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Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

Annual Report 2004/2005


Stop It Now! Ministerial Foreword

Stop It Now! is an innovative campaign which takes the stance that sexual abuse is a preventable
public health problem. It seeks to stop child sexual abuse by encouraging abusers and potential Statement by the Responsible Authority
abusers to seek help, and by giving adults the confidence they need to protect children effectively.

Backed locally by amongst others the City and County Area Child Protection Committees and the 1. MAPPA in Derbyshire
MAPPA partners, Stop It Now! Derby/shire is one of the first local projects of this national campaign.

Stop It Now! believes we can all meet the challenge of recognising the signs of abuse 2. … the Achievements
before it happens and can take positive action to prevent it.

For more information see ‘useful contacts’. A freephone helpline is available - 0808 1000 900.
3. … the Agencies

Contacts 4. … the Offenders

5. … the Victims
MAPPA Co-ordination Derbyshire Constabulary
MAPPA Manager Superintendent, Public Protection
Derbyshire Constabulary Derbyshire Constabulary HQ
6. … the Arrangements
Crime Support Department Crime Support Department
Butterley Hall RIPLEY Butterley Hall RIPLEY 7. … the Numbers
Derbyshire DE5 3RS Derbyshire DE5 3RS
01773 572241 01773 572808
8. … the Management
MAPPA Lay Advisers Victim Support Derbyshire
C/o MAPPA Co-ordinator Area Manager
Derbyshire Constabulary Room 10
9. … the Public
Crime Support Department Kings Chambers
Butterley Hall RIPLEY Queen Street 10. … Useful Contacts
Derbyshire DE5 3RS DERBY DE2 2XE
01773 572241 01332 349129

Derbyshire Probation Area Stop It Now! Derby/shire

Assistant Chief Officer Derbyshire Co-ordinator
Derbyshire Probation Area HQ NSPCC
18 Brunswood Road Friary Works
MATLOCK BATH 119 Friargate
Derbyshire DE4 3PA DERBY DE1 1EX
01629 55422 01332 374560

20 1
Ministerial Foreword by Baroness Scotland

The work being undertaken to improve the safety of communities through the Multi- Members of the public are welcome to raise questions about the Arrangements with the
Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) is vitally important and a priority for Lay Advisers, whose role is to provide a community perspective in public protection and
government. The annual reports for 2004/5 provide evidence of that active engagement. offer constructive challenge to the ways that the statutory partners and co-operating
Violence and sexual abuse are unacceptable wherever they occur and it is evident that agencies carry out their functions.
through MAPPA such offenders are identified and better managed than ever before. As the
number of offenders within MAPPA continues to grow as expected there is clear evidence In this way the Advisers both serve to increase the public accountability of the agencies,
that the Responsible Authority, that is the local police, probation and the Prison Service, and help to identify ways in which public protection activities can further develop.
is addressing these additional demands by strengthening local partnerships, using new Lay Adviser Comment
statutory powers to restrict the behaviour of offenders, returning offenders to custody
where they breach their licence or order, and using the findings of research and inspection The purpose of a Lay Adviser in a Public Service Organisation is to bring in experience gained in the
to strengthen national guidance and local practice. commercial world, and so to widen the base of knowledge available to those who would not otherwise
have access to it. The Lay Adviser is also there to represent the interests of the public.
Although it is never possible completely to eliminate the risk posed by dangerous offenders,
My role as Lay Adviser therefore, is to apply such experience as I have, to the issues that are dealt with
MAPPA is helping to ensure that fewer people are re-victimised.
by MAPPA. In doing so, I have of course, obtained a good deal of information and insight into the way
The active implementation of the Criminal Justice Act (2003) during the last year has in which the relevant Agencies work and co-operate with each other. This enables me, as a member of
clearly enhanced the ability of a number of agencies including health, social services and the public, to bring my view of the public interest to the Strategic Management Board more effectively.
housing to work collaboratively with the Responsible Authority in assessing and managing The level of mutual co-operation in Derbyshire is particularly impressive and as an independent observer I
those sexual and violent offenders in our communities who pose the highest risk of can confidently endorse the professional and effective way in which the public interest is being served, in
serious harm. For the continued success of MAPPA this collaboration together with the making safe provision for sexual and violent offenders, as well as protecting the public from their actions.
scrutiny of policy and practice must become the hallmark of these arrangements. Similarly
D G Phillips
MAPPA must integrate with other public protection mechanisms dealing with child abuse,
domestic abuse and racial abuse.
For me one of the most exciting developments in this arena in the last 12 months has
been the appointment of lay advisers to assist the Responsible Authority in the oversight 9. The Public
of the arrangements. As ordinary members of the public these lay advisers represent a
diverse, able and committed group of people who are now helping the statutory agencies
to oversee the work being undertaken through MAPPA and communicate with the public MAPPA can help to achieve better public protection by making sure that key agencies are
more effectively. Without a growing sense of public knowledge and confidence about this working together to assess and manage the risks posed by identified sexual and violent
work much of the benefits of the public protection arrangements will be lost. offenders.
I hope this annual report will be useful, informative and re-assuring to local communities. But there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ sex offender or violent offender; their backgrounds
The agencies and individuals who have contributed to the achievement of MAPPA locally are as ordinary and as diverse as the communities they come from, and live within.
are to be commended. Moreover not every offender has been identified through the court process. Some crimes
go unreported and offenders may as yet remain undetected or unconvicted. So there are
both known and unknown offenders.
Members of the public can help to maintain a safe society by:
ÿ understanding and supporting the public protection work of the agencies who exercise
Baroness Scotland this responsibility;
Minister of State for Criminal Justice and Offender Management ÿ taking an informed and common sense approach to protect - so far as possible -
themselves, their families, friends and other people;
ÿ approaching agencies and services for advice if there are concerns;
ÿ reporting any suspected crimes to the Police for investigation
Public protection is the concern of everyone.
2 19
8. The Management Statement by the Responsible Authority

The Derbyshire Area Arrangements are overseen by a Strategic Management Board of This is the fourth Annual Report about Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
Chief Executive Officers or their delegates from the partner agencies, together with (MAPPA) in Derbyshire.
two unpaid lay members appointed by the Home Secretary to represent the community
interest in public protection. Protecting the public by tackling sexual and violent crime is one of the highest priorities
for the Police and the National Probation Service. During 2004/05, the duty placed on
the Police and Probation Service has been extended to include the Prison Service. In
Members of the SMB are:-
addition, a duty to co-operate in multi-agency public protection arrangements has also
Derbyshire Constabulary: Assistant Chief Constable (Chair) been placed on a range of other agencies. Information exchange between agencies,
HM Prison Service: Governor, HMP Sudbury together with joint assessment and management of offenders committing sexual and/or
Derbyshire Probation Area: Assistant Chief Officer violent crime, are at the heart of the arrangements.
Derby & Derbyshire Youth We realise how concerned people are about those living within their communities who
Offending Services: Head of Service may pose some risk. Other than in exceptional circumstances, it is neither realistic nor
Derbyshire County Mental
Health NHS Trust: Assistant Chief Executive
humane that violent and sex offenders remain incarcerated in prison forever, and it is
Derby & Derbyshire Primary essential that there is proper monitoring, control and support for those who are released
Care Trust: Assistant Director Commissioning to live in the community. The arrangements under MAPPA ensure that key agencies are
Derby City Council: Assistant Director (Social Services) able to carry out this monitoring, provide support and, where necessary, carry out joint
Derbyshire County Social Services: Assistant Director investigations. We are committed to improving how we work to further reassure the
Derbyshire District Authorities: Housing Services Manager public and minimise the risk caused by these offenders. During the last year, there have
NSPCC: Area Children’s Services Manager
been a number of developments which strengthen MAPPA. Firstly, Derbyshire has been
Victim Support: Area Manager successful in recruiting two members of the general public for appointment to our Strategic
And Management Board as lay advisers. Secondly, the introduction of VISOR (Violent and Sex
Lay Advisers Offender Register), a national database to record, risk assess and manage sexual, violent
and other dangerous offenders, has been rolled out across Police forces nationally and
The activities of the SMB are supported by a MAPPA Manager, seconded from the Probation Service
during 2005/06, it will be extended to include the National Probation Service. This is
to Derbyshire Constabulary HQ
another vital tool in assisting our work.
The Board exercises responsibility for MAPPA on behalf of the Responsible Authority in In 2005/06, the introduction of “public protection” sentences under the Criminal Justice
respect of: Act 2003 will be another important measure to effectively deal with dangerous offenders
• monitoring and evaluating the operation of the Arrangements; who will be kept in prison until they no longer pose a serious risk to the public.
• establishing connections to support effective operational links to related arrangements Senior managers from all the agencies involved will continue to oversee the development
such as Child Safeguarding, (Vulnerable) Adult Protection, and the Area Criminal of and robustness of MAPPA, recognising the impact that sexual and violent crime has on
Justice Board; individual victims, their families and communities.
• preparing and publishing the Annual Report and other information materials;
• shaping the continuing development of the arrangements in response to new
legislation, research, and areas identified for improvement through monitoring, David Coleman
review and audit; Chief Constable
• planning for common training needs which support effective joint working through
MAPPA Denise White
Chief Officer of Probation
Looking to the future the Board intends to take these responsibilities forward and develop
the effectiveness of the Arrangements through a continuing process of business planning
and review. Bob Perry
Area Manager HM Prison Service East Midlands

18 3
1. MAPPA in Derbyshire

Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) are administrative arrangements MAPPA Statistical Information 2004/2005
established for the purpose of assessing and managing the risks posed by sexual, violent For the period 1st April 2004 - 31st March 2005
or other dangerous offenders who may cause serious harm to the public. DERBYSHIRE
The arrangements start from the practical recognition that after being convicted and (1) Category 1: Registered Sex Offenders
sentenced by the courts for crimes that cause personal harm there are some offenders i The number of registered sex offenders on 31st March 2005 554
who will continue to pose a risk to their victims and other members of the public. Not ia The number of registered sex offenders per 100,000 population 57
every crime is preventable, nor can all risks be eliminated but there are still real and ii The number of sex offenders having a registration requirement who
positive measures we can take. MAPPA enables the relevant agencies to achieve improved were either cautioned or convicted for breaches of the requirement 26
public protection that none could provide alone. between 1 April 2004 and 21 March 2005
iii The number of Sexual Offences Prevention Orders (SOPO’s) applied for; 10
Since 2001 Derbyshire Constabulary and the Derbyshire Area and the National Probation Intermin SOPO’s granted 2
Service, acting together, have been the Responsible Authority (RA) for establishing Full SOPO’s granted 7
the public protection arrangements in Derby and Derbyshire, for reviewing their between 1 April 2004 and 31 March 2005
effectiveness, and for informing the public about them. iv The number of Notification Orders applied for; 0
Interim Notification Orders granted 0
With the Criminal Justice Act 2003 HM Prison Service has joined the Police and Probation Full Notification Orders granted 0
Services within the RA. The Prison Service is also being brought together with the v The number of Foreign Travel Orders applied for;
National Probation Service to form a new combined National Offender Management Applied For 0
Service that will be responsible for the end to end management of custodial and Imposed 0
community sentences. Focusing attention on the most serious and the most persistent Between 1 April 2004 and 31 March 2005
offenders will be a priority for NOMS, just as the prevention and detection of crimes by
these offenders is a priority for the Police. The MAPPA co-operating partner agencies (2) Category 2: Violent Offenders & Other Sex Offenders
share this commitment to effective public protection. vi The number of violent offenders and other sex offenders living in the
Area between 1 April 2005 and 31 March 2005
Serious harm is personal harm or injury which is life threatening or traumatic, and from (3) Category 3: Other Offenders
which recovery, whether physical or psychological may be difficult or impossible. vii The number of ‘other offenders’ living in the Area between 1 April 2004
and 31 March 2005

2. The Achievements (4) Offenders Managed through Level 3 (MAPPP) &

Level 2 Local Inter-Agency Management
Level 3 Level 2
Public protection arrangements are continually evolving both in Derbyshire, and across viii The number of offenders in:
Category 1 RSO 24 38
England and Wales.
Category 2 V&O 6 48
Notable developments during the year have been:- Category 3 Oth O 8 19
Who have been managed through Level 3 and Level 2 between 1
• implementation of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, which has consolidated and April 2004 and 31 March 2005
tightened sex offender registration requirements, along with revising and extending ix Of cases managed at Level 3 or Level 2 between 1 April 2004
extra powers that may be used to protect everyone - adults as well as children and and 31 March 2005 (viii above) the number who:
vulnerable people - from abuse and exploitation; • were returned to custody for breach of a Licence 4 15
• were returned to custody for breach of a Restraining 0 0
• the provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 2003, which have re-enacted and extended Order or Sexual Offences Prevention Order
the public protection duty legislated in 2001. This has seen the Prison Service • were charged with a serious sexual or violent offence 3 1
become part of the Responsible Authority, and brought about a reciprocal duty of
co-operation between the RA and a number of other agencies and services;
4 17
7. The Numbers

The total number of offenders included in the Derbyshire public protection arrangements • progress towards a new Area Memorandum on public protection, as required by the
continues to increase and will not diminish within the foreseeable future. This is the result Criminal Justice Act, which sets out the ways in which the partner agencies will co-
of the public protection provisions introduced by the Government through legislation; it is operate. This will lead to some changes to local arrangements in the forthcoming
not related in a direct way to current levels of crime and offending. year;
At 554 there are around 15% more sex offenders registered and being monitored through • introduction of the ViSOR database which will eventually hold details of all the
the Arrangements than a year ago. Because of the length of the registration periods - offenders within the Arrangements. In 2005/06 the database should be extended
sometimes for life - this figure is cumulative as recent offenders are added to the existing from the Police to the Probation Service;
numbers at a higher rate than those whose period of registration has ended.
• the creation by Derbyshire Constabulary of a centrally managed but locally based
There is a generally high level of compliance with the notification requirements, but a Dangerous Persons Management Unit dedicated to policing activity in relation to
small number - 26 during the year - had to answer to the courts for not meeting their sexual, violent and other identified dangerous offenders;
obligations in some way.
• agreement of a protocol for the exchange of information and intelligence between
If it is identified that an offender is behaving in ways that may be preparatory to offending Derbyshire Constabulary and Derbyshire Probation Area when serious offenders are
an application can be made to a court for a Sexual Offences Prevention Order which will coming to the point of release, and during the subsequent period of supervision;
include prohibitions against engaging in conduct such as frequenting certain locations.
A SOPO can also be made by a senior court at the time of passing sentence. Seven full • the conclusion of an agreement with HM Prison Service (East Midlands Area) on the
Orders were made during the year. ways in which the Prison Service will work with public protection arrangements in the
region, including Derbyshire;
Where an offender is identified as posing a higher risk of harm and their management
entails co-ordination between the core agencies they are referred to Level 2 management, • continuing development of the links between MAPPA and Area Child Protection
or to Level 3 if the issues are acute or complex. In the course of the year 38 registered Committees; this will be further strengthened in the future with the establishment of
sex offenders along with 48 violent offenders or additional sex offenders, and 19 Local Safeguarding Childrens Boards (LSCB's)
other potentially dangerous offenders were subject to management at Level 2, whilst
38 offenders were referred to Level 3 and managed through the Multi Agency Public
Protection Panel.
3. The Agencies
Particularly with the higher risk offenders managed at Levels 2 or 3 it is important to
enforce the terms of post-release Licences if offenders show signs of not meeting their
responsibilities to comply or be of good behaviour. Nineteen offenders were therefore
Derbyshire Constabulary
recalled to custody for breach of Licence. But it is not possible always to prevent further
offending, and 4 offenders including 3 under management at Level 3 were charged with Protecting life and property is a fundamental aim and purpose of the Police Service, who
new serious offences; this was 0.6% of all the offenders managed. work in partnership to achieve lasting solutions to problems of crime and disorder that
concern the communities we serve. By working through MAPPA our goal is to reduce
crime and the fear of crime by ensuring the most effective management possible of
serious sexual and violent offenders.
National Probation Service - Derbyshire Area
The Probation Service provides advice to the courts in relation to the sentencing of
defendants - particularly serious offenders, - and is directly responsible for the supervision
of adult offenders given community sentences, and the supervision of prisoners released
on Licence. The Service also offers a service to the victims of serious sexual and violent
Assessment of the risk of re-offending and the protection of the public from serious harm
is awarded the highest priority in the work of the Service.

16 5
H M Prison Service Rupert was sentenced to imprisonment with a period of extended licence supervision
One of the important ways in which the Criminal Justice Act (2003) strengthened the for indecent assault on a vulnerable young adult. He claimed the act had been carried
MAPPA was to make the Prison Service part of the Responsible Authority with police and out for ‘educational’ purposes with the knowledge of the victims parent.
probation in each of the 42 Areas in England and Wales. The Prison Service has been given On release Rupert had to notify his details to the Police in accordance with the
this enhanced role in recognition of the important part it plays in protecting the public requirement of sexual offences legislation.
by keeping offenders in custody; helping them to address the causes of their offending Accommodated in approved premises by the Probation Service, Rupert was excluded
behaviour; and by undertaking other work to assist their successful resettlement. from the area of the town where the victim and her family lived, and also banned from
As part of the Responsible Authority the Prison Service is now represented on each of attempting to contact them.
the Strategic Management Boards (SMBs) in the 42 Areas. The Prison estate is configured The Social Services Dept. assessed and advised on protective steps that the victim and
differently from Police/Probation areas in that its establishments are contained within her family should take.
only 12 geographical areas and two functional areas – the High Security estate, and Rupert was not given approval to resume his previous employment, which would have
Contracted Prisons. For this reason arrangements for Prison Service representation on allowed unsupervised contact with members of the public.
SMBs vary across the country, but each Prison Service Area Manager has entered into
To address his distorted thinking about the offence Rupert was required to attend the
an agreement with the SMBs on how the Service will contribute both strategically and
Community Sex Offender Groupwork Programme provided by the NSPCC Dove Project
operationally to the MAPPA. The main focus of the Prison Service contribution is at an
in partnership with the Probation Service.
operational level. A number of measures have been put in place across the prison estate
to ensure that this will be effective and result in:
• Prompt identification of MAPPA offenders so that their details can be used in Whilst being supervised on a community sentence by the Probation Service for theft
sentence planning arrangements, including interventions to manage and reduce offences Eddie described occasions when he had ‘groomed’ boys to sexually abuse
risk them. When being seen by the Mental Health Service he also reported fantasies of
• Regular monitoring of the behaviour of those assessed as presenting the highest abuse. Eddie was not considered to have a mental illness, though he was thought to
risk, and sharing information with police and probation colleagues have a personality disorder.
More than 10 years previously - before sex offender registration was introduced -
• All relevant risk management information being provided to multi agency Eddie had been convicted of a sexual offence against a teenager. There was therefore
meetings which help plan an offender’s release immediate concern when Eddie said that he had been inviting a boy to his house, and
• At least three months notification to police and probation of the expected release had also been talking with another boy in a local park.
dates of those offenders who have been referred to the multi-agency public Based on the previous convictions, and drawing upon information exchanged through
protection panel (MAPPP), and at least six weeks notification of those being MAPPA, the Police applied for a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO), which
managed at level 2 risk meetings stopped Eddie from:-
• No changes to release dates or arrangements being made without prior • being in the company of anyone aged under 18;
consultation with police and probation • entering a recreational area designated for children's use;
Playing an effective role in the multi agency risk management of MAPPA offenders requires • going within 50 metres of any school site;
good communication between criminal justice partners. The Prison Service has taken • allowing or inviting anyone under 18 into his property;
steps to ensure that there are dedicated points of contact for public protection at both • seeking any work that would involve persons under 18;
Area level and in every prison establishment, and that these are published together with
police and probation contacts to ensure better communication across the Responsible • engaging in a named recreational activity
Authority. Through the SOPO Eddie was brought under the standard notification requirements for
5 years.
With the ever increasing MAPPA population, and proportion of those received into prison
likely to grow with the introduction of the new public protection sentences, the inclusion Supervision of Eddie by the Probation Service was stepped up, including referral for
of the Prison Service as part of the Responsible Authority will continue to be vital in further specialist assessment, whilst the Social Services Dept gave advice to the family
protecting the public. of the boy who had visited Eddie's address.

6 15
MAPPA Risk Derby City and Derbyshire County Youth Offending Services
The Youth Offending Services are responsible for working with young people aged 17
Low No current indicators of risk of harm and under who have committed offences, including those who have caused serious harm,
and/or may themselves be vulnerable and at risk of re-offending or of becoming victims.
There are identifiable indicators of possible risk of harm. The offender The YOS have risk assessment procedures which link to MAPPA.
Medium has the potential to cause harm but is unlikely to do so unless there is
a change of circumstances Derbyshire County Social Services Department
Social Services have a wide range of duties and responsibilities to provide services to
There are identifiable indicators of risk of harm. The potential event is
some of the most vulnerable people in society, including children, older people and those
High not imminent but could happen at any time, and the impact could be
serious with learning disabilities or experiencing mental health problems.
As exemplified in child safeguarding arrangements and MAPPA it is consistent with these
There is a clear and present risk of serious harm. The potential event
Very High commitments to work in partnership to protect those who may be at risk.
is likely to happen imminently, and the impact would be very serious
District Housing Authorities and Registered Social Landlords
As well as bringing together all relevant information staff must then conduct structured and
evidence based assessments; formulate a risk management plan; record their decisions Local authority housing services and RSL’s work with a wide range of tenants and prospective
and actions, and act within established policies and procedures to take all reasonable tenants, including those in priority need like vulnerable victims and ex-offenders. Through
steps to deliver high quality assessment and management for protection of the public. co-operating in public protection arrangements housing providers can assist in protecting the
public by providing appropriate accommodation that takes account of community issues.
Each offender is then managed at one of three levels within the Arrangements:-
Derbyshire County Mental Health NHS Trust
Standard Management, where one agency is mainly responsible, The Mental Health NHS Trust aims to provide a full range of high quality mental health
Level 1 though there may well be information exchange and liaison with services in a manner that is sensitive to the needs of users, carers and communities, and
partner agencies are committed to working in partnership.
(local) inter agency management through Risk Strategy The Trust has a Forensic Service based at, and managed from, Kingsway Hospital, Derby, which
Meetings, where an offender poses a higher risk of harm and includes a Criminal Justice Liaison and Assessment Team, along with other treatment resources.
Level 2
effective management involves continuing active collaboration
and the commitment of resources from more than one agency
Derby City Council (Social Services and Housing Services)
Local Councils with their various functions have an important part to play in public
The Multi-Agency Public Protection Panel for those ‘critical few’ protection. Involvement may be from any of the Council’s Departments, but is most likely
offenders who:- to involve legal, leisure, housing, or social services responsibilities. The services of the
• pose a high risk or very high risk of causing serious harm, and Council are integral to crime prevention, community safety and child protection, which as
• the risks require management through close co-operation at a with MAPPA are most effectively achieved through partnership.
Level 3
senior level because of complexity or the additional resources
necessary, or NSPCC
• whilst not a high risk or very high risk the case is notorious, or
raises issues of public concern The NSPCC is a national charity committed to ending child cruelty: its services within
Derbyshire contribute to that end.
Because risk assessment is a constantly changing process offenders may move from one Within Derbyshire the NSPCC DOVE Project works with partners to provide interventions
level of management to another as circumstances alter. with offenders and others to protect children from sexual harm and abuse. The NSPCC
Level 2 meetings are held in Derby and across Derbyshire. The MAPPP meets monthly at also provides treatment services to address inappropriate sexual behaviour in children,
Derbyshire Police HQ. It comprises senior operational managers from the core agencies, and therapeutic services for children who have been victims of sexual harm.
chaired by an independent MAPPA Manager. The NSPCC is represented at all levels with the child protection networks in Derby and
Derbyshire, as well as in MAPPA.

14 7
4. The Offenders 6. The Arrangements

Depending upon a number of factors, including the age of the offender or the victim, and The lead community agencies for identifying relevant offenders are:-
the type of disposal or sentence imposed, a person prospectively comes within the scope
of MAPPA if they commit any one of more than 150 different serious offences. Category 1 Derbyshire Constabulary All Offenders
For the purposes of the arrangements each offender is identified under one of three NPS Derbyshire Area
categories:- Adult Offenders
Category One: Registered Sex Offenders
Since 1 September 1997 any person cautioned or convicted for certain specified sexual Derby City, and Derbyshire County Youth Offending
offences has to provide information to the police about themselves. The requirement also Services
Category 2 (17 and under)
applies to offenders who were serving a custodial or community sentence for a relevant
offence on that date, but not to anyone who had previously been convicted but had Offender under
finished serving a sentence before then. Hospital or
Derbyshire County Mental Health NHS Trust
The Sexual Offences Act 2003 has both increased the number of offences that carry a Order
notification requirement, and tightened the registration conditions.
Under the Act an offender must:- Mainly the Police, Probation and Youth Offending
Category 3 Services, though any partner agency can draw a All Offenders
• Tell the police within 3 days of conviction or release from prison of their name, date of relevant offender to notice
birth and home address when convicted, and give their National Insurance Number;
Most registered sex offenders will first be sentenced to a period of custody, detention
• Notify any other name they are known by, and their current address or a community sentence, and will therefore come to the notice of the Prison Service,
Afterwards they have to:- Probation or Youth Offending Services as well as the Police.

• Report any further change of name or address within 3 days of it happening; Violent offenders, and sex offenders not subject to notification requirements are likely
to be known to the Police in addition to the Services primarily responsible for identifying
• Notify any other address at which they stay for a total of 7 nights or more in the them.
course of a year;
Having identified the offenders to be included in the arrangements the responsible services
• Confirm their details in person within a year of the date of their first and every later carry out an individual assessment of the risk that each offender may pose, drawing
notification; upon information that can be shared between the partner agencies. For registered sex
offenders this includes quarterly information exchange meetings held in each of Derbyshire
• Notify their intention to travel abroad if it is going to be for 3 days or more, giving
Constabulary’s four operational Divisions.
details of when and where they will be departing or returning to the UK, along with
other information about their journey The process of assessment is guided by the use of accredited tools that have been
developed in recent years, including:-
If an offender appears likely to present a risk of harm to anyone in a country to which they
intend to travel, especially children, the courts can issue a Foreign Travel Order to stop ASSET for young offenders
them from travelling there for up to 6 months.
OASys for adult offenders
Offenders convicted of sexual offences abroad can be brought under the requirements if
a Court makes a Notification Order, following an application by the Police. Risk Matrix 2000 for sexual offenders

Inclusion Period SARA for domestic violence perpetrators

Registered Sex Offenders are issued with a notice by the court that they must provide
their details to the Police. They come within MAPPA for as long as their registration

8 13
The prevention of repeat victimisation and reducing the chances that more people may The period is set by law, linked to the type and length of sentence imposed:-
become victims is central to the purpose of MAPPA.
30 months imprisonment or more Indefinite
Victims of those offenders who have come within the scope of MAPPA as a result of serious
Admitted to hospital with a Restriction Order Indefinite
sexual and violent crimes are entitled, if they wish, to receive a service from the Probation
Service, who must contact them within 56 days of the offender being sentenced. Less than 30 but over 6 months imprisonment 10 Years
6 Months imprisonment or less; or if admitted to hospital without Restriction
Victims can then be:- 7 Years
• kept informed of the stages of sentence Period of
Conditional Discharge
• asked if they want to see specific conditions put on the offender when s/he is released Caution 2 Years
from prison
Any other sentence 5 Years
• have their views submitted to the Prison Service or Parole Board who make the Except for indefinite registrations these periods are halved for offenders under 18 years.
decisions about an offenders release, and the conditions that can be placed on them
If a registered offender, (or an offender convicted of a relevant sexual offence before
• informed that the offender is being released 1997) acts in a way that suggests members of the public may need to be protected from
• told when a hospital order is coming to an end a risk of harm the Police can apply to a court for a Sexual Offences Prevention Order
(SOPO). This prohibits the individual from doing things named on the Order.
• notified of any conditions that affect them or their family
Senior courts can also make a SOPO at the time of passing sentence if they are satisfied
As well as influencing the conditions included in release licences, the information from it is necessary in the interest of public or victim protection. The length of an Order is
victims can also assist with the assessment of an offenders possible future risk, and decided by the court, though the minimum is 5 years.
therefore shape the plans made to manage them.
The penalty for failing to comply with notification requirements, or giving false information
The national charity Victim Support provides advice and support to the victims of crime, can be up to 6 months imprisonment at Magistrates Court, or up to 5 years at a Crown
and to witnesses giving evidence at court through its related Witness Service. Court and/or a fine.
Employment Restrictions that Protect Children… Category Two: Violent Offenders, and Other Sex Offenders
Amongst the offenders covered by public protection arrangements are those who have been These offenders have committed either a specified violent offence or a sexual offence
disqualified from working with children by an order of the court. Whenever someone is convicted that does not carry a registration requirement, but for which they have either:-
of a listed offence involving children and they receive a prison sentence of 12 months or more,
the court must disqualify them from working with children unless it is satisfied they are unlikely to • received a sentence of detention or imprisonment of at least 12 months, or
offend again. When sentencing to less than 12 months custody the Court can disqualify a person
if it considers that they are likely to re-offend. • due to insanity or disability been placed under a hospital or guardianship order
Relevant offences include the supply of Class A drugs as well as a wide range of sexual and violent Depending upon the risk they present these offenders along with those Category 1
offenders who are given a custodial sentence will be a priority for the Prison Service
A Disqualification Order once made, lasts for life. After 10 years the offender can apply to a Tribunal and then for the Probation Service or Youth Offending Service when the time comes to
for the disqualification to be lifted, but must demonstrate they are no longer a risk to children. plan for their management in the community as they are released on Licence in the later
Whilst disqualified the offender is prevented from seeking any paid or voluntary work in a stages of sentence.
regulated position, such as teaching, health or social care, or take up other roles that may involve
unsupervised contact with children. Inclusion Period
It is an offence for a disqualified person to gain such a position, and also an offence for an These offenders remain within the arrangements for the entire period of the Licence that
employer knowingly to offer a job to a person who is disqualified.
forms part of the sentence imposed by the court, or following discharge from hospital
Through MAPPA the Probation Service informs Job Centre Plus of restrictions to be placed on the after being sentenced under the Mental Health Act. The period of inclusion depends
employment and training opportunities to be offered to convicted serious offenders, including upon the length of the original sentence. An offender sentenced to less than 4 years
those who are disqualified from working with children.
imprisonment will be released after serving half the term imposed and then remain

12 9
under supervision until the three-quarters point of the sentence: after this they remain Chalenging Domestic Violence ...
‘at risk’ of having to serve the remainder of the sentence if they commit a further offence
before the end of the sentence term. An offender sentenced to 4 years imprisonment or Male offenders convicted of an offence related to domestic violence who are assessed as posing
more is only released at the half-way point by a decision of the Parole Board, who must a continuing high risk of harm to a female partner may be required to attend the nationally
accredited Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme (IDAP) as part of a community sentence, or
be satisfied that they do not present an immediate risk of re-offending or of causing post-release Licence. This nine module programme firstly addresses all aspects of abuse, whether
harm to others. If the Parole Board is not satisfied that the prisoner should be released physical, emotional or sexual, and then moves on to teach skills for non-abusive behaviour.
the offender will remain in prison until the two thirds point of sentence, when they are
released under supervision until the three-quarters point, after which they are ‘at risk’ in An important feature of the programme is the offer of information and support to victims and/
the event of further offending. or current partners through a dedicated Womens Safety Worker employed by the Probation
In cases of serious sexual or violent offending the Crown Court has the power to order
Central to the programme is the regular exchange of information and management of risk, through
that the offender will be under supervision for an extended period of up to several years, level 2 or 3 MAPPA.
if it is satisfied this is necessary to protect members of the public from serious harm.
These extension periods mean that the offenders behaviour can be monitored for a longer
period, and allows them to be included in long-term sex offending or violent offending
5. The Victims
Under the Criminal Justice Act 2003 a range of new sentences are being introduced aimed
Though offenders can and do commit crimes causing serious personal harm to people
at ensuring that the most serious offenders stay in prison for as long as they remain a
not known to them, there are also many situations where the offender was known to
risk to the public; they will afterwards be under supervision for 10 years or more. Other
the victim before an offence took place. Domestic Violence is the most common form
serious offences will be liable to extended sentences for public protection that include
of assault: the majority of abused children are harmed by a known or trusted adult.
lengthy periods of release under supervision.
These close relationships can sometimes make the experience of reporting a crime, giving
Category Three: Other Dangerous Offenders evidence and living with the aftermath particularly difficult.
Whilst the first two categories of offenders are included within the Arrangements because Through statutory victim liaison arrangements Derbyshire Probation Area contacted the partner
of their offence and the disposal they have been given the offenders included under this of an offender sentenced to several years imprisonment for an act of life-threatening violence
third category have been identified by the co-operating agencies as additional persons carried out after the couple had separated. There had been a history of domestic abuse to the
who may cause serious harm. It may for example include offenders who:- relationship.

• have an earlier offence which shows they may pose a risk of harm; The victim remained highly concerned that notwithstanding the prisoners good behaviour whilst
serving sentence there was a continuing risk towards either her or any other future partner.
• were sentenced abroad for an offence which had it been committed in the UK would
The victims views were relayed through the victim liaison officer when a Report was prepared
automatically have brought them within the arrangements; by home area probation officer for the Parole Board. The victim also submitted her views
• have received a sentence of under 12 months imprisonment but are considered to independently by letter.
pose a significant risk Having been refused Parole the offender had eventually to be released on Licence at the designated
fixed point within the sentence. Through MAPPA planning the management plan included:-
• have been convicted for an offence related to domestic abuse, if not otherwise
included under Category 1 or 2 • residence by the offender in Approved premises, at a distance from the victim
Inclusion Period • attendance by the offender at a relevant approved programme to address the offence and
victim issues
The inclusion of these offenders and their management is decided through the
arrangements rather than as a result of sentence or other disposal, and they are therefore • a condition not to enter the Area where the victim was living
discharged from the arrangements once the issues of concern have been dealt with, or Additionally the victim was provided with a quick response alarm by the Police.
where there are no further practicable steps to be taken.
The management plan was further reviewed through the Arrangements.
Personal information about victims is kept separate from that held on an offender.

10 11
under supervision until the three-quarters point of the sentence: after this they remain Chalenging Domestic Violence ...
‘at risk’ of having to serve the remainder of the sentence if they commit a further offence
before the end of the sentence term. An offender sentenced to 4 years imprisonment or Male offenders convicted of an offence related to domestic violence who are assessed as posing
more is only released at the half-way point by a decision of the Parole Board, who must a continuing high risk of harm to a female partner may be required to attend the nationally
accredited Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme (IDAP) as part of a community sentence, or
be satisfied that they do not present an immediate risk of re-offending or of causing post-release Licence. This nine module programme firstly addresses all aspects of abuse, whether
harm to others. If the Parole Board is not satisfied that the prisoner should be released physical, emotional or sexual, and then moves on to teach skills for non-abusive behaviour.
the offender will remain in prison until the two thirds point of sentence, when they are
released under supervision until the three-quarters point, after which they are ‘at risk’ in An important feature of the programme is the offer of information and support to victims and/
the event of further offending. or current partners through a dedicated Womens Safety Worker employed by the Probation
In cases of serious sexual or violent offending the Crown Court has the power to order
Central to the programme is the regular exchange of information and management of risk, through
that the offender will be under supervision for an extended period of up to several years, level 2 or 3 MAPPA.
if it is satisfied this is necessary to protect members of the public from serious harm.
These extension periods mean that the offenders behaviour can be monitored for a longer
period, and allows them to be included in long-term sex offending or violent offending
5. The Victims
Under the Criminal Justice Act 2003 a range of new sentences are being introduced aimed
Though offenders can and do commit crimes causing serious personal harm to people
at ensuring that the most serious offenders stay in prison for as long as they remain a
not known to them, there are also many situations where the offender was known to
risk to the public; they will afterwards be under supervision for 10 years or more. Other
the victim before an offence took place. Domestic Violence is the most common form
serious offences will be liable to extended sentences for public protection that include
of assault: the majority of abused children are harmed by a known or trusted adult.
lengthy periods of release under supervision.
These close relationships can sometimes make the experience of reporting a crime, giving
Category Three: Other Dangerous Offenders evidence and living with the aftermath particularly difficult.
Whilst the first two categories of offenders are included within the Arrangements because Through statutory victim liaison arrangements Derbyshire Probation Area contacted the partner
of their offence and the disposal they have been given the offenders included under this of an offender sentenced to several years imprisonment for an act of life-threatening violence
third category have been identified by the co-operating agencies as additional persons carried out after the couple had separated. There had been a history of domestic abuse to the
who may cause serious harm. It may for example include offenders who:- relationship.

• have an earlier offence which shows they may pose a risk of harm; The victim remained highly concerned that notwithstanding the prisoners good behaviour whilst
serving sentence there was a continuing risk towards either her or any other future partner.
• were sentenced abroad for an offence which had it been committed in the UK would
The victims views were relayed through the victim liaison officer when a Report was prepared
automatically have brought them within the arrangements; by home area probation officer for the Parole Board. The victim also submitted her views
• have received a sentence of under 12 months imprisonment but are considered to independently by letter.
pose a significant risk Having been refused Parole the offender had eventually to be released on Licence at the designated
fixed point within the sentence. Through MAPPA planning the management plan included:-
• have been convicted for an offence related to domestic abuse, if not otherwise
included under Category 1 or 2 • residence by the offender in Approved premises, at a distance from the victim
Inclusion Period • attendance by the offender at a relevant approved programme to address the offence and
victim issues
The inclusion of these offenders and their management is decided through the
arrangements rather than as a result of sentence or other disposal, and they are therefore • a condition not to enter the Area where the victim was living
discharged from the arrangements once the issues of concern have been dealt with, or Additionally the victim was provided with a quick response alarm by the Police.
where there are no further practicable steps to be taken.
The management plan was further reviewed through the Arrangements.
Personal information about victims is kept separate from that held on an offender.

10 11
The prevention of repeat victimisation and reducing the chances that more people may The period is set by law, linked to the type and length of sentence imposed:-
become victims is central to the purpose of MAPPA.
30 months imprisonment or more Indefinite
Victims of those offenders who have come within the scope of MAPPA as a result of serious
Admitted to hospital with a Restriction Order Indefinite
sexual and violent crimes are entitled, if they wish, to receive a service from the Probation
Service, who must contact them within 56 days of the offender being sentenced. Less than 30 but over 6 months imprisonment 10 Years
6 Months imprisonment or less; or if admitted to hospital without Restriction
Victims can then be:- 7 Years
• kept informed of the stages of sentence Period of
Conditional Discharge
• asked if they want to see specific conditions put on the offender when s/he is released Caution 2 Years
from prison
Any other sentence 5 Years
• have their views submitted to the Prison Service or Parole Board who make the Except for indefinite registrations these periods are halved for offenders under 18 years.
decisions about an offenders release, and the conditions that can be placed on them
If a registered offender, (or an offender convicted of a relevant sexual offence before
• informed that the offender is being released 1997) acts in a way that suggests members of the public may need to be protected from
• told when a hospital order is coming to an end a risk of harm the Police can apply to a court for a Sexual Offences Prevention Order
(SOPO). This prohibits the individual from doing things named on the Order.
• notified of any conditions that affect them or their family
Senior courts can also make a SOPO at the time of passing sentence if they are satisfied
As well as influencing the conditions included in release licences, the information from it is necessary in the interest of public or victim protection. The length of an Order is
victims can also assist with the assessment of an offenders possible future risk, and decided by the court, though the minimum is 5 years.
therefore shape the plans made to manage them.
The penalty for failing to comply with notification requirements, or giving false information
The national charity Victim Support provides advice and support to the victims of crime, can be up to 6 months imprisonment at Magistrates Court, or up to 5 years at a Crown
and to witnesses giving evidence at court through its related Witness Service. Court and/or a fine.
Employment Restrictions that Protect Children… Category Two: Violent Offenders, and Other Sex Offenders
Amongst the offenders covered by public protection arrangements are those who have been These offenders have committed either a specified violent offence or a sexual offence
disqualified from working with children by an order of the court. Whenever someone is convicted that does not carry a registration requirement, but for which they have either:-
of a listed offence involving children and they receive a prison sentence of 12 months or more,
the court must disqualify them from working with children unless it is satisfied they are unlikely to • received a sentence of detention or imprisonment of at least 12 months, or
offend again. When sentencing to less than 12 months custody the Court can disqualify a person
if it considers that they are likely to re-offend. • due to insanity or disability been placed under a hospital or guardianship order
Relevant offences include the supply of Class A drugs as well as a wide range of sexual and violent Depending upon the risk they present these offenders along with those Category 1
offenders who are given a custodial sentence will be a priority for the Prison Service
A Disqualification Order once made, lasts for life. After 10 years the offender can apply to a Tribunal and then for the Probation Service or Youth Offending Service when the time comes to
for the disqualification to be lifted, but must demonstrate they are no longer a risk to children. plan for their management in the community as they are released on Licence in the later
Whilst disqualified the offender is prevented from seeking any paid or voluntary work in a stages of sentence.
regulated position, such as teaching, health or social care, or take up other roles that may involve
unsupervised contact with children. Inclusion Period
It is an offence for a disqualified person to gain such a position, and also an offence for an These offenders remain within the arrangements for the entire period of the Licence that
employer knowingly to offer a job to a person who is disqualified.
forms part of the sentence imposed by the court, or following discharge from hospital
Through MAPPA the Probation Service informs Job Centre Plus of restrictions to be placed on the after being sentenced under the Mental Health Act. The period of inclusion depends
employment and training opportunities to be offered to convicted serious offenders, including upon the length of the original sentence. An offender sentenced to less than 4 years
those who are disqualified from working with children.
imprisonment will be released after serving half the term imposed and then remain

12 9
4. The Offenders 6. The Arrangements

Depending upon a number of factors, including the age of the offender or the victim, and The lead community agencies for identifying relevant offenders are:-
the type of disposal or sentence imposed, a person prospectively comes within the scope
of MAPPA if they commit any one of more than 150 different serious offences. Category 1 Derbyshire Constabulary All Offenders
For the purposes of the arrangements each offender is identified under one of three NPS Derbyshire Area
categories:- Adult Offenders
Category One: Registered Sex Offenders
Since 1 September 1997 any person cautioned or convicted for certain specified sexual Derby City, and Derbyshire County Youth Offending
offences has to provide information to the police about themselves. The requirement also Services
Category 2 (17 and under)
applies to offenders who were serving a custodial or community sentence for a relevant
offence on that date, but not to anyone who had previously been convicted but had Offender under
finished serving a sentence before then. Hospital or
Derbyshire County Mental Health NHS Trust
The Sexual Offences Act 2003 has both increased the number of offences that carry a Order
notification requirement, and tightened the registration conditions.
Under the Act an offender must:- Mainly the Police, Probation and Youth Offending
Category 3 Services, though any partner agency can draw a All Offenders
• Tell the police within 3 days of conviction or release from prison of their name, date of relevant offender to notice
birth and home address when convicted, and give their National Insurance Number;
Most registered sex offenders will first be sentenced to a period of custody, detention
• Notify any other name they are known by, and their current address or a community sentence, and will therefore come to the notice of the Prison Service,
Afterwards they have to:- Probation or Youth Offending Services as well as the Police.

• Report any further change of name or address within 3 days of it happening; Violent offenders, and sex offenders not subject to notification requirements are likely
to be known to the Police in addition to the Services primarily responsible for identifying
• Notify any other address at which they stay for a total of 7 nights or more in the them.
course of a year;
Having identified the offenders to be included in the arrangements the responsible services
• Confirm their details in person within a year of the date of their first and every later carry out an individual assessment of the risk that each offender may pose, drawing
notification; upon information that can be shared between the partner agencies. For registered sex
offenders this includes quarterly information exchange meetings held in each of Derbyshire
• Notify their intention to travel abroad if it is going to be for 3 days or more, giving
Constabulary’s four operational Divisions.
details of when and where they will be departing or returning to the UK, along with
other information about their journey The process of assessment is guided by the use of accredited tools that have been
developed in recent years, including:-
If an offender appears likely to present a risk of harm to anyone in a country to which they
intend to travel, especially children, the courts can issue a Foreign Travel Order to stop ASSET for young offenders
them from travelling there for up to 6 months.
OASys for adult offenders
Offenders convicted of sexual offences abroad can be brought under the requirements if
a Court makes a Notification Order, following an application by the Police. Risk Matrix 2000 for sexual offenders

Inclusion Period SARA for domestic violence perpetrators

Registered Sex Offenders are issued with a notice by the court that they must provide
their details to the Police. They come within MAPPA for as long as their registration

8 13
MAPPA Risk Derby City and Derbyshire County Youth Offending Services
The Youth Offending Services are responsible for working with young people aged 17
Low No current indicators of risk of harm and under who have committed offences, including those who have caused serious harm,
and/or may themselves be vulnerable and at risk of re-offending or of becoming victims.
There are identifiable indicators of possible risk of harm. The offender The YOS have risk assessment procedures which link to MAPPA.
Medium has the potential to cause harm but is unlikely to do so unless there is
a change of circumstances Derbyshire County Social Services Department
Social Services have a wide range of duties and responsibilities to provide services to
There are identifiable indicators of risk of harm. The potential event is
some of the most vulnerable people in society, including children, older people and those
High not imminent but could happen at any time, and the impact could be
serious with learning disabilities or experiencing mental health problems.
As exemplified in child safeguarding arrangements and MAPPA it is consistent with these
There is a clear and present risk of serious harm. The potential event
Very High commitments to work in partnership to protect those who may be at risk.
is likely to happen imminently, and the impact would be very serious
District Housing Authorities and Registered Social Landlords
As well as bringing together all relevant information staff must then conduct structured and
evidence based assessments; formulate a risk management plan; record their decisions Local authority housing services and RSL’s work with a wide range of tenants and prospective
and actions, and act within established policies and procedures to take all reasonable tenants, including those in priority need like vulnerable victims and ex-offenders. Through
steps to deliver high quality assessment and management for protection of the public. co-operating in public protection arrangements housing providers can assist in protecting the
public by providing appropriate accommodation that takes account of community issues.
Each offender is then managed at one of three levels within the Arrangements:-
Derbyshire County Mental Health NHS Trust
Standard Management, where one agency is mainly responsible, The Mental Health NHS Trust aims to provide a full range of high quality mental health
Level 1 though there may well be information exchange and liaison with services in a manner that is sensitive to the needs of users, carers and communities, and
partner agencies are committed to working in partnership.
(local) inter agency management through Risk Strategy The Trust has a Forensic Service based at, and managed from, Kingsway Hospital, Derby, which
Meetings, where an offender poses a higher risk of harm and includes a Criminal Justice Liaison and Assessment Team, along with other treatment resources.
Level 2
effective management involves continuing active collaboration
and the commitment of resources from more than one agency
Derby City Council (Social Services and Housing Services)
Local Councils with their various functions have an important part to play in public
The Multi-Agency Public Protection Panel for those ‘critical few’ protection. Involvement may be from any of the Council’s Departments, but is most likely
offenders who:- to involve legal, leisure, housing, or social services responsibilities. The services of the
• pose a high risk or very high risk of causing serious harm, and Council are integral to crime prevention, community safety and child protection, which as
• the risks require management through close co-operation at a with MAPPA are most effectively achieved through partnership.
Level 3
senior level because of complexity or the additional resources
necessary, or NSPCC
• whilst not a high risk or very high risk the case is notorious, or
raises issues of public concern The NSPCC is a national charity committed to ending child cruelty: its services within
Derbyshire contribute to that end.
Because risk assessment is a constantly changing process offenders may move from one Within Derbyshire the NSPCC DOVE Project works with partners to provide interventions
level of management to another as circumstances alter. with offenders and others to protect children from sexual harm and abuse. The NSPCC
Level 2 meetings are held in Derby and across Derbyshire. The MAPPP meets monthly at also provides treatment services to address inappropriate sexual behaviour in children,
Derbyshire Police HQ. It comprises senior operational managers from the core agencies, and therapeutic services for children who have been victims of sexual harm.
chaired by an independent MAPPA Manager. The NSPCC is represented at all levels with the child protection networks in Derby and
Derbyshire, as well as in MAPPA.

14 7
H M Prison Service Rupert was sentenced to imprisonment with a period of extended licence supervision
One of the important ways in which the Criminal Justice Act (2003) strengthened the for indecent assault on a vulnerable young adult. He claimed the act had been carried
MAPPA was to make the Prison Service part of the Responsible Authority with police and out for ‘educational’ purposes with the knowledge of the victims parent.
probation in each of the 42 Areas in England and Wales. The Prison Service has been given On release Rupert had to notify his details to the Police in accordance with the
this enhanced role in recognition of the important part it plays in protecting the public requirement of sexual offences legislation.
by keeping offenders in custody; helping them to address the causes of their offending Accommodated in approved premises by the Probation Service, Rupert was excluded
behaviour; and by undertaking other work to assist their successful resettlement. from the area of the town where the victim and her family lived, and also banned from
As part of the Responsible Authority the Prison Service is now represented on each of attempting to contact them.
the Strategic Management Boards (SMBs) in the 42 Areas. The Prison estate is configured The Social Services Dept. assessed and advised on protective steps that the victim and
differently from Police/Probation areas in that its establishments are contained within her family should take.
only 12 geographical areas and two functional areas – the High Security estate, and Rupert was not given approval to resume his previous employment, which would have
Contracted Prisons. For this reason arrangements for Prison Service representation on allowed unsupervised contact with members of the public.
SMBs vary across the country, but each Prison Service Area Manager has entered into
To address his distorted thinking about the offence Rupert was required to attend the
an agreement with the SMBs on how the Service will contribute both strategically and
Community Sex Offender Groupwork Programme provided by the NSPCC Dove Project
operationally to the MAPPA. The main focus of the Prison Service contribution is at an
in partnership with the Probation Service.
operational level. A number of measures have been put in place across the prison estate
to ensure that this will be effective and result in:
• Prompt identification of MAPPA offenders so that their details can be used in Whilst being supervised on a community sentence by the Probation Service for theft
sentence planning arrangements, including interventions to manage and reduce offences Eddie described occasions when he had ‘groomed’ boys to sexually abuse
risk them. When being seen by the Mental Health Service he also reported fantasies of
• Regular monitoring of the behaviour of those assessed as presenting the highest abuse. Eddie was not considered to have a mental illness, though he was thought to
risk, and sharing information with police and probation colleagues have a personality disorder.
More than 10 years previously - before sex offender registration was introduced -
• All relevant risk management information being provided to multi agency Eddie had been convicted of a sexual offence against a teenager. There was therefore
meetings which help plan an offender’s release immediate concern when Eddie said that he had been inviting a boy to his house, and
• At least three months notification to police and probation of the expected release had also been talking with another boy in a local park.
dates of those offenders who have been referred to the multi-agency public Based on the previous convictions, and drawing upon information exchanged through
protection panel (MAPPP), and at least six weeks notification of those being MAPPA, the Police applied for a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO), which
managed at level 2 risk meetings stopped Eddie from:-
• No changes to release dates or arrangements being made without prior • being in the company of anyone aged under 18;
consultation with police and probation • entering a recreational area designated for children's use;
Playing an effective role in the multi agency risk management of MAPPA offenders requires • going within 50 metres of any school site;
good communication between criminal justice partners. The Prison Service has taken • allowing or inviting anyone under 18 into his property;
steps to ensure that there are dedicated points of contact for public protection at both • seeking any work that would involve persons under 18;
Area level and in every prison establishment, and that these are published together with
police and probation contacts to ensure better communication across the Responsible • engaging in a named recreational activity
Authority. Through the SOPO Eddie was brought under the standard notification requirements for
5 years.
With the ever increasing MAPPA population, and proportion of those received into prison
likely to grow with the introduction of the new public protection sentences, the inclusion Supervision of Eddie by the Probation Service was stepped up, including referral for
of the Prison Service as part of the Responsible Authority will continue to be vital in further specialist assessment, whilst the Social Services Dept gave advice to the family
protecting the public. of the boy who had visited Eddie's address.

6 15
7. The Numbers

The total number of offenders included in the Derbyshire public protection arrangements • progress towards a new Area Memorandum on public protection, as required by the
continues to increase and will not diminish within the foreseeable future. This is the result Criminal Justice Act, which sets out the ways in which the partner agencies will co-
of the public protection provisions introduced by the Government through legislation; it is operate. This will lead to some changes to local arrangements in the forthcoming
not related in a direct way to current levels of crime and offending. year;
At 554 there are around 15% more sex offenders registered and being monitored through • introduction of the ViSOR database which will eventually hold details of all the
the Arrangements than a year ago. Because of the length of the registration periods - offenders within the Arrangements. In 2005/06 the database should be extended
sometimes for life - this figure is cumulative as recent offenders are added to the existing from the Police to the Probation Service;
numbers at a higher rate than those whose period of registration has ended.
• the creation by Derbyshire Constabulary of a centrally managed but locally based
There is a generally high level of compliance with the notification requirements, but a Dangerous Persons Management Unit dedicated to policing activity in relation to
small number - 26 during the year - had to answer to the courts for not meeting their sexual, violent and other identified dangerous offenders;
obligations in some way.
• agreement of a protocol for the exchange of information and intelligence between
If it is identified that an offender is behaving in ways that may be preparatory to offending Derbyshire Constabulary and Derbyshire Probation Area when serious offenders are
an application can be made to a court for a Sexual Offences Prevention Order which will coming to the point of release, and during the subsequent period of supervision;
include prohibitions against engaging in conduct such as frequenting certain locations.
A SOPO can also be made by a senior court at the time of passing sentence. Seven full • the conclusion of an agreement with HM Prison Service (East Midlands Area) on the
Orders were made during the year. ways in which the Prison Service will work with public protection arrangements in the
region, including Derbyshire;
Where an offender is identified as posing a higher risk of harm and their management
entails co-ordination between the core agencies they are referred to Level 2 management, • continuing development of the links between MAPPA and Area Child Protection
or to Level 3 if the issues are acute or complex. In the course of the year 38 registered Committees; this will be further strengthened in the future with the establishment of
sex offenders along with 48 violent offenders or additional sex offenders, and 19 Local Safeguarding Childrens Boards (LSCB's)
other potentially dangerous offenders were subject to management at Level 2, whilst
38 offenders were referred to Level 3 and managed through the Multi Agency Public
Protection Panel.
3. The Agencies
Particularly with the higher risk offenders managed at Levels 2 or 3 it is important to
enforce the terms of post-release Licences if offenders show signs of not meeting their
responsibilities to comply or be of good behaviour. Nineteen offenders were therefore
Derbyshire Constabulary
recalled to custody for breach of Licence. But it is not possible always to prevent further
offending, and 4 offenders including 3 under management at Level 3 were charged with Protecting life and property is a fundamental aim and purpose of the Police Service, who
new serious offences; this was 0.6% of all the offenders managed. work in partnership to achieve lasting solutions to problems of crime and disorder that
concern the communities we serve. By working through MAPPA our goal is to reduce
crime and the fear of crime by ensuring the most effective management possible of
serious sexual and violent offenders.
National Probation Service - Derbyshire Area
The Probation Service provides advice to the courts in relation to the sentencing of
defendants - particularly serious offenders, - and is directly responsible for the supervision
of adult offenders given community sentences, and the supervision of prisoners released
on Licence. The Service also offers a service to the victims of serious sexual and violent
Assessment of the risk of re-offending and the protection of the public from serious harm
is awarded the highest priority in the work of the Service.

16 5
1. MAPPA in Derbyshire

Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) are administrative arrangements MAPPA Statistical Information 2004/2005
established for the purpose of assessing and managing the risks posed by sexual, violent For the period 1st April 2004 - 31st March 2005
or other dangerous offenders who may cause serious harm to the public. DERBYSHIRE
The arrangements start from the practical recognition that after being convicted and (1) Category 1: Registered Sex Offenders
sentenced by the courts for crimes that cause personal harm there are some offenders i The number of registered sex offenders on 31st March 2005 554
who will continue to pose a risk to their victims and other members of the public. Not ia The number of registered sex offenders per 100,000 population 57
every crime is preventable, nor can all risks be eliminated but there are still real and ii The number of sex offenders having a registration requirement who
positive measures we can take. MAPPA enables the relevant agencies to achieve improved were either cautioned or convicted for breaches of the requirement 26
public protection that none could provide alone. between 1 April 2004 and 21 March 2005
iii The number of Sexual Offences Prevention Orders (SOPO’s) applied for; 10
Since 2001 Derbyshire Constabulary and the Derbyshire Area and the National Probation Intermin SOPO’s granted 2
Service, acting together, have been the Responsible Authority (RA) for establishing Full SOPO’s granted 7
the public protection arrangements in Derby and Derbyshire, for reviewing their between 1 April 2004 and 31 March 2005
effectiveness, and for informing the public about them. iv The number of Notification Orders applied for; 0
Interim Notification Orders granted 0
With the Criminal Justice Act 2003 HM Prison Service has joined the Police and Probation Full Notification Orders granted 0
Services within the RA. The Prison Service is also being brought together with the v The number of Foreign Travel Orders applied for;
National Probation Service to form a new combined National Offender Management Applied For 0
Service that will be responsible for the end to end management of custodial and Imposed 0
community sentences. Focusing attention on the most serious and the most persistent Between 1 April 2004 and 31 March 2005
offenders will be a priority for NOMS, just as the prevention and detection of crimes by
these offenders is a priority for the Police. The MAPPA co-operating partner agencies (2) Category 2: Violent Offenders & Other Sex Offenders
share this commitment to effective public protection. vi The number of violent offenders and other sex offenders living in the
Area between 1 April 2005 and 31 March 2005
Serious harm is personal harm or injury which is life threatening or traumatic, and from (3) Category 3: Other Offenders
which recovery, whether physical or psychological may be difficult or impossible. vii The number of ‘other offenders’ living in the Area between 1 April 2004
and 31 March 2005

2. The Achievements (4) Offenders Managed through Level 3 (MAPPP) &

Level 2 Local Inter-Agency Management
Level 3 Level 2
Public protection arrangements are continually evolving both in Derbyshire, and across viii The number of offenders in:
Category 1 RSO 24 38
England and Wales.
Category 2 V&O 6 48
Notable developments during the year have been:- Category 3 Oth O 8 19
Who have been managed through Level 3 and Level 2 between 1
• implementation of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, which has consolidated and April 2004 and 31 March 2005
tightened sex offender registration requirements, along with revising and extending ix Of cases managed at Level 3 or Level 2 between 1 April 2004
extra powers that may be used to protect everyone - adults as well as children and and 31 March 2005 (viii above) the number who:
vulnerable people - from abuse and exploitation; • were returned to custody for breach of a Licence 4 15
• were returned to custody for breach of a Restraining 0 0
• the provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 2003, which have re-enacted and extended Order or Sexual Offences Prevention Order
the public protection duty legislated in 2001. This has seen the Prison Service • were charged with a serious sexual or violent offence 3 1
become part of the Responsible Authority, and brought about a reciprocal duty of
co-operation between the RA and a number of other agencies and services;
4 17
8. The Management Statement by the Responsible Authority

The Derbyshire Area Arrangements are overseen by a Strategic Management Board of This is the fourth Annual Report about Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
Chief Executive Officers or their delegates from the partner agencies, together with (MAPPA) in Derbyshire.
two unpaid lay members appointed by the Home Secretary to represent the community
interest in public protection. Protecting the public by tackling sexual and violent crime is one of the highest priorities
for the Police and the National Probation Service. During 2004/05, the duty placed on
the Police and Probation Service has been extended to include the Prison Service. In
Members of the SMB are:-
addition, a duty to co-operate in multi-agency public protection arrangements has also
Derbyshire Constabulary: Assistant Chief Constable (Chair) been placed on a range of other agencies. Information exchange between agencies,
HM Prison Service: Governor, HMP Sudbury together with joint assessment and management of offenders committing sexual and/or
Derbyshire Probation Area: Assistant Chief Officer violent crime, are at the heart of the arrangements.
Derby & Derbyshire Youth We realise how concerned people are about those living within their communities who
Offending Services: Head of Service may pose some risk. Other than in exceptional circumstances, it is neither realistic nor
Derbyshire County Mental
Health NHS Trust: Assistant Chief Executive
humane that violent and sex offenders remain incarcerated in prison forever, and it is
Derby & Derbyshire Primary essential that there is proper monitoring, control and support for those who are released
Care Trust: Assistant Director Commissioning to live in the community. The arrangements under MAPPA ensure that key agencies are
Derby City Council: Assistant Director (Social Services) able to carry out this monitoring, provide support and, where necessary, carry out joint
Derbyshire County Social Services: Assistant Director investigations. We are committed to improving how we work to further reassure the
Derbyshire District Authorities: Housing Services Manager public and minimise the risk caused by these offenders. During the last year, there have
NSPCC: Area Children’s Services Manager
been a number of developments which strengthen MAPPA. Firstly, Derbyshire has been
Victim Support: Area Manager successful in recruiting two members of the general public for appointment to our Strategic
And Management Board as lay advisers. Secondly, the introduction of VISOR (Violent and Sex
Lay Advisers Offender Register), a national database to record, risk assess and manage sexual, violent
and other dangerous offenders, has been rolled out across Police forces nationally and
The activities of the SMB are supported by a MAPPA Manager, seconded from the Probation Service
during 2005/06, it will be extended to include the National Probation Service. This is
to Derbyshire Constabulary HQ
another vital tool in assisting our work.
The Board exercises responsibility for MAPPA on behalf of the Responsible Authority in In 2005/06, the introduction of “public protection” sentences under the Criminal Justice
respect of: Act 2003 will be another important measure to effectively deal with dangerous offenders
• monitoring and evaluating the operation of the Arrangements; who will be kept in prison until they no longer pose a serious risk to the public.
• establishing connections to support effective operational links to related arrangements Senior managers from all the agencies involved will continue to oversee the development
such as Child Safeguarding, (Vulnerable) Adult Protection, and the Area Criminal of and robustness of MAPPA, recognising the impact that sexual and violent crime has on
Justice Board; individual victims, their families and communities.
• preparing and publishing the Annual Report and other information materials;
• shaping the continuing development of the arrangements in response to new
legislation, research, and areas identified for improvement through monitoring, David Coleman
review and audit; Chief Constable
• planning for common training needs which support effective joint working through
MAPPA Denise White
Chief Officer of Probation
Looking to the future the Board intends to take these responsibilities forward and develop
the effectiveness of the Arrangements through a continuing process of business planning
and review. Bob Perry
Area Manager HM Prison Service East Midlands

18 3
Ministerial Foreword by Baroness Scotland

The work being undertaken to improve the safety of communities through the Multi- Members of the public are welcome to raise questions about the Arrangements with the
Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) is vitally important and a priority for Lay Advisers, whose role is to provide a community perspective in public protection and
government. The annual reports for 2004/5 provide evidence of that active engagement. offer constructive challenge to the ways that the statutory partners and co-operating
Violence and sexual abuse are unacceptable wherever they occur and it is evident that agencies carry out their functions.
through MAPPA such offenders are identified and better managed than ever before. As the
number of offenders within MAPPA continues to grow as expected there is clear evidence In this way the Advisers both serve to increase the public accountability of the agencies,
that the Responsible Authority, that is the local police, probation and the Prison Service, and help to identify ways in which public protection activities can further develop.
is addressing these additional demands by strengthening local partnerships, using new Lay Adviser Comment
statutory powers to restrict the behaviour of offenders, returning offenders to custody
where they breach their licence or order, and using the findings of research and inspection The purpose of a Lay Adviser in a Public Service Organisation is to bring in experience gained in the
to strengthen national guidance and local practice. commercial world, and so to widen the base of knowledge available to those who would not otherwise
have access to it. The Lay Adviser is also there to represent the interests of the public.
Although it is never possible completely to eliminate the risk posed by dangerous offenders,
My role as Lay Adviser therefore, is to apply such experience as I have, to the issues that are dealt with
MAPPA is helping to ensure that fewer people are re-victimised.
by MAPPA. In doing so, I have of course, obtained a good deal of information and insight into the way
The active implementation of the Criminal Justice Act (2003) during the last year has in which the relevant Agencies work and co-operate with each other. This enables me, as a member of
clearly enhanced the ability of a number of agencies including health, social services and the public, to bring my view of the public interest to the Strategic Management Board more effectively.
housing to work collaboratively with the Responsible Authority in assessing and managing The level of mutual co-operation in Derbyshire is particularly impressive and as an independent observer I
those sexual and violent offenders in our communities who pose the highest risk of can confidently endorse the professional and effective way in which the public interest is being served, in
serious harm. For the continued success of MAPPA this collaboration together with the making safe provision for sexual and violent offenders, as well as protecting the public from their actions.
scrutiny of policy and practice must become the hallmark of these arrangements. Similarly
D G Phillips
MAPPA must integrate with other public protection mechanisms dealing with child abuse,
domestic abuse and racial abuse.
For me one of the most exciting developments in this arena in the last 12 months has
been the appointment of lay advisers to assist the Responsible Authority in the oversight 9. The Public
of the arrangements. As ordinary members of the public these lay advisers represent a
diverse, able and committed group of people who are now helping the statutory agencies
to oversee the work being undertaken through MAPPA and communicate with the public MAPPA can help to achieve better public protection by making sure that key agencies are
more effectively. Without a growing sense of public knowledge and confidence about this working together to assess and manage the risks posed by identified sexual and violent
work much of the benefits of the public protection arrangements will be lost. offenders.
I hope this annual report will be useful, informative and re-assuring to local communities. But there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ sex offender or violent offender; their backgrounds
The agencies and individuals who have contributed to the achievement of MAPPA locally are as ordinary and as diverse as the communities they come from, and live within.
are to be commended. Moreover not every offender has been identified through the court process. Some crimes
go unreported and offenders may as yet remain undetected or unconvicted. So there are
both known and unknown offenders.
Members of the public can help to maintain a safe society by:
ÿ understanding and supporting the public protection work of the agencies who exercise
Baroness Scotland this responsibility;
Minister of State for Criminal Justice and Offender Management ÿ taking an informed and common sense approach to protect - so far as possible -
themselves, their families, friends and other people;
ÿ approaching agencies and services for advice if there are concerns;
ÿ reporting any suspected crimes to the Police for investigation
Public protection is the concern of everyone.
2 19

Stop It Now! Ministerial Foreword

Stop It Now! is an innovative campaign which takes the stance that sexual abuse is a preventable
public health problem. It seeks to stop child sexual abuse by encouraging abusers and potential Statement by the Responsible Authority
abusers to seek help, and by giving adults the confidence they need to protect children effectively.

Backed locally by amongst others the City and County Area Child Protection Committees and the 1. MAPPA in Derbyshire
MAPPA partners, Stop It Now! Derby/shire is one of the first local projects of this national campaign.

Stop It Now! believes we can all meet the challenge of recognising the signs of abuse 2. … the Achievements
before it happens and can take positive action to prevent it.

For more information see ‘useful contacts’. A freephone helpline is available - 0808 1000 900.
3. … the Agencies

Contacts 4. … the Offenders

5. … the Victims
MAPPA Co-ordination Derbyshire Constabulary
MAPPA Manager Superintendent, Public Protection
Derbyshire Constabulary Derbyshire Constabulary HQ
6. … the Arrangements
Crime Support Department Crime Support Department
Butterley Hall RIPLEY Butterley Hall RIPLEY 7. … the Numbers
Derbyshire DE5 3RS Derbyshire DE5 3RS
01773 572241 01773 572808
8. … the Management
MAPPA Lay Advisers Victim Support Derbyshire
C/o MAPPA Co-ordinator Area Manager
Derbyshire Constabulary Room 10
9. … the Public
Crime Support Department Kings Chambers
Butterley Hall RIPLEY Queen Street 10. … Useful Contacts
Derbyshire DE5 3RS DERBY DE2 2XE
01773 572241 01332 349129

Derbyshire Probation Area Stop It Now! Derby/shire

Assistant Chief Officer Derbyshire Co-ordinator
Derbyshire Probation Area HQ NSPCC
18 Brunswood Road Friary Works
MATLOCK BATH 119 Friargate
Derbyshire DE4 3PA DERBY DE1 1EX
01629 55422 01332 374560

20 1
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
Annual Report 2004/2005


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