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Table 1: Indianapolis, IN, Metropolitan Area Characteristics of the Population, by Race, Ethnicity and Nativity: 2010

(thousands, unless otherwise noted)


White 1,375 Black 269 All 113

Native born 58 Foreign born 54

Total Gender Male Female Age Median (in years) Age Groups Younger than 5 5-17 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-64 65 and older Marital Status (ages 15 and older) Married Never married Divorced/separated/widowed Fertility (women ages 15 to 44) Total number of women Women who had a birth in the past 12 months Unmarried women2 who had a birth in the past 12 months School Enrollment (ages 5 to 18) K-12 Educational Attainment (ages 25 and older) Less than high school diploma High school diploma or equivalent Some college Bachelor's degree or more Median Annual Personal Earnings (in dollars ) All (ages 16 and older with earnings) Full-time, year-round workers Persons in Poverty3 Younger than 18 18-64 65 and older Health Insurance Insured, all ages Uninsured, all ages Insured, younger than 18 Uninsured, younger than 18 Persons in Households by Type of Household4 In family households In married-couple households In non-family households Citizenship Citizen Non-citizen Language (ages 5 and older) Speaks only English at home Does not speak only English at home Speaks English very well Speaks English less than very well Hispanic Origin Mexican Honduran Puerto Rican Cuban Dominican Year of Entry (foreign-born Hispanics only) Before 1990 1990-1999 2000 or later
1 3


894 943 35 132 346 294 257 270 335 204 707 443 289 384 27 12 334 140 367 331 359 $30,000 $42,000 104 154 12 1,556 281 439 39 1,502 1,057 304 1,755 82 1,559 147 80 67 -----------------

671 704 38 84 236 209 182 210 277 177 584 298 228 275 18 *** 228 85 295 257 305 $32,000 $45,000 49 96 8 1,198 177 296 23 1,115 856 238 1,370 5 1,262 29 23 6 -----------------

128 141 31 21 60 49 40 37 41 21 59 99 45 64 5 *** 58 26 50 55 26 $22,000 $32,000 29 35 3 219 51 76 5 216 88 46 257 12 233 15 11 4 -----------------

58 55 24 15 30 23 23 13 8 2 35 31 8 *** *** *** 27 24 14 11 7 $18,000 $22,500 19 19 0 74 39 38 7 101 59 10 65 48 26 72 27 45 84 6 4 3 2 -------

29 29 11 14 21 9 5 5 3 1 11 12 3 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 15 *** *** 50 9 31 4 52 30 5 58 --23 21 15 6 42 2 4 2 1 -------

29 26 30 1 9 14 18 7 5 1 24 19 5 *** *** *** *** 22 9 4 3 $16,000 $20,800 *** 15 *** 25 30 *** *** 48 30 5 7 48 3 51 12 39 42 4 0 1 1 7 14 33

Includes groups not shown separately, such as Asians, Native Americans and people of mixed race. 2Unmarried women includes those who were never married, divorced, separated For detailed information on how poverty status is determined, see Due to the way in which the

or widowed.

IPUMS assigns poverty values, these data will differ from those that might be provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. college dormitories and other group quarters.

The household population excludes persons living in institutions,

Note: Analysis is based on the following number of observations: all 16,645; non-Hispanic white 13,194; non-Hispanic black 1,956; Hispanic all 815; Hispanic native born 443; Hispanic foreign born 372. The symbol *** indicates insufficient number of observations to provide a reliable estimate. Source: Pew Hispanic Center tabulations of the 2010 American Community Survey (ACS) (1% IPUMS sample). More information on the source data and sampling error is available at and 2010.pdf.

Table 2: Indianapolis, IN, Metropolitan Area Characteristics of Households, by Race, Ethnicity and Nativity: 2010 ALL
Total (in thousands) Homeownership (household heads) In owner-occupied homes (in thousands) In renter-occupied homes (in thousands) Homeownership rate (%) Household Annual Income (in dollars ) Median Household Size Average number of persons

White 552 Black 99 All 30

Native born 10 Foreign born 19


471 230 67.2 $48,800 2.6

407 144 73.8 $54,000 2.5

39 59 39.7 $30,000 2.6

11 18 38.1 $30,000 3.3

*** *** *** *** 2.7

*** *** *** *** 3.7

Includes groups not shown separately, such as Asians, Native Americans and people of mixed race.

Note: The household population excludes persons living in institutions, college dormitories and other group quarters. Households are classified by the race, ethnicity and nativity of the household head. Analysis is based on the following number of observations: all 6,627; non-Hispanic white 5,453; non-Hispanic black 776; Hispanic all 208; Hispanic native born 79; Hispanic foreign born 129. The symbol *** indicates insufficient number of observations to provide a reliable estimate. Source: Pew Hispanic Center tabulations of the 2010 American Community Survey (ACS) (1% IPUMS sample). More information on the source data and sampling error is available at and

Table 3: Indianapolis, IN, Metropolitan Area Employment by Industry, Occupation, Race, Ethnicity and Nativity: 2010
(thousands, unless otherwise noted)

Employment Status (civilians ages 16 and older) Employed Unemployed Not in labor force Unemployment rate (%) Industries2 Construction, agriculture and mining Manufacturing Trade and transportation Information, finance and other services Occupations Services Sales and office support Construction, extraction and farming Maintenance, production, transportation and material moving

White 679 65 349 8.7 44 86 135 413 282 90 182 28 97

All 45 7 20 13.3 5 7 9 24 7 15 7 4 11 Native born *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Foreign born 30 5 13 13.4 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Black 104 28 67 21.2 1 12 23 68 34 19 31 1 20

861 104 449 10.8 51 111 173 525 339 129 227 34 132

Management, professional and related occupations

Includes groups not shown separately, such as Asians, Native Americans and people of mixed race. Currently employed civilians ages 16 and older.

Note: Analysis is based on the following number of observations: all 12,984; non-Hispanic white 10,556; non-Hispanic black 1,478; Hispanic all 518; Hispanic native born 196; Hispanic foreign born 322. The symbol *** indicates insufficient number of observations to provide a reliable estimate. Source: Pew Hispanic Center tabulations of the 2010 American Community Survey (ACS) (1% IPUMS sample). More information on the source data and sampling error is available at and

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