government”. Bangkok after one person is killed and 45 hurt in Phoning his supporters at Government House, ex-
July 31: Thaksin’s wife Potjaman gets a three-year clashes. iled Thaksin calls for a “people’s revolution”, says he
jail term for tax fraud. Sept 9: Samak found guilty of violating constitution would lead an uprising if there was a coup.
Aug 11: Thaksin and wife skip bail and flee to by hosting TV cooking shows while in office and he April 13: Army cracks down on protests in Bang-
London. has to quit. kok with two people killed and 113 wounded in
Aug 26: Thousands of PAD protesters storm Gov- Sept 17: Somchai Wongsawat, Thaksin’s brother- clashes.
ernment House, Samak’s official compound, in an in-law at the time, is elected prime minister by April 14: Protesters end their three-week siege of
attempt to unseat him. parliament. Government House (pix), but vow to return. – Reuters

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