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Biography - 1 -

elak sarin qak

T1_+1T1+]1111 sSrCnkmCa qaM 1963
From Les Personalits Du Cambodge, 1963

1T11 sarinqak11!T1sarinqak 1TT11!!111T1 XinkaMg 11!1T111T1T1_'1T
1!1i 11_111+1 _+11_T11_1+ 16_111111 1T11'!_1+11!11TYl16 111111Dtll
1T11_11T11_1YT11+111 1T111T1Xin !111111T1 qayLak ,T111T1T11_111
1!111T!1!11T1!11!T1'111 1T1T1T11T'!TT11]!+_1Y1!1TT11T1T111
1T111_11T1+11 1TT11 1T1_'!TT11]!+_1!111 111 T1T11T'!T11T111_11T1
11T1 sarinqak 111T1!111]111111
_11Y+'111111TT'!T11T11T16111+T1T!1T1'T1!111Dt 1T1_11T{
+T11_11T111!1i_11Y+'111 1T111 '!1_T+11+1T+ 111T11|1 _T 1T!1!_11Y+
11T11!1_1 !111Y Thesis 11+1T11T111+1'11111! T !!t111 1
111D _T1T!1611T (La frontire Khmero-Thailandaise)
111l +111T1!_T1T! +1111'1111+]1 11Dt1lDtTt (La stabilization de la
frontire. La collaboration Franco-Siamoise. 1902-1939)
111T T1T1YT1T_T1T! 11Dtt1 (La remise en cause des frontires)
111t 1!+_T1T!11T1T11T_11Y+T11!111]1T116111_1 (Le Trac de la
frontire Cambodgienne avec le Laos et le Sud-Vietnam)
Biography - 2 -

1+]11111TT111!11T111T11111!1!T1+11T11+1T111TT_1+11T{ 1T!111Y
1!11!1TDf1!1Dt11 1T11 sarinqak '!11T{1 61111T11T1 i11111TY1
161_1T1_11Y+1111 Egypt 1_11TT111Y111+11T+1!1T T1T1111Y+116111 1T11
1'!T111+11T+1!1Y111!Y_111111 1 _T1Y11'!1!11+111 T11T1_!_1+1111111Y+
1!11T1T11'T1111T1111T1 GRUNC T1!11T1T+11T+1! 1!11TT1TT11YT161
_111'!YYTTTT!1!111Dt1l 1T11 sarinqak ! 111 T1_T1Y1 11_11TT!! 1'!
1T!11_1_1TT1Y1111111{1T1 T11T1TT1!111 111T+1'!TT1T_1+T1+1T111T11
!1_1+111Y]11_T 1!11TT1TTYTT!'!11T_1111111T111 1TT11!1T111Dt1f
1T_T1!1TT!!'!1111T1'!11{111T11_T1Y1111T1 1!1iY_1111T{ 1!11TT1!1T
1TTYTT!TT11!111Y_1111T{1!T 1Y1T1T11T111_11T1TT 1TT_11Y+T!'!T1
!1+11T+1!1T{1T 11T{T11Y1 111T'!11{111T111Y1111+11T+1!1_T _11T
61Y]1'!1111T11T11'!_11YTT!T11'! 1!11TT1TT11TT11TT_1111T{ 1T1T+11
111T11'!+11+1111Y!1 1+]1111T11_T !1TT1T1TTTT! 1T11 1_11T111T11T1
1Y1T11111!1i_11Y+11 1T1T11T1TT'!11{1111! 11+1T11!111T1111T1TT1!111
1T_T1!_11_1+1111+1T11'! TTT11T11_111TT1'!YYT11T`11T1!1i11T! 1!1
1T1_Y111+11+11111T1{1T1!11+1T111TT'! 1T1T1!1T 11!1Y1 11 T1T 1
1+11T11111`111T11TTT1T111TT'!111I1Y1+1IT 11+1T111T1T!T11111TT111!
11T11161Y11+ 11_'!TTT11T111 T1!T1!11++_11T16111T 1111T 11T11TY1T161
T1T1++1!1111_1 1TTT1!1Y]1

Biography - 3 -
Biography of Mr. Sarin Chhak

Plenipotentiary Minister (Rank 2), General-Secratry of the Foreign Minister.

Born January 2, 1922 in Phnom Penh, son of Mr. Sarin and Mrs. Sann. Maried to Miss
Koy Vann Sinn. Children: V, V, C, C.

Bachelor Degree in Law, Former student of the Cambodian Administration School and
the Faculty of Law in Phnom Penh.

Career: Collector, Administrative Chief, Chauvaysrok, Secretray-General of the Phnom
Penh Municipality, Office Director.

Honor: Monisaraphon Officer, Knight of the Royal Order of Cambodia, National
Defense Medal.

Private address: 113 Trasak Paem Rd., Phnom Penh.

- From Les Personalits du Cambodge 1963 Edition

Mr. Sarin Chhak whose real name is Khin Kaing, was born in the village of Krangsla,
district of Prey Kabbas, province of Takeo. He was born on J anuary 2, 1922 to Mr. Khin
and Mrs. Chhay Lak who are farmers.

During the French colonial period, because he was not able to attend school early on,
when his parents decided to put him in school, due to his advanced age, he was not able
to do so unless he changed his birth certificate. Thus, he was forced to adopt a new
identity, under the new name of Sarin Chhak, in order to attend school.

He studied law in Cambodia, and obtained his Doctoral Degree in Economic Law in
France in 1966. For his doctoral degree thesis, he selected the Cambodias Borders
issues as the topic of his research. To fulfill the requirement of his doctoral degree, he
wrote his thesis (in French) which included the following four volumes:

1- The Khmer-Thai border,
2- The stabilization of the border. The collaboration between France and Thailand.
3- The new questioning of the borders, and
4- The delineation of the Cambodian border with Laos and South Vietnam.

The book you are currently holding in your hand constitutes a portion of his doctoral
thesis above.

Prior to March 18, 1970, Mr. Sarin Chhak acted as Ambassador of the Kingdom of
Cambodia attached to Egypt. He was then stationed in Cairo. Following the removal from
power of Prince Sihanouk, Mr. Sarin Chhak decided to follow the latter to Peking where
he eventually became the Foreign Minister of the Royal Government of National Union
of Cambodia (under the French acronym of GRUNC) under the leadership of Prince
Biography - 4 -
Sihanouk. Following the Khmer Rouge victory in 1975, Mr. Sarin Chhak, his wife, and a
number of his children decided to return back to Cambodia. Since then not much
information was available regarding his whereabouts. It was not until the end of 1978,
when the Vietnamese forces invaded Cambodia and routed the Khmer Rouge regime out
of Phnom Penh, that several people claimed to have seen him and his wife in Phnom
Penh. Nevertheless, following the airlift of Prince Sihanouk from Phnom Penh prior to
the arrival of the invading Vietnamese force, Mr. Sarin Chhak and his wife disappeared
again. Finally, his family learned that he was captured by the occupying Vietnamese
forces. Because of his involvement on border issues related to Vietnam, it appeared that
after his capture, Mr. Sarin Chhak was imprisoned in Vietnam where he and his wife
found their death.

We take this occasion to honor the memory of Mr. Sarin Chhak, and to thank him for
leaving the legacy of his books and thesis detailing the encroachments of our neighbors
on the Cambodian territorial integrity encroachments never abated even to these days.

May 2005.

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